RealityTrader Trading Log

Monday, November 30, 2009

Nov 30 2009

Nice day with a few relatively easy wins. Second half of the day was mostly inactive as we misread the market somewhat and preferred to stay on a sideline instead of pushing for the plays that didn't match our scenarios. Opted for some educational discussions instead.

Session Time: Mon Nov 30 00:00:00 2009

[08:04] {nemo} Hola Fern
[08:04] {nemo} mornin' bird
[08:05] {nemo} jm :)
[08:11] {Raven} {---
[08:11] {nemo} you have such a passion for understatement
[08:11] {Raven} :)
[08:12] {nemo} Your last name wouldn't be Coolidge by any chance?
[08:13] {Raven} sigh
[08:58] {strider} .
[08:58] {Les} good point
[08:58] {Les} good afternoon
[08:58] {strider} stale joke.
[08:59] {strider} morning, les
[08:59] {strider} morning here
[08:59] {Threei} Moody's: Dubai World restructuring unlikely to threaten sovereign credit ratings of UAE and Abu Dhabi
[08:59] {Threei} - " The adverse impact of a Dubai World restructuring on the non-hydrocarbon sectors of the domestic economy could potentially be severe, especially in Dubai. However, overall macro-economic stability is protected by the country's strong net external creditor position that is bolstered by Abu Dhabi's accumulated oil wealth. "
[08:59] {Threei} ***Reminder: On Nov 25 -S&P downgrades multiple Dubai based Govt entities
[09:00] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[09:00] {Threei} fern :)
[09:00] {Threei} magoo may be interested to know:
[09:00] {Threei} MAGS Reports Q3 -$0.07 v -$0.33 y/y, R$17.7M v $15.4M y/y (3.53, 0.00, 0.00%)
[09:01] {ese} morning
[09:01] {Threei} ese :)
[09:01] {Threei} BLTXX Baltic Dry Bulk Index declines by over 2% (7th straight decline
[09:02] {ese} friday was the 7th straight decline? or today as well
[09:03] {Threei} news says today
[09:03] {Threei} I refuse to count them myself, trying to cover the fact that I can count to 3 only
[09:04] {ese} ya me as well
[09:04] {Les} in good mood are we vad? :)
[09:04] {Les} sardonic self deprecation suggests yes
[09:07] {ese} my Bltxx stocks are mostly even to up.......we'll see
[09:07] {Threei} I'd say usual mood, lol
[09:08] {Moose} gm
[09:08] {Threei} Good morning moose, welcome to the room
[09:08] {Moose} thx
[09:08] {ese} moooooose........welcome
[09:09] {Moose} thx much
[09:11] {Moose} I assume all alerts and msgs displayed in #floor are also displayed in this channel also?
[09:11] {Threei} yes
[09:11] {Threei} mine are
[09:11] {Moose} great
[09:11] {Threei} comments by the rest of the room stay in here only
[09:12] {Threei} so you have area to read everytyhinbg and area to read my comments without clutter
[09:12] {Moose} so this is the place to be :)
[09:12] {larisa} gm :)
[09:12] {Threei} I firmly believe so yes
[09:12] {Threei} larisa :)
[09:13] {larisa} :)
[09:15] {BillyD} GM all
[09:15] {ese} definitely the place to be moose.......
[09:15] {Threei} billy :)
[09:17] {strider} good morning from the foot of the Blue Ridge.
[09:17] {Threei} strider :)
[09:17] {Threei} good thing it's not Blue Bridge
[09:17] {Threei} that's whwere homeless and drug addicts gather in Victoria
[09:18] {strider} No. You can keep those.
[09:18] {ese} ST.......wheres the Blue Ridge?......Blue ridge mountains?
[09:19] {ese} Tenn.....right?
[09:19] {strider} Was born in east in western NC now.
[09:20] {ese} cool.....hope to make it there to golf one day
[09:21] {Moose} my wife and i spent a couple of days on Vancouver Island... neat place
[09:21] {Moose} esp. Victoria
[09:22] {strider} You still holding some DRYS, ese?
[09:22] {ese} thats where vad patience and i are
[09:22] {ese} yes Long at .23
[09:22] {Moose} hard to bet wife to leave Buchart Gardens :)
[09:23] {Moose} get
[09:23] {strider} I'm at .42. Wish I'd got out over 7 awhile back.
[09:23] {Threei} I have anual pass there moose :)
[09:23] {ese} it's fantastic in there......even now in the winter months....don't know how they do it
[09:23] {Moose} nice
[09:24] {Threei} photographer's paradize
[09:24] {ese} it's heading back there ST
[09:24] {Threei} okay guys
[09:24] {Threei} no clear opening plays
[09:25] {Threei} as it often happens on Mondays, things feel shaky and a bit hangoverish,
[09:25] {Threei} especially considering holiday beofre and Friday's shock of Dubai events
[09:25] {Threei} at this points it feel to me like the most probable scenario is:
[09:25] {ese} I was long .47 last round ST..........should have gotten out over 7 but exited in high .80's and low .90's
[09:25] {Threei} small initial selloff, not cery deep,
[09:25] {Threei} rally,
[09:26] {Threei} stall,
[09:26] {Threei} inactive period with slow slide, just a tad
[09:26] {Threei} inactive finish
[09:26] {Threei} that's working assumption...
[09:26] {Threei} we will se how it materializes
[09:27] {ese} seed flooding my scanners
[09:27] {Moose} SEED active
[09:27] {Threei} yeah, this thing just won't calm down
[09:28] {Threei} Citron's ramblings on Wed are being dismissed so far
[09:28] {Threei} reminder
[09:28] {Threei} Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:33:25 AM
[09:28] {Threei} Origen Agritech Ltd. Citron Research making cautious comments (timing uncertain)
[09:28] {Threei} - Citron notes that the company is not profitable, and predicts its "products will become just another agricultural alternative that will get commoditized away."
[09:29] {Threei} the toy looks too good for traders
[09:29] {ese} 1 out of 5 so far vad.....seems like bit of a sell off to start
[09:31] {Threei} let's see if we get shallow pullback, then 12 break on SEED
[09:31] {Threei} risky as all momos are, but has potential to turn into big play
[09:32] {Moose} geeze
[09:32] {Threei} if you lost your mind and went for SEED, feel free to take profit
[09:32] {ese} rats....missed the 12 break
[09:32] {lasertrev} gm
[09:32] {Threei} trev :)
[09:32] {ese} LT
[09:33] {nemo} $ has recovered big from premarket
[09:33] {Threei} OK{ here comes my initial selloff
[09:33] {ese} look at that thing........crazy
[09:33] {Threei} let's see if market stabilizes and provides us with bounce plays
[09:34] {Threei} WFC is long candidate
[09:34] {Threei} Long Setup: WFC .45 break
[09:34] {Threei} stop under .35 for scalpers, .30 for day traders
[09:35] {ese} l wfc ..44
[09:35] {Threei} 1:1 for scalpers
[09:35] {fernp} ty
[09:35] {Threei} 1:1 for day traders
[09:35] {Threei} and over
[09:35] {ese} out wfc .66
[09:35] {Threei} 1:2
[09:35] {Threei} take profit as you see fit
[09:36] {Threei} that was easy
[09:36] {strider} out +.12, +.24
[09:36] {strider} thx
[09:36] {Threei} welcome sir
[09:36] {ese} +.22 15k of the little buggars.....tks vad
[09:36] {Threei} 15K eh
[09:36] {Threei} welcome
[09:36] {Threei} nice start to the week
[09:37] {Moose} i caught that one also (in SIM) :)
[09:37] {strider} what platfrom you using, moose?
[09:37] {Moose} TS
[09:37] {ese} i'm happy
[09:37] {Threei} yikes
[09:38] {Threei} CAAS??
[09:38] {Threei} no news that I see
[09:38] {Moose} wow... crazy
[09:38] {strider} no news here
[09:39] {strider} positive comments
[09:39] {Moose} SIGA
[09:40] {Threei} looked at SIGA around .50, couldn't bring myself to call it
[09:40] {Threei} too thin
[09:40] {Moose} ic
[09:40] {Les} aig in play today. more derivative scares?
[09:41] {Les} or derivatives issues bringing it back to life
[09:41] {Threei} latter is more like it, yeah
[09:42] {Les} derivatives - a scalpers best friend...
[09:42] {Threei} OK, rally is about to start
[09:42] {Threei} part 2 in progress
[09:42] {strider} Chicago PMI in 3 min.
[09:42] {nemo} spy positive
[09:43] {ese} had intial buy of 5k vad for wfc and when i realized it was going to take off did 2 more.....the avg fill was good i thought .44 then 3 sells.....
[09:44] {Threei} Long Setup: WFC /70 break if stays above .60
[09:44] {ese} moomentum on X and sales was dead give away i thought
[09:45] {fernp} WFC stop?
[09:45] {Threei} if stays above .60
[09:48] {Threei} market is hesitant
[09:48] {Threei} WFC wants up like crazy
[09:48] {nemo} yeah, that news didn't do anything
[09:48] {Threei} but needs market's help
[09:49] {Threei} if works, won't be a scalp for me, intend to partial
[09:49] {Threei} AIG UPDATE: Bernstein cuts price target to $12 from $20; maintains underperform rating
[09:49] {Threei} lol
[09:49] {Threei} embodiment of irrelevance
[09:49] {ese} Ok so now i would'nt feel comforable with wfc........X and sales not going nuts like i missing something
[09:50] {Threei} market hesitance is holding it back ese
[09:50] {nemo} $ hasn't moved since the open
[09:50] {Les} so stall and inactivity has begun only 20 mins after opening?
[09:51] {Threei} SEED new high
[09:51] {ese} what are you looking at for the $ nemo
[09:51] {Threei} I'd expect more upward move before we stall for the day Les
[09:51] {nemo} uup
[09:51] {Moose} and UDN for inverse
[09:53] {ese} tks......
[09:54] {Threei} if you have too much WFC exposure, maybe cut it down a bit
[09:54] {nemo} yeah, lookin' short here
[09:55] {Moose} i chickened out and bailed
[09:55] {Les} damn. sold the lot by accident
[09:55] {Threei} short? no way
[09:55] {Threei} salmon
[09:55] {Threei} DNDN Hearing strength attributed to renewed takeover chatter (27.76, +0.52, 1.91%)
[09:55] {Threei} rfemember I said last week, DNDN next runner on rumors?? :)
[09:56] {Threei} magoo joked about buying
[09:56] {nemo} actually he said "IN"
[09:56] {Threei} yup
[09:56] {fernp} APOL happy
[09:56] {Threei} these rumor bunker guys become predictable
[09:57] {Les} well give us the next t akeover rumour Vad, so we can go long :)
[09:57] {Threei} ummm... VVUS?
[09:57] {Threei} nah
[09:57] {Threei} ENER is more likely
[09:58] {strider} moving my WFC stop to .64
[09:59] {ese} L cat .06
[09:59] {strider} N. Am Purchasing manager's report at 10
[10:00] {Threei} speaking of ENER... 10.10 break is valid scalp setup if market rallies a bit
[10:00] {Threei} 10 loss is valid short setup too
[10:01] {ese} out cat .18 +.12
[10:01] {Threei} US) Nov Milwaukee NAPM: 57.0 v 50.0 prior
[10:01] {Threei} *highest read since Sept 2009
[10:01] {fernp} gj
[10:01] {fernp} ese
[10:01] {Les} on fire today ese
[10:01] {ese} tks
[10:02] {ese} good start ....time to pare sense in taking anymore risk today
[10:03] {ese} just watching a swing long position in drys now
[10:04] {ese} do you use the uup and udn for market direction?
[10:05] {nemo} The $ has been directly inversely correlated to market direction since the spring
[10:05] {Moose} dollar up -- mkt down
[10:05] {Threei} WFC 1:1, half out for me
[10:05] {Moose} dollar down -- mkt up
[10:05] {fernp} ty
[10:05] {Moose} sometimes :)
[10:05] {Threei} welcome
[10:05] {strider} out +.11 WFC
[10:05] {ese} tks
[10:05] {ese} seems sinple enough
[10:05] {ese} simple
[10:06] {nemo} won't last forever, but. Just put up a comparison of $ to SPY
[10:06] {Threei} what they don't tell you ese, for thbe market direction they roll dice... UUP they just watch to look all scientific
[10:06] {Threei} ENER 1:1
[10:06] {ese} ahhhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaa!
[10:06] {Les} is that asceding triangle in SEED?
[10:07] {Threei} Goldman: US Banks have recogized approximately 2/3 of expected losses in current cycle
[10:07] {Threei} out ENER in full
[10:07] {Threei} .25
[10:07] {nemo} Yeah, but will there be another new cycle of losses
[10:07] {Threei} that's 3 for 3 so far if not count crazy SEED call
[10:08] {Threei} here comes myrally
[10:08] {ese} hard to believe somebody actually made some money in ener
[10:08] {ese} took that one of my monitors just last week......was driving me crazy
[10:13] {strider} CLWT
[10:15] {Threei} another one with no news whatsoever
[10:15] {Threei} unless I miss something
[10:15] {strider} Rumor: Euro Tech Holdings moves higher on unit IPO speculation
[10:15] {Threei} AMZN 52 week highs
[10:16] {strider} Rumor: Euro Tech Holdings moves higher on unit IPO speculation
[10:16] {strider} Shares of Euro Tech Holdings are trading higher on speculation the company may IPO its Blue Sky unit, a provider of design and general contract services for the treatment of waste gases in China.
[10:16] {strider} CLWT
[10:17] {Threei} waste gases eh
[10:17] {Threei} no comments please
[10:17] {strider} I thought that was relevant to this group.
[10:17] {strider} too late.
[10:17] {Threei} lol
[10:17] {Moose} lol
[10:17] {Raven} {}
[10:18] {strider} At least we're not stooping to cow tipping jokes....
[10:18] {strider} yet
[10:18] {Les} CAT consolidating for a long entry?
[10:19] {Threei} second half WFC stopped
[10:19] {Threei} ecerything is les
[10:19] {Threei} AMZN too
[10:19] {Threei} I am not vert jazzed about buying breakouts here
[10:20] {Threei} stall is more likely than break and go
[10:20] {strider} VPRT
[10:20] {strider} wide
[10:22] {Moose} ZGEN slow creep upwards
[10:22] {strider} DRWI
[10:23] {strider} S
[10:24] {strider} never mind.
[10:25] {strider} Moose...I need to warn you...Nemo shoots large animals.
[10:26] {Moose} yike!
[10:26] {Moose} s
[10:26] {Threei} and dino and magoo are on deer hunt this week
[10:28] {Moose} do most ppl use this Mibbit thingie or mIRC?
[10:28] {strider} mIRC takes less real estate
[10:29] {Moose} plus can set sound alerts
[10:29] {Moose} haven't used it in years but may have to go back to it
[10:30] {ese} for cryiny out *&^&^% loud..........another stupid mistake......last week i buy one by accident and now this week ebay.....thought i had a limit buy for .65........see it taking off ...can't figure why i'm not in. stupidly had entered .55 and it never made it dn there
[10:32] {Threei} - No revisions
[10:32] {Threei} *First positive reading since Oct 2007
[10:34] {ese} this is a good thing
[10:35] {nemo} kinda' except the US doesn't make anything anymore
[10:35] {Moose} is WFC trying for b/o ?
[10:36] {Threei} I'd stay away
[10:36] {Threei} this is not a compelling play anymore
[10:36] {Moose} ok thx
[10:36] {ese} lots of intellectual property nemo.......great explanation of that in a book called "RUNNING WITH THE BULLS" ......Kessler is the author
[10:37] {Threei} a bit up, a bit down... we want those that yell at us from the screen "buy me NOW"
[10:37] {nemo} yes, but asia could give a rats derriere about intellectual property rights
[10:37] {nemo} besides, jobs will be the big issue here
[10:37] {ese} thats because they don't have any
[10:38] {nemo} they just take it and don't care
[10:38] {Moose} HEAT geeze
[10:38] {larisa} AIG pace pick up
[10:39] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[10:39] {Threei} - NYSE volume 200M shares, about 28% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.1:1.
[10:39] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 400M shares, about 27% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.5:1.
[10:39] {Threei} - VIX index -0.9% to just over 24.50
[10:40] {Moose} HEAT may have created some bag holders
[10:44] {Threei}
[10:45] {strider} Long sm. EEV, .77, for swing trade
[10:46] {strider} ultrad short emerging markets
[10:46] {Threei} all of them? or some specific ones?
[10:46] {strider} no clue
[10:47] {strider} all,, I think
[10:47] {strider} MSCI product
[10:47] {larisa} yea, index
[10:50] {Les} bac short vad?
[10:51] {Les} but limited range
[10:52] {Threei} don't see much potential here
[10:53] {BillyD} watching RIMM for potential short off 59
[10:54] {BillyD} liked AIG short, but stop too wide
[10:55] {larisa} 30 break you wanted?
[10:55] {BillyD} yes
[10:56] {larisa} I was scared at these levels, put up a fight, could snap back to 31 in a sec
[10:56] {Threei} Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecasting US Senate healthcare bill to increase non group insurance premiums +10-13% in 2016
[10:57] {Threei} (IA) Iranian Nuclear Chief: Does not wish to exit NPT (non-proliferation treaty)
[10:57] {Threei} ***Reminder: On Nov 29 -Iran Govt approves plans to build 10 new uranium enrichment plants of approximate size of current Natanz facility - Iran state media
[10:57] {Threei} *note: Only four recognized sovereign states are not parties to the treaty: India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea
[10:57] {Threei} *note: Iran has been in technical violation of treaty since 2003
[10:58] {BillyD} lol
[10:58] {BillyD} RIMM works
[10:59] {BillyD} ENER may be a short if breaks 10
[11:00] {BillyD} stays under .10
[11:01] {Moose} now what?
[11:03] {strider} AIG daily gap in 25-27 range
[11:05] {fernp} FITB long consolidation at hod. could be a beatiful capture for TTR-2 :-)
[11:05] {Threei} lol
[11:05] {Threei} I like it
[11:12] {Threei} Fed to conduct small scale tri-party reverse repo tests in the coming weeks; does not represent monetary policy change
[11:12] {Threei} - operations to be conducted with primary dealers, and are designed as 'advance planning.'
[11:12] {Threei} - operations are being conducted to ensure operational readiness at the Federal Reserve, the tri-party repo clearing banks, and the primary dealers. The operations have been designed to have no material impact on the availability of reserves or on market rates. Specifically, the aggregate amount of outstanding transactions will be very small relative to the level of excess reserves, and the transactions will be conducted at current market rates.
[11:14] {Threei} this pullback is much deeper than I expected
[11:14] {Threei} we may be headed for breakdown
[11:15] {Moose} SOMX on tear
[11:15] {Threei} not jumping to any conclusions yet but eyeing possible setup on QID
[11:16] {Threei} no news that I see on SOMX
[11:18] {Threei} can't make up my mind on QID
[11:19] {nemo} no clean consolidation
[11:20] {Threei} most of all, I just don't get this feeling that the market is ready to break down decisively
[11:27] {strider} can you cross from long to short (or vice-versa) in one trade...Laser?
[11:28] {nemo} yes
[11:28] {BillyD} I believe so
[11:28] {nemo} buy 400 then sell 800...done it by mistake a few times
[11:28] {strider} :)
[11:28] {nemo} heavy trigger finger
[11:28] {larisa} me too :)
[11:29] {strider} keep nemo away from the SA colts
[11:29] {nemo} Sig man
[11:29] {Moose} QID ?
[11:29] {Threei} .50 was the trigger for it
[11:29] {Threei} no chasing
[11:30] {Threei} let's try to play it differently
[11:30] {Threei} conceervative entry
[11:30] {Threei} dive into .45 - .58 area
[11:30] {Threei} for long entry
[11:30] {strider} .48?
[11:30] {Moose} ok
[11:30] {Threei} yes
[11:31] {Threei} if it got away, so be it
[11:33] {strider} RIMM bounce?
[11:34] {fernp} Market new lows and FITB still on highs
[11:34] {Threei} 50/50 RIMM
[11:39] {nemo} awiav
[11:39] {nemo} ?
[11:39] {Threei} we are in deep thoughts
[11:41] {strider} Vad
[11:41] {strider} Vad's started using the royal plural.
[11:41] {strider} "We are...."
[11:41] {Threei} well, the question is about we
[11:41] {nemo} the group
[11:41] {nemo} Are We In Anything Vad
[11:41] {Threei} so I keep things uniform
[11:42] {Threei} also, just so no one has any illusions, my deep thoughts is my code for coma
[11:43] {nemo} what is your code for "alcoholic stupor"
[11:43] {strider} I was thinking of looking up the Jack Handey quotes..
[11:43] {Threei} I don't have any nemo
[11:43] {nemo} oh
[11:46] {strider} MPEL
[11:49] {Threei} MPEL Hearing Morgan Stanley upgrades rating to Overweight (timing uncertain) (4.27, +0.15, 3.64%)
[11:51] {Threei} boredom reigns
[11:51] {nemo} it's raining too
[11:52] {Threei} with three out of three and one contemplated but missed, I am comfortable sitting and waiting for something to shape up
[11:52] {Threei} and if magoo were here, he would have taken that SEED and I could claim 4 for 4
[11:53] {strider} AIG in constricted range
[11:54] {Threei} AIG had quite a few nice breakdowns...
[11:54] {Threei} look at 1 min
[11:54] {Threei} 32 break
[11:55] {Threei} 31,50 break
[11:55] {Threei} 30 break
[11:55] {Threei} all were nice valid setups
[11:55] {nemo} I got shaken out on an aggressive break just above 30
[11:55] {nemo} stop was .05 too tight
[11:56] {Threei} ugh
[11:56] {Threei} forgot about ENER 10 breakdown
[11:57] {Threei} I need memory improving drug... but I forget to take it
[11:57] {BillyD} stepped away for water and missed it vad
[11:57] {BillyD} but took the .90 short for scalp
[11:57] {Threei} your excuse is better tha miine Billy
[11:57] {Threei} mind if I borrow it?
[11:57] {BillyD}
[11:58] {Threei} :)
[11:58] {BillyD} Vad, I even walked brislkly for the water not too miss
[11:58] {BillyD} briskly
[11:58] {Threei} ok, my will be sophisticated when I need it:
[11:59] {Threei} I walked up to grab Billy's water, but he was faster and got it before I did so I spent more time searching for it, and missed thje play
[11:59] {nemo} yeah..boredom
[11:59] {BillyD} rofl
[12:00] {Moose} nap time?
[12:00] {nemo} Moose sleep on their feet?
[12:00] {Moose} dang
[12:00] {Threei} yes but be ready to wake up on moment's notice
[12:00] {strider} that's when nemo likes to shoot them.
[12:00] {nemo} yep
[12:00] {Moose} lol
[12:00] {nemo} moose meat....good
[12:01] {nemo} don't shoot them too far from the road though
[12:01] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:01] {Threei} - NYSE volume 370M shares, about 24% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.7:1.
[12:01] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 790M shares, about 21% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.3:1.
[12:01] {Threei} - VIX index +2% to just under 25.50
[12:01] {Moose} don't worry... they're usually right in middle of road... :)
[12:01] {nemo} yep
[12:02] {nemo} saw one chasing deer away from a salt pile up in Maine once...pretty funny
[12:02] {nemo} ornery critters
[12:03] {Threei} don't put SEED to far away
[12:03] {Threei} thing is holding well
[12:03] {Threei} may turn out just waiting for the activity to return
[12:04] {Moose} i recently joined Moose International fraternity... thus the Moose nick... heh
[12:04] {nemo} never heard of it
[12:04] {Moose}
[12:04] {strider} Oh great, now they're getting organized.
[12:05] {strider} What would a moose frat party be like?
[12:05] {Moose} we have a local lodge ... bar, kitchen, ballroom... etc... fun
[12:05] {Moose} strider... old guys mostly
[12:05] {strider} well, I wouldn't know anything about that.
[12:06] {fernp} I have to leave you early today. Have a good evening everybody and see you all tomorrow.
[12:06] {strider} I knew an old guy once...
[12:06] {Threei} take care fern
[12:06] {strider} see ya fern.
[12:07] {strider} seed
[12:08] {Threei} really... teenagers strider and I, we just frolic in our seething youtfulness
[12:08] {strider} yeah, that's right......don't know about the frolicking though.
[12:09] {strider} Sounds sinister.
[12:09] {Threei} ok, you pick the verb
[12:09] {strider} prowling.
[12:10] {Threei} just avoid those "slooowly getting up from the bench, with cane in hands"... that would give away too much
[12:10] {ese} zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....sknort guzzzzzzz............ahhheemmmmm.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[12:11] {strider} SPY dbl bottom
[12:13] {Threei} two discretionary calls, only for those who want action and don't mind 50/50 plays
[12:13] {Threei} Long Setup: SEED .15 break if stays above 12
[12:13] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .20 break if stays above 58
[12:14] {nemo} mmmhhhh...lunchtime plays
[12:18] {strider} out 1/2 RIMM
[12:19] {strider} out balance b/e
[12:22] {strider} kgc upgrade, larisa
[12:23] {larisa} ty, why are you telling me though ? :)
[12:23] {strider} Don't you trade gold?
[12:24] {patience} i am in it strider
[12:24] {strider} Or is that patience?
[12:24] {patience} it has been a salmon all day
[12:24] {strider} Ah, you girls look so much alike.
[12:24] {larisa} lol
[12:24] {patience} only in the dark
[12:24] {strider} no comment.
[12:24] {nemo} me neither
[12:24] {nemo} Fastballs right down the middle
[12:25] {strider} think SEED might be ready again, vad?
[12:26] {Threei} no setup
[12:26] {strider} you still in RIMM?
[12:27] {Threei} yes
[12:27] {Les} scalp only or are you looking for market to pick up this arvo?
[12:28] {nemo} what's an "arvo"?
[12:28] {Threei} I've no idea
[12:28] {Threei} this is not your nornmal play, this is kind of "gimmie some lunch money"
[12:28] {Les} british/australian english vernacular for afternoon
[12:29] {Les} oh crap, I would have taken already had I known that. ok.
[12:33] {Les} stopped
[12:33] {nemo} yeah...lunchtime trades
[12:33] {Threei} strider played it right
[12:33] {Moose} 3i... ever been to "point no point"?
[12:34] {nemo} Hope he doesn't hurt his shoulder
[12:34] {Threei} what's that?
[12:34] {larisa} resort in your area :)
[12:34] {Moose} a place on your island
[12:34] {Threei} hmmm
[12:35] {Threei} no
[12:35] {Threei} whcih area?
[12:35] {Moose} wow
[12:35] {Moose} west of Vict
[12:35] {Moose} nw
[12:35] {Threei} Sooke
[12:35] {Threei} been there many times
[12:35] {Threei} just not in that particular resort
[12:36] {Moose} great little cafe there with whale watching
[12:36] {Moose} SEED blastoff
[12:38] {nemo} stocks are weak, it's not taking much to push them over, when lunch is over could be interesting afternoon
[12:38] {Threei} MTXX Discloses SEC advised company that probe has been completed; no enforcement action to be recommended - filing dated 11/24
[12:38] {Threei} - related to June 16, 2009 warning letter issued to the Company by the FDA. (4.20, +0.22, 5.53%)
[12:38] {nemo} btw...wfc seems to be forming a bear flag range
[12:42] {Les} thanks for the tipoff moose on your cabins there. I now have place to stay when we visit vancouver island. very nice
[12:43] {Threei} it's a separate destination Les... not a place to stay while exploring Victoria
[12:43] {Threei} a bit too long drive
[12:44] {Threei} and the road is not exactly for the faint heart
[12:45] {patience} incredible location though moose
[12:46] {Les} you calling me "faint of heart"? :)
[12:46] {Threei} just giving you lay of the land
[12:46] {Threei} windy narrow road
[12:46] {Les} lol, you need to come out back of my place then
[12:47] {Threei} no need - I survived road to Hana
[12:48] {Les} Only Hana I could find...
[12:48] {Threei}
[12:49] {Moose} back... yep, Vancouver Island is full of neato places
[12:49] {Moose} unfortunatly, I'm in Tennessee.. heh
[12:50] {strider} Brother!
[12:50] {nemo} There are no moose in Tennessee
[12:50] {Moose} lol
[12:50] {strider} a lot of turkeys, though.
[12:50] {Moose} i beg your pardon... lol
[12:51] {strider} Moose, I was born in Elizabethton.
[12:51] {Moose} thats barely in TN :)
[12:52] {strider} State of Franklin.
[12:52] {Moose} nice area
[12:52] {nemo} she's a nihilist les
[12:52] {Moose} i'm over in the flat muddy western part of TN
[12:53] {strider} Should be annexed by Arkansas.
[12:53] {strider} :)
[12:53] {Les} didn't even look Nemo. unfortunately Google insists on giving me German language search response
[12:53] {Les} cause I live in switzerland
[12:53] {nemo} go to google usa
[12:54] {Les} i enter search criteria straight into address bar
[12:54] {Les} only default of google chrome
[12:54] {strider} Memphis area really should be a state all to itself.
[12:54] {nemo} oh...firefox
[12:54] {Les} Vad, RIMM support at .75?
[12:54] {Moose} with prison walls
[12:54] {Les} bounce play?
[12:54] {strider} yeah.. state of anarchy.
[12:54] {Moose} lol
[12:55] {Threei} support yes... bounce off it or breakdown - no way to tell
[12:55] {Moose} nah, Memphis has some cool things to see and do
[12:55] {Moose} BBQ
[12:56] {strider} Buddy of mine owns Rangemaster, in Memphis. I go there to shoot sometimes.
[12:56] {Moose} nice
[12:57] {Moose} bbl... lunch
[12:57] {strider} RIMM sure is looking like a b/d
[12:58] {Threei} SEED is chewing through resistances
[12:59] {Threei} anyone went for it?
[12:59] {Les} I chose the wrong horse
[12:59] {Les} figured the larger, more stately steed as the surer bet...
[13:00] {Threei} don't try to rationalize either choice les, both were 50/50
[13:00] {Les} I shorting RIMM vad, you wait until .50 is triggered (low of the day)?
[13:00] {Threei} could be easy other way around
[13:00] {Les} If
[13:01] {Threei} it's breaking support right here
[13:01] {Threei} .50 is 25 cents away, how can you tell in what way it gets there
[13:01] {Les} yeh but still suspiscious of seed as momo play
[13:01] {Threei} if it drops sharply into .50, will you short it there?
[13:01] {Les} no
[13:02] {Threei} there you go
[13:02] {Threei} price alone is not enough to answer the question
[13:02] {Les} ok, so .75 is legit support setup to play from?
[13:03] {Threei} again - if you don't mind 50/50 play
[13:03] {Threei} market just doens't do anything here
[13:03] {Threei} meaning, it can do anything next moment
[13:03] {Les} that's fine. I get to ask questions and do dinner instead of staring at screen
[13:04] {Threei} thus, market followers like RIMM will be just as random
[13:04] {Les} ok. want to ask you if you play poker or bridge?
[13:04] {Les} starting to see your setups as poker game
[13:04] {Threei} oh, and I don't know why I am wasting time here, a box with 15 millions in cash will be delivered to me by UPS from Bank of Afrika if I only send them:
[13:05] {Threei} 1.YOUR FULL NAME
[13:05] {Threei} 2.YOUR HOME ADDRESS.
[13:05] {Threei} 5.A COPY OF YOUR PICTURE
[13:05] {Les} so, what are you waiting for?
[13:05] {Threei} nothing, quickly sending
[13:05] {Threei} and btw, it's not my spelling, email does say Afrika
[13:06] {nemo} south africa
[13:06] {nemo} Afrikaans
[13:06] {Les} reading other day that quantum physicists are no longer in vogue in wall st, now poker players are being sought for trading
[13:06] {nemo} yep
[13:06] {Threei} what's the analogy here Les?
[13:08] {Threei} reason I ask:
[13:08] {Threei} there are valid analogies between trading gambling, and there are meaningless ones
[13:08] {Threei} I often hear this comparison,
[13:08] {Les} able to press bets when moment is right
[13:08] {Les} discipline, patience...
[13:09] {Threei} but there is no way to tell whether one who cites it underdtands where real analogies are until he explains
[13:09] {Les} ah no, not that patience
[13:09] {Les} understanding of probabilities. do you need maths to play poker?
[13:09] {Threei} there was a mopvie describing a professional gambler approach
[13:09] {Threei} which hit many things right on
[13:09] {nemo} 21
[13:09] {Threei} Rounders
[13:09] {nemo} oh yeah, Matt Damon
[13:09] {Threei} yup
[13:09] {nemo} good movie
[13:10] {Les} 21 is name of movie?
[13:10] {nemo} bad accent on Malkovich
[13:10] {nemo} 21 was about the MIT students
[13:10] {Threei} speaking of movies... we forgot to ask fern how he liked 2012
[13:10] {Threei} to put it short,
[13:11] {Threei} those who liken trading to gambling in a sense that you just make your bets and hope for luck have no idea what they are talking about
[13:11] {Les} ah no, not at all the analogy i was reading
[13:11] {strider} lelap
[13:11] {Threei} those who see similarities in spotting the odds and patterns in those games where there are such
[13:11] {nemo} "why does everyone say 'good luck' when you tell them you're going to Vegas?"
[13:11] {strider} LESP
[13:11] {strider} damn
[13:11] {Threei} and utilize them with steel discipline
[13:11] {strider} LEAP
[13:12] {Threei} LEAP Hearing Dealreporter speculating that LEAP could be a target for PCS
[13:12] {Threei} those got it right
[13:12] {Threei} US Treasury's Barr: US mortgage plan has already shown progress, but banks must now "do their part" on loan programs
[13:12] {Threei} - Barr and TARP chief Allison are meeting with large loan servicers today
[13:24] {strider} AMZN up from 95 to 135 in 6 weeks.
[13:26] {Threei} LEAP still trying
[13:27] {BillyD} spikey one
[13:27] {nemo} aapl break of .50 could be interesting
[13:30] {Les} CAT recovering
[13:30] {Threei}
[13:30] {Les} ascending triangle CAT?
[13:30] {Threei} more or less
[13:31] {Threei} 58 was cleaner trigger
[13:31] {Threei} don't chase
[13:31] {BillyD} your desk photo Vad?
[13:31] {Threei} yeah
[13:32] {BillyD} got enough electronic gizmos?
[13:32] {Threei} lol
[13:32] {Threei} he who dies with the most toys dies happy
[13:33] {BillyD} yeah, especially with that dinosaur monitor
[13:33] {Threei} no kidding - darn thing just won't diw
[13:33] {BillyD} good paper weight
[13:33] {strider} Hey! I resemble that remark.
[13:33] {Threei} rofl
[13:34] {strider} I don't have to heat my house in winter because of those things.
[13:34] {BillyD} lol
[13:34] {Threei} it's on reserve computer, I don't need anything but basic things on it,
[13:34] {Threei} so CRT, no matter how old, will do while it's working
[13:34] {Threei} it's 6 years old
[13:35] {Threei} and it doesn't give me ay reasong to throw it out
[13:35] {BillyD} go dump it in nemo's front yard
[13:35] {BillyD} and say Merry Xmas
[13:35] {Threei} uhhu
[13:36] {Threei} let me pick someone without rifle on his lap for that
[13:36] {nemo} was sighting in the muzzleloader yesterday
[13:36] {ese} anyone here ever play penny stocks.......i'm reffering to PEIX in particular
[13:37] {nemo} RIMM C&H (sorta') forming
[13:37] {Threei} can ypu believe it's that same PEIX thast used to be a darling of ethanol plays?
[13:38] {Threei} trading in 20s, 30s
[13:38] {ese} ya i know
[13:38] {Les} FAZ at support. b/d?
[13:38] {Threei} sic transit gloria mundi
[13:38] {Les} forget it
[13:38] {patience} made 46k on peix
[13:38] {ese} been following it for a long looks positive for it and it looks like it could be on the mend
[13:38] {strider} ese, I've got one that I keep to remind me of my blown stop days.
[13:39] {strider} REAL
[13:39] {patience} sold it around 46 bucks
[13:39] {patience} i should go look at the chart
[13:39] {ese} Peix patience
[13:39] {Threei} just make sure you are OK with nightmares for a week after looking at that chart
[13:39] {patience} held it for weeks, wasn't a scalp :)
[13:39] {strider} REAL is a deal...only .013 per share.
[13:40] {ese} ya a real deal!
[13:40] {strider} How much you want?
[13:40] {ese} nothing's been on my radar for about 3/4 yrs
[13:41] {ese} peix that is
[13:41] {strider} Damn. Thought I had a buyer.
[13:41] {patience} ese, it was the hot stock in hot sector
[13:41] {patience} notice i don't trade it anymore
[13:41] {ese} yup
[13:42] {ese} what can i say....time on my hands this morning.......looking around to much
[13:42] {Threei} investors graves are scatterted all along the PEIX chart
[13:42] {Threei} I know the look of these charts
[13:43] {Threei} it's a typical progression
[13:43] {Threei} ah it's such a great sector, idea, company
[13:43] {ese} wheres it headed vad?
[13:43] {Threei} oh they shake out weka hands
[13:43] {Threei} they won't fool me
[13:43] {Threei} they are not getting my shares cheap
[13:43] {Threei} OK, too late to sell it now
[13:43] {Threei} might as well hold it
[13:44] {Threei} hey, it's a great buying opporetunity, I think I'll get more
[13:44] {BillyD} it's gonna come back
[13:44] {Threei} damn, they just won't let it move
[13:44] {Threei} it's gonna come back, we have oil shrtage
[13:44] {Threei} farmers won't let it die
[13:45] {patience} oil is gonna stall at 100
[13:45] {Threei} politicians will support it
[13:45] {BillyD} best one: it can't go any lower
[13:45] {Threei} yes, that
[13:45] {Threei} it can't go any lower
[13:45] {Threei} OK{ it goesa into my special account, my grandchildren will thank me some day
[13:45] {strider} hahahahaha
[13:45] {nemo} nuva vad
[13:46] {Les} I had brief experience of this action playing with Spongetech
[13:46] {patience} related to spongebob?
[13:46] {nemo} rim shot please
[13:46] {patience} sorry, i am getting bored
[13:47] {nemo} take a nap
[13:47] {strider} NUVA cc at 5:30
[13:47] {patience} can't, i have 2 trades open
[13:47] {strider} scratch..was 5 days zgo.
[13:47] {strider} sorry. Old info.
[13:47] {Threei} NUVA looks right nemo
06[13:47] * strider slaps strider around a bit with a large CALENDAR
[13:48] {strider} stop at .40?
[13:49] {Threei} just under yes
[13:51] {strider} out +.14, thanks nemo
[13:52] {nemo} yw
[13:52] {nemo} thank Vad...He gave it the "In Nomine Patre"
[13:54] {Threei} lol
[13:55] {strider} Patri
[13:55] {nemo} thanks, I forget
[13:55] {Threei} Billy, to your comment about my desk:
[13:55] {Threei} 'If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?'
[13:55] {strider} empty mind
[13:55] {nemo} a lobatomy?
[13:56] {strider} actually, it's patris. genitive case
[13:56] {nemo} yep
[13:56] {strider} pater,, patris, patri, patrem, patre... can someone check me on that.
[13:57] {nemo} google it
[13:57] {strider} I WILL NOT!
[13:57] {nemo} fine
[13:57] {nemo} My latin texts are in a box in the attic
[13:58] {nemo} then there's the problem of which attic
[13:58] {strider} Mine are on a shelf right behind me.
[13:58] {nemo} wtf
[14:00] {strider} Quid fute!
[14:00] {Threei} SEED sharp dibe
[14:01] {Threei} dive
[14:01] {Les} ah someone mentioned the desk. thought it best to keep my own counsel on that clutter
[14:01] {Moose} no kidding
[14:01] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:01] {Threei} - NYSE volume 540M shares, about 24% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.5:1.
[14:01] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.15B shares, about 21% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.7:1.
[14:01] {Threei} - VIX index +1% to just over 25.00
[14:01] {nemo} I was think 12.32 short, but thought this momo play dangerous
[14:03] {larisa} looked at dt too. potential was not much though
[14:04] {BillyD} Vad to your desk comment: the mind is only as good as the navigator
[14:05] {Threei} for cosmo it'd mean Nestcape
[14:05] {BillyD} lol
[14:06] {Threei} I think he was using long after everyone on Earth forgot the very name, lol
[14:06] {strider} PLA
[14:07] {strider} the bunny play
[14:13] {Moose} now what?
[14:13] {nemo} what what?
[14:19] {nemo} RIMM C&H
[14:20] {Threei} remember our Friday QLTI play?
[14:20] {Threei} thing is alive again
[14:20] {nemo} I wasn't here
[14:20] {BillyD} took it off screen earlier
[14:21] {Threei} CAAS momo...
[14:21] {Threei} I wish it was not so thin
[14:21] {BillyD} yeah
[14:21] {BillyD} and jumpy
[14:21] {BillyD} pace changer
[14:30] {Moose} do we have a list of "usual suspects" watched daily?
[14:30] {Threei} yes but it's changing
[14:31] {Threei} for instance HIG used to be on the list for quite a while
[14:31] {Threei} then it started misbehaving
[14:31] {Moose} where can I obtain the list?
[14:32] {Moose} list here maybe :)
[14:32] {Threei} I am very tgempted to come up with this huge misterious story
[14:32] {Moose} lol
[14:32] {Threei} about list being locked in a case chained to someone's hand
[14:32] {Threei} guarded by hiredninja
[14:32] {Moose} a russian guy?
[14:33] {Threei} but... RIMM, AIG, CAT,
[14:33] {Threei} momo plays that come and go
[14:33] {Threei} HIG, SEED, NLST
[14:33] {Les} I've only been here a month Moose and the names have changed
[14:33] {Threei} now and then some stocks stay with us for weeks
[14:33] {Threei} or days
[14:33] {Moose} ok thx
[14:34] {Threei} like last summer favorite, UAUA
[14:34] {Threei} or last fall DRYS
[14:34] {Threei} and I was this close to calling AIG tghe love of my life
[14:34] {Moose} heh
[14:34] {Threei} when darn thing changed its ways on me
[14:35] {Les} will we get to play some more reverse splits next year (or whatever they call what they did to AIG during summer)?
[14:36] {Threei} if they decide to revive the likes of C, FRE, FNM...
[14:36] {Threei} ABK
[14:37] {Threei} look at CAAS
[14:37] {Threei} momo is momo is momo
[14:38] {Moose} both ways!
[14:40] {Les} what's AIG doing Vad? bounce and more breakdown?
[14:40] {Threei} reverse split is two-sided coin...
[14:40] {Threei} more oiften than not it;'s a kiss of death
[14:40] {Threei} I have no idea les
[14:41] {Threei} you want me to predcit what happens next
[14:41] {Threei} that's not how my thinking works
[14:41] {Threei} well, providing I have any
[14:41] {Les} no, just wondering if you can see ticker movement
[14:41] {Threei} I see it
[14:41] {Threei} how does it allow to answer your question?
[14:41] {Les} aah a comedian
[14:42] {Threei} better think what else is there in what I said, aside from standing joke
[14:42] {Les} dunno. has it bottomed out?
[14:43] {Threei} let's try again
[14:43] {Threei} ticker shows what happens this very second,
[14:43] {Threei} chart shows what happened before
[14:43] {nemo} could play short double bottom or break long, but it's staying udner trend lines les
[14:43] {Les} thank you nemo
[14:43] {Les} :P
[14:43] {Threei} you ask what is going to happen next
[14:43] {Threei} but I don't think in these terms at all
[14:44] {nemo} probabilities, no certainties
[14:44] {nemo} like marriage
[14:44] {Threei} I use chart and ticker in order to spot recognizable situation
[14:44] {Threei} and I have pre-canned reposnses
[14:44] {Threei} to those situations
[14:44] {Threei} whatever happens - happens, it doesn't matter
[14:44] {Threei} call it fatalistic trading
[14:44] {Threei} my responses are built on odds
[14:45] {Threei} in a long run those odds will work for me
[14:45] {nemo} don't call yourself odd, Vad...
[14:45] {Threei} without guarantee of success in any given case.
[14:45] {Threei} just being honest nemo
[14:45] {Les} yes I sh
[14:45] {nemo} it's what it implies about me
[14:45] {Les} yes I should know that now
[14:45] {nemo} fcx very close to support here
[14:46] {Les} I have your 7 setups pasted on the table
[14:46] {Threei} see now why I have troubles answering what AIG is doing, oputting bottom, or justg bouncing before breaking down again?
[14:46] {Threei} now,
[14:46] {Threei} let me show you how the question should be shaped up
[14:46] {Threei} so I could answer it
[14:46] {Threei} in terms of my way of thinking.
[14:46] {Threei} what sghould AIG do for this to be a bounce or a breakout?
[14:47] {Threei} and here is my immediate answer, as it would be a few minutes back:
[14:47] {Threei} consolidate under .45, let's say not losing .30, and break .45 - and we have a long play
[14:47] {Threei} or
[14:47] {nemo} we're getting volume characteristics for db here
[14:48] {Threei} return under .30,
[14:48] {Threei} consolidate between .30 and .15
[14:48] {Threei} and break .15 for a short play
[14:48] {Threei} see now how this way of thinking works les?
[14:48] {Threei} and becomes instructional?
[14:49] {Threei} it takes you our of realm of prediction
[14:49] {Les} y. so can we play it?
[14:49] {larisa} lol
[14:49] {Threei} and gets you into universe of standard responses to standard situations
[14:49] {nemo} and don't forget the market
[14:49] {Threei} where you stay a detached observer
[14:49] {Threei} cold as cucumber
[14:49] {Threei} emotionally I mean
[14:50] {nemo} well, I've been described as "unhinged"
[14:50] {nemo} is that detached?
[14:50] {strider} good call nemo.
[14:50] {nemo} on what? self reference?
[14:50] {larisa} on FCX :)
[14:50] {strider} fcx
[14:50] {Threei} that's how "trade what tyou see, not what you think" manifests itself in your actions
[14:50] {nemo} oh, shit, I was paying attention to vad
[14:51] {Moose} lol
[14:51] {Threei} by now you should know better nemo
[14:51] {larisa} me too, missed AIG at .15 for scalp :) vad needs to keep quiet
06[14:51] * nemo never heard a moose laugh before
[14:51] {Threei} sorry
[14:51] {Threei} I will
[14:51] {Threei} from now on
[14:51] {larisa} lol
[14:51] {nemo} rotfl
06[14:51] * Threei shuts up fo the week
[14:51] {strider} oh, no. Now he's gonna wanta go home.
[14:52] {nemo} nice going Lari
[14:52] {Moose} :/
[14:53] {larisa} it was a joke btw vad, do not hope for break like that :)
[14:53] {Les} sorry. money lost due to my needs. Will buy a round of drinks when I make it to Bahamas
[14:53] {nemo} you hurt his feelings...he's sensitive
[14:53] {Threei} sorry Larisa, too late - I have no sense of humor
06[14:53] * nemo passes vad a tissue
[14:53] {Threei} and yes, I am very sensitive... sniff sniff
06[14:54] * Threei looks around from under his palm to see if his act is being bought
[14:54] {nemo} interesting, market weakened, but aig holding
[14:54] {Moose} SEED
[14:55] {Threei} it's not holding nemo, it's consol,idating
[14:55] {nemo} fine
[14:55] {nemo} tomato tomahhhhto
[15:00] {Moose} test
[15:00] {Threei} SEED is quite something
[15:07] {BillyD} can't seem to nail the one explosive move on it
[15:08] {BillyD} or any move for the most part
[15:09] {Threei} no other way to do it but get a feel
[15:09] {Threei} they don't obey technicals
[15:10] {nemo} actually, seed gave to beauties off 12.25 and .65 look at the volume configurations
[15:12] {Threei} true
[15:12] {nemo} ty
[15:13] {Threei} see, I better do what I promise and shut up
[15:13] {nemo} of course, one would question the validity of such a setup when the stock has been momo
[15:16] {Les} cat
[15:17] {Les} ignored CAT upper range movement to my detriment. Thought it was going to drop back down.
[15:18] {Les} ah I see spy exploding
[15:18] {larisa} momo players use technical indicators too, i would think. i do not believe they trade with their feelings only, it would be hard :) "Momentum" indicators do exist.
[15:18] {nemo} does Mags have feelings?
[15:18] {larisa} this is what i am thinking about :)
[15:18] {larisa} not sure how he trades
[15:19] {Threei} anyone finding the way to read such plays, feel free to share
[15:19] {BillyD}
[15:20] {Threei} to me precise in what I see as major difficulty with them:
[15:20] {Threei} to be
[15:20] {Threei} they most often spikes out of nowhere after quiet period of sitting near some support level
[15:20] {Threei} in practice it means that in order to be in such play early,
[15:21] {Threei} you have to enter before any momentum indicator shows anything
[15:21] {Threei} and the sheer speed of those spikes is such that no sane amoun t of chasing is possible
[15:22] {Threei} remember we discusased this manner of spiking on AIG a week or two ago?
[15:22] {Threei} then SEED did pretty much the same quite a feww times
[15:22] {Threei} including today,
[15:22] {Threei} 14:37 and on
[15:23] {BillyD} AMZN
[15:24] {strider} For the magoo plays, would be helpful to enter early, and set stops on both sides of trade.
[15:24] {strider} auto stops
[15:24] {strider} ??
[15:26] {Threei} I am at loss about how to answer it
[15:26] {strider} Did I say something stupid?
[15:26] {Threei} no
[15:26] {Threei} I mean
[15:26] {Threei} I see no obvious connection between these plays and auto stops,
[15:27] {nemo} that was a fat pitch
[15:27] {Threei} and I see the most difficulty with how to find the right entry
[15:27] {Threei} which is not connected to auto stops
[15:27] {strider} oh yeah...there's that.
[15:27] {Threei} so either I don't understand what connection you mean
[15:27] {Les} vad, AMZN!
[15:28] {nemo} or it's as he said
[15:28] {Threei} or you are trying to resolve something other than what I see as main problem
[15:28] {strider} Well, I guess I see the big problem as being getting out on a spike, up or down.
[15:28] {strider} The kind that last half a second.
[15:28] {strider} That's just my particular weakness right now.
[15:29] {strider} Taking the money while it's available.
[15:29] {Threei} magoo solves it by laying out his exit in advance
[15:29] {strider} IOW, putting an offer in.
[15:29] {Threei} but it's not even the only way to do it
[15:29] {strider} ?
[15:29] {Threei} yes
[15:29] {Threei} try this:
[15:30] {Threei} let's say you feel tou are happy with exit at .20,
[15:30] {Threei} stock is spiking into there
[15:30] {Threei} you have price in your ordr bar at .10
[15:30] {Threei} and cursor hovering over Sell
[15:30] {Threei} Limit sell of course
[15:30] {Threei} stock is spiking to .20 and pausing
[15:30] {Threei} you click
[15:31] {Threei} you will swipe .19, .18
[15:31] {Threei} if it's not pausing you don't click
[15:31] {Threei} but you are just as rfeady, and the moment it stalls you click
[15:31] {Threei} wherever it happens
[15:32] {strider} OK} if you're that far away from inside market with your order when you click, why not just use market order?
[15:32] {strider} Will it make a differencce?
[15:33] {Threei} seriosly willing to risk the situation where if you are just a tad late, bids get pulled and you get filled at .00, only to see it immeiately spiking back to .10?
[15:33] {Threei} I don't suggest 10 cents per se,
[15:33] {Threei} I am describing situation where you buy at .10
[15:33] {Threei} stock spikes very fast
[15:33] {Threei} so you don't even have tiome to change the price
[15:34] {Threei} btw, look at another SEED spike from 13.20
[15:34] {Threei} vertical from there... I really don't see any indicator helping with that
[15:39] {larisa} around 15:30?
[15:40] {strider} All I see is that there's really no enthusiasm for selling.
[15:40] {strider} Hence an upside bias.
[15:42] {Threei} yes larisa
[15:42] {strider} my comment refers to the few minutes prior to the spike.
[15:42] {nemo} I just see volume gradually increasing into the price rise, and then it hops up over the bb ma
[15:49] {nemo} stt and hig goosed out of nowhere
[15:50] {Moose} BUCY making nice move up
[15:52] {Les} the jig is up on this session. night all.
[15:53] {Moose} adios Les
[15:53] {Threei} take care Les
[15:54] {Moose} scalped a little BUCY
[15:56] {Threei} okay guys, not too bad start for the week
[15:57] {Threei} thank you all
[15:57] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:57] {nemo} c u
[15:57] {Moose} thanks to you
[15:57] {Moose} cya
[15:57] {strider} thanks vad...
[15:57] {larisa} bye :)
[15:57] {lasertrev} see ya Vad

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov 27 2009

Early bird registration discount for the Bahamas conference runs till November 30. Register here!

Short session worked out for us with three nice and easy scalps: QLTI long, FAZ long, FAZ short... Relaxed way to finish the week and go into weekend.

Session Time: Fri Nov 27 00:00:00 2009

[08:19] {BillyD} GM all
[08:34] {strider} anybody awake?
[08:34] {BillyD} here S
[08:36] {strider} Hi billy
[08:37] {strider} fxp
[08:37] {strider} sorry..wrong keyboard
[08:44] {Les} morning.
[08:45] {Les} or afternoon, depending on your persuasion
[08:47] {Les} so, not such a boring day after all...
[08:50] {Threei} Good morning
[08:51] {Threei} BLTXX UPDATE: Baltic Dry Bulk Index: drops 3.5% (6th straight decline)
[08:51] {strider} morning vad........erp
[08:51] {Threei} wow, 3.5
[08:51] {Threei} strider :)
[08:51] {Threei} JP) Japan Strategy Min: Japanese govt and BoJ will deal with the yen currency together
[08:51] {Threei} - says BoJ recognizes Japanese deflation and knows what to do about it
[08:51] {Threei} good for them
[08:51] {Threei} noone else does
[08:52] {Threei} (FR) France PM Fillon: Resources in Dubai region will ensure problems do not become a second crisis; current issue in Dubai is a continuation of old issues
[08:52] {Threei} (GE) Germany Bundesbank Exec: Economy will 'barely' grow after the year 2020
[08:52] {Threei} hmmm
[08:53] {Threei} what is it going to do between now and then ?
[08:53] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[08:53] {Threei} fern :)
[08:53] {Threei} USD/UAH (UA) Ukraine Dept Central Banker: Could purchase USD in efforts to avoid volatile currency gains
[08:54] {Threei} beautiful... their buying of all of 6 dollars they can buy will rwally support USD
[08:54] {Les} well they can siphon off Russian gas illegally to buy US dollars?
[08:55] {Threei} yes, that may lift their purchasing power to $6.72
[08:55] {Threei} IA) IAEA Envoy: Patience is running low with Iran; cannot continue repeated rounds of unsubstantiated talks
[08:56] {Threei} US) Retail Analyst Dana Telsey: Forecasts holiday sales "flat to slightly up" this year -CNBC
[08:56] {Threei} - Notes that "Black Friday" sets the tone for the holidays
[08:56] {Threei} (IA) Iran says UN resolution jeopardizes condusive environment for discussions
[08:56] {Threei} - Iran will reduce 'goodwill gestures' with IAEA inspectors; studying other options for Tehran research reactor
[08:57] {Les} hmm Ukraine looks like good value in curreny exchange. Anything you can suggest we should go see in Ukraine?
[09:01] {Threei} well... Kiev is a nice city, some of ancient monasteries
[09:02] {Threei} famous Kiev-Pecher Lavra
[09:03] {Les} ouch. the flights aren't cheap though...
[09:04] {Les} bloody european airlines, charge an arm and a leg
[09:04] {Threei} you are kidding
[09:04] {Les} Ukraine got an airline?
[09:04] {Threei} in Canada it's a common knowledge that ours are the most expensive, and Europian ones are cited as example of cheap onwe
[09:04] {Les} ha
[09:05] {Threei} they do
[09:05] {Les} I want to travel to the US, if naught else you can get good flight deals with the US airline industry
[09:05] {Les} during off peak periods
[09:05] {Threei} US used to be cheap
[09:05] {Les} waiting for $ to go somewhat lower
[09:06] {Threei} not anymore, there are a lot of fees and charges for every sneeze
[09:06] {Les} common pheonomena here as well
[09:06] {Les} how do you look at today's opening?
[09:06] {Les} PPT markup coming?
[09:06] {Threei} with passing interest
[09:06] {Les} or big selloff?
[09:06] {Threei} why PPT?
[09:07] {Threei} I mean, is there buying that is not of PPT making?
[09:07] {Threei} or any time market gets bought it must be PPT?
[09:09] {Les} thinking more along lines of maintaining confidence
[09:09] {Threei} just interesting how everyone thinks PPT is capable of anything
[09:10] {Threei} and attributes to it any time dropping market gets bought
[09:10] {Threei} if they really had such overarching powers, how come we got such a brutal selloff a year ago?
[09:10] {Threei} destroying confidence, capital, lifes
[09:11] {Les} 'cause they don't have power of god
[09:12] {Les} buy we do know how to cover our bottoms when the *%it hits the fan
[09:12] {Les} and as we see in Dubai, we're still covering our bottoms
[09:12] {Threei} wasn't last fall the crucial time to cover those bottoms?
[09:12] {Threei} I don't even know what the big deal about Dubai is
[09:13] {Threei} extravagant real estate projects that were questionable even at best times
[09:13] {Threei} blow up in bad times
[09:13] {Threei} not really big financial scaleww
[09:13] {Threei} what is it, 60B?
[09:14] {Threei} I see it this way:
[09:14] {Threei} this Dubai thing is either and excuse to finally start the descent
[09:14] {Threei} or just a trap for bears that see a glim of hope
[09:15] {Les} a trigger or a trap?
[09:15] {Les} hmmm ok
[09:15] {Threei} no one at this point know which it is
[09:15] {bkhmd} gm all
[09:15] {Threei} bkh :)
[09:15] {Les} hey bk
[09:16] {bkhmd} stalking anything?
[09:16] {ese} morning
[09:16] {Threei} ese :)
[09:17] {Les} ese
[09:17] {Threei} thinking of shorting financials into bounce
[09:17] {Threei} WFC is one of those
[09:17] {fernp} PCU, OGE and SPH nice C&H on daily fwiw
[09:17] {ese} les
[09:17] {Threei} FAZ on watch
[09:18] {ese} whats up with the mkt vad.....don't see any news
[09:19] {larisa} gm :)
[09:20] {ese} larisa
[09:20] {Threei} larisa :)
[09:20] {Threei} Dubai ese
[09:20] {larisa} ese, vad :)
[09:20] {Threei} was all over the news yesterday
[09:20] {ese} what happened there......
[09:20] {ese} don't get tv or the news
[09:21] {Threei} dfeault on debt
[09:21] {ese} huh
[09:21] {ese} really
[09:21] {ese} the entire flippin country
[09:22] {Threei} well, Dubai is one of little states within UAE
[09:22] {Les} that beautiful Dubai property scheme they were crowing to the whole world about a few years ago....
[09:22] {Les} is in the toilet.
[09:22] {Les} how that is justice.
[09:22] {ese} yup.....meaning ...of course....the rest of them are probably in default
[09:22] {Threei} I doubt it
[09:23] {Threei} the rest have oil
[09:23] {Threei} Dubai has extravagant real estate projectsa
[09:23] {ese} and dubai doesn't
[09:23] {BillyD} who does Dubai owe money to then? rest of world?
[09:23] {ese} american banks
[09:23] {Les} HSBC
[09:23] {Les} hahaha
[09:23] {Threei} I don't know... but this is interesting question
[09:24] {Threei} everfy time I hear that all the states in the world are in debt, I can't help but wonder
[09:24] {Threei} if ALL of them owe money, who do they owe it to
[09:24] {Threei} and if all of them owe money, then let's just call it even and start anew maybe? :)
[09:24] {strider} Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
[09:24] {BillyD} or, is this newss mkt needs as a reason to sell off
[09:25] {dino} gm all
[09:25] {Threei} on top of it all, to add uncertainty - it's a short session
[09:25] {Threei} dino :)
[09:26] {BillyD} stuff like this just proves "Trading in the Zone" book by Douglas
[09:27] {BillyD} mkt dynamics
[09:27] {dino} citi is on the hook for some thats the big us bank involved
[09:27] {strider} skf
[09:27] {strider} keyboard's mixed up
[09:28] {dino} should have held that gdx short
[09:28] {Threei} yeah
[09:28] {dino} lstza blood
[09:28] {Threei} gold is hit hard
[09:28] {Threei} so is oil
[09:29] {Threei} and thank goodness, loonie
[09:29] {dino} vxx
[09:30] {Threei} let's see if we can get good entry on FAZ
[09:31] {Threei} pullbck under .30
[09:31] {Threei} or break of .40 if .30 is holding
[09:32] {Threei} if loses .30, don't jump in
[09:32] {Threei} let's see where it bottoms out
[09:32] {Threei} then wait for it to form upper limit
[09:32] {Threei} and break it
[09:33] {Threei} so far .30 is forming as break trigger
[09:33] {dino} gaps filled ndx and s/p 11-13 and 11-20
[09:33] {dino} remaing in nov. 11-6; 9936, 1730, 1069.
[09:33] {Threei} Long Setup: FAZ .30 break if holding .20
[09:34] {bkhmd} my quotes correct? DOW -19X?
[09:34] {Threei} 197
[09:34] {Threei} invalidated
[09:35] {Threei} Long Setup: QLTI .65
[09:35] {Threei} if holding above .50
[09:36] {lasertrev} gm
[09:36] {Threei} trev :)
[09:37] {magoo} morn..hoope all had nice holiday
[09:38] {Threei} Long Setup: FAZ .85 break if holding .75
[09:38] {Threei} mags :)
[09:39] {Threei} 1:1 FAZ
[09:39] {fernp} ty
[09:39] {bkhmd} ty
[09:39] {Threei} MGM MIRAGE CNBC's Faber: Sources saying that there is little concern about funding link between Dubai World and MGM's City Center project; City Center has now been fully funded
[09:39] {Threei} - Note: on 11/25 MGM Commented on the Dubai announcement and highlighted that it would have no impact on its CityCenter project
[09:41] {Threei} wat6ching LVS for pullback
[09:43] {Threei} would like to see something like .30 - .40 to get interested
[09:44] {Les} why? is it because of this consolidation zone offering support?
[09:45] {Threei} that would be depth of pullback likely to generate enough buying inetrest again, and it would be close enouigh to support for provide good stop
[09:45] {Les} k
[09:47] {strider} out QLTI +.12
[09:47] {fernp} ty Vad
[09:48] {Threei} 1:1 QLTI
[09:48] {Threei} nice and easy
[09:48] {Threei} never even went under entry point, let alone jeopardizing the stop
[09:48] {Threei} that's how I like them
[09:48] {strider} yeah,, let's just do that kind from now on.
[09:49] {Threei} we need Trev to implement that "do not entry losing trades" button
[09:49] {Threei} do not enter
[09:49] {Les} so Trev is one of "them" is he?
[09:49] {strider} It's the executing mode button in menu bar.
[09:50] {Les} so how do you see LVS now Vad?
[09:50] {Threei} the same
[09:50] {Les} amateurs moved in first thing to buy it up?
[09:50] {Threei} I want good pullback
[09:50] {fernp} HD seems strong
[09:50] {Threei} why amateurs?
[09:51] {Threei} maybe amateurs panicked with their market sell orders,
[09:51] {Threei} and prose are taking advantage of pullback?
[09:51] {Threei} merrily buying from weak hands?
[09:51] {Les} just trying to define how LVS is moving, breathing?
[09:51] {Les} no question mark
[09:54] {ese} haven't seen this before on my screens.....not one alert on Euphoria or JBE ....interesting
[09:54] {strider} Wal-Mart wins Canadian Supreme Court ruling on union suit, Bloomberg reports
[09:54] {strider} Now canucks can buy union suits.
[09:54] {strider} obscure joke....maybe nobody gets it.
[09:54] {Threei} Wal-Mart Stores Inc Canada Supreme Court rules in favor of WMT in suit brought by union over Quebec store closing
[09:54] {Threei} - WMT asked the court to deny a lawsuit that sought to restrict store closings when employees join unions, taking a stance against Quebec's Labor Relations Act. Union workers sued under the Act after Wal-Mart shut their store.
[09:55] {dino} esi sm l .51
[09:55] {Threei} good
[09:55] {Threei} HBC CEO: Confident in Dubai leadership in debt issues; Middle east is an important part of business
[09:55] {Threei} - highlights that the Middle East aspect of their business is only 2% of balance sheet
[09:56] {ese} yup....definitely don't get that one ST......explain
[09:56] {strider} Union suit was the brand name of an old style of long underwear......
[09:56] {ese} ahhhhhhh
[09:56] {dino} lol
[09:56] {strider} Appalachian thing
[09:57] {Raven} thang
[09:58] {strider} exactly.
[10:00] {ese} l appl .50
[10:00] {ese} 1/2
[10:01] {ese} out appl .82
[10:02] {ese} +.32
[10:02] {ese} and i know it will keep going
[10:02] {ese} this is one of them don't get greedy days
[10:02] {Threei} totally
[10:02] {Threei} short day
[10:02] {Threei} can change on a dime
[10:03] {dino} gj es
[10:03] {ese} tks
[10:04] {bkhmd} ese was that appl or aapl?
[10:04] {ese} sorry aapl
[10:05] {ese} the guys who sold me my computer
[10:06] {ese} opps....some jbe alerts on my screen
[10:07] {ese} apwr
[10:07] {ese} was looking at it at .60
[10:07] {ese} didn't have the nerve
[10:09] {Les} for anyone who wants to see what "Dubai" is about - some good pics:
[10:11] {magoo} AWIAV?
[10:12] {fernp} no
[10:13] {magoo} AWIAF? lol
[10:14] {dino} apwr?
[10:14] {ese} wow...
[10:14] {Threei} US Official: US has committed to a package of initiatives on Iran if it does not engage with regards to Nuclear enrichment
[10:15] {ese} i've seen pictures of the water development in the shape of a tree......Mcleans magazine here in canada
[10:16] {ese} packages of initiatives?
[10:16] {Threei} finger-wagging I'd guess is on top of the list
[10:17] {BillyD} CBAK interesting
[10:17] {ese} vad vad vad.........your a funny one you are.......
[10:17] {dino} most likely 3i, and then the classic 500 million bonusif you cooperate
[10:17] {Threei} call me sardonic
[10:18] {strider} sardo
[10:20] {Threei} APWR acts like endless runner
[10:20] {Threei} and I see no news
[10:20] {Threei} one of those grossly exaggerated moves that happen sometimes on a holiday
[10:21] {dino} china doubled budgetenviro budget and possible add toibd 100 index apwr
[10:21] {ese} ya and the news ain't that great.....go figur
[10:22] {ese} l aapl .49
[10:23] {ese} ok out aapl .37
[10:23] {ese} you'll not believe what i just did........
[10:24] {bkhmd} +.37 or out at .37
[10:24] {Threei} drunk whole bottle of vodka and eate the bottle itself?
[10:24] {ese} had the mkt order ready was gonna do it it it broke .50
[10:24] {ese} next thing i know i'm long
[10:25] {ese} inadvertently bought it....damn
[10:25] {ilana} happened to me a few times with limit order as well
[10:26] {ese} i hate it when that happens.....just cost me .12 cents
[10:26] {bkhmd} big shares?
[10:26] {dino} ever hit the sell button and realize you were looking at wrong stock? i have
[10:27] {ese} well i guess if they can stupidly build beyond there means in dubai.......i can stupidly press a button by mistake
[10:27] {ese} no bk 1/2 lot
[10:27] {BillyD} yes dino, cost me 6K 10 yrs ago
[10:28] {bkhmd} ur half lot is couple K? lol
[10:28] {ilana} ever forget you're short and press sell button when wanted to cover? i have
[10:28] {ese} normally.........but not today......
[10:29] {Threei} that's actually a frequent error
[10:29] {ilana} whew, relief
[10:29] {ese} really
[10:29] {ese} i can't remember the last time i did it
[10:29] {Threei} for many who traded mostly on a long side, have ingrained notion of sell as close the trade
[10:29] {Threei} and started trying shorting
[10:30] {ese} hmmmmmmm
[10:30] {ese} ya i can see that
[10:33] {Les} NLST ready to give us a short?
[10:33] {Les} or a bounce?
[10:34] {dino} esi stop to .20
[10:34] {dino} make it .22
[10:34] {Threei} i don't see anything readable on NLST
[10:35] {Les} ok. AONE is soldiering on higher
[10:35] {dino} to .30
[10:37] {dino} to .35
[10:37] {ese} gap reversal screen alerts filling up
[10:37] {ese} guess panic over dubai is over
[10:37] {dino} until they figure out off balance sheet and counter-party exposure
[10:38] {dino} january should be interesting
[10:38] {BillyD} watching RIMM to see if short setup at 58
[10:39] {Threei} Short Setup: FAZ .60 break
[10:39] {ese} i'm thinking Jan is going to be real interesting
[10:39] {Threei} if stays under .70
[10:39] {ese} down big is what i'm expecting
[10:40] {Threei} fade is a valid trade too
[10:41] {dino} out esi .37, +.86
[10:41] {bkhmd} Dino come trade my account WOW Good Work Dude
[10:43] {dino} thx lucky thats all
[10:44] {Threei} lol
[10:44] {ese} l drys .17
[10:44] {Threei} it's a double luck then dino: luck to win and luck to have such a consistent luck
[10:45] {ilana} after how many times luck considered success?
[10:45] {bkhmd} Ok vad lets go back to wednesday and re-vote
[10:45] {Threei} that's a question to be answered at deathbed
[10:45] {Threei} why bkh?
[10:45] {bkhmd} no I understand why you suggested it
[10:46] {bkhmd} slow
[10:46] {Threei} well, we have 2 for 2
[10:46] {bkhmd} yes
[10:46] {Threei} so it was worth waking up
[10:47] {bkhmd} i agree with that
[10:47] {Threei} and you know what... let's trail FAZ to above b/e
[10:47] {Threei} we are close enough to 1:1
[10:47] {Threei} let's cut the risk to idiotically small
[10:48] {strider} out +.008
[10:48] {strider} 08
[10:48] {Threei} 3 for 3 then for you
[10:48] {strider} only taken two trades....
[10:49] {strider} QLTI & FAZ
[10:49] {strider} missed something
[10:49] {Threei} FAZ long earlier
[10:49] {Threei} FAZ short now
[10:49] {strider} yeah...
[10:49] {Threei} and QLTI
[10:49] {Threei} so, let's see
[10:49] {Threei} FAZ+FAZ+QLTI
[10:50] {Threei} yeah, three
[10:50] {bkhmd} lol
[10:50] {dino} distracted. but as for the luck, in this market i believe that profits are luck, losses are skill. too random intraday
[10:52] {BillyD} Vad, when u said fade idea on FAZ short call were you talking buying of short aggressive into the bounce before break down
[10:52] {BillyD} or short aggressive
[10:52] {Threei} no
[10:52] {dino} have to call it a day, taking mon. and tues. off. good luck all
[10:52] {Threei} fade as in:
[10:53] {BillyD} cya dino
[10:53] {Threei} take the opposite side of the setup if it invalidates
[10:53] {bkhmd} take it long
[10:53] {fernp} bye dino
[10:53] {Threei} take care dino, have a good weekend
[10:53] {bkhmd} later dino
[10:53] {Les} ciao dino
[10:53] {dino} :)
[10:53] {Les} wanted to ask you about that Vad
[10:53] {BillyD} ok, got it
[10:53] {Threei} so it would be long on .70 break if never lost .60
[10:53] {Threei} when, finally
[10:53] {fernp} out TY Vad
[10:53] {Threei} out FAZ
[10:53] {Les} ty
[10:53] {Threei} .49
[10:53] {Threei} 3 for 3
[10:54] {Les} ty for the trade and explaining fade move
[10:54] {Threei} sure thing
[10:59] {BillyD} Vad, look at AMZO, nice chart but follow thru is ?
[10:59] {BillyD} AMZN
[11:00] {Threei} I like the chart... had it been normal trading day, I'd call it without hesitation
[11:00] {Les} NLST double top?
[11:00] {BillyD} ty
[11:00] {Threei} or C&H if breaks .50
[11:01] {Les} ah ok
[11:02] {ese} l drys avg .20
[11:03] {Les} CAT found its way back to support again. Impression that someone's supporting this stock. but a setup?
[11:04] {Les} not game today
[11:04] {Threei} support?
[11:04] {Threei} or resistance?
[11:04] {Les} 200 ma on 60 min.
[11:04] {Les} back above
[11:05] {Threei} 58 break was nice legit C&H
[11:05] {Les} gonna stick a big c&h example on edge of my screen...
[11:06] {Threei} (IA) Iran Govt responds to censure; claims resolution by IAEA is of a theatrical nature; 'useless' - state news agency
[11:06] {Threei} hey, first time in my life I agree with Iran
[11:06] {Les} nah, lets bomb em
[11:07] {BillyD} useless rhetoric
[11:11] {Les} you were right vad. double dose resistance 15 min. for CAT. If can break that would like to go long.
[11:11] {Threei} at what price?
[11:12] {larisa} 60 :)
[11:12] {Threei} we have time then
[11:12] {Les} that your trigger price or profit target larisa?
[11:13] {Threei} let me make Larisa's life easier:
[11:13] {Les} CAT stop getting bigger than I wanted.
[11:13] {Threei} {larisa} neither... it's a joke
[11:13] {Threei} I don't undertsnad Les
[11:13] {Threei} describe the play you envision
[11:14] {Les} at moment I spoke of CAT
[11:14] {Threei} yesa
[11:14] {Les} .20 stop
[11:14] {Threei} that's what I am looking at
[11:14] {Threei} which entry?
[11:14] {Les} upon new high
[11:14] {Les} .35
[11:14] {Threei} wow
[11:14] {Les} or .33
[11:14] {Threei} that's an entry I would never go for
[11:15] {ese} ese gives drys forceful nudge with the ictus of directors baton
[11:15] {Threei} this pullback is a valid entry
[11:15] {Threei} that break is not
[11:15] {Les} why?
[11:15] {Les} CAT needs pullback first?
[11:15] {Threei} because it's a top of vertical spike aftre the break
[11:15] {Threei} we buy break of consolidation
[11:15] {Threei} not the break after such spike
[11:16] {ese} thats the pointy part for you musical laymen
[11:16] {Threei} look at 1 min chart'
[11:16] {larisa} 15 and 60 min charts are too long horizon for me. I think for scalping multiple frames will confuse you a lot of times. And what 15min chart player sees as support/res, for scalper can mean opposite. it is like comparing aaples and peaches.
[11:16] {Les} y
[11:16] {strider} ese, you're just talking dirty again.
[11:16] {Threei} 11:03, break of 58, C&H formation
[11:16] {Threei} quick move to above .30
[11:17] {ese} never thought of it that way
[11:17] {Threei} which is 1:3 for that break
[11:17] {Les} y
[11:17] {Les} ok. never thought of it like that
[11:17] {Threei} do you want to go long at 1:3 without new consolidation first?
[11:17] {Threei} if yes, then think of it this way:
[11:18] {Threei} is there any spike you wouldn't want to buy at the top?
[11:18] {Threei} what would it have to be, 1:5? 1:10?
[11:18] {Les} ok so we buy break from consolidation, not an extension of the break itself
[11:19] {Threei} we SELL into those spikes!
[11:19] {fernp} Don't you have TTR?, Les
[11:19] {Les} so that's what I'm doing wrong :O
[11:20] {Les} y
[11:20] {Threei} get back to basics Les
[11:20] {Threei} crowd chases spikes
[11:20] {Threei} spikes reverse on the crowd
[11:20] {Threei} crowd gets creamed
[11:20] {Threei} smart money buys before the spikes
[11:20] {Threei} smart money sells into spikes to the crowd
[11:21] {Les} y. now we speak of it ttr trade examples come back to mind
[11:21] {Threei} smart money trakes crowd's money
[11:21] {Threei} be smart money
[11:21] {Threei} eschew being the crowd
[11:21] {larisa} whats eschew
[11:21] {Les} so with CAT chart in front of me
[11:21] {Threei} two answers larisa
[11:21] {Threei} 1. it's a sneeze sound
[11:22] {Threei} 2. it's a fancy word for "avoid"
[11:22] {Les} where are interesting consolidation zones for you?
[11:22] {Threei} pick what you like :)
[11:22] {larisa} I like both
[11:22] {Threei} you can have both
[11:22] {Threei} it's Thanksgiving, I am kind
[11:23] {bkhmd} Les are you on a one minute chart?
[11:24] {BillyD} Hey guys/gals, have a good wknd, gotta run
[11:24] {bkhmd} later Billy
[11:24] {Threei} take care billy, have a great weekend
[11:24] {larisa} bye Billy :)
[11:24] {Threei} I don't understand the question Les
[11:25] {fernp} bye billy
[11:25] {ilana} bye billy
[11:26] {bkhmd} if I may Les look at the CAT 1 min starting at around 10:20 forward starts a dented ugly cup and handle consolidation just under 58
[11:26] {bkhmd} break of 58 would have been a good start
[11:27] {Threei} beautiful bkh
[11:27] {bkhmd} previous support at 57.89
[11:27] {Threei} perfect description of the setup
[11:27] {bkhmd} with could have given us a fair stop
[11:27] {bkhmd} i wasnt watching it at the time
[11:39] {Threei} market is in its normal freeze
[11:43] {bkhmd} im gonna paper trade and practice range trading
[11:45] {Threei} I am gonna sleep with my eyes open and practice pretending that I am wide awake
[11:45] {bkhmd} toothpics work well
[11:45] {Threei} actually I have it down to art
[11:45] {Threei} trading in my sleep for years and you never suspcted
[11:45] {bkhmd} yes i did
[11:45] {bkhmd} lol
[11:46] {Threei} other than my suspiciously bad typing
[11:46] {fernp} Today I am running Laser in windows 7. Works fine. fwiw :-)
[11:46] {strider} Vad is artistically reclined.
[11:46] {Threei} but I made a point to type just as bad in rare instances when I am awake
[11:46] {Threei} so you can't tell
[11:47] {Threei} fern, the early adopter
[11:47] {strider} fern, do you have a computer dedicated to just Laser?
[11:47] {Threei} I will switch to W7 in a few more versions, lol
[11:47] {fernp} yes
[11:47] {Les} sorry quick taxi trip
[11:47] {bkhmd} DOS rules eh VAD?
[11:47] {strider} I'm still on XP pro.
[11:47] {Les} yes I recognise consolidation break out.
[11:47] {Threei} lol
[11:48] {Threei} XP Pro 64 bit here
[11:48] {Threei} nice, smooth, fast
[11:48] {fernp} Yes I use widows xp 64 too
[11:48] {Threei} what else do I need
[11:48] {Threei} only when they stop supporting it will I consider change
[11:48] {Les} but if CAT had broken through to new highs, that would be chasing for you, would it Vad?
[11:48] {fernp} That happened a month ago, Vad
[11:49] {Les} yes here too. XP until no further support.
[11:49] {Threei} you mean if it broke that .333 area? yes, that would have been a whole lot of chasing
[11:49] {Threei} just as .10 or .20
[11:51] {magoo} SEED boss
[11:51] {magoo} nuts
[11:51] {strider} On Wednesday, however, Microsoft said consumers who still have Windows XP running after April 2009 will be entitled to five more years of "extended support."
[11:51] {strider}
[11:52] {bkhmd} awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[11:52] {Threei} toughie mags
[11:52] {Threei} no that crazy pace
[11:52] {fernp} Microsoft may have little choice but to support XP for an extended period since most of its business customers have not upgraded to Windows Vista.
[11:52] {Threei} that gives away the momo
[11:53] {fernp} Microsoft Pledges Windows XP Support Through 2014
[11:53] {Threei} cool... 2014 it is
[11:53] {fernp} yeah
[11:53] {Threei} and if they continue making crappy new OSs, maybe even longer
[11:54] {strider} So MSFT will support XP two years after the end of the world...that's dedication to their product.
[11:54] {fernp} lol
[11:55] {fernp} im going to watch that movie tonight
[11:56] {Threei} do you like special effects fern?
[11:56] {fernp} yes
[11:56] {Threei} would you enjoy the movie that is entirely shot for them, and the plot is there only to stitch them together?
[11:57] {fernp} no, i get tired
[11:57] {Threei} hmmm
[11:57] {Threei} then you may not like it as much :)
[11:57] {Threei} but if you suceed in turning your brain off
[11:58] {Threei} and letting your eyes enjoy it
[11:58] {Threei} you wqill l,ove the movie
[11:58] {Les} so its like watching election campaign
[11:58] {fernp} I'll think only in the popcorns...
[11:58] {fernp} lol
[11:59] {Threei} it's a total eye candy
[11:59] {Threei} not mind candy though :)
[11:59] {fernp} i like movies like matrix, plot and effects
[11:59] {Threei} since I am very good at turning brain off, I enjoyed it very much
[12:00] {fernp} one of my favorites movies is The Game
[12:00] {Threei} with Douglas?
[12:00] {fernp} yeah
[12:00] {strider} oh, yeah....,me too, fern.
[12:02] {Threei} tough to pick absolute winner, many are good... but if I absolutely had to, it would probably be Once upon a Time in America
[12:02] {Threei} or Pulp Fiction
[12:02] {fernp} i like that one
[12:02] {fernp} the first
[12:02] {fernp} Once's upon...
[12:03] {ilana} that's my winner too
[12:03] {Threei} US Treasury and Fed to delay internet gambling ban effective date for 6 months to June 1
[12:03] {ilana} watched it 3-4 times and each time get it ifferently
[12:04] {Threei} true
[12:04] {Threei} one ofd those that you perceive differently over the years
[12:04] {Threei} actually, goes for both
[12:05] {Threei} BoA analyst comments on Dubai: markets may be overreacting, but the situation does have some broader implications (timing uncertain)
[12:05] {Threei} - "There is no doubt that this episode has hurt sentiment towards the Gulf, and UAE in particular, and this lack of confidence will make it very difficult for the UAE to issue new debt to finance the approx $21.2B of Dubai World debt maturing in the next three years. Whilst we think the reaction in the markets yesterday may have been an overreaction given the size and relative importance of Dubai to the global economy,
[12:05] {Threei} this episode does have some broader implications. It serves as a stark reminder as to just how sensitive global markets are to bad news, particularly on a thin tape. This will certainly make governments and central banks even more cautious about their stimulus withdrawal and the methods in which they choose to communicate the exit strategies to the market. The market action over the last two days shows that despite the outsized returns since the March lows the market remains ready and willing to punish mistakes."
[12:08] {Threei} US Obama Administration 'monitoring closely' the developments in Dubai situation - CNBC
[12:09] {Threei} lol... demosntrate first that you are capable of monitoring who enters your highly guarded state dinners
[12:09] {bkhmd} he was never in harm
[12:09] {bkhmd} lol
[12:10] {strider} AMZN short?
[12:10] {Threei} no way to tell...
[12:10] {Threei} fairly random
[12:11] {strider} descending triangle
[12:11] {Threei} more or less...
[12:11] {Threei} problem is,
[12:12] {Threei} while upper limit for stop placement is defined quite nicely
[12:12] {Threei} trigger for the tyrade is very fuzzy
[12:12] {Threei} so, we have second part:
[12:12] {Threei} "if stays below .50"
[12:12] {Threei} but what is the first?
[12:13] {strider} .20 looks pretty good to me. No?
[12:13] {magoo} depends also if IF mkt rips up into close or not
[12:13] {Threei} 30 cents stop?
[12:13] {Threei} and count on drop under 132?
[12:13] {strider} yeah
[12:13] {fernp} I told my wife that the film is not very good, and she has thrown me a shoe at head ... I think I'll go to watch it
[12:14] {Threei} and all this on a stock that pretty much depends on the market
[12:14] {Threei} was it a stiletto fern?
[12:14] {fernp} yes
[12:14] {Threei} cool
[12:14] {Threei} it's a very sexy way to die
[12:15] {bkhmd} with film are we talking about
[12:15] {fernp} but i've ... how is your word
[12:15] {Threei} stiletto thrown at your head by a woman with deadly accuracy
[12:15] {Threei} which takes us to another good movie: Kill Bill
[12:15] {bkhmd} then u would have to change ur name to one eye Vad
[12:15] {Threei} 2012, bk
[12:16] {fernp} i've eschewed the shoe is that correct? :-)
[12:17] {Threei} yes :)
[12:17] {Threei} now embrace the movie
[12:17] {strider} my dog eshewed my shoe once. Gave him hell for it.
[12:17] {fernp} lol
[12:18] {larisa} if market does not close under -200+, lets make vad wear stilettos all weekend :)
[12:18] {Threei} oh good, no tutu then
[12:19] {larisa} but it will, do not worry vad :)
[12:19] {Threei} well, but if it doesn't, cocnut bra for you?
[12:20] {larisa} no, too cold here
[12:20] {magoo} any read APWR vad?
[12:20] {Threei} down feels more probable mags but no setup that I see
[12:21] {magoo} wow..i thought up
[12:21] {Threei} ideally, I'd love it to come down to .50, consolidate a bit, then break it down
[12:21] {Threei} that would be the one I'd take
[12:22] {Les} today was informative. more time studying your setups vad in future, less thinking about money. Friends are around and the bottle open. have a good weekend.
[12:23] {Threei} larisa, what kind of excuse is that... can use fur lining
[12:23] {Threei} you too Les, have a good one
[12:23] {larisa} bye les :)
[12:23] {fernp} bye Les
[12:24] {magoo} bye les
[12:24] {Threei} I for one will have no problem wearing those stilettoes inside of fur jackboot
[12:26] {Threei} weather finally settles down here... sun second day in a row
[12:26] {fernp} gotta go. have a nice weekend everybody. See you all on monday
[12:26] {Threei} have fun fern, tell us how you liked the movie
[12:26] {fernp} i'll do
[12:28] {magoo} vad, look AMZN chart here
[12:29] {Threei} yes
[12:29] {bkhmd} later fern good weekend
[12:29] {Threei} held under .50, dropped
[12:39] {strider} thanks guys. I'm gonna take my 20 cents and go home........
[12:39] {strider} wait, I am home.
[12:42] {Threei} QLTI UPDATE: RBC Raised QLTI to Outperform from Sector Perform, price target: $6
[12:42] {Threei} I knew there was the reason we played QLTI
[12:42] {Threei} it's just the the reasin came after we profited from it
[12:42] {strider} No...I think your playing it resulted in the upgrade.
[12:42] {Threei} oh
[12:43] {strider} news travels fast.
[12:43] {Threei} so, all this hoopla turns out the storm in a teacup
[12:43] {Threei} at least for now
[12:43] {Threei} Dow -125
[12:43] {Threei} big deal
[12:44] {Threei} Monday will be more interesting
[12:44] {strider} yeah
[12:44] {strider} When the male hysterics get back to work.
[12:44] {Threei} lol
[12:44] {Threei} but again... 3 winning plays made the day worth coming in
[12:45] {strider} It did....even if I only got two of them.
[12:45] {strider} See y'all Monday......So long from appalachia.
[12:46] {Threei} have a good weekend
[12:46] {bkhmd} later Stride
[12:47] {magoo} we'll be out hunting next week vad so u know
[12:47] {Threei} have fun
[12:47] {Threei} bear?
[12:47] {Threei} deer?
[12:47] {magoo} deer now
[12:47] {Threei} cool
[12:48] {magoo} coolio lol
[12:48] {Threei} okay guys, let's have a nice relaxing weekend
[12:48] {magoo} ty
[12:48] {Threei} see you all on Monday
[12:48] {larisa} bye :)
[12:48] {bkhmd} thanks VAD
[12:48] {bkhmd} take care
[12:59] {larisa} 2 min to lose 50 points. go DOW :)
[12:59] {bkhmd} wow
[13:00] {larisa} lazy market! bye all! :)

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nov 25, 2009

Extremely low volume and narrow day where we struggled to find any trades. We elected to remain relaxed and a bit goofy... the result is just that - goofy, and the room voted to keep this log to ourselves. Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers!

Early bird registration discount for the Bahamas conference runs till November 30. Register here!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov 24 2009

Very narrow action with few setups. Just 4 official calls one of which was stopped. The rest of excitement was provided by momentum in SEED, AONE, JAZZ

Session Time: Tue Nov 24 00:00:00 2009

[08:04] {magoo} morning
[08:04] {Threei} mags, don't look at SEED
[08:04] {strider} morning magoo.....
[08:04] {magoo} now u know i have 2
[08:05] {magoo} hi was yesterday?
[08:05] {Threei} you would be all over it yesterday
[08:05] {Threei} exactly your kind of play
[08:05] {strider} a little green here.......missed you.
[08:07] {BillyD} GM all
[08:07] {Threei} billy :)
[08:07] {BillyD} SEED non-stop
[08:07] {nemo} hello
[08:07] {Threei} nemo :)
[08:10] {Threei} US) Preview: Q3 Preliminary GDP Annualized and Personal Consumption due at 8:30 am
[08:10] {Threei} - GDP Annualized: +2.8%e v +3.5% prior (Analyst range from +2.4% to +3.5%)
[08:10] {Threei} - Personal Consumption: +3.2%e v 3.4% Prior (Analyst range from 2.7% to +3.4%)
[08:10] {Threei} (US) Preview: Q3 Preliminary GDP Price Index and Core PCE Q/Q due at 8:30 am
[08:10] {Threei} - GDP Price Index: 0.8%e v 0.8% prior
[08:10] {Threei} - Core PCE Q/Q: 1.4%e v 1.4% Q2 prior
[08:14] {nemo} ceph might be worth an eye today
[08:15] {strider} I held overnight from 54.00
[08:15] {nemo} nice...ight be a give back on the open though
[08:16] {strider} waiting for it to trade a bit more......may sell prior
[08:17] {strider} AMZN gapped up after strong day yesterday.
[08:17] {magoo} was yesterday a strong day?
[08:19] {BillyD} nickel and dime trades except for SEED Magoo
[08:22] {strider} MBTrading still the same.......issues a message: "Please do not trade out of erroneous positions." :)
[08:30] {Threei} *(US) Q3 PRELIMINARY GDP Q/Q ANNUALIZED: 2.8% V 2.8%E;
[08:30] {Threei} CORE PCE Q/Q: 1.3% V 1.4%E
[08:30] {Threei} PERSONAL CONSUMPTION: 2.9% V 3.2
[08:30] {Threei} *(US) Q3 PRELIMINARY GDP PRICE INDEX: 0.5% V 0.8%E
[08:32] {Threei} NSPH FDA Clearance to Update the Package Insert for Its Respiratory Virus Assay to Include Reactivity With Influenza A in Cultured Clinical Isolates Containing 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus
[08:32] {Les} afternoon Vad.
[08:33] {Les} SEED still going
[08:33] {Threei} hi Les
[08:33] {bkhmd} morning all
[08:33] {Les} bk
[08:33] {Threei} TiVo Inc Signs audience research partnership deal with Google
[08:33] {Threei} - Entered into an audience research agreement with Google whereby Google will license and integrate TiVo television viewing data into its measurement of audiences for advertisements sold through Google TV Ads(TM) platform.
[08:33] {Threei} - Terms of the deal are not disclosed.
[08:33] {Threei} nk :)
[08:33] {Threei} bk
[08:39] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[08:39] {Threei} fern :)
[08:39] {nemo} hola
[08:39] {bkhmd} fern
[08:40] {fernp} hola a todos
[08:41] {Les} that's closer to french than I imagined fern - salut
[08:41] {Les} bonjour a tous
[08:45] {strider} Cat interview on CNBC, nemo
[08:47] {strider} AMZN retraced morning gap
[08:56] {strider} out CEPH, 1.03, small overnight
[08:57] {strider} not much pre-market in anything I see.
[08:57] {cosmo} CAT may be next major auto maker
[08:58] {cosmo} ever go out on a date in a bobcat?
[08:59] {strider} with a bobcat? uh-huh.
[08:59] {ese} morning
[09:00] {cosmo} NASCAR bobcat cup
[09:00] {magoo} alot of numbers at 10 am vad, keep in mind
[09:03] {Threei} ese :)
[09:03] {nemo} dude
[09:03] {Threei} 10:00 Oct Consumer Confidence (last 47.7), Oct Richmond Fed Manufacturing (last 7), Q3 House Price Index q/q (last -0.7%), Sept House Price Index m/m (last -0.3%)
[09:04] {ese} dude
[09:05] {ese} whats hot boys and girls
[09:05] {Les} Magoo, ciao, is SEED in play today?
[09:06] {BillyD} maybe WFC will break down today with some follow thru
[09:09] {dino} gm all
[09:09] {Threei} dino :)
[09:10] {magoo} definately watching SEED yes, but who knows, may be done..may be a short
[09:11] {strider} Brocade CEO denies it was up for sale, Reuters reports :
[09:12] {strider} so there you go.
[09:13] {Les} ADI up on earnings release but it may have found resistance at present price. 29 seems to be formidable barrier
[09:13] {larisa} gm :)
[09:14] {Threei} larisa :)
[09:14] {larisa} :)
[09:14] {nemo} lari :)
[09:14] {larisa} vad, nemo :)
[09:18] {ese} wonder if rimm has covered enough of the gap between 49.00 and 58.00
[09:18] {ese} any opinions
[09:18] {magoo} been a dog RIMM
[09:18] {ese} definitely
[09:19] {ese} was going going to buy 1k of it if it ever got to 50.00
[09:19] {Threei} worked like charm for our very firsat trade yesterday
[09:19] {ese} but don't trust it until it does
[09:20] {ese} ya noticed that
[09:20] {ese} was that yesterday or friday
[09:21] {ese} aye...sheesh......loosing track of time here
[09:22] {ese} lt
[09:23] {Threei} you do know who is on TV, right?
[09:23] {bkhmd} Melissa Lee?
[09:23] {nemo} Lindsey Lohan?
[09:24] {lasertrev} morning
[09:24] {cosmo} howdy doody?
[09:24] {ese} lol
[09:25] {strider} Mr. Bluster
[09:25] {magoo} i missed him vad, good to see (NOT)
[09:25] {cosmo} cosmo topper?
[09:25] {Threei} trev :)
[09:25] {ese} huh....whos mr bluster
[09:25] {strider} marionette on the Howdy Doody show.
[09:26] {strider} grumpy old guy.
[09:26] {bkhmd} Vads not grumpy
[09:26] {bkhmd} always
[09:26] {bkhmd} stop that strider
[09:26] {BillyD} Vad, anything stand out?
[09:26] {strider} I was in love with Princess SummerFallWinterSpring.
[09:26] {ese} ahhhh ya .......can barely remember it
[09:26] {Threei} aside of SEED and TIVO uduasl suspects only
[09:27] {Threei} usual too
[09:27] {BillyD} WFC gapping down thru resistance of .90 area
[09:27] {Threei} yeah, probably a short candidate at some point
[09:31] {Threei} Short Setup: WFC .85 break if stays under .95
[09:31] {Threei} as a first try
[09:33] {Threei} 1:1 will bwe half out for me
[09:33] {bkhmd} ty
[09:33] {bkhmd} out
[09:33] {fernp} out here TY
[09:34] {Threei} pesky scalpers
[09:34] {nemo} ty
[09:34] {Threei} SEED... that dive into .80- .90 was it but way too fast
[09:35] {Threei} FEED is trying to follow
[09:35] {Threei} who partiasls, WFC stop to above b/e
[09:36] {strider} amzn big dump
[09:37] {magoo} was just gonna say that stryder..nice pick up
[09:39] {Threei} SEED, .30-.40 zone should provide bounce
[09:40] {Threei} Case: US housing signs in CA are showing signs of stabilization
[09:40] {Threei} US) Preview: Nov Consumer Confidence due out at 10amET
[09:40] {Threei} **consensus expectation: 47.3e v 47.7 prior (most estimates range between 45-49)
[09:40] {Threei} US) Preview: Nov Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index due out at 10amET
[09:40] {Threei} **Consensus expectation: 8e v 7 prior
[09:41] {Threei} (US) Preview: Q3 House Price Index due out at 10amET
[09:41] {Threei} - QoQ: 0.3%e v -0.7% prior
[09:41] {dino} cbrl
[09:41] {BillyD} NLST
[09:41] {magoo} NLST
[09:41] {strider} out wfc last half flat
[09:43] {BillyD} just enough to stop WFC
[09:44] {strider} FAS not following qqqq up
[09:44] {Threei} watch SEED
[09:46] {Les} bullish falling wedge on FEED?
[09:47] {Threei} one more leg down SEED
[09:48] {Threei} Long Setup: SEED .45 break
[09:48] {Threei} ugh
[09:48] {Threei} ok
[09:49] {Threei} same setup
[09:49] {Threei} if stays above .30
[09:49] {Threei} 1:1
[09:49] {fernp} ty
[09:49] {BillyD} out ty
[09:49] {bkhmd} missed it
[09:49] {Threei} wow
[09:49] {Les} adrenalin rush cool ty out
[09:50] {Threei} gave ample time
[09:50] {strider} +.16 SEED
[09:50] {BillyD} it cane back and picked me up
[09:50] {Threei} twice
[09:51] {fernp} same here Billy
[09:51] {Threei} .30 - .40 bounce zone forecasted well in advance worked like charm
[09:51] {Threei} rare case with momo movers
[09:51] {Threei} WFC, mama
[09:52] {BillyD} yeah, WFC oh well, we had its weakness pegged though
[09:52] {BillyD} it barely hit 1:1 and barely hit trailing stop
[09:53] {Les} VAd, we looking at severe spy breakdown?
[09:53] {Les} sentiment seems somewhat negative...
[09:54] {Threei} so far yes
[09:54] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .40 break half lot
[09:55] {Threei} if stays above .30
[09:55] {strider} seed
[09:55] {fernp} numbers in 5min
[09:56] {Threei} invalidated
[09:56] {Les} tried to fade RIMM too quick for me
[09:56] {Threei} let's wait out this set of numbers, too many of them
[09:56] {bkhmd} consumer confidence and what else?
[09:56] {Threei} scroll up the floor
[09:57] {Threei} too many to repost
[09:57] {Threei} EUR/USD Dealer chatter the Consumer confidence data will be below the 47.3 expectations by a 'few points' prompting some risk aversion sentiment
[09:57] {Threei} - Whisper number is a 45 handle
[09:57] {bkhmd} ty
[09:58] {magoo} SEED should take v12
[09:59] {cosmo} NLST again....
[09:59] {cosmo} wants 7
[09:59] {ese} dino you have anything on your min up/dn 2.00 screen
[09:59] {dino} long, dltr, cbrl
[10:00] {ese} tks
[10:00] {Threei} US) NOV CONSUMER CONFIDENCE: 49.5 V 47.3E
[10:00] {ese} CC beats
[10:00] {bkhmd} Dino I was watchng DLTR whats ur entry
[10:00] {Threei} US) Q3 HOUSE PRICE INDEX Q/Q: 0.2% V 0.3%E
[10:00] {nemo} delusions win
[10:00] {strider} +.18 FAS
[10:01] {dino} fdo hl l .80
[10:01] {Threei} FDIC Deposit fund had negative $8.2B balance in Q3
[10:01] {Les} ouch
[10:03] {dino} confidence inspiring
[10:03] {BillyD} is that all the numbers??
[10:03] {Les} NLST ascending triangle?
[10:03] {cosmo} NLST salmon ladder @ 7 fwiw
[10:05] {strider} long FDO .77
[10:05] {strider} stop .69
[10:05] {Threei} is it not enough billy?? :)
[10:05] {BillyD} lol....
[10:06] {dino} ceph hl l .00 stop lod
[10:06] {cosmo} salmon ladders are like pivots
[10:06] {BillyD} want to know if the dust will be settling
[10:06] {BillyD} and not kicked up again
[10:06] {cosmo} or they should be...
[10:08] {strider} out FDO
[10:08] {strider} stop was too tight.
[10:08] {BillyD} if NLST can hold .90 area and take .05 may be worth half lot
[10:09] {BillyD} Big IF
[10:11] {strider} QQQQ broken yesterday's lows
[10:11] {dino} fwlt hl l .75 stop .48
[10:15] {ese} l ceph .81 pullback sm
[10:15] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .40 break half lot
[10:15] {Threei} daja vu
[10:15] {Threei} a=e
[10:16] {fernp} stop Vad?
[10:16] {Threei} if stays above .25 for invalidation
[10:16] {Threei} but if bounces from here, .30
[10:16] {fernp} thanks
[10:16] {ese} out ceph .71 stopped
[10:17] {ese} -.10
[10:17] {dino} sorry
[10:18] {ese} not apologizing to me i hope
[10:19] {ese} thought it had an even shot at bouncing....ala double bottom on 1min cht
[10:19] {Threei} 1:1 blinked for like nanosecond
[10:19] {fernp} ty I have my fill at .50. prited there?
[10:19] {ese} i was small....300shs......30bucks plus commis
[10:20] {dino} :)
[10:20] {Threei} it did fern
[10:20] {fernp} oh well, TY very much
[10:20] {Threei} ummm
[10:20] {Threei} why oh well??
[10:20] {fernp} well, UAAAAAU!!!!
[10:22] {cosmo} lots of bears at the ladder it seems
[10:23] {Threei} waiting for salmon to swim by
[10:23] {cosmo} easy pickings too
[10:25] {cosmo} bears eating them back
[10:27] {strider} QQQQ broken yesterday's lows
[10:27] {strider}
[10:27] {strider} Rimm stop still at. 30?
[10:28] {Threei} yeah
[10:28] {Threei} it touched 1:1 twice by now
[10:28] {Les} Vad, 3rd time lucky b/o of NLST?
[10:28] {Threei} no exit?
[10:29] {Threei} doesn't look too encouraging to me, NLST
[10:29] {strider} dummy me...I was thinking it was a .15 stop.....I guess because of the 1`/2 lot.
[10:29] {strider} sigh.
[10:29] {cosmo} NLST bears getting full imo
[10:30] {ilana} can you explain why NLST doesn't look too encouraging
[10:30] {strider} Boy I sure blew that trade.
[10:30] {magoo} shake it off..NEXT
[10:31] {strider} :}
[10:31] {Threei} instead of making higher highs and higher lows, NLST makes both,
[10:31] {Threei} higher highs and lower lows
[10:31] {cosmo} high volume distribution .... churning behavior.....
[10:31] {Threei} expnading range
[10:31] {Threei} not my favorite way to say the least
[10:32] {Threei} shakes you out on both, breakouts and breakdowns,
[10:32] {Threei} and doesn't allow for range trade as range is broken both directions
[10:32] {Threei} solid 1:1 this time RIMM
[10:32] {strider} rub it in vad. :)
[10:33] {Threei} you dumped it?
[10:33] {strider} yep
[10:33] {bkhmd} stride ur stop of .30 wasnt taken out correct?
[10:33] {Threei} oh, it touched under .30... sheesh, sorry
[10:33] {bkhmd} oh
[10:33] {larisa} it did go under 30 for a sec
[10:33] {Threei} yes, I see it now
[10:33] {strider}
[10:33] {nemo} seed broke support
[10:33] {strider} I think Trev had something to do with that.
[10:35] {bkhmd} thanks trev got it
[10:37] {dino} enoc
[10:38] {Les} seed almost ready to short
[10:38] {strider} interesting daily...enoc
[10:38] {nemo} nuva running
[10:38] {lasertrev} ok
[10:39] {dino} beat up yesterday nuva
[10:41] {BillyD} DRAM, a bit jumpy with spread
[10:41] {BillyD} daily look snice
[10:42] {strider} enoc doesn't believe in pullbacks.
[10:42] {Les} CAT rebounding like you pointed out yesterday Nemo?
[10:43] {nemo} Moth memory can't remember what I said, but when it broke above .60 was major support/resitance
[10:45] {Threei} here is what this market needs:
[10:45] {Threei} The best medical minds of the 16th century prescribed bloodletting as a means to "rebalance the body's humors"
[10:46] {cosmo} sweating works better
[10:46] {Les} we have that equivelant of medicine vad. today its called economics...
[10:48] {Threei} General Motors Corp Reportedly talks to sell Saab to Koenigsegg have fallen apart - CNBC
[10:48] {Threei} **Note: On 8/17, it was reported that Koenigsegg need to secure about $300M in funding to complete the transaction.
[10:48] {Threei} first Saturn, now Saab
[10:49] {Threei} how come no one wants to buy any of those excellent car lines GM collected over decades?
[10:49] {Threei} oh wait...
[10:49] {BillyD} same reason no one wants to buy the cars
[10:49] {nemo} funny...TCM still uses bloodletting, but you remove drops of blood from specific acupuncture points
[10:49] {Threei} scary thought... could be, just maybe... they are not... that excel... no,, I can't even finish that
[10:50] {Les} Saab's are ok. Rather quirky design though. A scandinavian thing...
[10:51] {Threei} maybe for Europe... here their sheer size is ridiculous
[10:51] {fernp} do u like TGT if breaks .50, Vad?
[10:51] {cosmo} the Sonit was my favorite
[10:52] {Threei} for a scalp, mayube...
[10:52] {Threei} if market jumps
[10:52] {fernp} ok
[10:52] {cosmo} sonnet
[10:52] {Threei} lukewarm to say honestly
[10:53] {Threei} just buy smart car cosmo... you know you want it
[10:53] {Threei} and you have no snow... one of two things that make it not so smart
[10:53] {Les} descending triangle on WFC?
[10:53] {fernp} i'll pass TGT
[10:54] {larisa} forget cars, sales of luxury yachts are up 200%. vad did you buy yours?
[10:54] {Threei} it just follows market tick by tick right now Les
[10:54] {Les} k
[10:54] {Threei} no significance to its own formation at this point
[10:55] {Threei} no larisa... those yachts I like are too high maintenance :)
[10:55] {Threei} require crew
[10:55] {dino} lol
[10:56] {Les} c&h aig?
[10:56] {BillyD} Vad, put Cap't Nemo to work
[10:57] {Threei} not really AIG
[10:57] {larisa} small boat painted brightly like they do in the Carribean will work too :) next to small house over there
[10:57] {Les} sorry. its following spy as well
[10:57] {cosmo} 1956 Saab Sonett I Super Sport might be a good investment about now
[10:58] {cosmo}
[10:58] {larisa} AIG was worth a try off 34.30 support, but was so slow and paceless
[10:59] {ilana} SEED .95 breakdown with market drop?
[10:59] {ilana} late
[10:59] {nemo} see the break of the trend line on seed at 11.10 ilana?
[10:59] {Les} let's see if we get it at .80 trigger
[10:59] {Les} wow
[11:00] {Threei} if you are looking to short SEED, better do it at the points like nemo indicated
[11:00] {nemo} ouch!!!
[11:00] {larisa} lol
[11:01] {nemo} fell off my chair
[11:01] {ilana} lol
06[11:01] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a large chair - that same nemo just fell off
[11:01] {Threei} feeling better?
[11:01] {ilana} wouldn't it be too agressive?
[11:02] {Threei} it would,
06[11:02] * nemo nemo crawls in cave...closes door...grabs teddy...pulls blanket over head
[11:02] {Threei} but the point is:
[11:02] {Threei} this speed of decline cuts both ways,
[11:02] {nemo} especially on a stock everybody's watching
[11:02] {Threei} and if you short into vertical drop, it's very easy to get caught in hysterical counterspike
[11:02] {dino} seed drop
[11:03] {nemo} where you been dino?
[11:03] {Threei} first break of th uptrend though, even if you end uip on a wrong side carries way smaller stop
[11:03] {Threei} lol dino... that dial-up is really slow
[11:03] {dino} lol
[11:03] {nemo} I think he's using carrier pigeons
[11:03] {dino} i was in the future, sorry, just got back
[11:04] {Threei} did you bring tomorrow's WSJ?
[11:04] {larisa} whats AMZN price in the future?
[11:04] {larisa} lol vad
[11:04] {dino} wall st. was out of business. amzn was taken over
[11:04] {tomg} bce vad?
[11:05] {dino} and saturn is still losing $ for gm
[11:05] {Threei} way too narrow tom
[11:05] {Threei} 30 cents whole range
[11:06] {tomg} ty
[11:07] {cosmo} cien tests hod 12.42
[11:08] {ese} is it my imagination.....or is there really nothing going on......finding something to trade is like finding the perverbial needle in a haystack deal today
[11:08] {Les} HGSI making a new high
[11:09] {dino} ceph waking up now
[11:10] {ese} is it ever
[11:11] {dino} off of .00?
[11:12] {ese} hmmmmmm
[11:12] {Les} damn. seed not shortable IB
[11:12] {nemo} this is bounce area for seed les
[11:12] {ese} i'm watching the qqqq ...if it makes a break for it above 44....i'll go long ceph
[11:13] {dino} i'm going break of .00
[11:13] {ese} i'm in ..99
[11:14] {ese} changed my mind
[11:14] {ese} l ceph .99
[11:15] {Les} yeh i see yesterdays support. was looking for .5 but...
[11:15] {dino} don't woryy, les is more
[11:16] {nemo} bad....anyway...ceph been having real problems with 55
[11:16] {dino} you must luv walmart les, you get to use the 20 items or les line
[11:16] {nemo} wow dino...
[11:16] {Les} ?
[11:17] {ese} lol
[11:17] {nemo} dino's on fire today les
[11:17] {dino} you're les
[11:17] {Les} who's opposite dino?
[11:17] {Les} anyone?
[11:17] {nemo} he's in switzerland dino...doesn't see the commercials
[11:17] {dino} ahh, i see
[11:17] {Les} someone to hit Dino?
[11:17] {dino} ouch
06[11:17] * nemo slaps dino around a bit with a large dose of geographical awareness
[11:17] {BillyD} violent group
[11:18] {Les} who is it that works togethor?
[11:18] {Les} ese and mags?
[11:18] {dino} see, future again
[11:18] {ilana} what do you have the trout for?
[11:18] {nemo} dino and mags
[11:18] {dino} ouch before the slap
06[11:18] * nemo slaps ilana around a bit with a large trout
[11:18] {ese} whaaaaaa........i'm casual observer here
[11:18] {ilana} me??
[11:18] {Les} voila. mags, sic him!
[11:18] {BillyD} lol....u asked for it
[11:18] {nemo} don't be looking for fair here ilana
[11:18] {ilana} no, i told les about it
[11:18] {nemo} Nature is unkind...
[11:19] {ilana} yours?
[11:19] {nemo} whose?
[11:19] {Threei} nemo is not exactly a gentleman, you know
[11:19] {Les} how do you do that Nemo?
[11:19] {nemo} do what?
[11:19] {Les} the red script?
[11:19] {nemo} mirc
[11:19] {strider} AMZN?
[11:20] {nemo} below 133 strider, but this is bounce area
[11:20] {ese} casual observer and loosing money in ceph.......shoulda waited for the break......ah what the adrenalin hit
[11:20] {Threei} Long Setup: ILMN .60 if holding above .50
[11:21] {magoo} in
[11:21] {dino} may be better worlds than ceph
[11:21] {ese} IT"S A CALL.......quick everyone.......could be the last one of the day
[11:22] {magoo} roflol
[11:22] {Threei} oh come on... it's a 4th one today
[11:22] {nemo} he said last
[11:23] {Threei} no worky anyway
[11:23] {nemo} moight be db
[11:23] {ese} this board is just too goofy some days................................LOVE IT!!!!
[11:23] {magoo} anyway? it triggered
[11:23] {ese} ceph heading back to .00
[11:24] {dino} like a seesaw
[11:24] {ese} it'll break it dino....just a question of when
[11:24] {Les} goog consolidation?
06[11:24] * magoo slaps Les around a bit with a large trout
[11:24] {Threei} GOOG
06[11:24] * nemo slaps Les around a bit with a large trout
[11:24] {ese} 15 min chart is screamin it
[11:24] {Threei} no, really?
[11:24] {Les} ah no, spy follower
[11:25] {Threei} yeah, that's the only thing that is wrong with GOOG
[11:25] {Threei} lol
[11:25] {Les} that's pretty hard slapping there fellas
[11:25] {nemo} seed break of .90 stop under .70
[11:25] {nemo} ?
[11:25] {Threei} nah
[11:26] {BillyD} stocks seem to come within pennies today
[11:26] {magoo} i like ILMn off fitty
[11:26] {magoo} but it went
[11:26] {dino} maybe now
[11:27] {ese} come on ceph.....thats a good little stock now........
[11:27] {ese} ahhhhh even money
[11:28] {strider} Vad, why do you do half lots on some?
[11:29] {Threei} volatilitu
[11:29] {ese} .989912........what kind of flippin quote is that for time and sales
[11:29] {Threei} imagibe slippage on GOOG
[11:30] {ese} pausing dino
[11:31] {Threei} Short Setup: SEED .85 break
[11:31] {nemo} cat looking a tad precarious, might be a short of .60
[11:32] {Threei} if stays under .90
[11:33] {strider} Why was that a short?
[11:33] {ilana} ILMN eventually worked
[11:33] {Threei} it wasn't
[11:33] {Threei} it nevere triggered
[11:34] {strider} I know. but what made you call it as a short. ?
[11:34] {Les} ascending wedge?
[11:34] {Threei} minirange with support at .85
[11:34] {nemo} seed still might be setting up for short
[11:34] {bkhmd} I agree nemo
[11:35] {Threei} formed at the top (at the moment) of the bounce
[11:35] {magoo} i think SEED is a short and a long just about timing and levels
[11:35] {nemo} funny guy
[11:36] {ese} ceph p 125 in vads book........flatline at the high
[11:36] {ese} ahhhhh finally
[11:36] {ese} diiiinnnoooo??
[11:37] {ese} ok 1 more k to make this exciting
[11:38] {ese} daaaaaaaaa
[11:38] {nemo} big bid .90 on seed
[11:38] {larisa} scalping wise it is not a short now imo. pullback into .70 at 11.23 was a long entry on downtrend break. no?
[11:38] {larisa} on SEED
[11:38] {dino} i'm here and in
[11:39] {nemo} long or short dino?
[11:39] {dino} l
[11:39] {dino} ceph that is
[11:40] {nemo} oh
[11:41] {nemo} larisa, see that big order at .85, that's right on the 200, would be a stop for me
[11:41] {Threei} CEPH is amazingly narrow for such a dump itr went throuigh
[11:42] {nemo} might be the week vad
[11:42] {Threei} short week you mean?
[11:43] {larisa} i do not look for those nemo, but double top over 11 gave a signal :)
[11:43] {nemo} yeah nobody around tomorrow or friday
[11:43] {nemo} computers trading computers
[11:43] {Les} people take weekend from Wednesday?
[11:44] {nemo} half day tomorrow and friday les
[11:44] {Les} markets too?
[11:44] {larisa} tomorrow half?
[11:44] {Threei} no
[11:44] {nemo} cat on the verge of short, no volume indication
[11:44] {nemo} open all day, but how many people gonna' be there?
[11:44] {Threei} but I am debating whether it's worth even waking up on Friday
[11:44] {BillyD} it is Vad, to eat more
[11:45] {Les} Vad GS good for .10 short?
[11:45] {Threei} ok... I'll give you that... but what about trading? :)
[11:45] {larisa} lol
[11:45] {Les} what, you wanna take the day off?
[11:45] {BillyD} lol
[11:45] {Threei} .10?
[11:45] {Threei} GS?
[11:46] {Les} from its area of consolidation down to previous low
[11:46] {Les} but too late
[11:46] {nemo} cat short under .50...but...pivot s1 at .46
[11:46] {Threei} Les... what price do you have for GS??
[11:46] {dino} crmt salmon
[11:47] {strider} looks like an exploded salmon
[11:47] {Les} ah no Vad. .10 profit target. not trigger price
[11:47] {Threei} lol
[11:47] {Threei} how am I supposed to evaluate the trade with no setup
[11:47] {Les} sorry. will use trigger price in future
[11:47] {strider} How can you possibly make any sense out of that chart, dino? :)
[11:48] {Les} k
[11:48] {nemo} he does it all the time strider...rorschach tests are Dino's specialty
[11:48] {strider} Ah, you're looking at 15 m in. or so.
[11:49] {magoo} iis friday half day?
[11:49] {dino} chart says up, whats to know
[11:49] {strider} dino, you da man
[11:49] {fernp} Friday markets close at 1 pm
[11:50] {Threei} 11:47] {strider} looks like an exploded salmon
[11:50] {Threei} rofl
[11:50] {Threei} I just looked
[11:51] {Threei} salmon that swallowed the grenade
[11:51] {dino} i'm a simple guy thats all
[11:52] {strider} haha
06[11:53] * strider slaps ese around a bit with a large copy of p.125 of Vad's book.
[11:55] {nemo} geez...volumes actually pretty good today
[11:55] {nemo} whoa...crude under 76
[11:56] {dino} gco strange
[11:57] {Threei} Long Setup: SEED .90 break
[11:57] {Threei} if holding above .80
[11:59] {strider} FAS dbl bottom
[12:00] {ese} ST.....didn't see the slap ....was reading vads book........
[12:00] {strider} :)
[12:00] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:00] {Threei} - NYSE volume 370M shares, about 24% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.7:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 865M shares, about 13% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.3:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - VIX index -1.3% to just under 21.00
[12:00] {ese} ahhhhhhh and it's another call!!1
[12:01] {Threei} wow... must be a good book, people endure physical violence not noticing it
[12:01] {BillyD} maybe short SEED on .80 here
06[12:01] * Threei thinks of suggesting his book to surgeons as anestetic
[12:02] {strider} nah, give em Farley's book for that.
[12:02] {nemo} edges
[12:03] {fernp} invalidated SEED for two cents?
[12:03] {Les} no its hardcover. very good for defence
[12:03] {ilana} let;s flip a coin
[12:04] {nemo} becomes discretionary
[12:09] {nemo} jeez, ceph just doesn not want to go above 55
[12:10] {ese} yaaaaa driving me nuts
[12:10] {nemo} ese...that's impossible
[12:11] {ese} whaaaaaaaaa
[12:11] {nemo} (you're already there :))
[12:12] {ese} ahhhhh I represent that remark
[12:12] {nemo} I realize it's the pot calling the kettle black..but...takes one to know one
[12:12] {ese} the longer ceph bumps up against 55 the farther it will go once it gets through
[12:13] {larisa} vad, you can kick nemo
[12:13] {nemo} well, the FW 200 period and vwap are moving up...they're both at .90
[12:14] {Les} lol
[12:14] {larisa} why so much attention to CEPH, it is dead? let it wake up first
[12:14] {larisa} or somebody in?
[12:15] {Threei} does the reason for the kick appear on main screen?
[12:15] {larisa} I have all comments off, so not for me
[12:15] {Les} yes
[12:16] {Les} jcp bounce coming?
[12:16] {Threei} it's so narrow
[12:17] {Threei} even if yes, what to count on... 5 cents?
[12:17] {Les} hmm. trawling through S&P charts. like digging up tombs...
[12:17] {strider} amzn break of .30?
[12:17] {strider} long
[12:17] {Les} nothing alive
[12:17] {Threei} lol, nemo, you are not on autoreconnect??
[12:18] {nemo} yeah, I closed the discussion window, so I just shut it down and restarted
[12:19] {ese} afreed laris
[12:19] {nemo} cat short .69?
[12:19] {ese} thats agreed
[12:19] {nemo} or short at top of pullback?
[12:19] {BillyD} range is so small hard to do anything right now
[12:19] {nemo} then again, it's only .07 to support
[12:20] {Threei} market is locked in a very narrow range - and so are all these stocks
[12:20] {Threei} until we get direction again, all these trades are just 50/50 coin toss
[12:20] {BillyD} unless you trade SEED, it expands its range
[12:20] {larisa} lol
[12:27] {Threei} (US) President Obama: Plans to announce new Afganistan strategy soon (related EUR/USD GLD )
[12:27] {Threei} reminds me Charlie Harper's dialoh with one-night-stand who asks him when he is going to call her
[12:27] {Threei} soon
[12:27] {Threei} how soon?
[12:27] {Threei} very soon!
[12:28] {Threei} SEED suddenly decided to go
[12:28] {magoo} if the players get looking for something to do here.....SEED
[12:29] {nemo} only table with action
[12:31] {dino} got booted
[12:31] {Threei} here is one Afghan strategy: get out of there
[12:31] {nemo} ese, still in ceph?, should bounce here
[12:31] {dino} anyway, hl l gco .25
[12:31] {dino} y
[12:32] {Threei} that was atrange dino... you had big ping delay (over 2 min) but magoo was fine
[12:32] {nemo} and magoo's the surfer
[12:32] {BillyD} magoo put a hairline cut in dino's cable
[12:32] {Threei} and spiked his beer?
[12:33] {dino} dk
[12:33] {nemo} rufies?
[12:33] {Threei} yikes
[12:33] {magoo} vad, any thoughts on SEED?
[12:33] {dino} they grow
[12:33] {Threei} feels to me like getting ready for momo resumption
[12:33] {nemo} ba da bum
[12:33] {Threei} lol
[12:33] {nemo} seed
[12:33] {nemo} duh
[12:33] {nemo} nevermind
[12:36] {Threei} annual drama resumes
[12:36] {Threei} GAZP.RU Announces it will cut supply of natural gas to the Ukraine to 33.75B cubic meters in 2010
[12:37] {dino} annual thing
[12:37] {Threei} yep
[12:37] {Threei} blackmailing Europe
[12:37] {Threei} with that funny refrain "we are too civilized to use natural gas as a weapon"
[12:38] {Threei} Preview: minutes of the Nov 4 FOMC meeting to be released at 14:00ET
[12:38] {Threei} **in a unanimous vote on Nov 4, the FOMC held rates again at 0.25% and maintained its pledge to hold rates exceptionally low for an "extended period." In its policy statement, the FOMC reduced its agency debt program to 'about' $175B from $200B and stated:
[12:38] {Threei} - Economic activity "has continued to pick up."
[12:38] {Threei} - Businesses still cutting back on fixed investment and staffing, yet at lower pace
[12:38] {Threei} - Household spending seems to be expanding; spending affected by job losses and tight credit; lower housing wealth.
[12:38] {Threei} - Economic slack and low inflation justify low rates.
[12:38] {Threei} - To gradually cut the pace of agency debt and MBS purchases (to purchase total $1.125T of agency mortgage backed securities); expects completion by Q1 2010.
[12:39] {Threei} also,
[12:39] {Threei} Preview: Treasury's $42B 5-year note auction results due just after 1PM ET
[12:39] {Threei} - $42B auction size is a $1B increase from Oct
[12:39] {Threei} - prior bid-to-cover ratio 2.63 with an average of 2.28 over the last 10 auctions
[12:39] {Threei} - indirect bidders took 54.8% of competitive bids at last auction with 2.81% alloted at the high
[12:39] {Threei} - When Issued notes currently yield 2.18% which is roughly 4 basis points higher than the cash market
[12:39] {Threei} maybe some day I'll learn to interpret results of these auctions
[12:43] {ese} one breif shinning moment .......again
[12:43] {ese} brief
[12:45] {ese} auch du miya........
[12:46] {nemo} hey practicing threeish?
[12:46] {ese} threeeish?
[12:46] {nemo} [12:43] {ese} one breif shinning moment
[12:47] {ese} 3i?
[12:47] {nemo} yeah
[12:47] {ese} lol........ahhhhhh ya.....ya ya thats it
[12:47] {larisa} or 3e :)
[12:47] {Threei} you don't practice it... it either comes to you as a beam of shining hope through the dark heavy clouds of worldwide misery... or you are pretty much screwed
[12:48] {larisa} no, you still can spell and be happy at the same time:)
[12:48] {ese} indeed
[12:49] {larisa} dino, we still waiting for the pullback under 10k or pattern is broken?
[12:50] {larisa} he is checking it in the future :)
[12:51] {ilana} no, he simply didn't get the message yet :-)
[12:52] {dino} i think we go to 9900s by end of month or early dec.. but what do i know
[12:53] {larisa} ok
[12:53] {dino} 400-600 pt pullback are the pattern
[12:54] {larisa} if we shoot up from these levels without good pullback, I will learn treeish
[12:54] {larisa} caz it is equally crazy
[12:59] {Threei} I really hope you are right dino
[12:59] {Threei} we need ranges to widen
[12:59] {Threei} these long periods of freeze become tiresome
[13:00] {nemo} open the bottle
[13:00] {Threei} I am not as anxious as magoo, but even I want more action
[13:00] {Threei} nemo, this comment you just started typing
[13:00] {strider} ese, you're an old song and dance man....entertain vad for awhile.
[13:00] {Threei} don't even think about it
[13:01] {Threei} strider, here is the problem with that concept:
[13:01] {Threei} ese demands shishkebab for that
[13:01] {Threei} and I end up the entertaining one {G}
[13:01] {strider} hmmm....
[13:02] {dino} i agree vad, lately we stop moving after the first 30 minutes or so
[13:02] {strider} nemo...break out the bottle.
[13:02] {Threei} - indirect bidders take 60.9% of competitive bids with 67.3% alloted at the high
[13:02] {Threei} - median 2.%, low 2.%
[13:03] {Threei} mind you, I know that in order to get more action I need to get out more.... but my wife somehow objects every time I broach the subject
[13:03] {larisa} do not listen to her
[13:03] {nemo} don't understand her reticence...
[13:03] {larisa} lol
[13:05] {bkhmd} Vad what type of action are you talking about?
[13:05] {Threei} market action of course
[13:05] {bkhmd} perhaps u need to listen to wife lol
[13:06] {bkhmd} lol
[13:06] {Threei} but with nemo around, you have to consider unexpected angles
[13:06] {bkhmd} thats why i asked
[13:12] {magoo} nemo certainly has taken the focus off of magoo:)...its nice for me
[13:13] {strider} A break to the upside here might get a little more action.
[13:13] {magoo} AONE
[13:13] {Threei} don't worry mags
[13:13] {Threei} won't take long to switch back
[13:13] {Les} RweIN? (TM)
[13:14] {Threei} no news AONE
[13:15] {dino} zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[13:15] {strider} A123 Systems project part of 32 granted funding by Department of Energy
[13:15] {strider} A123 Systems will receive $5M of Recovery Act funding to install 20 community energy storage units into a system that includes a 1 MW storage device integrated into a solar system.
[13:16] {Les} wow. from the ascending triangle that news was all AONE to go to the moon
[13:16] {Les} needed to go to the moon
[13:17] {strider} I want to subscribe to the news that our news sources use.
[13:21] {Threei} AONE Strength being attributed to DOE's list of projects in smart grids (15.81, +1.28, 8.81%)
[13:21] {Threei} 5M is nothing for AONE
[13:21] {Threei} this news is just an excuse for traders to remember about formely hot one
[13:21] {Threei} nemo, don't even think about it
[13:22] {Threei} - Specifically; Detroit Edison was awarded $5M for Detroit Edison's Advanced Implementation of A123s Community Energy Storage Systems for Grid Support - Demonstrate the use and benefits of Community Energy Storage (CES) systems for utilities and test the ability to integrate secondary-use electric vehicle batteries as part of the CES demonstration.
[13:22] {nemo} I was looking at cat as a short, wasn't thinking about anything
[13:24] {strider} gotta go.......see y'all tomorrow.......I'm expecting a lot of action.
[13:24] {fernp} bye strider
[13:24] {magoo} bye stry
[13:24] {bkhmd} market action right strider?
[13:24] {Threei} take care strider
[13:24] {bkhmd} take care
[13:24] {strider} :)
[13:26] {dino} cya stride
[13:27] {dino} wall of china at .00 ceph
[13:30] {nemo} pru strong today
[13:32] {BillyD} ILMN strong
[13:35] {bkhmd} too much action Vad can u slow this market down lil?
06[13:36] * nemo slaps bkhmd around a bit with a large trout
[13:39] {fernp} QQQQ is halted? T/S doesn't show activity :-)
[13:40] {nemo} no, it's just so frickin' slow today
[13:41] {Threei} SEED decent drop
[13:42] {magoo} more like "indecent"
[13:43] {bkhmd} yea i had my eye on s break of 92 and the pizza guy rings bell come back and its gone
[13:44] {nemo} cat slowly climbing
[13:45] {fernp} very expensive pizza, bk
[13:45] {Threei} pizza guys are evil
[13:45] {Threei} even worse than cable guys
[13:45] {bkhmd} and its not even my favorite
[13:45] {fernp} lol
[13:46] {Threei} not favorite guy?
[13:46] {fernp} or cable?
[13:46] {bkhmd} ur sick today vad man
[13:46] {Threei} I am bored :)
[13:46] {Threei} whole day, 4 trades
[13:46] {Threei} well, half day
[13:46] {bkhmd} first u want action outside the house now u want my pizza guy?
[13:46] {bkhmd} lol
[13:46] {bkhmd} lol
[13:47] {Threei} nah, keep the guy
[13:47] {bkhmd} lol
[13:47] {Threei} but if you still have pizza, magoo, dino and I are on our way
[13:47] {bkhmd} plenty here mushroom only
[13:47] {Threei} no meat?
06[13:47] * Threei cancels airttickets
[13:47] {dino} garbage
[13:48] {bkhmd} wife is veggie girl
[13:48] {Threei} wow...
[13:48] {magoo} i like veggie pizza..also like meat lovers
[13:48] {Threei} Preview: minutes of the Nov 4 FOMC meeting and updated Fed staff economic forecasts to be released at 14:00ET
[13:48] {Threei} **today's minutes may include further discussion of the Fed's testing of repo programs, and could also inlcude talk from inflation hawks worried about the size of the balance sheet. But such hawkish talk may be discounted on the heels of an unexpected large rise in the unemployment rate to 10.2% a few days after the FOMC meeting. Since then, Fed Chairman Bernanke delivered a dovish speech (last Monday) that might dampen the impact of any more hawkish tone in today's minutes.
[13:49] {bkhmd} IMHO Pizza Hut Supreme cant be beat
[13:49] {magoo} really dont like pizza hut
[13:49] {Threei} there are a lot of things I could forgive women for... but being a veggie is not among them
[13:49] {magoo} now i feel like pizza for tonite
[13:50] {bkhmd} whats that
[13:50] {Threei} unless you interpret veggie like I do when I say:
[13:50] {Threei} if you are what you eat, then cow is a vegetarian
[13:51] {bkhmd} lol
[13:51] {Threei} thus a vegetable
[13:51] {dino} lol, going there tonight
[13:51] {Threei} thus I am one too
[13:51] {bkhmd} anti?
[13:51] {bkhmd} oops wrong window
[13:53] {fernp} SEED db?
[13:53] {Threei} or breakdown
[13:54] {Threei} toss a coin
[13:58] {magoo} AONE resumes
[13:58] {BillyD} yeah, took it .10 to .31
[13:59] {magoo} im in .00
[13:59] {BillyD} I missed it there
[13:59] {BillyD} too late
[13:59] {magoo} trying for .40 area
[14:00] {Threei} Wary of falling USD and impact on inflation
[14:00] {Threei} - Economic Forecast:
[14:00] {Threei} - 2009 GDP (-1.5 to -1% prior)
[14:00] {Threei} - 2010 GDP (2.1-3.3% prior)
[14:00] {Threei} - 2011 GDP (3.8-4.6% prior)
[14:00] {Threei} - Unemployment: 2009 (9.8 to 10.1% prior)
[14:00] {Threei} - 2010 (9.5-9.8% prior)
[14:00] {Threei} - 2011 (8.4-8.8% prior)
[14:01] {Threei} - PCE inflation: 2009 (1.0-1.4% prior)
[14:01] {Threei} - 2010 (1.2-1.8% prior)
[14:01] {Threei} - 2011 (1.1-2.0% prior)
[14:01] {Threei} - Core PCE: 2009 (1.3-1.6% prior)
[14:01] {Threei} - 2010 (1.0-1.5% prior)
[14:01] {Threei} - 2011 (0.9-1.7% prior)
[14:02] {magoo} out ..27 ty vad
[14:02] {Threei} this PCE forecast screams "rates remain low for quite a while"
[14:03] {Threei} hmm?
[14:03] {Threei} why me?
[14:03] {magoo} why not?
[14:03] {BillyD} it's Thanksgiving week Vad
[14:03] {Threei} oh
[14:03] {Threei} okay then
[14:03] {bkhmd} did i miss a call?
[14:03] {bkhmd} Mibbit acted funny had to restart
[14:04] {ilana} do you exchange setups in PM? :-)
[14:05] {magoo} no, we were independent billy and i
[14:05] {Threei} yes but I send magoo only losing ones
[14:05] {magoo} i didnt know he was in
[14:05] {ilana} that;s why he said thank you....
[14:05] {Threei} I suspect he broke my code though and sstarted tgrading them in opposite direction
[14:08] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:08] {Threei} - NYSE volume 515M shares, about 26% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.7:1.
[14:08] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.18B shares, about 18% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.5:1.
[14:08] {Threei} - VIX index -1.75% to just under 21.00
[14:09] {magoo} i hit A1 again
[14:09] {magoo} looking fo .47
[14:09] {Threei} looks like getting ready to attack .50
[14:11] {magoo} wow..its gwetting fast hre
[14:13] {magoo} keep missing AMZN
[14:14] {magoo} stalk it...forget it...POW
[14:16] {dino} lol, uncle buck on e channel
[14:22] {fernp} I'm not trained to withstand this stress. I need to rest. Have a good evening everybody. See you all tomorrow
[14:22] {dino} cya fern
[14:22] {bkhmd} later fern
[14:23] {magoo} fern:)
[14:24] {Les} Vad. amzn short .70 break?
[14:24] {Les} forget it
[14:24] {Threei} doesn't look right to me
[14:24] {Threei} oh come on fern
[14:24] {Threei} suffer with us
[14:25] {Les} I'm suffering with nice bottle of Argentinian Malbec...
[14:25] {fernp} i'm gone
[14:25] {Les} SEED b7d
[14:25] {Les} b/d
[14:25] {Les} later fern
[14:26] {dino} and magoo's suffering....from a hangover
[14:26] {Threei} SEED break looks attractive to me
[14:26] {Threei} I just want a little consolidation
[14:26] {Threei} not such drop into suppport
[14:26] {Les} for a short?
[14:26] {Les} or bounce
[14:26] {magoo} breakdown u mean? or long?
[14:27] {Threei} breakdown
[14:27] {Threei} was eyeing .50
[14:27] {Threei} but not on vertical drop
[14:27] {Les} I can't short seed
[14:28] {Les} will try again
[14:28] {magoo} still in A1
[14:30] {magoo} waiting .88
[14:32] {Les} amzn bounce from here?
[14:32] {ilana} amzn
[14:32] {ilana} oops
[14:33] {Les} lots of eyes watching. what I like about being here...
[14:34] {Les} pack of wild Ukrainian wolves, searching for next meal
[14:34] {Threei} ugh... bounce into .50 was it SEED... missed it
[14:34] {magoo} out A1 ,87 ty vad
[14:34] {BillyD} gj magoo
[14:34] {bkhmd} gj magoo
[14:35] {Les} amzn vad?
[14:36] {Threei} looks like breakdown to me
[14:37] {Threei} but no precise setup
[14:37] {ilana} SEED is like its twin
[14:39] {magoo} jazz
[14:39] {Threei} (US) House Democrats are drafting a 0.25% tax on financial transactions, aiming to raise $150B/year -
[14:39] {Threei} - Under a bill being drafted by Democratic Reps. Peter DeFazio (Ore.) and Ed Perlmutter (Colo.), the sale and purchase of financial instruments such as stocks, options, derivatives and futures would face a 0.25% tax.
[14:39] {Threei} - The bill, a copy of which was obtained by The Hill, is titled the "Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Act of 2009."
[14:39] {Threei} - Half of the $150 billion in tax revenue would go toward reducing the deficit, while the other half would be deposited in a job creation reserve to support new jobs.
[14:39] {Threei} ***Insight: A Tobin tax is the suggested tax on all trade of currency across borders. Named after the economist James Tobin, the tax is intended to put a penalty on short-term speculation in currencies. The original tax rate he proposed was 1%, which was subsequently lowered to between 0.1% and 0.25%
[14:40] {dino} jazz
[14:41] {Threei} rumors?
[14:41] {Threei} I don't have anything on it
[14:44] {magoo} aig
[14:45] {nemo} no rhyme or reason to these breakouts
[14:46] {Threei} just roll the dice what's next
[14:46] {Threei} like say... DNDN?
[14:46] {magoo} in
[14:46] {magoo} ;lol
[14:46] {Threei} lol
[14:54] {magoo} vad rread on A1?
[14:55] {Threei} looks like next leg starts
[14:56] {magoo} yup
[14:56] {Threei} to about .30 -.35
[14:57] {ilana} SEED could be .20 breakdown?
[14:57] {Threei} can't tell
[14:57] {Threei} I jhave hard time reading its breakdowns
[15:01] {Threei} (US) State of California launches prelim draft regulation for greenhouse gases cap and trade; designed to start in 2012
[15:01] {Threei} - Legislation to potentially include transport; home and heating oil along with other CO2 sources.
[15:01] {Threei} - Preference is for autioning CO2 allowances.
[15:02] {Threei} csomo... what are you doing
[15:03] {BillyD} JAZZ may not e done
[15:03] {BillyD} be
[15:04] {Threei} Long Setup: JAZZ .10 break
[15:07] {bkhmd} stop 8?
[15:07] {ilana} if stays above 8?
[15:07] {Threei} yup
[15:11] {BillyD} JAZZ had that look for a moment
[15:12] {Threei} sure did
[15:12] {Threei} then shrugged, wilted and died
[15:12] {BillyD} oh well, there is always SEED to watch.....puke, puke
[15:13] {larisa} lol
[15:14] {Les} aig short .80?
[15:14] {bkhmd} yep
[15:14] {bkhmd} ;p;
[15:14] {bkhmd} lol
[15:14] {Les} going going gone
[15:15] {bkhmd} look at the trend line
[15:17] {Threei} here it iks back into trigger
[15:17] {Threei} iff you believbe into it, this is the chance
[15:17] {nemo} what? aig
[15:17] {Threei} yez
[15:17] {nemo} wow
[15:20] {Les} jazz is dead duck
[15:23] {dino} you want dead d7ucks, look at fdo and ceph, sheesh, all day and nothing
[15:24] {dino} looks like a heart failure
[15:24] {nemo} ceph just spiked both ways
[15:25] {bkhmd} Rimm is always good for something at this time of day
[15:26] {bkhmd} Vad reach into ur box of tricks and pull something out
[15:27] {dino} gco to .60
[15:27] {magoo} A1
[15:28] {Threei} I did
[15:28] {Threei} 14:55] {Threei} looks like next leg starts
[15:28] {Threei} [14:56] {magoo} yup
[15:28] {Threei} [14:56] {Threei} to about .30 -.35
[15:30] {dino} fdo to .93
[15:32] {dino} gco tighten to .69
[15:34] {dino} out gco .68, +.43
[15:41] {dino} out fdo .03, +.23
[15:43] {bkhmd} good night all
[15:45] {Threei} take care bk
[15:45] {dino} cya bk
[15:54] {Threei} what do you know... SEED wasn't dead
[15:56] {Threei} 10 points range NQ for the most of the day
[15:57] {Threei} 15 overall
[15:58] {Threei} okay guys, thank you all
[15:58] {nemo} cya...won't be back until next week...might check in tomorrow though...wouldn't want you guys to miss one day of my tremendous wit.
[15:58] {Threei} have a good evening
[15:58] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[15:58] {dino} out ceph .94 m-.06
[15:58] {larisa} bye :)
[15:58] {Les} night all
[15:59] {dino} out crmt .67, +.60 swing
[16:00] {Threei} wtg
[16:00] {BillyD} GN all
[16:00] {dino} thx
[16:04] {dino} gn all, gotta hop
[16:08] {Threei} NVIDIA Corp U.S. Patent Office Rejects All 17 Claims in Three Rambus Patents Asserted Against NVIDIA in International Trade Commission
[16:08] {Threei} - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has rejected all 17 claims in three Rambus patents that the company had asserted against NVIDIA in the International Trade Commission (ITC).
[16:08] {Threei} - The action, known as filing an action closing prosecution, follows preliminary rejection of the claims earlier this year by the USPTO.
[16:13] {magoo} ty

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Nov 23 2009

Not bad day with quite a few trades for a Monday. RIMM, WFC, SYMC, SEED, RMBS short, HIG short, ACI short... most of them worked, although just two or three were good for more than scalp

Session Time: Mon Nov 23 00:00:00 2009

[08:41] {Threei} Research in Motion Ltd UPDATE: NPD data show Blackberry Curve was best selling smartphone in Q3; Apple iPhone 3GS was second; total smartphone sales up 4.2% to 43.3M units in Q3
[08:41] {Threei} - the rest of the top five include the iPhone 3G, Blackberry Tour, and Blackberry Storm.
[08:42] {Threei} US) IMF's Strauss-Kahn: Confidence in USD will not disappear soon
[08:42] {Threei} must be the reason it's getting sold off
[08:42] {Threei} too much confidence causes selling, ya know
[08:42] {nemo} yeah, frickin idiot
[08:43] {BillyD} GM All
[08:44] {Threei} Billy :)
[08:46] {Les} hey vad
[08:46] {Threei} les :)
[08:47] {Les} just curious. need to contact Is that you, or do you have staff?
[08:47] {Threei} just contact who you need... what does it matter to you?
[08:48] {Les} :) just being nosey
[08:49] {strider} morning everyone.
[08:49] {Threei} strider :)
[08:50] {Les} watching UPRO. first time I've reflected on danger of wide spread, low vol, so didn't buy. still, up 23 cents.
[08:50] {Les} strider
[08:51] {strider} Vad:)
[08:51] {Threei} I don't possess enough technical knowledge to run a website or marketing, nor do I have time and desire to deal with financial stuff Les
[08:52] {nemo} strider...
[08:52] {strider} :)
[08:55] {Les} ok. I just cancelled my subscription...
[08:56] {Les} will take realitytrader up on the 6 month offer
[08:56] {Les} no getting rid of me now baby...
[09:03] {cosmo} no more, no Les
[09:03] {Threei} lol
[09:04] {cosmo} :)
[09:04] {Threei} practicng since early morning I see, cos
[09:04] {bkhmd} morning all
[09:04] {Threei} bkh :)
[09:05] {strider} CEPH
[09:05] {Threei} today is a first time NLST i\s not gapping up
[09:07] {Les} KIRK gapped up to new high today
[09:16] {cosmo} SEED: Origin Agritech Announces Final Approval of World's First Genetically Modified Phytase CornBusiness Wire(Sat, Nov 21)
[09:17] {strider} AMZN upgrade, gap up
[09:18] {Threei} SEED has history of being a runner
[09:19] {cosmo} FEED sympathy?
[09:20] {Threei} I guess... no its own news for FEED
[09:21] {ese} bout time
[09:21] {Threei} lol
[09:21] {Threei} it may let you in easier if you use your nickname, ese...
[09:22] {KSystems} Good morning
[09:22] {larisa} gm :)
[09:22] {Threei} larisa :) welcome back
[09:22] {Threei} ks :)
[09:22] {ese} i did........sheesh...... we didn't mean to yell that hard vad coming back from vancouver on the ferry last night......
[09:22] {ese} it was just a friendly gesture
[09:23] {Threei} say thank you I didn't throw grenades
[09:23] {ese} and all we yelled was hello vad........with the windows of the car down.....sheesh
[09:23] {Threei} that's my normal way to answer the geetings
[09:23] {ese} spoiled sport!
[09:23] {lasertrev} gm
[09:24] {ese} laser
[09:24] {Threei} trev :)
[09:25] {ese} what are you following vad
[09:25] {Threei} SEED
[09:25] {Threei} FITB
[09:27] {ese} still have my fitb position from friday L .05
[09:27] {Threei} nice way to start the day then
[09:28] {ese} very
[09:28] {ese} whats the story with seed
[09:28] {Threei} Origen Agritech Ltd. Received approval from authorities in China for genetically modified phytase corn
[09:29] {Threei} - Chairman: With this landmark seed approval, we are not only own the first GM corn seed product in China, but we are actively leading the new genetically modified generation of agricultural products for China, and will continue to do so for the future.
[09:30] {ese} so popcorn kernells with now be deformed.......what kind of world is this man.....can't they leave anything alone
[09:30] {bkhmd} but its lead free ese
[09:30] {Threei} disgusting spread jumps opn SEED
[09:30] {bkhmd} lol
[09:30] {Threei} kept me from calling 7 break
[09:31] {ese} ahhhhhhhh
[09:32] {Threei} what's with DRAM
[09:32] {Les} UPRO is up over a buck since I started watching. will remember this when futures are so strong in future.
[09:32] {Threei} NLST dump
[09:33] {Les} KIRK jbe?
[09:33] {Threei} lol
[09:33] {Threei} it was
[09:33] {Les} one day Ill be like mags and jump all over it. but that day is not today
[09:33] {Threei} same problem as SEED, spread is horrific
[09:34] {strider} CEPH additional downgrade
[09:35] {Threei} RIMM
[09:35] {Threei} bounce hunt is on
[09:35] {Threei} .30 break if holdnng above .20
[09:36] {Threei} invalidated
[09:36] {ese} deck and fslr....minimum spread .25\
[09:36] {Threei} .10 break
[09:36] {Threei} if holding above 60
[09:36] {Threei} half lot
[09:37] {Les} in
[09:38] {fernp} ty
[09:38] {Threei} over 1:1 easy
[09:38] {Threei} what was the deal with stubborn seller at .14
[09:38] {Threei} served as cork in the champaign bottle
[09:39] {BillyD} out ty
[09:39] {Threei} over 1:2
[09:39] {Threei} out in full in you partialled
[09:40] {Threei} where is magoo... once in a blue moon RIMM behaves
[09:40] {strider} thx vad
[09:40] {Threei} sure thing
[09:40] {strider} avg. +.25
[09:40] {Les} done ty
[09:40] {Threei} let's see if there is double bottom in it
[09:40] {Threei} no, lower low
[09:42] {Les} kirk
[09:42] {Threei} Preview: Oct Existing Home Sales due out at 10amET
[09:42] {Threei} **consensus expectation: 5.70Me (+2.3% m/m) v 5.57M prior.
[09:42] {Threei} - range of expectations is between 5.2M to 6.0M.
[09:42] {Les} sorry still bad spread
[09:45] {Threei} watching WFC
[09:45] {Threei} short idea
[09:45] {Threei} Short Setup: WFC 28 break if holding below .10 for scalpers, .15 for day traders
[09:49] {bkhmd} in
[09:51] {strider} Vad, read on CEPH?
[09:51] {Threei} 55 break worth a try
[09:52] {strider} thx
[09:53] {Threei} die already WFC
[09:54] {Les} water torture to begin the week...
[09:55] {nemo} les...remember how mags and I bitched about rimm on friday...dumb bastards us
[09:55] {Threei} Analysts at Goldman Sachs look at seasonality effects into Dec/Jan; Continue to see Dec as one of the best historical months for equities
[09:55] {Threei} - State that monthly data back to 1974 shows trend of Dec outperformance, the stronger the year, the stronger the Dec
[09:55] {Threei} - Underperforming sectors in Dec tend to be oil/gas, retail, and miners
[09:55] {Threei} - Outperforming sectors in Dec tend to be travel, chemicals, banks and telcom
[09:56] {fernp} numbers in 4min
[09:57] {Threei} WFC doesn't feel like water torture - rather like a stock with high tension, when it resolves - it resolves very fast
[09:57] {Threei} whiever way it choses'
[09:57] {Les} so WFC testing 28 but failing. does this imply that easiest way is still down?
[09:57] {Threei} when it happens during upward market thrust, yes
[09:58] {Threei} inverted salmon behavior
[10:00] {Threei} *OCT EXISTING HOME SALES: 6.1M V 5.7ME
[10:00] {bkhmd} oooops
[10:00] {Threei} (+10.1% m/m)
[10:01] {bkhmd} grabbed my stop and fell back down WFC stinks
[10:01] {Threei} Total Months Supply: 7.0 months(lowest since Jan 2007
[10:01] {Threei} stop? offer never went above .10
[10:02] {bkhmd} i had my stop at .10
[10:02] {bkhmd} should have been .11?
[10:03] {Threei} first, yes.... and second... was it automatic one??
[10:03] {strider} printed at .17
[10:03] {Threei} those were out of bound prints
[10:03] {Threei} sutomatic stops will be tricked by them
[10:03] {Threei} one of reasons I hate hardwired stops
[10:03] {bkhmd} yes it was auto at .10 and filled at .07
[10:04] {Threei} why do you need them?
[10:04] {Threei} you are right here
[10:05] {fernp} now yes. stopped
[10:05] {Threei} yep
[10:05] {bkhmd} u r correct I will try without just scared of fast mover and not getting out in time WFC is not fast move shouldnt have used auto
[10:06] {Threei} sloqwish broker is much bigger problem for this than the choice between auto/manual
[10:08] {strider} como se dice en ingles, "sloqwish".
[10:08] {fernp} lol
[10:08] {bkhmd} shorthand for TradeStation
[10:09] {strider} yo entiendo. gracias. :)
[10:10] {strider} USG takeover chatter
[10:10] {Les} AIG at bottom of cup vad?
[10:11] {Threei} .40 break is a valid setup but it's not C&H
[10:12] {Threei} salreo, admin asked to ask you to check your e-mail please
[10:14] {Threei} SEC Enforcement head: Aiming to focus on derivatives with regards to cracking down on insider trading; focus on trading across all markets (related XLF )
[10:14] {BillyD} is AIG a call Vad,
[10:14] {Threei} no
[10:14] {BillyD} ty
[10:17] {Threei} Long Setup: SYMC .10 break
[10:17] {Threei} if holding above 18
[10:18] {Threei} .05 for extreme scalpers
[10:19] {Threei} slow one
[10:19] {Threei} don't go for it if you want fast resolution
[10:19] {nemo} no wham bam thank you mam stock?
[10:19] {Threei} not likely
[10:20] {nemo} don't do it les
[10:20] {Les} what, do the trade or complement your last comment?
[10:21] {nemo} if you don't like water torture stock
[10:21] {Les} ah. Im in
[10:21] {nemo} hasn't triggered yet dude
[10:22] {Les} yes it has... now
[10:22] {nemo} yep
[10:22] {Les} finding myself always too late. given probability that this continues to go up. I bought .10
[10:26] {ese} out 1/2 fitb .13 +.08 22.5
[10:26] {Les} see BAC trying to make new high. but banks in no hurry to go up today
[10:26] {ese} 22.5k
[10:26] {ese} houses money......lets see what happens
[10:26] {Threei} wtg
[10:27] {Threei} nothing is in particular hurry so far
[10:27] {ese} feels predicable to me again....for now anyway
[10:28] {strider} CEPH consolidating again at 54.5.
[10:28] {Threei} leave it alone strider
[10:28] {Threei} CEPH is a widowmaker today
[10:29] {strider} I'm looking at a retest of major support at 53.50-54
[10:29] {Threei} this battlefield will be strewn with corpese of bottom-fishers today
[10:29] {Threei} corpses
[10:30] {ese} thats a russian term for navy guys who pulled submarine duty isn't it?
[10:30] {ese} widow maker
[10:30] {Les} bac
[10:30] {nemo} goes for a lot of things ese
[10:30] {strider} SEED upgrade
[10:30] {ese} true
[10:30] {nemo} loggers it's deadfall trees leaning against other trees
[10:31] {ese} never heard that for loggers
[10:32] {nemo} yeah, branch breaks, deadfall comes down
[10:33] {ese} would make sense.......heard more about injuries from choke wires when they snap.
[10:33] {BillyD} Q's in 6pt range for last 30 min
[10:34] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[10:34] {Threei} - NYSE volume 220M shares, about 21% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 22.6:1.
[10:34] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 455M shares, about 17% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 5.1:1.
[10:34] {Threei} - VIX index -3.9% to just under 21.50
[10:34] {Threei} where is magoo... SEED is today's momo
[10:35] {Threei} dino is not here either... internet troubles, or they have their first snow
[10:36] {strider} they don't trade when it snows?
[10:36] {Threei} not if they can't get in the office
[10:36] {Threei} SYMC, don'r run that fast, you may burn your skin and get blisters
[10:38] {BillyD} just looked at SYMC, it blew a tire hitting .14
[10:39] {BillyD} may work though
[10:39] {nemo} looks like indices ight be getting ready to break their ranges
[10:40] {larisa} to upside?
[10:40] {nemo} yeah
[10:41] {Threei} SYMC new high, whole cent higher than old high
[10:41] {Threei} SEED clawing its way toward 9
[10:46] {fernp} AIG extremely slow today
[10:46] {Threei} SYMC, merely 2 cents left to 1:1
[10:46] {Threei} meaning it should happen this century
[10:46] {strider} Vd...always the optimist.
[10:46] {nemo} heavy breather
[10:47] {strider} Vad
[10:47] {Threei} I want to believe
[10:47] {Threei} make your decision guys
[10:47] {Threei} it makes new 52 week highs,
[10:47] {Threei} climbs slowly and confidently
[10:47] {Threei} which bodes well for continuation
[10:48] {Threei} on another hand, this is scalpers market
[10:48] {Threei} so... kind of personal choice
[10:48] {Threei} take scalp or partial and try to milk it
[10:49] {Threei} for hardcore scalpers playing 50K shares (Threei squints at ese), this one is above 1:1 already
[10:49] {Threei} NYMX
[10:49] {Threei} Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation Releases Positive New Clinical Trial Data on Durability of Benefits for Early Responders to Company''s BPH Drug
[10:49] {Threei} - Results were statistically significant (p less than .001) and the data was obtained from all available and eligible patients assessed at up to 19 months post treatment.
[10:50] {Threei} NYMX is a funny stock
[10:50] {Threei} sometimes runs hard
[10:50] {Threei} saometimes fizzles out quickly
[10:51] {Threei} never holds its gains for real
[10:51] {ilana} i missed SYMC .10 entry, where would u suggest to get in?
[10:51] {Threei} don't chase it
[10:51] {Threei} this train's gone
[10:51] {strider} amzn read?
[10:52] {ilana} ok
[10:52] {Threei} if anyone wants to buy Ukraine, now's time:
[10:52] {Threei} (UA) Ukraine Oct Current Account at $87M; Current Account YTD -$1.0B (related USD/UAH )
[10:52] {Threei} SEED UPDATE: Rodman & Renshaw, Inc. Raised SEED to Mkt Outperform from Mkt Perform, price target: $15
[10:52] {Threei} none strider
[10:52] {Threei} 9 is on the nose, SEED
[10:54] {Les} coulda, woulda, wished I. you gonna invite mags to bahamas to give run down on momo?
[10:54] {Threei} there is no rundown to be given
[10:55] {Threei} you need to get enough experience with them to develop a feel for them
[10:55] {Threei} this is not a kind of things that can be put in a set of rules
[10:57] {fernp} ilana, SYMC at .12 now
[10:57] {strider} that was my entry.
[10:57] {Les} PWR going to hell in handbasket
[10:58] {ilana} ok, will keep an eye on it, thx
[11:03] {Threei} you watching SEED les?
[11:05] {Les} yep. most interesting game in town
[11:05] {Threei} make sure you have all three windows up
[11:05] {Threei} chart, level 2, T&S
[11:06] {Les} spread has tightened up
[11:08] {Les} pwr going to make new lows?
[11:08] {Threei} SYMC lost will to live
[11:09] {Threei} most likely, PWR
[11:09] {fernp} SYMC stop is still below 18. isn't it?
[11:09] {Threei} very hard to tell
[11:10] {Threei} it was so close to 1:1 that maybe trailing to under .05 makes sense
[11:11] {fernp} ok
[11:12] {Threei} Short Setup: RMBS 17 break
[11:13] {BillyD} .15 stop and preferably .10 if holds right?
[11:13] {Threei} eqzaktly
[11:16] {fernp} out SYMC
[11:17] {Threei} died quiet peaceful death
[11:18] {Les} seed consolidating?
[11:18] {Threei} why didn't we take RMBS aggressively
[11:18] {Threei} would be covering half here
[11:18] {Threei} consolidating?
[11:18] {Les} b/o
[11:18] {fernp} RMBS stop is .15 or .10?
[11:19] {nemo} you have that huge order at .00
[11:19] {Threei} 30 cents spike in two bars is a spike, not consaolidation
[11:19] {Threei} matter of taste fern
[11:19] {Threei} both are valid
[11:19] {Threei} but if triggers from here not going over .10, it becomes a more solid one
[11:19] {fernp} is RMBS too volatile?
[11:20] {Threei} sometimes... it changes
[11:26] {Threei} 1:1, mind you
[11:26] {strider} missed the crap out of that one.
[11:27] {Threei} the only way to get it was to hit 17 bid as it melted down
[11:27] {fernp} was imposiible
[11:27] {BillyD} out ty Vad
[11:27] {ese} signing off until a bit later...cya
[11:27] {Threei} welcome
[11:27] {Threei} that's what you did Billy?
[11:27] {BillyD} yes Vad, meltdown
[11:27] {Threei} yep, same here
[11:27] {Threei} got probably last shares at 17, lol
[11:28] {BillyD} had order for .98 just in case
[11:28] {Threei} OK, you need to stop this
[11:28] {Threei} reading my mind
[11:28] {Threei} 1:2
[11:29] {BillyD} it hit .90 so fast. I ended up sellin most when I originally thought to partial
[11:29] {BillyD} fast money spikes causes me to take it too quick sometimes
[11:30] {Threei} yes
[11:36] {BillyD} RIMM may be setting up for BDN
[11:38] {Threei} looks like mirroring the market almost exactly
[11:38] {BillyD} it does
[11:40] {bkhmd} did anyone fill @18.11 on symc?
[11:41] {bkhmd} earlier?
[11:43] {fernp} .12 here
[11:43] {ilana} the same here
[11:43] {ilana} sold @ .06
[11:44] {bkhmd} were they limit orders or market orders?
[11:46] {fernp} limit
[11:46] {Threei} guess who is on TV
[11:47] {fernp} norton
[11:47] {nemo} Scarlett Johannson
[11:47] {bkhmd} melissa lee
[11:47] {bkhmd} ?
[11:47] {strider} Donna the Buffalo
[11:47] {nemo} fern?
[11:47] {nemo} Captain Kangaroo
[11:49] {fernp} SYMC is the company who makes norton antivirus
[11:49] {strider} CIEN
[11:51] {bkhmd} SOS
[11:51] {bkhmd} I missed two winning orders
[11:52] {bkhmd} The call for SYMC was break of .10 I put the limit order in for 1000 shares at .11
[11:53] {bkhmd} didnt fill
[11:53] {bkhmd} broker says there were only 2 trades of 100 shares at that price
[11:54] {bkhmd} then again short RMBS break of 17 my order goes in at .98 sits and does not get filled broker again says only two prints at that price
[11:54] {BillyD} BK... .98 may be true
[11:55] {BillyD} only a couple buyers at that level
[11:55] {BillyD} on L2
[11:55] {bkhmd} Billy did u take the trade?
[11:55] {Threei} yeah, on RMBS I think they are right, bids got pulled very quickly
[11:55] {bkhmd} if so where did u fill?
[11:55] {BillyD} yes. 17 fill as it was melting down about halfway
[11:55] {bkhmd} k
[11:55] {bkhmd} plenty of shares at 17
[11:56] {Threei} at 17 was scrolling and breakdown became obvious, bidders just ran away
[11:56] {Threei} at = as
[11:56] {BillyD} yeah Vad, all 3 of them lol
[11:57] {Threei} hehe
[11:57] {Threei} actually more,
[11:57] {bkhmd} but if folks in the room filled at .99 or .98 then i should have filled?
[11:57] {BillyD} reason I like shorts like that
[11:57] {Threei} they pulled everything down to 16.90
[11:58] {BillyD} I doubt may AT ALL got filled at .98-.99 BK
[11:58] {BillyD} many
[11:58] {bkhmd} I understand ur concern with Trade Station.. however if people in the room filled at .99 or .98 I am yelling at my broker on phone why wouldnt have i filled
[11:58] {Threei} probably not on this one
[11:58] {BillyD} right
[11:58] {bkhmd} ok
[11:58] {Threei} but you are wasting your breath yelling at them
[11:59] {fernp} Billy, I think room missed RMBS except Vad and Billiy
[11:59] {fernp} bk
[11:59] {Threei} front end people can't make the system work faster
[11:59] {bkhmd} thanks fern
[11:59] {BillyD} BK, some you will miss and there is nothing you can do buyt just accept it and move on to the next trade
[11:59] {bkhmd} yes I am aware of missing
[11:59] {BillyD} agree Fern
[11:59] {bkhmd} but its too frequent
[11:59] {Threei} it's simply a slower brokerage
[12:00] {Threei} yell all you want, it won't get any faster
[12:00] {bkhmd} ok one more hiccup and im out
[12:00] {ilana} i filled RMBC at 17.01
[12:00] {Threei} then you hit it before actual breakdown
[12:00] {BillyD} wow
[12:00] {ilana} there were plenty
[12:00] {ilana} yup aware
[12:00] {nemo} rimm at r1 after breakdown, could be another bd from .55
[12:01] {bkhmd} ilana was that a market order?
[12:01] {ilana} no limi
[12:01] {BillyD} sheesh, missed RIMM
[12:01] {bkhmd} thanks all
[12:02] {BillyD} cya BK
[12:03] {Threei} while it's quiet., have a look at the latest photos guys
[12:03] {Threei} fall colors come to an end, this is probably last of the series
[12:03] {bkhmd} need that post link it will get my blood pressure down after tradestation call
[12:04] {Threei}
[12:04] {larisa} nice photos
[12:04] {Threei} scroll down more Larisa, you missed a few while on vacation
[12:05] {larisa} I did
[12:05] {bkhmd} awsome Vad Im suprised the colors last that long up there Im near baltimore no leaves on trees for 3 weeks
[12:05] {Threei} well, west coast is more generous weather wise as a rule
[12:06] {fernp} as always, very nice photos Vad
[12:06] {Threei} ty
[12:06] {nemo} they have warmer maritime climate
[12:06] {nemo} Hey BK, driving through Baltimore tomorrow night
[12:07] {bkhmd} have time for a beer?
[12:07] {Threei} so considering the way nemo drives, don't venrture out
[12:07] {bkhmd} lol
[12:07] {nemo} you'll be in bed when I'm coming through
[12:07] {bkhmd} ahhh I up at 3:00 every day
[12:07] {strider} amzn spike
[12:07] {bkhmd} 4:30 on weekends
[12:07] {bkhmd} lol
[12:07] {bkhmd} but beer for breakfast not good
[12:07] {Threei} no??
[12:07] {Threei} oops...
[12:08] {nemo} I'm leaving Mass about 7 or 8 pm...
[12:08] {bkhmd} final destination?
[12:08] {nemo} When I lived in Germany, used to have beer w/breakfast
[12:08] {nemo} Bowie, MD
[12:08] {bkhmd} ahh college?
[12:08] {nemo} no, relatives
[12:08] {bkhmd} cool
[12:08] {nemo} you talking Bowie State..oy
[12:08] {bkhmd} yea
[12:09] {nemo} yeah, on 197
[12:09] {bkhmd} its a train stop om my way to office in DC
[12:10] {bkhmd} i look forward to that stop as it means the 2 hour train ride is almost over
[12:10] {nemo} strider, amzn bounced off R2
[12:10] {nemo} 2 hrs...oy
[12:11] {bkhmd} only do it two days a week 3 days home trading I mean working from home
[12:15] {Les} AWIAV?
[12:16] {nemo} c
[12:16] {Les} all is good then
[12:16] {Threei} magoo will be angry about copyright
[12:16] {nemo} w/mags it's a copyleft
[12:16] {Threei} lol
[12:17] {Les} hgsi dead cat bounce?
[12:18] {Les} is that the right term for this pattern?
[12:18] {Threei} it's not the name of a pattern
[12:18] {nemo} nuva vad
[12:19] {strider} at weekly support..nuva
[12:19] {bkhmd} anyone here have expierience with MB Trading?
[12:20] {Threei} tough read
[12:20] {nemo} lunchtime though
[12:20] {BillyD} Vad, WFC approaching low end of range...any feel on it if sets up?
[12:20] {Threei} can be very volatile too
[12:20] {nemo} yeah, could be a vaseline moment
[12:20] {strider} bwahahahaha
[12:20] {Threei} 50/50 WFC, Billy
[12:21] {BillyD} ty
[12:21] {strider} tell us more about those vaseline movements, nemo
[12:21] {Threei} .05 long, 28 short, both are valid, both have 50/50 chance tow rok
[12:21] {nemo} moment, not movement
[12:22] {Threei} tow rok?
[12:22] {Threei} sigh
[12:23] {Threei} to work
[12:25] {nemo} yeah, nuva broke
[12:26] {BillyD} ABIO bio runner
[12:27] {Threei} I don't have ay news for it
[12:28] {strider} ARCA biopharma receives FDA
[12:28] {BillyD} UPDATE 1-ARCA gets fast-track status for heart drug, shares rise
[12:28] {strider} fastrack for .....yeah, what billy said.
[12:28] {BillyD} from Yahoo,
[12:29] {BillyD} Reuters feed
[12:29] {Les} HIG vad
[12:29] {strider} impossible spread
[12:30] {strider} abio
[12:30] {BillyD} yeah, not fond of its personality
[12:43] {strider} Vad, you see any trades coming in the next 5 minutes? I need to switch computers.
[12:43] {bkhmd} lol
[12:43] {bkhmd} lol
[12:43] {bkhmd} lol
[12:43] {Threei} I'll wait for you
[12:43] {Threei} I promise
[12:43] {strider} thank yo kind sir
[12:43] {Threei} everyine get ready
[12:43] {strider} get ready to wait?
[12:43] {nemo} rimm formed a nice range
[12:43] {Threei} as soon as strider disconnects the room, we grab a huge winning play
[12:43] {nemo} hurry up and wait
[12:44] {strider} ok...ok
[12:44] {Threei} and we need to finish it in 5 minutes
[12:44] {strider} how's that for speed.
[12:44] {Threei} impressive
[12:45] {strider} I
[12:45] {strider} I'm fast....but not loose..........anymore.
[12:45] {nemo} rimm break?
[12:46] {Threei} which way?
[12:46] {ilana} lol
[12:47] {nemo} oh, sorry, north
[12:50] {nemo} garden variety, pre thanksgiving lunchtime scalp
[12:51] {Les} hig short? .40 break .50 stop?
[12:51] {Threei} nah... just random oscillation
[12:51] {Threei} HIG, no
[12:51] {Les} k
[12:51] {Threei} look how it moves between those two limits
[12:52] {Threei} no smooth slide
[12:52] {Threei} jerky jumps up and down
[12:52] {Threei} make it pretty much a guesswork
[12:53] {BillyD} these momos aren't giving us clear entries :(
[12:56] {strider} SEED pushing for hod again
[12:56] {fernp} KEY seems to be strong
[12:57] {fernp} and 6 break could be interesting
[13:01] {Threei} push for 10 is coming SEED
[13:02] {Threei} - indirect bidders take 44.5% of competitive bids with 95.8% alotted at the high
[13:02] {nemo} omg...what a setup at 9.10
[13:04] {Threei} magoo, where are you
[13:05] {nemo} combo momo technical..can't ask for more
[13:05] {Threei} 10
[13:07] {nemo} wathing for bear flag break on rimm
[13:08] {Threei} .14 short?
[13:08] {nemo} yeah or aggressive here
[13:08] {nemo} although lunch and
[13:09] {Threei} well, it could be better idea than regular entry counting on follow through
[13:10] {larisa} well, i am regular :) I see it as long from here, scalp only though
[13:10] {nemo} break of .30 would be long
[13:10] {nemo} no?
[13:10] {BillyD} well, I don't know
[13:10] {nemo} neither do we
[13:10] {larisa} lol
[13:10] {Threei} .30... nah
[13:11] {Threei} I'd rather went for somwething here, long or short,
[13:11] {ilana} NUVA b/d?
[13:11] {Threei} and aimed to get out into spike to .30 or drop to .10, lol
[13:11] {larisa} right :)
[13:11] {nemo} definite maybe
[13:11] {Threei} NUVA, no, not here
[13:11] {Threei} this thing can be very volatile
[13:12] {Threei} and it's pretty much random right now
[13:12] {Threei} just not worth the risk
[13:12] {nemo} rmbs froming long break chart
[13:12] {fernp} ACI 22 breakdown, Vad?
[13:13] {Threei} dropped too sharply into it from .10 break
[13:13] {Threei} .10 was much better entry
[13:13] {Threei} see if it consolidates again
[13:13] {fernp} ok. ty
[13:14] {Threei} if it breaks on the go, just skip it
[13:14] {Threei} can turn into trap easily
[13:15] {Threei} but if makes a moves up and down not going over .10 and better yet .05, then 22 break will be a nice setup
[13:15] {Threei} makes a few moves
[13:16] {Threei} looks much better now
[13:17] {fernp} yeah
[13:17] {Threei} couple min of tight consolidation
[13:19] {larisa} this is boring, can i go back to the beach?
[13:19] {Threei} no
[13:19] {Threei} stay and suffer
[13:19] {Les} beaches in canada?
[13:20] {larisa} end of November, Canada? No :)
[13:20] {Threei} shapes up finally
[13:20] {Les} what temperatures in summer where you live vad?
[13:20] {Threei} if not going over .05 now, will be a good short setup
[13:21] {Les} 22 break?
[13:21] {Threei} about 25C
[13:21] {Threei} yes
[13:25] {Les} big buying at 22.
[13:27] {BillyD} Vad, looking for .25 on ACI short?
[13:28] {BillyD} fprget it
[13:28] {BillyD} forget
[13:28] {fernp} stop above 22.10 or 22.06?
[13:28] {Threei} .06
[13:31] {strider} y;all got any charts..nothing here
[13:32] {Threei} hmm?
[13:32] {strider} crap...I lost everything for about 2 min.
[13:32] {fernp} whats happen?
[13:32] {strider} back now.
[13:32] {strider} had two open.
[13:34] {strider} anyone in ACI?
[13:34] {fernp} me
[13:34] {BillyD} yes
[13:34] {Les} y
[13:34] {strider} now I feel better. :)
[13:35] {ilana} yes
[13:37] {Threei} Short Setup: HIG .40 break
[13:37] {ilana} what this volume spike means on ACI?
[13:38] {ilana} now i know...
[13:38] {Threei} nothing really
[13:38] {Threei} it moves with market at this point
[13:38] {ilana} buying came
[13:38] {Threei} see lille market spike?
[13:39] {Threei} Support for Health Care Plan Falls to New Low
[13:39] {strider} Something rather unnerving.......Got disconnected from Laser....finally quotes & charts came back......then tried to exit a position, and nothing.
[13:39] {strider} I had to reconnect, even though I was getting quotes.
[13:39] {BillyD} that happens sometimes strider
[13:39] {Threei} it means you lost interenet connection,
[13:39] {nemo} yep...happened to me before
[13:40] {Threei} when it happens and quotes get resxtored - executor does not
06[13:40] * nemo slaps lasertrev around a bit with a large stable platform
[13:40] {strider} duh
[13:40] {strider} hah, nemo
[13:40] {Threei} quotes will get restored by themselves but for executor to get reconnected you need to do it manually
[13:40] {lasertrev} whats up?
[13:40] {strider} t'anks...
[13:41] {strider} Just lost connections a bit ago...
[13:41] {nemo} nothing, just routine abuse
[13:41] {fernp} lol
[13:41] {Threei} just wanted to say...
[13:41] {strider} when quotes came back, I thought all was well.
[13:41] {Threei} simply slap him back trev, it's nemo... he is not doing it for any other reason than he just loves slapping people
[13:41] {strider} Was still unconnected , as far as placing/exiting trades.
[13:42] {nemo} for some reason the "they didn't expect, the Spanish inquisition" line goes through my head
[13:42] {lasertrev} anything "executor" means a loss of connection between you and server
[13:43] {strider} I never saw executor screen until I manually reconnected.
[13:43] {lasertrev} trev slaps nemo silly with a frozen salmon
[13:43] {strider} Anyway, I'm holding you responsible...)
[13:43] {strider} :)
[13:43] {strider} It caused me to make an extra .05.
[13:43] {Threei} why wouldn't you
[13:44] {Threei} I for one am holding trev responsible for the amazin tainforest problems
[13:44] {Threei} amazon
[13:44] {Threei} rainforest
[13:44] {Threei} sheesh
[13:44] {strider} Actually, it was Amazon I was in.
[13:44] {Threei} lol
[13:44] {nemo} and global change
[13:44] {Threei} no, for that I blame Al Gore
[13:44] {lasertrev} lol, as long as your not turning of quote servers again
[13:44] {Threei} but the rest is Trev's fault
[13:45] {strider} ACI moves
[13:45] {nemo} poor trev, didn't know what he was getting into with Dave
[13:45] {lasertrev} :s
[13:45] {Threei} yeah Trev... did good ol' davie actually warn you this is an asylum?
[13:45] {Threei} ACI 1:1
[13:46] {Les} out ty
[13:46] {strider} HIG looking like reversal
[13:46] {fernp} ty
[13:46] {strider} whatcha think vad?
[13:46] {Threei} don't want to go long on it
[13:47] {Threei} to me it looks like take short is sets up, ignore if sets long
[13:47] {Threei} is = if
[13:48] {strider} out 1/2 ACI
[13:48] {fernp} gj
[13:48] {BillyD} thx ACI fern/Vad
[13:48] {Threei} 1:2
[13:52] {nemo} everything is trading by appointment
[13:52] {Threei} 1:3
[13:52] {Threei} what a nice little cutie
[13:52] {nemo} damn bad order execution on pru short
[13:52] {strider} out
[13:53] {fernp} are you still in, Vad?
[13:53] {Threei} no
[13:56] {BillyD} HIG invalidated right
[13:56] {Threei} yes
[13:56] {Threei} watchig for new consoliodation
[13:56] {Threei} although it seems it's the best play between limits
[13:57] {Threei} buying near .40 and shorting near .50 would have worked probably 3 times already, lol
[13:58] {strider} HIG would be a short?
[13:58] {Threei} ummm
[13:59] {Threei} you blacked olut strider? :)
[13:59] {strider} lost my discussion data when I rebooted. Looks long to me.
[13:59] {Threei} [13:46] {strider} whatcha think vad?
[13:59] {Threei} [13:46] {Threei} don't want to go long on it
[13:59] {Threei} [13:47] {Threei} to me it looks like take short is sets up, ignore if sets long
[13:59] {Threei} [13:47] {Threei} is = if
[14:00] {Threei} [13:56] {BillyD} HIG invalidated right
[14:00] {Threei} [13:56] {Threei} yes
[14:00] {Threei} [13:56] {Threei} watchig for new consoliodation
[14:00] {Threei} [13:56] {Threei} although it seems it's the best play between limits
[14:00] {Threei} [13:57] {Threei} buying near .40 and shorting near .50 would have worked probably 3 times already, lol
[14:00] {Threei} dino!
[14:00] {Threei} you OK?
[14:00] {strider} It's Trev's fault.
[14:00] {Threei} everything is
[14:00] {Threei} aside of global warming which is Al Gore's
[14:01] {Threei} ACI 1:4... sheesh
[14:01] {dino} yes, real estate this a.m.
[14:01] {BillyD} yeah, that break of .97 was an indicator but I didn't follow my plan to hold for time
[14:01] {Threei} okay... there was a play about which magoo will howl like coyote when he sees it
[14:02] {strider} Vad, now you know why I have to be a scalper.....that's as long as I can remember.
[14:02] {dino} he's bear hunting
[14:02] {Threei} that's actually a bit too long for me strider
[14:02] {Threei} here are two criteria:
[14:02] {Threei} 1. fish, memory span is 21 seconds
[14:02] {nemo} alright...nobody asked me
[14:03] {nemo} 1/2 out pru short .91
[14:03] {Threei} can grab the same hook with the same worm on it 3 times a minytre, not remembering anything about last time
[14:03] {Threei} 2. moth, memory span is 6 seconds
[14:03] {nemo} tell the moth joke again Dino
[14:03] {Threei} gets burned by lamp, flies away, gets back 10 times a minute
[14:04] {nemo} yeah, and some of us get into relationships repeatedly
[14:04] {dino} what do you have if you have one moth ball here.................................and one moth ball here?
[14:04] {nemo} What Dino?
[14:04] {Threei} larisa... nothing changes eh?
[14:04] {dino} pretty big moth
[14:04] {strider} nemo, that's not memory problems...
[14:04] {Threei} you heard this joke before vacation
[14:04] {nemo} Bwahahahahahahaha
[14:04] {BillyD} is HIG still on now?
[14:04] {Threei} you hear it after
[14:05] {strider} hah
[14:05] {strider} are we gonna take this hig short.?
[14:05] {fernp} are we going to short HIG if breaks .40?
[14:05] {strider} fern:)
[14:05] {Threei} looks valid to me
[14:06] {strider} big stop?
[14:06] {Threei} keep and eye on FAS
[14:06] {fernp} .50 stop?
[14:06] {Threei} for hardcore scalpers .46
[14:06] {Threei} for sane traders .51
[14:07] {bkhmd} which trade HIG or Fas
[14:07] {Threei} HIG... FAS is leading indicator for it
[14:07] {nemo} look at cat just sitting for a fall
[14:11] {Les} 1st minute candle is all that stands between spy and gap fill
[14:11] {fernp} ty
[14:11] {Threei} HIG 1:1 for sane traders
[14:11] {Threei} pesky scalpers have 1:2
[14:12] {BillyD} lol
[14:13] {strider} out +.07
[14:14] {Threei} nice CAT
[14:15] {Threei} you are on the right wavelenght today nemo
[14:15] {nemo} 1/2 out .29
06[14:15] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a large roll of cash
[14:15] {BillyD} gj nemo
[14:15] {nemo} playing small though
[14:15] {nemo} today feels strange
[14:15] {BillyD} that's because you are starnge
[14:15] {BillyD} strange to
06[14:15] * Threei shrugs slaps nemo around a bit with a small roll of cash
[14:16] {nemo} no credit for tht Billy, kindergarten stuff
[14:16] {BillyD} lol....
[14:16] {BillyD} I will sick Vad on you nemo
[14:16] {nemo} np
[14:17] {nemo} his slams are much better than yours..ppphhhhhhht!!!!
[14:17] {Threei} you will what me on him?
[14:17] {nemo} like sending a dog to bite somebody
[14:17] {BillyD} take care of him Vad
[14:17] {dino} gj nemo
[14:18] {BillyD} he is out of line again....hard to imagine I know
[14:18] {nemo} stop to .35
[14:18] {Threei} much easier than to imagine him being in line
[14:18] {BillyD} so true
[14:18] {strider} you mean...there's a line?
[14:18] {Threei} never knew sick had that meaning
[14:19] {BillyD} never heard someone say to theor dog: sick em
[14:19] {Threei} can you guys make it easiwer for us foreigners and have just one word for each meaning and one meaning for each word?
[14:19] {BillyD} not that you are a dog or anything
[14:19] {nemo} nah, English doesn't work that way
[14:19] {strider} vad, could you possibly have just one spelling for each word?
[14:19] {dino} lol
[14:19] {nemo} nice one strider
[14:19] {Threei} fair point strider
[14:19] {BillyD} Ok Vad, how is this:
[14:19] {Les} sick - sic isn't it?
[14:20] {nemo} see BIlly, that's good stuff
[14:20] {strider} I think so, Les
[14:20] {BillyD} smack nemo upside the head
[14:20] {nemo} I don't think speaking latin to a dog is a good idea Les
[14:20] {Threei} that I understand
[14:20] {Threei} appreciate
[14:20] {Threei} and like to do
[14:20] {strider} amzn h&s.....but, I dunno.
[14:21] {nemo} stop to 32
[14:21] {nemo} .32
[14:21] {strider} .32 ACP?
[14:21] {nemo} actuallly, kinda looks long now
[14:21] {nemo} out cat
[14:22] {nemo} oops
[14:23] {nemo} too small strider, unless you're right up against him
[14:23] {strider} agree.
[14:23] {nemo} try to find that stuff right now...sheeesh
[14:24] {strider} I know... better than a few months ago, though.
[14:24] {nemo} yeah they should sell vaseline with it now
[14:24] {strider} Vad, AMZN read?
[14:25] {Threei} .80 break short
[14:25] {Threei} no long
[14:25] {Threei} ideally if never goes over .90
[14:26] {strider} would you take it?
[14:26] {nemo} looks like it could be long over .90
[14:26] {Threei} unless I black out between now and trigger
[14:26] {nemo} no volume on this price rise
[14:26] {Threei} no
[14:26] {strider} never mind.
[14:26] {Threei} not going for long on it
[14:26] {strider} how that happens to you too.
[14:26] {strider} oh
[14:26] {nemo} now volume coming in
[14:29] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:29] {Threei} - NYSE volume 545M shares, about 22% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 6.1:1.
[14:29] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.21B shares, about 17% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 2.7:1.
[14:29] {Threei} - VIX index -5% to just over 21.00
[14:31] {Les} WFC
[14:33] {nemo} text book pullback off bottom of fcx
[14:34] {nemo} hit swing price high at 85.12, volume dried up on pullback and then increased on price rise
[14:34] {larisa} you mean at 14:23 14:24 ?
[14:35] {nemo} yes ma'am
[14:35] {larisa} one of my fav setups
[14:35] {Threei} sheesh... I couldn't understand which side on V nemo was talking about
[14:35] {Threei} larisa, you better be careful... understanding nemo's train of thought is not a sign of a good mental health, ya know
[14:36] {nemo} being in this room isn't either
[14:36] {Threei} true
[14:36] {Threei} but then again, mental health is not a strick requirement for being profitable
[14:37] {Threei} of which we are living proof
[14:37] {nemo} also true
[14:37] {larisa} this one fits my system perfectly, but i am not looking at things nemo does, so i am safe :)
[14:38] {nemo} Not necessarily...we've never compared notes
[14:45] {Threei} speaking of that setup,
[14:46] {Threei} that's the way you hunt the bottom on hard selling ones in the most safe way
[14:46] {Threei} instead of trying to guess which leg is the last
[14:46] {Threei} and arbitrary buying every new low
[14:46] {nemo} another clue: it basically hit friday's close
[14:48] {larisa} and another clue: it started to uptrend first time since break of 87.
[14:48] {dino} nuva hl l .50
[14:48] {nemo} yeah, broke the downtrend
[14:51] {fernp} LOW if breaks 22...
[14:52] {nemo} long fern?
[14:53] {fernp} could be
[14:53] {fernp} daily looks nice
[14:54] {BillyD} RMBS hangs near low area, maybe short if breaks down
[14:54] {BillyD} slow pace on it right now
[14:56] {nemo} turtle market right now billy
[14:57] {dino} the turtle of amazing girth, upon his back he carries the earth
[14:57] {strider} : Cephalon shares defended at UBS-----I guess this means they're underwater on CEPH?
[15:01] {Threei} I guess
[15:01] {Threei} LOW high
[15:01] {fernp} if KEY breaks 6, could be a good swing trade
[15:02] {fernp} LOW also could be a good swing
[15:02] {fernp} and better intraday :-)
[15:03] {fernp} 22 break, Vad?
[15:03] {fernp} w/stop under .90?
[15:05] {strider} LOW atr: .55
[15:05] {Threei} yup
[15:06] {strider} CENT
[15:06] {strider} thin
[15:06] {nemo} dino stock
[15:09] {dino} hmm
[15:10] {strider} down grade on CENT, dino
[15:10] {dino} ty
[15:27] {Threei} SEED is not done still
[15:27] {Threei} wow
[15:28] {ilana} HIG short?
[15:28] {Threei} no clear setup here
[15:28] {Threei} oscialles bwteen .30 and .45
[15:28] {Threei} oscillates too
[15:30] {fernp} Not my day today. out LOW
[15:31] {Les} yeh, I was in LOW but the lack of volume above 22 told me it was no go. sold it as soon as it dropped.
[15:33] {Les} gonna get gap fill on spy?
[15:33] {nemo} that would be serious
[15:34] {Les} wfc is back to lows
[15:34] {Les} fas new low
[15:34] {dino} nuva stopped
[15:35] {nemo} 15:40 ppt
[15:36] {Threei} {PPT} huh?
[15:36] {nemo} Plunge Protection Team
[15:36] {Threei} sigh
[15:36] {Les} you expecting the cavalry to arrive?
[15:37] {Threei} way to get the meaning {G}
[15:37] {nemo} paranoid delusion
[15:37] {nemo} I love the anarchy of plunges
[15:40] {strider} you shoulda been a plumber.
[15:40] {Threei} lol
[15:41] {dino} what a rinse nuva was
[15:42] {ilana} the maret was
[15:43] {strider} BRCD reporting after close
[15:44] {Threei} (US) President Obama: economy is growing again, only take first step to heal economy - post cabinet meeting reports
[15:44] {Threei} oh good
[15:45] {BillyD} maybe CAT short opp - eod though
[15:45] {Les} fas good to short?
[15:46] {Les} do you short etf's?
[15:46] {Threei} you see a valid setup on it?
[15:46] {strider} CEPH seems to have confirmed support at 54
[15:47] {Les} .75 trigger. hmmm. stop is a little too big...
[15:47] {Threei} .75?
[15:48] {Threei} how do you arrive at that as a short trigger?
[15:49] {Les} it was plunging towards 76.75, but again. no consolidation. no steady movement into trigger. jumps around like a jack rabbit. stupid idea.
[15:50] {Les} .75 would have made new low for fas
[15:50] {Threei} you hot it
[15:50] {Threei} price alone is not an indication
[15:51] {Threei} the way stock arrives at it is important
[15:51] {Threei} hot = got
[15:52] {larisa} got not hot
[15:52] {nemo} Sam I am
[15:52] {larisa} vad started it
[15:52] {Les} can't I be hot?
[15:52] {nemo} Yeah, and like lemmings, we followed
[15:52] {nemo} Les, you're giving me really bad visuals
[15:52] {bkhmd} good night all
[15:53] {Les} night bk
[15:53] {Threei} salreo, check your e-mail please
[15:53] {nemo} amzn finishing near high
[15:54] {dino} cya bk
[15:55] {Threei} take care bk
[15:56] {Threei} wow... SEED finishes near high
[15:57] {Les} is that H&S developing on SEED?
[15:57] {Threei} not really
[15:57] {Threei} and this is momentum mover
[15:58] {fernp} Good evening everybody. See u all tomorrow
[15:58] {Threei} take care fern
[15:58] {strider} nite fern.
[15:58] {nemo} could bode well for tomorrow
[15:58] {nemo} bn fern
[15:58] {Les} night fern
[15:58] {Les} how nemo? long or short?
[15:59] {nemo} long
[15:59] {Les} oh. thought too many traders crowding the same trade.
[15:59] {Les} maybe big selloff instead...
[15:59] {strider} what's wrong with CAT today?
[15:59] {nemo} finishing near high sign of strength, but anything coul happen
[16:00] {strider} filled gap from open.
[16:00] {Threei} thank you all
[16:00] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[16:00] {strider} thanks, vad.
[16:00] {Les} ty vad. night all
[16:00] {nemo} hasta banana
[16:00] {larisa} bye :)
[16:05] {strider} night everybody.........see you tomorrow.
[16:05] {nemo} ooops, earning on hp ust not be good
[16:05] {Threei} HPQ Reports Q4 $1.14 v $1.13e, R$30.8B v $30.4Be
[16:05] {Threei} - Guides Q1 $1.03-1.05 v $1.04e,
[16:06] {nemo} which is not unusual, 1st quarters always are the worst

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Nov 20 2009

The day started with small scalps and small stops, then turned to the better with nice WFC short, NLST momentum trade and a few scalps. General boredom was still present though.

Session Time: Fri Nov 20 00:00:00 2009

[08:14] {strider} Laser bizarro..........
[08:15] {strider} looking at IPOs starting to trade today. Laser gives me daily charts going back to April of last year.
[08:16] {nemo} Oy
[08:18] {strider} look at CLD, GTEC, SVN
[08:18] {strider} see if you get dailies for them.
[08:18] {nemo} GTEC coming public again
[08:18] {nemo} they've gone public/private like three times
[08:19] {strider} really?
[08:19] {strider} farm out
[08:19] {nemo} If that's the company out of RI that makes lottery equipment it is
[08:19] {strider} dunno
[08:20] {strider} GTEC priced at $13.......maybe we should just short on open.
[08:20] {nemo} $ up big
[08:21] {strider} yeah saw that. $
[08:26] {BillyD} GM nemo, strider
[08:26] {strider} mornin Billy:)
[08:28] {nemo} BD
[08:36] {Threei} DNDN
[08:36] {Threei} Dendreon Corp Receives FDA Acknowledgement of Complete Response
[08:36] {Threei} - Announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provided written acknowledgement that the Company''s amended Biologics License Application (BLA) for PROVENGE(sipuleucel-T) is a complete response.
[08:36] {Threei} - The FDA has assigned a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) date of May 1, 2010, by which time it will respond to Dendreon''s amended BLA. Dendreon is seeking licensure for PROVENGE for men with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).
[08:38] {Threei} BLTXX Baltic Dry Bulk Index declines around 3%, first decline in 17 sessions
[08:40] {strider} BCRX, SJM
[08:40] {Threei} NLST again
[08:56] {ese} good morning
[08:56] {Threei} ese :)
[09:01] {Threei} HLHL
[09:01] {Threei} GLG Life Tech Corp To trade on NASDAQ begining at 10AM ET
[09:01] {Threei} - leader in the production of high quality stevia, a zero-calorie, natural sweetener listed on the Toronto Stock exchange under GLG.
[09:01] {Threei} GLGL
[09:02] {cosmo} hmmm...kinda sounds like the good stuff....
[09:03] {strider} HLHL/GLGL--symbols?
[09:03] {Threei} GLGL
[09:03] {strider} thx
[09:05] {strider} SJM
[09:06] {strider} HIBB
[09:07] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[09:07] {Threei} fern :)
[09:07] {ese} fern
[09:07] {ese} nlst just won't quit
[09:08] {strider} morning everyone
[09:10] {strider} shippers taking a hit this morning.
[09:10] {strider} nat, dsx, drys
[09:10] {ese} definitely
[09:10] {ese} i unloaded my drys position at 6.97 2 days ago
[09:11] {Threei} [08:38] {Alert} Threei BLTXX Baltic Dry Bulk Index declines around 3%, first decline in 17 sessions
[09:11] {strider} yep
[09:11] {strider} I got 7.11 on 1 lot, still holding two at .42--longer term
[09:11] {strider} 6.42
[09:12] {ese} was in at .46 out .97
[09:12] {ese} nice
[09:12] {ese} you'll be fine with the longer term looking to get back in as well
[09:14] {cosmo} NLST again
[09:14] {ese} just gonna say that cos
[09:14] {cosmo} :)
[09:14] {ese} what is the technology that it produces.....
[09:14] {ese} nlst that is
[09:15] {cosmo} checking...
[09:15] {ese} what the heck is a hypercloud memory module
[09:15] {nemo} nlst
[09:16] {ese} yes
[09:16] {nemo} geezus
[09:17] {strider} everybody needs a couple of those.
[09:17] {ese} yup....gonna get right out there and pick one up today
[09:17] {Threei} siunds about right
[09:18] {Threei} I don;'t know how I lived without hypercloud memory module
[09:18] {lasertrev} morning
[09:18] {Threei} trev :)
[09:18] {nemo} another optimist
[09:18] {ese} me will be just that much simpler with one
[09:18] {ese} trev
[09:18] {dino} gm all
[09:18] {Threei} dino :)
[09:19] {ese} dino
[09:19] {strider} dino:)
[09:19] {strider} have you got your hypercloud memory module installed yet?
[09:19] {lasertrev} hi ese
[09:19] {magoo} morning
[09:19] {Les} afternoon
[09:19] {dino} :)
[09:19] {Threei} magoo, les :)
[09:20] {strider} magoo:)
[09:20] {cosmo} nlst = enigma
[09:20] {nemo} mags dino les trev patience raven cosm o ese fern jmb dunedin :)
[09:20] {Les} nemo :)
[09:20] {nemo} dawg :)
[09:20] {nemo} Herrn K :)
[09:21] {ese} one thing is sent the price of the stock hyperhigh.....1 to 7 bucks in 3 days
[09:21] {dawg} nemo:)
[09:21] {Threei} dawg :)_
[09:21] {nemo} wuff
[09:21] {Les} Vad its friday arvo. when am i allowed to have a drink?
[09:21] {strider} here's what I think they sold me: a DIMM. very low profile registered dual in-line memory modules (DIMM), 4 Rank fully-buffered DIMM, small form factor DIMM,
[09:21] {dawg} morning Vad
[09:21] {ese} dawouuuuug!
[09:21] {Threei} what am I, drink police?
[09:21] {Threei} as far as I am concerned you can have first one before getting out of bed
[09:22] {Les} no words of wisdom on drinking and trading?
[09:22] {dawg} ese:)
[09:22] {Les} no 4X2?
[09:22] {Threei} words - no
[09:22] {Threei} 2x4 - sure
[09:22] {nemo} Yeah, since drinking interferes with my sleep, I start when I get up, and stop at lunch
[09:22] {Threei} but there is no necessary particular reason
[09:22] {Les} so. shippers are in play?
[09:23] {Threei} hypercloud memory module sure is
[09:23] {ese} is that memory module from nlst ST
[09:23] {dino} interesting nemo
[09:23] {dino} reminds me of hunting season
[09:24] {strider} morning _jodistr :)
[09:25] {ese} ST....did you buy your memory module from nlst?
[09:26] {magoo} NLST at it..was lookikng for over 6 yesterday
[09:26] {Threei} .35 is NLST premarket high so far
[09:26] {strider} I got one of thee prototypes, ese.......sold on late night TV
[09:27] {strider} also turns lights on and off
[09:27] {strider} and changes color with my moods.
[09:27] {ese} and.........does it do something.......something cool, special,........snything
[09:27] {ese} anything
[09:28] {ese} lol
[09:28] {strider} dices mounds of onions....
[09:28] {ese} is it faster or something or what?
[09:28] {strider} man, you want everything!
[09:29] {strider} ARCL, opens at 10:40
[09:29] {strider} GTEC opens at 11AM both IPOs
[09:29] {strider} though nemo tells mme GTEC has been around the block a few times.
[09:30] {nemo} If that's the GTEC I knew
[09:32] {Threei} Short Setup: AIG .70 break
[09:32] {Threei} if stays under .80
[09:32] {Threei} half lot
[09:33] {Threei} 1:1
[09:33] {strider} missed
[09:33] {Les} missed
[09:34] {ese} l nlst .40
[09:34] {BillyD} out ty
[09:34] {Les} nice entry point ese.
[09:34] {ese} out .66
[09:34] {fernp} ty only grabbed 37 shares :-)
[09:35] {ese} nlst that is.......+.26
[09:35] {ese} a little bs luck the les
[09:35] {ese} x and sales going like crazy.....
[09:36] {ese} helps predict the momo a little better
[09:37] {ese} when this one finally thinks it's going to tank hard
[09:38] {Threei} feels like it will try and break 7 before it tanks
[09:38] {bkhmd} gm all
[09:38] {Threei} bkh!
[09:39] {strider} can't short NLST
[09:39] {nemo} same as yesterday
[09:39] {strider} LASER
[09:39] {strider} forgot
[09:39] {nemo} too until you mentioned it
[09:40] {ese} agreed vad......
[09:40] {dino} partial fill crmt l .24
[09:40] {ese} am lookin for another entry....but nothing yet
[09:41] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .20 break
[09:41] {Threei} disregard
[09:41] {Threei} .10 break
[09:41] {Threei} if stays above 58
[09:42] {ese} l fitb .02
[09:42] {magoo} in
[09:42] {ese} givin this another shot
[09:43] {ese} got rid of my last 5k yestereday even
[09:43] {ese} out fitb .09
[09:43] {dino} f'ing partials, they always work
[09:43] {Les} descending triangle RIMM
[09:43] {magoo} god dam RIMM
[09:43] {ese} +.07
[09:43] {Threei} no go
[09:43] {bkhmd} out
[09:43] {nemo} stoppe
[09:44] {magoo} peice of shit lately rimm
[09:44] {ese} love this and out with 20k ...takes it like .....smoothe
[09:44] {fernp} I hate RIMM
[09:44] {magoo} dont even look at hig vad or illreach into computer and smack u
[09:44] {magoo} LOL
[09:44] {Threei} ok, I ran out of stocks to call
[09:44] {Threei} se you next millenium
[09:44] {nemo} RIMM has killed me this week
[09:45] {dino} take it off your screen then
[09:46] {magoo} this has been hardest most shitty november i can remember
[09:46] {Threei} crap... you guys send me into depression
[09:46] {bkhmd} lol
[09:46] {BillyD} lol
[09:46] {magoo} well...we need u there with us
[09:47] {nemo} now look at rimm
[09:47] {Threei} with your desperate comments after one 10 cents win and one 10 cents loss
[09:47] {nemo} no...6 rimm trades this week, all losses
[09:47] {dino} nemo, hurts when i hit my head on the wall, so i don't do it...
[09:47] {Les} hgsi
[09:47] {BillyD} good one dino
[09:48] {nemo} You don't have the level of brain damage I do Dino
[09:48] {dino} :)
[09:48] {magoo} nemo, want me walk over and smack dinos head for ya?
[09:48] {Threei} seriously, I take a break for 15 minutes
[09:48] {BillyD} lol
[09:48] {nemo} If you feel the need mags
[09:48] {Threei} I need to clear my head from all this negativism
[09:48] {dino} magoo, keep it up an i'll throw a shoe at you again
[09:48] {Threei} you can all wallow in it all you want
[09:48] {nemo} Ooohhhhhh Dino
[09:48] {bkhmd} wow what ahppened i left t he room for a week and we are slapping heads
[09:48] {bkhmd} lol
[09:48] {bkhmd} better than smelly fish i guess
06[09:49] * nemo slaps dino around a bit with a large smelly shoe
[09:49] {dino} lol
[09:49] {dino} back to work
[09:49] {Les} don't go vad I lost on rimm too but i want the money. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!
[09:49] {fernp} HIG .30 beak
[09:49] {fernp} break
[09:50] {Les} AIG about to break down?
[09:50] {Les} or break out?
[09:50] {Les} hgsi about to breakdown
[09:50] {ese} vad....fitb ...opinon please....good chance to break it does i think i'ts gonna go along way
[09:51] {Threei} pretty much market dependent ese
[09:51] {ese} agreed
[09:51] {Threei} the thing with FITB lately, breaks work on it only when market gets really hot
[09:51] {Threei} when market tanks, FITB holds relatively well
[09:52] {Threei} and can be bought on pullback for a nice bounce
[09:52] {ese} yes....thats what i'm noticing
[09:52] {Threei} but buying breakout will put you in a long holding pattern
[09:52] {ese} it does hold really well against mkt
[09:52] {Threei} and can be quite unnerving
[09:52] {Threei} NLST doesn't give up
[09:52] {strider} DELL testing new low
[09:53] {ese} seems to be resistance pt at .10
[09:53] {BillyD} tough one NLST, large offers both ways get smacked
[09:54] {Threei} WMT almost touched 55
[09:54] {Threei} pulback entry try
[09:54] {Threei} .65 break if holding .60
[09:54] {Threei} first who says I hate WMT gets banned from the room for an hour
[09:55] {fernp} lol
[09:55] {Threei} and 5 minutes
[09:55] {BillyD} roflol
[09:55] {nemo} I'm so in love with WMT
[09:55] {Les} i'm in
[09:55] {strider} in
[09:55] {Threei} 5 minujtes is bonus from me personally
[09:56] {Les} how do you want to play wmt. scalp only?
[09:56] {Threei} with market help should be good for 1:2
[09:57] {strider} long DELL from .40
[09:57] {strider} stop lod
[09:57] {Threei} stop under .30?
[09:57] {Threei} okay
[09:57] {Threei} makes sense
[09:57] {Threei} over 1:1
[09:57] {Threei} good one
[09:58] {ese} dabbling fitb l .05
[10:00] {ese} bastard .05419.....higher price
[10:00] {Threei} NLST finally yileds to gravity
[10:01] {strider} stop wmt
[10:01] {Les} ditto
[10:01] {nemo} yeah
[10:01] {strider} I hate WMT
[10:01] {magoo} oh oh
[10:01] {magoo} u be gone
[10:03] {nemo} nasty's a conspiracy to whack our stops
[10:03] {nemo} :)
[10:03] {nemo} look at formation on Rimm (hate that stock)
[10:03] {Les} I stopped out WMT flat. Dunno if its a no no, but descending triangle developing on WMT whispered to me "get out"...
[10:04] {ese} l fitb some more .05
[10:04] {nemo} great...he's hearing voices
[10:04] {Les} no, using zoom feature on IB charts. great for seeing patterns
[10:08] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT .50 break half lot
[10:08] {Threei} if stays under .60
[10:09] {strider} DKS
[10:11] {nemo} strider, I've got .10 as a support level for dks, might want to see if it can hold above it
[10:11] {dino} yesterday, beat and lowed guidance
[10:11] {Les} wfc weak
[10:12] {strider} thx
[10:12] {nemo} yeah, I work for them part time
[10:12] {nemo} They are cutting staff hours left and right
[10:12] {Les} who, wfc or dks?
[10:12] {nemo} dks
[10:13] {nemo} selling non pc merchandise
[10:13] {dino} tra
[10:14] {fernp} out flat WMT. first time stopped, this time at 1:1
[10:14] {Les} non politically correct merchandise - pray thee, do tell
[10:15] {Les} hgsi back in green
[10:15] {nemo} whoa...rimm
[10:15] {Threei} ok guys, here is the deal
[10:15] {Threei} RIMM, clean setup .30 break
[10:15] {Threei} with stop under .20
[10:15] {Threei} want to hear why I didn't call it?
[10:15] {nemo} we know
[10:15] {Threei} make your conclusions
[10:16] {magoo} guess what? i too k 10 anyway and out .57
[10:16] {nemo} least you did well on it Vad...and that's good
[10:16] {Les} aw that's nasty, punishing the group for the individual whiners
[10:16] {dino} lol
[10:16] {Threei} I am not punishing anyone
[10:16] {nemo} no...military way
[10:16] {Threei} I am growing hesitant to call it
[10:16] {Les} hmm
[10:16] {magoo} so get in the game mav..god dammit maverick..ENGAGE
[10:17] {magoo} i like rimm now vadL
[10:17] {Les} bull flag forming hgsi?
[10:18] {Threei} let's poll the room first about attitude toward HGSI
[10:18] {magoo} vad, its the mkt thats f'ed ..not the individual keep calling RIMM...truthe be told...I HATE THEM ALL..but gotta take trades
[10:19] {Les} oh I get it.... a joke
[10:19] {BillyD} TTIL
[10:20] {Threei} yeah billy, second day
[10:20] {Threei} little piece of crap
[10:20] {BillyD} world of its own
[10:20] {Threei} one of those slow grind climbs
[10:21] {Threei} Short Setup: WFC .95 break
[10:21] {fernp} stop above 28?
[10:22] {Threei} if sets up from here, yeas
[10:23] {Threei} maybe give it one more cent, it tested 28.01 three times over last 15 minutes
[10:23] {dino} sm l ctrp .03 wide
[10:23] {fernp} yes
[10:24] {ese} l fitb avg pr .056
[10:24] {Threei} I hope you are watching RIMM
[10:25] {magoo} asmashed 1 of my 3 keyboards over it vad
[10:26] {dino} cf blood
[10:27] {dino} tera elects cf slate
[10:27] {dino} tra
[10:27] {Les} rimm bull flag setup again?
[10:28] {Threei} way too high now
[10:28] {Threei} risk is getting beyond acceptable
[10:28] {Les} k
[10:29] {Threei} needs selloff to about 58.80 to become a play again
[10:29] {dino} pwrd
[10:30] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[10:30] {Threei} - NYSE volume 395M shares, about 40% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.7:1.
[10:30] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 560M shares, about 1% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.5:1.
[10:30] {Threei} - VIX index -0.75% to just under 22.50
[10:30] {Les} die wfc
[10:30] {Threei} DNDN Hearing Rodman making positive comments in the name (timing uncertain) (28.20, +0.15, 0.53%)
[10:35] {dino} cedc strong
[10:36] {Threei} WFC starts looking like capable of more than scalp
[10:36] {Threei} 1:1
[10:36] {fernp} ty
[10:36] {bkhmd} ty out
[10:36] {bkhmd} i needed that
[10:36] {Threei} welcome
[10:37] {BillyD} out thx Vad
[10:37] {Les} 1st time partial. half out
[10:37] {Threei} do it by the book Les, stop to .96
[10:37] {Les} k
[10:38] {Threei} locking profit in so you play with house money now
[10:38] {Threei} not letting trade turn into loss or even flat
[10:39] {Threei} allowing profit potential to maximize you accept the risk of it evaporating,
[10:39] {Threei} but what is booked should stays booked
[10:39] {bkhmd} .96 stop? would that not be - 2 on the remainer?
[10:39] {Threei} .95 was critical barrier
[10:39] {Threei} it became new resistance
[10:40] {bkhmd} ahh k
[10:40] {bkhmd} im out just asking
[10:40] {Threei} if it's broken, it invalidates downtrend continuation
[10:40] {strider} ARCL open IPO
[10:40] {Threei} so desicio making wise, this is kind of point where your personal monetary considerations and chart indications must be reconsiled
[10:41] {Threei} and something's gotta give
[10:41] {Threei} chart says .96
[10:41] {Threei} strct breakeven says .95
[10:41] {Threei} 1 cent difference is not that crucial for me that I wouldn't give preference to a chary
[10:42] {Threei} chart
[10:42] {nemo} wmt puking
[10:42] {Threei} 1:2
[10:43] {Les} all out .86 ty for further understanding
[10:43] {Threei} by the book, 1/4 more cover
[10:43] {Threei} 1:3
[10:44] {Threei} either full cover or no covering anymore, just trailing
[10:44] {Les} ok. have confidence now to try partialing.
[10:44] {Les} nice drop. saw descending triangles on fas, spy and wfc but didn't think id see this
[10:44] {Threei} out in full
[10:45] {Threei} .79
[10:45] {fernp} excellent
[10:45] {Threei} and what do you know, no WFC haters
[10:46] {nemo} i'm indifferent to wfc
[10:47] {dino} ctrp stop is lod
[10:48] {strider} ctrp
[10:48] {strider} sorry
[10:48] {BillyD} HIG, our beloved may be setting for short off 24.9
[10:48] {Les} nlst setup?
[10:49] {Threei} NLST is a momo player...
[10:49] {Threei} WFC 1:4
[10:49] {Threei} without us but still
[10:49] {dino} ne
[10:49] {Les} nice to catch a bank with its pants down
[10:50] {Threei} 7 is on the nose
[10:50] {dino} ne gap around 37.30
[10:51] {strider} pcs
[10:51] {Threei} US) Treasury nominee Brainard: Chinese currency rate now seen as getting in the way of economic recovery
[10:51] {Threei} - CNY was a stabilizing force at the height of the crisis
[10:51] {Threei} - CNY now forcing other countries to step up opeartions to halt appreciation in their currencies
[10:52] {Les} took nlst for +.8
[10:52] {magoo} out 7.10 + .60
[10:52] {ese} you called it vad nlst 7
[10:52] {dino} ne hl l .00
[10:52] {Les} doesn't he mean that the US still can't compete with china pegged to the $?
[10:52] {dino} stop lod
[10:53] {magoo} i took that 6.50 cross when lev 2 picked up pace
[10:53] {magoo} too fast to post
[10:53] {magoo} SORRY
[10:53] {ese} what the hell is a hypercloud memory module
[10:53] {Threei} that was the case for decades Les
[10:53] {dino} they don't realize if china appreciates, everything we buy will sky rocket
[10:53] {nemo} they know
[10:53] {Threei} ese... this is the thing that finally made magoo happy today
[10:53] {magoo} im loving everthing
[10:53] {Threei} whew
[10:53] {Threei} thank you god
[10:54] {Les} how long you been trading mags?
[10:54] {magoo} even looked over at HIG he he
[10:54] {Threei} rofl
[10:54] {ese} the module?
[10:54] {magoo} 9 years
[10:54] {Threei} now I need nemo to start loving RIMM and my life will be whole again
[10:54] {magoo} but first 5 was idiot
[10:54] {BillyD} and HIG short worked magoo, there is hope
[10:54] {Les} ? with vad?
[10:54] {bkhmd} We all love RIMM VAD dont pass up on next set up like the one we missed lol
[10:54] {magoo} vad, how long us?
[10:54] {ese} tough task......nobody will ever love rimm
[10:55] {Threei} except first 5 les
[10:55] {Les} :)
[10:55] {Threei} that was an idiot stage :)
[10:55] {magoo} 4
[10:55] {Les} lucky to find you then. still in my first year
[10:55] {Threei} I'd have to look it up mags... on top of memory I'd say 4-5
[10:55] {strider} then mags got his hypercloud memory module, and well, the rest is history.
[10:55] {magoo} wish i met the grumpy ole boy earlier
[10:55] {Threei} lol strider
06[10:56] * Threei changes nick to Grumpy Ole Boy
06[10:56] * Threei remembers than there is no country for grumpy old men and changes back
[10:56] {magoo} one thing vad should admit if he wants to be serious...i always had a "feel" or read on momo thing
[10:56] {Threei} oh yeah
[10:56] {Threei} you live for that
[10:57] {fernp} FAS breaking lod
[10:57] {dino} nuva
[10:57] {Threei} and getting better and better in two things
[10:57] {Threei} 1, recognizing momo
[10:57] {Les} yes, i asked you because you are aggressive on some stocks
[10:57] {Threei} 2. controlling risk when momo leaves
[10:57] {Les} I remember reading of mags when AIG was white hot earlier this year
[10:57] {Threei} watch NLST guys
[10:57] {Threei} momo recognition
[10:57] {Les} thinking wow, thats big cash being made
[10:58] {magoo} yea...but like 4 years ago even..vad will confirm..we used to nail momo like BOOM remember vad?
[10:58] {Threei} I need a tissue
[10:58] {BillyD} lol...
[10:58] {Les} sentimental old goy
[10:58] {Les} boy
[10:58] {nemo} what kind of tissue vad?
[10:59] {BillyD} almost a mutiny 1 hr ago and now everyone is happy
[10:59] {nemo} what mutiny...just pissin' and moanin'
[10:59] {dino} nuva
[10:59] {dino} bi-polar bd
[10:59] {Threei} lol... it's not a democracy here, no such things as mutiny
[10:59] {nemo} yeah, the beatings will continue until morale improves
[11:00] {Threei} just one lesson left for today
[11:00] {BillyD} Vad, I thought you were gonna be Capt Bly and make everyone walk the plank
[11:00] {nemo} and then, they'll continue some more
[11:00] {cosmo} hmm...animal house
[11:00] {Threei} or hang on the mast
[11:00] {nemo} Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!
[11:00] {Threei} I am waiting with the lesson a bit,
[11:00] {dino} heck no
[11:00] {Threei} want you to observe NLST
[11:01] {dino} lol
[11:01] {nemo} lol
[11:01] {Les} what for. further momo?
[11:01] {Threei} it's displaying very typical momo behavior
[11:01] {Les} k
[11:01] {Threei} watch pace, watch how it acts on braks and pullbacks
[11:01] {Threei} compare pace
[11:01] {Threei} see when the breaks act as trap,
[11:01] {Threei} when they are real,
[11:02] {dino} nuva hl l .50
[11:02] {Les} is typical of falling stock as well? or completely different sort of momo?
[11:02] {dino} stop lod break
[11:02] {Threei} when opullbacks are for enter and when they are hopeless, just little bounce and drift lower
[11:02] {Threei} it's very hard to put in any set of rules,
[11:02] {Threei} you need to watch it and get a feel for it
[11:02] {Threei} no Les, that's different thing
[11:03] {Threei} capitualtory selling is governed by different kind of emptions
[11:03] {Les} k
[11:03] {cosmo} ultimately, she be a heart breaker
[11:03] {Threei} they are just as scorching hot, but they are different
[11:03] {nemo} rimm (ow) again vad
[11:03] {Threei} aren't they all cos
[11:03] {cosmo} for some time now ...yea
[11:04] {dino} men lose lots of money chasing women, but rarely do they lose women chasing money
[11:04] {Threei} .30 resistance
[11:04] {Threei} watch how it acts aaround it
[11:04] {Threei} good one dino
[11:06] {magoo} when money goes out the window (ie trading losses)...women go out the door
[11:06] {dino} nuva stopped -.30
[11:06] {Threei} but the opposite is just as true
[11:06] {dino} try again lower
[11:07] {nemo} nothing more important to a relationship than money
[11:07] {Threei} when women come in the door, money goes out the window
[11:07] {fernp} lol
[11:07] {dino} w/o it lots of trouble
[11:07] {cosmo} follow the money
[11:07] {nemo} We'd still be in The Garen of Eden if it weren't for them
[11:07] {strider} I hate NUVA
[11:07] {magoo} well vad..but for me just a lil tweak...when $$ is coming in...i like to KICK my current women out the door
[11:07] {Threei} then I am thankful to them
[11:07] {dino} oh man, rinsed big time
[11:07] {strider} damn rinse-o-matic
[11:07] {Threei} that garden wsas horrifyingly boring
[11:07] {nemo} Bible leaves out the part where Eve threatened to shut off Adam if he didn't eat the apple
[11:08] {nemo} Oh, yeah, boring, eat, sleep, sex...boring
[11:08] {dino} roflol
[11:08] {Threei} what can I do nemo... I am a hunter
[11:08] {nemo} makes two of us
[11:08] {dino} how did that get us strider
[11:08] {Threei} I need to get mine in a chase
[11:08] {magoo} me hunter
[11:08] {cosmo} some say snakes used to be our friends
[11:09] {Threei} not to be given it
[11:09] {strider} dunno
[11:09] {cosmo} but matter
[11:09] {Threei} I ejoy the process of getting the prize more than consuming it
[11:09] {strider} very suspicious looking, though
[11:09] {dino} wolf is always at the door
[11:11] {Threei} Les, looking back at remark about RIMM risk becoming unacceptably high near 59.50
[11:11] {Threei} see what it did since then?
[11:11] {Les} y
[11:11] {Threei} hard shakeouts,
[11:11] {Threei} bounces,
[11:11] {Threei} but nothing even close to another break and run
[11:11] {strider} PCS c&h
[11:12] {nemo} op ex friday afternoon
[11:12] {Les} non of that is conspiracy though is it
[11:12] {strider} I'm in small at .36
[11:12] {Les} just locking in profits etc etc
[11:12] {Threei} NLST nears critical level again
[11:12] {Threei} third time
[11:12] {Threei} of course no Les
[11:12] {Threei} simple trading
[11:13] {nemo} WMT almost back to yesterday entry
[11:13] {Threei} 99% of conspiracies are meaningless bs
[11:13] {nemo} It helps those of us with paranoid delusions cope
[11:13] {Threei} give a read to
[11:13] {Threei}
[11:14] {nemo} yeah, but you're on retainer to Goldman Sachs :)
[11:14] {Threei} most of "manipulation" cries is nothing but cop out of self-responsibility for the result of your own desicions
[11:14] {Threei} of course I am
[11:15] {Threei} Goldman Sachs is very concerned about opinion of two dozens day traders
[11:15] {nemo} nlst
[11:15] {nemo} well there's only one Darth Vad
[11:16] {nemo} mags you in again?
[11:16] {Threei} one of old patterns works for NLST here
[11:16] {BillyD} it show a change
[11:16] {Threei} sewcond test of the high is more often a failure,
[11:16] {Threei} third is more often success
[11:21] {strider} reboot
[11:23] {cosmo} nlst wont die ...until it spawns
[11:23] {Threei} I believe 8 will be hit
[11:23] {nemo} any news on pru?
[11:23] {Les} can we have a go
[11:23] {Threei} it displays all signs on momo continuing
[11:23] {magoo} yes and out noew
[11:24] {Threei} PRU Hearing added to US 1 list at Merrill/BofA (timing uncertain)
[11:24] {Threei} - Hearing SSW, TXN, TMK removed
[11:24] {nemo} ty
[11:24] {magoo} [11:17] {nemo} mags you in again?
[11:24] {nemo} yes mags, ty
[11:25] {magoo} sorry was away from desk
[11:25] {nemo} vad, wmt at 54.12
[11:25] {strider} PCS testing high
[11:25] {magoo} pullbks the way to p[lay
[11:25] {magoo} but its getting RISKIER as we go now
[11:25] {BillyD} where was your entry mags?
[11:25] {magoo} .50
[11:25] {magoo} out .73
[11:25] {BillyD} thx
[11:26] {magoo} looks likje 8
[11:26] {magoo} prob breathe at 7.90 area
[11:26] {magoo} could be top thee
[11:27] {magoo} or if takes 8 can go 8.20
[11:27] {magoo} breahe, the .70
[11:27] {magoo} but hey
[11:27] {magoo} take a pullbk iif IF sets up and gotta keep STOP
[11:28] {magoo} in case its done
[11:28] {BillyD} we about to bounce Vad
[11:28] {Threei} CRXX Hearing ticking higher on positive newsletter mention (1.03, +0.15, 17.05%)
[11:29] {dino} crmt gap filling
[11:29] {dino} great report
[11:31] {Les} .50 yer pullback on nlst mags?
[11:34] {Threei} NLST more or less calmed down for now
[11:34] {Threei} so, let' me nudge you in the direction I wanted you to think about
[11:34] {nemo} wfc break of .80? stop uner .75
[11:34] {BillyD} Vad, any read on WMT
[11:35] {BillyD} doesn't seem done selling yet
[11:35] {Threei} WMT, not yet
[11:35] {Threei} right
[11:35] {dino} crmt sm l 35
[11:35] {dino} .35
[11:35] {Threei} WFC, 50/50
[11:35] {Threei} back to our sheeps
[11:36] {nemo} animal fetishes?
[11:36] {Threei} being a teenager, you probably heard from parents or teachers
[11:36] {Threei} "watch your mouth"
[11:36] {Threei} well, it does apply to trading
[11:36] {Threei} as far as mindset goes
[11:36] {nemo} sheep an wolves
[11:37] {Threei} all these negative comments you make, out loud or for yourself,
[11:37] {ese} well whats happening........dropped my son off at school
[11:37] {Threei} they form your mindset
[11:37] {Threei} tell yourself 10 times how RIMM is not working, how you always lose on it, how you hate it
[11:37] {Threei} then that one rifht setup comes,
[11:37] {Threei} and you are left in dust
[11:37] {Threei} because ou cnvinced yourself that you should ignore it
[11:38] {magoo} NLST could be done
[11:38] {magoo} ill post when i like it
[11:38] {Les} thanks
[11:38] {magoo} widowmaker remember
[11:38] {magoo} was 3 bux a week ago if i recall
[11:39] {Threei} 1
[11:39] {Les} i keep tabs on traders tweets elsewhere. all out on nlst
[11:39] {nemo} pru short, break of .75, stop .90?
[11:39] {nemo} invalidate .90 too?
[11:40] {Threei} I'd prefer aggressive entry on it
[11:40] {Threei} no breakdown worked on PRU today
[11:40] {Les} egle pushing for new high
[11:42] {Les} cat dropping hard. monthly charts suggests support around 57?
[11:43] {fernp} WMT almost hit 55 this morning and now is trading at 54. I don't know how swing traders make money
[11:43] {Threei} who says they do
[11:43] {fernp} :-)
[11:44] {Les} egle long with .90 trigger?
[11:44] {Threei} les, this is not the kind of support that is huaranteed to provide any guidance
[11:44] {Threei} why 5.90?
[11:44] {Les} ok. so breaking previous high for the day doesnt guarantee anything?
[11:45] {Threei} what are you talking about? my first comment was on CAT
[11:45] {Threei} second on EGLE
[11:45] {Threei} how do you combine them in one question?
[11:45] {Les} :P
[11:46] {Les} ok. so 57 is not "bounce" territory?
[11:46] {Threei} by itself, no
[11:46] {BillyD} back to CAT then
[11:46] {Threei} if right setup is forming and market helps, yes
[11:46] {strider} DDS salmon
[11:55] {dino} freakin' nuva rinse
[11:55] {Les} DCTH
[11:55] {Les} another momo?
[11:56] {Threei} look at T&S
[11:56] {nemo} coma
[11:56] {Les} interesting
[11:56] {nemo} volume
[11:56] {nemo} fcx
[11:57] {magoo} guys, NLST is so far holding..but were in wrong time of day now
[11:57] {nemo} wmt
[11:57] {nemo} sorry
[11:57] {magoo} wouldnt be surprised to see it lose 7
[11:57] {dino} oil moving
[11:57] {magoo} great momo sign if it does NOT
[11:58] {Les} thanks. will keep it in front of me
[12:00] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:00] {Threei} - NYSE volume 560M shares, about 14% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.7:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 945M shares, about 5% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.8:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - VIX index +0.75% to just over 22.50
[12:01] {Threei} news cycle is completely overtaken by Oprah quitting
[12:02] {Threei} never mind health care debate, economyh voes, unemployemtn
[12:02] {Les} for one person to have that much pull in a society...
[12:03] {Threei} she quits in TWO years
[12:03] {Threei} yet fokr the second day it's all TV talks about
[12:04] {Threei} there is such sense of urgency in discussing evcerything related, I start thinking.. may be during these two remaining hyears I need to watch a single show of hers?
[12:04] {Les} nah, she is going to do her own show on her own cable company
[12:05] {Les} after she quits nbc or whoever it is
[12:05] {Les} dell short?
[12:05] {Les} volume stinks
[12:05] {Threei} charts are in conflict
[12:06] {Threei} intraday is short, daily is not
[12:06] {Les} ouch thats a nasty drop on daily
[12:07] {Les} nlst holding firm into lunch
[12:08] {Threei} NLST actually formed little setup hr3
[12:08] {Threei} .50 break if holding .40
[12:11] {Threei} 1:1
[12:11] {fernp} ty
[12:11] {Threei} :)
[12:11] {Threei} nice and easy
[12:11] {Threei} unusually easy for such wild animal
[12:12] {Threei} but taming wild animals is very satisfying
[12:12] {Les} damn missed. dinner preperation time
[12:12] {Les} follow through likely?
[12:12] {Threei} lunch time...
[12:13] {Les} k
[12:17] {Threei} attempt at 7.80 will be made now
[12:17] {fernp} are u still in NLST?
[12:17] {Threei} how successful, no way to tell
[12:17] {Threei} no, took scalp
[12:17] {fernp} i fell better
[12:17] {fernp} lol
[12:19] {fernp} fell = feel
[12:22] {Threei} 42% Rate Geithners Performance As Poor
[12:22] {Threei} Twenty percent (20%) rate Geithners performance in these areas as good or excellent.
[12:23] {Threei} ok, starting tally of idiots again
[12:23] {Threei} 20% so far
[12:24] {Les} the federal government employs about 20% of the pop., don't they?
[12:25] {Les} or all state and local authorities combined...
[12:25] {Threei} interesting coincidence if so
[12:30] {magoo} [11:27] {magoo} prob breathe at 7.90 area
[12:30] {magoo} [11:27] {magoo} could be top thee
[12:30] {magoo} [11:27] {magoo} or if takes 8 can go 8.20
[12:30] {magoo} [11:28] {magoo} breahe, the .70
[12:41] {dino} .
[12:42] {nemo} mon
[12:42] {nemo} sorry
[12:44] {fernp} HIG double bottom?
[12:48] {Threei} nah
[12:48] {nemo} If I recollect correctly...Op Ex Friday afternoons are corpse-like
[12:49] {nemo} I'd say limp as a dead fish, but that hits too close to home
[12:54] {nemo} mon increasing volume on this rise, might be .25 break would be stop .15
[12:55] {bkhmd} .
[13:00] {magoo} AWIAV?
[13:01] {Threei} c
[13:02] {Threei} HIG, .75 break looks like valid short trigger
[13:04] {nemo} or .78 break long?
[13:04] {nemo} speak of the devil
[13:04] {BillyD} why nemo long
[13:04] {nemo} DB
[13:05] {nemo} lower volume spike on 2nd bottom
[13:05] {BillyD} resistance up to .83 and no support below .75
[13:05] {nemo} you ever watch dino trade?
[13:06] {BillyD} not really followed
[13:06] {nemo} does a lot of these
[13:06] {BillyD} his entry style
[13:06] {BillyD} different ways to skin a cat
[13:06] {nemo} yep
[13:07] {nemo} now if volume increases w/price here, could be strong move
[13:07] {magoo} crap NLST
[13:08] {dino} you mean quarter breaks?
[13:08] {nemo} huh? don't know what you call them, but you catch turns regularly
[13:09] {dino} lucky sometimes
[13:09] {nemo} Yeah, it only takes the fingers and toes of a combat battalion to count the number of times you've been lucky
[13:10] {dino} i'm wrong alot too
[13:10] {nemo} Billy, if hig holds support here and breaks .82, whaddya' think?
[13:11] {BillyD} I don't like it long beccause I would prefer the clean breakdown with no resistance
[13:12] {nemo} what about if volume were to increase along with price?
[13:12] {dino} i'll tell you where i'm screwing up lately, not booking scalps because i want more. like hitting my head against the wall
[13:12] {nemo} yeah dino, scalps have been winning predominantly, with just enough runners to pull out your fingernails
[13:12] {dino} current examples ne and crmt
[13:13] {BillyD} key is nemo if volume will continue, needs mkt help and foloow thru
[13:13] {dino} you said it nemo
[13:13] {BillyD} break of low of day sparks a little more panic and people sell
[13:13] {dino} tempted to say f it and turn to total scalp mode for month
[13:13] {nemo} right there on that one BIlly
[13:14] {nemo} I mean I'm right there with you on that one
[13:14] {BillyD} we'll see what happens :)
[13:14] {dino} ok vad, close guess dji, +.66
[13:14] {nemo} You watch, I can't look...
[13:15] {BillyD} goes either way or goes nowhere
[13:15] {nemo} definite maybe
[13:15] {BillyD} absolutely :)
[13:16] {dino} cute movie
[13:17] {nemo} what movie?
[13:17] {dino} definitely maybe
[13:17] {nemo} didn't know about it
[13:17] {dino} chick flick, wife rented it
[13:18] {nemo} DE vad?
[13:18] {Threei} .25 is valid long chart wise
[13:18] {Threei} market overall at this point in time, I don't know
[13:19] {nemo} yeah, back and forth
[13:19] {fernp} shorted HIG aggressively .79 stop above .85
[13:20] {ese} have a great weekend all....gotta go...still long fitb.05....i smell money here...cya
[13:21] {dino} cya es
[13:21] {ese} dino
[13:21] {strider} ese:)
[13:21] {Threei} take care ese
[13:21] {fernp} bye ese
[13:23] {Les} bon weekend ese
[13:23] {Les} nlst?
[13:24] {Threei} ?
[13:24] {Les} nope
[13:24] {Threei} what has changed in it?
[13:25] {Threei} still oscillates bteween .50 and .80
[13:25] {Les} .75 break
[13:27] {Les} ?
[13:27] {bkhmd} did u grab it les?
[13:27] {Les} no. burnt once twice shy.
[13:28] {dino} tecd
[13:28] {Threei} how did you get burnt on it?
[13:28] {Les} descending triangle on MA .50 short trigger?
[13:29] {Les} like someone said before. got greedy. had the scalp in the hand and I wanted more
[13:29] {strider} news on TECD? none on the fly
[13:29] {bkhmd} should come back and test .81
[13:29] {Threei} nothing fresh
[13:31] {Les} damn MA good for .10.
[13:31] {dino} vad what say you on the dji close?
[13:31] {strider} QUIZ: Who spoke this line, and in what movie?
[13:32] {strider} "Is cod in fresh season?"
[13:32] {Threei} -35 dino
[13:32] {strider} hint: was a language barrier.
[13:32] {dino} +66
[13:32] {Threei} beer?
[13:33] {strider} is that your answer?
[13:33] {Threei} I am -1 on beer, gotta get even
[13:33] {fernp} stopped HIG
[13:36] {dino} ok
[13:41] {Les} ascending triangle forming on nlst
[13:41] {Les} .85 break?
[13:42] {Threei} Les
[13:42] {Threei} NLST is momo
[13:42] {Threei} momos rarely obey technicals
[13:42] {Threei} razre cases when they do I call
[13:42] {Threei} like that .50 break
[13:42] {Les} k
[13:43] {Les} so you won't bite?
[13:43] {Threei} bite as in trade it or call it?
[13:43] {Threei} call - no
[13:43] {Threei} I do not make calls on momos other than define them as such
[13:43] {Threei} or in one of those rare cases
[13:44] {Threei} when they provide relatively low risk high odds opportunity
[13:48] {strider} AMZN hod
[13:48] {Threei} attack on 8 is imminent
[13:49] {strider} futs
[14:00] {Les} fas b/d?
[14:01] {Les} descending triangle.
[14:01] {Threei} not my kind of setup
[14:01] {Threei} sharp spike, pullback on decereasing volume
[14:01] {Threei} typical bull flag
[14:02] {dino} what to do what to do
[14:04] {Threei} see it now Les?
[14:05] {strider} market closed next friday, or just thursday}?
[14:05] {dino} just thursday
[14:05] {nemo} thurs
[14:05] {Threei} but you can imagine what kind of trading we get on Friday
[14:05] {dino} not allowed to be closed more than 3 days in row
[14:05] {Les} yeh. didn't think of bull flag
[14:06] {strider} something like this afternoon?
[14:06] {Threei} don't look at the last "piece" of chart in isolaion
[14:06] {Threei} view bigger pictuire
[14:06] {Threei} then you'll have better idea of how this piece plays in overall situation
[14:06] {Threei} everything is part of mosaic
[14:07] {dino} out ne +.27, out crmt +.25, out ctrp +.49
[14:08] {BillyD} gj dino
[14:08] {dino} ty, tired of watching them drop bacl to entries
[14:09] {BillyD} sometimes prudence is best
[14:09] {nemo} Dear Prudence
[14:10] {dino} lol
[14:10] {Les} b/o coming in MON?
[14:11] {strider} Patience is good also.
[14:11] {nemo} there's a setup
[14:11] {Les} .95 trigger?
[14:12] {nemo} would be break, yeah, but had a helluva up move
[14:12] {Threei} could be...
[14:12] {Threei} MON has a chance
[14:12] {fernp} fourth week ending in positive. Thank you vad, I was not used to it. ty again
[14:12] {fernp} gotta go. have a nice weekend everybody. see you all on monday
[14:12] {nemo} invalidated under 80
[14:12] {Threei} fern...
[14:12] {Threei} helluva result for someone who hates so many stocks :)
[14:13] {Les} ciao
[14:13] {Threei} glad to hear, have a great weekend
[14:13] {fernp} lol. you too
[14:13] {nemo} spy might be topping out
[14:13] {dino} of course, now ne continues
[14:13] {dino} ctrp too
[14:14] {dino} cya fern
[14:14] {magoo} nice fern
[14:14] {strider} fern:)
[14:15] {nemo} mon invalidated
[14:15] {Threei} yup
[14:16] {Threei} good job by fern, amazing consistency
[14:16] {Les} would it have been appropriate to fade? tried to but was late to party.
[14:16] {Threei} he is a scalper mostly, and last month was a scalper's market
[14:17] {nemo} got delining volume on cat vs increasing price action
[14:18] {strider} short amzn .76, stop hod
[14:20] {ilana} your favorite GLD - .60 breakdown?
[14:20] {nemo} i hate gld :)
[14:21] {Threei} not sure about it here
[14:21] {Threei} pretty random
[14:21] {nemo} I'm not seeing stocks match the pullback in the indexes
[14:24] {patience} it took me 3 hours, 20 minutes to scalp .30 on yamana gold.....not a quickie
06[14:25] * Threei makes a mental note: do not turn to AUY for a quickie
[14:29] {Les} MA wants to go up
[14:30] {BillyD} something about NLST chart at .75 w/ large offer looks appealing
[14:31] {strider} out amzn -.03
[14:36] {Threei} RIMM...
[14:36] {Threei} wstching if consolidates better near 60
[14:36] {nemo} the volume spike?
[14:41] {magoo} only prob is buying the high
[14:41] {Threei} if NASDAQ spikes again from here, .60o will be a valid trigger
[14:41] {Threei} if holding above .90 meanwhile
[14:43] {Threei} watch it here
[14:43] {Threei} if markert reverses from here, .90 becomes trigger for bounce
[14:43] {BillyD} bull flag
[14:44] {Les} wfmi
[14:47] {BillyD} you in vad
[14:47] {strider} in .91
[14:47] {Threei} no
[14:47] {Threei} feels too random and market doesn't show any support
[14:47] {strider} I did it on FAS spike
[14:47] {BillyD} ok
[14:48] {Threei} FAS is not really a lead for RIMM
[14:51] {dino} bd, nemo, see my issues, ne, crmt, ctrp all could have been double. driving me nuts
[14:51] {strider} out .83
[14:51] {BillyD} dino, do you partial?
[14:52] {strider} Vad, when you say to follow the market, what are you looking at? Does an uptick on 1min. count?
[14:52] {Threei} if it's in a chart context, sure
[14:52] {nemo} wow, ctrp
[14:52] {Threei} overall, directional support
[14:52] {strider} ?
[14:52] {Threei} simple things like:
[14:53] {Threei} do you want to buy a breakout while market downticks sharply?
[14:53] {strider} but it
[14:53] {Threei} or if hunting for bounce,
[14:53] {dino} no bd,
[14:53] {strider} it's the 'market downticks" that I'm asking about.
[14:53] {Threei} if your stock stabilized
[14:53] {strider} what is it for the market to downtick.
[14:53] {nemo} what's bd
[14:54] {Threei} hmm?
[14:54] {dino} billyd
[14:54] {Threei} sorry, you lost me
[14:54] {BillyD} that would be me nemo
[14:54] {nemo} got it
[14:54] {nemo} was looking for stock
[14:54] {BillyD} lol
[14:54] {strider} you say "while market downticks". I'm trying to understand what that means.
[14:54] {Les} ctrp about to b/d?
[14:54] {nemo} moving down strider
[14:55] {Threei} dcownticks is dowticks
[14:55] {Threei} prints lower
[14:55] {Threei} bids drop, asks follow
[14:55] {Les} stupid question after such gains...
[14:55] {strider} so you're watcching T&S, rather than chart?
[14:55] {strider} or both.
[14:55] {Threei} market was till dropping while RIMM touched .90 and broke it by a cent or two
[14:55] {nemo} look at indexes les...kinda going with them ato the moment
[14:56] {Threei} chart is one min, sometimes it's not enough for fast play like this
[14:56] {Threei} T&S runs next to chart
[14:56] {strider} right
[14:56] {dino} and t&a is afterhours (couldn't resist)
[14:57] {nemo} Frickin friday funfest
[14:57] {strider} so, if RIMM had touched .90, at the same time as a futs uptick, you would have bought?
[14:57] {strider} or broke .90
[14:58] {Threei} probably
[14:58] {Threei} hard to answer hypotetical
[14:58] {Threei} depends on chart formation at tghe moment,
[14:58] {Threei} depends on how far from .90 it bottomed,
[14:58] {BillyD} it comes down to feel with all the indicators Strider
[14:59] {Threei} how it came back, sharply or slowly climbing
[15:01] {strider} I'm just trying to understand what you're making your decisions on when you say: if holding above .90 meanwhile
[15:01] {strider} [14:43] {&Threei} watch it here
[15:01] {strider} [14:43] {&Threei} if markert reverses from here, .90 becomes trigger for bounce
[15:02] {Threei} those are two different comments
[15:02] {Threei} first was for 60 break if holding above .90
[15:02] {strider} sorry...grabbed too much.
[15:02] {Threei} when it got invalidated, it turned into bounce setup instead of break setup
[15:03] {strider} right
[15:04] {strider} so the question is about: "if market reverses from here." I'm trying to understand how you make that decision.
[15:05] {strider} An uptick doesn't seem like a market reversal.
[15:06] {Threei} not without context
[15:06] {Threei} look at it this way
[15:07] {Threei} market consolidates under the breakout level, then upticks above it
[15:07] {Threei} another case:
[15:07] {Threei} market drops sharply, then makes one uptick
[15:07] {Threei} are those uopticks the same or different in their respective contexts?
[15:08] {strider} They're very different.
[15:08] {Threei} right
[15:08] {Threei} in first case it's meaningful
[15:08] {Threei} in second, it's very likely to be "accidenatl"
[15:08] {Threei} non- event in a sense of defining the direction
[15:08] {Threei} now, third case
[15:09] {Threei} market drops sharply,
[15:09] {Threei} makes a few upticks
[15:09] {Threei} drops again, hold support of previous drop
[15:09] {Threei} and stat upticking again
[15:09] {Threei} is there significance to it?
[15:09] {strider} Yes
[15:09] {strider} holding support
[15:09] {Threei} right, double bottom is likely forming
[15:10] {Threei} so, you have a context now to that comment
[15:10] {strider} Maybe one mistake I've been making is using line charts for futs indicators.
[15:10] {Threei} if I say market reversing
[15:10] {Threei} and one uptick reversal makes not
[15:10] {strider} right
[15:10] {Threei} ... :)
[15:10] {Threei} I prefer bar charts
[15:10] {Threei} cnadles
[15:10] {Threei} candles
[15:11] {Threei} not line
[15:11] {strider} yeah. Easier to see patterns. Used to looking at them.
[15:12] {strider} Is the QQQQ as good as Naz futs for leading indicator? Or not quite as good?
[15:12] {Threei} nah, same thing
[15:12] {strider} And DIA and SPY}
[15:12] {strider} ?
[15:12] {Threei} yes, just for diff markets
[15:13] {strider} OK. THanks. I've been hampering myself by not seeing ordinary chart patterns in the QQQQ--because I was using line chart for it.
[15:13] {BillyD} nlst selling
[15:14] {strider} Was just seeing general directional trends.
[15:17] {BillyD} dino, NE got enough for play if crosses .50
[15:18] {dino} looks so
[15:19] {Les} aig dropping
[15:21] {nemo} wanna' big C&H vad....tck
[15:21] {dino} rally monkey
06[15:21] * nemo slaps dino around a bit with a large monkey
[15:22] {Les} hgsi consolidating?
[15:23] {Threei} I like overall look of TCK
[15:23] {dino} lol
[15:23] {Threei} not HGSI
[15:24] {BillyD} AIG didn't participate with the mkt spike , may be short off 35
[15:24] {dino} crmt trying to break up
[15:24] {dino} dish has been odd, drops wed 2+ and sits in 35 cent range for two days
[15:25] {dino} nuva hl l .00
[15:27] {nemo} alota order at 34
[15:30] {Les} tck trigger?
[15:31] {Threei} you believe in breakout and run here?
[15:31] {dino} ok 3i 60 pts up for me or 30 down for you
[15:31] {Threei} then this is your trigger, right here
[15:32] {nemo} I think the ppt wants it positive
[15:32] {Threei} sigh
[15:34] {strider} AIG continues to look weak, Billy
[15:35] {Les} someone likes MA
[15:35] {dino} crmt hl l .00
[15:36] {bkhmd} have a good weekend all
[15:36] {bkhmd} thanks VAD for today
[15:36] {strider} see ya bk
[15:36] {Les} cheers
[15:36] {dino} cya bk
[15:37] {Threei} take care bkh
[15:37] {dino} bk=black knight i guess
[15:37] {BillyD} I wanted it to stay under .10 Strider, my preference though
[15:38] {dino} nuva to .24
[15:39] {dino} out +.24
[15:40] {dino} ctrp hl l .00 trig
[15:42] {dino} wall of china at .00
[15:42] {nemo} ba da bum
[15:43] {dino} yabba dabba doo
[15:43] {nemo} wall of china, chinese travel company...sheesh
[15:43] {dino} giddyup
[15:43] {dino} lol didn't think of that
[15:43] {Threei} TCK if you went for it feel free to take profit here
[15:43] {Threei} likely to pullback now
[15:44] {dino} these .25 mutliple triggers are not what they used to be
[15:45] {nemo} you mean break of .25 .50 .75, etc?
[15:46] {dino} and .00 yes, they used to be pretty reliable
[15:47] {dino} now they are about as useful as humpty dumpty
[15:48] {nemo} yeah, easy targets for algo programs
[15:48] {dino} stopped -.10
[15:48] {Threei} TCK quite obeying
[15:49] {Threei} or obedient
[15:49] {Threei} or whatever
[15:49] {dino} you short it?
[15:49] {Les} thought of fading, but noted you said "Likely" to pull back, not surely. don't know when pullbacks can be faded...
[15:50] {dino} rinsed again
[15:50] {Threei} no dino, alerted earlier about closing long around .74
[15:50] {dino} yes, saw that
[15:52] {dino} ugh ctrp
[15:52] {BillyD} CTRP too spikey for tight stops
[15:52] {dino} decides to go against market all sudden
[15:52] {strider} don't care what vad says, there's a 'they' out there doing that stuff, dino.
[15:52] {BillyD} yeah and not with it earlier
[15:53] {Threei} and even if you are paranoid, it doesn't mean they are not watching you
[15:53] {strider} damnm right.
[15:54] {Les} ha. and on that witty note I shall take my leave. bon weekend everyone
[15:54] {Threei} take care les
[15:54] {nemo} yeah frohes Wochenende
[15:54] {dino} yeah i think magoo has group countering my trades
[15:54] {strider} nemo, you're babbling again
[15:55] {dino} cya les
[15:55] {BillyD} dino, I never took the NE break at .50, it didn't seem to have enough pace to get me a .15 .94
[15:55] {dino} i've heard rumors that "they" work for sara lee
[15:55] {strider} hey.....nobody doesn't like Sara Lee.
[15:55] {dino} i see it, i took wrong one ctrp and crmt
[15:55] {nemo} I feel ill
[15:56] {strider} got a wastebasket nearby?
[15:56] {dino} huh
[15:56] {dino} my advice to you nemo, drink heavily
[15:56] {strider} and often
[15:56] {nemo} going to exercise class
[15:57] {dino} and magoo, go on a diet, fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life
[15:57] {Threei} dino, I guess we will have to call it a draw
[15:57] {dino} i believe so
[15:57] {nemo} ahhh...double secret probation
[15:58] {nemo} nah, closer to you Vad then him
[15:58] {strider} See you all Monday.........
[15:58] {Threei} way too far from either to have any significance
[15:59] {nemo} we
[15:59] {BillyD} cya strider and everyone, have a good wknd
[15:59] {nemo} we're talking beer here
[15:59] {strider} Billy:)
[15:59] {dino} crmt holding over
[15:59] {Threei} ok guys, thank you all
[15:59] {Threei} have a good weekend
[15:59] {strider} 3I:)
[15:59] {Threei} see you on Monday
[15:59] {nemo} nighty night
[15:59] {strider} thirty one eye
[16:00] {Threei} that's one scary image
[16:00] {nemo} yeah...optometrists nightmare
[16:01] {Threei} lol
[16:01] {dino} spider
[16:01] {dino} well bowflex time

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nov 19 2009

Uneven start for the day - somethings worked, some didn't... and then along came WMT with nice breakout that gave us almost 50 cents. That made a day worth living - as far as trading goes.

Session Time: Thu Nov 19 00:00:00 2009

[05:17] {KSystems} Good morning crowd
[05:17] {KSystems} Yes yes, autographs will come after the show
[05:17] {KSystems} make sure to line up early enough!
[05:17] {KSystems} Thank you, thank you.
[08:04] {Les} oink oink! ACHOO!
[08:04] {nemo} go home...don't infect us
[08:05] {Les} are markets sufficiently infected today that we're going to make money?
[08:05] {nemo} trade what you see not what you think
[08:07] {Les} good slogan comrade, but from your experience are futures ugly enough to make some good moves today?
[08:08] {nemo} always bounce plays and inverse etfs
[08:08] {nemo} Vad made a killing last fall when the market was falling apart
[08:09] {Les} that's what I wanna hear...
[08:12] {KSystems} S&P fut down 9.00 so far, DJ -65
[08:12] {KSystems} morning
[08:12] {KSystems} and nasdaq fut -12.75 to complete the list
[08:13] {nemo} na ja, Tag Herrn K
[08:13] {KSystems} hi nemo
[08:21] {nemo} Mmmmhhhh....Where's Czar Vad?
[08:27] {Threei} (US) Preview: Initial Jobless Claims and Continuing Claims due out at 8:30amET
[08:27] {Threei} - Expectations for initial claims are 504K v prior release of 502K (range seen from 485K to 550K)
[08:27] {Threei} - Continuing claims seen at 5.598M v prior 5.631M (range seen from 5.350M to 5.700M)
[08:27] {Threei} ***Reminder: the last sub 500K reading in initial claims was back in early Jan 2009
[08:30] {nemo} So what's that make, 22million jobs lost this year?
[08:30] {Threei} US) INITIAL JOBLESS CLAIMS: 505K V 504KE; CONTINUING CLAIMS: 5.611M V 5.598KE
[08:30] {Threei} ummm... hoorrraaaay?
[08:30] {nemo} yep...yipee
[08:31] {Threei} meanwhile, canadaian real estate smashed records in October
[08:31] {Threei} believe it or not
[08:33] {nemo} gme up big
[08:39] {Threei} GME Reports Q3 $0.31 v $0.30e, R$1.83B v $1.7Be
[08:39] {Threei} - Affirms Q4 EPS $1.47-1.65 v $1.57e (prior $1.47-1.65)
[08:39] {Threei} - Guides Q4 SSS -7% to -1%
[09:03] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[09:03] {Threei} fern :)
[09:05] {strider} morning all.:)
[09:06] {Threei} strider :)
[09:06] {strider} NTES, GYMB
[09:07] {strider} MRVL
[09:08] {strider} vad:)
[09:10] {cosmo} HOTT pre mkt high = 5.98 fwiw
[09:11] {cosmo} ....maybe 6....
[09:12] {Threei} HealthPort IPO reportedly postponed due to market conditions
[09:12] {Threei} - Note that on 10/21 the company set pricing range for IPO at $14-16/shr
[09:12] {Threei} ***Note: HealthPort is a leading provider of healthcare information services and technology solutions to approximately 1,900 hospitals and health systems and 8,000 independent and hospital-affiliated physician clinics. Our primary business is providing outsourced technology-enabled release-of-information services to our customers, which we refer to as ROI.
[09:12] {ese} morning
[09:13] {Threei} ese :)
[09:14] {lasertrev} gm
[09:14] {ese} LT
[09:14] {Threei} trev :)
[09:14] {lasertrev} :)
[09:14] {BillyD} GM all
[09:15] {lasertrev} hi Billy
[09:15] {BillyD} trev :)
[09:16] {Threei} Billy :)
[09:19] {dino} gm all
[09:20] {strider} dino:)
[09:20] {ese} mornin dino.....vad whats on your radar?
[09:20] {ese} ST
[09:20] {strider} ese
[09:20] {strider} I see DRYS has bought two new ships.
[09:20] {dino} healthpoint, mkt conditions? lol
[09:21] {ese} oil drilling ships
[09:21] {Threei} dino :)
[09:21] {Threei} keeping an eye on FITB, ese
[09:22] {ese} tks......same here
[09:22] {strider} also, re: shipping:
[09:27] {ese} interesting article st
[09:29] {strider} I thought the Baltic dry index showed shipping was UP, not down. What don't I understand (a lot)?
[09:29] {magoo} morn
[09:29] {Threei} up a little
[09:29] {Threei} magoo :)
[09:30] {ese} i don't try to understand it's the old trade what you see
[09:30] {ese} thong
[09:31] {Threei} NLST lost its mind again
[09:31] {BillyD} yeah, everyday
[09:31] {strider} ntes
[09:32] {BillyD} watching SZR]
[09:32] {BillyD} SRZ
[09:34] {Threei} HIG
[09:34] {Threei} watching for long into this pullback
[09:34] {Threei} .80 if stays above .70
[09:35] {Threei} and FITB
[09:35] {Threei} .05 if stays above 10
[09:36] {Threei} HIG invalidated but the idea remains, just hunting for better entry
[09:37] {ese} fitb will head dn vad
[09:37] {Threei} .60
[09:37] {strider} short NTES .50
[09:37] {Threei} if holding above .50
[09:37] {fernp} stopped FITB
[09:38] {BillyD} FITB still valid right
[09:38] {Threei} yes
[09:39] {ese} still looking for rimm to get to my no brainer buy point ...$50
[09:39] {strider} stop .ntes .60
[09:39] {Threei} HIG .55 if holding .40
[09:41] {Threei} Preview: Nov Philadelphia Fed Index due out at 10amET
[09:41] {Threei} **consensus expectation: 12.2e v 11.5 prior
[09:41] {Threei} Preview: Q3 US Mortgage Delinquencies due out at 10amET
[09:41] {Threei} **no estimate, prior quarter (Q2) was 9.24% ( highest reading on record)
[09:41] {Threei} Preview: Oct Leading Indicators due out at 10amET
[09:41] {Threei} **consensus expectation: 0.4%e v 1.0% prior (range of analyst estimates from 0.0% to 0.9%
[09:44] {BillyD} bounce mkt
[09:45] {Threei} no worky HIG
[09:45] {strider} stop HIG -.21
[09:45] {ese} not today i don't think billy
[09:46] {BillyD} just a little one for FITB
[09:47] {Les} fas dropping, so short entry for fitb?
[09:47] {nemo} DE short candidate if can't get above .90
[09:48] {cosmo} holi
[09:48] {dino} watch 5's and 0's imo strikes in play
[09:48] {Threei} I wouldn't try to short FITB
[09:48] {ese} imo.....i don't see any direction for fitb
[09:49] {BillyD} FITB holding stroong
[09:49] {ese} me either......technically it's got a really good looking daily chart
[09:49] {fernp} FITB more than a scalp, Vad?
[09:49] {Threei} if onlty market regains some stength, yes
[09:49] {fernp} tks
[09:50] {fernp} Im out here. TY
[09:50] {Threei} welcome
[09:50] {Threei} I'll try for more
[09:50] {ese} agreed
[09:51] {Threei} relative strength is impressive on it
[09:51] {Threei} salmon candidate
[09:52] {Les} and the other banks: BAC up, WFC down?
[09:52] {Les} what gives?
[09:52] {Threei} who knows
[09:53] {BillyD} out FITB here
[09:53] {BillyD} ty
[09:53] {BillyD} 1:1
[09:53] {Threei} sure thing
[09:53] {BillyD} mkt relentless
[09:54] {fernp} I would like to reload FITB. Good moment here, Vad?
[09:54] {Threei} as close to 10 as possible...
[09:55] {Threei} but we have numbers in a few minutes
[09:55] {fernp} ok. small shares...
[09:55] {strider} cover NTES +.61 sm
[09:55] {Threei} (US) Commercial Paper outstanding w/w: +$28.5B v -$76.6B prior; total CP Outstanding: $1.1685T
[09:55] {Threei} - Asset-Backed CP outstanding w/w +14.0B v +$9.1B prior
[09:56] {dino} vrus holds
[09:57] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .40 half lot
[09:57] {magoo} numbers in 1 min
[09:57] {fernp} ty
[09:57] {strider} missed it
[09:58] {ese} missed it
[09:58] {Threei} now let's wait for numbers
[09:59] {BillyD} what was stop on RIMM .60
[09:59] {Threei} .50 break long for TIMM, .40 break short - AFTER numbers
[09:59] {Threei} RIMM
[09:59] {Threei} .50 billy
[10:00] {BillyD} ok, wasn't sure so never entered
[10:00] {Threei} US) OCT LEADING INDICATORS: 0.3% V 0.4%E
[10:00] {Threei} NOV PHILADELPHIA FED INDEX: 16.7 V 12.2E
[10:00] {Threei} *(US) Q3 MORTGAGE DELINQUENCIES: 9.64% V 9.24% PRIOR
[10:00] {Threei} mix...
[10:01] {Threei} short side triggered on RIMM and 1:1 in a blink of eye
[10:01] {Les} bac short on .30 trigger?
[10:02] {Threei} yes
[10:02] {Threei} stop above .35 for scalpers, .40 day traders
[10:03] {strider} +.07 for RIMM....too jerky for me this morning.
[10:03] {strider} +.05
[10:05] {Threei} market refuses to sell
[10:06] {Les} jec short 37?
[10:06] {fernp} BAC breaking down
[10:07] {Threei} I don't see much significance to 37 right now on JEC
[10:08] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .50 break
[10:09] {Threei} if holding .40 of course
[10:09] {Threei} let's make it asgreesive
[10:09] {Threei} .45 break
[10:10] {Threei} half out
[10:10] {magoo} missed it dammit
[10:10] {nemo} me too
[10:14] {BillyD} VAD, HIG at .40 maybe but mkt needs to move it
[10:14] {Threei} second half stopped RIMM
[10:14] {Threei} I like it billy
[10:14] {BillyD} .30 stop
[10:15] {Threei} and invalidation, yes
[10:15] {fernp} out BAC
[10:15] {Threei} alternatively, if market starts ypticking and HIG delays, you can use it as aggressive entry
[10:16] {Threei} wtg fern
[10:16] {Threei} nice breakdown
[10:16] {magoo} NLST nuts
[10:16] {fernp} was your call and Les spot TY to you
[10:16] {strider} I'm out BAC also, only got +.05
[10:16] {strider} long candle scared me.
[10:16] {Threei} US) Treasury Sec Geithner: Pace of US job losses has been lessening -testimony
[10:16] {Threei} idiot
[10:17] {strider} FITB inverse c&h
[10:18] {BillyD} I find myself hesitant right now on any stock, no direction
[10:19] {nemo} .30 key support for HIG
[10:19] {fernp} HIG .40 break w/stop under .30 is the play, no?
[10:19] {Les} amen to that. someone's holding up the train.
[10:19] {Threei} yes
[10:19] {fernp} k
[10:19] {dino} patience nemo, our kill will come
[10:19] {BillyD} well said dino
[10:20] {nemo} plenty...this action been too fast...I missed RIMM when it couldn't hold above 59.40, and then stood aside
[10:20] {patience} i'm sulking because i didn't lock in a decent profit today. Up $200 bucks so far....whine, whine, whine
[10:20] {dino} nemo 5+ hours left, relax
[10:20] {nemo} no problem
[10:20] {nemo} fast action gives me gray hair
[10:21] {Threei} IMO, bounce is coming
[10:21] {dino} kids give me gray
[10:21] {nemo} Chardonnay patience?
[10:22] {nemo} please don't tell me White Zin
[10:22] {Les} wfc? with bounce behined would help
[10:22] {ese} what are you in patience?
[10:22] {dino} ok, watching jec, cnqr, ady, ctrp, dish, gww
[10:22] {dino} ltd
[10:22] {patience} yamana gold
[10:23] {ese} ahhh
[10:23] {Threei} WFC, HIG, yes
[10:24] {strider} fas looking good
[10:24] {strider} long .40
[10:26] {magoo} l NLST .80
[10:26] {magoo} thinking over 6
[10:26] {dino} shaw holds well
[10:28] {magoo} stop it .59
[10:29] {Threei} this is one scary headline on CNN:
[10:29] {Threei} Women are confused and angry
[10:29] {Threei} I fewel more intimidated than by whole financial crisis
[10:30] {magoo} no kidding
[10:30] {nemo} oh...they must be talking only to married ones
[10:30] {Threei} November survey estimates new auto sales -15% m/m
[10:30] {Threei} - "November is living up to its reputation for being one of the worst months of the year for car sales, so everyone is hopeful that Thanksgiving weekend will boost the numbers," commented Senior Analyst Jessica Caldwell
[10:30] {magoo} who the hex goes out on thanxgiving and buys a car?
[10:31] {Threei} lol
[10:31] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[10:31] {Threei} - NYSE volume 250M shares, about 11% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 17.8:1.
[10:31] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 550M shares, about even to its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 6.5:1.
[10:31] {Threei} - VIX index +10.5% to just under 24.00
[10:31] {Threei} this may kill the market if taken seriously:
[10:31] {Threei} IMF: Will not launch special study on SDR's replacing USD as reserve currency
[10:32] {Threei} - USD to remain key resere currency for many years/decades
[10:32] {Threei} - USD safe haven status sign of its strong demand
[10:32] {dino} lol magoo 2 years ago i ded
[10:32] {dino} did
[10:32] {Threei} careful with longs huys
[10:33] {Threei} let's trail HIG to under .35
[10:33] {BillyD} my exact thought
[10:33] {Threei} I don't think many take this jawboning seriously
[10:34] {Threei} but if they do for a change, USAD will jump
[10:34] {Threei} and market will tank
[10:34] {dino} it's a fool me once thing 3i
[10:35] {Threei} well, with USD being sold down as it is, not much needed to prop the bounce
[10:36] {strider} fas spike
[10:36] {Threei} move your butt HIG
[10:36] {BillyD} 1:1 or partial Vad on HIG
[10:37] {Threei} I am tron about it
[10:37] {Threei} torn
[10:37] {nemo} ol movie
[10:37] {nemo} old
[10:37] {BillyD} not much folow thru confidence so far
[10:37] {Threei} nothing but scalps worked today so far
[10:37] {magoo} freaking last week only scalps
[10:37] {dino} slxp
[10:38] {Threei} so be thankful we know how to scalp - beause this is the ONLY thing that works in such market
[10:38] {dino} fwlt hl l .52, stop .23
[10:38] {Threei} what do those who don't scalp do?
[10:38] {Les} fas looking ready to b/d
[10:38] {magoo} well, the buy and holders made a killing
[10:39] {Threei} not in the last month
[10:39] {Threei} or couple weeks
[10:39] {Threei} and don't forget, first they got killed
[10:39] {dino} slxp? up on secondary?
[10:39] {Threei} how many buy and holders entered their buys in March?
[10:39] {magoo} true, probably not even yet
[10:40] {Threei} this is the only thing I see on it dino
[10:40] {magoo} l rimm .30 btw
[10:41] {Threei} this is main problem with buy and hold... it looks nice during upward phase, but works only if your timing concides with market scles - yet the mantra for buy-and-hold is, do not try to time the market
[10:42] {Les} i've got motley fool promising everything but a new car if i sign back up
[10:42] {Les} I think mum and dad investors get it
[10:42] {Les} about buy and hold
[10:42] {magoo} hold out fr the vehicle
[10:42] {Les} :D
[10:43] {nemo} you're overestimating common sense les
[10:43] {dino} same vad
[10:44] {fernp} FITB was strong? :-)
[10:44] {dino} hl l shaw .10, stop .83
[10:44] {Threei} wasn't it?
[10:44] {strider} HIG pu...lees
[10:44] {magoo} still like NLST...just keep the stop
[10:45] {magoo} takes 6 prob goes like 6.17-.27 area
[10:45] {magoo} lil mkt help
[10:47] {strider} hig -.07
[10:47] {magoo} i hate HIG
[10:47] {magoo} said it before
[10:47] {ese} if your more of a long person like to just sit back and watch the scenery go by......let everyone else participate in the desvastation
[10:47] {strider} I'm getting on your boat, magoo
[10:47] {fernp} HIG what are you doing, man???? out
[10:47] {magoo} seems we lose lot more than win on it
[10:48] {magoo} plus, its a stupid donkey
[10:48] {Threei} you hate HIG, fern hates RIMM... if I incorporate all your passions, I'll run out of stocks to call
[10:48] {ese} aptly described
[10:48] {strider} There's always GE :)
[10:48] {Threei} very not true mags
[10:48] {magoo} i know, plus i like rimm , so what can u do
[10:48] {Threei} HIG worked for us for weeks like a faithful slave
[10:48] {dino} i hate appl
[10:48] {fernp} focus on AGAM, Vad
[10:49] {Threei} lol
[10:49] {nemo} was always great once it penetrated resistance
[10:50] {Les} jec now?
[10:51] {Threei} I don't have any setup on it
[10:52] {strider} nlst short at .70 break?
[10:52] {BillyD} not shortable
[10:52] {BillyD} Laser
[10:52] {strider} thx
[10:53] {fernp} FITB double bottom, Vad?
[10:53] {Threei} not really
[10:55] {ilana} RIMM .40 break?
[10:56] {Threei} only if market starts gaining strength... which so far is not the case
[10:56] {Threei} and doesn't look probable nearest time
[10:59] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD .05
[10:59] {Threei} stop above .15 for scaslpers, .20 for day traders
[11:00] {Threei} this is interesting:
[11:00] {Threei} US) Treasury Sec Geithner: Reiterates opinion that he is against re-instating Glass-Stegal Act
[11:00] {Threei} I'd like to hear the reasoning
[11:01] {nemo} stopped
[11:01] {fernp} stopped
[11:03] {BillyD} SOLF keeps heading north
[11:04] {Threei} I hate GLD
[11:04] {magoo} i hate trading
[11:04] {Threei} BXMNF is probably the only stock I'll have remaining to call
[11:05] {Les} MA breaking out
[11:05] {BillyD} RIMM off 58 with some consolidation
[11:06] {dino} lol rep burgess to geithner, "i don't think you should quit, you shouldn't have been hired"
[11:07] {magoo} nlst stopped
[11:09] {Threei} 1:1 GLD
[11:10] {fernp} cruel
[11:10] {nemo} very
[11:10] {strider} partial GLD +.09
[11:11] {Threei} I agree with Burgess
[11:11] {dino} v going to join ma?
[11:11] {Threei} but I really want to know what was so wrong with Glass-Steagal
[11:13] {strider} out balance GLD +.10
[11:16] {dino} ctrp hl l .98
[11:22] {magoo} .
[11:22] {BillyD} ssshhh....I am trying to find a setup out of the 20K potential stocks
[11:23] {BillyD} amazing how it can see m difficult ayt times
[11:23] {dino} 3i in answer to your question....too much glass
[11:23] {Threei} and not enough steagal?
[11:24] {dino} has to do w/thev old glass houses and name calling
[11:25] {fernp} YGE valid dbi, Vad?
[11:26] {Threei} a bit too narrow...
[11:26] {dino} ctrp stop is .66 fwiw
[11:26] {fernp} ok tjhanks
[11:29] {BillyD} Vad, I know your feelings on SOLF, but nice chart
[11:30] {Threei} I just don't have a read on it
[11:31] {Threei} this slow grind is not something I can grasp
[11:31] {fernp} WMT, Vad
[11:31] {BillyD} torture
[11:31] {fernp} C&H
[11:31] {Threei} WMT looks potentially explosive
[11:31] {Threei} .15 would be a long trigger
[11:32] {fernp} C&H against the market
[11:32] {fernp} ok. thanks
[11:36] {dino} ctrp stopped -.34
[11:37] {Threei} I would feel more comfortable with shorting SOLF at .95 breakdown than with long
[11:37] {Threei} if stays under 7 of course
[11:37] {BillyD} Vad, do you call GLD on its own merit or opposite of some other mkt component
[11:37] {BillyD} makes sense SOLF
[11:38] {Threei} on it's own and with market
[11:38] {Threei} why opposite
[11:38] {BillyD} wasn't is GOLd stock right?
[11:38] {Threei} market was selling dow, dollar was upticking
[11:38] {Threei} it's gold ETF
[11:38] {nemo} gld
[11:38] {nemo} sorry
[11:39] {BillyD} does GLD follow the mkt normally
[11:39] {dino} ctrp may want that oct gap 66.20s
[11:39] {nemo} been following $ lately
[11:39] {Threei} lately yes, as long as they both act inversely to USD
[11:39] {nemo} yes
[11:39] {BillyD} ok
[11:41] {strider} gme
[11:41] {BillyD} OPTT
[11:41] {Threei} OPTT Hearing firm has won 50MW order from EDF unit (10.18, +0.54, 5.60%)
[11:41] {Threei} this is momo candidate
[11:42] {Threei} OPTT Hearing firm has won 50MW order from EDF unit in Spain
[11:42] {Threei} - Speculation that the deal is worth $70-80M to OPTT, which would make it the largest order ever. (10.18, +0.54, 5.60%)
[11:42] {Threei} OPTT knows how to run
[11:42] {Threei} 11 easy
[11:42] {nemo} might want to keep an eye on ntap, gapped up and has maintained strength
[11:43] {BillyD} yes, buy and pray at this point but I can not do it
[11:44] {Threei} mags??
[11:44] {Threei} 11
[11:44] {magoo} sigh
[11:44] {fernp} .15 or .10 break WMT, Vad?
[11:45] {Threei} .15 fern, two days and annual high break
[11:45] {fernp} ty
[11:52] {Threei} Among the smartest and most promising not to mention controversial proposals is "climate debt," the idea that rich countries should pay reparations to poor countries for the climate crisis.
[11:52] {Threei} yup, let's do it
[11:52] {nemo} who the hell came up with that?
[11:52] {strider} why not. You start, vad.
[11:53] {Threei} I did strider
[11:53] {strider} :)
[11:53] {Threei} I sold my OPTT at .83, and not at 11,
[11:53] {Threei} which is 17 cents sacrifice to poor countries
[11:53] {strider} bidding OPPT at.26
[11:54] {Threei} oh and to answer nemo's question Naomi Klein
[11:54] {strider} not likely to get hit.
[11:54] {Threei} AIG Reportedly Senator Bachus (R) has requested hearings on AIG bailout
[11:54] {strider} WMT consolidating
[11:55] {BillyD} Vad, where was your OPTT entry
[11:55] {Threei} .20
[11:55] {Threei} right after I posted news
[11:55] {BillyD} nice one
[11:55] {Threei} I keep an eye on this thing for a long time
[11:56] {BillyD} it's a runner
[11:56] {Threei} it has a history of enormous runs
[11:56] {nemo} I missed that in the reboot. where at 9.20?
[11:56] {BillyD} enter on momo feel
[11:56] {Threei} and gets more and more big orders
[11:56] {Threei} I wish nemo... 10.20
[11:57] {Threei} hot field, and OPTT has it all to itself it seems
[11:57] {magoo} u out?
[11:57] {Threei} [11:53] {Threei} I sold my OPTT at .83
[11:57] {BillyD} was your stop at 10 or.90
[11:57] {Threei} under 10
[11:57] {Threei} but if I got stopped I'd be looking for reentry
[11:58] {Threei} this stock has a few waves of momo usually
[11:58] {magoo} think it haas more coming? only game in town today so far
[11:58] {ese} l fitb .07
[11:58] {Threei} treat it like usual momos mags...
[11:58] {Threei} see if we get big enough drop
[11:59] {Threei} and beware breakouts
[11:59] {Threei} ese... today I hate FITB
[12:00] {Threei} new terminology comes in play
[12:00] {Threei} climate debt and climate reparations
[12:00] {fernp} if triggers WMT what is the stop? under 54?
[12:00] {Threei} yes
[12:00] {fernp} ty
[12:01] {Threei} and with any market help it should be much more than scalp
[12:01] {ese} ya am starting to think that
[12:02] {nemo} rim .40 break...important level
[12:02] {Threei} an advocate for Maasai tribespeople in Kenya who have lost at least 5 million cattle to drought in recent years, puts it in even sharper terms. "The Maasai community does not drive 4x4s or fly off on holidays in airplanes," she says. "We have not caused climate change, yet we are the ones suffering. This is an injustice and should be stopped right now."
[12:02] {Threei} why oh why did I ever learn how to read
[12:02] {nemo} fine when we nuke the killer asteroid, they can owe us for eternity
[12:03] {Threei} let me post the most relecant news for today:
[12:03] {Threei} relevant
[12:03] {dino} perhaps they should did a well or two
[12:03] {Threei} no dino, they think we should dig those for them
[12:04] {Threei} 'cause we owe them, you know
[12:04] {dino} that's the problem
[12:04] {dino} it's not my fault
[12:04] {Threei} my philosphical thought for the day:
[12:05] {Threei} Feel of guilt is major warfare of the left
[12:05] {dino} exactly
[12:05] {dino} hey, i found out who john galt is
[12:05] {Threei} hehe
[12:06] {Threei} took just about what, 1200 pages?
[12:06] {ese} out fitb .04 =.03
[12:06] {dino} 700 or so
[12:06] {Threei} wanna make you a bet dino
[12:06] {dino} still have 400 to go, just order the other book
[12:06] {Threei} while it's a pageturner during reading,
[12:07] {Threei} in a month or two you will still have a lot of appreciation for the message but will cool off abolut literary side
[12:07] {Threei} as in writing quality
[12:07] {dino} perhaps, but i have to say it fits our times, can see it happening
[12:08] {Threei} that's the message part :)_
[12:08] {Threei} it was even more striking when I read it, as it had one-two punch
[12:08] {Threei} first I saw total reflection of everything that killed USSR
[12:08] {dino} you lived it
[12:08] {Threei} and then I saw the same thing starting to develop here
[12:09] {Threei} both similarities are so striking
[12:09] {dino} unfortunately
[12:09] {Threei} a lot of slogans and mottos and common expressions she uses in the book are almost word in word what we heard in USSR
[12:10] {dino} when was it written?
[12:10] {dino} 50s?
[12:10] {Threei} 1967
[12:10] {Threei} first publishing
[12:10] {dino} ok
[12:11] {Threei} was written for a while of course, but here is the kicker that continues to amaze me by its incredinble and bitter irony:
[12:11] {Threei} Alan Greenspan was one of the closest circle people at the time of its wqriting, and was getting each new chapter as it was finished
[12:12] {dino} wow, he learned nothing from it
[12:12] {fernp} .
[12:13] {Threei} Ayn with her "gold is the only money", and her first student Alan later praised as "who needs gold when you have Greenspan"
[12:13] {dino} shaw stopped -.27
[12:13] {Threei} and whole interventionist policies
[12:13] {Threei} that she would kill him for
[12:14] {dino} guilt pressure
[12:16] {Threei} after .20 break WMT stop can be trailed
[12:16] {BillyD} to .10?
[12:16] {Threei} to under .05 or .10, your choice... depends on your (im)patience
[12:16] {BillyD} lol
[12:17] {Threei} here is a total beauty:
[12:17] {Threei} Two years ago, Ecuador's center-left president, Rafael Correa, said something very rare for the leader of an oil-exporting nation: He wanted to leave the oil in the ground. But, he argued, wealthy countries should pay Ecuador where half the population lives in poverty not to release that carbon into the atmosphere, as "compensation for the damages caused by the out-of-proportion amount of historical and current emissions of greenhouse gases."
[12:17] {Threei} think about it: he wants to get paid not for oil but just for having it,
[12:17] {Threei} so he will have money and keep his oil
[12:18] {patience} must be a lawyer
[12:18] {Threei} so, do you think this caused major laughter in the world?
[12:19] {Threei} think again:
[12:19] {nemo} I'm sure western europe was all for it
[12:19] {Threei} the plan has generated widespread international support. Germany has already offered $70 million a year for 13 years, and several other European governments have expressed interest in participating. If Yasun is saved, it will demonstrate that climate debt isn't just a disguised ploy for more aid it's a far more credible solution to the climate crisis than the ones we have now. "This initiative needs to succeed," says Atossa Soltani, executive director of Amazon Watch. "I think we can set a model for other countries."
[12:19] {dino} well whats the difference from the guy who doesn't want to work but gets health, housing, food stamps etc
[12:19] {fernp} .
[12:20] {nemo} It's like NKorea threatening with a nuclear's frickin CO2 blackmail
[12:20] {dino} and yet, temps are dropping...
[12:21] {nemo} Ya' know...2012 is sounding better all the time...wipe the idiots out, and start again
[12:21] {BillyD} what to say
[12:21] {Threei} is it going to be intellect-based selection?
[12:21] {dino} just worried that "rush" might be right w.2112
[12:21] {Threei} well, no difference for me anyway, I won't survive it anyway
[12:22] {nemo} that was based on Rand's "Anthem"
[12:22] {dino} wow, did not know
[12:22] {nemo} Absolutely...Neil Peart is a Randian
[12:23] {nemo} Back in the days of vinyl, on the dust jacket, it said "Dedicated to the genius of Ayn Rand"
[12:24] {dino} cool
[12:25] {dino} shaw takes me out by 2 cents
[12:26] {nemo} go to "Career before joining Rush"
[12:27] {patience} gold stocks perking up
[12:29] {nemo} look at fcx patience
[12:31] {patience} similar to yri which has had some better peaks and valleys to scalp
[12:33] {Threei} so far, bull flag formed on WMT
[12:33] {Threei} volume went down as it should
[12:33] {Threei} need to start completing it now for the trade to develop successfully
[12:38] {magoo} AWIAV?
[12:39] {Threei} WMT
[12:39] {Threei} and this spike is exactly what I want to see as completion of bull flag, just need a new high now
[12:42] {fernp} having problems with my connection. Connecting and disconnecting continuously
[12:42] {Threei} I noticed fern
[12:42] {Threei} quotes OK?
[12:42] {fernp} yes
[12:42] {Threei} well, this is funny
[12:42] {Threei} you have fine connection with server in NA
[12:43] {Threei} but week one with server in Europe
[12:43] {fernp} yes. I use a different internet provider for my laptop (RT room) and for my PC (Laser)
[12:44] {Threei} new high WMT
[12:44] {Threei} trail stop
[12:44] {fernp} .05 is correct?
[12:44] {strider} yesterday's high & close, .25
[12:45] {Threei} [12:16] {Threei} to under .05 or .10, your choice... depends on your (im)patience
[12:45] {fernp} lol ok
[12:49] {fernp} no strider, yest's high was .15 that was the reason we opened the trade at .16
[12:49] {Les} WIAV?
[12:50] {Les} thats not a ticker
[12:50] {fernp} in WMT, Les
[12:50] {strider} we're both wrong....that was an aftermarket hight yesterday.
[12:51] {fernp} ahh!, ok
[12:51] {Les} ty. entry point, stop?
[12:52] {fernp} .16 long w/stop under 54
[12:54] {Threei} stop is trailed already
[12:59] {Les} ty. JEC was magnificent short setup while taxiing daughter to violin lesson:(
[13:01] {Threei} stop to under .10 for sure now
[13:01] {Threei} just 4 cents to 1:1
[13:01] {Les} ty. will take my leave there as well for a quick buck
[13:01] {nemo} question becomes, do you get their before the bear flags on the indices let go
[13:02] {magoo} so in another 2 hours vad
[13:02] {Threei} lol
[13:02] {Threei} could be, this is not a fast one lately
[13:02] {Threei} used to be much perkier
[13:03] {Les} v failed to follow MA Vad. Any play (bounce or short) in that?
[13:03] {BillyD} LMDIA
[13:04] {magoo} look my donker is out?
[13:04] {Threei} not sure I underatadn Les... their charts are fairly similar, no?
[13:04] {strider} magoo, too much information!
[13:05] {magoo} LMDIA
[13:05] {Threei} rofl
[13:05] {magoo} although A no work
[13:05] {magoo} i thought it was like AWIAV
[13:06] {magoo} OPTT vad?
[13:06] {Threei} I doubt it mags
[13:06] {Threei} lost momo
[13:06] {Les} lol. V is close to breaking support
[13:07] {Threei} so is MA
[13:07] {strider} DKS holding support at 22.60, fwiw
[13:10] {dino} ctrp in 66s, going for strike
[13:10] {dino} opps not strioke, gap
[13:11] {Les} ok. so V isn't weaker of the two?
[13:11] {BillyD} days like today make me hesitant on taking trades
[13:12] {dino} ditto
[13:12] {dino} heck we're stuck in a 3 pt s/p range for hours
[13:12] {BillyD} crazy
[13:13] {magoo} and at 2 pm the sell from hell comith
[13:13] {nemo} in advertising?
[13:13] {Threei} I don't see any significant difference
[13:13] {Les} k
[13:18] {Les} vad, you got a read on JEC? bout to b/d again?
[13:19] {Threei} ratjer looks bouncy to me
[13:19] {Threei} but not bouncy enough for me to go for it
[13:22] {dino} ppd
[13:24] {Threei} see? bouncy
[13:24] {BillyD} watching your favorite magoo HIG for possible short off 25
[13:26] {dino} ppd sm l .00
[13:27] {magoo} ty dino shorted 37...0ut 35.47
[13:27] {dino} stopped -.30
[13:27] {magoo} im done with that forever
[13:28] {BillyD} nice trade mags
[13:28] {magoo} shoulda let it rot more
[13:29] {ese} was cut off and didn't even realise it
[13:30] {magoo} ok now was l 33.3
[13:30] {magoo} out 34.40
[13:30] {magoo} cant post these all feel and fast
[13:30] {strider} [13:27] {magoo} im done with that forever
[13:30] {strider} :)
[13:30] {dino} that reminds me es, in a bar the bartender asked if i wanted another drink, i responded, "why wouldn't i"
[13:32] {dino} 34 sm l ppd
[13:32] {ese} good response
[13:32] {fernp} please Vad add WMT to the list of hated ones
[13:32] {dino} silly question
[13:33] {ese} l fitb .02 givving it the god ole college try
[13:33] {ese} good
[13:33] {magoo} onlty game in tow
[13:33] {dino} forgot the n
[13:33] {ese} definitely
[13:34] {ese} tow is good
[13:37] {BillyD} ppd not for the faint of heart
[13:38] {ese} fitb you sloth.......look at the compx for cryin out loud
[13:39] {Threei} it's just a very unclear story on a very volatile stock, billy
[13:39] {magoo} {BillyD} ppd not for the fa
[13:39] {ese} auch du miya!!!!
[13:39] {dino} ppd=piss poor'd
[13:39] {Threei} Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc Received FTC draft complain on Nov 18; outcome not yet determinable
[13:39] {Threei} - November 18, 2009, we received a proposed draft complaint from the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") seeking permanent injunctive relief, disgorgement of proceeds and other relief, including costs, relating to our Identity Theft Shield and Affirmative Defense Response System ("ADRS") Program. The proposed draft complaint alleges our ADRS program and related materials violate Section 5(a) of the FTC Act regarding asserted misleading representations, express or implied.
[13:39] {Threei} - The proposed draft complaint also names Harland Stonecipher, our Chief Executive Officer, and Mark Brown, our Chief Marketing Officer, as defendants. We previously received a Civil Investigative Demand from the FTC on March 23, 2007 on the ADRS program. We have made voluntary revisions to the marketing materials originally provided to the FTC in 2007 and 2009. The FTC may decide to commence federal court proceedings with this proposed draft complaint.
[13:39] {Threei} - The ultimate outcome of the matter is not determinable but we will vigorously defend our interests in this matter.
[13:40] {nemo} is that like Louis Cipher
[13:40] {BillyD} the volatility enough for me to stay away
[13:44] {magoo} only game in town
[13:45] {Threei} WMT
[13:45] {Threei} 1:1 and over
[13:46] {fernp} ty very much
[13:46] {magoo} CSIQ vad
[13:47] {fernp} this trade put me to positive territory. barely, but in green
[13:48] {nemo} I'm still red
[13:49] {Threei} better than poke in the eye
[13:49] {Threei} mags
[13:49] {nemo} options ex
[13:49] {Threei} ready for this?
[13:49] {Threei} I HATE CSIQ
[13:49] {magoo} me too:)
[13:49] {Threei} my personal record on it is beynd pathetic
[13:49] {magoo} i hate trading in general
[13:49] {Threei} lol
[13:51] {strider} FAS nice c&h (handle still forming)
[13:52] {nemo} cat c7h .33
[13:53] {nemo} c&h
[13:53] {ese} fitb YYYYUUUUUUUU sloth!
[13:54] {strider} FITB, listen to me! ese wants his money, and he wants it fast!
[13:55] {Threei} nemo, you haven't taken WMT?
[13:55] {nemo} no
[13:55] {dino} ctrp filled that gap
[13:55] {nemo} you were talking about that during my computer problems
[13:55] {Threei} sniff sniff.. no gaith in me whatsoever
[13:56] {Threei} oh I see
[13:56] {ese} right then Out fitb 20k of it .05 +.03 will hang on to the the other 5k till the end of the day......see you all have choir to teach
[13:56] {nemo} by the time I logged on again, beyond discussion
[13:56] {Threei} got it
[13:56] {nemo} I saw, stop trailing and went..oh
[13:56] {ese} take care
[13:56] {dino} esi hitting support
[13:57] {BillyD} Vad, after buying breakout talk at lunchtime you gave nemo, he probably kicked PC at the time of your mention
[13:57] {fernp} bye ese
[13:57] {Threei} take care ese
[13:57] {BillyD} a subconcious move to prevent him from buying
[13:58] {Threei} well, I told him many times: physical violence is not very satisfying when aimed at lifeless objects
[13:58] {Les} ciao ese.
[13:59] {Les} vad, JEC breakdown?
[13:59] {BillyD} yeah, and I guess trout slapping doesn't cut it either
[13:59] {Threei} les, kidding?
[13:59] {Les} and if I say I wasn't?
[14:00] {Threei} there is no slightest sign of breakdown setup on it
[14:00] {Threei} it moved about 30 cents since I called it "bouncy" for which term I was remprimaned in dcc by some english professors
[14:00] {Les} what? gonna take out previous high?
[14:00] {Les} .60+?
[14:00] {Threei} don't know about highs, but there is not much readability to it
[14:01] {nemo} it looks just like the indexes
[14:02] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:02] {Threei} - NYSE volume 600M shares, about 15% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 12.6:1.
[14:02] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.42B shares, about 2% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 5.1:1.
[14:02] {Threei} - VIX index +9% to just under 24.00
[14:03] {Les}
[14:03] {Les} does it constitute your preferred breakout pattern?
[14:04] {Les} if the stock and market conditions were different?
[14:05] {Les} I remember trying to short a similar setup a long time ago, for which you berated me.
[14:06] {Les} wfc breakdown
[14:07] {Threei} volume is not exactly right on this screenshot, les
[14:07] {Les} thou art correct. volume are estimates
[14:07] {Threei} went down as price approached the resistance
[14:08] {Threei} and don't pay much attention to berating, I do that just to maintain uniformity of experience
[14:09] {Threei} you know... for people to have their expectations justified
[14:09] {Threei} predictable outcome
[14:10] {Les} what r u, shrink on the side?
[14:11] {Les} I have pulled up IB chart on JEC. will ditch freestockcharts at close. IB charts much better. Nemo was right
[14:12] {Threei} I am not a shrink, I just enjoy delivering pain and suffering
[14:12] {nemo} twice a day usually
[14:12] {Threei} by lucky conincidence, it's also the most effectibe teaching method
[14:13] {Threei} so I pretend I do it for the members' good
[14:13] {Threei} while in fact I simply enjoy it
[14:14] {Les} :s
[14:14] {Les} I see option in IB charts for combined contracts. this means overlay chart of multiple stocks?
[14:15] {fernp} FAS inverted c&h
[14:15] {magoo} STP vad
[14:16] {Threei} STP JPMorgan Raised STP to Overweight from Neutral
[14:16] {Threei} bog deal
[14:18] {magoo} NLST at it
[14:19] {strider} WMT still trying
[14:19] {nemo} amzn .75 break?
[14:20] {strider} which way?
[14:20] {nemo} nope broke support
[14:20] {fernp} JPM breaking down
[14:20] {nemo} jpm
[14:20] {strider} FAS spinking
[14:20] {strider} spiking also.
[14:21] {nemo} nice strider
[14:21] {nemo} gotta' come up w a definition
[14:21] {strider} spinking: spiking with a cold
[14:22] {strider} what's the short version of FAS?
[14:22] {nemo} faz
[14:22] {strider} thx
[14:22] {Threei} who thinks you guys got it bad here, watch this:
[14:22] {Threei}
[14:22] {Les} spinking: an effeminate spike?
[14:22] {strider} wait for me.
[14:22] {strider} WMT
[14:23] {nemo} fcx going for flat
[14:24] {strider} out 1.2 WMT +.21
[14:24] {strider} 1/2
[14:24] {Threei} wtg strider
[14:24] {fernp} gj strider
[14:25] {dino} gj
[14:25] {strider} t'anks
[14:25] {fernp} I still have some shares from 53.08. I think im gonna hold overnight
[14:27] {Threei} you can't fern
[14:27] {Threei} [13:32] {fernp} please Vad add WMT to the list of hated ones
[14:28] {fernp} yes I am so volatil...
[14:28] {Threei} tod ysa it was more than scalp
[14:28] {Threei} but nooo... no one believed me...
[14:29] {fernp} true.
06[14:29] * Threei prepares ground for going to monastery
[14:29] {nemo} why was it more than scalp...I missed it
[14:29] {fernp} you sold 1:1 Vad
06[14:29] * Threei prepares ground for going to monastery in Tibet
[14:29] {fernp} ?
[14:29] {Threei} half
[14:30] {nemo} Well, if you knew it was more than 1:1, why'd you sell half?
[14:30] {nemo} this is gonna' hurt
06[14:30] * Threei prepares ground for going to mountain monastery in Tibet with caves in order to gaze at his navel for 7 years
[14:30] {fernp} mechanical procedure
[14:31] {Threei} because there is no such thing as "know" in stock market, and there is a risk control procedure
[14:31] {Threei} i I thought it was a scalp I would sell it all
[14:31] {nemo} anyway...ahhhh...nevermind I'll read it in the log
[14:31] {strider} Vad, where's your stop for WMT now?
[14:32] {Threei} b/e
[14:32] {strider} t'anks
[14:32] {strider} heck. with WMT we dpm
[14:32] {strider} don't need no stinkin stops.
[14:32] {nemo} what's "dpm"?
[14:33] {strider} don't
[14:33] {strider} buggared it up
[14:33] {dino} tsl
[14:33] {fernp} nemo, read the log and see who found this marvelous play lol
[14:36] {strider} amzn c&h
06[14:37] * Threei checks out male/female ratio before picking mountain monastery in Tibet with caves in order to gaze at his navel for 7 years
[14:38] {ilana} go with classic one - 1:1
[14:38] {Threei} naaah
[14:38] {Threei} not inspired
[14:39] {Les}
[14:39] {Les} found t&s on IB
[14:40] {Threei} mazel tov
[14:40] {Les} I need that?
[14:40] {nemo} you found it yesterday
[14:40] {nemo} yeah, read order flow
[14:40] {Les} no, i showed the one on the left yesterday. "booktrader"
[14:41] {Les} booktrader much easier to read than t&s...
[14:43] {strider} +.15 amzn
06[14:43] * Threei slaps strider around a bit with a large roll of cash
[14:43] {strider} .90-.05 long
[14:43] {strider} small roll of cash, please.
[14:43] {strider} thank you sir. May I have more?
[14:43] {Threei} I don't have script for that
[14:45] {Les} stp?
[14:46] {Threei} not sure about STP
[14:50] {dino} ctrp hl l .65
[14:53] {fernp} I know we hate it, but FITB is on highs again
[14:57] {nemo} gotta' go...tomorrow op ex...that's been pretty dead, hasnt it?
[14:58] {Threei} take care nemo
[14:58] {fernp} bye nemo
[14:58] {Les} cia
[14:58] {Les} ciao
[14:58] {Threei} JC Penney Company Inc (Holding Co) Announces Black Friday plans
[14:58] {Threei} - today announced its biggest Black Friday sale ever. With an array of irresistible Black Friday specials an increase of 15 percent over last year customers will find a broad array of stylish, high-quality merchandise at the Companys most affordable prices, making JCPenney the shopping destination for customers this Black Friday.
[14:58] {Threei} - JCPenney will once again promote its stores 4 a.m. opening with Turkey Tailgate, a television spot that features shoppers tailgating with their Thanksgiving turkey leftovers in a JCPenney parking lot as they anxiously await for the store to open
[14:58] {Les} stp b/d
[14:59] {BillyD} some rah rah
[15:00] {Les} stp?
[15:01] {Les} gotta be a short in there somewhere
[15:04] {Threei} there was Les,
[15:04] {Threei} look at the little consolidation ritht above .30
[15:05] {Threei} breakdown of it was a valid setup
[15:05] {Threei} with .40 resistance for stop placement
[15:05] {fernp} enough for today, have a good evening everybody. see you all tomorrow
[15:06] {Threei} take care fern, good defensive job
[15:06] {Les} ciao fern.
[15:06] {fernp} ty
[15:06] {Les} you mean tiny ascending wedge at 14:55?
[15:06] {Threei} yes, literally 3 minutes
[15:07] {Threei} wait
[15:07] {Threei} let me check eact times
[15:07] {Les} that broked down just before 3pm
[15:07] {Threei} yes
[15:08] {Les} ok. I need to modify chart image in order to see such minute movements.
[15:09] {Les} what time period do you follow on your charts. full day or less, say 15 mins?
[15:09] {Threei} full day,
[15:09] {Threei} but in Laser you can easily scale the chart with one button
[15:09] {Threei} to zoom in
[15:09] {BillyD} how Vad
[15:09] {Threei} so if you want to see small formation better, you zoom in.. to see full day again, zoom out
[15:10] {Threei} click on chart villy,
[15:10] {Les} ok. so when probability for setup looks good I need to blow up chart to full screen
[15:10] {Threei} then find two buttons under word Global
[15:10] {Threei} no
[15:10] {Threei} Route
[15:10] {Les} I dont have laser
[15:10] {dino} rino
[15:10] {Les} yet
[15:10] {Threei} arros in and out
[15:11] {BillyD} I click on chart and just minute stats
[15:11] {Threei} find those buttons
[15:11] {Threei} right under Menu
[15:11] {Les} ok. something new learnt. will zoom in from day to 1 hour when setup looks possible
[15:13] {BillyD} ok, chart expand button
[15:13] {BillyD} thx Vad.... a liitle slow here
[15:16] {Threei} ovvering 1.4 more WMT
[15:16] {Threei} 1/4
[15:16] {Threei} 1:2
[15:17] {Threei} hit
[15:17] {Threei} stop to under .30
[15:18] {Threei} lol who would have though, WMT turns into play of the day
[15:18] {BillyD} Vad, I trhink you just saved my eyesight with those two buttons
[15:18] {Threei} lol, so it was worth the price of admission
[15:18] {BillyD} absolutely
[15:19] {Les} you've taught me new skills with the zoom feature vad. descending triangle leading to b/d of MA at 229.5 easily visible. amazing
[15:19] {Threei} wooohooo
06[15:19] * Threei goes home for the next 3 days'
[15:20] {Les} you are home. and I'm going to bed. night all.
[15:20] {Threei} take care Les
[15:32] {dino} ugcucjiutiufv
[15:36] {Threei} you think?
[15:37] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:37] {Threei} - NYSE volume 770M shares, about 15% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 11.2:1.
[15:37] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.79B shares, about 4% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 4.5:1.
[15:37] {Threei} - VIX index +6.5% to just over 23.00
[15:42] {Threei} run little WMT, run
[15:42] {Threei} wel... not so little
[15:43] {BillyD} lol
06[15:43] * strider slaps strider around a bit with a large , too tight stop loss
[15:43] {dino} rally
[15:45] {Threei} 1:3 baby
[15:48] {BillyD} salmon award
[15:48] {Threei} I am happily out +.47
[15:49] {dino} gj
[15:50] {strider} good going, vad.
[15:50] {strider} you da man
06[15:50] * Threei takes a bow
[15:50] {strider} looking at your navel again?
[15:51] {Threei} again?
[15:51] {Threei} always
[15:52] {BillyD} same time tomorrow Vad w/ MSFT right
[15:52] {BillyD} lol
[15:53] {Threei} lol
[15:53] {BillyD} might want to frame WMT trade
[15:53] {dino} fwlt to .70 all day
[15:54] {dino} out .72 reverse slip, +.20
[15:55] {Threei} wtg
[15:56] {dino} ty
[15:56] {Threei} okay guys, thank you all
[15:57] {Threei} have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[15:57] {BillyD} bye
[15:57] {strider} a la manana, vad
[15:57] {ilana} bye
[16:00] {dino} dtv
[16:01] {dino} gn all
[16:01] {Threei} DELL
[16:01] {Threei} miss and getting killed
[16:01] {Threei} DELL Reports Q3 $0.23 v $0.28e, R$12.9B v $13.2Be

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nov 18 2009

Another very slow and boring day. Ended positively thanks to a few successful plays in the morning but the second part of the day was almost empty.

Session Time: Wed Nov 18 00:00:00 2009

[07:41] {nemo} hola fern
[07:45] {nemo} yo dunedin
[07:45] {strider} mawnin' to youse
[08:03] {strider} CDC receives final government approval for Lord of the Rings
[08:03] {strider} CDC Games, a business unit of CDC, announced today it has received final government approvals for The Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar that enables Open Beta Testing to begin later this week with commercial launch to follow one week thereafter. :theflyonthewall.
[08:05] {nemo} how fitting you should bring it up
[08:31] {nemo} what were the inflation numbrs, fcx just tanked
[08:31] {strider} Housing starts down 10.6%
[08:31] {nemo} cpi .3 versus consensus 2
[08:38] {Threei} *(US) OCT CONSUMER PRICE INDEX M/M: 0.3% V 0.2%E; CPI EX FOOD&ENERGY M/M: 0.2% V 0.1%E; CPI NSA: 216.1 V 216.069E
[08:38] {Threei} - CPI Y/Y: -0.2% v -0.3%e
[08:38] {Threei} - Core CPI Y/Y: 1.7% v 1.6%e
[08:39] {Threei} *(US) OCT HOUSING STARTS: 529K V 600KE; BUILDING PERMITS: 552K V 580KE
[08:39] {Threei} - Prior Housing Starts revised from 590K to 592K
[08:39] {nemo} covered it already :)
[08:39] {nemo} nice of you to wake up
[08:39] {nemo} :)
[08:39] {Threei} that's me
[08:39] {Threei} not always nice but always waking up
[08:40] {nemo} until it's..................Coma Time!
[08:47] {BillyD} GM all
[08:48] {Threei} Billy :)
[08:58] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[08:58] {Les} just finished watching Lord of the Rings with the kids this afternoon. GM all :)
[08:58] {Threei} fern, les :)
[08:58] {Les} sorry good afternoon
[09:00] {Les} was reflecting as the Cavalry of Rohan arrive to do battle with Mordor at city of Gondor...
[09:00] {Les} tears welling in eyes as King or Rohan delivers stirring speech...
[09:01] {Les} what an age of mediocrity we live in...
[09:01] {nemo} not really...nothing has changed...the vast majority is mediocre...and much that appears not to be is just pomp and circumstance
[09:02] {nemo} plu cest change, plu cest le meme chose
[09:02] {Les} oh how you've deflated my dreams and ego Nemo :(
[09:02] {Les} but you're right, we live in an age of prosperity and relative peace
[09:02] {Les} something to be grateful for
[09:03] {Les} so what are we following at the open?
[09:03] {nemo} What's lost on us of western civilization, how relatively good we have it
[09:03] {nemo} 100 years ago, they didn't have central heating
[09:03] {Les} still Nemo, something festers in the Occident and it's not always good for us
[09:03] {nemo} true
[09:03] {nemo} cycles
[09:04] {cosmo} now we have a virtual library of alexanderia on our desks
[09:04] {Les} and we prefer to watch TV
[09:04] {nemo} When the SHTF, I'm going back to Shambala
[09:04] {Les} where?
[09:04] {nemo} Shangrila
[09:05] {Les} I found a shangrila in Utah, that what you mean?
[09:05] {Les} :)
[09:05] {nemo} no
[09:05] {nemo} Shangri-La
[09:06] {nemo} I'm catching Vad syndrome
[09:09] {Les} Vad, what's on your screen?
[09:09] {Les} besides porn
[09:09] {Threei} usual suspects mostly
[09:10] {Threei} don't see anything outstanding yet
[09:10] {Les} no news to move anything?
[09:10] {cosmo} not listed...
[09:10] {Les} lol, no one game enough to take that ticker
[09:11] {nemo} adsk down almost 8%
[09:11] {strider} morning everyone........
[09:11] {Les} afternoon strider
[09:12] {strider} not here.....I'm New York time
[09:12] {Les} all is relative
[09:12] {Les} and subjective
[09:12] {cosmo} geologic time here
[09:12] {strider} hmmm..all is you know I'm from Tennessee.
[09:12] {nemo} space/time here
[09:13] {nemo} what, you go to family reunions to pick up dates?
[09:13] {Les} european bourses sliding somewhat
[09:14] {strider} VVUS CAKE WDC
[09:14] {Threei} strider :)
[09:14] {strider} 3i:)
[09:15] {Threei} 6:30:46 AM
[09:15] {Threei} VIVUS, Inc Phase III study of Avanafil in erectile dysfunction met all primary endpoints across three doses
[09:15] {Threei} - Announced positive results from REVIVE (TA-301), a phase III pivotal study evaluating the safety and efficacy of avanafil, an investigational drug candidate for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), in 646 patients
[09:15] {ese} morning
[09:15] {strider} GENZ--bad news
[09:15] {magoo} morn
[09:15] {nemo} foawrhgWG
[09:15] {Threei} ese, magoo :)
[09:15] {nemo} DUDE
[09:16] {ese} vad mags dude
[09:16] {magoo} dude
[09:16] {ese} whats hot .......
[09:17] {lasertrev} gm all
[09:17] {magoo} hey trev
[09:17] {magoo} dcc
[09:17] {lasertrev} hey magoo
[09:17] {Threei} trev :)
[09:23] {ese} DryShips, Inc To offer up to 22M shares in stock loan to Deutsche Bank to facilitate hedging of Converitble Notes - filing - We have been informed by Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. that it, or its affiliates, intend to use the short position created by the share loan and the short sales of the borrowed shares for purposes reasonably designed to facilitate tran
[09:23] {ese} somebody tell what this means
[09:23] {ese} facilitate hedging of convertabel notes?
[09:24] {nemo} convertible notes can be converted into common share
[09:24] {ese} is this bloody bullish or bearish
[09:24] {nemo} increasing the supply of common shares
[09:24] {nemo} increase supply, potentially decreases value
[09:25] {nemo} therefore, I think the loan of stock for shorting purposes allows them to hedge the value of the stock to protect their note offering
[09:25] {nemo} not necessarily bullish
[09:26] {ese} tks that does it facilitate hedging......helps them hedge against a short position?
[09:28] {nemo} sell the shares against the value of the notes...db is offering the notes so they're on the hook for them. This gives them a supply of stock that can help limit losses on the offering
[09:28] {nemo} eslr did the same thing last year
[09:28] {ese} they have a short position on themselves and now have to cover it?
[09:28] {fernp} when I grow up I want to be like you, nemo
[09:28] {nemo} what, insane, maladjusted, homicidal
[09:29] {fernp} lol
[09:29] {ese} not normally baffeled by BS.....but this one has got me
[09:29] {nemo} it's collateral....notes are a loan
[09:31] {dino} gm
[09:31] {strider} dino:)
[09:31] {nemo} dino may be able to explain it better ese
[09:31] {Threei} dino :)
[09:32] {dino} dilution=drop temporarily
[09:32] {strider} VVUS CC was at 8:30
[09:32] {nemo} rimm puking
[09:32] {dino} ironically they will buy back stock at highs
[09:32] {Threei} Long Setup: CAKE .70 break half lot
[09:33] {Threei} if stays above .55
[09:34] {Les} hig lost support
[09:37] {magoo} RIMM vad
[09:37] {Les} fas going up hard
[09:37] {dino} hl l cedc .01, wide jumpy
[09:38] {Threei} noty yet on RIMM
[09:38] {Les} hgsi
[09:39] {Threei} Long Setup: HIG .60 break
[09:39] {Threei} if stays above .45
[09:40] {cosmo} adsk busy
[09:40] {nemo} frig missed cake watching hig
[09:40] {fernp} missed CAKE
[09:40] {dino} pot
[09:41] {magoo} in cake
[09:42] {dino} prison thing
[09:42] {nemo} pot or the file in the cake
[09:42] {dino} :)
[09:42] {Threei} CAKE 1:1
[09:42] {fernp} grrrrrr
[09:43] {Threei} HIG 1:1
06[09:43] * Threei goes home
[09:43] {fernp} ty
[09:43] {Les} ty vad out hig
[09:43] {Threei} welcome guys
[09:44] {strider} cake +.14, HIG +.10 + .15
[09:44] {strider} thx
[09:44] {Threei} good focus stroder
[09:44] {Threei} o=i
[09:45] {strider} good ficus???
[09:45] {strider} :)
[09:45] {dino} gj
[09:45] {Threei} lol
[09:45] {cosmo} strider takes the cake
[09:45] {strider} thx...working on executions..
[09:45] {dino} bloody job
06[09:46] * Threei makes a note to keep his neck as far from strider as p;ossible, and always be on lookout for axe
[09:46] {strider} yeah, I'm bad..
[09:46] {magoo} out .89 TY bad
[09:46] {magoo} b=v
[09:46] {dino} ctrp
[09:47] {strider} GENZ dbl bottom but....
[09:47] {Les} $ dropping
[09:49] {strider} WDCV?
[09:49] {strider} WDC
[09:49] {Les} fcx bounce?
[09:51] {Threei} 85 recross, half lot
[09:51] {strider} VVUS bounce?
[09:51] {Threei} stop under .90
[09:51] {strider} what?
[09:51] {ese} you in there dino ...ctrp
[09:52] {Threei} nah, leave VVUS well alone
[09:52] {dino} missed short
[09:52] {strider} wahat's .85 recross?
[09:52] {nemo} fcx
[09:52] {Threei} never mind
[09:52] {nemo} market tanking
[09:53] {dino} ilmn
[09:53] {fernp} any news, Vad?
[09:53] {Threei} Fed's Bullard: FOMC will focus on the prevention of asset bubbles - Q&A
[09:53] {Threei} - Bullard is a non voting member; will be a voting member next year
[09:53] {Threei} this is the only thing I see
[09:53] {fernp} tks
[09:54] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .10
[09:54] {Threei} top of this bounce will define the stop
[09:54] {Threei} with invalidation above .30
[09:54] {dino} dish
[09:55] {Threei} or rather, switch to short on the bounce
[09:57] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD .70 break
[09:57] {Threei} .85 stop
[09:58] {Threei} RIMM .25 stop if triggers here
[09:59] {Threei} Euro vs US Dollar Dealers continue to examine comments from Fed's Bullard
[09:59] {Threei} - Dealers noting that Bullard actually comments was ""FOMC did not begin policy rate increases until 2.5- to 3 years after the end of each of the past two recessions"...which originally was interpreted as Fed likely on hold until early 2012 after the recent positive preliminary US GDP data
[10:01] {Threei} let's trail GLD to above .80
[10:02] {Threei} and RIMM to above .20
[10:03] {Threei} GLD 1:1
[10:03] {BillyD} nice on Vad
[10:04] {Threei} RIMM just won't die
06[10:05] * Threei hits RIMM over the head with 2x4
[10:06] {Les} oh i can see it will be pleasure to learn with you 1 on 1 in bahamas...
[10:06] {Threei} absolutely
[10:06] {fernp} ty for GLD was busy praying for RIMM
[10:06] {Threei} count on me to deliver max pain and suffering
[10:06] {BillyD} lol
[10:06] {strider} dino...thx for a quick +.11
[10:06] {Les} weed out the non believers...
[10:06] {strider} long side
[10:07] {Threei} but as soon as you get past your sensitivity, you'll see you are better for it :)
[10:07] {BillyD} well said Vad
[10:07] {Threei} whatever RIMM
[10:08] {fernp} RIMM no go
[10:08] {Threei} nope
[10:08] {Les} still short rimm
[10:09] {Threei} why?
[10:09] {Les} MACDh same as SPY but rimm ticker much weaker.
[10:10] {Threei} it went above the resistance and got stopped fair and square
[10:10] {Threei} where is your stop then?
[10:10] {Les} .25
[10:10] {fernp} Les, if you short RIMM here, where is your stop?
[10:10] {fernp} oooops!
[10:10] {Threei} it hit .29
[10:10] {Les} too fast for me to see on IB
[10:10] {nemo} dumb luck
[10:11] {ese} L nlst .79
[10:11] {Threei} you mean you don't have streaming quotes?
[10:11] {strider} wtg, ese
[10:12] {Les} what's that?
[10:12] {ese} out nlst .95 +.18
[10:12] {strider} yowsa ese!
[10:12] {nemo} LII Time & Sales
[10:12] {Threei} ummm... quotes that refresh real time without you refreshing a window?
[10:13] {ese} text book....that one
[10:13] {Threei} Preview: DOE (EIA) Petroleum Inventories due at 10:30amET
[10:13] {Threei} **consensus expectations:
[10:13] {Threei} Crude: +1.1Me
[10:13] {Threei} Gasoline: +850Ke
[10:13] {Threei} Distillate: -800Ke
[10:13] {nemo} not what was being passed around this morning...interesting
[10:14] {BillyD} Vad, when you tightened CLD stop to .80, do you still look for original 1:1 of .15
[10:15] {BillyD} just to clarify
[10:15] {Threei} as a rule, yes
[10:17] {Les}
[10:17] {nemo} depth of market, nice
[10:18] {strider} CEPH salmon
[10:19] {Threei} so, this looks like real time streaming window
[10:19] {nemo} yeah depth of market with volume at price...nice
[10:19] {Threei} not sure why "too fast to see" then
[10:19] {fernp} you are also using charts, true Les?
[10:20] {Les} must have been looking away ;)
[10:20] {ese} L fitb .95
[10:20] {Les}
[10:21] {nemo} that's not IBs charts
[10:21] {ese} how did you do that les?
[10:22] {BillyD} VAD, thoughts on VVUS .90 short if breaks?
[10:22] {BillyD} tough read for me normally
[10:22] {Les}
[10:22] {dino} ctrp sm l .20
[10:22] {Threei} if stays under 9, sure
[10:22] {fernp} 10:08 candle hit 60.29, Les
[10:23] {Les} must have been on the toilet...
[10:23] {nemo} more info than needed les
[10:23] {dino} stopped -.30
[10:23] {Les} you're right nemo, haven't even begun to explore IB's abilities
[10:23] {nemo} that's a great LII interface
[10:23] {Threei} really? I hate it
[10:24] {nemo} IB's charts will be more responsive than
[10:24] {Les} will look into it.
[10:24] {Threei} I prefer traditional level2 look
[10:24] {fernp} VVUS short .89 w/stop above 9.0? Vad
[10:24] {dino} rinsed, jumpy ctrp
[10:24] {Threei} yup
[10:24] {nemo} get volume at price there though
[10:25] {Threei} don't you get it on L2 and T&S?
[10:25] {nemo} LII visual on resistance levels
[10:25] {nemo} no
[10:25] {Threei} huh?
[10:25] {nemo} it shows you cumulative volume for the day at a given price
[10:25] {nemo} in the LII
[10:26] {Threei} oh I see what you mean
[10:26] {nemo} some charts do it also
[10:26] {Threei} I just don't see much use for it
[10:26] {Les} at present I can trade with the calls here just with what i've got.
[10:26] {nemo} just another visual clue when price reaches a resistance or support level
[10:27] {Threei} nice on FITB eswe
[10:27] {Threei} ese
[10:27] {dino} ctrp re-load break of .25 wider, last try
[10:28] {nemo} frickin spread Dino, sheesh
[10:28] {dino} i know, i know
[10:30] {Threei} DOE CRUDE: -880K V +1.1ME; GASOLINE: -1.75M V +850KE; DISTILLATE: -320K V -800KE
[10:30] {Les} RIMM found new resistance at .99?
[10:31] {Threei} I don't have any read on it here
[10:31] {nemo} market dead already
[10:32] {Les} k. learnt from your reads not to trade otherwise. I end up giving my profits back. new mantra before I begin the day.
[10:32] {strider} long CEPH .05
[10:32] {strider} stop .95
[10:32] {nemo} cat might be a short
[10:34] {dino} giddy-up
[10:34] {Les} wfc making new high
[10:35] {Threei} gosh, even BAC shows some life
[10:35] {Threei} been a while since this one had anything readable in it
[10:35] {Les} is that a playable pattern
[10:35] {Les} ?
[10:35] {cosmo} life?
[10:35] {Threei} chart wise, yes
[10:36] {Threei} just not delighted by perspective to get stuck in it for too long
[10:37] {Threei} and BAC can do that easily
[10:37] {Threei} WFC is normally more perky one
[10:37] {Les} hig has gone nuts
[10:38] {Threei} financials disconnected from market today
[10:38] {Threei} VVUS invalidated
[10:39] {Threei} if you want WFC, this is trigger
[10:39] {Les} ty
[10:39] {Threei} stop for hard core scalpers under .70
[10:39] {Threei} for daytraders under .60
[10:40] {Threei} hard core scalpers have over 1:1
[10:40] {dino} out ctrp .15, +.90
[10:40] {Les} ty for offering choice. will try for a longer daytrade this time
[10:41] {fernp} go home dino
[10:41] {ese} just looked dino.........good one
[10:41] {dino} thx
[10:41] {dino} wicked ride
[10:41] {strider} stop CEPH -.04
[10:41] {Threei} see how much slower BAC is?
[10:42] {Les} y
[10:42] {fernp} Im out here WFC. ty Vad
[10:42] {Threei} :)
[10:42] {Threei} day traders have 1:1
[10:42] {tomg} ty wfc, vad out here
[10:42] {Threei} nice and easy
[10:42] {ese} interesting inflection pt here for fitb with all technical indicators and resistance
[10:42] {Threei} welcome guys
[10:44] {ese} was gonna sell but i think i'm going to hold on .....this breaks through 10 and...........well you figure it out
[10:44] {Les} took the scalp. ty. HIG giving some back so...
[10:45] {BillyD} Vad, you a SOLF fan
[10:46] {magoo} ty vad
[10:46] {Threei} when it trades well
[10:46] {Threei} welcome mags... for what btw?
[10:47] {BillyD} does it's behavior look that way? it seems very bursty
[10:47] {BillyD} from moment to moment
[10:47] {Threei} not delighted by it
[10:47] {Threei} it's a kind of stock that becomes readable sometimes
[10:47] {Threei} the rest of the time it's pretty random hit and miss
[10:48] {BillyD} it cahnges look in a second
[10:48] {Threei} ok, with 4 for 5, let's make a pause for a min
[10:48] {ese} ziiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggaaaaaahhh
[10:49] {Threei} look at the latest photos please and tell me which of three you like the most
[10:49] {Threei} ese... meds...
[10:49] {ese} fitb baby.........
[10:50] {Threei}
[10:50] {tomg} #3 vad
[10:50] {nemo} 3, 1, 2
[10:51] {dino} hl jec l .20
[10:51] {Threei} something's wrong with me
[10:51] {ilana} first
[10:51] {fernp} 1 here
[10:51] {Threei} thank you!!
[10:51] {Threei} finally
[10:51] {ese} Beacon Hill park........very nice vad
[10:51] {Threei} everyone likes everything else, I thought I was the only one liking first the most
[10:52] {Threei} yes ese :)
[10:52] {ilana} i would put it on my wall int the office
[10:53] {Threei} so what's the problem... I'll send you high resolution file for printing
[10:53] {ilana} please!
[10:53] {Threei} and will be happy to know someone has it on the wall
[10:53] {ilana} happy to make you happy
[10:54] {Threei} wow... 15 MB
[10:55] {Threei} probably better to upload it, e-mail won't let it through, lol
[10:55] {nemo} zip it
[10:56] {Threei} ese, aiming for big move on FITB?
[10:57] {ese} out took it .05 +.10 40k of the little buggars
[10:57] {Threei} wtg
[10:57] {ese} it seems too be predictable these old times....but it won't last
[10:58] {strider} {-------runs behind the ese wagon, hoping to pick up a few crumbs.
[10:58] {magoo} NICE
[10:58] {strider} or at least a piece of coal..
[10:58] {ese} with 40k .10 is good enough need to push it
[10:58] {BillyD} lol
[10:59] {ese} get out when you want....not when you have to
[10:59] {Threei} hmmm
[10:59] {Threei} I think I've heard it somewhere
[10:59] {ese} ya fella.....that bottle of vodka is commin
[10:59] {dino} if mayans are right and world ends 2012, we may never get a rate hike
[11:00] {Threei} of course they are... did ancient mayan ever lie to you??
[11:00] {ese} roltlol
[11:00] {magoo} i wish they were right
[11:01] {dino} careful for what you wish
[11:04] {dino} ilmn drop
[11:05] {magoo} power-of-the-office is freaky strong dino, but i dont think it can cause world cataclism
[11:05] {nemo} thought you were the antichrist mags?
[11:05] {magoo} u are
[11:05] {magoo} i just one of your mynyans
[11:06] {dino} i may be
[11:06] {nemo} on DE?
[11:07] {Threei} got cramerized yesterday
[11:07] {nemo} ahhh
[11:07] {Threei} Yesterday 18:06 DE Positive Mad Money Mention - CNBC
[11:08] {dino} ilmn hl l .50 stop lod
[11:12] {dino} tighten ilmn to .23
[11:13] {ilana} stopped ilmn
[11:13] {dino} not cooperating so far
[11:13] {dino} pulp
[11:14] {nemo} market dropping
[11:14] {ilana} yeah
[11:14] {Threei} US) Treasury Sec Geithner: US to borrow much less than expected to fund TARP, costs for program are down "quite significantly"
[11:14] {Threei} - TARP savings to be used to reduce budget deficit
[11:15] {nemo} that'll be like Obama's cost reduction mandate when he first came into office
[11:16] {dino} well, if they don't spend it i guess it automatically comes out of budget?
[11:16] {dino} sort of like avoiding walmart, ha i saved $
[11:19] {BillyD} WFC short idea .80 break if mkt breaks
[11:19] {Threei} I like it
[11:20] {Threei} but don't use market as guide
[11:20] {Threei} us FAS
[11:20] {Threei} use
[11:20] {Threei} they are disconnected today, and FAS is better guide for WFC
[11:20] {BillyD} does FAS need to go down as well then
[11:21] {Threei} yes
[11:21] {BillyD} ok
[11:21] {Threei} if you like to make your life interesting and complicated, use FAZ... it's inverse :)
[11:21] {BillyD} why I asked
[11:23] {BillyD} what # would trigger FAS to clue us on short, not that it matters right now
[11:23] {magoo} so really, there is 2 trades there then
[11:23] {Threei} it's mostly about direction
[11:23] {magoo} fas and wfc
[11:24] {BillyD} ok trend
[11:24] {Threei} no mags, not by me
[11:24] {Threei} I don't have a setup for FAS
[11:24] {Threei} just want to use it as a directional help for WFC which does have clean triggere
[11:26] {dino} stop to /83 ilmn
[11:26] {strider} wtg on ilmn, dino.....gutted it out.
[11:26] {dino} out ilmn .83 ave, +.33
[11:27] {BillyD} Vad, WFC stop .94 or .90 or
[11:27] {BillyD} .87 for the chincy
[11:27] {Threei} above .90... above .85 for extrasuperanalretentive scalpers
[11:28] {fernp} above .90 here
[11:28] {Threei} lol
[11:29] {BillyD} watch HIG for over .20 if stays above .10
[11:30] {Les} DE got support?
[11:31] {Les} Vad, worth watching/playing stocks moving opposite to market in general?
[11:31] {Threei} sure
[11:31] {Threei} divergence window in scanner
[11:31] {Threei} salmon concept
[11:32] {dino} cnqr
[11:32] {strider} in wfc .79
[11:33] {Threei} (RU) Russian Fin Min Kudrin: Russian govt to sell 30 tons of gold to the Russian Central Bank at market rate before end of 2009 (related EUR/RUB USD/RUB RSX GLD )
[11:33] {Threei} psst WFC... look at FAS
[11:35] {dino} vrus
[11:35] {Les} yeh, don't see b/d
[11:36] {Les} fas following spy...
[11:36] {dino} jec stopped=.23
[11:37] {Threei} superimpose charts Les
[11:37] {Threei} you'll that FAS was much stronger for the most part of the day
[11:37] {Les} not sure how to do that
[11:38] {dino} jec -.23 sorry
[11:38] {nemo} look at them and think of the other one
[11:38] {Threei} if your sfotware doesn't have this feature, just put two charts next to each other
[11:39] {nemo} in freestockcharts .com under settings=}comparisons
[11:39] {strider} out WFC +.02----chicken!
[11:39] {Les} that I have. and u r right. spy is a little different, especially time frame, from fas
[11:39] {Les} ah no not even.
[11:40] {Les} I dunno. fas/spy spitting image in my eye
[11:40] {strider} Vad you see any bad news on VRUS?
[11:40] {Threei} no
[11:40] {strider} me neither. But somebody's apparently found some.
[11:41] {Les} hig again
[11:41] {Threei} must be something in all this pharma debvacle
[11:41] {Threei} gearing for another winter of discontent:
[11:41] {Threei} RU) Ukraine PM: Plans to double transit fees for Russian gas, effective Jan 1, 2010
[11:42] {strider} Do you go back to visit Russia, vad?
[11:42] {Threei} not since 1996
[11:42] {Les} Ukrainians are suckers for punishment
[11:43] {dino} lazard cap. cof. is all i see vrus
[11:45] {Les} wonder what new price for gas delivered to Ukraine will be...
[11:45] {strider} well I got to go......can't wait for VRUS. See you all tomorrow.
[11:45] {Les} ciao
[11:45] {tomg} sti vad?
[11:46] {strider} see ya Les.
[11:46] {Threei} take care strider
[11:46] {strider} :)
[11:46] {Threei} not sure tom
[11:46] {magoo} this is the most boring november i can remember
[11:47] {magoo} and hard as hell to get a dime
[11:47] {Les} hgsi new low
[11:47] {tomg} ty, daily looks good, though?
[11:48] {Les} normally more money to be made is there mags? sounds good for a real account in future...
[11:48] {Threei} I don't know tom... could be topping out afer yesterday's spike...
[11:48] {tomg} ok, will leave it alone, ty
[11:48] {magoo} used to make half a years dough in nov and dec
[11:49] {magoo} agonizingly slow and
[11:50] {Les} hgsi below .99?
[11:51] {dino} want some cheese w/that whine
[11:53] {Threei} let's scratch WFC
[11:54] {Threei} things fell in coma
[11:54] {Threei} no read on anything
[11:56] {Les} nue
[12:00] {dino} vrus hl l .00, stop .66
[12:04] {dino} cimatic data center, oct was coldest oct since 1925
[12:05] {Threei} oh horror
[12:06] {Threei} {--- just doing impression of global warming chorus
[12:06] {Threei} voice from behind the curtain:
[12:07] {Threei} don't you worry boys, we saw it coming and switched to "climate change" instead of "global warming"
[12:07] {dino} waste of time and money
[12:07] {Threei} so any change will git
[12:07] {Threei} fit
[12:08] {dino} ironically their computer models did not forecast any cooling. sort of like the rating agencies never thought real estate could drop
[12:08] {BillyD} HIG B?O but near lunchtime
[12:08] {Threei} yes but it worked on p[revious break...
[12:09] {Threei} and yesterday, break during lunch time worked on HIG
[12:09] {Threei} adds to its credibility
[12:09] {BillyD} mini pattern over bigger
[12:09] {BillyD} would like a tighter .10 stop
[12:10] {BillyD} any thoguhts on stop?
[12:10] {Threei} ideally, it would retreat once again and hold above .30
[12:11] {Threei} so we could use that as astop
[12:11] {BillyD} make it so
[12:12] {Threei} there you go
[12:13] {Les} hgis breaking down
[12:13] {Les} hgsi
[12:15] {dino} aed
[12:16] {dino} nah
[12:16] {Les} SINA weak today. decent gap to fill on the hourly chart
[12:18] {dino} was looking at it earlier
[12:18] {dino} osk spike
[12:19] {dino} and pullback too fast
[12:27] {nemo} hig gonna do something
[12:27] {BillyD} needs some mkt help imo...hig
[12:28] {Threei} even AIG is tame like lamb
[12:29] {dino} lol, new one
[12:30] {magoo} rimm bottom vad?
[12:31] {Threei} I doubt it
[12:32] {BillyD} maybe a short
[12:32] {BillyD} needs more tight consolidation
[12:34] {nemo} e tight range
[12:34] {nemo} de
[12:34] {nemo} frickin "d" key
[12:35] {Les} u
[12:35] {Les} never mind
[12:40] {Threei} RIMM starts looking bouncy now
[12:40] {Threei} .80 break
[12:40] {Threei} sdtop under .70
[12:41] {Les} ditto hgsi
[12:41] {Les} bouncy that is
[12:42] {nemo} lunch breakouts...ewwww
[12:43] {Threei} who is calling for breakouts?
[12:43] {nemo} you rimm .80 break
[12:43] {Threei} deep sigh
[12:44] {dino} gww
[12:45] {nemo} what up w/grainger
[12:46] {Threei} didn't we discuss yesterday the difference between bounces and breakouts in the same context?
[12:46] {BillyD} yes
06[12:47] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a large yesterday's trading log as a memory refreshment
[12:47] {nemo} sorry, I think of this, incorrectly obviously, as a breakout after the bounce off of .60
[12:47] {Threei} sorry and incorrectly are right, the rest is not
[12:48] {dino} acquiring alliance energy, lowers '09 guidance
[12:48] {nemo} thus "obviously"
[12:48] {Threei} it's a bounce play, and .80 break simply serves as a trigger for it
[12:48] {nemo} okey dokey
[12:49] {nemo} My rorschach interpretation of the rimm chart pattern is an inverse dandruff shampoo
[12:50] {Les} why can't you see a dog or a cat like normal children
[12:50] {Threei} or... err, never mind
[12:50] {Threei} family room
[12:51] {nemo} who are you talking too?
[12:51] {Les} who me?
[12:51] {Les} hgsi at 28
[12:51] {Threei} suffice to say, a joke ends with patient calling a doctor pervert because he has such pictures...
[12:54] {BillyD} are we stuck or what
[12:54] {dino} indeed
[12:55] {nemo} out rimm
[12:55] {dino} hl l cnqr .65
[12:55] {Threei} someone tripped of market cord
[12:55] {Threei} no news
[12:56] {Les} aig
[12:56] {nemo} rimm not your game today
[12:58] {Threei} I offered to go howm after first 4 plays
[12:59] {nemo} rimm giving you the mesodactyl
[13:00] {fernp} .
[13:01] {dino} vrus stopped
[13:08] {ese} ese is not away......ese is watching and enjoying the fruits of the day
[13:08] {ese} but will probably not do anything the rest of the day
[13:09] {ese} now that i'm thinkin about it i do have to go to school.
[13:09] {ese} cya all tomorrow...have a great rest of the day
[13:10] {BillyD} u 2 ese
[13:10] {ese} see ya billy
[13:10] {nemo} dude
[13:10] {Threei} take care ese, ghreat job on FITB
[13:10] {magoo} AWIAV?
[13:10] {Threei} yes... we are in deep sorrow
[13:11] {magoo} ok
[13:12] {magoo} like the abbreviated question code:)
[13:20] {fernp} don't know what to do, wanted to read something but everything is so quiet that even I am not receiving spam
[13:21] {Threei} I have just the solution for such cases fern
[13:21] {Threei} cereal boxes
[13:21] {Threei} a lot of useful reading material
[13:21] {fernp} or champoo
[13:21] {fernp} yes, lol
[13:21] {Threei} no, too small font
[13:27] {Threei} wow...
[13:27] {Threei} this is remarkable queitness in the market
[13:28] {Threei} almost feels like something huge is brewing
[13:29] {fernp} You scared me, I thought you received spam to read
[13:29] {Threei} no :(
[13:29] {Threei} even spammers don't need me
[13:30] {fernp} that's sad, very sad
[13:31] {BillyD} how about I forward my spam to you as kind jesture....J is intentional
[13:31] {Threei} no thank you... let me wallow in my suffering
[13:31] {fernp} no ty
[13:32] {Les} sure vad, I can help there too. I have lots of buxom german blondes that would love to spam you.
[13:32] {Les} european spam is wonderful
[13:32] {BillyD} c'mon, you don't lost millions deposited into your account
[13:32] {fernp} reading "trade with passion and purpose" by Mark Whistler I don't need more spam. TY
[13:33] {Les} i lost a lot trying to go long RIMM that last trade. this market only seems to work before 11 am
[13:33] {Threei} a lot?
[13:33] {Threei} how can you lose a lot with 10 cents stop?
[13:33] {Les} I wanna make 500 a day in the future
[13:34] {Les} made it today comfortably
[13:34] {Les} and gave too much of it back
[13:34] {Les} the best trades are before 11
[13:34] {Threei} how many shares of RIMM do you play?
[13:34] {Les} 2k
[13:35] {Les} don't be going calculating my p&l vad
[13:35] {Threei} it's a bit too much for noon scalp on volatile strock
[13:35] {Threei} but in any case, it's roughly half
[13:36] {nemo} got the inverse dandruff shampooo on the S&P and Qs
[13:36] {Threei} just not sure how 10 cents stop ca be qualified as a lot
[13:36] {nemo} figure out how much you're willing to lose, and size your lot
[13:36] {nemo} according to the stop
[13:37] {Les} yeh sure
[13:37] {Les} getting less interested in 12 pm - afternoon trades
[13:38] {Les} will size accordingly
[13:38] {Les} but today was good day for me
[13:38] {Threei} one thing bothers me les
[13:38] {Les} hmmm
[13:38] {Threei} the way you handled that first short on RIMM
[13:39] {Les} let me look at log
[13:39] {Threei} it's a randon reinforcement trap
[13:39] {Threei} random
[13:39] {Threei} it was stopped
[13:39] {Threei} you haven't taken a stop and made a profit on it later on
[13:40] {nemo} Hey Les...are you paper trading?
[13:40] {Les} y
[13:40] {Les} u mean the last RIMM short
[13:40] {nemo} yes
[13:40] {Les} yes that was risky
[13:40] {Threei} that wasn't just risky
[13:40] {Threei} that was ahainst the rules
[13:41] {Threei} stop is hit - stop must be taken
[13:41] {Threei} period
[13:41] {Threei} no ifs or buts
[13:41] {Les} but was watching ticker/MACDh relationship between spy and rimm
[13:41] {Threei} you set your stop at .25
[13:41] {nemo} MACD is a lagging indicator les
[13:41] {Threei} you can always find justification for widening your stop
[13:42] {Threei} the worst thing that can happen to you is:
[13:42] {Threei} break the rules and profit from it
[13:42] {dino} adsk l .00
[13:47] {Les} don't worry about negative reinforcement, i've let stops slide too many times and suffered for it.
[13:48] {Les} but this time I saw rimm was weak and went with it. perhaps judicial loosening of stop next time
[13:48] {Threei} then I worry about you continuing doing it
[13:49] {Les} no its better today.
[13:49] {Les} that one trade has been sole example. i have been more anally retentive elsewhere, especially last rimm bounce
[13:50] {Les} another rimm bounce coming?
[13:54] {Threei} rather looks like short
[13:54] {Threei} but not confident enough for a call
[13:59] {nemo} fcx inverse dandruff shampoo
[14:00] {nemo} I lied...C&H
[14:00] {nemo} I
[14:02] {nemo} ok inverse C&H looking DB on cat
[14:05] {dino} ????????????
[14:06] {nemo} cat might be shaping up as a break of .25
[14:07] {magoo} AMZN
[14:07] {magoo} piper news
[14:07] {magoo} pops
[14:07] {Threei} AMZN Hearing Piper Jaffray raising estimates; raises Price Target to $163 from $130
[14:07] {Threei} 3 min ago
[14:07] {Threei} sorry, missed it
[14:08] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:08] {Threei} - NYSE volume 600M shares, about 15% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.6:1.
[14:08] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.25B shares, about 14% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.3:1.
[14:08] {Threei} - VIX index -0.75% to just over 22.00
[14:08] {nemo} look to short it in the .60 to .80 range if market stays weak
[14:09] {dino} cnqr to .99
[14:10] {magoo} news LDK vad? rippin
[14:11] {Threei} nothing fresh
[14:11] {dino} to .15
[14:12] {dino} out +.40
[14:12] {dino} opps, +.50
[14:12] {fernp} gj dino
[14:13] {dino} ty
[14:15] {patience} nice dino
[14:15] {dino} ty
[14:16] {fernp} Soccer: Spain - Austria in 30 min. Have a good evening everybody. See u all tomorrow
[14:16] {Les} football fanatic huh? ok cheers
[14:17] {dino} cya
[14:18] {Threei} take caree fern
[14:25] {Les} amzn?
[14:26] {nemo} looks short less
[14:26] {nemo} but....that upgrade may screw up the pattern
[14:27] {Les} MON also testing highs
[14:28] {dino} adsk to .11
[14:28] {dino} out +.11
[14:30] {dino} grrrrrrrr vrus, wanted .20
[14:32] {dino} gww
[14:36] {Threei} had we had a strong trending market still, I'd be looking to take FITB overnight
[14:38] {Threei} as it is, I am willing too - but with ese's money
[14:38] {dino} me too
[14:38] {dino} wes $
[14:38] {dino} w/es $
[14:38] {dino} gww lod
[14:38] {Threei} aren't we both great humanitarians dino
[14:39] {nemo} humble too
[14:39] {Threei} oh yes... I am sure I can successfully fight for the title of the most humble on the island
[14:40] {Threei} then again, when I am prescribed tablets curing greediness I demand more of them
[14:41] {dino} ahh yes, the island, fond memories
[14:41] {Threei} is it a word? greediness?
[14:41] {nemo} yes, but isnt demanding more of them then you need greedy?
[14:41] {BillyD} good one nemo
[14:42] {nemo} thank you
[14:42] {Threei} try in English nemo... you lost me
[14:42] {nemo} I can hear the rationalization now
[14:43] {dino} greed is good; laziness is bad
[14:43] {Threei} oh, that was thAn, not thEn
[14:43] {BillyD} Vad, did you say skip 2012 movie due bad script, etc?
[14:43] {Threei} yes, but wasn't it exactly the point of the joke
[14:43] {Threei} 'Doctor, I need something to help with my greed... and give me more of that!"
[14:44] {Threei} not exactly Billy
[14:44] {Threei} it was rather:
[14:44] {nemo} wow...not used to seeing RIMM trade by appointment
[14:44] {Threei} if you want sophisticated and belieavable plot, skip it... if you want stunning visual effects on a grand scale, this is your movie
[14:45] {BillyD} ok, go to movies as escape so may be for me
[14:45] {Threei} also, there is this guilty pleasure of seeing calidornia going to the bottom of the ocean
[14:45] {Threei} california too
[14:46] {nemo} I wish Cambridge would go with it
[14:46] {BillyD} about time, been hearing all my life
[14:49] {BillyD} HIG short off 26 maybe
[14:50] {Threei} looks promising
[14:50] {nemo} hig
[14:55] {Threei} 1:1
[14:55] {Threei} nice and easy
[14:55] {BillyD} yup
[14:55] {Threei} good spot Billy
[14:55] {BillyD} yw
[14:55] {Threei} no single uptick since breakg support
[14:55] {Threei} this is how we like them
[14:55] {Threei} meek and obeying
[14:55] {BillyD} taking all day for my mind to become clearer...allergy/sinus issues
[14:56] {BillyD} this morning like ...lost in space
[14:56] {magoo} u know what works goo billy?
[14:56] {BillyD} what
[14:56] {nemo} BillyD=Billy Mumy
[14:56] {BillyD} true nemo
[14:57] {magoo} dip towel in bucket of urine and place over your head like if u had a humidifier LOl
[14:57] {dino} cl
[14:57] {BillyD} lol....I knew there was a good reason I was afraid to ask
[14:57] {nemo} wow...funny as a bag of rocks
[14:57] {dino} lol disconnected bd?
[14:58] {dino} cl?
[14:58] {Les} asdk .30 break?
[14:58] {BillyD} ?
[14:58] {nemo} adsk
[14:59] {Les} thats the one
[14:59] {Les} but its not going up
[14:59] {nemo} see market les
[15:00] {BillyD} SOLF big .50 offer may be tempting if hit
[15:02] {Les} axp .35 break?
[15:03] {magoo} C
[15:03] {magoo} L
[15:03] {magoo} C
[15:03] {magoo} L
[15:03] {dino} cl +4 in minutes
[15:03] {dino} has to be buyout
[15:03] {Threei} 2:57:46 PM
[15:03] {Threei} Colgate-Palmolive Co Sources feel nearing merger agreement with Reckitt - UK Telegraph
[15:03] {Threei} - It is not clear which company Reckitt is targeting. SSL International, the maker of Scholl footwear products and Durex condoms, has always been tipped as a target for Reckitt. However, well-placed sources think the most obvious candidate is US giant Colgate-Palmolive.
[15:04] {dino} clx too
[15:04] {dino} rumor only
[15:07] {Threei} DCP May have violated Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - WSJ
[15:07] {dino} oh my
[15:14] {Les} I see someone wanted ABK back above a buck
[15:15] {BillyD} HGSI maybe a short candidate if breaks down holding .90
[15:16] {nemo} market going to rally into close again
[15:16] {magoo} yea..not on the short bus here
[15:17] {nemo} except maybe cl
[15:17] {magoo} that scares even me
[15:17] {nemo} crissakes...don't ruin my world view mags...I put you up on a pedastal
[15:18] {nemo} pedestal
[15:18] {magoo} nothhing wrong with admitting fear..its how u deal with it...for destructive purposes
[15:19] {nemo} roger that
[15:20] {dino} roger who
06[15:20] * nemo slaps dino around a bit with a large sense of humor
[15:21] {Les} japan etf is on a very slippery slope. that US market's destiny soon?
[15:21] {Les} EWJ
[15:21] {dino} ouch
[15:25] {dino} is clx assoc w/cl?
[15:25] {Threei} AMTD CEO: Interested in a deal with E*Trade assuming it is under the right circumstances; Acquisition of an online broker would be the best use of cash at this point
[15:25] {Threei} - May be prudent to pay a dividend eventually
[15:26] {dino} may be prudent to open a beer
[15:26] {Threei} lol
[15:26] {nemo} clorox used to be owned by Henkel..could be colgate owns them
[15:27] {dino} find out and report back
[15:27] {dino} :)
[15:27] {BillyD} lol
[15:27] {nemo} guess the sense of humor slap didn't work
[15:28] {dino} abuse makes me stronger
[15:31] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:31] {Threei} - NYSE volume 780M shares, about 15% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.9:1.
[15:31] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.69B shares, about 10% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.9:1.
[15:31] {Threei} - VIX index -1.35% to just over 22.00
[15:35] {dino} vrus hl l .06
[15:38] {Threei} financials look like more strength is coming nearest days
[15:40] {magoo} yup..bac wfc stroonggg
[15:41] {Les} bounce in ldk
[15:41] {Les} ?
[15:41] {Les} a frigg it. chasing straws. shower and bed before close tonight methinks. night all.
[15:42] {magoo} nah..its slow and time short here
[15:50] {nemo} so...two days of relative consolidation during op ex week
[15:52] {dino} all dayer dish to .91 sheesh
[15:53] {dino} out +.06
[15:54] {magoo} .
[15:54] {dino} cga
[15:56] {Threei} okay guys, boring day
[15:56] {Threei} profditable but barely
[15:56] {BillyD} cya, ty vad
[15:56] {nemo} P&Q
[15:57] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:58] {dino} u2 vad
[16:00] {dino} damn, have to ditch vrus aftehours
[16:01] {magoo} ty all
[16:03] {dino} thx all, good times

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nov 17 2009

Very narrow day with very low volume, so most of our plays were scalps and most of them for some reason on a short side. Profitable and bored.

Session Time: Tue Nov 17 00:00:00 2009

[08:18] {Threei} Preview: Oct Producer Price Index and PPI ex Food & Energy due at 8:30amET
[08:18] {Threei} - Producer Price Index MoM: 0.5%e v -0.6% prior; YoY expected at -1.8% v -4.8% prior
[08:18] {Threei} - PPI ex Food & Energy MoM: 0.1%e v -0.1% prior; YoY expected at 1.4% v 1.8% prior
[08:20] {Threei} BLTXX Baltic Dry Bulk Index rises 3.8% (14th straight increase)
[08:30] {Threei} *(US) OCT PRODUCERPRICE INDEX M/M: 0.3% V 0.5%E; PPI EX FOOD&ENERGY M/M: -0.6% V 0.1%E
[08:31] {Threei} ONCY Collaborators Present Positive Phase I/II Trial Results in Advanced Solid Cancers with a Focus on the Head and Neck at the AACR-NCI-EORTC Meeting (3.69, 0.00, 0.00%)
[08:36] {nemo} How's the weather down south Strider?
[08:37] {strider} 50 degrees, sunny.
[08:37] {nemo} not that much warmer than up here...mmmhhh
[08:52] {ese} i'm eschewing already ...i'm eschewing
[08:52] {strider} remember to swallow
[08:52] {ese} good morning if your hanging
[08:53] {ese} morning ST
[08:53] {nemo} dude
[08:53] {ese} dude
[08:53] {ese} I got my 5 cents from fitb yesterday.........looks like it took a little bit of a tank end of day
[08:54] {Threei} ese :)
[08:54] {ese} morning vad
[08:59] {lasertrev} morning
[09:00] {Threei} trev :)
[09:00] {Threei} *SEPT NET LONG TERM TIC FLOWS: $40.7B V 30.0BE; TOTAL NET TIC FLOWS: $133.5B V $10.2B PRIOR
[09:02] {ese} hmmm something capitol flows....whats the TI
[09:05] {Les} good afternoon
06[09:05] * nemo slaps Les around a bit with a large eastern standard time clock
[09:05] {cosmo} evening for some, ya know....
[09:05] {ese} les
[09:05] {nemo} cosmo, where are you?
[09:06] {cosmo} So,Cal.
[09:06] {Threei} les, cosmo :)
[09:06] {nemo} life's tough
[09:06] {ese} boston, hartford?
[09:06] {cosmo} So. Cal that is
[09:06] {Les} I see Bernanke's comments regarding "not too big to fail" yesterday intimately tied to financial services lobbying
[09:07] {Les} "The problem is not that some institutions are too large. It's that there is currently no legal authority to unwind, in an orderly way, a failing financial conglomerate."
[09:07] {Les} hmmm
[09:07] {cosmo} that legal authority has been deregulated i think
[09:08] {cosmo} those serving time for the 1980's Saving and loan scandle where subsequently pardoned by W during his last week.
[09:10] {Threei} what, NLST didn't gap to 8?
[09:10] {Threei} strange
[09:10] {BillyD} yeah and NABI only a dime
[09:10] {Threei} NABI though did first print of the day at 5, lol
[09:11] {nemo} that just frosts my ass
[09:11] {BillyD} poor soul
[09:11] {nemo} sorry
[09:11] {Threei} buyer of that 1K at 5 looks at it now and thinks, what the deuce
[09:11] {Threei} people are so strange sometimes...
[09:15] {Threei} Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9:15:02 AM
[09:15] {Threei} * (US) OCT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: 0.1% V 0.4%E; CAPACITY UTILIZATION: 70.7% V 70.8%E
[09:15] {Threei} - Prior Industrial Production revised from 0.7% to 0.6%
[09:15] {dino} gm all
[09:15] {nemo} another optimist
[09:16] {Threei} dino :)
[09:16] {ese} dino
[09:17] {Threei} lol, do these guys have quotes:
[09:17] {Threei} PALM Barclays Raised PALM to Equal Weight from Underweight, price target: $11
[09:17] {Threei} seriously
[09:17] {Threei} how do you uograde the stock assigning the target below what it trades now at?
[09:19] {dino} that is called value added research
[09:19] {Threei} ahha
[09:20] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[09:20] {Threei} fern :)
[09:20] {Les} hi fern
[09:21] {dino} because of this 3i, i have decided to apply for two jobs in my next life, research for the street and weather man
[09:21] {nemo} what if you come back as a lemming?
[09:21] {strider} make lemming-aid
[09:22] {dino} i will shrug
[09:22] {BillyD} lol dino
[09:22] {nemo} can lemmings shrug-anatomically speaking
[09:23] {Threei} dino, if you get the reasearch job - I'll apply for for "boy reading the quotes" position
[09:23] {dino} if we do it as a group
[09:23] {dino} lol
[09:23] {Threei} we will have our upgrades a bit more meaningful but more importantly, we will hang out near the beer-cooler
[09:23] {Threei} they'll have those in the next lifetime, right?
[09:24] {Les} canadian solar beat earnings this morn. solars have been hot, STP up yesterday. follow thru today?
[09:24] {Threei} SPWRA looks pitiful
[09:25] {dino} ago
[09:25] {dino} if they don't 3i, i will not make the trip
[09:25] {Threei} CSIQ in fact is the strongest in the group
[09:25] {Les} ouch. what happened to them
[09:26] {Threei} FSLR is green but the position on daily is, ummm
[09:26] {Threei} overall, it seems to me CSIQ is more likely to succumb to a general mood
[09:26] {nemo} rimm ad amzn look like setting up for drops at the open
[09:28] {Threei} no clear candidates for the open
[09:30] {fernp} HGSI daily chart is interesting for 29 or 30 breakout
[09:30] {dino} spwra acct issues
[09:30] {nemo} got rimm right anyway
[09:31] {magoo} teirirrWIR
[09:31] {Threei} mags :)
[09:31] {ese} l sina .61
[09:32] {Threei} wow
[09:32] {magoo} NICE
[09:32] {ese} out sina. .33
[09:32] {ese} whoa
[09:32] {Threei} wtg ese
[09:32] {fernp} gj
[09:32] {ese} 1k + .72 i think
[09:32] {magoo} C YA TOMORROW ES LOL
[09:33] {nemo} was that mags or ese?
[09:33] {ese} it's still goin
[09:33] {ese} that was movin so fast almost couldn't type it
[09:35] {dino} gj
[09:35] {Threei} watch RIMM for sharp pullback
[09:36] {nemo} .25-.35 area?
[09:36] {Threei} 61.10 - .20 area should be good for entry
[09:36] {Threei} no pullback
[09:36] {Les} stp
[09:36] {ese} definitely one of those cases of shoot now ask questions later
[09:38] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .70 break
[09:38] {Threei} half lot
[09:38] {Threei} if stays under .85
[09:39] {Threei} invalidated
[09:39] {magoo} monster pllbk sINA vad
[09:39] {Threei} .80 break RIMM
[09:39] {Threei} if stays under .95
[09:39] {Threei} half lot!
[09:41] {dino} jec blood
[09:42] {Threei} NABI 5
[09:42] {Threei} morning buyer is out
[09:42] {Threei} with sigh of relief
[09:42] {Les} hgsi just broke resistance
[09:42] {Threei} no go RIMM
[09:44] {nemo} amzn dropping, it breaks 131 could go a bit
[09:45] {Threei} why am I not convinced by this morning ramp-up...
[09:45] {nemo} nor genetically sunny disposition?
[09:45] {Threei} pronbably
[09:46] {dino} lol gut feeling down
[09:46] {Threei} yeah
[09:46] {Threei} don't want to short arbitrarily
[09:46] {Threei} so hunting for topping setups
[09:47] {Threei} Short Setup: NTRI .90 break half lot
[09:47] {Threei} if stays under 23
[09:48] {nemo} amzn broke 131
[09:49] {Les} mbi
[09:49] {Les} sorry under 5
[09:49] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .95 break half lot
[09:49] {Threei} if stays below 62.10
[09:50] {magoo} trend fighter?
[09:50] {Threei} nope
[09:50] {Threei} invalidated
[09:50] {nemo} market still too strong
[09:50] {nemo} amzn going against market
[09:50] {nemo} should be weak today
[09:51] {nemo} was weak yesterday
[09:53] {dino} randon
[09:53] {Threei} VVUS?
[09:53] {Threei} no news that I see
[09:53] {Threei} ahha
[09:53] {Threei} rumors
[09:53] {Threei} VVUS Hearing vague chatter could receive approval for a product (0.87, 0.00, 0.00%)
[09:53] {Threei} bunker is at work
[09:54] {Les} rimm now?
[09:54] {Threei} market is upticking again
[09:54] {nemo} got support at .89 les
[09:54] {Threei} let's see how RIMM handles it
[09:55] {ese} dino you had a look at spwra
[09:55] {magoo} news SINA?
[09:56] {Threei} beat earnings yesterday
[09:56] {Threei} got couple upgrades today
[09:56] {Threei} RIMM just had to invalidate setup befor working, eh?
[09:57] {Les} HGSI close to breaking suppport
[09:57] {Threei} 29?
[09:58] {Les} .97 no? but its bouncing
[09:59] {Threei} hgsi
[09:59] {Threei} let it consolidate above the support,
[09:59] {Threei} so you have the resistance defined for a stop placement
[09:59] {Threei} so far resistance is .20
[10:00] {Threei} die NTRI
[10:01] {ese} ya know....i get this feeling drys is going to be mentioning a drilling rig contract me crazy's acting odd
[10:02] {Threei} BLTXX had 14th straight increase ese
[10:02] {Threei} both DRYS and EGLE are strong
[10:02] {dino} i'll hit the time machine w/stewie and let you know es
[10:02] {fernp} ty Vad
[10:02] {KSystems} morning!
[10:02] {Threei} I'll be right behind with mad Doc, dino
[10:02] {ese} ya ok
[10:03] {Threei} ks :)
[10:03] {Threei} he says flux capacitor is almost fixed
[10:03] {dino} lol
[10:03] {ese} goes right along with the clairvoyance thing
[10:04] {Threei} that;s the one we embracing, right?
[10:04] {Threei} not eschewing
[10:05] {dino} aixg
[10:06] {Threei} RIMM bounced
[10:06] {Threei} right into resistance
[10:06] {Threei} NTRI 1:1
[10:06] {Threei} grrr... keep missing RIMM
[10:07] {Threei} oh come on, that was a perfect short opportunity finally
[10:07] {Threei} and I slept through it
[10:08] {dino} ibkc hl s .60 stop .94
06[10:08] * strider slaps Threei around a bit with a large feather pillow
[10:09] {Threei} I don't take this kind of abuse from males strider...
[10:09] {dino} no pillow talk
[10:10] {fernp} Vad, Why have we shorted NTRI? its daily and intraday seemed good for breakout. What have you seen on it?
[10:10] {Threei} breakout would have been invalidation of the setup,
[10:10] {Threei} breakdown of the support is breakout failure
[10:10] {Threei} or breakout invalidation if happens first
[10:10] {Threei} rught?
[10:10] {fernp} fading the setup
[10:10] {fernp} ok
[10:11] {Threei} yes
[10:11] {Threei} so, looking for short setup, you have two options
[10:11] {Threei} short the weakest
[10:11] {Threei} or short relatively storng but failing to follow through
[10:11] {Threei} and the sign of such failure is loss of support instead of breaking the resistance
[10:12] {Threei} after signal is in, the rest is simple a trade management with no thinking involved
[10:12] {fernp} I understand. Thank you
[10:12] {magoo} AGO big pullbk
[10:12] {Threei} (my favorite part as it alows me to get back to my neanderthal core)
[10:12] {Threei} now, having RIMM pegged as a short and missing it keeps me grinding my teeth
[10:14] {Les} MS?
[10:14] {Threei} Les, took HGSI breakdown?
[10:14] {Threei} nicely hit 1:1 and more
[10:15] {Threei} MS is .50 break short
[10:15] {Les} i am ashamed to say no
[10:15] {Les} i did not
[10:16] {Threei} with stop for scalpers above .60
[10:16] {Threei} no need to be ashamed really, just use the discussion and observation to collect more of "standard situations"
[10:17] {Les} k. I like reading charts. trading them is not so easy for me.
[10:18] {Threei} of course... otherwise everyone would be doing that, got rich, abandoned work and civilization as we know it would have ceased to exist
[10:18] {Threei} that's what we are doing here though: eliminating barrier between read and execution
[10:20] {Threei} as far as I am concerned Hawaii can have their pineapple express back... this rain becomes tiresome
[10:21] {fernp} HIG .40 break is good idea?
[10:21] {Threei} most likely, yes
[10:22] {Threei} looking at SPWRA with short in mind
[10:22] {Threei} got e-mail from a friend over there though, they have it even worse right now... his litarl words were "my lawn flowing past the window"
[10:22] {fernp} lol
[10:22] {Threei} .50 in nearest resistance for SPWRA
[10:23] {Threei} let's see if it bounces there,
[10:23] {Threei} to short first weakness with stop above .60
[10:24] {dino} cov ibkc -.11 stuck
[10:24] {Threei} volume looks to be shaping right for HIG breakout fern
[10:24] {Threei} Long Setup: HIG .40 break if stays above .30
[10:24] {fernp} thank. my finger is ready
[10:25] {Threei} SPWRA, breakdown short would be .30
[10:25] {Threei} .30 break I mean
[10:25] {Threei} with stop above .50...
[10:25] {Threei} a bit wider than I'd like
[10:26] {Threei} HIG invalidated
[10:27] {dino} esc hl l .19 stop .87
[10:28] {Les} weakness all round, but where's the entry...
[10:28] {fernp} .29 SPWRA in one entry
[10:28] {fernp} is
[10:29] {dino} hl jec l .15 stop .83
[10:30] {Threei} US Fed to trim maxiumum maturity of discount window loans to 28 days from 90; effective Jan 14
[10:31] {Threei} cites improvement in financial markets
[10:31] {dino} after they take the trimmings off the xmas trees
[10:31] {nemo} gag
[10:38] {Les} fcx short?
[10:39] {Threei} looks right
[10:39] {fernp} still above .50 SPWRA stop?
[10:39] {nemo} rimm too
[10:39] {Threei} .35 break
[10:39] {Threei} I'd trail it fern
[10:40] {fernp} .40?
[10:40] {Threei} to above .45 or .40, depending on how much in hurry you are
[10:40] {Threei} there you go Les
[10:40] {Threei} pattern recognition starts kicking in
[10:40] {ese} am signing off to lay dn for an hour....flu thing i think
[10:40] {Threei} 1:1 FCX
[10:41] {Threei} btw, tell me what pattern that was, and I'll be one happy boy for today
[10:41] {nemo} 1/2 out rimm
[10:41] {dino} vaya con dias es
[10:42] {Threei} take care ese, get well
[10:42] {fernp} bye ese
[10:42] {nemo} 1/4 more
[10:43] {dino} tjx lod
[10:43] {Threei} (US/CA) USGS: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake reported off coast of British Columbia
[10:43] {Threei} hmmm
[10:43] {Threei} I didn't feel anything
[10:44] {Les} ty Vad. covered HIG +.12, FCX +.10
[10:44] {nemo} way off the coast
[10:44] {Threei} wtg Les
[10:44] {fernp} FCX was a dbi that I missed trading SPWRA
[10:44] {Les} how many vodkas you had this morning Vad'
[10:44] {Les} perhaps explains lack of feeling for earthquake
[10:44] {Threei} don't eschew rthe question Les...
[10:44] {Threei} what pattern FCX was?? :)
[10:44] {dino} gj les
[10:45] {nemo} out rimm .32
[10:45] {Les} what pattern?
[10:45] {nemo} fcx
[10:45] {Threei} chart pattern that shaped up as a short
[10:45] {Les} is this trick question, or school time?
[10:45] {Threei} no tricks
[10:45] {nemo} the one you called les
[10:45] {Threei} what am I, ancient mayan
[10:46] {Threei} to trick people into being scared of 2012
[10:46] {nemo} no...neanderthal
[10:46] {Les} hmm can't put name to pattern
[10:46] {Threei} yeah... forgot
[10:46] {Threei} let me give you time frame
[10:46] {Threei} on 1 min
[10:46] {nemo} 10:06 to 10:40
[10:46] {Threei} right
[10:47] {nemo} not as dumb as I look
[10:47] {cosmo}
[10:47] {Threei} 10:08 to be exact
[10:47] {nemo} eh...not if you include the tail on the candle
[10:47] {nemo} that is since you did call break .35
[10:47] {dino} tjx hl l .30, stop .97
[10:47] {Threei} ok, 10:07
[10:47] {Les} wait a minute. inverted c&h?
[10:48] {nemo} are we arguing?
[10:48] {Threei} A+
[10:48] {Threei} you made my day Les
[10:48] {nemo} nah....B for time
[10:48] {nemo} then again...he made
[10:48] {Les} I am smart arse like nemo, but I do pay attention
[10:48] {Threei} finding patterns, nailing entries and actually executing trades
[10:48] {nemo} yep
[10:48] {nemo} a+
[10:49] {Threei} teaching fishing works, eh
[10:49] {Threei} die already SPWRA
[10:49] {Threei} topped out at .40 on the last bounce btw
[10:49] {Threei} so stop is for sure above .40 now
[10:50] {Les} question. does laser permit multiple trades at a time? like multiple windows for trading various stocks at same time rapidly?
[10:50] {nemo} yep
[10:50] {Threei} Tsunami is not expected
[10:50] {Threei} - Earthquake centered 70 miles/113 Km southeast of Sandsp
[10:50] {Threei} hmmm... text end on Sandsp
[10:50] {Threei} one who wrote it was living there?
[10:50] {dino} jec stopped -/32
[10:50] {Threei} yes les
[10:50] {Threei} open a few windows and do a few trades
[10:51] {Threei} that's what I do
[10:52] {dino} gme\
[10:52] {dino} gap fill
[10:53] {nemo} eh...scalpers regret rimm...sniff, coulda had 1:5
[10:53] {Threei} where di you short it nemo, I missed?
[10:53] {nemo} right after Les called fcx at 62.20 rimm
[10:54] {Threei} with stop above .35?
[10:54] {nemo} [10:38] {Les} fcx short?
[10:54] {nemo} [10:39] {&Threei} looks right
[10:54] {nemo} [10:39] {fernp} still above .50 SPWRA stop?
[10:54] {nemo} [10:39] {nemo} rimm too
[10:54] {nemo} yes
[10:54] {nemo} well, I was looking .30
[10:55] {nemo} or a close above .30 that is, I chicken out on tails of the candles alot, and then it closes within the stop range on me
[10:55] {nemo} Makes me feel like an idiot when I stop out at the top or bottom of the range
[10:56] {Threei} don't provoke me
[10:56] {nemo} provoke what?
[10:56] {Threei} we neanderthals like those chins
[10:56] {nemo} oh...go ahead, it'll make you feel good
[10:56] {nemo} remember...I'm a masochist
[10:57] {Threei} lol... I'll withold the whack then
[10:57] {nemo} I know..hahahaha
[10:57] {nemo} rimm consolidating 70-.80
[10:58] {Threei} lol, looking how NTRI doesn;'t go anywhere I start thinking we just got lucky on that short and caught almost random movement
[10:59] {nemo} today's nabi
[11:00] {Threei} fiinally SPWRA
[11:00] {Threei} sure took its sweet time
[11:00] {Threei} 1:1
[11:01] {fernp} ty
[11:01] {Threei} sure thing
[11:03] {Threei} rain finally stopped too
[11:12] {dino} tjx stopped
[11:13] {Threei} FNM Exec: Forecasting home sales to rise when recession ends
[11:13] {Threei} no really?
[11:14] {Threei} 2010 housing starts to rise 35%
[11:14] {nemo} government employee...probably barney's ex
[11:14] {BillyD} brilliance is deafening
[11:17] {fernp} market lod. QID Vad?
[11:18] {Threei} most likely...
[11:18] {Threei} I just hate breakouts on it
[11:18] {fernp} ok
[11:19] {Threei} and we moved into lunch time
[11:19] {nemo} fcx at sink or swim
[11:19] {Threei} can we reasonably expect big break and follow through ,
[11:19] {Threei} or rather choppy shakeouts?
[11:19] {nemo} the latter
[11:19] {Threei} that's my concern
[11:19] {nemo} which means, it'll drop like a stone
[11:19] {nemo} since I figure shakeouts
[11:20] {fernp} you are too rational Vad. Mags QID? lol
[11:20] {nemo} we are approaching the nefarious lunch hour
[11:20] {Threei} you want irrational? here:
[11:21] {Threei} NABI .20 break
[11:21] {Threei} ratget 6
[11:21] {nemo} that's a good one
[11:21] {Threei} how's that for irrational? :)
[11:21] {nemo} after yesterday's water torture...very
[11:22] {BillyD} was that a real call?
[11:22] {magoo} pard vad
[11:22] {Threei} no Billy
[11:22] {fernp} no
[11:22] {nemo} look at .25, same trap as yesterday
[11:22] {BillyD} ok, there is CC going on now for NABI
[11:22] {nemo} who is CC?
[11:22] {nemo} Captain Cramer?
[11:22] {BillyD} conference call
[11:23] {Threei} PARD news was pretty horrible mags... dunno
[11:23] {BillyD} THOR but wide
[11:26] {BillyD} if SPWRA consolidates and break of 22 might be good
[11:29] {dino} jec
[11:34] {BillyD} I take scalps today and there seems to be follow thru....
[11:34] {BillyD} yesterday the opposite
[11:34] {nemo} glad I didn't take Nabi break
[11:34] {BillyD} took NABI at 4.61 this morning for scalp...and you know the
06[11:35] * nemo slaps BillyD around a bit with a large roll of cash
[11:35] {Threei} well, at least you didn't get scalped
[11:36] {nemo} scalped isn't the word that comes to mind
[11:36] {BillyD} exactly, not complaining or regretting
[11:36] {BillyD} simply observing
[11:38] {BillyD} Vad, question for you
[11:38] {BillyD} I took SPWRA short at 22
[11:38] {BillyD} with .10 hopeful stop due to large offer and .16 drop dead
[11:39] {BillyD} took +.10 scalp
[11:39] {BillyD} it looked like trap possibilities
[11:40] {BillyD} does that stop structure and last 1 min high of .09 make sense to you?
[11:40] {Threei} it does,
[11:40] {Threei} the only distinction I'd make is
[11:40] {Threei} I would be more jazzed about looking for entries into bounce on it
[11:41] {Threei} bounce into resistance, if it shows a setup
[11:41] {Threei} it tends to torture you for a while on breakdowns
[11:41] {Threei} not this time, you got luckier on this entry
[11:41] {BillyD} you mean SPWRA personality ?
[11:41] {Threei} but remember hiow long it kept us hostages with .30 entrey
[11:41] {BillyD} ok
[11:41] {Threei} the way it trades today, yes
[11:42] {Threei} overall, that was valid setup
[11:42] {BillyD} thx
[11:44] {Threei} SPWRA Hearing SPWRA upgraded at Soleil (timing uncertain) (21.92, -5.31, -19.50%)
[11:44] {Threei} Fed's Lacker: Main objective for USD is for domestic purchasing power; 'extended period of time' phrase pertains to no specific time frame - Q&A
[11:44] {Threei} - comments that the discount window adjustment will help restore normalcy
[11:46] {dino} jec double bottom
[11:46] {dino} l off of .50 break
[11:56] {Threei} fern... see how QID break would have been a perfect trap?
[11:56] {nemo} watch amazon for a bear flag here
06[11:56] * Threei pats himself on the back for eschewing it, even at the risk of dislocating his shoulder
[11:57] {nemo} probably working back to the .20 area
[11:57] {fernp} yes. i saw earlier
[11:57] {strider} just remember, vad after you eschew it, you should spit it out.
[11:58] {fernp} thanks for your rationality :-)
[11:58] {Threei} yeah, or I'd have to embrace it
[11:58] {strider} eewwww!
[11:58] {Threei} there is some mismatch here
[11:58] {Threei} how come people who know me personally never put me and rational in the same line
[11:59] {nemo} [11:56] * &Threei pats himself on the back for eschewing it, even at the risk of dislocating his shoulder
[11:59] {Les} WHR threatening new lows. volume aint great though.
[11:59] {nemo} because your always complementing yourself anyway
[11:59] {Threei} oh
[11:59] {Threei} okay then
[11:59] {Threei} but what can I do if no one else does
[12:00] {strider} Vad is a market complementarian
[12:00] {nemo} is that the tree falling in the forest question?
[12:01] {Threei} trying to decode strider's meaning
[12:01] {strider} =market contrarian
[12:01] {nemo} just ignore it like I do :)
[12:01] {Threei} in what way I complement the market - in slap;ping hard for mistakes?
[12:02] {strider} I hate it when I have to explain my superior wit}}
[12:02] {Threei} nemo
[12:02] {strider} whoops. complimentarian
[12:02] {strider} but imperfect spelling.
[12:02] {nemo} that's kinda' like using military and intelligence together Strider
[12:02] {Threei} we need a rifle to shoot this unusdually high horse he rode in on
[12:03] {nemo} I'm good at distance though Vad?
06[12:03] * strider slaps nemo around a bit with a large GRE exam score.
[12:03] {nemo} oxymoron-thats it
[12:03] {nemo} been hit in the head too many times
[12:04] {strider} jec-which way's it going, dino?
[12:04] {nemo} watch TIES for support around here
[12:04] {nemo} T&S
[12:04] {dino} up
[12:05] {strider} com: Jacobs Engineering says chemical business is slow outside of Middle East
[12:05] {strider} These comments were made at the Q4 Jacobs Engineering Group earnings conference call.
[12:05] {nemo} bids are catching bigger size
[12:05] {magoo} vad, we in anything? and how can i program that question into this forum so i can just hit 1 key to ask?
[12:05] {Threei} no mags
[12:05] {Threei} and you can't
[12:05] {dino} awia magoo
[12:06] {nemo} aawiav
[12:06] {nemo} awiav
[12:06] {dino} are we in anything
[12:06] {nemo} vad
[12:06] {magoo} ROFLOL
[12:08] {Threei} lol
[12:08] {nemo} think of the variations awiaogo awiadv awia3i
[12:09] {nemo} fcx near the top of it's range
[12:11] {dino} hl l ese .69
[12:14] {Les} thanks Nemo out +.10 on fcx
[12:14] {nemo} yw
[12:15] {ese} i'm back
[12:15] {nemo} dude
[12:15] {ilana} RIMM capitulation
[12:15] {Threei} spared by the earthquake and even no rain, ese?
[12:16] {Threei} RIMM sharp drop into support, good eye
[12:16] {ese} dude
[12:16] {nemo} yeah, I was looking at rimm, the volume pattern wasn't making a lot of sense to me on the increase
[12:16] {nemo} then again, 3 letter words don't either
[12:18] {Threei} .70 break for a scalp, anyone?
[12:18] {strider} RIMM lvl1 showing incorrect LOD
[12:18] {BillyD} short Vad?
[12:18] {Threei} 60.65... looks right to me
[12:18] {nemo} look at 8:06 strider
[12:19] {Threei} no, bounce scalp if breaks .70
[12:19] {nemo} then 9:31
[12:19] {nemo} after 9:30 they start calculating
[12:19] {strider} 11:02, 61.52
[12:19] {strider} whoops
[12:19] {strider} never mind. :(
[12:19] {nemo} yeah
[12:19] {nemo} I feel better about myself
[12:20] {dino} heat
[12:20] {strider} I get those darn 0s and 1s confusedd]
[12:20] {BillyD} stop .60 then?
[12:20] {nemo} break on rimm at lunch vad?
[12:21] {Threei} this is not a breakout play
[12:21] {Threei} this is bounce
[12:21] {nemo} oh bounce, sorry
[12:21] {Threei} see... not much reasong forthis: [12:19] {nemo} I feel better about myself
[12:21] {Threei} {GGG}
[12:21] {nemo} yes there was
[12:21] {dino} heat
[12:21] {Threei} not for long
[12:21] {ilana} missed
[12:22] {nemo} [12:19] {strider} 11:02, 61.52
[12:22] {nemo} [12:19] {strider} whoops
[12:22] {nemo} [12:19] {strider} never mind. :(
[12:22] {fernp} missed. too fast
[12:22] {Threei} feel free to take profit on RIMM
[12:22] {magoo} HEAT news vad?
[12:22] {Threei} just a scalp, as intended
[12:22] {Threei} not since yesterday
[12:23] {Threei} beat earnings, announced yesterday before open
[12:23] {dino} jec triggereed
[12:23] {nemo} C&H on amzn 130.50
[12:23] {nemo} .45
[12:24] {Les} wow just played upro for +.20. nasty spread. not nice.
[12:26] {Threei} you don't look at these things before the trade?
[12:26] {nemo} yeah, upro pretty thin
[12:28] {Threei} (US) Treasury Sec Geithner: US economy is growing again, although the environment remains tough
[12:28] {Threei} - Calls financial markets "much more stable." (related EUR/USD )
[12:28] {nemo} growing...inflated maybe
[12:33] {strider} Hey fern. Awhile back you said the stop loss function on LVL2 was working for you. what route does that work with?
[12:34] {fernp} route -} route and in the blotter you see "auto" when executed
[12:35] {fernp} route -} stop
[12:36] {strider} And under 'type' is a stop loss a stop or a stop L?
[12:36] {fernp} limit or market. What do you want? :-)
[12:37] {strider} OK. didn't know if "L" mean limit or loss.
[12:37] {fernp} StopT should be trailing. but I never used
[12:42] {strider} So, under route}stop, there are two choices for type: stop and stop L. stop = stop market, and stop L means stop limit. Correct?
[12:42] {fernp} yes
[12:42] {strider} thx
[12:42] {fernp} :-)
[12:45] {strider} btw, +.22 on ESE. out .91. thx dino.
[12:45] {fernp} note that if you select Stop then "price field" is unavailable. You can't write a price there
[12:47] {strider} Oh. so under Stop L you put in a stop price and a limit price?
[12:47] {fernp} right
[12:47] {strider} don't understand
[12:47] {fernp} that's the difference
[12:47] {strider} so say stop price would be .50 (on a long) and limit would be .53?
[12:48] {strider} for example.
[12:48] {nemo} interesting, where are those choices?
[12:48] {Threei} stop price is the price your stop is getting triggered by
[12:48] {nemo} I bring up stop route, but don't see those choices
[12:48] {Threei} limit is the price to wich it will chase
[12:48] {strider} yeah. what I said}:)
[12:49] {Threei} unlike stop market where you enter triger price only
[12:49] {Threei} and market order is being sent when it's hit
[12:49] {strider} nemo..under route, choose stop.
[12:49] {fernp} limit is the worst price you admit
[12:49] {strider} gotcha.
[12:49] {nemo} yes
[12:50] {nemo} but I don't see any choices...just using the limit and market buttons?
[12:50] {strider} under route=stop, type options are stop and stop L
[12:50] {BillyD} nemo. on L2 do you see the TYPE drop down
[12:51] {nemo} yes route=} stop
[12:51] {strider} now look under type options
[12:51] {strider} 'type'
[12:51] {nemo} must have the wrong LII interface
[12:51] {nemo} no such animal
[12:51] {fernp} route -} stop and type --} stop or stopL
[12:51] {strider} need advanced LII
[12:52] {BillyD} do you have to have the ROUTE Stop option checked or can you use NASDAQ as the route and still enter stop orders?
[12:52] {strider} actually you don't.
[12:52] {BillyD} it appears I can on my L2 order entry
[12:52] {strider} it's under my regular lvl 2 also.
[12:52] {fernp} doesn't work Billy
[12:53] {BillyD} have to use STOP route then Fern?
[12:53] {fernp} the order never triggers if you don't select route = stop
[12:54] {BillyD} ok, thank you...are the fills pretty good then doing a stop limit
[12:54] {strider} new dbl bottom for JEC, dino.
[12:54] {BillyD} since you don't know what route is used
[12:55] {strider} PARD
[12:55] {fernp} if you are in front of your computer don't use stop orders
[12:55] {BillyD} right, but if stepped away is it reliable using the STOP route to get fills
[12:56] {fernp} yes. But i always use market order
[12:56] {dino} dk strider coin toss imo
[12:56] {BillyD} ok thx Fern
[12:56] {BillyD} is Lasertrev here?
[12:57] {nemo} electronically
[12:57] {Threei} easy to check Billy.. try to slap him
[12:57] {Threei} can be slapped - ergo exists
06[12:57] * nemo slaps lasertrev around a bit with a large trout
[12:57] {fernp} all this information is avilable on API documentation
[12:57] {BillyD} at Genesis fern?
[12:58] {fernp} yes
[13:00] {Threei} NOV NAHB HOUSING MARKET INDEX: 17 V 19E
[13:00] {Threei} - prior revised from 18 to 17
[13:00] {Threei} Fed's Pianalto: US beginning to emerge from crisis; housing will take time to fully recover
[13:00] {Threei} - sees recovery as 'gradual', 'bumpy'; Fed still must do more
[13:00] {Threei} yeah? I think they've done enough
[13:01] {nemo} interesting $ and oil up
[13:06] {Les} RIMM breakdown from .50?
[13:06] {Threei} looks good
[13:06] {Threei} except time of the day
[13:07] {Threei} bit with 10 cents risk, why not
[13:07] {Les} ah bon? everyone out to lunch?
[13:07] {Threei} pattern follow through is usually questionable during lunch time
[13:07] {Les} k
[13:08] {BillyD} Vad, does that lunchtime comment apply to your RIMM bounce play earlier?
[13:09] {BillyD} or is it bounce plays that have better follow thru
[13:10] {Threei} oscillations within the range are usually more reliable suring this time,
[13:10] {Threei} so are bounces,
[13:10] {Threei} but breakouts and breakdowns are the least desirable plays at lunch
[13:10] {BillyD} ok, just clarifying
[13:12] {Threei} ok... pineapple express gone I think
[13:12] {Threei} saaun is out
[13:12] {Threei} sun too
[13:13] {fernp} HIG breaking hod
[13:19] {fernp} I'm long .41 HIG w/stop under .30
[13:20] {fernp} out
[13:20] {BillyD} gj fern
[13:20] {fernp} ty
[13:21] {Threei} good one
[13:22] {BillyD} finding setups seem a little easier today
[13:23] {nemo} funny, Obama wants the yuan to appreciate, but that guarantees inflation in the US
[13:24] {strider} auto stop doesn't seem to work with shorts.
[13:31] {magoo} AWIAV?
[13:32] {nemo} nwan
[13:32] {Threei} c
[13:33] {Threei} which is short for Coma
[13:34] {fernp} thanks, I was looking for setup in Citigroup :)
[13:34] {Threei} lol
[13:34] {magoo} although vad, id think u are answering we are in citigroup
[13:35] {nemo} think bull trap on amzn?
[13:35] {Threei} ydes, unless arket suddenly ramps up
[13:36] {dino} jec hl l .75
[13:42] {nemo} be interesting to see if amzn attracts volume over 131
[13:42] {Threei} GS Reportedly cooperating with Berkshire to provide aid for 10K small businesses in new philanthropy - unconfirmed report (176.77, -0.48, -0.27%) (related BRK.A TLT SHY XLF )
[13:42] {Threei} damage control in PR department?
[13:43] {nemo} said the spider to the fly
[13:44] {strider} PARD
[13:48] {BillyD} NABI holds well so far
[13:49] {Threei} yeah but it did yesterday too
[13:49] {BillyD} you are not buying into its changed
[13:49] {BillyD} or teasing
[13:51] {dino} most likely equity stakes
[13:53] {dino} ese stop to .94
[13:53] {magoo} DINOOOOOOOOOO
[13:53] {magoo} hooks a big one
[13:54] {strider} out 1/2 jec...muchas gracias, dino.
[13:54] {strider} +.25
[13:54] {dino} jec to .98
[13:54] {magoo} STRIPPER:)
[13:55] {dino} np stride, gj
[13:55] {strider} howd you know?
[13:55] {dino} out jec +.23
[13:55] {fernp} gj strider
[13:56] {fernp} gj dino
[13:56] {dino} thx
[13:57] {strider} holding balance with stop at b/e.....79
[13:58] {dino} pot
[13:59] {strider} got any?
[13:59] {dino} will re-load around .70 is goes there
[13:59] {strider} pot
[13:59] {dino} say no to drugs
[13:59] {nemo} knew it was coming
[13:59] {dino} ese tighten to .97
[14:01] {dino} gdx and gld move up
[14:02] {dino} bwld wants gap filled
[14:03] {dino} ese to .99 stalled
[14:04] {BillyD} Vad, any read SPWRA .60 break
[14:04] {BillyD} stop look stoo wide to me
[14:06] {Threei} .45 can be used
[14:06] {Threei} if this market pullback is a little bull flag, it may help SPWRA when springs up
[14:09] {strider} AAPL drop
[14:09] {strider} downgrade
[14:09] {magoo} look at AMZN
[14:10] {strider} also AMZN downgrade
[14:10] {Threei} I see fresh downgrade on AAPL... not on AMZN
[14:10] {strider} Needham
[14:11] {Threei} but nonetheless, RIMM should be next
[14:11] {Threei} ahha, here comes AMZN too
[14:11] {dino} you mean a bruised apple
[14:11] {dino} iid
[14:11] {magoo} out jec here 39 TY dino
[14:11] {magoo} +.25
[14:12] {dino} gj
[14:12] {Threei} good one
[14:12] {dino} you guys do better on my picks than i
[14:13] {strider} actually, that's not hard to do....since nobody's entry is likely to be at low
[14:13] {BillyD} watch RIMM to see if hold s.50 area and break .40 area
[14:13] {strider} even YOURS!:)
[14:13] {dino} makes sense (& cents)
[14:13] {strider} I'm still in a little from .79
[14:13] {strider} and thanks:)
[14:13] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .40
[14:15] {Threei} come on Needham, downgrade RIMM for the good measure
[14:15] {strider} stop .55ish?
[14:15] {Threei} yeah
[14:15] {dino} ese to .03
[14:16] {strider} sprd downgrade Needham
[14:16] {Threei} Needham on a roll
[14:16] {Threei} really RIMM's turn
[14:16] {strider} in.38
[14:17] {magoo} in .385
[14:17] {Threei} am I the only one with unconditional love for aggressive entries
[14:17] {Threei} 1:1
[14:17] {fernp} .39 here
[14:17] {BillyD} out
[14:18] {Threei} half out
[14:18] {magoo} out .23 ty
[14:18] {Threei} me greedy
[14:18] {fernp} ty Mr Graifer
[14:18] {BillyD} you typed 1:1 before it hit
[14:18] {Threei} got in aggresively so can aford it
[14:18] {magoo} cheating:)
[14:18] {Threei} why, it was tyrading .29 when it did
06[14:18] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[14:18] {BillyD} ok....thought my quotes off
[14:18] {Threei} welcome fern, lol
[14:18] {dino} 2:20
[14:19] {strider} out +.08 +.15
[14:19] {dino} out ese .02, +.33
[14:19] {strider} much grass
[14:19] {Threei} funny... NASDAQ goes up, our short goes down
[14:19] {Threei} are we good or what
[14:19] {fernp} great spot Billy / Threei
[14:19] {BillyD} yw
[14:19] {dino} gj
[14:22] {strider} out balance JEC, stopped +.10
[14:22] {strider} and that auto stop works....kewl
[14:22] {fernp} i like your stops (+.10)
[14:23] {strider} don't you have that feature on your Laser?
[14:23] {strider} :)
[14:23] {Les} fcx trying to breach resistance
[14:23] {fernp} lol
[14:26] {dino} will jec hold
[14:30] {strider} I sure don't know.
[14:35] {dino} iid pretty good smack down
[14:35] {BillyD} watching NLST for possible short if stays under 5, but it is down quite a bit already
[14:36] {BillyD} forget it
[14:36] {strider} JEC invserse c&h
[14:40] {strider} and thar she goes
[14:40] {strider} without me:(
[14:40] {Les} fcx good to go long Vad?
[14:41] {Threei} not here
[14:41] {Threei} .50 break, coluld be if you are in a breakout mode
[14:41] {Threei} I wouldn't go even for that though
[14:42] {Threei} HEV CEO: Think Global has applied for govt loan to develop battery manufacturing plant (15.36, +0.31, 2.06%)
[14:42] {nemo} hehe look at the market volume..
[14:42] {Les} watchya thinking? market weakness, dollar?
[14:42] {Threei} which reminds me... look at AONE
[14:42] {magoo} and?
[14:43] {fernp} yes, and?
[14:43] {Threei} ridiculously weak
[14:43] {nemo} si, y
[14:43] {Threei} was a highflier
[14:44] {Threei} but when bounce finally comes, will be a good one just on squeeze
[14:46] {Threei} volume? what volume nemo?
[14:46] {Threei} there is none
[14:46] {Threei} it's not even funny
[14:46] {nemo} duh
[14:46] {Threei} no sorry... still funny... but my sense of humor is one of 14 years old
[14:46] {Threei} I am easily amused
[14:51] {strider} JEC Jacobs Engineering downgraded to Hold from Buy at Morgan Joseph
[14:52] {magoo} rimm short w/futes vad..loss ,50?
[14:52] {Threei} why not
[14:52] {Threei} if stays under .60
[14:52] {dino} jec: upgraded to hold, dino the dog
[14:53] {strider} vampire upgrade
[14:53] {nemo} look for dt rimm at 65
[14:53] {nemo} .65
[14:53] {strider} teenage girls must love you.
[14:53] {dino} practicing for next life
[14:54] {dino} lol, in the day yes
[14:56] {Les} inverted c&h fcx?
[14:56] {fernp} Have a good evening everybody. See you all tomorrow
[14:56] {Les} bye fern
[14:56] {Threei} take care fern
[14:56] {nemo} not sure on fcx it's stayed strong in market weakness this afternoon
[14:56] {Threei} no les
[14:56] {strider} bye fern
[14:56] {Threei} too small
[14:56] {Les} k
[14:56] {dino} cya fern
[14:56] {Threei} they need a bit more time to be reliable
[14:58] {fernp} ahh!! Vad Forgive me for having called you rational. I'll never do it again :-) see you all
[14:58] {Threei} lol
[14:58] {nemo} cya fern
[14:58] {dino} wlt
[14:58] {Threei} don't call me nice either while you are at it
[14:58] {Threei} girls don't like that
[14:59] {nemo} o.k. what's rimm climbing on
[14:59] {Threei} on fumes?
[14:59] {nemo} good one
[14:59] {strider} on the nemo downgrade3
[15:00] {nemo} got the 3i disease huh Strider
[15:00] {nemo} 1 finger 2 keys
[15:00] {Threei} hey, I am working on 3 keys
[15:00] {nemo} use your forehead
[15:00] {cosmo} apwr
[15:01] {strider} using the muzzle of my..........
[15:01] {strider} dog
[15:02] {nemo} interesting strider
[15:02] {nemo} your mind scares me
[15:02] {Threei} I prefer elegant solutions nemo... anyone can type badly with their elbows or knees... I practice using what is intended for typing - fingers, yet making just as many errors
[15:02] {strider} good.
[15:03] {Threei} that's a real quest for perfection
[15:03] {strider} vad, you know you're supposed to use the ENDS of your fingers, right?
[15:03] {Threei} ??
[15:03] {Threei} oops...
[15:03] {strider} not the knuckles.
[15:03] {Threei} that maybe the reason...
[15:03] {strider} knuckles are for walking.
[15:03] {nemo} you might have your fcx short coming Les
[15:03] {BillyD} SPWRA may be weakening
[15:05] {Threei} US Treasury Sec Geither: Must rebalance world economy away from US demand in efforts to trim unemployment
[15:05] {Threei} - asks Congress to pay down debts to international development banks of $1B
[15:05] {Threei} does it make much sense to you?
[15:06] {nemo} what
[15:06] {Threei} Must rebalance world economy away from US demand in efforts to trim unemployment
[15:06] {nemo} code for killing the dollar so we can manufacture stuff here
[15:06] {dino} it means nothing. don't overthink it
[15:07] {cosmo} where's here
[15:07] {cosmo} ?
[15:07] {nemo} yes, I was being patronizing...they say stuff just to say stuff
[15:07] {nemo} Dino and Mags are in NE pennsylvania
[15:08] {dino} poli-tics = many bloodsuckers
[15:08] {Threei} lol
[15:08] {dino} nemo stalking me
[15:08] {magoo} we prefer to call it "pennsyl-tuckey"
[15:08] {BillyD} northern hillbillies
[15:09] {nemo} trees have no branches
[15:09] {cosmo} wait till spring
[15:09] {strider} I resemble these remarks.
[15:09] {nemo} why cosmo?
[15:09] {cosmo} life ... will find a way
[15:10] {nemo} that's plagiarism
[15:10] {cosmo} past life
[15:10] {Threei} ok guys, did eschewing/embracing stugg get old yet?
[15:10] {dino} stugg?
[15:10] {nemo} patterns I see are matching market moves
[15:12] {Les} I dunno, we have expression in Switzerland: better to be happy di&%head than worried intellectual.
[15:12] {dino} if you think mezcal is good try cabo wabo
[15:13] {cosmo} the 'worried' have better memories
[15:14] {dino} \markets saying "giddy-up"
[15:14] {Les} sometimes ignorance could be bliss, or so I imagine...
[15:14] {Les} $ taken a little dive
[15:16] {Threei} interestingly enough, most of our plays are on the short side today
[15:16] {Threei} view it as practicing... one day, maybe even this year, this rally is going to run out of steam
[15:17] {dino} uup been holding steady for 2 hours
[15:17] {dino} iid hl l .12
[15:17] {Threei} which in itself is not small feat, the way dollar goes recenlty
[15:18] {dino} you worry too much
[15:18] {Threei} of course I do, frikin loonie takes money right out of my pocket
[15:18] {dino} good, you admit the real problem
[15:19] {Threei} when did I deny it
[15:19] {dino} now buy some u.s. real estate
[15:20] {Threei} I'll wait till they start selling whole islands
[15:20] {dino} lol
[15:20] {Threei} Kawaii will do
[15:20] {BillyD} the US Island is for bonds
[15:20] {dino} i have some nice swamp land for you
[15:20] {magoo} wheres that? near haw
[15:21] {strider} China already has majority interest, Billy.
[15:21] {BillyD} Vad, could have Chines partners
[15:22] {cosmo} climate change will turn the US southwest into lush green savanas now
[15:22] {dino} zstn
[15:22] {strider} sure would be nice to be able to scroll the t&s
[15:23] {dino} you mean a
[15:23] {dino} cosmo, except that average temps have been dropping last 10 years
[15:24] {patience} i'm a nonbeliever in global warming....what a lot of hooey
[15:24] {strider} Ok. I've got one ........RLOG
[15:24] {dino} same here
[15:24] {cosmo} they keep picking colder places to monitor
[15:25] {cosmo} sneeky
[15:25] {cosmo} ... but i agree
[15:26] {cosmo} warmer oceans - colder air
[15:27] {dino} prime example of the poli-tics above
[15:28] {cosmo} i plan to grow corn in death valley
[15:28] {cosmo} things change
[15:29] {dino} ambitious, :)
[15:29] {patience} make sure you get a government grant for this cosmo
[15:29] {cosmo} next life
[15:30] {dino} ahhh
[15:31] {cosmo} we'll be using the Globerro then
[15:32] {dino} prefer tacos
[15:34] {Threei} wow... 12 points NQ range for the day
[15:34] {Threei} and no volume
[15:35] {Threei} it's a miracle we found plays we did
[15:35] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:35] {Threei} - NYSE volume 690M shares, about 25% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.4:1.
[15:35] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.58B shares, about 15% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.2:1.
[15:35] {Threei} - VIX index -2% to just under 22.50
[15:38] {Threei} go do decliners lead advancers with green indices
[15:38] {Threei} how
[15:38] {Threei} negative breadth?
[15:43] {dino} we call that xactly
[15:43] {dino} when your breath smells xactly like your azz
[15:43] {cosmo} floss might help
[15:44] {Threei} janitor getting angry
[15:45] {nemo} wow...and it's not me causing it
[15:46] {Threei} (US) Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV): Senate vote on carbon bill delayed until 2010
[15:46] {Threei} ***Reminder: On 11/16, the NYT reported that President Obama has acknowledged that a comprehensive climate deal was beyond reach this year.
[15:46] {Threei} seriously? there is some piece of crap they do not intend to shove in taxpayers throat immediately?
[15:46] {Threei} that's a progress
[15:47] {dino} indeed
[15:47] {Threei} bet hey, get right to it as soon as 2010 starts
[15:47] {Threei} 'cause month of no taxes raised is a lost month
[15:47] {dino} nope, election year not happening
[15:48] {Threei} I hope you are right but I amnot holding my breath
[15:48] {Threei} okay guys, got a birthday lunch to attend
[15:48] {dino} me too
[15:48] {Threei} no trades for today anyway anymore
[15:48] {Threei} thank you all
[15:48] {cosmo} the problem used to be carbon its carbon dioxide....sheesh
[15:48] {dino} take care 3i
[15:48] {magoo} ty
[15:48] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Nov 16 2009

Not a bad way to start the week - 4 wins, couple stops, then a few wins again. Most of them were scalps. RIMM, HGSI, APOL (this one was good for more), NABI, INFY, CAT... quite a specter.

Session Time: Mon Nov 16 00:00:00 2009

[08:24] {KSystems} Boo
[08:24] {BillyD} lol
[08:25] {nemo} Oh no, Ein Poltergeist
06[08:38] * KSystems shakes his rusty chains
[08:46] {nemo} retail data must not have been earthshattering
[08:48] {Threei} *(US) OCT ADVANCED RETAIL SALES: 1.4% V 0.9%E; EX AUTOS: 0.2% V 0.4%E
[08:48] {Threei} - Retail Sales ex Auto & Gas: 0.3% v 0.3%e
[08:48] {Threei} *(US) NOV EMPIRE MANUFACTURING: 23.5 V 30.0E
[08:49] {Threei} EGLE DB Raised EGLE to Hold from Sell, price target: $4.50
[08:49] {Threei} that's smart, considering EGLE is at 5.60
[08:52] {Les} gm. I'm impressed that the US consumer still has it in them to keep retail sales positive. Or have sales dropped so low that even a small positive number is a given?
[08:53] {Threei} who knows
[08:53] {Les} HGSI doesn't see eye to eye with the market.
[08:53] {Threei} just a little piece of overall mosaic, and impossible to judge without seeing much broader picture
[08:55] {Les} last minute cancellation of Repin last Thursday. H1N1 appears to be in our midst in this part of the world. 1 child sick last week. the other home today. nothing serious.
[08:55] {Threei} well, HGSI has some news
[08:55] {Threei} Human Genome Sciences Inc Receives FDA complete response letter for Raxibacumab BLA
[08:55] {Threei} - Letter relates to the Company's Biologics License Application (BLA) requesting the approval of raxibacumab for use in the treatment of inhalational anthrax. The FDA issues Complete Response Letters to request additional information needed to complete the review of a BLA.
[08:55] {Threei} - Exec: "We have responded to all of FDAs previous questions. We plan to address the current questions as well. In certain respects, the Complete Response Letter appears to be inconsistent with the FDAs published final rule governing the development of new drugs when human efficacy studies are not ethical or feasible."
[08:56] {Les} big rubber stamp marked "DENIED" hey...
[09:01] {fernp} good morning everybody
[09:01] {Threei} fern :)
[09:07] {nemo} Hola fern
[09:10] {fernp} hello nemo
[09:12] {ese} Eschew all...
[09:12] {Threei} bless you ese
[09:12] {ese} sounds like a sneeze
[09:12] {ese} you read my mind vad
[09:13] {ese} thats scary
[09:13] {Threei} lol
[09:13] {Threei} which reminded me recent russian joke
[09:13] {ese} go for it
[09:13] {Threei} Winnie the pooh and Piglet come to the bank,
[09:14] {Threei} Wnnie yells: nobody move, this is robbery!
[09:14] {Threei} Guards start laughing saying: you don't even have weapon, moron
[09:14] {Threei} He turns to Pihlet and barks order:
[09:14] {Threei} Swine! Sneeze!
[09:15] {magoo} morning
[09:15] {Threei} mags :)
[09:15] {ese} oh thats bad!......morning mags
[09:15] {Threei} it is but most russian jokes are
[09:16] {magoo} whats on the watch?
[09:16] {nemo} magus :)
[09:16] {nemo} mickey mouse
[09:16] {Threei} nothing much so far, typical Monday morning
[09:16] {nemo} dude :)
[09:17] {ese} dude
[09:18] {magoo} duuuuuuuuude
[09:19] {lasertrev} gm
[09:19] {Threei} trev
[09:19] {nemo} laser dude
[09:20] {strider} morning, everyone.
[09:20] {nemo} dunedin
[09:20] {ese} asml......500k so far
[09:20] {lasertrev} nemo, vad
[09:20] {ese} up .56 positive comment fro jp Morgan
[09:20] {nemo} hey strider...I haven't made any mistakes yet this morning :)
[09:20] {Threei} strider :)
[09:20] {nemo} Then again, I haven't done anythin either :(
[09:21] {strider} Good. Don't do anything, nemo.
[09:21] {strider} 3i:)
[09:21] {nemo} o.k.
[09:21] {dino} gm all
[09:21] {Threei} dino :)
[09:21] {dino} ady, pwrd, frp
[09:21] {nemo} dono :)
[09:21] {dino} fro i mean
[09:25] {Threei} isn't it amazing that market still has it in it to climb ever further
[09:25] {BillyD} yeah
[09:25] {dino} nah
[09:25] {dino} to lny
[09:25] {Les} show me the volume...
[09:25] {dino} talking to myself already
[09:25] {nemo} where else you gonna' put your money? bonds? real estate?
[09:26] {patience} if you keep printing money for the benefit of the big banks, don't be surprised they gamble with it
[09:27] {cosmo} its human nature, of course
[09:27] {Threei} too deep
[09:27] {Threei} it's monday morning
[09:28] {BillyD} lol...keeping an eye on NABI
[09:28] {cosmo} well it has been up to now ...sigh...forget it...
[09:28] {Les} was wondering if Greek merchants speculated on olive harvests in their day? how long have we been speculating for?
[09:29] {Les} i.e., ancient greece
[09:29] {nemo} probably since they invented prostitution
[09:29] {Threei} Nabi Biopharmaceuticals Signs exclusive worldwide option and licensing agreement for NicVAX with Glaxo
[09:29] {Threei} - Announced an exclusive worldwide option and licensing agreement for a nicotine conjugate candidate vaccine, an investigational vaccine for the treatment of nicotine addiction and the prevention of smoking relapse, as well as for the development of a second generation nicotine vaccine.
[09:29] {Threei} - Under the terms of the agreement GSK will pay to Nabi an upfront non-refundable fee of $40M at closing and will receive an option to exclusively in-license NicVAX on a worldwide basis and a license to develop follow-on next-generation nicotine vaccines using Nabi''s intellectual property.
[09:31] {magoo} NLST again
[09:31] {magoo} ripping
[09:31] {Threei} 4.50 with its monstrous offer on NABI, something to watch for later
[09:31] {magoo} 5.50 u mean?
[09:32] {Threei} ??
[09:32] {Les} RIMM falling fast
[09:32] {Threei} NLST:
[09:32] {Threei} Netlist Inc. Update: demonstrates HyperCloud Memory Modules at Supercomputing 09
[09:32] {Threei} - Demonstrated the world's first 16GB 2 virtual rank (vRank) double-data-rate three, registered dual in-line memory module (DDR3 RDIMM), HyperCloud(TM).
[09:32] {Threei} - Netlist will also showcase the interoperability of HyperCloud memory with standard JEDEC server memory solutions on popular enterprise servers. This demonstration reinforces HyperCloud's ability to function as a standard RDIMM while increasing memory bandwidth and capacity for datacenter servers.
[09:32] {Threei} **Reminder: On Nov 11 Company said it launched HyperCloud memory module for servers, the world''s first 16GB, 2 virtual rank (vRank) memory module for servers.
[09:32] {magoo} NLST
[09:32] {Threei} [09:31] {Threei} 4.50 with its monstrous offer on NABI, something to watch for later
[09:32] {Threei} [09:31] {magoo} 5.50 u mean?
[09:33] {magoo} well NLST just went a point
[09:34] {Threei} Long Setup: NABI .50 break half lot
[09:36] {BillyD} want it to hold .35
[09:37] {magoo} rimm bounce time
[09:37] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .50 break half lot
[09:37] {Threei} if stays above .30
[09:38] {Threei} invalidated
[09:38] {magoo} lets follow it vad
[09:39] {magoo} in .40
[09:39] {Threei} reestablished
[09:39] {fernp} what is the stop in NABI if triggers, Vad?
[09:40] {Threei} if from here, .35
[09:40] {Threei} but invalidating level is .30 for now
[09:40] {ese} out egle .81 +.30 out exm ,90 +.18 both 20k swing positions from last week
[09:40] {Threei} RIMM, take profit
[09:40] {fernp} thanks
[09:40] {Threei} wtg ese
[09:40] {ese} tks
[09:42] {dino} ibkc
[09:43] {nemo} aapl is very lively this morning
[09:46] {dino} gj es
[09:46] {ese} tks dino......great way to start the week
[09:47] {Les} traders jumping on RINO
[09:48] {Threei} Long Setup: APOL .50 half lot
[09:48] {ese} apol up 3.50 as well dino
[09:48] {Threei} if stays above .30
[09:48] {ese} vad your reading my mind again......
[09:49] {Threei} MTXX Hearing strength being attributed to analyst speculation for possible divestiture of certain products (4.12, +0.33, 8.71%)
[09:49] {magoo} in apol
[09:49] {ese} damn....thats not fair apol
[09:50] {Threei} APOL 1:1
[09:50] {fernp} ty Vad
[09:50] {ese} i didn't make it in
[09:50] {ese} nice one vad
[09:50] {ese} is pullback legit here
[09:50] {fernp} dino, have you seen PARD? big gap down
[09:51] {magoo} wow
[09:51] {Threei} moves faster than I manage to answer ese
[09:51] {dino} no, thx
[09:51] {fernp} :)
[09:51] {Les} ty vad. out apol
[09:51] {Threei} welcome guys
[09:51] {Threei} NABI invalidated
[09:52] {ese} ya....was just gonna do it looked away for a second and it was gone again
[09:52] {magoo} waiting over 58 here
[09:53] {Les} RINO vad, consolidation?
[09:54] {Threei} 1:2 APOL
[09:54] {Threei} I am out in full
[09:54] {Threei} I don't see anything tradeable in RINO
[09:54] {Les} ok
[09:55] {BillyD} Vad, any read BCRX
[09:55] {magoo} out here .17 TY vad
[09:56] {magoo} 58.17
[09:56] {Threei} wtg
[09:57] {Threei} BCRX looks interesting on .40 break
[09:57] {magoo} keeps on trockin
[09:57] {Les} STP sitting smack on 50 MA on daily as resistance.
[09:57] {nemo} aapl pull back
[09:57] {dino} cedc hl l .65, stop lod
[09:59] {dino} no good stopped
[09:59] {Threei} Long Setup: BCRX .40 break if stays above .30
[10:00] {dino} shaw hl l .50 lod stop
[10:00] {Threei} US) SEPT BUSINESS INVENTORIES: -0.4% V -0.7%E
[10:02] {magoo} vad, another setup maybe APOL coming
[10:04] {ese} un predicable from here mags imo......mid day consolidation is better time
[10:04] {Threei} I've no read on it here
[10:05] {nemo} big bid .31 bcrx
[10:05] {Les} HGSI breaking new lows
[10:06] {Threei} HGSI 18 break was cleah short signal... too bad I haven't watched it at the time
[10:06] {Threei} 28, sorry
[10:06] {nemo} put the bottle down vad
[10:07] {Les} ok. remember difficulty trying to explain whether stock was breaking support or resistance, so I eschewed comments today
[10:07] {dino} cedc last try .44 hl l
[10:07] {dino} ibkc taunting me
[10:08] {Threei} what's so difficult Les... support is lower envelop o the range, resistance is higher one... that's all there is to it :)
[10:08] {dino} that cold of yours is bad
[10:10] {Les} so HGSI having broken resistance and yet fallen back through, we say that resistance is respected?
[10:10] {dino} 10500 strike in play
[10:11] {Threei} HGSI formed support at 28 from 9:51 to 9.58
[10:11] {Threei} then broke support
[10:11] {Threei} which served as short trigger to which I referred
[10:11] {nemo} maybe modify bcrx to .34 break?
[10:11] {Les} ty
[10:12] {Threei} I am just not sure it has any life in it nemo
[10:12] {nemo} yeah, market moving it not
[10:12] {Threei} easy to get stuck in immobile stock
[10:12] {nemo} so...just when we take our eye off of it
[10:12] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .70
[10:13] {dino} pwrd drop
[10:13] {ese} market slowing dn.....most things i'm lookin at are double top......
[10:14] {dino} cedc stopped
[10:15] {strider} RIMM still valid}?
[10:15] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .50 breakj
[10:15] {Threei} if stays below .60
[10:16] {Threei} not on a long side strider
[10:17] {strider} yeah...short call answered my question:)
[10:17] {nemo} don't you hate that
[10:17] {Les} STP broke thru resistance
[10:18] {Threei} RIMM won't be a scalp for me if triggers
[10:20] {nemo} you kick the plug vad?
[10:22] {dino} sva
[10:23] {BillyD} RIMM still valid
[10:23] {fernp} invalidate RIMM or still valid?
[10:23] {Threei} with .65 stop, valid
[10:23] {fernp} ok
[10:25] {ese} vad....apol.....making another move toward .50
[10:26] {dino} pwrd bit wild up/down
[10:26] {dino} cric drop
[10:27] {Threei} I don't have a read on it here ese
[10:27] {ese} tks
[10:28] {dino} lny spike
[10:28] {Threei} NLST sharp selloff
[10:28] {Threei} die already RIMM, will ya
[10:28] {nemo} aig interesting
[10:30] {ese} yes it is.....I have a 500 shs sell stop at 33 on aig
[10:31] {ese} i don't know if it's gonna get there or not......could go either way from here
[10:31] {ese} seems to be a consolidation of sorts 35 to 40
[10:32] {fernp} out RIMM .40 TY Vad
[10:33] {Threei} RIMM 1:1, covering half
[10:33] {Les} out in full ty vad
[10:33] {Threei} darn scalpers
[10:33] {BillyD} out here ty
[10:34] {Threei} welcome guys
[10:34] {Threei} my stop for second half is .55
[10:34] {ilana} RIMM support .24?
[10:34] {Threei} .35 area is nearest one so far
[10:34] {Threei} then .20
[10:36] {Threei} Les, this play is that same concept of support breakdown... hope it becomes clearer
[10:37] {Les} I have no difficulty visualising b/o and b/d on ticker. Speaking the lingo is my problem...
[10:38] {Les} I can see what the ticker wants to do, but sound like a clutz when I try to talk about it...
[10:38] {Threei} easy... support is floor, resistance is ceiling
[10:38] {Les} ok. parent teacher meeting in 20. later...
[10:38] {Threei} if you break through the floor, you fall down
[10:38] {dino} hammer and ice theory
[10:39] {Les} your earlier explanation of resistance/support made understanding easier. cheers.
[10:40] {nemo} is rimm looking long now?
[10:40] {strider} EMR
[10:41] {nemo} yeah, I guess it was
[10:41] {Threei} out balance
[10:41] {Threei} why do scalpers win almost every time?
[10:41] {ese} l fitb .10
[10:41] {magoo} i was gonna remind u
[10:41] {BillyD} lol
[10:42] {Threei} to answer your question in a very timely manner nemo: yes
[10:43] {BillyD} TCTS signs of loife
[10:43] {BillyD} TSTC and possible continuation
[10:44] {magoo} loife?
[10:45] {nemo} sponge?
[10:45] {BillyD} brutalized sentence
[10:45] {nemo} threeish
[10:45] {BillyD} been watching Vad's spelling too long
[10:45] {Threei} sorry
[10:45] {dino} shaw to .72
[10:45] {Threei} I know it's contagious
[10:46] {Threei} almost like sneezing swine
[10:46] {magoo} amazed how i remain unaffected by him
06[10:46] * Threei faints
[10:47] {nemo} well, you were well ahead of him in the first place
[10:47] {magoo} nice
[10:47] {nemo} sorry...have to defend vad
[10:48] {magoo} well thats a big BIG change
[10:48] {nemo} yeah...must have a fever
[10:48] {Threei} Long Setup: INFY .80 break
[10:49] {Threei} if stays abiove .70
[10:54] {magoo} in
[10:54] {Threei} OSIP Tarceva to Be Reviewed by the FDA''s Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee for Use as a First-Line Maintenance Therapy in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (34.30, +0.07, 0.20%)
[10:56] {fernp} TY Vad
[10:56] {BillyD} out ty
[10:56] {Threei} OK, I am out in full
[10:56] {ese} l fitb avg .1072
[10:57] {Threei} I give up, scalper in me wins
[10:57] {fernp} lol
[10:58] {Threei} what er we, 4 for 4?
[10:58] {Threei} are
[10:59] {fernp} yes
[10:59] {dino} out shaw +.25
[10:59] {Threei} not bad for Monday
[10:59] {nemo} Don't bother asking
[10:59] {magoo} whats the most we got though?as in all 1 o 1 or 2?
[10:59] {fernp} lately Mondays are good days
[11:00] {nemo} one 1:2
[11:00] {Threei} 1:2 on APOL for me
[11:00] {strider} ese, what are you looking for from FITB?
[11:00] {nemo} or 1:3 depending on how you played apol
[11:00] {Threei} you got more out of it though
[11:02] {dino} pwrd hl l .30, stop .98
[11:03] {ese} hey ST about 5/6/7 cents
[11:03] {strider} thanks. I figgured.
[11:06] {ese} hadn't figured on the s&p flat lining though this is taking a little longer than i thought
[11:06] {BillyD} RIMM short opp
[11:09] {ilana} too late for rimm, isn't it
[11:09] {ese} daaaaaaaaa
[11:09] {Threei} a bit, yeah
[11:09] {Threei} .50 break was the trigger again
[11:10] {Threei} the same as first time
[11:11] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT .85 break
[11:11] {Threei} if stays below .95 for scalpers
[11:11] {Threei} 60 for day traders
[11:12] {Threei} been a while since we played this one... let's see if it became tradeable again
[11:12] {Threei} setup with stop tight enough ti test it
[11:12] {ese} out fitb .08 -.02 and abit
[11:14] {ese} couldn't hang around with the # of shs i had
[11:15] {ese} am lookin to get back in though
[11:15] {dino} ibkc s .70
[11:15] {dino} hl
[11:15] {dino} stop is .03
[11:18] {Threei} RIMM won't even try to bounce
[11:20] {Threei} hrrr
[11:22] {Threei} RIMM has this short at will look
[11:24] {fernp} stopped CAT
[11:24] {nemo} yeah
[11:27] {patience} happy day in my gold stocks
[11:31] {ilana} WFC .50 break?
[11:32] {BillyD} NABI some action
[11:33] {Threei} WFC, if holding .40, yes
[11:34] {Threei} NABI is still a runner candidate
[11:41] {Threei} same setup
[11:41] {Threei} .50 break long
[11:42] {nemo} NABI?
[11:42] {strider} WFC?
[11:42] {Threei} yes
[11:42] {Threei} yes
[11:42] {strider} nabi
[11:42] {strider} and wfc :)
[11:42] {Threei} yes
[11:42] {Threei} good thing my wife is not around
[11:43] {Threei} she hasn't seen me saying yes three time in a row in, ummm, ever
[11:43] {BillyD} hard to believe :)
[11:45] {strider} Not!
[11:45] {Threei} Preview: Fed Chairman Bernanke to speak on economic outlook at 12:15pmET
[11:45] {Threei} - Bernanke to speak at economic outlook lunch at Economic Club in NY; with text and audience commentary expected
[11:46] {magoo} NLST
[11:46] {nemo} look at the order at .50 on nabi
[11:47] {Threei} exactly what makes it a long trgiger
[11:47] {BillyD} yup
[11:49] {Les} Vad, RIMM "short at will look" - double bottom developing?
[11:50] {Threei} I don't like it for long
[11:51] {dino} cov ibkc .27, +.43
[11:52] {dino} too soon
[11:52] {fernp} gj dino
[11:54] {dino} ty
[11:54] {dino} thing jumps around in .30 spans
[11:55] {strider} look at the offer at 4.50, NABI
[11:55] {BillyD} large off er gone here
[11:55] {Threei} [11:46] {nemo} look at the order at .50 on nabi
[11:55] {Threei} [11:47] {Threei} exactly what makes it a long trgiger
[11:56] {Threei} EDGX Billy
[11:56] {Threei} still there
[11:56] {BillyD} mine only shows 100
[11:56] {nemo} I have 1009
[11:56] {Threei} WFC invalidated, and triggered on a short side instead for faders
[11:57] {Threei} yup, 1009
[11:57] {Les} HGSI falling thru 28 for 2nd time
[11:57] {fernp} EDGX 1006 right now
[11:57] {strider} yep
[11:59] {BillyD} Lasrtrev.....why would my L2 no lomger show correct # of shares on EDGX
[11:59] {fernp} FAS falling hard. Bernanke is speaking already?
[11:59] {Threei} Billy, either you have font/column wifth set in a way that cut off 4th digit
[11:59] {nemo} hgsi short .94 vad?
[11:59] {Threei} or setting of how number of shares is reflected
[12:00] {Threei} all hone
[12:00] {Threei} gone
[12:00] {nemo} in
[12:00] {strider} in
[12:00] {strider} .51
[12:00] {BillyD} it came back for some reason
[12:00] {fernp} what is the stop?
[12:01] {Threei} hard to tell HGSI
[12:01] {nemo} stop on nabi .40?
[12:01] {Threei} that's a bit too tight for me
[12:01] {Threei} but it's more of a momo stock
[12:01] {Threei} hard to tell, really
[12:02] {Threei} .30, .35, .40 are all valid supports... make your choice
[12:02] {Threei} such enormous offers being taken, thing deserves a chance
[12:03] {nemo} it died
[12:06] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:06] {Threei} - NYSE volume 465M shares, about 5% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 5.2:1.
[12:06] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 885M shares, about 11% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 3.5:1.
[12:06] {Threei} - VIX index -1.5% to just under 23.00
[12:08] {nemo} wanna' coax nabi a bit
[12:08] {fernp} today CSCO again trying to break 25. it is very stubborn :-)
[12:09] {fernp} 24
[12:10] {Les} RIMM double bottom friday/today. 50 ma at 61.87 presently acting as support.
[12:12] {nemo} lotta support at .45 for NABI
[12:13] {Threei} all those who sold at .50 are trying to buy back at .45? G}
[12:13] {BillyD} lol
[12:15] {ilana} RIMM .80 break with market help?
[12:15] {ilana} late
[12:16] {nemo} frickin' chinese water torture nabi
[12:17] {Threei} everything is
[12:17] {Les} Vad, I hear CNBC is attributing rally to Benny boy? We gonna sell off after he speaks you think?
[12:17] {Threei} RIMM, I view it as short but exact entries are tough here
[12:17] {Threei} just wring time of the day, too random
[12:18] {Threei} if they do they are idiotsa
[12:18] {Threei} -a
[12:18] {Threei} why would market need Benny today to rally?
[12:18] {Threei} it rallied on Friday without him
[12:18] {Threei} or Thu
[12:18] {Threei} or Wed
[12:18] {Threei} US) Fed Chairman Bernanke: Fed's mandate also includes keeping USD strong; sees moderate economic growth continuing through 2010; monitoring developments in USD closely
[12:18] {Threei} - Jobs to remain scarce for some time, hurting spending
[12:18] {Threei} - Inflation to remain subdued for some time, pledges to monitor inflation closely
[12:18] {Threei} - Recent depreciation of USD reflects the reversal of safe haven flows
[12:18] {Threei} - Fed to monitor USD developments closely.
[12:18] {Threei} - US economic strength will help ensure the USD remains strong
[12:19] {Threei} so what in that would start a rally?
[12:19] {ilana} NABI held pretty well this pullback
[12:20] {Threei} and if you look at intraday chart, didn't most opf the rally occurred in first 15 minutes, long before Ben opened his mouth?
[12:21] {Les} hey take it up with CNBC :)
[12:21] {Threei} I do
[12:21] {Les} lol
[12:21] {Threei} I show you how idiotic that assumption is
[12:21] {Les} sorry vad you misunderstand me...
[12:22] {Les} I know how idiotic that is for CNBC to say
[12:22] {nemo} market looks like going to drop
[12:22] {Les} I was interested in possible market reaction following speech...
[12:22] {dino} 3i, you seem tense
[12:22] {Threei} me? rather like jellyfish
[12:23] {fernp} QID, vad?
[12:23] {Threei} Les... they assume that rally is thanks to Benny, thus they assume that end of his speech means selloff
[12:23] {dino} free fall
[12:23] {Threei} if first assumption is, wrong, doesn't it mean seond is qrong by extention?
[12:23] {Threei} we may sell off but Benny has absolutely nothing to do with it
[12:24] {Les} no. opinion of another old hand like yourself. curious as to your thoughts on the matter.
[12:24] {Les} but stupid of me to ask. trade what you see, not what you think....
[12:24] {Threei} unless he says something of significance, market movements are done with no regard to his speech
[12:24] {Threei} imagine for instance him saying: we are going to hike rates next month
[12:25] {Threei} market drops 500 points in a flash
[12:25] {dino} edu
[12:25] {Les} RIMM 200 ma support at 61.58 on 15 min. lose this support, I will short. next stop 60.73.
[12:26] {dino} talking heads thats all
[12:27] {Les} yes, sorry for wasting space on such idle speculation
[12:27] {Threei} if we reversed, QID is the way to try it on .40 break, fern
[12:27] {Threei} with stop under .35
[12:27] {dino} no worries, just turn the volume off and put on some tunes
[12:28] {fernp} ok Vad
[12:31] {fernp} will be this NABI the AGAM's brother? :-)
[12:31] {Threei} lol
[12:32] {ese} Ok........well i've been patient....will continue to be patient....but am considering L fitb...
[12:32] {nemo} orders building up at .50 again
[12:32] {ese} will give the lunch hour more time to work
[12:33] {BillyD} I show EDGX 95 on .50 this correct
[12:33] {Threei} yes
[12:33] {BillyD} ty
[12:33] {nemo} gold star Billy
06[12:34] * nemo slaps nemo around a bit with a large admonishment for patronizing comment
[12:36] {dino} hl l edu .96, stop lod
[12:40] {ese} l fitb .99
[12:41] {strider} See you guys in the morning....gotta run..
[12:41] {Threei} take care strider
[12:41] {ese} cya ST
[12:41] {nemo} c u strider
[12:41] {fernp} bye strider
[12:41] {strider} :)
[12:42] {Threei} QID reestablished
[12:42] {nemo} what, break of .40?
[12:42] {fernp} ,41 w/stop under .35
[12:44] {fernp} What is your stop on NABI? mine is .35
[12:44] {nemo} vad gave a range .30 .35 .40
[12:44] {nemo} depends on where I chicken out
[12:44] {fernp} lol
[12:45] {nemo} don't laugh at me...I'm sensitive...sniff
[12:46] {nemo} giddy up nabi
[12:46] {nemo} nabi wanna' cracker
[12:46] {Threei} gosh NABI, go to 5 already and help me with these whiners
[12:46] {fernp} Vad, where are your military boots?
[12:46] {nemo} then you can go home
[12:47] {Threei} putting them on
[12:47] {fernp} lol
[12:50] {fernp} ty ty Vad
[12:50] {Threei} okay... lol
[12:50] {fernp} now I'm sure, NABI isn't AGAM's brother
[12:50] {Threei} I am offering 4.80
[12:50] {Threei} one of these days I'll win against all these pesky scalpers
[12:51] {dino} pwrd to .60
[12:52] {nemo} guess we shoul have taken the lunch time scalp
[12:53] {dino} out pwrd .66, +.36
[12:55] {dino} edu stopped -.22
[12:55] {dino} hit/miss day for me
[12:58] {Threei} (US) Fed Chairman Bernanke: Progress is being made in putting a value on toxic assets - Q&A
[12:58] {Threei} - Analyzing systemic risk in the financial system as a whole presents enormous challenges.
[12:58] {Threei} - Banks may be systemically important even if they are not huge firms. Thus making banks smaller is not necessarily a solution to the "too big to fail" issue.
[12:58] {Threei} - Will not have a secure financial system until it is safe to let a large financial firm fail.
[13:00] {Threei} why does one need so many words to say "I have no idea what's happening, what to do and what's coming"
[13:00] {nemo} Greenspan school of public speaking
[13:01] {Threei} yeah but Greenspan looked and sounded like he had a clue
[13:01] {dino} why talk at all
[13:01] {Threei} even though we all know he didn't
[13:01] {nemo} and he was full of shit too
[13:01] {nemo} sorry
[13:01] {fernp} are you still in NABI, Vad?
[13:01] {fernp} or were you stopped when lost .50?
[13:01] {Threei} half in
[13:02] {Threei} stop under .35
[13:02] {Threei} this is new twist:
[13:02] {Threei} Banks may be systemically important even if they are not huge firms. Thus making banks smaller is not necessarily a solution to the "too big to fail" issue.
[13:02] {Threei} this opens whole new slew of possibilities
[13:03] {dino} it is called lobby money
[13:03] {Threei} yes, and it opens new door for voluntarism
[13:04] {Threei} under this pretense they get card blanche to decide at their own discretion who to deem important
[13:05] {fernp} so you didn't rose stop to b/e when 1:1 was reached on NABI
[13:05] {fernp} ?
[13:05] {Threei} no
[13:05] {Threei} this is momo stock
[13:06] {Threei} this is not technical
[13:06] {nemo} where's the momo?
[13:06] {Threei} it either will return or not
[13:06] {magoo} whats entry on NABI again?
[13:06] {fernp} ok, you are the boss :-)
[13:06] {nemo} .51
[13:06] {Threei} I am not aware of particular plac where it goes when it leaves
[13:07] {Threei} oh and btw,
[13:07] {Threei} who appreciated grand scale visual effects and good destruction, go see 2012
[13:08] {Threei} but if you need a plot with any credibility or wit, skip it
[13:08] {fernp} i'll go to watch it
[13:09] {Threei} one big plus vs War of the Worlds - kids are not too anoying
[13:09] {magoo} record box office open i think tho
[13:09] {Threei} 'cause the little girl in that one made me sympathize with aliens that wanted to eat her
[13:10] {Threei} I was almost saying "bon appetite"
[13:11] {nemo} oh oh, people trying to get out of nabi
[13:11] {Threei} what to try?
[13:11] {Threei} it's not like there is no bids
[13:12] {nemo} big order stacked up .48
[13:12] {Les} HGSI new high
[13:13] {nemo} disappeared
[13:19] {Threei} NLST is beyond this universe
[13:19] {Threei} when it dropped to around 5, I expected a bounce, but return to highs and making new ones?
[13:19] {magoo} tough takes the high by .03 cents then falls ,20 cemnts
[13:20] {Threei} oh,it's not a breakout one
[13:20] {Threei} most momos aren't
[13:20] {magoo} it took last high .84
[13:21] {magoo} look.87
[13:21] {magoo} then hits .47
[13:25] {ese} have to go...catch you all tomorow. More christmas shows to do.
[13:25] {fernp} bye ese
[13:26] {dino} cya es
[13:28] {Threei} take care ese
[13:29] {fernp} I should go to the doctor. I forgot that i bought CSCO when broke 24
[13:29] {fernp} and my 1:1 order was hit 20 minutes ago and I realize now
[13:30] {Threei} lol
[13:31] {fernp} I like this OCA orders :-)
[13:31] {dino} happens to me too fern
[13:31] {dino} pwrd drop
[13:33] {BillyD} WFC again
[13:36] {Les} rimm bounce?
[13:37] {Threei} leave it alone IMO
[13:38] {Threei} stock sits at lows while market makes new highs
[13:38] {Threei} why would you wnat it long
[13:38] {Les} cause I'm bored and looking for a trade?
[13:38] {Les} I know, I know, asking for trouble...
[13:38] {Threei} look for valid setups
[13:39] {Threei} not for something that is against market laws
[13:39] {Les} k
[13:39] {Threei} if you wantd a scalp for instance, WFC .50 break was it
[13:40] {Threei} but RIMM if anything is short
[13:40] {Threei} see?
[13:42] {magoo} we in anything?
[13:43] {nemo} nabi
[13:43] {magoo} OY
[13:43] {magoo} trades by appointment
[13:43] {nemo} yeah, didn't quite get my 1:1 so sitting on a loss
[13:44] {Threei} 5 cents?
[13:44] {nemo} .06
[13:44] {nemo} bad trading...should have taken the close scalp at lunch time
[13:45] {Les} so HGSI challenging previous high. This a break entry if it triggers?
[13:45] {Threei} not by me
[13:45] {Threei} no colnsolidation
[13:46] {magoo} read on APOL vader?
[13:46] {Les} but not a momo either?
[13:46] {dino} pwrd hl l .51
[13:46] {Threei} naaaah
[13:46] {magoo} to many symbols..u mean NAAH?
[13:46] {Threei} APOL is istless here mags... bounce soon probably but need life return to it
[13:47] {Threei} momo is very vvery different Les
[13:48] {nemo} why is nabi momo today...looking at chart it gapped up with everything else and has been hanging in a range
[13:48] {Les} can u please define it?
[13:49] {Threei} with everything elsew
[13:49] {Threei} ?
[13:49] {Threei} you see the size of the gap?
[13:50] {Threei} and volume?
[14:00] {Les} vad, can you read anything on this spike in STEC?
[14:00] {dino} ese blood again
[14:01] {Threei} break of 13.40 was valid long
[14:01] {Threei} right now, it's listless
[14:01] {dino} l .99 hl
[14:01] {nemo} long what dino?
[14:02] {Threei} (US) Fed's Fisher: Q3 GDP may be less than 3.5%; Q4 GDP will be positive; goal is the maintain the purchasing power of the USD
[14:02] {Threei} - Unemployment rate will remain 'painfully high' for much longer than is preferred
[14:02] {Threei} - "Extended period" wording creates potential for USD carry trade.
[14:02] {dino} ese
[14:03] {nemo} he left
[14:03] {Threei} rofl
[14:03] {magoo} in despair
[14:03] {Threei} dialog with deaf is kind of challenging dino, eh?
[14:04] {dino} the sysmbol
[14:04] {dino} symbol ese
[14:04] {nemo} I know...yukyukyuk
[14:04] {dino} sssssssssslllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppp
06[14:04] * nemo deserves it
[14:06] {BillyD} this slow afternoon pace has kept me out of a couple that have worked
[14:07] {Threei} slow pace does make read tough
[14:08] {BillyD} chart setup is good but who knows if get any follow thru w/ mkt help
[14:08] {BillyD} wasn't worth the risk I guess
[14:08] {BillyD} to find out
[14:09] {Les} i made profitable mistake earlier on hgsi, although am reluctant to call it a trade.
[14:09] {Les} shorted - covered with -.20 loss
[14:09] {Threei} lol
[14:09] {Les} doubled down and went long
[14:09] {Threei} then found out you bought and sold?
[14:09] {Les} and forgot about it...
[14:10] {Les} out with net gain +.25
[14:11] {Les} dinner time, putting kids to bed. not time to be trading...
[14:11] {Threei} ugh
[14:12] {Threei} how did I miss RGLD consolidation under .40
[14:12] {magoo} arguing with nemo is how.......
[14:13] {dino} they had quite the move, golds should be short soon, imo
[14:13] {nemo} bs
[14:13] {Threei} not really, I argue with nemo automatically
[14:13] {Threei} I mean, he says something, I argue
[14:13] {Threei} pure reflex
[14:13] {magoo} oh, as in multi-task?
[14:13] {Threei} not a task at all, like breathing
[14:14] {Threei} there is air - you breathe
[14:14] {Threei} there is nemo - you argue
[14:14] {magoo} plus its enjoyable
[14:14] {nemo} sniff
[14:15] {magoo} are u still thhinking about throwing him out of room vad/
[14:15] {magoo} OOPS
[14:15] {Threei} no, I changed to dropping out myself
[14:15] {nemo} mags...then who will he argue with?
[14:15] {Threei} lol
[14:15] {BillyD} lol
[14:16] {nemo} think mags is feeling left out Vad?
[14:17] {Threei} who knows... I've long goiven up on decding his psyche
[14:17] {Threei} decoding
[14:17] {nemo} I got it
[14:25] {magoo} tell u what lately..vad hands out trout like he's paying for them
[14:25] {nemo} hehehehehe
[14:25] {Threei} lol
[14:27] {Threei} this makes me feel much better:
[14:27] {Threei} English were doin' fine til the gramer guys & lexicogigraphers got ahold of it
[14:27] {Threei} (sorry Raven)
[14:27] {BillyD} Vad, is overall volume normally down this much for this time of year
[14:27] {Raven} np
[14:28] {Threei} no, not really Billy
[14:28] {Threei} Oct and Nov are usually good volume months
[14:28] {BillyD} Kind of what I remember
[14:28] {Threei} but, can tyou remember any single year that would see such developments
[14:29] {Threei} huge drop, then just as huge recovery
[14:29] {BillyD} very true
[14:29] {Threei} and ever since Septmeber, slow climb at what seemed to be the end of the rally
[14:29] {dino} lot of people threw in towel w/markets, imo
[14:29] {BillyD} thr gradual grind up
[14:29] {Threei} smell of roasted bear meet becomes unbearable
[14:30] {Threei} ummm... pun not intended
[14:32] {Les} hgsi. 15 min chart. what a short squeeze!
[14:32] {Threei} fooled premature shorts, didn't it
[14:33] {Les} difference between me now and one month ago is that i'd be suffering terribly a month ago...
[14:34] {Threei} would have shorted it and sat on a loss?
[14:34] {dino} out pwrd .77, +.26
[14:34] {Les} yep
[14:35] {Threei} this is the worst thing you can do to yourself...
[14:35] {Les} damn. did that too many times...
[14:35] {Threei} ad one single thing that ir responsible for the most traders put out of business
[14:35] {Les} it's a mantra easy to say but difficult to practice: take the stop, take the stop...
[14:36] {Threei} till certain moment, yes
[14:36] {Threei} then something clicks
[14:36] {Threei} it becomes so ingrained
[14:36] {nemo} yeah...too much pain and suffering
[14:36] {Threei} and a few weeks later you just can't believe you even had any problems with it
[14:37] {Les} I'm not there yet, but it is getting easier
[14:37] {dino} esc hl l .02, stop lod
[14:37] {Les} will stay with paper trades until it becomes automatic
[14:37] {Threei} read the blog article on why we don't keep stops, les?
[14:37] {Threei} if not, please do
[14:37] {Threei} if did, reread
[14:38] {Les} link please
[14:38] {dino} hmmm ibkc
[14:38] {nemo} nabi slipping
[14:38] {Threei}
[14:40] {ilana} 13:36 Threei then something clicks
[14:40] {ilana} i think i got this click today
[14:40] {Threei} good
[14:40] {nemo} stopped pos nabi
[14:40] {ilana} les, it took me 2.5 weeks,
[14:41] {ilana} i hoper there is no way back
[14:41] {ilana} hope
[14:41] {dino} exel
[14:41] {Threei} when you start taking stops as they are hit with no thinking at all, eay and with no hard ffeeling, and forget about them in seconds - this is it
[14:41] {ilana} right on
[14:42] {Threei} a few weeks later look back at the times when you used to hold the loss for days, tortured and unable to think of anything else, and you will be like:
[14:42] {Threei} why did I do that to myself?
[14:43] {ilana} amazing feeling, though
[14:43] {Threei} liberty
[14:43] {ilana} total control in your hands
[14:43] {Threei} being in control, yes
[14:43] {Threei} no more this overwhelming ofrce above you
[14:43] {Threei} force
[14:43] {dino} missed stops eat at your soul
[14:44] {Threei} wow... that's deep
[14:44] {ilana} yup, no stop's slave anymore
06[14:44] * Threei goes back to navel-gazing
[14:47] {Threei} RIMM
[14:47] {Threei} looks like done dropping
[14:47] {Threei} recovery is better chance now
[14:47] {ilana} just was typing" missed .45 entry" lol
[14:47] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .55 break
[14:48] {nemo} stop under .45?
[14:48] {Threei} this pullback will show the stop placement
[14:48] {Threei} hopefull it's .45, yes
[14:48] {nemo} old resistance becomes new support
[14:48] {Threei} invalidation is under .40
[14:48] {Threei} oh come on... I can't argue with that
[14:49] {Threei} what are you doing to me?
[14:49] {nemo} O.k. argue with this. "Vad is a very nice fellow."
[14:49] {Threei} with this I can
[14:49] {nemo} invalimudated
[14:49] {Threei} yes
[14:49] {Threei} I am far from nice
[14:49] {nemo} damn convincingly too
[14:49] {Threei} nice and I do not exchange postcards on Christmas
[14:53] {magoo} we in anything boss?
[14:54] {Threei} no, unless you are holding NABI
[14:54] {ilana} shorted RIMM on this pullback, +0.1
[14:55] {magoo} nah
[14:58] {Threei} (US) Fed's Fisher: Carry trade usually "ends in tears"; expects MBS/UST spreads to widen as Fed purchases wind down
[14:58] {Threei} - Recovery depends on growth in corporate revenues.
[14:58] {Threei} whose tears?
[15:01] {dino} croc tears
[15:03] {nemo} amzn weak today
[15:04] {Les} covered a hgsi short at .65, +.20
[15:04] {dino} gj
[15:05] {ilana} gj Les
[15:05] {dino} cf
[15:06] {ilana} RIMM 0.34 break, long?
[15:07] {nemo} volume not increasing on this rise
[15:07] {ilana} exactly
[15:07] {dino} lny hl s .00
[15:07] {ilana} according to TTR method
[15:08] {nemo} kinda, see that pullback, volume should be lower than previous low, but there's been no increase in volume on the return to the swing high
[15:09] {nemo} see what I mean, no buying strength
[15:09] {ilana} yup
[15:10] {Les} hgsi rolling over again
[15:10] {nemo} now market tanking ilana, so volume pick up with market help could be a break
[15:11] {nemo} coul also be a short below .22
[15:14] {Threei} US Postal Service: Will not raise prices on first class, standard mail, or other dominant market products in 2010
[15:14] {Threei} - The 2010 plan, which estimates a revenue decline of $2.2 billion, a net loss of $7.8 billion, cost reductions of more than $3.5 billion and a reduction in mail volume of 11 billion pieces for the year, is based on the assumption that there will be no change in the number of delivery days per week, and no change in the current retiree health benefits payment schedule.
[15:15] {Threei} Short Setup: HGSI .60 break
[15:15] {Threei} if stays below .70
[15:16] {Les} haha didn't see your call and I took the trade. am I finally in sync?
[15:16] {Les} for once
06[15:17] * nemo slaps Les around a bit with a large daytrading course
[15:17] {BillyD} lol
[15:17] {Les} that hurts
[15:20] {BillyD} out ty
[15:20] {Threei} 1:1
[15:20] {fernp} ty very much Mr Graifer
[15:20] {nemo} whoa
[15:20] {Threei} you are so very welcome
[15:20] {nemo} you're being nice
[15:20] {fernp} .)
[15:20] {Threei} OK... since when we are THIS nice?? :)
[15:21] {dino} esc stopped -.23
[15:21] {nemo} what we?
[15:21] {fernp} the world is changing Vad
[15:21] {Threei} hmmm... not to the best I see
[15:21] {nemo} scalpers win again
[15:22] {fernp} Obama's fault
[15:22] {nemo} another low volume day
[15:23] {Threei} in my world nod is expression of eternal love
06[15:23] * nemo slaps nemo around a bit with a large IDIOT stick!!!
[15:23] {Threei} shot in the head equals "well, you are mistaken about that"
[15:23] {magoo} meridith is tanking the markets here
[15:24] {nemo} what she say?
[15:24] {Threei} Meredith Whitney: "Have not been this bearish in a year", reiterates that banks will raise capital again - CNBC
[15:24] {Threei} - believes banks will go back to tangible book value
[15:24] {Threei} - feels that Bernanke did not say enough in speech today; including how to exit programs even though they are almost finished
[15:24] {Threei} - comments that does not feel that banks are well capitalized; feels there is another leg to go in commercial real estate
[15:24] {Threei} - notes that most banks assume that housing prices will not go down from here, and that unemployment will reach 10% in 2010 and have already reached that leve
[15:25] {BillyD} I agree with her on commercial real estate downward at least here in AZ
[15:26] {Les} bear flag on HIG?
[15:27] {Threei} most likely
[15:27] {Les} lets kill it
[15:27] {nemo} sell 500k shares, that should do it
[15:27] {Threei} lol
[15:28] {Threei} if market reverses down again, .30 break
[15:28] {Threei} sorry, .20
[15:28] {fernp} LNCR
[15:28] {Threei} LNCR Weisel Raised LNCR to Overweight from Market Weight (timing uncertain)
[15:28] {Threei} lol
[15:28] {magoo} hig vad?
[15:28] {Threei} yes mags
[15:29] {Threei} stop above .30
[15:29] {nemo} mmmhhh, amzn holding
[15:34] {fernp} What happened with NABI? are u going to hold overnight?
[15:35] {Threei} not me
[15:35] {nemo} stop was .35 fern
[15:35] {Threei} it touched under .35
[15:35] {fernp} ahh!, sorry
[15:35] {Threei} had it held around .50, I would take it
[15:37] {dino} ese to .25
[15:38] {dino} edu hl l break .50
[15:38] {nemo} Ilana, look at dino's stoc ese
[15:38] {ilana} just looking
[15:38] {nemo} soo the volume on the 2nd bottom
[15:39] {ilana} right lol
[15:39] {nemo} then the rop in volume on the minor pull back into resistance
[15:39] {nemo} and then the increase in volume as it broke that level
[15:39] {nemo} excuse me pullback into support
[15:40] {ilana} can you specify the time of this volume increase?
[15:40] {nemo} 3:00
[15:40] {dino} to .35
[15:41] {nemo} as the price increased, so did the volume
[15:41] {ilana} ok
[15:41] {dino} out slip ave .34, +.35
[15:42] {ilana} and it didn't at 15:32
[15:42] {nemo} according to my chart it did
[15:42] {ilana} really?
[15:43] {nemo} yes, volume increased from 3:30-3:33
[15:46] {BillyD} vad, you out Hig?
[15:46] {Threei} 1:1, yes
[15:46] {BillyD} ok, was thinking of shorting into this bounce
[15:46] {Threei} fern caused a few too many bruises on me as a chief scalper
[15:46] {BillyD} but not sure
[15:46] {Threei} I stopped fighting the destiny
[15:47] {Threei} if one is born as scalper - one should scalp
[15:47] {fernp} scalp is the safer way to trade this market :-)
[15:47] {nemo} yeah, and use a rusty knife
[15:47] {dino} nothing wrong w/scalping
[15:47] {nemo} don't forget to salt it
[15:47] {dino} whatever pays the bills
[15:48] {Threei} ok, the world ends
[15:48] {Threei} and long before 2012
[15:48] {Threei} I mean, all my trading life I defended scalping as trading style against zillion of disbelievers
[15:49] {Threei} now you guys convince me scalping is good? :)
[15:49] {nemo} making money=good
[15:49] {dino} costazza market 3i
[15:49] {Threei} no really?
[15:49] {nemo} you didn't know
[15:49] {Threei} nemo... you are on a very very dangerous ground
[15:50] {nemo} Wouldn't have it any other way :)
[15:50] {nemo} should I go to my cave?
[15:50] {Threei} the title of captain obvious is the last I have ever since fern overtook as a scalper
[15:50] {Threei} and it's under attack from each and every angle as it is
[15:50] {nemo} oh...sorry, I forgot how close to your heart that is
[15:50] {Threei} every talking head out there competes for it
[15:51] {Threei} et tu brut??
[15:51] {nemo} Ides of November dude
[15:51] {dino} lol
[15:51] {nemo} or rimm break of ...sob
[15:52] {nemo} see volume increas into that break of .10 Ilana
[15:52] {nemo} on Rimm
[15:52] {ilana} yes
[15:52] {nemo} there you go, break volume set up
[15:53] {ilana} got it, thx nemo
[15:53] {nemo} wish I did :(
[15:54] {ilana} what?
[15:54] {nemo} I saw it as it broke, didn't grab it...sniff
[15:54] {Threei} he wishes he took the trade Ilana
[15:54] {Threei} this is nemo, you see
[15:55] {nemo} yes...
[15:55] {Threei} you need a years of practice to understand what he is saying
[15:55] {nemo} To trade, or not to trade, that is the question
[15:55] {Threei} alas, poor Yorik
[15:55] {ilana} lol
[15:55] {nemo} I knew him well...before I killed him
[15:56] {ilana} remembered something...
[15:56] {Threei} Frailty thy name o scalper
[15:56] {nemo} Where wolf....
[15:56] {nemo} There castle...
[15:56] {Threei} frikin NABI
[15:56] {Threei} it was a buy at .35, lol
[15:57] {nemo} oh jeez, I would have almost broke even
[15:57] {BillyD} NABI was a little toughy....pace changes and too many supports to pick from
[15:57] {Threei} true
[15:57] {Threei} tomorrow it will hap to 5 and we be crying
[15:57] {BillyD} yup....just like NLST
[15:58] {nemo} amzn very weak today folks. down 1.60 on big up day, could be fun short if tomorrow a weak day
[15:58] {Threei} okay guys, not stellar but not bad for mOnday
[15:58] {Threei} yes nemo, let's watch it for short
[15:58] {BillyD} thx Vad cya
[15:58] {fernp} good evening ladies and gentlemen. Have been a pleasure trading with all of you today. Love and peace to all. LOL
[15:58] {Threei} could be one of first really good reversals as market finally tops
06[15:58] * nemo slaps fernp around a bit with a large trout
[15:59] {ilana} gn
[15:59] {Threei} oh boy
[15:59] {Threei} what's going on with fern
[15:59] {fernp} honey, What the hell had this cup. It wasn't coke? LOL
[15:59] {Threei} rofl
[15:59] {fernp} see you all tomorrow
[15:59] {dino} ouit edu -.08
[15:59] {Threei} thank you all
[15:59] {nemo} buenos noches
[15:59] {Threei} have a great evening
[15:59] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[15:59] {Les} ty. nighty night
[15:59] {nemo} gonna' do a curtain call Vad?
[15:59] {nemo} Encore encore
[15:59] {Threei} what's that?
[16:00] {nemo} just slap me
[16:00] {Threei} nope
[16:00] {Threei} I have this feeling
[16:00] {nemo} Oh you're so nice Vad
[16:00] {Threei} you like it too much
[16:00] {nemo} masochism just the other side of sadism
[16:00] {Threei} sure
[16:00] {Threei} but I decided not to oblige
[16:00] {nemo} what's not to enjoy

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Nov 13 2009

Not overly active but profitable day. Market stayed locked in narrow range not providing much, but those scalps we found made it worthwhile nonetheless. Read the little educational blurb starting at 13:19 to get the most out of today.

Session Time: Fri Nov 13 00:00:00 2009

[08:02] {nemo} $ got pummeled over night
[08:04] {BillyD} morning nemo and all
[08:05] {Threei} morning starts with hard to bear news:
[08:05] {Threei} RU) Russian Duma Parliament passes final beer tax
[08:05] {Threei} **On Nov 6, Russian Duma passed new beer tax in first of 3 readings. The Bill was to raise excise tax by 50% in 2010-2012 period
[08:16] {Threei} BLTXX Baltic Dry Bulk Index +4% (12th straight gain)
[08:18] {Threei} (US) Preview: Sept Trade Balance due out at 8:30amET (13:30 GMT)
[08:18] {Threei} **consensus expectation: -31.8Be v -30.7B prior
[08:29] {Threei} US) SEPT TRADE BALANCE: -$36.5B V -$31.8BE
[08:29] {Threei} - Prior revised from -$30.7B to -$30.8B
[08:30] {Threei} US) OCT IMPORT PRICE INDEX M/M: 0.7% V 1.0%E; Y/Y: -5.7% V -5.5%E
[08:36] {ese} good morning.......
[08:36] {ese} nothing like a good swift kick off the board to get ya going
[08:36] {nemo} dude
[08:36] {ese} dude
[08:37] {Threei} ese :)
[08:38] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[08:38] {ese} fern
[08:38] {Threei} fern :)
[08:39] {nemo} oh, merde...friday the 13th
[08:40] {ese} ahhhhhh your right....expect the unexpected
[08:40] {fernp} two very bad news this morning...
[08:40] {fernp} i've lost my cellular and
[08:40] {ese} like gmcr up $1.60
[08:40] {fernp} 14:05] {&Threei} RU) Russian Duma Parliament passes final
[08:40] {fernp} beer tax
[08:40] {Threei} tough day
[08:41] {ese} auch du miya!!!!!!!!
[08:41] {ese} we can't live through this.........
[08:41] {fernp} i need your winning calls, Vad
[08:41] {nemo} well, here in Mass...half, or more of the price of alcohol is tax...well, they just added alcohol to the list of items for which you have to pay sales tax.
[08:41] {ese} we have to feel ferns pain.........
[08:41] {nemo} since half the cost is tax anyway, you're paying tax on a tax
[08:41] {Threei} ese, there is more...
[08:41] {Threei} ESE Brean Murray Cuts ESE to Hold from Buy
[08:42] {BillyD} It's ok ese, it really means they see value in you
[08:42] {ese} all right everyone......everyone on a plane to Seatle we all congregate at Jazz Alley int minus 5 hours......drinking starts in t minus 5 hours and one minute
[08:42] {BillyD} analyst downgrade to buy more
[08:43] {nemo} ese dcc
[08:43] {Threei} isn't it raining like crazy over there ese?
[08:46] {ese} it's raining but not too bad yet
[08:47] {ese} do we need to send the ark over to your place vad?
[08:47] {fernp} hot and sunny here. dont remember when was last time I saw raining
[08:47] {ese} where you livin fern?
[08:48] {fernp} Sevilla - Spain
[08:48] {Threei} no need for ark yet... but the thought is appreciated
[08:48] {ese} no sh&^&.....
[08:49] {ese} what time is it there.......2 in the afternoon
[08:49] {strider} morning all.
[08:49] {strider} RINO
[08:49] {ese} ST
[08:49] {fernp} yes, 2:49pm
[08:49] {strider} ese:)
[08:49] {ese} cool......siesta time?
[08:50] {fernp} at 3:30pm siesta time YESSSS
[08:51] {ese} my wife wants to get to spain to learn how to do paella....and if i keep making money were gonna make that trip
[08:51] {fernp} are you going to travel to spain only to learn how to do a paella?
[08:52] {fernp} I will send u some videos, ese
[08:52] {ese} for to drink
[08:52] {fernp} that's ok
[08:52] {ese} please do
[08:52] {Threei} strider :)
[08:53] {ese} were going to be in Italy in long does it take to get to Sevilla
[08:53] {strider} morning 3i
[08:53] {ese} from Milan area
[08:54] {fernp} an hour and half. I've been in Roma 10 days last month
[08:54] {ese} ahhhhhhhh
[08:55] {ese} fern ....we could be doing a beer in an outdoor cafe somewhere
[08:55] {fernp} whenever you want
[08:55] {ese} we'll team up and try to out-trade vad from spain..........
[08:57] {strider} nemo...been looking more thoroughly at that's a hell of a site. Thanks for turning me on to it.
[08:58] {nemo} yw
[08:58] {ese} what is that nemo?
[08:58] {bkhmd} morning all
[08:58] {Threei} bkh :)
[08:58] {strider} I bet they'll go to subscription for it soon enough.
[08:59] {ese} BK
[08:59] {bkhmd} what news will affect the market today
[08:59] {bkhmd} Trade balance?
[08:59] {bkhmd} hhave any effect?
[09:00] {bkhmd} Mich Sentiment maybe?
[09:00] {Threei} no reaction whatsovere at the time of news comin out
[09:00] {Threei} trade balance I mean
[09:01] {Threei} slight climb since then but market was climbing before too
[09:01] {BillyD} Vad, NLST continuation maybe from yesterday
[09:01] {bkhmd} nice gap JCP
[09:03] {Threei} tough read billy
[09:03] {BillyD} thinking scalp if momo hits
[09:03] {Threei} I was watching it yesterday... slow climb
[09:03] {Threei} the kind where you have nothing to hang your hat onto
[09:04] {BillyD} ok, then less desirable
[09:04] {BillyD} except the 1.00 support area
[09:04] {nemo} wow, very low volume for this time of the premarket for fcx and aig and rimm!
[09:10] {lasertrev} good morning
[09:10] {Threei} trev :)
[09:13] {magoo} dlhjhdaA
[09:13] {Threei} magoo :)
[09:13] {nemo} magus :)
[09:13] {ese} *^&^%hip da jour da jip&^&^
[09:16] {nemo} mags...meds
[09:17] {strider} RUE, IPO trading at 10:40
[09:19] {magoo} what u watching vad?
[09:19] {Threei} RUE
[09:19] {Threei} a fast growing specialty apparel retailer offering the newest fashion trends for girls and guys at value prices. We operate over 500 stores in 43 states. Our merchandise is designed to appeal to 11 to 17 year olds. Revenues over the prior 12 months reached $450M. - lead underwritters BofA/Merrill Goldman Sachs JP Morgan
[09:19] {Threei} there is nothing overly exciting so far mags
[09:21] {tomg} good morning
[09:21] {ese} tom
[09:21] {Threei} tom :)
[09:21] {bkhmd} morning tom
[09:22] {bkhmd} designed to appeal to 11 to 17 year olds
[09:22] {bkhmd} ?
[09:22] {bkhmd} lol that age group has the biggest unemployment lol my wife and I were laughing at the unemployment numbers for teenagers
[09:23] {bkhmd} in her country teens dont work at all it was funny to her to see unemployment numbers for teen
[09:23] {dino} gm all
[09:23] {Threei} dino :)
[09:23] {bkhmd} morning dino
[09:23] {ese} dino
[09:24] {ese} gmcr up a buck from hold any of it
[09:24] {dino} tstc rino
[09:25] {dino} jwn
[09:25] {dino} anf
[09:26] {dino} jcp bad is good i guess
[09:28] {nemo} fcx looks like a bear flag
[09:28] {strider} CRM gap, upgrade
[09:29] {nemo} oh well..82.10 important level
[09:31] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM 63 break
[09:31] {Threei} stop under .90
[09:32] {strider} in. 97
[09:32] {strider} ,97
[09:33] {Threei} nope
[09:33] {Threei} market sharp drop killed it
[09:34] {Threei} a bit too volatile, gotta wait it out
[09:35] {dino} pwrd -2 bucks again
[09:37] {Threei} JOYG interesting
[09:38] {Threei} nice pullback
[09:38] {bkhmd} nice spread lol
[09:38] {magoo} stec drop vad
[09:39] {magoo} GMCR big drop vad
[09:39] {magoo} 2 points
[09:39] {ese} L cy .35 ousy fill
[09:40] {dino} ese
[09:40] {dino} stock ese
[09:41] {bkhmd} Magoo what is spread on GMCR?
[09:41] {bkhmd} is my L2 off?
[09:41] {Threei} STEC starts looking interesting
[09:41] {dino} ese at march lows
[09:41] {ese} out cy .42 +.07
[09:41] {Threei} Long Setup: STEC .95 break half lot
[09:41] {Threei} if stays above .80
[09:41] {dino} -$5
[09:42] {Threei} BCRX Hearing renewed takeover chatter circulating (12.38, +0.29, 2.40%)
[09:42] {ese} sory dino what stock you referring to
[09:42] {dino} ese
[09:42] {ese} ahhhhhh
[09:42] {dino} confusing
[09:42] {ese} yes
[09:43] {ese} couldn't figure out wht the &*^% you wanted
[09:43] {ese} funny
[09:43] {dino} lol
[09:43] {dino} entry area?
[09:44] {dino} feels like a test coming
[09:45] {ese} ahh thats guides higher.....
[09:46] {Threei} STEC modification
[09:46] {Threei} .85 break
[09:46] {Threei} if stays above .75
[09:46] {ese} at resistance pt 9.50,,,,,,,,,get through that and it will shoot up
[09:46] {magoo} rimm getts ready too vad..look
[09:46] {dino} cedc hl l .98
[09:46] {Threei} .30 break RIMM
[09:47] {ese} based on that knowledge l again sm .43
[09:47] {ese} cy thats is
[09:48] {Threei} STEC modification
[09:48] {strider} +.12 RIMM
[09:48] {BillyD} out RIMM ty
[09:48] {Threei} invalidated
[09:48] {ese} nice litle 1 min consolidattion here at .41 to .43
[09:49] {ese} just giva meah....zeeeeee little pop uup
[09:49] {Threei} NLST just won't quit
[09:49] {ese} rats it poped dn
[09:49] {BillyD} yeah, missed it
[09:49] {ese} zisss is zeeeeee funny game no?
[09:49] {magoo} AGO mental
[09:50] {magoo} AIG
[09:50] {Threei} yeah, what else is new
[09:51] {dino} ioc
[09:52] {strider} PWRD?
[09:53] {ese} vad...could you check you L2 for me on CY......whats at .43 ish area
[09:53] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .50 break half lot
[09:53] {ese} when you get a chance
[09:53] {Threei} if stays above .35
[09:54] {Threei} invalidated
[09:54] {BillyD} RIMM spikey
[09:54] {BillyD} I think I will stay away for a bit
[09:54] {Threei} - 1 yr median inflation expectations at 2.8% v 2.9% Oct final.
[09:54] {Threei} - 5 yr median inflation expectat...more... (related SPY SHY EUR/USD )
[09:54] {Threei} this is why
[09:54] {BillyD} mkt spikey
[09:55] {bkhmd} market pushed it down ohhh myyyy
[09:55] {BillyD} yeah
[09:55] {dino} snizzle
[09:56] {nemo} I need dramamine for this market
[09:56] {ese} stopped CY .32 -.11
[09:56] {ese} buggar....blind sidded by the lippin market again
[09:57] {ese} flippin
[09:57] {Threei} AIG sharp pullback too
[09:57] {nemo} I'm taking scalps out of RImm on the downside
[10:01] {magoo} AIG xmas tree pattern vad
[10:01] {strider} long JWN .34
[10:02] {Threei} other than pretty colors, I am not sure how it usually resolves mags
[10:03] {dino} ioc whoa
[10:03] {magoo} ever notice..on pattern its always green on left and red on right?
[10:04] {Threei} isn't it by definition?
[10:04] {Threei} otherwise the tree would be upside down
[10:04] {nemo} we'd be in china
[10:04] {magoo} gotcha:)
[10:06] {dino} lol magoo
[10:07] {ese} L cy .30
[10:08] {dino} hl l esc .88 gappy
[10:09] {BillyD} STEC maybe short setup
[10:10] {BillyD} any read Vad
[10:10] {BillyD} STEC short
[10:11] {strider} stop JWN. 20, -14
[10:11] {Threei} not sure
[10:11] {nemo} market's due for a turn
[10:12] {BillyD} can't get any clarity on it
[10:12] {nemo} big volume spike on stec
[10:13] {nemo} .40 is pivot support
[10:14] {dino} ese sm l .25 risky
[10:14] {dino} forgit about it
[10:15] {nemo} yeah, betting on ese...tsk
[10:15] {nemo} somebody pull the plug on the market?
[10:15] {ese} man thats weird to see....somebody going long me
[10:16] {BillyD} URBN
[10:16] {BillyD} can't tell if salmon
[10:18] {Threei} .short qid .05 break
[10:18] {Threei} Short Setup: QID .05 break
[10:18] {dino} fwiw stops, cedc .72, esc .57, ese .93
[10:19] {dino} just figure .30-.36
[10:19] {Threei} if stays under .10 for hard core scalpers, .15 for daytraders
[10:19] {ese} vad you there....L2 cy .....whats at .38 for offer
[10:19] {Threei} just about 1600 shares ese
[10:19] {Threei} nothing extraordinary
[10:20] {ese} hmmmmmmm doesn't want to break throgh there
[10:20] {Threei} 1:1 for hardcore
[10:20] {Threei} reserve then
[10:20] {ese} tks
[10:20] {Threei} yeah
[10:20] {dino} leave the porn out of it vad
[10:20] {Threei} ARCA or INCA reserve
[10:20] {fernp} ty
[10:20] {BillyD} out ty Vad
[10:20] {Threei} 1:1 for day traders
[10:20] {dino} giddy-up
[10:21] {Threei} good to see this one working, very clean setup
[10:21] {BillyD} yeah, hard to find
[10:23] {dino} esc tom flat
[10:23] {Threei} CY, this is great illustration to how useless Level 2 is as a directional tool
[10:23] {ese} quote please
[10:23] {strider} RINO?
[10:24] {Threei} .37 had tons of shares, .38 almost none
[10:24] {dino} 9.33
[10:24] {dino} 27.10
[10:24] {Threei} 9.32 x .33
[10:24] {ese} tks
[10:24] {Threei} upticks
[10:24] {ese} don't know whta the H is going on here
[10:24] {Threei} I'll tell you ese...
[10:24] {ese} tks
[10:24] {Threei} you are not eschewing ambiguity properly
[10:25] {dino} we shipped our east coast issues to mid west
[10:25] {ese} lol
[10:25] {ese} we appreciate that....glad to help out.
[10:25] {ese} still frozen
[10:25] {ese} cy please
[10:25] {Threei} and that's preventing you from embracing that much coveted clairvoyance
[10:25] {Threei} .37 x .38
[10:26] {ese} tks
[10:26] {dino} i don't understand monkey
[10:26] {ese} shutting Fing computor dn....see you in a minute
[10:27] {dino} esc stopped flat
[10:28] {patience} .
[10:30] {dino} ese stopped -.32
[10:31] {strider} somebody had to stop him, dino
[10:32] {dino} cf drop
[10:32] {dino} lol
[10:33] {dino} ouch ese stopped then bounces .50
[10:36] {ese} back cy please......still frozen
[10:36] {ese} am phone broker
[10:36] {ese} phoning
[10:36] {Threei} .36 .36
[10:36] {Threei} .37
[10:36] {patience} ese, my quote feeds is frozen as well
[10:36] {ese} tks
[10:36] {dino} tstc
[10:37] {ese} interent dn in our area then
[10:37] {ese} internet
[10:37] {Threei} I guess you broker rather
[10:37] {Threei} everything's fine here
[10:37] {patience} don't know....i have 2 brokers located in toronto, the other in montreal
[10:37] {ese} we use different brokers
[10:37] {patience} toronto is fine, montreal isn't
[10:38] {fernp} if your internet is down you couldn't log in this room
[10:38] {Threei} .40 .41 ese
[10:38] {ese} tks
[10:38] {dino} maybe he is not here fern
[10:38] {ese} i have 8k of this at .30...... this is not pleasant
[10:39] {Threei} why can't they get you out over the phone??
[10:39] {ese} am calling now
[10:40] {ese} quote please
[10:40] {fernp} ese, in this page you have a mini level 2, you can use to check qutes
[10:40] {Threei} .37 x .38
[10:41] {ese} F*&^&*^% they hung up on me
[10:41] {bkhmd} what broker?
[10:42] {Threei} what???
[10:42] {Threei} I'd be out of there befofre the day ends
[10:42] {bkhmd} anyone know which broker he uses?
[10:43] {dino} cf hl l .95 stop .67
[10:43] {Threei} some canadian piece of crap bkh
[10:43] {bkhmd} k
[10:43] {Threei} why are you so excited about that? :)
[10:43] {bkhmd} me?
[10:43] {ese} cy please
[10:43] {Threei} yeah
[10:43] {Threei} still .37 x .38
[10:43] {ese} tks
[10:44] {bkhmd} I missed the QID trade never filled I will search new broker after i return from a trip next week
[10:44] {bkhmd} happens too often no fill
[10:44] {Threei} I told you from the get go, trade station is not a day trading broker
[10:44] {bkhmd} i was asking to ensure i didnt call on them
[10:44] {Threei} let alone scalping
[10:45] {bkhmd} yes i am starting to agree
[10:45] {dino} like listening to my brothers kids playing cards here
[10:45] {bkhmd} had alot time and money invested wanted to wait it out to see if improved
[10:45] {ese} i'm on hold
[10:45] {ese} cy please vad
[10:45] {Threei} .36 .37
[10:46] {Threei} on hold with trading desk... sheesh
[10:46] {ese} yes
[10:46] {Threei} this is as bad as it gets
[10:46] {dino} familiar es, chuck never picks up
[10:47] {Threei} you phone trading desk and scream like 17 years old schoolgirl on the rock concert "get me out NOW" - real daytrading broker has just one question for you, aside form identifying you: "WHICH STOCK?"
[10:47] {ese} cut off again.......patience......whats happening with you
[10:48] {Threei} next thing you know, click, you are out
[10:48] {patience} i have a buy order in with tradefreedom...hasn't been filled even though price is at limit offer
[10:48] {Threei} RUE opened
[10:49] {ese} quest trade and trade freedom use the same your platform up at least
[10:49] {ese} quote please vad cy
[10:49] {patience} yes, but no quotes, i'm getting them from tdwaterhouse
[10:49] {patience} i also have realtime stockcharts
[10:49] {strider} cy .35 .36
[10:50] {dino} 9.36 a
[10:50] {fernp} CY 35 x 36
[10:50] {ese} tks
[10:50] {fernp} now .36 .37
[10:50] {ese} searching net for live quote feed
[10:50] {fernp}
[10:50] {nemo} ese
[10:50] {patience} ok, my order shows rejected because communication line is down
[10:51] {ese} has to be our area
[10:51] {strider}
[10:51] {bkhmd} bad weather up there?
[10:51] {ese} not really
[10:51] {lasertrev} laser is also having a few quote issues today, will give you a update when i get more info
[10:52] {Threei} looks fine here
[10:52] {strider} issues, as in sticking/wrong/none?
[10:52] {nemo} yeah...first day LASER has been o.k. in a week
[10:53] {lasertrev} a few traders have had slow quote updates
[10:54] {strider} .38 .39
[10:55] {ese} tks ST
[10:55] {Threei} Short Setup: AIG .60 break if stays under .70
[10:56] {ese} busy signal......
[10:57] {fernp} CY .37 .38
[10:57] {strider} Vad, AIG looks like a c&h to me. up market. why short here?
[10:58] {Threei} AIG more often fails such formation than follows them
[10:58] {dino} ttek hl l .50
[10:58] {gnslng} .
[11:00] {Threei} 1:1
[11:00] {BillyD} out ty vad
[11:00] {fernp} ty
[11:00] {bkhmd} ty
[11:00] {ese} ok have quotes
[11:00] {Threei} nice and easy
[11:00] {dino} cf to .50
[11:00] {ese} but can't trade
[11:00] {strider} Vad, AIG looks like a c&h to me. up market. why short here?
[11:00] {dino} out cf .49, +.54
[11:00] {strider} sorry. hit wrong button. vad.
[11:00] {Threei} [10:58] {Threei} AIG more often fails such formation than follows them
[11:00] {BillyD} lol
[11:01] {strider} yeah.
[11:01] {Threei} :)
[11:01] {strider} out +.09
[11:01] {Threei} look at its intraday
[11:01] {fernp} +.54 dino?
[11:01] {dino} gj strider
[11:01] {Threei} consolidations at the low tend to resolve in sharp spikes,
[11:01] {strider} dino, ttek stop?
[11:01] {Threei} preparation for breaks tend to end in sharp drops
[11:01] {strider} how does it ever move. :)
[11:02] {Threei} just this thing's personality
[11:02] {dino} .23
[11:02] {strider} dino, do you look for 1:1 with wide stops?
[11:03] {Threei} ok, now that we got a few wins under the belt, have a look at my recent crop with new lens,
[11:03] {dino} yes, but w/hl (500) it's not bad
[11:03] {strider} gotcha
[11:04] {dino} if fl, stop has to be tighter, w/sm wider.
[11:04] {fernp} ohh! you mean the photos you took on Monday!!!
[11:04] {strider} thx
[11:04] {dino} stop is $ figure, so just do the math
[11:05] {strider} $100
[11:05] {Threei} no fern :)
[11:05] {dino} 120-150 for me
[11:06] {Threei} Monday was hell
[11:06] {Threei} these shots are heaven
[11:06] {fernp} good one
[11:06] {Threei} especially the last one
[11:06] {dino} best i can say strider; "keep it simple, put on some tunes, and trade"
[11:07] {Threei} goes to my "masterpieceik collection"
[11:08] {dino} tighten ttek to b/e\
[11:08] {strider} out 1/2 ttek +.11, thx
[11:09] {dino} gj
[11:09] {strider} do you partial out?
[11:10] {strider} AIG inverse c&h?
[11:11] {Threei} little one, yeah
[11:11] {Threei} not very reliable
[11:11] {Threei} use it as a pattern recognition test but not for trading
[11:11] {dino} i usually just trail
[11:12] {strider} vad and dino:)
[11:12] {Threei} he is trying to economize on us dino
[11:12] {Threei} budget thanks
[11:13] {dino} no thx needed, you pulled the trigger, your responsibility
[11:13] {strider} thx, vad...for the next three helpful comments.
[11:13] {Threei} lol
[11:13] {Threei} ese, still no luck? CY is moving
[11:14] {dino} ttek out flat
[11:15] {dino} tstc hmmm, big beat
[11:18] {ese} am watching it...trying to get through to my broker to sell it
[11:19] {strider} maybe you should get in your car and drive over there:(
[11:19] {ese} i'm up a g here
[11:19] {ese} oho oho oh have just come on line to sell
[11:19] {BillyD} cool
[11:19] {ese} tks
[11:20] {BillyD} you out
[11:21] {ese} 1/2
[11:21] {ese} at ,42
[11:21] {BillyD} gj
[11:21] {ese} +.12 on 4k
[11:21] {ese} stop at break even.......
[11:22] {ese} on the last 4k
[11:22] {ese} houses money as vad would say
[11:22] {BillyD} yup
[11:24] {Threei} SVA Stock moves lower after it files Form 25 disclosing the removal from listing on that exchange
[11:24] {Threei} - A security is considered to be delisted 10 days after the filing of Form 25 with the SEC. (9.10, -0.49, -5.11%)
[11:26] {Threei} I am lost
[11:26] {Threei} if it's going to be delisted why is it trading at all, let alone at 9
[11:26] {Threei} and not at .0009
[11:27] {strider} short .82
[11:27] {Threei} SVA Hearing weakness attributed to chinese news report about possible deaths due to H1N1 vaccination and filing Form 25 (8.78, -0.81, -8.45%)
[11:27] {Threei} me too lol
[11:27] {Threei} but I am out
[11:27] {Threei} at .66
[11:29] {Threei} this is too weird for me
[11:29] {Threei} played setup rather than news itself, and taking quicks scalp
[11:30] {Threei} WHO: flu season showing signs of peaking in some parts of North America, but intensifying in Europe and Asia
[11:30] {Threei} ***Reminder: In WHO comments given on Nov 12 WHO stated: This is the beginning of the influenza season in the Northern Hemisphere. We are seeing upsurges of pandemic influenza activity in countries across Europe and Asia.
[11:30] {ese} out cy in full .46 +.16 last 4k
[11:30] {Threei} whew
[11:30] {fernp} gj
[11:30] {ese} tks.....whew is right
06[11:30] * Threei slaps ese around a bit with a large remonder of extreme need to eschew any and all ambiguity
[11:31] {ese} rotfl......
[11:31] {Threei} ok, this one is total beauty:
[11:31] {Threei} Fed's Evans: Difficult for central banks to indentify bubbles in real time
[11:31] {Threei} no really?
[11:32] {dino} sva 100m shelf
[11:32] {Threei} there was no person alive in the world that could read or had TV, aside from Alan Greenspan, who wouldn't identify housing bubble as such
[11:32] {ese} mentally drained here....i have to admit........stark reminder that full control can be taken away at any moment when doing this......kind of a wake up call
[11:33] {Threei} you know how they say it's a bad taste to say TOLD YA SO?
[11:33] {Threei} I am not a stranger to bad taste, so:
[11:33] {Threei} told ya so
[11:33] {Threei} I warned you a few times, one of this instances will end badly
[11:33] {dino} ese, perhaps a shot of tequilla?
[11:33] {Threei} you dodged a buller this time thanks to stock being slow and moving genersally in your favor
[11:33] {BillyD} true
[11:34] {Threei} get stuck in a fast one like this
[11:34] {ese} i'll say.......
[11:34] {Threei} and Dante will come to you to ask for better description of hell
[11:35] {strider} Vad, I don't see the news yet on SVA, which is probably why it hasn't tanked yet.
[11:36] {Threei} news is out
[11:36] {dino} i see shelf offering
[11:36] {ese} the thing that drove me crazy was that i normaly will put in a physical stop loss below what my normal stop loss i kind of have 2 of them....but this time i was just getting around to doing it when....what the!!!!!!
[11:37] {dino} form 8-a12b
[11:37] {Threei} Friday, November 13, 2009 11:22:51 AM
[11:37] {Threei} Sinovac Biotech Stock moves lower after it files Form 25 disclosing the removal from listing on that exchange
[11:37] {Threei} - A security is considered to be delisted 10 days after the filing of Form 25 with the SEC.
[11:38] {dino} 11-13-09; 11:19 form 8-a12 b
[11:38] {Threei} plus
[11:38] {Threei} Friday, November 13, 2009 11:27:51 AM
[11:38] {Threei} Sinovac Biotech Hearing weakness attributed to Chinese news report circulating about two deaths in people after getting H1N1 vaccination
[11:38] {Threei} - Xinhuanet reports Health Ministry reported two Chinese people have been reported dead after they received vaccination against the A/H1N1 influenza, but said experts have "ruled out the possibility that the patient's sudden death was the result of immediate allergic reactions to the flu vaccines."
[11:39] {bkhmd} i started searchng that when you poseted b4 Vad i was not aware there were any deaths however i see there are and not just china
[11:39] {ese} my normal stop is usually the mental one somewhere between 200.00 and 250.00 loss. and with vads help i've become very good at keeping them,,,,,but i have a just in case one that didn't happen today.....freak circumstance almost
[11:39] {strider} delisting on what exchange? SVA
[11:40] {Threei} I've no idea
[11:40] {Threei} that was myu question as well
[11:40] {Threei} "on that exchange" - huh?
[11:40] {strider} maybe it's the xchange of Micronesia.
[11:40] {Threei} ese... not enough layers of protection if you ask me
[11:40] {Threei} your internet may go down,
[11:41] {Threei} but not being able to talk to them over the phone for that long?
[11:41] {Threei} call being dropped?
[11:41] {ese} twice
[11:41] {Threei} yechhh
[11:41] {ese} am thinking of filing a complaint.........
[11:42] {dino} antiga
[11:42] {Threei} much good will it do
[11:42] {BillyD} don't bother ese
[11:42] {ese} true
[11:42] {Threei} you want my opinion - vote with your feet and wallet
[11:43] {Threei} they simply are not a day trading broker, there is no sense of urgency for them when one calls trading desk
[11:43] {dino} genz blood
[11:43] {ese} but you all have been having some problems with laser lately whats the answer
[11:43] {Threei} trading desk call is sacred
[11:43] {nemo} yeah ese, but you change servers and it's no problem
[11:43] {Threei} no broker without problem, this is technology
[11:43] {ese} k
[11:43] {strider} GENZ
[11:43] {Threei} but layers of protection are incomparable
[11:44] {ese} you can always get through
[11:44] {Threei} on my memory, over about 5 years there were one or two instance when laser had real truobles which were not streetwide
[11:45] {Threei} by real I mean, continuing for hours, not the kind that is over in 10-15 minutes
[11:45] {ese} k
[11:45] {Threei} and I know of no cases when one couldn't get through on the phone
[11:46] {ese} i know your right with's just finding the flippin time to do it
[11:46] {Threei} you know the saying:
[11:46] {Threei} exit when you can, not when you must
[11:46] {strider} GENZ down 3 bucks on news
[11:46] {ese} yup......and i do
[11:47] {bkhmd} ese was it a connectivity issue?
[11:47] {bkhmd} cable? Dsl?
[11:47] {Threei} this is werid strider
[11:47] {dino} what news?
[11:47] {ese} have no idea......
[11:47] {Threei} Genzyme Corp FDA reportedly issuing warnings on potential for contamination of less than 1% certain products
[11:47] {Threei} - warning specific to certain lots of rare disease products potentially contaminated during manufacturing process
[11:47] {dino} ok
[11:47] {Threei} I don't see how this deserves such slap
[11:48] {nemo} guys kibbitz more than i do
[11:48] {fernp} incredible GENZ
06[11:48] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a large outkibbitzer
[11:49] {Threei} I guess Friday the 13th caught up with ese and GENZ today
[11:50] {dino} knights templer too
[11:54] {strider} GENZ support at 48
Session Close: Fri Nov 13 11:55:24 2009

Session Start: Fri Nov 13 11:55:24 2009
Session Ident: #discussions
02[11:55] * Disconnected
02[11:58] * Attempting to rejoin channel #discussions
03[11:58] * Rejoined channel #discussions
[12:02] {Threei} good call on 48 support
[12:07] {dino} cf tricked me again
[12:08] {dino} cvs off .00 l hl
[12:09] {strider} =buy cvs at .00 ??
[12:10] {dino} y\
[12:10] {dino} yes
[12:11] {strider} tx
[12:11] {strider} Christmas tree formation
[12:11] {dino} hoping a ditch in the making
[12:13] {lasertrev} Note to Laser users: Make sure you have latest version of Laser (3.354). You can look under "help" and "about laser" to find out. Use quote servers 10-20. They are doing upgrades on 1-9 and may be a little slower.
[12:13] {Threei} ty trev
[12:14] {lasertrev} np
[12:14] {Threei} you mean version 1.024 I have from 2005 should no longer work?
[12:14] {Threei} maybe that's why I still get quotes for LEH...
06[12:14] * nemo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[12:14] {lasertrev} lol
[12:14] {Threei} come on, in my world there is no financial crisis
[12:15] {dino} if you are short leh it is ok
[12:15] {Threei} Lehman and Bear Strens are alive and well
[12:15] {Threei} so is Merril Lynch
[12:15] {nemo} your sense of humor made me miss the genz break of 50...all your fault
[12:16] {Threei} just another reason to dismiss my sense of humor - as if there were not enough as it was
[12:16] {dino} frenzy
[12:17] {dino} cramer indicator works again, he said short the s/p prior to open
[12:17] {nemo} you're kidding?
[12:18] {Threei} I don't know what is more amazing - consistency of him being wriong or his insistence on continuing his calls
[12:19] {bkhmd} i received email alert from action alerts he is selling vale its up 50 cents since that call
[12:19] {dino} seriously, he had oil down so said easy trade was short s/p
[12:22] {strider} ah. cool. Out +2.00 GENZ in an IRA acct.
[12:23] {Threei} wtg
06[12:23] * nemo slaps strider around a bit with a large roll of cash
[12:23] {BillyD} look at BCRX
[12:24] {dino} gj
[12:25] {Threei} ehat about it?
[12:25] {strider} thank you....thank you.....thank you very much
[12:25] {nemo} now...find another trade!
[12:26] {strider} Hey, I thought the deal was "one good trade." That's what ese says
[12:27] {Threei} strider
[12:27] {nemo} means trade well
[12:27] {dino} thats ese's deal
[12:27] {Threei} you do realize it gives me permission to go home early?
[12:27] {Threei} thank you, thank you
[12:27] {dino} scanners greeeeeeen
[12:27] {Threei} see you all in a week
[12:27] {Threei} or two
[12:27] {strider} Sorry, vad. I don't have the authority.
[12:27] {Threei} too late
[12:28] {Threei} I granted it to you for that single comment
[12:28] {strider} I refused.
[12:28] {Threei} sigh
[12:28] {Threei} I just can't win, can I
[12:29] {nemo} put the shackles back on Vad
[12:29] {Threei} US Market Update
[12:29] {Threei} Dow +83 S&P +7 NASDAQ +13 - Investors are ignoring some fairly concerning US economic data and pushing US equities back toward yesterday's opening levels and fresh highs for the year. The Sept deficit registered a larger than expected $36.5B representing an 18% jump over Aug which was the fastest rise since early 1999. Imports surged at the quickest monthly rate in nearly 15 years. Goldman Sachs warned that the trade data suggested a likely downward revision to Q3 GDP. The preliminary Reuters/University of Michigan consumer sentiment index for November came in at 66.0, down from 70.6 in October and below expectations. Regardless stocks prices are being bid up while Greenback has resumed a defensive stance as risk appetite returns.
[12:36] {ese} well alrighty then.....gota go but will see you all monday take care
[12:36] {Threei} hey guys
[12:36] {Threei} remember the photocontest a few weeks ago?
[12:36] {dino} cya
[12:37] {Threei} one of my photos took second prize
[12:37] {strider} bye ese
[12:37] {Threei}
[12:37] {Threei} Scenic Harbour gallery
[12:37] {BillyD} wtg
[12:37] {Threei} first prizwe winner had more friends to click on his I guess, lol
[12:38] {BillyD} sure you weren't clicking all day Monday?
[12:38] {BillyD} hehe
[12:38] {Threei} can't
[12:39] {Threei} won't let you vote second time
[12:41] {strider} Vad what you think about long GENZ at about 50.50
[12:41] {Threei} honestly, no idea
[12:42] {BillyD} Vad, your photo of the walk wayon water
[12:44] {dino} zion
[12:44] {dino} athn
[12:54] {BillyD} .
[12:54] {dino} .
[12:55] {Threei} both are good points
[12:55] {BillyD} is that your photo you won with next to your name
[12:56] {BillyD} look at SRZ for scalp?
[12:57] {Threei} ummm
[12:57] {Threei} no for SRZ
[12:57] {BillyD} ok, ty
[12:57] {Threei} and yes - usually if one's name is followed by link to photo, it's his photo :)
[12:58] {BillyD} it says 1st place on it
[12:58] {BillyD} reason I asked
[12:58] {Threei} they all are marked like that when you click on them,
[12:58] {Threei} but the page with list has right places
[12:58] {BillyD} double checking
[12:58] {Threei} I like that photo they gave first prize to... but my golden sunset was better
[12:59] {Threei} democracy said othrwise though
[12:59] {Threei} I always knew I hated demicracy
[12:59] {fernp} SBUX on highs and nice daily
[12:59] {Threei} benevolent dictator is my preferred way - of course if I am the dictator
[12:59] {BillyD} hmmmm....golden sunset?
[12:59] {BillyD} taht is not your winning photo
[13:00] {Threei} acroll a little lower, Billy, and click on the photo #1 in that scenic category
[13:00] {BillyD} very nice
[13:00] {Threei} mine are ## 1,2, 8 and 11
[13:01] {BillyD} 11 is cool
[13:01] {Threei} fern... I like SBIX chart formation but I hate the narrowness
[13:01] {Threei} 25 cents daily range
[13:02] {Threei} locked in 10 cents for hours
[13:02] {fernp} thx
[13:03] {fernp} I will try small shares if breaks... ya know, Im bored
[13:03] {Threei} well, if you are lucky you'll get 5 cents on small shares :)
[13:03] {strider} what a comedian:)
[13:04] {strider} you missed your calling vad
[13:04] {Threei} just trying to eschew that dreaded ambiguity completely
[13:04] {strider} bless you
[13:04] {strider} (eschew!)
[13:04] {Threei} and yes, I checked strider... but Seinfield was not frightened to be honest... and even advised me to keep my day job
[13:05] {strider} you know he turned down 5 million an episode to keep doing the TV show?
[13:05] {patience} hopefully he didn't invest with maddoff
[13:06] {strider} yes, well...there's that.
[13:06] {Threei} probably not, or we would already see Seinfield Returns
[13:06] {strider} It's in syndication anyway.
[13:06] {dino} he's on curb your enthusiam w/larry davide, the whole cast is on it
[13:07] {strider} You guys have to keep my up on TV stuff. I watch 1 pop TV show....Survivor.
[13:07] {Threei} never seen it
[13:07] {Threei} will have a look
[13:08] {dino} hbo series
[13:09] {dino} that russell is cracking me up
[13:09] {dino} best survivor character yet
[13:09] {strider} What a scumbag.
[13:11] {dino} you have to outwit, i think he's doing it. it's a game, sort of like risk
[13:12] {strider} He thought he could tell the same lie to everybody, and nobody would talk...he's a dummy. He's history next week.
[13:12] {strider} GENZ support at 50, methinks.
[13:13] {nemo} what does vad say about thinking?
[13:14] {Threei} DON'T
[13:14] {strider} GENZ support at 50, me no things.
[13:14] {nemo} there...
[13:14] {strider} thinks
[13:14] {nemo} vwap right there too
[13:14] {strider} GENZ support at 50, whether or not methinks.
[13:14] {strider} How
[13:14] {strider} Hows that}
[13:14] {dino} sorl? report looks good
[13:15] {nemo} what? and what?
[13:16] {fernp} BRCM breaking 29
[13:19] {strider} what indicator tracks buying/selling intraday for individual stocks?
[13:19] {Threei} since we have an inmactive market at the moment, let me elaborate a little on that non-thinking thingy,
[13:20] {Threei} lest you think I am a complete neanderthal
[13:20] {nemo} I've seen the drag marks on your knuckles
[13:20] {BillyD} just when you think it is safe :)
[13:20] {BillyD} nemo is always there
[13:21] {Threei} I know I can always count on him
[13:21] {nemo} :)
[13:21] {Threei} it's not that thinking in and of it itself is bad,
[13:21] {Threei} it's just things should be done in their time and place
[13:22] {Threei} and thinking during executing the trade is last things you want to do,
[13:22] {Threei} and thinking during searching for and evaluating the trade is better be minimized as muc as possible.
[13:22] {Threei} The way to do it is this:
[13:23] {Threei} just as an athlete prepares in advance and xecutes standard reactions on standard situations during event itself,
[13:23] {Threei} same for martial arts fighter,
[13:23] {Threei} same for pilot, surgeon etc etc
[13:23] {Threei} trader should do his think in advance as muchas possible
[13:24] {Threei} collecting a set of as many as possible standard situations.
[13:24] {Threei} That's when the possibility of thinkless trading opens
[13:24] {Threei} You simply set in motion a set of pre-canned reactions on pre-analyzed situations.
[13:25] {Threei} Recognizable situation triggers prepared reaction.
[13:25] {Threei} See setup - take setup
[13:25] {Threei} Direct eye-finger interaction with no brain inbetween.
[13:25] {Threei} Fastest, least subjected to second0guessing, to emotional influences
[13:26] {Threei} and we all know how we strive to eschew those
[13:26] {dino} sorl hl l .20 stop .93
[13:26] {nemo} so, given my physiological deficits, I should be a great trader....mmmhhhhh
[13:26] {Threei} and you know ehn I said eschew I am done talking seriously and returned to my normal "mockj everything under the sun" style
[13:26] {BillyD} lol
[13:28] {BillyD} Vad, how much is feel part of the setup versus technical chart, etc
[13:28] {Threei} you are getting there nemo
[13:28] {Threei} I see more and more often you spotting setups and executing them with no hesitation
[13:28] {nemo} I mean...lack of physical brain
[13:29] {Threei} just recall yourself a year ago and compare
[13:29] {nemo} oh yeah...huge...I didn't know what I didn't know
[13:29] {Threei} I am sorry I can't evaluate how lack of physical brain affects anyone - I'd have to have one myself
[13:29] {nemo} Now, it's just getting to act on what I see
[13:29] {nemo} like rimm 7 minutes ago at .62
[13:29] {Threei} Billy... here is the problem:
[13:29] {Threei} feel plays big role, BUT
[13:30] {Threei} where does feel itself come?
[13:30] {Threei} from zillion of charts seen, analyzed and played before
[13:30] {nemo} gut comes from experience
[13:30] {Threei} so it's not a contradtiction really,
[13:30] {Threei} no gut comes from too much beer
[13:30] {nemo} ese is a great musician from talent and 45 years of practice
[13:31] {BillyD} Vad, do you incorporate pace, volume, personality as part of feel
[13:31] {Threei} so it's not a contradtiction really - it's just that feel is the same chart readin experience condensed from a few millions of those into lighteningly fast recognition of what you already saw
[13:31] {Threei} of course I do
[13:32] {BillyD} or is it automatic like you said previous
[13:32] {Threei} it's both
[13:32] {Threei} it's part of read overall,
[13:32] {BillyD} ok, that is what I meant
[13:32] {Threei} and it's incorporated in that automatic response
[13:32] {Threei} have a loo at SBUX please
[13:32] {dino} i prefer "gut"
[13:33] {fernp} you konw im watching it
[13:33] {Threei} 30 min ago or so I said, too narrow, nothing to count on
[13:33] {Threei} how long did it take me to come to this conclusion?
[13:33] {nemo} 5 seconds?
[13:33] {Threei} I'd say anywhere from 1/250 to 1/500 of second
[13:33] {nemo} whoa
[13:34] {Threei} it's just one glance
[13:34] {Threei} chart: nice formation,. very narrow for the whole day, extremely narrow for hours,
[13:35] {Threei} level 2: very thick, and this I also know about SBUX without even looking,
[13:35] {Threei} T&S: flat calm pace
[13:35] {Threei} market: relatively strong but stalleds
[13:35] {Threei} stalled
[13:35] {Threei} daily chart: somewhere in 52 week highs but this I know from the few days of it appearing on the scanner regularly
[13:36] {Threei} moves slowly and steaduly throughout the day - result of looking at a few times over last days,
[13:36] {Threei} today is Friday
[13:36] {Threei} market is so tired of endless up up and up
[13:36] {Threei} volume is low and lower every day
[13:37] {Threei} there/.. all the components necessary to decide:
[13:37] {Threei} there is just nothing to get out of it for the day trade
[13:37] {Threei} unless something drastically changes
[13:37] {Threei} news on it, or explosive market movement for instance
[13:37] {Threei} takes long to type it all,
[13:38] {bkhmd} and thanks for typing
[13:38] {Threei} takes fraction of a second to realize
[13:38] {bkhmd} thanks for sharing
[13:38] {bkhmd} and no typos
[13:38] {Threei} seriously?
[13:38] {nemo} whoa, yeah
[13:38] {Threei} wow
[13:38] {Threei} rare occurence
[13:38] {nemo} [13:36] {&Threei} moves slowly and steaduly
[13:38] {bkhmd} i sometimes think ur a russian spy
[13:39] {nemo} nevermind
[13:39] {Threei} lol
[13:39] {bkhmd} u type well at times and change on a dine
[13:39] {Threei} why spy?
[13:39] {Threei} oh
[13:39] {BillyD} thx Vad, good variable clarity on that explanation
[13:39] {Threei} well, you know how to spot a russian spy, right?
[13:39] {dino} jyfukfyk
[13:39] {bkhmd} tell me
[13:39] {Threei} you now why Billy, right?
[13:39] {BillyD} shoot first and ask later
[13:39] {Threei} it's that eschewing and embracing thingy
[13:40] {Threei} two signs bkh
[13:40] {dino} cf drop
[13:40] {BillyD} yes
[13:40] {Threei} 1. russian spy closes one eye when drinks tea
[13:40] {bkhmd} ??
[13:40] {nemo} strider, how's that support
[13:40] {BillyD} what makes your edge not work and what makes it work
[13:40] {strider} It failed.
[13:40] {Threei} atavist habit from russian custom to keep the spoon in the cup
[13:41] {nemo} should give another up
[13:41] {Threei} so the spoon threatens your eye when you take the cup to your mouth
[13:41] {strider} you thinking there?
[13:41] {Threei} and
[13:41] {nemo} this is exactly 50% retracement
[13:41] {Threei} 2. parachute behind his back
[13:42] {strider} So which is worse? Rational thinking, or magical thinking? :)
[13:42] {dino} 10340 and 1120
[13:42] {nemo} what's magical thinking?
[13:42] {dino} thise are the 50% retraces
[13:42] {nemo} eod dino?
[13:42] {Threei} thinking under mushrooms?
[13:43] {strider} fibonacci patterns in market activity?
[13:43] {bkhmd} lol
[13:43] {dino} big crayon lines of resistance imo
[13:43] {nemo} in genz
[13:43] {bkhmd} thanks vad for the spy lesson i will keep an eye out for them
[13:43] {nemo} no pun bk
[13:43] {dino} cf wierd
[13:43] {bkhmd} lol
[13:44] {nemo} speaking of dino...where's magoo?
[13:44] {dino} he's here babbling about nonsense
[13:45] {nemo} oh...situation normal
[13:45] {dino} my eod, +117
[13:46] {dino} out cedc .10, +.12 all day, sheesh
[13:47] {nemo} funny vad...the sound effect from buying in LASER can either sound like a big kaching! or firing squad by machine gun...
[13:47] {dino} nemo, you better look out your window, thay are shooting at you
[13:48] {nemo} 3rd floor dude
[13:48] {Threei} machine gun is magoo's analogy ever since I shared that sound file,
[13:48] {dino} no matter
[13:48] {Threei} especially when you get many partials,
[13:48] {nemo} Not what I meant...
[13:48] {Threei} but in reality it's a camera shutter click
[13:48] {nemo} sounds like "Kaching"
[13:48] {nemo} when trade goes well
[13:49] {nemo} sounds like death when trade goes bad
[13:52] {nemo} aig support @ .60
[13:57] {magoo} we in anything?
[13:58] {nemo} coma
[13:58] {strider} ennui
[13:58] {nemo} nice strider
[13:58] {strider} I try to eschew ennui
[13:59] {nemo} don't forget to floss
[13:59] {bkhmd} FORT COLLINS, Colo. – The Colorado parents accused of pulling a spectacular hoax by reporting their son was aboard a runaway balloon have pleaded guilty to charges that could bring some jail time and probation.
[14:00] {Threei} yeah
[14:00] {Threei} imbecils
[14:03] {Threei} eschew ennui eh?
[14:03] {Threei} that's a beauty
[14:03] {nemo} yeah, need boots for that one
[14:03] {strider} That's half yours, Vad.
[14:04] {strider} First few times you used it, I thought you were sneezing.
[14:04] {nemo} hawhawhaw
[14:05] {nemo} read hig vad?
[14:07] {Threei} way way too naroow today
[14:07] {dino} cvs out flat
[14:08] {BillyD} SBUX ready to b/o...hehehe
[14:08] {BillyD} sheesh....NLST over 3
[14:12] {fernp} 14:11 EDT GENZ Genzyme downgraded to Underperform from Buy at BofA/Merrill
[14:13] {Threei} Billy, see what I meant about NLST?
[14:13] {strider} just got .18 on a scalp GENZ
[14:13] {Threei} try to find an entry inthis slooow climb
[14:15] {dino} rolling over imo
[14:15] {BillyD} yeah, I shorted it at .50 earlier and got stopped....setup looked good to me
[14:15] {BillyD} stayed under .60 for a while
[14:15] {dino} markets i mean
[14:16] {nemo} dino the "Big Picture" guy
[14:16] {dino} lol
[14:16] {nemo} 1 min on spy and qs higher lows
[14:17] {Threei} picture this, dino says slapping nemo with Mother Earth:
[14:18] {nemo} wow
[14:19] {dino} sorl stopped piece of junk
[14:20] {dino} dxd l .75
[14:21] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:21] {Threei} - NYSE volume 540M shares, about 27% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 3.9:1. - NASDAQ volume 1.21B shares, about 17% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 2.1:1. - VIX index -3.5% to just under 23.50
[14:22] {Threei} volume is all but disappeared
[14:22] {nemo} holy toledo
[14:22] {nemo} magoo disappeared
[14:22] {BillyD} yeah, this week is way down
[14:22] {Threei} is holy toledo any different from holy mackerel?
[14:22] {Threei} or it's close to holy smokes?
[14:23] {nemo} didn't bk have an insinuating joke about the downward direction yesterday
[14:23] {nemo} yeah, one's a city in spain
[14:23] {nemo} or Ohio
[14:24] {bkhmd} which stoc Nemo?
[14:24] {bkhmd} stock*
[14:25] {bkhmd} Vad i used to live in toledo went to school there trust me the smell is the same
[14:25] {bkhmd} lol
[14:26] {Threei} lol
[14:26] {magoo} .
[14:27] {fernp} Have a nice weekend everybody. see you all on monday.
[14:27] {BillyD} bye fern
[14:27] {nemo} BN fern
[14:28] {Threei} take care fern
[14:33] {dino} l8r fern
[14:33] {nemo} i think he's gone dino
[14:35] {Threei} Fed's Evans: Accomodative policy could go 'well into' 2010 and perhaps further; Unemployment to rise for next two quarters - comments to reporters
[14:35] {Threei} - sees core inflation at 1.5% for next few years - sees GDP growth of 3% in next 18 months - unemployment to be at 9% in 2010; 7% by the end of 2011
[14:36] {dino} classic 2:20 drop
[14:42] {dino} out dxdv .87, +.12
[14:42] {strider} wtg
[14:43] {dino} ty
06[14:44] * strider slaps Threei around a bit with a large eschew
[14:44] {strider} just waking you up
[14:44] {Threei} thank you
[14:44] {Threei} now I can embrace
[14:45] {BillyD} maybe embrace STEC short off .30?
[14:45] {BillyD} stays under .40
[14:45] {dino} darn, when hit +60 thought it was going back up
[14:46] {strider} or RIMM at .break of .50?
[14:46] {dino} pins and needles, needles and pins.....
[14:47] {dino} showing my age....stupid stuff pops into my head, can't get rid of it
[14:48] {BillyD} eschew and embrace dino....
[14:48] {dino} bless you
[14:48] {BillyD} lol...
[14:49] {Threei} lol
[14:49] {dino} :)
[14:51] {nemo} probably freezes here
[14:53] {bkhmd} bonds close
[14:55] {bkhmd} watchng Rimm i see something I read about in Alan farleys book
[14:55] {Threei} sharing?
[14:56] {bkhmd} as price spikes into uper band if upper band is horizontal expect pierce and fall
[14:56] {bkhmd} same on bottom pierce and bouncee into horizontal band
[14:56] {bkhmd} if upper band opens as price approaches expect to continue up
[14:56] {bkhmd} same with down
[14:57] {nemo} yeah, range market
[14:57] {bkhmd} yep
[14:57] {Threei} hmmm
[14:57] {nemo} no wise comment yet vad?
[14:57] {Threei} you mean you read it somewhere else and not in my daily preachings? :)
[14:57] {nemo} whewww
[14:57] {bkhmd} no i dont recall that lesson
[14:57] {bkhmd} i read it in alans book
[14:57] {bkhmd} lol
[14:57] {Threei} sharop spike into support or resistance gets rejected, slow approach then break is valid
[14:58] {bkhmd} Im sure its elementary I should have known
[14:58] {strider} now you've gone and done it, bk.
[14:58] {bkhmd} maybe u thught it was so elementary didnt need to explain
[14:58] {bkhmd} hahahahaha
[14:58] {strider} no burgers for bk.
[14:58] {bkhmd} strider did u see that bottom band open when price approached?
[14:59] {Threei} yeah Dr Watson, it's elementary... stars above our head do not signify deepo meaning of the Universe, they simply indicate someone stole our tent
[14:59] {strider} I don't use BBs
[14:59] {bkhmd} perhaps the bear took the tent
[15:00] {strider} kci
[15:00] {strider} news
[15:05] {Threei} FDIC's Bair comments on TARP: using TARP capital was not a good idea, had a terrible impact on public opinion - PBS interview (related XLF C BAC )
[15:05] {dino} cf l .25 hl
[15:07] {dino} flr hl l .45
[15:08] {nemo} hey strider...genz support at 49 :)
[15:09] {cosmo} using TARP for what?
[15:09] {Threei} if you ask me, for anything
[15:10] {nemo} huge volume spike not moving genz at all
[15:10] {strider} hey nemo. You never made a mistake:)
[15:11] {nemo} at least 15 times today
[15:11] {strider} +.16 CF, btw. thx dino
[15:11] {nemo} I was just letting you know actually
[15:11] {nemo} and it was support
[15:11] {nemo} at 50 when you originally called it
[15:11] {strider} Thanks, nemo. :)
[15:11] {dino} gj
[15:12] {nemo} besides...I have to bust you for your indecent profits on the's just petty jealousy :)
[15:12] {strider} I wish I had the experience to play these bleeders like KCI
[15:12] {strider} And GENZ on the way down.
[15:13] {dino} only one way to get it
[15:13] {nemo} pain and suffering
[15:13] {strider} My bank account is not that large. :)
[15:13] {nemo} keep stops
[15:14] {strider} I don't know how to set stops for those monsters.
[15:14] {nemo} those are LII and T&S feel...mags and Vad are the champs there
[15:15] {nemo} you play small lots also
[15:15] {nemo} yeah...pisses me off...vad calls a momentum reverse...and bottom ticks the mutha
[15:16] {bkhmd} RIMM Vad any read?
[15:17] {Threei} not really
[15:17] {Threei} looks random
[15:17] {bkhmd} ty
[15:17] {nemo} yeah...feels like day heading out about this level...computers trading computers
[15:18] {strider} called.....
[15:18] {nemo} yours?
[15:18] {strider} small lots. yeah.
[15:18] {strider} She's 86.
[15:18] {strider} When she calls, I answer:)
[15:18] {nemo} God bless her
[15:19] {strider} TV won't come on.
[15:19] {strider} Outlet not working. Probably breaker.
[15:23] {BillyD} Vad, see NLST....
[15:24] {BillyD} nothing readable
[15:24] {Threei} oh well
[15:24] {dino} what the heckm you start strider?
[15:24] {Threei} kind of things yoyu just need to take on faith if you believe in it
[15:24] {BillyD} exactly
[15:25] {BillyD} and when faith leaves, sell
[15:25] {dino} my mom just called
[15:25] {nemo} oh jeez
[15:25] {bkhmd} is today Moms day?
[15:25] {strider} her name Juanita?
[15:26] {nemo} I was thinking about it Vad
[15:26] {dino} no
[15:26] {nemo} Publishing today's log might not be good advertising
[15:26] {strider} OK. whooo. different Mom.
[15:26] {dino} same dad tho
[15:26] {nemo} drinking already strider
[15:26] {nemo} who? mailman?
[15:26] {strider} actually......
[15:27] {dino} lol
[15:27] {nemo} I'm having a glass of wine
[15:27] {dino} bud light in fridg
[15:27] {strider} Now, Vad will call 3 setups......and you'll spill your wine.
[15:28] {Threei} why nemo?
[15:28] {nemo} nah...gotta go in a minute
[15:28] {nemo} why what why?
[15:28] {Threei} [15:26] {nemo} Publishing today's log might not be good advertising
[15:28] {Threei} [15:26] {strider} OK. whooo. different Mom.
[15:28] {dino} giddy up, mkt going up
[15:28] {nemo} some weird stuff today
[15:28] {strider} Feel free to purge whatever doesn't fit, vad. :)
[15:28] {nemo} too much asylum
[15:29] {dino} +60 wall of cheese
[15:29] {strider} That was my Jim Ignatowski impersonation.
[15:30] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:30] {Threei} - NYSE volume 715M shares, about 22% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 2.1:1. - NASDAQ volume 1.56B shares, about 16% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.3:1. - VIX index -3% to just over 23.50
[15:33] {nemo} well, that's enuff xcitement for one day...c u monday
[15:33] {dino} cya
[15:33] {Threei} have a good weekend nemo
[15:33] {bkhmd} enjoy the weekend Nemo
[15:33] {strider} Don't kill anything out of season, nemo.
[15:34] {nemo} hehehehe
[15:34] {dino} eating the cheese
[15:41] {dino} rats on cheese
[15:42] {Threei} in case you wonder why we haven't had as many plays today,
[15:42] {Threei} NQ range for the day is whooping 15 points
[15:43] {cosmo} its NLST season
[15:44] {Threei} lol
[15:45] {dino} stop .98 cf
[15:45] {dino} out slippage, +.69
[15:47] {dino} magoo was all that took it, huh
[15:48] {dino} flr stopped -.20
[15:57] {dino} 39 pts to go 3 min.
[15:59] {bkhmd} good weekend all
[15:59] {bkhmd} thanks Vad
[15:59] {BillyD} bye all...take care
[15:59] {Threei} thank you all
[15:59] {Threei} have a great relaxing weekend
[15:59] {dino} thx all, have a good weekend
[16:00] {Threei} see you all on Monday
[16:00] {Threei} feel free to reread that lesson in today's log
[16:02] {magoo} ty all

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nov 12 2009

Nice active day with quite a few calls and good percentage of winning (6 out of 8 or something like that) Major hero of the day was RIMM, quite nicely obeying on both long and short side. Other than that AMD and AIG (both on short side) added a bit to profits.

Session Time: Thu Nov 12 00:00:00 2009

[08:16] {BillyD} GM all
[08:17] {nemo} BD :)
[08:17] {Threei} BLTXX Baltic Dry Bulk Index 5.5% (11th straight gain)
[08:18] {Threei} Good morning
[08:18] {Threei} (US) Preview: Initial Jobless Claims and Continuing Claims due out at 8:30amET
[08:18] {Threei} - Expectations for initial claims are 510K v prior release of 512K (range seen from 495K to 525K) - Continuing claims seen at 5.700M v prior 5.749M (range seen from 5.675M to 5.788M) ***Note: The last reading of initial cliams below 500K was back Jan 2nd 2009
[08:19] {Threei} can yuou believe losing half million jobs every week became kind of norm?
[08:19] {strider} Morning vad. What does the BLTXX tell us?
[08:20] {nemo} yeah...that's why I just want to smack the _____! when they say the trend is down. That's 20 million jobs this year
[08:20] {Threei} this is Baltic Dry Shipping index strider
[08:20] {Threei} DRYS, EGLE are dry shippers for instance
[08:20] {Threei} sometimes they react on this data
[08:21] {strider} k. thanks.
[08:21] {Threei} and overall, shipping trends reflect to a certain degree what's happening with global economy
[08:21] {Threei} as in, if we go down in flames we are not very likely to ship much to each other
[08:23] {nemo} frickin' aig
[08:23] {Threei} (US) Fed's Plosser: Excess reserves can have inflationary effect if they flow into economy too quickly, Strong global economy and weaker US economy means USD will depreciate
[08:23] {Threei} - Need to be aware of Gold, other asset prices and fx levels. - No firm decisions have been made on which exit tools to use and in what order. - Mush easier politically for Fed to begin selling treasuries than MBS - Idea of Fed issuing its own bill is "not good strategy" is not aware of any plans to do so
[08:24] {strider} Barrick shuts hedge book as world gold supply runs out
[08:24] {strider} Global gold production is in terminal decline despite record prices and Herculean efforts by mining companies to discover fresh sources of ore in remote spots, according to the world's top producer Barrick Gold.
[08:25] {Threei} who needs it anyway
[08:29] {Raven} Dentists
[08:29] {Threei} USSR is no more R...
[08:29] {nemo} nah, they use that bonding stuff now Raven
[08:29] {Raven} I just had a gold one installed
[08:29] {Threei} US) INITIAL JOBLESS CLAIMS: 502K V 510KE;
[08:30] {Threei} CONTINUING CLAIMS: 5.631M V 5.700ME
[08:30] {nemo} and you probably fly 1st class too
[08:30] {Raven} I hate flying except on my own wings
[08:30] {nemo} touche
[08:32] {Raven} gold teeth are a tip for the undertaker ...
[08:32] {nemo} love it
[08:32] {Raven} sigh
[08:33] {nemo} wait a minute!
[08:33] {nemo} you've got a beak!
[08:33] {Raven} remain calm
[08:33] {nemo} I'm sorry, obfuscation and prevarication do that to me
[08:34] {Raven} pills prolly available
[08:37] {nemo} so Bloomber Headline "Initial jobless claims in US fall more than estimated to a 10-month low" sheesh
[08:37] {Threei} I guess formally it's true
[08:38] {nemo} yeah, back to the blue pill or the red pill
[08:40] {nemo} hah...another Bloomberg...Foreclosure filings surpass 300k for the 8th consecutive month
[08:40] {Threei} so they have optimist and pessimist on hand
[08:40] {nemo} fair and balanced
[08:40] {Threei} and they write headlines
[08:41] {Threei} reality in nothing, spin is everything
[08:41] {Threei} in = is
[08:41] {nemo} yes comrade
[08:42] {Les} bonjour M & M's
[08:42] {Threei} morning Les
[08:42] {nemo} afternoon les
[08:42] {Threei} do elaborate who of us you labeled as M and who - M
[08:42] {Les} madames et messieurs
[08:42] {nemo} Metro
[08:43] {Les} COMS gonna give us a play today Vad?
[08:43] {Les} or is the HP deal done signed and delivered
[08:44] {Threei} buyout usually nails the price down
[08:44] {Threei} unless there is a concern about it being rejected
[08:44] {Threei} on company of anti-trust commettee
[08:44] {Threei} umm
[08:44] {Threei} let me try again
[08:45] {nemo} don't hurt yourself
[08:45] {Threei} on company or anti-trust committee level
[08:45] {Threei} still wrong but understandable
[08:45] {Threei} lol
[08:46] {Les} ok. seems there was a loser in this deal. BRCD. let's see how the market takes to them today.
[08:46] {Threei} yeah, they were one of candidates
[08:48] {Les} following another traders comments on AIG yesterday
[08:48] {Les}
[08:48] {Les} so descending wedge is enough to send AIG ballistic like that?
[08:48] {Les} is that normal for AIG?
[08:49] {nemo} yep
[08:49] {Threei} there is not much normal as far as AIG is concerned
[08:49] {Threei} AIG and normal do not exchange postcards on Christmas
[08:49] {nemo} it was off it's meds yesterday
[08:49] {nemo} its
[08:51] {Threei} I showed this pattern on AIG last week
[08:51] {Threei} problem with it is, there is no way to tell when it explodes like this
[08:51] {Threei} there is no trigger for the spike
[08:52] {Threei} and it forms like 3-5 of such vedges before one of them works
[08:52] {Threei} it could be second one or 6th
[08:52] {Threei} good luck quesssing
[08:52] {Threei} guessing too
[08:52] {Les} ok. so you can make full time career just watching AIG
[08:52] {Threei} if you find an idiot who will pay you for watching, sure
[08:53] {Les} :D
[08:53] {Les} what is on your list today?
[08:53] {Threei} usual suspects
[08:54] {Les} that title sounds familiar...
[08:54] {Les} great movie
[08:54] {Threei} which reminds me... it's been on my lost to watch again for a while
[08:55] {Threei} list
[08:55] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[08:55] {Threei} fern :)
[08:55] {Les} hola
[08:56] {fernp} buenos dias Les
[08:56] {ese} good morning
[08:57] {Threei} ese :)
[08:57] {Les} morn ese
[08:57] {ese} vad les
[08:59] {Threei} wow
[08:59] {Threei} INTC Halted: news pending (19.84, 0.00, 0.00%) (related AMD DELL )
[08:59] {Threei} SMD explosion
[09:00] {Threei} AMD sorry
[09:00] {Threei} INTC Settles all outstanding legal disputes wiht AMDl wil pay $1.25B (19.84, 0.00, 0.00%) (related AMD )
[09:00] {Threei} weird
[09:00] {Threei} why halt INTC and not AMD for this
[09:01] {Threei} announced a comprehensive agreement to end all outstanding legal disputes between the companies, including antitrust litigation and patent cross license disputes. - agreement ends the legal disputes and enables the companies to focus all of our efforts on product innovation and development. - , AMD and Intel obtain patent rights from a new 5-year cross license agreement, Intel and AMD will give up any claims of breach from the previous license agreement, and Intel will pay AMD $1.25 billion. Intel has also agreed to abide by a set of business practice provisions. As a result, AMD will drop all pending litigation including the case in U.S. District Court in Delaware and two cases pending in Japan. AMD will also withdraw all of its regulatory complaints worldwide. The agreement will be made public in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
[09:07] {ese} thats a reall good question
[09:08] {ese} short first then go long vad AMD
[09:09] {Threei} dunno... tocc a coin whether it retreats or breaks
[09:09] {Threei} very persistent buying
[09:09] {Threei} tocc= toss
[09:11] {Threei} volume will be enormous in AMD today
[09:11] {Threei} like half of NYSE, lol
[09:12] {Threei} and it looks more and more like break
[09:12] {larisa} gm :)
[09:12] {Threei} larisa :)
[09:12] {larisa} vad :)
[09:12] {lasertrev} morning
[09:13] {Threei} trev :)
[09:15] {Threei} here comes break
[09:16] {nemo} Trev dcc
[09:16] {Threei} and another
[09:16] {Threei} even if unsuccessful in terms of big run, new highs are enough to shake out premature shorts
[09:16] {Threei} which is to confirm one more time: do not ashort hot runner
[09:17] {magoo} morning
[09:17] {Threei} as if yet another confirmation was needed
[09:17] {Threei} morning mags
[09:17] {Threei} {AMD} let me reiterate: do NOT short hot runner
[09:18] {bkhmd} good morning all
[09:18] {Threei} bk :)
[09:18] {ese} bk
[09:18] {Les} afternoon bk
[09:19] {dino} gm all
[09:19] {bkhmd} les where are u sir
[09:19] {Threei} dino :)
[09:19] {bkhmd} must be across the pond
[09:19] {Les} land of chocolate and cheese
[09:20] {Threei} yeah, we have a few of those defending the old continent against us barbarians
[09:20] {bkhmd} lol
[09:20] {Les} Barbarians being Canadians or Ukrainians?
[09:20] {Threei} both actually
[09:20] {Threei} lol
[09:20] {dino} cheese, one of my favorite things
[09:20] {Les} :)
[09:22] {Les} useless fact: "Swiss" cheese with holes in it is from small German speaking town in Central Swiss - Emmentaler
[09:22] {Les} many, many cheeses to be found in situ...
[09:23] {larisa} why do we talk about cheese if we can talk chocolate?? :)
[09:23] {Threei} lol
[09:24] {Les} there is special chocolate train just up the road from my place. takes you to Nestle factory
[09:24] {Les} I see what you mean about Fed policy affecting others...
[09:25] {Les} World banks prop up dollar. Central banks say they've been snapping up dollars this week in an effort to stem its slide and hold down the value of their currencies. While Geithner continues to pay lip service to maintaining a strong dollar, Washington has yet to take any concrete steps to stop the bleeding, which is beneficial to U.S. exports and tourism.
[09:25] {Threei} AMD volume is likely to be overwhelming at the open
[09:25] {ese} lots of Ukranian jokes use to fly around Saskatchewan..."did you hear the one about the ukranian who spent 4 days in sears looking for wheels for a mis carriage?
[09:25] {Threei} lol
[09:25] {ese} thought that manual labour was the president of Mexico
[09:25] {Les} haha
[09:26] {ese} put iodine on his paycheck because he got a cut in pay
[09:26] {Threei} it's like elephant in the room Les... you may hate the proximity but can you ignore it for too long?
[09:26] {ese} took a roll of toilet paper to a crap game
[09:27] {ese} and so on and so on.......good best friend was ukranian as a kid
[09:27] {Threei} rofl
[09:27] {Threei} then he ceased to be ukrainian?
[09:29] {Les} so you looking for setup in RIMM Vad?
[09:29] {ese} we played in the Regina Police Boys Band together
[09:30] {nemo} you mean musical instruments ese?
[09:30] {Threei} market is open in case you haven;t noticed
[09:30] {ese} ha ha ....yes
[09:30] {nemo} watchin rimm
[09:30] {Les} sorry, not RIMM, AMD..
[09:30] {Threei} yes
[09:30] {dino} brcd
[09:31] {Threei} BRCD is hurt by COMS buyout
[09:32] {dino} hurt pretty bad
[09:32] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .60 break half lot
[09:32] {Threei} stop above .80
[09:32] {nemo} quotes frozen again
[09:33] {larisa} fine here
[09:33] {Threei} RIMM 1:1
[09:33] {nemo} must be my system
[09:33] {dino} cedc
[09:33] {Threei} covered .35
[09:33] {BillyD} good one, missed it
[09:34] {magoo} missed
[09:34] {fernp} missed RIMM my level2 was frozen
[09:34] {tomg} ty vad
[09:34] {Threei} :)
[09:34] {nemo} yeah, that's what happened to me fern
[09:34] {Les} nice work. my colour recognition failed there. Was looking to buy until you said stop above .80
[09:34] {Threei} hmmm
[09:34] {Threei} word short didn't clue you in?
[09:35] {Les} no coffee excuse, had plenty of that today...
[09:35] {Les} my bad
[09:36] {Les} so receding volume in AMD suggests healthy consolidation?
[09:36] {Threei} so far looks this way
[09:37] {Threei} Long Setup: AMD .65 if stays above .50
[09:38] {Threei} available for shot btw
[09:38] {nemo} break's .50 looking short
[09:38] {Threei} .50 break can be a short trigger
[09:39] {fernp} with stop above .65?
[09:39] {Threei} formally yes
[09:39] {dino} ttek
[09:39] {Threei} I'd prefer .60...
[09:39] {Threei} OK here it goes
[09:40] {fernp} covered .40 ty
[09:40] {Threei} :)
[09:40] {Threei} whoa
[09:40] {Threei} OPTR
[09:40] {Threei} what the deuce
[09:41] {dino} stewie
[09:41] {fernp} m: Optimer Pharm upgraded to Outperform from Perform at Oppenheimer
[09:42] {Threei} OPTR UPDATE: Oppenheimer Raised OPTR to Outperform from Market Perform, price target: $16
[09:42] {Threei} AIG Reportedly considering drawing from a Fed credit line to repay some commercial paper
[09:42] {Threei} - notes $5.8B in commercial paper that is due in Jan (37.11, +0.36, 0.98%)
[09:42] {fernp} can I short again AMD li loses .40?
[09:43] {fernp} if
[09:43] {Threei} if holding under .50
[09:43] {Threei} JDSU???
[09:43] {Threei} got cramerized yesterday
[09:43] {Threei} guess who is on TV
[09:44] {fernp} then I wont short
[09:44] {bkhmd} Melissa Lee?
[09:44] {bkhmd} lol
[09:44] {bkhmd} my favorire
[09:44] {Threei} you wish
[09:45] {Threei} RIMM formed .40 - .60 range
[09:45] {Threei} looks to me like upside break is more likely
[09:46] {Les} would it qualify as an inverse H&S?
[09:48] {Threei} 1:1
[09:48] {BillyD} so was that RIMM mention an official call
[09:48] {BillyD} I wasn't sure
[09:48] {Les} ah you were playing it?
[09:48] {Threei} gosh
[09:49] {Threei} explain to me someone why does it matter?
[09:49] {Threei} I show you formation, you like it - you take it
[09:49] {Threei} you don't - you skip
[09:49] {larisa} cause i have alert on official ones :)
[09:49] {BillyD} fair enough
[09:50] {Threei} on inverse H&S:
[09:51] {Threei} formally yes but valid patterns like this usually shgould be formed over longer time than just a few bars
[09:51] {dino} cedc hl l .00
[09:51] {Threei} I wouldn't put too muct faith in 5-10 min formation when we are talking about such multicomponent one as H&S
[09:51] {Threei} or C&H
[09:51] {Threei} simple range forming, sure
[09:51] {Les} ok
[09:52] {fernp} CBST breakout on daily
[09:52] {Threei} CBST Hearing takeover chatter circulating
[09:52] {Threei} - NVS rumored as potential acquirer (17.63, +0.19, 1.09%) (related NVS )
[09:52] {fernp} tks
[09:52] {Threei} they just find stoxcks near highs and start rumors
[09:53] {BillyD} lol
[09:53] {Threei} so they have additional benefits of scanners going off all the world
[09:54] {dino} ttek hl l .00
[09:54] {Les} JDSU consolidating
[09:54] {Threei} that rumor bunker under the Gossip plaza in the Hearsay city works like charm
[09:55] {dino} i believe it's gotham city
[09:55] {dino} w/joker in charge
[09:56] {Threei} DRYS is worming its way up
[09:56] {Threei} MSFT 52 week high
[09:57] {fernp} INTC on highs
[09:57] {Threei} and BIOS, 75 cents up from swing trade alert
[09:57] {strider} dino where do you see a stop o CEDC?
[09:58] {dino} .73
[09:58] {dino} .83 for ttek
[09:59] {strider} thx
[09:59] {fernp} Vad, I know a guy who bought your BIOS call at 8.0
[09:59] {Threei} hmmm... is he in hiding?
[09:59] {dino} cedc issuing stock to buy russian vodka producer, or somethin like that
[10:00] {BillyD} he reads the trade logs
[10:00] {dino} then he bought day late, lol
[10:00] {fernp} no, he is buying INTC breakout now
[10:00] {BillyD} lol
[10:00] {Threei} actually, maybe not
[10:01] {Threei} BIOS sat around break level for couple days after I talked about it
[10:02] {ese} have you looked at GMCR dino
[10:04] {dino} all morning
[10:04] {dino} 10:04 drop makes me pause
[10:04] {ese} well alrighty ya thinkin
[10:06] {dino} thinking zip down again is buy small size
[10:07] {dino} don't want to buy middle of range
[10:07] {ese} L gmcr.68 sm
[10:07] {bkhmd} drys wants to bounce if we get some help from market
[10:07] {dino} cedc stopped -27
[10:09] {dino} will retry lower
[10:11] {Threei} time to start looking for shorts IMO
[10:11] {Threei} this RIMM bounce
[10:11] {nemo} cat too
[10:11] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .35
[10:11] {Threei} if stays below .50
[10:12] {ese} out gmcr .92 +.24
[10:12] {dino} gj
[10:12] {ese} tks.......wasn't sure there for a bit....almost got stopped
[10:12] {Threei} it's aggressive entry on RIMM
[10:13] {Threei} actual break is .20, want to cover half there
[10:13] {bkhmd} too late to get in?
[10:13] {Threei} why
[10:14] {dino} mkt drop, ttek to flat
[10:14] {Threei} it's right there
[10:14] {bkhmd} in
[10:15] {dino} ttek flat out
[10:16] {BillyD} out RIMM +.14
[10:16] {BillyD} ty
[10:17] {Threei} 1:1, half out
[10:17] {ese} l gmcr sm .37
[10:17] {Threei} welcome sir
[10:17] {dino} dxd l .70
[10:17] {Les} ty vad
[10:17] {Threei} bidding 1/4 more .10
[10:17] {Threei} {--- getting greedy
[10:17] {Threei} welcome les
[10:18] {Threei} stop to above .40 btw
[10:18] {BillyD} good read on RIMM, it looked to bounce to me
[10:19] {Threei} stop to above .35
[10:20] {tomg} out .14, ty vad
[10:20] {Threei} :)
[10:21] {Threei} canceling .10
[10:21] {Threei} if it breaks, should be able to get a bit better price
[10:21] {Threei} will try to cover 1/4 into fast dive
[10:22] {fernp} great play vad. I had to cover with +.05 due to my qutes. But great play
[10:22] {Threei} ty
[10:22] {Threei} hey, and with offical alert
06[10:23] * Threei is squinting at larisa
[10:23] {Threei} ALTU Shares halted; news pending (0.07, -0.03, -33.80%
[10:23] {ese} out gmcr .59 +.21
[10:24] {larisa} my favorie kind of call, official and matching my system :)
[10:24] {Threei} cool :)
[10:24] {dino} dxd stop to .59 can't make sense of mkt
[10:24] {BillyD} official alert helps me in that if not watching the stock mentioned, I don't have a feel for it and can follow you blindly:)
[10:24] {Threei} hehe
[10:25] {ese} L egle .55 L exm .75
[10:25] {Threei} oh come, don't shake out second half
[10:26] {dino} out dxd .68-.02
[10:26] {Threei} whatever
[10:26] {Threei} scalpers win
[10:26] {BillyD} you still had 1/2 win :)
06[10:26] * Threei is squinting at fern
[10:27] {fernp} i took +.05 Not happy :(
[10:28] {BillyD} better than -.05 :)
[10:28] {fernp} a lot of problems today with quotes
[10:28] {Threei} copme on... quotes problem is quotes problem
[10:28] {Threei} it's RIMM
[10:28] {Threei} it will chew you up and spit you out if you are not quick as hell
[10:29] {Threei} speaking of quotes.. dino, mags, did cable guy help?
[10:29] {fernp} that's the reason why i covered
[10:29] {Threei} right... so don't be upset
[10:30] {Threei} one has to work within one's limitations
[10:30] {Threei} look at me for instance... too stupid to understand financial statement, so I day trade
[10:30] {fernp} right. no problem
[10:31] {fernp} lol
[10:32] {dino} yes for me definitely, but i think magoo is having issues
[10:32] {dino} rinse r roni morning so far
[10:32] {dino} feels like last friday, scalps
[10:32] {tomg} amd vad?
[10:33] {Threei} kind of flattened out...
[10:33] {Threei} can't give preference to any side on it
[10:33] {dino} ttek l .00
[10:33] {tomg} k
[10:33] {fernp} Vad, let dino and mags alone, they're watching porn with their new super-fast-cable connection
[10:34] {Threei} right... what was I thinking
[10:34] {nemo} HD porn
[10:34] {Threei} no, I was not thinking that
[10:35] {bkhmd} its ur story Vad stick to it
[10:35] {bkhmd} lol
[10:35] {Threei} lol
[10:35] {dino} larisa, i don't get any respect
[10:35] {nemo} sticky?
[10:35] {BillyD} dino, it's the association label
[10:36] {larisa} lol
[10:36] {Threei} lol
[10:36] {dino} cedc hl l .72
[10:36] {dino} lol
[10:36] {strider} vampires get no respect.
[10:36] {BillyD} hope magoo is offline ...hehe
[10:36] {nemo} his feelings are hurt :(
[10:36] {dino} brcd nice rang .11-.23
[10:37] {Threei} magoo has feelings?
[10:37] {Threei} aside from those for cable guy
[10:38] {dino} tangent again huh
[10:38] {ese} I hate know your right and your just about to pull the trigger and it shoots up .30 cents......daaaaaaaa!! gmcr
[10:38] {nemo} wow...vad
[10:38] {nemo} going short ese :)
[10:38] {Threei} ?
[10:38] {ese} long
[10:39] {nemo} I know
[10:39] {nemo} cmon' I'm staying in character....sheesh
[10:39] {Threei} what wow?
[10:39] {ese} check it out now dino
[10:40] {dino} gmcr, yeah, i don't understand it
[10:40] {Les} double top spy?
[10:40] {dino} better worlds imo
[10:41] {nemo} you want help getting there Dino?
[10:41] {dino} i may already be there nemo
[10:41] {ese} up a buck from where i just missed it......shoulda coulda woulda i guess....reflexes not fast enough
[10:41] {nemo} not if you're in the same world as me, dude.
[10:42] {ese} how do you mean nemo
[10:43] {BillyD} JDSU interesting as it relates to daily
[10:43] {Threei} not really les
[10:43] {Les} RIMM is jammed between 50 & 20 ma on 15min. lets see which way it goes
[10:43] {nemo} hah...double nought spy
[10:44] {nemo} PUKE!!
[10:44] {Les} what?
[10:44] {nemo} Vad's new window saying
[10:44] {dino} ttek stop is .67 fwiw
[10:44] {Les} do I need to buy crystal ball?
[10:45] {dino} just use a coin les
[10:45] {ese} whaaaaaaaaa......embrace the clairvoyance......huhhhhhhh
[10:45] {dino} and keep your stop
[10:45] {Threei} Preview: DOE (EIA) Petroleum Inventories due at 11:00amET
[10:45] {Threei} **consensus expectations:
[10:45] {Threei} Crude: +900Me
[10:45] {Threei} Gasoline: -300Ke
[10:45] {Threei} Distillate: -600Ke
[10:45] {Les} I already use a coin dino...
[10:46] {dino} me too.
[10:47] {ese} am lovin egle and exm
[10:48] {ese} veeeee aire sitting own 10 k etch........
[10:49] {dino} brcd l .25
[10:49] {BillyD} Vad, BCRX .10 area again seems to have been the ticket
[10:49] {Threei} INTC FTC comments on recent settlement with AMD; is conducting an independent investigation of INTC
[10:50] {dino} but of course, the govt will decide if allowed to make $
[10:50] {Threei} well, benefit of hindsight sure helps with clairvoyance, doesn't it {G}
[10:50] {BillyD} it's safer
[10:51] {ese} well.........the more i think about it the more i think we are using clairvoyance....because we certainly AIN'T deelin in reality here!
[10:51] {Threei} why not?
[10:51] {dino} ttek stopped -.33\
[10:52] {Threei} we are eschewing anything but price action
[10:52] {Les} BID any good for a bid Vad?
[10:52] {Threei} which is ultimate reality
[10:52] {ese} eschewing....not sure I know the meaning of that word as it pertains to us
[10:53] {_esteban} hi everybody
[10:53] {Threei} I've no idea but it sounds too tasty for me to skip
[10:53] {Threei} hi esteban
[10:53] {Les} afternoon esteban
[10:53] {ese} esty.......
[10:54] {ese} the trumpet player in my high school r&b band is esteban
[10:54] {ese} we call him esty for short
[10:54] {_esteban} jaja
[10:55] {tomg} 'avoid' maybe better word for eschew?
[10:55] {ese} ahhhhh
[10:56] {Les} INTC turning red
[10:56] {tomg} there goes rimm
[10:57] {Threei} no tom
[10:57] {Threei} avoid is plain vanilla
[10:58] {ese} my dry bulk shipping index i totally green except for egle dn .02.......
[10:58] {ese} is
[10:58] {Threei} whole three weird words in a single setnence is what attracted me :)
[10:58] {tomg} i was just thinking, avoid like the plague, or avoid evil
[10:58] {nemo} embrace evil
[10:59] {tomg} eschew aig :)
[10:59] {Threei} and deliver me from GOOG
[10:59] {nemo} well...if the setup sucks...yeah
[10:59] {tomg} :) good one
[11:00] {Threei} *DOE CRUDE: +1.7M V +900KE; GASOLINE: +2.6M V -300KE; DISTILLATE: +350K V -600KE; CAPACITY UTILIZATION: 79.9% V 80.6%E
[11:01] {nemo} think I'll wait until tomorrow to fill up
[11:05] {Les} magoo been banned?
[11:05] {Threei} no single stop today yet, right?
[11:05] {dino} cf, esc getting interesting
[11:05] {Les} $ making a run for it.
[11:06] {dino} coordinated buy effort announced this a.m.
[11:07] {Threei} so, can we conclude that it's a very smart policy by powers that be
[11:08] {Threei} they haven't spent a single cent trying to support dollar, got all the benefits of aits weakness, and now got others to support it
[11:08] {dino} no they usually waste their money, but short term pop, day or two, imo, but currency markets are too big
[11:08] {tomg} rimm short ?
[11:08] {bkhmd} thinking same it didnt follow market down
[11:08] {dino} altho, we, the usa, should just say; "thank you suckers"
[11:08] {Threei} not sure tom
[11:09] {tomg} ty
[11:09] {Threei} ratjher yes than no, but not very clear,
[11:09] {Threei} and no clean entry point
[11:09] {tomg} just watching
[11:09] {nemo} grasp the clairvoyance vad....sheesh
[11:11] {Threei} I am not there yet nemo
[11:11] {Threei} for now I am stuck at eschewing the ambiguity stage
[11:11] {nemo} how long you gonna' be there?
[11:12] {Threei} don't know... it's a process
[11:12] {Threei} look at RIMM
[11:12] {Les} Vad, what you're refering to there is "beggar thy neighbour" politics, and we know where that lead us before...
[11:12] {nemo} how many years you been there?
[11:12] {Threei} bounce while market contin ues dropping
[11:12] {Threei} I don't like this dissonance
[11:13] {Threei} one important distinction Les: when the beggar has a nice arsenal and doesn't heistate to use it, it's not a beggar, it's robber :)
[11:13] {nemo} hehehehe
[11:13] {Les} lol
[11:14] {nemo} It's the PPT's HFT's algo guys
[11:14] {dino} right call it what it is
[11:15] {Threei} he is back:
[11:15] {Threei} . Boone Pickens: Predicts $100/bbl oil in 2010
[11:15] {Threei} - Back on 10/06 Pickens predicted crude would average over $80 in 2010
[11:16] {Threei} he already predicted that oil would never lose 120, then 100
[11:16] {dino} \don't care, glad he's back
[11:16] {nemo} phewwww...I thought you were talking about the savior
[11:16] {Threei} tom... aren't you glad I was against RIMM short
[11:17] {dino} he may be for me nemo, pickens plan
[11:17] {tomg} yep, just gonna say i'm glad i eschewed it
[11:17] {Threei} lol
[11:17] {bkhmd} eschewed new term? I missed it
[11:17] {bkhmd} lol
[11:17] {Threei} good job adopting the thesaurus
[11:17] {nemo} just put a pinch between your cheek and gums
[11:17] {Threei} look new room topic bkh
[11:18] {dino} gmcr
[11:18] {Threei} that first short we played on RIMM was clean setup
[11:18] {Threei} now it's muddy
[11:18] {dino} cf hl l .00
[11:19] {Threei} actually, I start looking at it as long
[11:19] {Threei} pullback to .20 would be my area of interest for entry
[11:20] {dino} ttek bottomed imo
[11:20] {dino} hl l .75
[11:20] {dino} last try
[11:22] {Threei} get ready on RIMM
[11:24] {dino} esc hl l ave .32
[11:26] {Threei} just a bit more RIMM please
[11:26] {bkhmd} wow vad u have power
[11:26] {Threei} ok
[11:26] {Threei} .20 cross back
[11:27] {Threei} stop under .10
[11:29] {BillyD} out RIMM in .16
[11:30] {Threei} 1:1
[11:31] {tomg} out .28, ty vad
[11:31] {Threei} US) Fed issues new bank overdraft rules, making it tougher for banks to charge for ATM and debt overdrafts
[11:31] {nemo} they probably go into effect in 2012
[11:31] {Threei} since when it's Feds business
[11:31] {BillyD} Those types of fees is where majority of banks profits come from
[11:32] {BillyD} My friend works for Harris Bank
[11:32] {dino} out cf flat
[11:33] {Threei} Priceline.Com Inc GARP Research reiterates Buy rating
[11:33] {Threei} - Firm believes PCLN could double earnings by 2012 and can continue to gain share both at home and abroad and have raised their 2012 EPS estimate to $15 from $11.
[11:33] {Threei} hmmm
[11:33] {Threei} aren't qwe all supposed to perish in 2012?
[11:33] {nemo} bingo
[11:33] {Threei} I gotta watch that movie...
[11:33] {nemo} I got people on the inside
[11:34] {Threei} judging from spoilers, the amount of destruction is exactly to my statisfaction
[11:34] {dino} pcln selling moon tickets for that
[11:34] {nemo} you mean trailers?
[11:34] {nemo} mmmhhh...diving contests on the moon...springboard competition
[11:35] {Threei} I mean, if there is Statue of Liberty falling down, White House imploding and giant wave sweeping NY, what would go to movie for?
[11:35] {nemo} popcorn?
[11:35] {Threei} if there is no all that stuff
[11:35] {Threei} ugh
[11:35] {Threei} hate even smell of the darn thing
[11:35] {dino} roflol
[11:36] {Les} who's calling end times in 2012?
[11:36] {Threei} one single reason I go to movies only when I absolutely have to
[11:36] {nemo} where you been Les?
[11:36] {Les} to the toilet
[11:36] {Les} :)
[11:36] {nemo} look at monsanto chart...could be helluva' short
[11:37] {dino} 2012 end of days, mayans i thinl
[11:37] {nemo} in .60
[11:37] {Threei} if you ever hear on TV or read in the paper about me going berserk and tearing someone's arms off before biting off his head - you know the victim was eating the popcorn within 1 yeard from me
[11:37] {dino} of course jim jones thought it was about 25 years earlier
[11:37] {BillyD} the world did end for him and others dino
[11:38] {BillyD} self fulfilling prophecy
[11:38] {tomg} vad, you and clair are 4 for 4 on rimm
[11:38] {dino} good point
[11:38] {Les} my old man was prattling on about end times in 2000
[11:38] {Threei} cool beans tom... 5 out of 5 today I think
[11:38] {Threei} or 6
[11:38] {Threei} depending on what to consider a call and what just nusings
[11:39] {tomg} i got the 4 rimm , ty:)
[11:39] {Threei} musings
[11:39] {dino} gj vad, i suck today
[11:39] {dino} gmcr ese thoughts
[11:39] {Threei} so, now you guys have two things to eschew:
[11:39] {Threei} ambiguity and eating popcorn too close to me
[11:40] {BillyD} ambiguity is
[11:40] {Threei} but by all means feel free to embrace the clairvoyancy and good steak
[11:40] {_esteban} anyone who has view bastard without glory from tarantino?
[11:40] {dino} you canadians are so in touch w/your feelings
[11:40] {Threei} with steak mostly dino...
[11:41] {dino} making me hungry
[11:41] {Threei} it calls Inglorious Basterds here esteban
[11:41] {_esteban} ahh ok....its good?
[11:41] {ese} hey dino....sorry was on the phone to The Czeck's looking like our band tour is going to be there next week
[11:41] {ese} sorry n o thoughts on gmcr
[11:41] {dino} cool
[11:42] {dino} no worries
[11:42] {Threei} I like everything by Tarantino... although this one is not at par with his work IMO
[11:42] {dino} esc stopped
[11:42] {Threei} ese, need an official photographer on a trip?
[11:42] {_esteban} no much blood ah?
[11:42] {Threei} always wanted to go to Prague
[11:43] {ese} just might.....but i will probably be asking you a few questions though if thats ok
[11:43] {larisa} I am going there next August :)
06[11:43] * Threei slaps larisa around a bit with a large bag of envy
[11:44] {larisa} If you mix clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience, you can afford it too, vad :)
[11:44] {strider} long CENX .10
[11:44] {ese} are you serious Laris.......because we will be there probably sometime in those first 2 weeks of august
[11:44] {dino} shaw l .11
[11:44] {dino} hl
[11:44] {BillyD} you just knocked me over Larisa :)
[11:44] {larisa} end of august, sept for me, visiting several other contries before that
[11:45] {Les} Off to see Vadim Repin tonight. Gotta get dinner ready. night all.
[11:45] {ese} whaaaaa.....if we get gotta come and see us
[11:45] {Threei} take care les
[11:45] {dino} cvs hl l .75
[11:45] {Threei} say elo to him
[11:45] {Threei} hello
[11:45] {ese} see ya les
[11:45] {bkhmd} later les
[11:46] {Threei} RIMM looked to me like short off .20, but then volume on this bounce ruined the play
[11:46] {Threei} not sure again
[11:46] {BillyD} CHLN maybe short off .50
[11:46] {BillyD} dicey volume though
[11:47] {dino} unf
[11:49] {Threei} it looks breakdownish...
[11:49] {Threei} but I really wanted aggressive entry on it
[11:49] {Threei} RIMM I mean
[11:49] {Threei} can't make up my mind guys, decide for yourself if you like 64 break for short
[11:50] {fernp} too fast
[11:50] {tomg} missed it, dang it
[11:51] {Threei} eschew the chasing
[11:51] {nemo} me too dagnabbit
[11:51] {Threei} sheesh, I am having almost as much fun with eschew as I had with magoo and cable guy
[11:51] {tomg} no chasing here, going to lunch, see ya later
[11:51] {Threei} take care tom
[11:52] {Threei} 1;1
[11:54] {BillyD} you have RIMM dialed in today
[11:54] {Threei} had to find the replacement for HIG, didn't I
[11:55] {Threei} HIG outlived its usefullness
[12:03] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .80 break
[12:03] {Threei} if stays above .65
[12:04] {Threei} let's push our luck with it until first stop
[12:06] {Threei} I have to say, I expected much more life in AMD today
[12:06] {Threei} both volume and range wise
[12:06] {Threei} we got just one play out of it
[12:07] {Threei} hey Al Gore on Larry King today, will be telling us hat time is running out on global warming
[12:08] {Threei} he has no thermometer outside his window I suppose
06[12:08] * Threei kicks RIMM in rear
[12:08] {dino} and we peaked 10 years ago
[12:08] {BillyD} well, he did invent the internet
[12:09] {Threei} ain't that the truth, even though inconvinient
06[12:09] * Threei kicks RIMM in rear with stee toe heavy duty army boots
[12:09] {dino} papers are finally printing the temps
[12:10] {bkhmd} use marine boots it will jump
06[12:10] * Threei kicks RIMM in rear with marine boots
06[12:11] * Threei religuishes responsibity to bkhmd's shoulders
[12:11] {bkhmd} just my humble opinion it dont want to jump
[12:11] {Threei} RIMM... I mean today
[12:11] {Threei} move while we are young
[12:12] {Threei} {RIMM} too late for you
[12:14] {Threei} ok, now work, will ya
[12:15] {dino} ttek to .05
[12:16] {dino} out .10, +.35
[12:16] {Threei} wtg
[12:16] {bkhmd} Come on RIMMM I need lunch money
[12:16] {dino} ty
[12:16] {dino} gmcr re-test maybe coming
[12:19] {Threei} no go RIMM
[12:20] {nemo} actually I got .10
[12:20] {nemo} aggressive at .73
[12:20] {Threei} yeah, there are variances within it depending on kind of entry you chose
[12:20] {nemo} frankly lucky I'm chicken and scalped
[12:20] {BillyD} RIMM disconnected from mkt there
[12:21] {Threei} but I go of standard variation for record purposes
[12:23] {Threei} Short Setup: AIG .60 break
[12:23] {Threei} if stays under .70
[12:24] {nemo} too fast
[12:25] {strider} in .57
[12:25] {magoo} in .60
[12:25] {Threei} magoo woke up
[12:25] {fernp} tried .58 but not filled
[12:26] {bkhmd} glad u said that
[12:26] {bkhmd} I was cursing my broker
[12:26] {bkhmd} I didnt fill either
[12:27] {fernp} now i am filled :)
[12:28] {magoo} out
[12:28] {magoo} no like
[12:30] {Threei} ECB's Provopolos: Economic recovery is not a given, recovery to remain slow and fragile
[12:30] {Threei} aren't you ball of fire Provopolos... real soul of the party
[12:32] {Threei} die AIG
[12:32] {BillyD} good one Vad..took it at 1:1 from .63
[12:33] {Threei} 1:1
06[12:33] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large banner "Have some faith man!!"
[12:35] {dino} pwrd gap fill
[12:36] {dino} cf hl l .85
[12:36] {dino} esc maybe worth another try
[12:36] {dino} -5 bucks couple days
[12:36] {Threei} result will be the same dino: active window will close up
[12:37] {nemo} stec strong today
[12:37] {dino} huh? active window?
[12:38] {Threei} sigh... I am not doing too good job eschewing ambiguity, am I
[12:38] {dino} lol
[12:38] {dino} ok
[12:38] {Threei} esc... as in key ESC on a keyboard
[12:38] {nemo} no...
[12:38] {nemo} oh tangent off my joke
[12:38] {dino} got it
[12:38] {nemo} thief
[12:38] {Threei} yeah, feeding on nemo's one
[12:38] {dino} i'm slow, distracted w/chicken wings
[12:39] {nemo} din of iniquity around here
[12:39] {Threei} hey, it's better than cable guy
[12:39] {dino} indeed
[12:39] {Threei} mags... I promise I'll run out of cable guy jokes in about day or two
[12:39] {magoo} )
[12:39] {dino} pru about filled gap
[12:40] {nemo} you ran out yesterday vad
[12:40] {Threei} but honstly... your "so excited cable guy will be here" kept me in stitches for days
[12:41] {Threei} and nemo... you are stats guy
[12:41] {Threei} what are we, 6 for 7 today?
[12:41] {Threei} {--- looking for excuse to go home
[12:41] {nemo} yeah...only one stop
[12:42] {bkhmd} u dont trade from home Vad?
[12:42] {nemo} joke bk
[12:42] {Threei} don't go there bkh, not with nemo around
[12:43] {Threei} you know that next step will be disacussing who wears what
[12:43] {Threei} or doesn't
[12:43] {bkhmd} Im leaving it alone
[12:43] {bkhmd} lol
[12:43] {Threei} you better
[12:43] {dino} i don't bk
[12:43] {Threei} who wants to have this mental image of magoo trading in his tutu, really
[12:45] {bkhmd} lol boxers or briefs? lol
[12:45] {nemo} commando
[12:47] {dino} wow, that came over wring, i don't was trade from home, not cloths
06[12:47] * Threei puts his hands over female room members' eyes
[12:47] {nemo} dino, what?
[12:47] {bkhmd} ut oh
[12:47] {bkhmd} brace urself
[12:47] {dino} forget it
[12:47] {bkhmd} lol
[12:47] {Threei} lol
[12:48] {dino} going to my corner
[12:48] {larisa} I think i will start my vacation early :) see you guys later! stary safe, have fun!
[12:48] {Threei} havefun and safe trip larisa
[12:48] {larisa} -r
[12:48] {dino} cya larisa
[12:49] {dino} hmin
[12:49] {larisa} ty
[12:55] {ese} l egle avg .52 l exm avg .72
[12:55] {Threei} lol AMD is nailed down to 6.50 like AGAM used to be to 14.50
[12:56] {ese} laris.....we need to talk prague
[12:56] {ese} tomorow
[12:57] {Threei} she left for vacation ese
[12:59] {strider} BEXP inverse c&h
[13:08] {dawg} .)
[13:08] {dino} well, seems my mentioned yesterday contra-indicator worked again
[13:08] {nemo} that is?
[13:08] {strider} what's that dino?
[13:08] {dino} cramer giddy
[13:09] {ese} started her vacation wish
[13:13] {Threei} she'll be back in two weeks ese
[13:18] {ese} tks......good on her
[13:20] {dino} pwrd hl l break of .50
[13:21] {bkhmd} is tht a chinese software company?
[13:24] {dino} doesn't come up
[13:30] {nemo} game software
[13:31] {ese} gotta go all....see ya tomorrow
[13:32] {Threei} take care ese
[13:32] {ese} cya vad
[13:35] {dino} cya ese
[13:40] {dino} cf out .10, +.25
[13:41] {strider} dino, how many positions will you hold at a time?
[13:42] {dino} 5 max
[13:42] {strider} L2s for each?
[13:42] {dino} but usually only 2 or 3. slow days they add up if not stopped etc
[13:42] {dino} y
[13:43] {dino} lots of days it takes hours fo them to work or stop
[13:48] {strider} c&H EXM
[13:55] {strider} things sure look weak today.
[13:55] {nemo} your still up 200 points for the week
[13:55] {dino} slllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[13:56] {strider} .
[13:57] {strider} even the Qs are hardly trading.
[13:57] {Threei} very sleep-inducing
[13:57] {Threei} coma-inducing I should say
[13:58] {dino} apu ouch
[13:59] {strider} downgrade
[13:59] {strider} no...that was this morning.
[14:01] {dino} sm l .13
[14:01] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:01] {Threei} - NYSE volume 565M shares, about 20% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 4.1:1. - NASDAQ volume 1.47B shares, about 2% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.4:1. - VIX index +4.5% to just over 24.00
[14:01] {dino} wide
[14:03] {dino} fear or greed, pwrd
[14:04] {dino} jadas priest, rockin' out
[14:07] {dino} ugh cf
[14:07] {magoo} news POT vad?
[14:08] {Threei} nothinbg fresh mags
[14:08] {dino} pwrd stop to .75
[14:08] {Threei} (US) TARP Oversight Official Barofsky: Dollar for dollar return on TARP is unrealistic, "tens of billions" will be lost on auto bailouts
[14:08] {Threei} - Ultimate return on TARP will be negative. - Believes TARP receipients should show how they used govt funding
[14:09] {BillyD} a little late for that
[14:09] {Threei} wait
[14:09] {Threei} let's see if I got this straight
[14:09] {nemo} frickin mon
[14:09] {dino} so what does a vote cost
[14:10] {Threei} bailout for banks was given out with clearly expressed disgust, as necessary evil
[14:10] {Threei} bailout for autos was fiven out with jubilance almost,
[14:10] {dino} out pwrd +.24
[14:10] {bkhmd} AIG CEO taking alot of heat still for bailout then fight the sal cap
[14:10] {Threei} with "we are saving jobs" refrain
[14:11] {Threei} now it turns out, bank bailouts are mostly being returned
[14:11] {Threei} and it's auto ones on which taxpayer takes a hit?
[14:11] {dino} ipi
[14:11] {Threei} I have just one question:
[14:11] {dino} ferts' spiking
[14:11] {bkhmd} yes but at first the gov wouldnt allow them to pay back what a crock of poo
[14:12] {Threei} do you guys want to hear russian swearing about all this, or want me to stays with english?
[14:12] {bkhmd} any russian girls in room?
[14:12] {Threei} two
[14:12] {Threei} well, one on vacattion
[14:12] {Threei} and dp
[14:12] {Threei} but he is not a girl
[14:12] {Threei} last time I checked at least
[14:12] {dino} my god vad, they gave it to the unions, broke established creditor laws from 100+ years. it is atlas shrugged on the autos
[14:13] {Threei} oh I know dino...
[14:13] {Threei} believe me, I see these socialist turns ans twists miles ahead
[14:14] {dino} i know, how about obama requires all businesses to double their work force, lol
[14:14] {Threei} noticed how even now it's banks that are demonizxed
[14:14] {Threei} and no single qword on autos?
[14:14] {dino} because of the unions
[14:15] {Threei} yup... friends and the electoral force to reckon with
[14:15] {dino} i am loving that ford is moving ahead
[14:15] {Threei} inlike hugely unpopular baksters
[14:16] {nemo} any bets on market today?
[14:17] {Threei} -30
[14:17] {nemo} dino?
[14:17] {BillyD} TARP??
[14:17] {bkhmd} -30 vad?
[14:17] {Threei} POT Recent strength in fertilizer stocks attributed to chatter of positive channel checks in the US reported by research firm
[14:17] {Threei} - report on channel checks sees rebound in fertilizer demand in the US in recent days
[14:17] {dino} -100+
[14:18] {Threei} now they tell us
[14:18] {BillyD} Does the Gov't pay the bank book value for distressed property then allow it to be for pennies on the $ to investment world
[14:18] {BillyD} sold for pennies
[14:19] {dino} dk bd
[14:19] {bkhmd} -53
[14:19] {BillyD} thx dino
[14:19] {dino} but buffet did way better w/gs than the givt did
[14:20] {dino} my typing sucks
[14:20] {bkhmd} fmc nice trend see any set ups vad?
[14:20] {BillyD} I know a guy who owed over 1Mil on two properties in foreclosure and someone got it from the bank and the new owner tried to sell it back to my friend for $250K
[14:21] {dino} apu, anyone? partialling out
[14:21] {BillyD} this was all possible thru TARP program which means the new owner paid .10 on the dollar to sell at }25 on the dollar
[14:21] {dino} out.63 ave, +.50
[14:21] {BillyD} .25 on the dollar
[14:24] {dino} well they are so efficient w/the foreclosures, that my sept. closing (i'm buying) has been held up again until dec., as the bank (gmac) just found another outstanding loan agaist the propertyy ($40k they missed)
[14:24] {dino} how do you miss this stuff, not confidence inspiring
[14:25] {BillyD} where is the title work?
[14:26] {BillyD} do you guys use title companies dino?
[14:26] {dino} yes. ironically, gmac is paying for our search in the deal
[14:27] {BillyD} as long as they eat the 40K it's ok
[14:27] {dino} oh, they are, no doubt
[14:28] {BillyD} if GMAC foreclosed already all other positions should be wiped out
[14:28] {dino} whatsd funny is i would've paid more, but they thought all that was owed was 165k
[14:28] {BillyD} yeah, worlks great for you
[14:29] {dino} :)
[14:32] {dino} brb
[14:35] {Threei} market is till locked in narrow range, but it's time to start defining our bias for the end of the day
[14:36] {nemo} if you said -30 it'll stay that way
[14:36] {Threei} almost
[14:36] {Threei} with little bounce
[14:37] {nemo} yeah, given it's been basically slithering along the bottom, that would make sense
[14:37] {Threei} but if this is indeed what happens, there will be stocks that overreact
[14:37] {nemo} rimm
[14:38] {nemo} might want to watch mon, it overreacte around 2:00
[14:38] {Threei} not sure
[14:38] {Threei} RIMM doesn't feel right to me
[14:38] {nemo} I think it's possibly a late short
[14:38] {Threei} but if dino's right and we are headed for -100, I would keep RIMM as short candidate
06[14:38] * nemo talks as if he has a clue
[14:40] {bkhmd} third time at that support level
[14:41] {bkhmd} lower highs
[14:41] {dino} it wasn't me, the coin answered
[14:44] {Threei} see how willing RIMM is on the downside?
[14:44] {nemo} y
[14:44] {dino} cvs out +.03
[14:44] {bkhmd} like my first
[14:44] {bkhmd} well i better not
[14:44] {nemo} bahhhhh
[14:44] {nemo} yeah, janitor will get pissed
[14:49] {Threei} looks like dino's coin was right
[14:49] {dino} lots of time
[14:49] {bkhmd} mised his coin toss what was it
[14:50] {bkhmd} -100?
[14:50] {nemo} gotta go c u L8tr
[14:50] {bkhmd} later nemo
[14:50] {Threei} 14:17] {dino} -100+
[14:50] {Threei} take care nemo
[14:51] {fernp} bye nemo
[14:52] {dino} cya nemo
[14:53] {BillyD} if not for RIMM to .20 it looks ripe off 63 short
[14:54] {Threei} I would really prefer a bounce first
[14:54] {bkhmd} could base here a bit yea?
[14:55] {BillyD} what is bounce logic Vad
[14:56] {BillyD} or bounce to stay under .20
[14:56] {Threei} two versions
[14:56] {Threei} one is bounce into .40 area
[14:57] {Threei} where I'd hunt for setup
[14:57] {Threei} another is plain breakjdown here
[14:57] {Threei} and bounce is needed just to establish resistance for stop placement
[14:57] {Threei} so far .20
[14:57] {Threei} but not very pronounced
[14:57] {BillyD} ok
[14:58] {bkhmd} thanks for explanation vad
[14:58] {Threei} I am still hesitant here...
[14:58] {BillyD} yes, I did not enter
[14:58] {Threei} no clean setup
[14:58] {BillyD} potential trap
[14:58] {Threei} honestly, if this is it - I will prefer to miss this play
[15:04] {Threei} oh well, this one got away
[15:08] {Threei} no pattern to go of still but this is something to work with
[15:08] {Threei} we have bounce into resistance
[15:09] {Threei} let's see if something shapes up to give us trigger and stop
06[15:10] * dawg slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[15:11] {Threei} what was that for
[15:11] {Threei} what did I do
[15:11] {Threei} sniff sniff
[15:12] {dino} close to 100
[15:16] {BillyD} RIMM H&S formed
[15:17] {fernp} Good evening everybody. see you all tomorrow.
[15:17] {Threei} take care fern
[15:17] {BillyD} bye fern
[15:17] {bkhmd} later fern
[15:19] {dino} wynn up $16 in 8 trade days
[15:20] {dino} cf nonstop, and i scalped it
[15:21] {bkhmd} Vad
[15:22] {Threei} yes sir
[15:22] {bkhmd} do ur majic dance make Rimm set up i need a scalp
[15:22] {Threei} gosh... why?
[15:22] {Threei} we had quite a few today
[15:22] {bkhmd} i missed first two good ones
[15:24] {Threei} my problem here is:
[15:24] {Threei} it makes its move within the range too vertically
[15:24] {Threei} so the range is too wide for a nice tightly controlled stop
[15:25] {bkhmd} yep
[15:25] {Threei} and if I try to play a break, I have to do it at the end of sharp move
[15:25] {Threei} and I hate that
[15:25] {bkhmd} and loks like it wants to bounce
[15:25] {bkhmd} then gets chopped down
[15:31] {Threei} OK
[15:31] {Threei} market is dropping, RIMM near resistabnce
[15:31] {Threei} if you need this badly, shiort it with stop above 63
[15:31] {Threei} first weakness from here
[15:33] {BillyD} hard to discern it here for me
[15:33] {Threei} yes
[15:34] {Threei} no clearly defined trigger
[15:34] {Threei} that's why I can't come up with normal call
[15:34] {BillyD} totally guessing
[15:34] {Threei} and instead waffle somwthing like
[15:34] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM whereever and pray
[15:34] {BillyD} lol
[15:34] {magoo} in lol
[15:35] {BillyD} too bad Larisa gone for that one
[15:35] {magoo} our father who art in heaven.......
[15:35] {Threei} magoo... now, keep your srtop just above Who knows whewre, and aim to take priofit at Wherevr you want
[15:36] {magoo} to precise
[15:36] {BillyD} because you are gonna anyway
[15:36] {bkhmd} i took .4 cents and chicken out
[15:36] {dino} -100
[15:37] {Threei} 4 cents?
[15:37] {Threei} come on
[15:37] {Threei} what was your risk??
[15:37] {Threei} 6-7 cents?
[15:37] {Threei} who cares about such stop
[15:37] {bkhmd} 5 cents
[15:37] {Threei} let it trade, let the market work
[15:37] {dino} -300 more to go before month over
[15:37] {Threei} look at it
[15:38] {dino} target 9900
[15:38] {Threei} that was what Alan Farley would call "risk-based setup"
[15:38] {Threei} I can't remember it was me who picked up this expression from him or other way around
[15:39] {Threei} so just in case will ghive credit to him :)
[15:39] {Threei} kind of:
[15:39] {bkhmd} i dont recal reading that in his book lol so maybe ur term
[15:39] {Threei} no clear trade, but risk is so small, why not
[15:39] {bkhmd} thats what I seen grab 5 cents and run
[15:41] {Threei} I don't know, I'd d it differently a little
[15:41] {bkhmd} scared money here
[15:41] {Threei} risk is so small, who cares if I have to take such a tight stop, be thankful market gave such a riskless entry and try to milk it
[15:46] {BillyD} mark Douglas "Trading in the Zone" about anything can happen
[15:46] {Threei} no shorting RIMM this time
[15:46] {BillyD} if you haven't already
[15:46] {Threei} it has changed
[15:46] {bkhmd} no i have not read it
[15:47] {Threei} if it breaks 63 with market bouncing, maybe a long scalp
[15:47] {Threei} but no short
[15:47] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM 63 break if stays above .90
[15:47] {Threei} let's make it official
[15:48] {dino} bd; that was the best line i ever learned
[15:48] {Threei} who is John Galt?
[15:48] {BillyD} it's the foundation as Douglas says
[15:49] {dino} "hate that question"
[15:49] {Threei} hehe
[15:50] {Threei} make up your mind RIMM
[15:51] {Threei} we are running out of time as Jack Bauer would say
[15:51] {BillyD} not in here, but you got mkt help
[15:51] {Threei} doesn't look encouraging
[15:52] {Threei} okay
[15:52] {BillyD} stock changes its tune all day long
[15:52] {Threei} no means no
[15:53] {BillyD} good plays today vad, ty
[15:53] {Threei} most of them anyway
[15:54] {BillyD} don't let tomorrow the 13th spook ya
[15:54] {Threei} why not?
[15:54] {Threei} great excuse for day off
[15:54] {Threei} thanks for giving me idea
[15:54] {BillyD} gd pt
[15:59] {Threei} okay guys, thank you all
[15:59] {bkhmd} good day all
[16:00] {bkhmd} thanks vad
[16:00] {Threei} have a good evening'
[16:00] {tomg} thanks vad
[16:00] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[16:00] {dino} -94 close
[16:00] {Threei} perfect read dino
[16:00] {Threei} nailed it
[16:01] {Threei} DIS Reports Q4 $0.46 v $0.41e, R$9.8B v $9Be
[16:02] {dino} fwiw gaps 9936, 1730, 1069 from 10/06
[16:03] {dino} dis
[16:03] {Threei} beauty
[16:04] {Threei} scaled 30 cents
[16:04] {Threei} scalped
[16:04] {Threei} taking off, swee you tomorrow
[16:05] {dino} jwn

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nov 11 2009

A lot of setups got invalidated before ever triggering, and some were uncertain which made some calls discretionary, but wins solidly outnumbered stops, with couple bigger trades on RIMM and BCRX.
Session Time: Wed Nov 11 00:00:00 2009

[07:38] {KSystems} good morning
[07:39] {Threei} Good morning ks
[07:51] {Threei} GERN
[07:51] {Threei} 7:30:27 AM
[07:51] {Threei} Geron Corp Collaborators publish data on hESC-Derived glial progenitor cell therapy in spinal cord injuries
[07:51] {Threei} - Publication of data showing that oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), when transplanted into a rodent model of cervical spinal cord injury, reduced tissue damage within the lesion and improved recovery of locomotor function.
[07:51] {Threei} - These data provide preclinical proof-of-concept for the use of GRNOPC1, Gerons hESC-derived oligodendrocyte progenitor product, in patients with cervical spinal cord injuries. Over half of the 11,000 human spinal cord injuries that are sustained in the U.S. annually are in the cervical region.
[08:00] {Les} GM. AONE short candidate.
[08:01] {Les} losing out on major battery deals - earnings after close.
[08:02] {Threei} earnings were yesterday on AONE
[08:04] {Les} apologies. error seen.
[08:04] {Threei} A123Systems Reports Q3 -$1.78(incl items) v -$0.33e, R $23.6M v $19Me
[08:04] {Threei} - Net loss was ($22.8)M, or ($1.78) per share, based on 12.8M weighted average common shares outstanding in the third quarter. The company ended the third quarter with approximately 102M shares outstanding, with the increase from prior periods resulting from conversion of preferred stock at the time of the IPO, combined with new shares issued as part of the IPO proces
[08:04] {Threei} - CEO: "We are putting in place the infrastructure and expertise that we believe will enable A123 Systems to scale to much larger levels."
[08:06] {nemo} looks like another big up day
[08:06] {Les} thanks. upload url isn't working. stock is stuck between 50 and 20 MA on 60 min chart
[08:18] {Threei} BLTXX Baltic Dry Bulk Index rises more than 3.5% (10th straight gain)
[08:19] {Les} big up day and would love to catch an open high break setup at opening one of these days with a 3X etf.
[08:28] {Les} BCRX moved nicely yesterday
[08:29] {BillyD} morning all :)
[08:29] {Threei} Billy :)
[08:30] {nemo} looks like aig line up at the strting blocks
[08:35] {nemo} hi patience
[08:35] {Threei} (US) Senator Dodd (D-CT): Does not believe the Fed should shoulder all the burden for monitoring systemic risk - CNBC
[08:35] {Threei} - Notes his proposal would move the Fed back toward its core functions
[08:35] {patience} good morning guys
[08:35] {Threei} patience :)
[08:36] {nemo} he of the sweetheart Countrywide deal
[08:38] {Threei} who took starting blocks from under AIG's wheels?
[08:38] {nemo} sucks being them
[08:45] {Threei} C Buckingham reaffirms Accumulate rating, price target $6 (4.18, 0.00, 0.00%)
[08:46] {nemo} on
[08:48] {Threei} ?
[08:48] {nemo} C Buckingham reaffirms Accumulate rating, price target $6 (4.18, 0.00, 0.00%)
[08:48] {Threei} which part of "C" is not understood?? :)
[08:49] {nemo} Oh, I thought that was the name of the analyst "C Buckingham"
[08:49] {nemo} sorry
[08:49] {Threei} lol
[08:49] {Threei} to confuse you even further:
[08:49] {Threei} AXP Buckingham reaffirms Accumulate rating, price target $46
[08:50] {nemo} family operation, huh?
[08:50] {Threei} rofl
[08:51] {larisa} gm
[08:51] {Threei} larisa :)
[08:51] {nemo} lari :)
[08:51] {larisa} vad, nemo :)
[08:56] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[08:56] {nemo} morn fern
[08:56] {Threei} fern :)
[08:57] {bkhmd} morning all
[08:57] {bkhmd} wb Vad
[08:57] {Threei} bk :)
[08:57] {strider} morning all.
[08:57] {Threei} strider :)
[08:57] {bkhmd} strider
[08:57] {strider} :)
[08:58] {nemo} dunedin
[08:58] {KSystems} *yawn*
[08:58] {nemo} decken Sein Mund!
[08:58] {strider} nemo:)
[08:59] {KSystems} lol
[08:59] {magoo} morning, im so the cable guy comes
[08:59] {Threei} oh boy
[08:59] {nemo} Jim Carrie meets Magoo..yeah, my sentiments Vad
[08:59] {magoo} from download speed of .78 to 15
[08:59] {Threei} hi mags... (he says carefully backing away, away and toward to door)
[09:00] {ese} GM
[09:00] {Threei} ese :)
[09:00] {ese} hey vad
[09:01] {ese} whats on your radar this morning vad
[09:02] {Threei} GERN...
[09:02] {Threei} BCRX...
[09:03] {magoo} walmart/rimm news
[09:03] {Threei} 1 week offer by WMT... shrug
[09:04] {Threei} Wal-Mart Stores Inc Offers discount on smart phones for the holidays
[09:04] {Threei} - One-week offer starting Nov. 14-20 on its full assortment of BlackBerry devices from all four major carriers: AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless.
[09:04] {Threei} - With the purchase of any BlackBerry at Walmart Wireless and two-year contract from these major carriers, shoppers will receive a $100 Walmart Gift Card at purchase to use on a later transaction on anything in the store, adding more spending "money" to consumer wallets on anything Walmart carries.
[09:04] {magoo} sheesh..remember yester when i asked bout news foe AMZN..said it was was 126
[09:05] {Threei} yeah, proceeded to make new annual highs
[09:06] {Threei} GERN some entusiasm
[09:06] {BillyD} CHLN as well
[09:07] {Threei} 7:31:18 AM
[09:07] {Threei} China Housing & land Develop Reports Q3 $0.24 v $0.04 y/y, Rev $24M v $8M y/y
[09:07] {BillyD} gonna keep eye on BEXP for continuation
[09:08] {nemo} might want to watch MON too...had big up day yesterday
[09:09] {Threei} CHLN is worth keeping eye on for possible momo
[09:10] {BillyD} Vad, you leaning more towards 1:1 scalps these days
[09:10] {Threei} varies...
[09:11] {Threei} depends on how strongly I feel about trend setting up for the day
[09:11] {cosmo} RFMD pre mkt high = 4.45 fwiw
[09:12] {cosmo} Announces Major Gallium Nitride (GaN) Milestones
[09:12] {nemo} aig looking very week
[09:12] {nemo} weak
[09:13] {Threei} before activity starts, have a look at what I could save:
[09:13] {Threei}
[09:15] {cosmo} salmon
[09:15] {lasertrev} morning
[09:15] {Threei} trev :)
[09:15] {nemo} I'd say that's accurate
[09:16] {bkhmd} nice pics Vad
[09:16] {Threei} ty... those I couldn't recover would complete this series nicely
[09:16] {ese} tol........up 1.6 on 500k....this looks good for pullback then go
[09:17] {strider} Morning , trev. Do you know anything about the L1 & L2 server buffering. Located in Quote menu? Wondering if it could affect the sticking data?
[09:17] {bkhmd} how did we do yesterday i couldnt make it
[09:17] {Les} the last fish photo. what length was you lens at?
[09:18] {Threei} if my math is right, 4 out of 5, but all were scalps only
[09:18] {bkhmd} cool
[09:18] {Threei} last as in leaves against the sky? lemme check EXIF
[09:19] {Threei} 42 mm
[09:19] {Les} last fish photo was at 42mm?. They get that close?
[09:19] {Threei} oph, last fish
[09:19] {Threei} let me see :)
[09:20] {BillyD} nice Octopus photos
[09:20] {Threei} ty
[09:20] {Threei} that one is 30 mm
[09:20] {Threei} and yes, you can touch them if you want
[09:20] {BillyD} great contract
[09:20] {BillyD} conrast
[09:21] {cosmo} contact?
[09:21] {BillyD} contrast of photos
[09:22] {cosmo} photoshop does wonders
[09:23] {BillyD} you mean it's not Vad's expertise?
[09:23] {cosmo} not me
[09:25] {cosmo} photoshop has made me a better photographer
[09:26] {Threei} hard to tell if there is a chance for that but, if CHLN dives to 4.50 area at the open I'll be interested
[09:30] {Threei} BIOS continues, and no news still
[09:30] {dino} gm all, was a day early on tol
[09:30] {Threei} dino :)
[09:31] {Threei} BCRX
[09:31] {Threei} consolidates for a break
[09:32] {dino} esi thin drop
[09:32] {dino} missed it
[09:34] {Threei} RIMM
[09:34] {Threei} sharp pullback
[09:34] {Les} bounce candidate?
[09:34] {Threei} yes, no clear entry yet, prepare half lot
[09:35] {dino} colm
[09:35] {nemo} meany
[09:35] {ese} out stec .59 +.14 from yesterday
[09:36] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .35 break if stays above .20
[09:36] {Threei} half lot
[09:37] {Threei} invalidated
[09:37] {dino} lol es, that stec is a toughie
[09:37] {ese} ya no I've had my fill of that one
[09:37] {ese} does not trade very well....quite erratic
[09:38] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .25 break if stays above .10
[09:38] {Threei} half lot
[09:39] {dino} colm tempting
[09:39] {Threei} invalidated
[09:39] {ese} just looking at that
[09:39] {dino} all i see is upgrade to get it 9%
[09:39] {dino} hl s .83
[09:40] {nemo} nice spread
[09:40] {dino} typical
[09:40] {dino} missed cover
[09:41] {magoo} rimm launched took .25 that time
[09:41] {Threei} got away, RIMM
[09:41] {Threei} yeah
[09:41] {Threei} stop was way too wide
[09:41] {Threei} and new trigger .10 break happend too fast
[09:42] {dino} anyone in, try to partial out, tough
[09:43] {ese} L wfc .56
[09:44] {dino} cov colm ave .41, +.42
[09:44] {Les} BCRX about to advance again?
[09:44] {magoo} waiting for exit rimm .87 area
[09:44] {Threei} toughie BCRX
[09:44] {ese} out wfc .61 made the high
[09:45] {dino} too soon
[09:45] {Threei} mags, market drop
[09:45] {Threei} carefu;
[09:45] {magoo} oh oh
[09:48] {BillyD} HGSI
[09:48] {Threei} Long Setup: HGSI .20 break
[09:48] {Threei} fast one, careful
[09:48] {Threei} stop for scalpers under .10
[09:48] {nemo} hah..
[09:49] {Threei} lol, 1:1 in a blink of eye
[09:49] {bkhmd} missed it
[09:49] {nemo} yeah
[09:49] {BillyD} out
[09:49] {Threei} wtg
[09:49] {ese} dino i think colm is great pullback candidate for afternoon rally
[09:49] {Les} had finger on trigger, but don't like playing these ultra fast scalps
[09:49] {BillyD} yeah, it came back and picked me up at .21
[09:49] {dino} agree es
[09:50] {dino} i covered way early
[09:50] {fernp} out here ty Vad
[09:50] {Threei} fern :)
[09:50] {tomg} ty vad
[09:50] {Threei} tom :)
[09:50] {magoo} out RIMM here .83 TY boss
[09:50] {Threei} good reflexes guys
[09:51] {ese} auch aye....fitb.......could not find a spot to get in.....sheesh
[09:52] {Threei} mags... some just can't be stopped, even by slow connection and by, umm absence of cable guy
[09:52] {Threei} HGSI 1:2...
[09:53] {Les} Vad, is shorting AONE for a daytrade at half lot ok? failed to push through resistance
[09:54] {BillyD} WTG Magoo
[09:54] {Threei} you see soem setup?
[09:54] {strider} REGN
[09:54] {magoo} classic cable guy though..morning apptmt ..between 9 am and 1 pm lol
[09:55] {dino} esc watching, yesterdays blood
[09:55] {Les} only that 50 ma @ 18.06 on 60 min. chart is resistance which AONE failed to push through
[09:55] {Threei} oh mags, those highly desired cable guys make one wait...
[09:55] {Threei} what the heck just happened
[09:55] {nemo} did the market die
[09:56] {magoo} upward
[09:56] {Threei} just the opposite
[09:56] {dino} magoo, just hoping jim carey doesn't show up
[09:56] {nemo} my software froze
[09:56] {dino} esc hl l .50 ave
[09:57] {dino} stop is .23
[09:57] {lasertrev} nemo, make sure you are not on 7
[09:58] {dino} call scottie nemo, tell him warp power in 5 or you're fired
[09:58] {nemo} scottie is dead
[09:58] {nemo} they blasted his ashes into space
[09:59] {Les} nflx making new highs
[09:59] {dino} opps
[09:59] {fernp} SPY vertical
[10:00] {cosmo} careful: ...some of those guys are quite heavly cologned
[10:00] {dino} theres my 10,300 call
[10:00] {ese} my goodness....what 20k of fitb wouldn't do to brighten up a day
[10:00] {dino} s/y new high
[10:00] {dino} ndx too
[10:00] {Threei} market is nervous here
[10:01] {magoo} wants up tho
[10:01] {Threei} sharp spikes bith ways
[10:01] {Threei} both
[10:01] {nemo} metro market
[10:03] {Threei} Long Setup: HGSI .40 break if holding above .30
[10:04] {dino} 643 pts up from mondays low, 10-02-09
[10:04] {dino} 6.6%
[10:05] {dino} pattern has been to drop 400 + pts now
[10:06] {dino} out esc ave .94, +.44
[10:06] {nemo} earnings season over now
[10:06] {ese} in hgsi
[10:07] {nemo} colm short ino?
[10:07] {ese} .39
[10:07] {Les} me 2 .40
[10:07] {Threei} Long Setup: BCRS .20 break
[10:07] {Threei} BCRX
[10:08] {magoo} vad..aapl double bott?
[10:08] {Threei} for scalpers, if stays above .15
[10:08] {Threei} for daytraders .10
[10:08] {dino} imo, depends on market nemo, colm
[10:08] {Threei} 204 break worth a try mags
[10:11] {Threei} HGSI no worky
[10:11] {ese} hgsi stopped .30 -.09
[10:11] {Threei} AALP 1:1
[10:12] {Les} out hgsi .27 - .13
[10:12] {magoo} out .47 TY vad
[10:14] {strider} out HGSI -.15
[10:15] {BillyD} BCRX still valid right for .10 stop
[10:15] {Threei} yup
[10:15] {dptl} morning
[10:15] {nemo} big orer .20
[10:15] {Threei} dp :)
[10:15] {nemo} order
[10:17] {Threei} eBay Inc Launches Free Vehicle History Reports Exclusively through Experians AutoCheck
[10:17] {Threei} - The free AutoCheck reports also give both automotive dealers and individual sellers a competitive advantage not found anywhere else on the Web, adding to other eBay benefits including Power Seller and Top-seller designations, customer support and dealer training
[10:18] {dino} lmia spike
[10:18] {dino} thin
[10:19] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .15 break
[10:19] {Threei} if stays above 65
[10:20] {Threei} let's modify it
[10:20] {Threei} 65 break
[10:20] {Threei} if holding .90
[10:21] {magoo} lets tweak it...IN
[10:21] {nemo} lol...
[10:21] {ese} l egle .12
[10:22] {ese} huge
[10:23] {Threei} (UK) PM Brown: Makes no apology for proposed Tobin tax
[10:23] {nemo} bcrx invalimudated
[10:23] {Threei} idiot
[10:23] {Les} he's a caviar socialist - still pretending to be a working class man
[10:23] {ese} love it nemo....invalium....etc cool word
[10:24] {Threei} I start thinking RIMM is not a scalp if sets up
[10:24] {dino} caviar socialist...have to remener that one
[10:25] {dino} remember
[10:25] {Les} we have lots of them here in switzerland
[10:25] {nemo} good politics is rarely a good solution
[10:25] {Threei} and it can't be any different
[10:25] {Les} what do you mean about RIMM Vad?
[10:26] {dino} lawyer friend of mine says; "when lawyer can't make it in law, they go into politics"
[10:26] {nemo} thinks it'll be better than a scalp if triggers
[10:26] {Threei} since good politics cater to majority, and we know how sound majority opinions are
[10:26] {Threei} I mean if it triggers it should be capable of more than scalp
[10:26] {nemo} IQ about my belt size
[10:26] {nemo} {nemo} thinks it'll be better than a scalp if triggers
[10:27] {nemo} invalumidated
[10:27] {Threei} invalidated
[10:27] {nemo} eqzaktly
[10:28] {fernp} What stocks are following SPY? Can't find a stock so happy as SPY
[10:28] {dino} gold trade getting crowded, imo
[10:28] {patience} yup
[10:28] {Les} ok. was just typing " I see weakness in RIMM when it fell away". RIMM appears to be a weak cousin of SPY
[10:29] {nemo} Dino sees dead people
[10:30] {ese} we should be able to use that word nemo....." take an invliumdate will ya"......that works
[10:30] {ese} invaliumdate
[10:30] {nemo} white yellow pink or blue?
[10:30] {dino} gdx hl s .75
[10:31] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[10:31] {Threei} - NYSE volume 230M shares, about 19% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 6.1:1.
[10:31] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 435M shares, about 22% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 3.7:1.
[10:31] {Threei} - VIX index +1% to just over 23.00
[10:31] {ese} yellow and blue....for max effect
[10:31] {nemo} Veteran's day low volume rally
[10:31] {Threei} RIMM was two sided setup... too bad I didn't realize it at the moment
[10:31] {nemo} that's alot of invalumidate...probably wouldn't be able to trade
[10:31] {BillyD} same here vad, saw it but no true conviction
[10:31] {nemo} rimm might bounce here
[10:32] {dino} ok, cable guy, so off awhile
[10:32] {Threei} .60 break if holding .50
[10:32] {dino} gdx hard stop is .01
[10:34] {ese} oh where oh where has my little "colm" gone.....oh where oh where can it be....hum along everyone......
[10:34] {dino} hmin
[10:35] {ese} spreads getting bigger on it
[10:35] {ese} colm that is
[10:36] {nemo} fcx .30 break, holds .20
[10:37] {ese} L fcx
[10:37] {ese} ..2965
[10:37] {Threei} Long Setup: BCRX .05 break
[10:37] {ese} sheesh
[10:37] {Threei} if stays above 12
[10:37] {Threei} ridiculously tight stop
[10:38] {nemo} tighter than a ...
[10:39] {ese} out fcx .25 -.04
[10:39] {nemo} mudda'
[10:39] {nemo} grrrr
[10:39] {ese} ya
[10:39] {dino} cov gdx .50, +.25
[10:39] {nemo} sorry ese
[10:40] {ese} no appologies here fella
[10:40] {Threei} wtg dino
[10:40] {ese} it looked like the sp was gonna take it on up for abit there
[10:40] {Threei} BIOS just continues climbing
[10:40] {dino} ty, taking a break
[10:40] {dino} good a.m.
[10:40] {Threei} have fun
[10:40] {fernp} bye dino
[10:40] {ese} like it is now.......looked like very trade to me
[10:41] {BillyD} CHLN
[10:41] {ese} cya dino
[10:41] {BillyD} Vad, any read on CHLN
[10:41] {Threei} not really
[10:42] {Threei} got so thick
[10:42] {ese} and besides.....vad has my back as they say in combat
[10:42] {ese} the stop loss.....
[10:42] {nemo} vad behind you...oy
[10:42] {BillyD} ese, justdon't get between Vad and his rifle
[10:42] {Threei} nemo, I am not a cable guy
[10:43] {ese} i'll say billy....especially when he is protecting vodka
[10:43] {BillyD} know him
[10:43] {Threei} that's nothing... you should see dp when he feels his vodka is in jeopardy
[10:44] {ese} he also tends to be standing there with shiskabob skewers as well.....big time dangerous
[10:45] {dptl} :)
[10:45] {Threei} yeah, our skewers are like little swords
[10:45] {Threei} unlike these weird ones you make here... round and toally useless
[10:46] {Threei} what's with these market sudden moves today
[10:46] {Threei} no news, no numbers, nothing
[10:46] {Threei} just totally ut of blue
[10:47] {Les} computers shorting computers?
[10:47] {dino} pretty much the usual randomness
[10:47] {BillyD} agree dino
[10:47] {Threei} I wish I knew what that means les
[10:47] {dino} ty
[10:47] {magoo} these markets BLOW
[10:47] {BillyD} lol
[10:47] {magoo} i thought nov dec were usually good months
[10:47] {Threei} how do you tell then which computer is right
[10:47] {fernp} BCRX is locked in a 5 cents range and doesn't break upward or downward... too stressful... This market is amazing :-)
[10:47] {dino} :)
[10:47] {dino} faz maybe
[10:47] {ese} market in submarine mode.......dive dive dive
[10:48] {Threei} fern... if a stock staying within 5 cents range is too stressful for you, you might want to get out more...
[10:48] {bkhmd} lol
[10:48] {fernp} lol
[10:48] {nemo} drink more
[10:48] {dino} eat more
[10:48] {ese} egle doesn't want to quit.......i'm likin it
[10:48] {fernp} i like your advice nemo
[10:48] {Threei} and whatever you do, make sure you never meet magoo face to face
[10:48] {Threei} THAT will be a real stress
[10:49] {dino} yeah, he's not pleasant to look at
[10:49] {Threei} many stocks retreated ewnough to become interesting again
[10:50] {Threei} HGSI
[10:50] {Threei} RIMM
[10:50] {dino} cf blood again
[10:50] {Threei} market is not getting stringer yet though
[10:50] {nemo} didn't get tomorrow's WSJ vad?
[10:51] {Threei} but RIMM is not droipping with market anymore it seems
[10:52] {nemo} $ up strong
[10:52] {Threei} which kills the market
[10:52] {nemo} eqzaktly
[10:52] {Threei} RIMM, let;'s try to get in on slight pullback
[10:52] {dino} 10340 - 400 = 9940
[10:52] {Threei} around .40, half lot
[10:52] {ese} dive dive dive.....some trader triped on S&P trading floor with hands wildly flailing.........everyone esle presumes huge sell order
[10:53] {dino} \nice short colm es, nemo
[10:53] {nemo} sock ese
[10:53] {ese} you out colm now dino
[10:54] {ese} i'm just waitin on that thing.....i smell money there
[10:54] {strider} earlier trades: GDX short +.15, +.49; RIMM, stopped, -.11
[10:54] {Threei} ok
[10:54] {Threei} .40 cross RIMM
[10:54] {ese} sock ese huhhhh?
[10:54] {Threei} stop under .30
[10:54] {nemo} too late
[10:54] {dino} long time ago, took .43 out of it
[10:55] {ese} nice
[10:55] {nemo} take rimm scalp
[10:55] {dino} ty, 3/3, +.43, +.44,
[10:55] {dino} +.25
[10:55] {ese} am kinda lookin for some kind of capit bar
[10:55] {nemo} on colm ese?
[10:56] {ese} yes
[10:56] {nemo} long way to fall
[10:56] {strider} GDX short onbreak of 50?
[10:56] {ese} that may be it at 10:11 am....not sure
[10:56] {strider} maybe too close to yesterdays close
[10:56] {dino} brb
[10:56] {nemo} it's looking stronger strider
[10:57] {Threei} a bit too jumpy strider
[10:57] {Threei} sharp spikes 20 cents wide...
[10:58] {Threei} BCRX invalidated
[10:59] {Les} inverse c&h SPY?
[10:59] {BillyD} Vad, what was your RIMM stop on original pullback buy into .40 area
[10:59] {Threei} [10:54] {Threei} stop under .30
[11:00] {BillyD} on the one before that cross call as well?
[11:00] {Threei} that was the general idea
[11:00] {BillyD} ok
[11:00] {Threei} exact call came later as a .40 crossback
[11:03] {ese} ignore this, it's for my brother in toronto who reads vads trading room everyday...."JOIN THE ROOM YA GOOF!!!!!!!, WHATS YOUR PROBLEM???????"......that should surprise him today
[11:04] {magoo} well..its hard to justify the monthly cost
[11:04] {ese} there....thats should do it
[11:04] {Threei} communicating through the room with one's brother is ultimate definition of "not a keepr to my brother"
[11:05] {ese} lol
[11:05] {nemo} or of a "pain in the derriere"
[11:05] {Threei} lol magoo
[11:06] {Threei} you are going to spedn twice that wining and dining cable guy today
[11:06] {magoo} thought that was good for a trout
[11:06] {Threei} I knew you were going for that, but I am not obliging
[11:08] {magoo} u hand out fish often and freely..then we get used to them, and u withhold
[11:08] {Threei} that's how I enjot life
[11:08] {Threei} enjoy
[11:09] {ese} well thought out strategy vad........maximun effect....well thought've got mags thinkin now
[11:09] {Les} potentional RIMM short coming below 64?
[11:10] {Threei} too sharo drop into support
[11:10] {Threei} sharp
[11:10] {Les} hate seeing setups that fail like that
[11:10] {dptl} .
[11:11] {Threei} .20 break could be a setup
[11:11] {Threei} 64 break is a trap
[11:12] {Les} really? Machiavelli would love this game
[11:13] {Threei} stock drops into support 20 vents in one gasp
[11:13] {Threei} do you short at the end of such spike?
[11:14] {Les} of course not. but if there was no big drop? would this gap still be a trap?
[11:14] {Threei} hmm?
[11:14] {Threei} I need translation
[11:15] {Les} sigh
[11:15] {Threei} if there was no big drop but instead a tight consolidation above support, then yes, break qwould be a short setup
[11:15] {Les} never mind
[11:15] {Les} ok
[11:15] {Threei} what you mean by gap in this case I don't know
[11:15] {nemo} rim becoming safer short
[11:17] {Les} sorry, gap between consolidation at 64 and yesterdays closing price
[11:17] {nemo} mon strong like bull
[11:18] {Threei} yest close is 63.69
[11:19] {dino} cf spiked
[11:20] {dptl} .
[11:21] {ese} ok dabbling in colm L .79 sm
[11:21] {ese} sm for me
[11:23] {Threei} anyone's tempted to find short entry on GLD?
[11:23] {dino} closer to hi, imo
[11:24] {Threei} I'd start looking around .50
[11:25] {strider} SYPR
[11:25] {Threei} 11:19:11 AM
[11:25] {Threei} Sypris Solutions, Inc. Subsidiary awarded multi-year, $200M ID/IQ contract from the US DoD
[11:25] {Threei} - awarded an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract from the United States Department of Defense (DoD) for its RASKL (KIK-30) electronic key fill device. This contract is in support of the DoDs modernization effort to replace the aging KYK-13 key fill device. The product was designed and will be produced at the Sypris Electronics facility located in Tampa, Florida.
[11:25] {Threei} - contract is for a five-year period with a not-to-exceed value of $200M. The IDIQ contract is the U.S. Governments vehicle for its Services and Agencies to order the RASKL and product ancillaries
[11:28] {Threei} RIMM looks ready for a boucne with any market help
[11:28] {BillyD} .15?
[11:28] {Threei} yes
[11:28] {Threei} but keep an eye on NASDAQ
[11:28] {Threei} it's a make or break condition for this trade
[11:29] {Threei} with any market bounce, RIMM should be easy 64.40 - .50
[11:29] {BillyD} understand, I am not a fan of depending on the next move of index
[11:29] {strider} ESI downgrade dino
[11:29] {strider} or is it ese?:)
[11:30] {Threei} RIMM 1:1
[11:30] {dino} ty
[11:31] {Threei} management is close to standard: half out, stop to .10
[11:31] {Threei} just a few cents leeway considering RIMM's natural volatility
[11:32] {Threei} offer second half at 1:2
[11:33] {dptl} .
[11:33] {dptl} what tyhe...
[11:33] {Threei} struggling with connection dp...
[11:33] {Threei} (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[11:34] {Threei} to each of your disconnects
[11:34] {dptl} hmm connection fine , it's seems
04[11:34] -} [dptl] PING
[11:34] {Threei} nope... I am pinging you... serious delay
[11:35] {Threei} stop to under .15 RIMM
[11:35] {Threei} on a stronger day I'd go for 1/4 at 1:2 but today is feeble
[11:36] {Threei} come here my pot with meat... I am waiting at .45
[11:37] {BillyD} Vad, did you see the Naz confirm on RIMM or did you take it because RIMM triggered
[11:37] {Threei} .out .44
[11:37] {Threei} not going to risk the whole trade because of 1 cent
[11:38] {Threei} it triggered and NASDAQ upticked just a tad at the moment,
[11:38] {Threei} and most of all, both charts looked bounce-ready
[11:38] {Threei} +.29 seciond ha;f
[11:38] {Threei} second half
[11:39] {Threei} sheesh
[11:39] {BillyD} ok, do you look at NAZ chart to uptick or last sale.......because my charts always couple seconds behind it seems
[11:39] {Threei} if you make 4 erros in word "bread" you get "beer"
[11:39] {ese} L colm avg P .84
[11:39] {Threei} chart is 1 min
[11:39] {Threei} of course it will be late
[11:40] {Threei} I have both chart and T&S close enough to see them at the same time
[11:40] {Threei} wave or green in situation where chart is ready for ticking over resistance kind of confirms the break before chart actually shows it
[11:40] {BillyD} ah, maybe I need T&S for the Naz as well as L2?
[11:41] {Threei} I don't have L2 for it
[11:41] {Threei} only chart and T&S
[11:41] {BillyD} for Naz right?
[11:41] {Threei} yes
[11:41] {BillyD} ok, I will try it
[11:41] {Threei} NQ
[11:41] {Threei} also you can use QQQQ just as well
[11:41] {Threei} and no need for level 2 on it either
[11:41] {BillyD} Q is what I use
[11:41] {Threei} it's so thick, what is it L2 shows you on it
[11:43] {Threei} 60% Want Fort Hood Shooting Investigated as Terrorist Act
[11:43] {Threei} duh
[11:44] {bkhmd} I lost a coworker there had memorial yesterday
[11:44] {Threei} 24% Watch Oprah At Least Occasionally
[11:44] {Threei} okay...
[11:44] {Threei} wow bkh... sorry
[11:44] {bkhmd} i wasnt very close but he was well liked
[11:46] {Threei} when I hear how political correctness in a form of fear of becoming accused of being anti-muslim led to ignoring obvious threat...
[11:47] {strider} long COLM .82
[11:47] {strider} ese, where do you have your stop?
[11:48] {bkhmd} I have serious mixed thoughts on issue of course nothing justifies his actions but I asked my wife who is not from this country how she would feel if she was asked to fight against ehr country not a good thought he should have nver joined the military here in usa
[11:49] {nemo} funny...want it investigated as terorist act...duh...but in the military, it's known as treason...He'll have a date with the firing squad
[11:50] {nemo} or, get the stuffing kicked out of him on a regular basis at Leavenworth
[11:50] {Threei} another sharp downtick in the market with no reason
[11:50] {bkhmd} death is too good for him
[11:50] {nemo} agreed
[11:51] {Threei} hah
[11:51] {Threei} interesting:
[11:51] {bkhmd} gld bounce?
[11:51] {Threei} NDAQ Moody's upgrades ratings to Baa3 from Ba1; outlook Stable
[11:51] {Threei} but
[11:51] {Threei} NYX Moody's put ratings on review for downgrade (currently rated A2)
[11:52] {strider} stopped COLM .56
[11:52] {Threei} not sure about GLD...
[11:52] {Threei} I am more inclined to short it but having hard time fonding entry
[11:53] {Threei} it tyopped out under .40 while I was hesitant to short it far below .50
[11:53] {bkhmd} does look weak now
[11:55] {bkhmd} do you see support at .89 for GLD?
[11:56] {Threei} .89?
[11:56] {Threei} why?
[11:56] {bkhmd} 108.89
[11:56] {Threei} kind of strange place for support, no?
[11:56] {Threei} what do see there?
[11:57] {bkhmd} chart indicates pivot point but I am new to looking at pivot points
[11:57] {bkhmd} 109.36 another pivot
[11:57] {Threei} weird
[11:58] {Threei} pivot people may have better insight but I don't see how .89 can be pivot on it
[11:58] {Threei} nemo is pivot man
[11:58] {Threei} larisa is pivot girl
[11:58] {nemo} it is a calculated point, but it is only a line to look at should price approach it. I see support at 109
[12:00] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:00] {Threei} - NYSE volume 445M shares, about 10% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.3:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 865M shares, about 13% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.6:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - VIX index +2.75% to just under 23.50
[12:01] {nemo} Veteran's Day volume
[12:01] {BillyD} hard to find any good setups today
[12:01] {Threei} yeah, that RIMM long was as good as they go
[12:02] {Threei} just look how many got invalidated today
[12:02] {Threei} about 5 I think
[12:02] {Threei} must be a record
[12:02] {BillyD} yup
[12:02] {nemo} nah
[12:02] {BillyD} good thin gis sitting tight
[12:02] {nemo} had 7 a couple of weeks ago
[12:02] {Threei} ok... lol
[12:02] {BillyD} nemo the pivot stat man
[12:03] {nemo} 10/23/2009
[12:04] {BillyD} Vad, too small of range for H%S on GLD .10 and .00
[12:04] {BillyD} H&S
[12:05] {bkhmd} fade the rimm breakout attempt?
[12:05] {Threei} may be just the ticket to short it Billy
[12:05] {Threei} no bk, breakdown
[12:06] {Threei} a bit too far from there now
[12:06] {bkhmd} yea thts what i meant did I use wrong term?
[12:06] {BillyD} yeah, two headed frak now
[12:06] {Threei} lol
[12:06] {Threei} kind of bkh
[12:07] {Threei} shorting 109 break would be garden variety short
[12:07] {Threei} just your standard breakdown
[12:07] {BillyD} sweet setup
[12:08] {Threei} to fade breakout you need a breakout to fade... and I don't see anything breakoutish on it :)
[12:08] {Threei} .10 break could be qulified I guess... with some stretch
[12:09] {bkhmd} ahhh thanks I was thinking the open
[12:09] {bkhmd} making another run at the open
[12:13] {magoo} we are gonna be shut down any minute
[12:13] {magoo} exciting times :)
[12:13] {BillyD} you getting cable modem now
[12:14] {BillyD} and getting rid of DSL
[12:14] {magoo} ya
[12:14] {magoo} eh
[12:14] {BillyD} reason to celebrate..............
[12:14] {magoo} download speed test today.94
[12:15] {BillyD} yeah, cable is fast here
[12:15] {BillyD} never had dsl
[12:15] {strider} brcm
[12:15] {magoo} dsl .94, not even 1
[12:15] {strider} ?
[12:16] {nemo} short strier under .45. long .53
[12:19] {strider} AONE
[12:24] {ese} i'm back
[12:24] {nemo} happy happy joy joy
[12:25] {nemo} vad...spy and qs look like they want to pop
[12:25] {ese} why thank you...thank you thank you very much
[12:26] {bkhmd} ese or elvis?
[12:31] {Threei} BCRX is trying to find footing...
[12:31] {BillyD} lol...was just noticing
[12:32] {Threei} if market starts strong recovery, it's a momo candidate
[12:32] {BillyD} just where to enter is key
[12:32] {Threei} well, .10 has nice juicy offer to break
[12:32] {Threei} too bad this time RIMM got away
[12:32] {BillyD} very true
[12:32] {Threei} never saw a good entry on it
[12:33] {BillyD} stops too wide at .60
[12:35] {ese} ese bk
[12:38] {BillyD} you take BCRX Vad
[12:38] {bkhmd} i tried i didnt fill
[12:38] {Threei} yes... I am bored
[12:38] {BillyD} lol
[12:38] {fernp} .10?
[12:38] {Threei} yeah
[12:39] {bkhmd} i tried .11 blew right through it for me
[12:39] {Threei} I do it differently a little in such cases, bkh
[12:39] {fernp} stop under .05 ?
[12:39] {Threei} under 12 for me
[12:39] {Threei} when I have this huge offer for a stock to eat through,
[12:40] {Threei} I try to grab last shares of this same offer
[12:40] {Threei} it starts scrolling very fast usually if going to break
[12:40] {bkhmd} yep thats what happened i was trying to take the break of .10
[12:41] {Threei} do you click buy as offer disappears?
[12:41] {bkhmd} i had a limit order in to buy at .11
[12:41] {Threei} yes... I mean physically
[12:41] {bkhmd} nope
[12:41] {Threei} offer disappears, you push buy?
[12:42] {bkhmd} no i didnt do it that way i had the order in as a stop limit stop was .10 if hits fill at .11
[12:42] {Threei} ok... that's not my way at all
[12:42] {Threei} what broker btw?
[12:43] {bkhmd} Trade Station
[12:43] {Threei} oh ok
[12:43] {Threei} forget good fills altogether
[12:43] {Threei} it's just not a daytrading broker speed wise
[12:43] {bkhmd} I may switch
[12:43] {bkhmd} second time missed a fill
[12:44] {Threei} for Laser users who misses this kind of fills,
[12:44] {BillyD} ASIA interesting
[12:44] {Threei} little trick I taught magoo sometime ago
[12:44] {Threei} and he has been abusing his to death
[12:44] {Threei} just make sure you read it till the end lest you hurt yourself
[12:45] {Threei} if you feel a stock is going to scroll through your buy limit fast and there is a good chance to miss it,
[12:45] {Threei} do this:
[12:45] {Threei} click in level 2 on your price to which you are willing to chase,
[12:45] {Threei} hover cursor over Buy button,
[12:46] {Threei} as trigger level becomes best offer, depress mouse button
[12:46] {Threei} do not let go yet,
[12:46] {Threei} keep it depressed,
[12:46] {Threei} and let go only when you want your order to go in
[12:46] {Threei} It save you time for click
[12:46] {bkhmd} thanks vad
[12:46] {Threei} BUT
[12:47] {Threei} if stock downticks instead of breaking
[12:47] {Threei} and you don't want to send your order
[12:47] {Threei} do not forget to move cursor away from Buy button beforfe letting go
[12:47] {larisa} wow
[12:47] {larisa} lol
[12:47] {nemo} you taught him that a year ago
[12:48] {Threei} yeah... and he became freakishly fast, lol
[12:48] {Threei} larisa... don't tell me you didn't know this trick
[12:48] {nemo} yeah...and be careful you don't hit the market buy
[12:49] {Threei} of course you can always gain even more speed by using keystrokes instead of mouse
[12:49] {Threei} but there is even more room for error
[12:49] {Threei} so be careful with that
[12:53] {larisa} if you get download data delayed just a bit this exact second, all your mouse moving saved ms will do nothing IMO. With magoo connection it is interesting, how he can gain from this trick :) but if it works for someone, it works :)
[12:53] {Threei} well, it gives you additional boost of speed all things being equal
[12:54] {Threei} and magoo connection wasn't always like this, lol
[12:54] {larisa} I do not understand how it does, but I do not want to argue :)
[12:55] {strider} DRYS up today
[12:55] {Threei} easy... less time to release the button than to push and release
[12:55] {BillyD} it gives another variable to the edge of more confirmation for the trigger before entering
[12:55] {ese} definitely
[12:55] {Threei} I grew to hate the way DRYS trades
[12:56] {BillyD} lol....I've always hated it
[12:56] {strider} I'm in it for longer term...I really don't care how it trades as long as it trades up:)
[12:57] {Threei} well, then you were already grown-up while I was reading texbooks and chasing skirts
[12:57] {Threei} and it's been a good while since I read textbooks...
[13:04] {dawg} .)
[13:05] {fernp} I also hate the way DRYS trades... and I hate RIMM, GLD, BCRX, and many more, But what can I tell you about AGAM, I have no words to describe how I hate AGAM. lol
[13:05] {Threei} rofl
[13:05] {Threei} now, that's a good one
[13:05] {BillyD} lol....very good
[13:05] {Threei} and btw... RIMM prepares for 65 break
[13:08] {nemo} runs into major resistance around 65.14
[13:09] {BillyD} gonna take ROIMM if holds .90 and takes 65 Vad?
[13:10] {Threei} shhh, don't speak too loud now: BCRX is up whole 5, yes 5 cents
[13:10] {Threei} yes Billy
[13:10] {Threei} unless market reverses down at the same time
[13:10] {Threei} maybe .85 is better stop level
[13:10] {BillyD} thx
[13:10] {fernp} BCRX 1:1 for me
[13:10] {fernp} ty Vad
[13:10] {Threei} lol
[13:11] {Threei} you are welcome
[13:12] {Les} alright, the cook has been released from the kitchen. you gotta moment to talk about AONE Vad?
[13:13] {Threei} what about it?
[13:13] {ese} the egle looks like it's landed....still long at .12
[13:13] {Threei} it happily does nothing
[13:13] {Les} resistance was confirmed at 50 ma, which failed today.
[13:13] {Threei} BCRX gaining perkiness
[13:14] {ese} you talking about egle les
[13:14] {Les} I wanted to short as it failed to penetrate resistance 2nd time round and just let it run
[13:14] {Les} no AONE
[13:14] {Threei} at what price?
[13:14] {Threei} BCRX 1:1
[13:14] {Threei} half out for me
[13:14] {Threei} scalpers be happy
[13:15] {strider} Was BCRX a call?
[13:15] {Threei} at what price Les?
[13:15] {Les} I was considering a .77 short trigger earlier. But this is not doeable in your trading system?
[13:15] {fernp} gotta go. Have a good evening every. see u all tomorrow
[13:15] {Les} bye fern
[13:15] {Threei} strider, kind of discretionary... discussion in the course of which I declared intention to enter
[13:16] {Threei} take care fern
[13:16] {fernp} every = everybody :)
[13:16] {Les} at 10:23 am
[13:16] {strider} OK. missed it.
[13:17] {Threei} I like the idea itself, Les,
[13:17] {Threei} not sure I see exact entry trigger there
[13:17] {Les} that's the point. Not your type of trigger
[13:17] {Threei} 1:2 BCRX, out
[13:17] {Threei} too sharp spike
[13:18] {Les} I am still watching twitter list of a couple of daytraders and using 60 min. charts for trading decisions.
[13:19] {Les} wondering if I have to split my trading into two camps. An independent daytrade & Vad system trade camp.
[13:20] {Threei} if you do, keep us informed about stats comparison
[13:20] {Threei} I may switch if they look convisingly {G}
[13:20] {Les} :)
[13:21] {Les} with IB I'm not catching your faster trades unfortunately
[13:21] {Les} Laser may make all the difference. I dunno
[13:21] {strider} probably not.
[13:27] {Threei} market has no gas in it
[13:27] {Threei} BCRX however holding well
[13:27] {BillyD} yeah, killed our RIMM play
[13:28] {Threei} good tradeoff as far as I am concerned: 2K BCRX for 20 cents vs half lot RIMM stop for 15
[13:29] {Les} 2k - 2000 shares?
[13:29] {Threei} yeah
[13:29] {Threei} would have taken more if not this weird day with no conviction
[13:38] {Threei} if market decides to break down here, surely GLD should follow?
[13:39] {Threei} .45 is a stop
[13:39] {Threei} you feel it will, just grab a few shares here
[13:40] {Threei} US Treasury Sec Geithner: Calling for a 'market oriented' FX rates - Asia media comments
[13:40] {Threei} people in Asia must be irritated as hell listening to patronizing teaching coming form US administration
[13:41] {Threei} especially form Timmy who failed misreably trying to handle Asian financial crisis in 90 as IMF guy
[13:42] {Les} well how many Asian leaders listen to him now?
[13:42] {Les} "0"
[13:42] {Threei} as far as teaching goes, 0
[13:42] {Threei} but he also has executive powers now
[13:42] {Threei} so as far as policies go, they do listen
[13:43] {Les} listen to what? "The United States Federal Reserve supports a strong dollar"....?
[13:44] {Les} dollar to 70?
[13:44] {Threei} no, that's words
[13:44] {Threei} there are steps
[13:44] {Threei} GLD 1:1 btw
[13:45] {Threei} and if certain steps are taken, they'll echo in entire world
[13:45] {Threei} whether they are right ones to take or wrong
[13:45] {BillyD} ty GLD
[13:45] {Threei} sure thing
[13:46] {Threei} you don't seriously suggest that Fed and Treasury actions do not impact whole world, do you
[13:48] {Les} No, just doubtful that the Fed is going to do other than let USD slide to new lows to inflate its way out.
[13:48] {Les} So if I was world leader, what do I do in watching USD slide?
[13:48] {Threei} as if they could do something about that
[13:49] {Les} hmm was gonna say tighten money supply but...
[13:49] {Threei} well yes
[13:50] {Les} that has its own evils
[13:50] {Threei} hoke rates
[13:50] {Threei} hike
[13:50] {nemo} tank market
[13:50] {Les} that too
[13:50] {Les} yep
[13:50] {Threei} withdraw money supply
[13:50] {nemo} raise financing costs
[13:50] {nemo} kill exports
[13:50] {Threei} start sucking liquidity out of market
[13:50] {Threei} and kill everything
[13:50] {Threei} economy, markets
[13:50] {Threei} leftovers of employment
[13:51] {Threei} so, they are between Scilla and Harybda
[13:51] {Threei} or however you spell that
[13:51] {Les} so what policy choice do they have then, that world leaders should be interested to hear?
[13:51] {Threei} they don't have GOOD policy choices
[13:51] {Threei} it doesn't mean they don't have any
[13:52] {Threei} and they will undertake something
[13:52] {Threei} as they already did over last year - year and half
[13:52] {nemo} dogfight at these lves
[13:52] {nemo} levels
[13:52] {Threei} you are looking at it wrong Les...
[13:53] {Threei} think of it in let's say Afghanistan terms
[13:53] {Threei} there are no good choices there
[13:53] {Threei} they are all bad
[13:53] {Threei} but some of them will be made
[13:53] {Threei} and implemenmted
[13:53] {Threei} and they will impact a lot of lives
[13:53] {Threei} see my point?
[13:53] {Les} sure
[13:53] {Threei} same with financial policies
[13:53] {strider} Vad, AONE?
[13:54] {Threei} if anything it's a short to me
[13:54] {strider} good idea on break?
[13:54] {Threei} I am not delighted by it either way,
[13:54] {strider} k
[13:54] {Threei} but if I had to trade it, I'd take short
[13:54] {Threei} on .80 break
[13:54] {Threei} I don't like the width of the stop
[13:55] {Threei} no proounced resistance other than 17
[13:55] {strider} yeah
[13:55] {Threei} ideally though, this thing could give us a reasonable play
[13:55] {Threei} if bounced, stayed under .90 and slid back to .80
[13:56] {Threei} then this break could have been taken with stop above .90
[13:56] {Threei} another way is to take fewer shares on .80 break with stop above 17
[13:57] {BillyD} can't short it
[13:57] {Threei} really
[13:57] {strider} yep. no shorts.
[13:57] {BillyD} yup
[13:57] {Threei} crap is so useless, lol
[13:57] {nemo} no shorts
[13:57] {strider} in laser
[13:58] {BillyD} lol
[13:58] {Threei} it was shirtable on its first IPO day
[13:58] {Threei} shortable
[13:58] {Threei} but not now
[13:58] {BillyD} they change daily
[13:58] {strider} lost its shirt, I guess.
[14:00] {strider} nice inverse c&h, PTEN
[14:01] {patience} bought kinross for a scalp
[14:04] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:04] {Threei} - NYSE volume 625M shares, about 11% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.1:1.
[14:04] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.22B shares, about 15% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.3:1.
[14:04] {Threei} - VIX index +1.5% to just over 23.00
[14:09] {strider} Hey ese, there's an ESE:)
[14:10] {Threei} more that that strider... there is RAVN
[14:10] {strider} Esco Technologies
[14:10] {strider} made my day!
[14:11] {Threei} and let me make your week: there is STRI
[14:11] {ilana} there is mags too
[14:11] {Threei} rofl, really
[14:12] {strider} hmmm.
[14:12] {ese} stock sysmbol?
[14:12] {strider} not very interesting.
[14:12] {strider} maybe I should change my name.
[14:12] {Threei} cable guy may be interested by MAGS, strider
[14:12] {Threei} or in
[14:13] {strider} you're so bad to poor mags.
[14:13] {ese} and it's dn 1.07.........honest it's says notheing about me
[14:13] {Threei} there used to be a stock LARS btw
[14:13] {strider} yep, ese looks like a short.
[14:13] {ese} lol
[14:14] {Threei} also, there is BKH
[14:14] {bkhmd} hey hey
[14:14] {ese} well on that note ....i have to sign off for the day...big day for egle i'm up 4 1/2 G's there.....cya tomorow
[14:14] {Threei} gj ese
[14:14] {Threei} take care
[14:15] {Les} nice one. byse
[14:15] {Les} bye too
[14:15] {Threei} I don't know where you find partience for this kind
[14:15] {ese} tks vad......thats because you protected my back on FCX
[14:15] {Threei} I'd already shoot myself
[14:15] {Les} egle
[14:15] {Threei} and couple people I don't like
[14:15] {ese} indeed
[14:15] {ese} take care
[14:16] {bkhmd} glad u bought camera lens not a gun vad
[14:16] {Threei} lol
[14:16] {Threei} not much relief there... in absence of gun I gnaw through the throats
[14:16] {Threei} not a pretty image
[14:17] {bkhmd} yikes
[14:17] {Threei} see?
[14:17] {strider} you gnaw, then take a picture of it and send it to his mother.
[14:17] {strider} bad
[14:17] {Threei} bad hasn't even imagined that
[14:18] {Threei} but I always believed that kind word and a gun are much more effective than kind word
[14:18] {nemo} yep
[14:21] {Threei} failed harddrive is under Seagate warranty it turns out... so they'll send me a new one
[14:21] {Threei} but I still have a question: what about pain and suffering?
[14:22] {bkhmd} yes vad I had much pain and suffering without you Monday
[14:22] {strider} Actually, it was rather pleasant here, Vad. No pain. No suffering. :)
[14:22] {bkhmd} include me on your claim
[14:22] {Threei} no bkh sorry... you are strider cancel each other out {G}
[14:22] {Threei} and strider
[14:22] {bkhmd} then in that case how abuot a read on Rimm
[14:22] {bkhmd} Bounce on the open?
[14:23] {Threei} how did you know I just got interested in this drop?
[14:23] {bkhmd} i have 3 eyes
[14:23] {Threei} on the open?
[14:23] {strider} all those burgers he eats.
[14:23] {Threei} dunno about open
[14:23] {bkhmd} 65
[14:23] {Threei} but interested in .50 support holding and providing bounce
[14:24] {Threei} market turns down too
[14:24] {Threei} maybe lower
[14:24] {bkhmd} perhaps .45
[14:25] {Threei} ugh
[14:25] {Threei} just right off .50
[14:25] {nemo} cat break of
[14:25] {larisa} AIG explosion why
[14:26] {Threei} AIG CEO Benmosche: Totally committed to leading the company - WSJ, citing internal memo
[14:26] {Threei} shrug
[14:26] {Threei} so wat
[14:26] {larisa} lol
[14:26] {magoo} back
[14:26] {Threei} ok
[14:26] {Threei} .60 break RIMM
[14:26] {nemo} quik mags aig
[14:26] {strider} Vad's been talking about you, mags.
[14:27] {Threei} what the
[14:27] {Threei} was there something else in memo we don't know about
[14:27] {strider} AIG CEO Benmosche says "totally committed" to leading AIG, WSJ reports
[14:27] {Les} out AIG for +.27
[14:27] {BillyD} stop on RIMM is .50
[14:27] {Les} thanks for heads up
[14:27] {BillyD} ??
[14:28] {magoo} whats up with AIG?
[14:28] {strider} boy that's a non-event
[14:28] {dino} .
[14:28] {Threei} ***Reminder: On 11/10, the WSJ reported that CEO Benmosche threatened to resign
[14:28] {Threei} so what
[14:28] {Threei} qwho cares?
[14:29] {strider} Billy does
[14:29] {BillyD} Vad, RIMM stop is what?
[14:29] {Threei} unxder .50
[14:29] {Les} obviously someone likes the idea of him quitting
[14:29] {BillyD} lol strider
[14:29] {BillyD} ty
[14:30] {Threei} how did it go wit cable mags?
[14:30] {Threei} and the guy?
[14:30] {dino} took awhile, but i think we are ok
[14:31] {magoo} lots of issues..but up now
[14:31] {Threei} how's speed?
[14:31] {magoo} good for now
[14:31] {Threei} AIG is back to its old self
[14:32] {strider} dino & mags in same office?
[14:33] {magoo} unfortanately
[14:33] {Threei} lol
[14:33] {Threei} RIMM 1:1
[14:33] {nemo} out ty
[14:33] {bkhmd} ty out
[14:33] {Threei} sure
[14:33] {Threei} not bad day after all
[14:33] {dino} yes strider
[14:35] {Threei} a lot of invalidations, an unusual number of discretionary setups that I wouldn't call "officially", but wins solidly outweighed stops
[14:36] {_esteban} hi everybody
[14:36] {Threei} hi esteban
[14:36] {Les} hi esteban you made it
[14:36] {nemo} play guitar?
[14:36] {magoo} related to gloia:)
[14:37] {_esteban} no
[14:37] {nemo} hope you don't need adult supervision...none here
[14:38] {magoo} AIG here?
[14:38] {Threei} momo mags... no technical read
[14:38] {magoo} u got a feel?
[14:39] {Threei} if drops sharply into 36.60 - .70 area, will be much easier to enter
[14:39] {magoo} might not drop
[14:39] {Threei} as "just a momo, enter wherever and it will work anyway" - no
[14:42] {Threei} let's see if RIMM obliges us once again
[14:42] {Threei} same idea, dive closer to .50
[14:42] {Threei} and bounce for scalpers
[14:43] {Threei} don't enter on price alone
[14:43] {Threei} let's see if we get right action
[14:43] {strider} volume or futs?
[14:44] {Threei} everything
[14:48] {Threei} much better momo now AIG
[14:48] {Threei} 38 38-50 is imminent it feels
[14:48] {dino} flr hl l .70
[14:48] {dino} stop lod
[14:48] {magoo} in 37
[14:49] {Threei} 37.99
[14:49] {Threei} lol
[14:50] {Threei} can I say forst target hit or you will hold me responsible for 1 cent miss?
[14:50] {Threei} first
[14:50] {Les} in .80
[14:52] {BillyD} BCRX maybe ready again
[14:53] {BillyD} any read Vad
[14:53] {Threei} I don't like how it acts on breaks
[14:53] {Threei} it's a good player off pullbacks
[14:53] {BillyD} ok
[14:53] {Threei} and if I were a bit more patient, we would try to get it on this drop to 12.10
[14:54] {Threei} which was our entry last time around,
[14:54] {Threei} provided nice support now
[14:54] {Threei} was a natural area to look for reentry
[14:55] {Threei} should bounce off .40
[14:55] {Threei} AIG that is
[15:00] {Threei} .50 recross
[15:00] {Threei} stop under .40
[15:02] {Threei} takes too long
[15:02] {dino} shaw hl l .50, stop lod
[15:02] {Threei} no go
[15:02] {BillyD} out
[15:04] {patience} goodness...i'm up $5.05 on my kinross trade so far....i've got to learn to trade in thousands of shares like Ese, not hundreds
[15:06] {dino} gj
[15:08] {nemo} 10's of thousands patience
[15:08] {patience} with your bank account, sure nemo
[15:08] {nemo} make your money on the ecn rebate
[15:08] {nemo} no...ese's bank account
[15:08] {patience} better yet, both
[15:08] {patience} :)
[15:09] {Threei} you'll need dp then
[15:09] {Threei} to drink with ese until he is oblivious
[15:09] {Threei} and gives you his login
[15:09] {nemo} shouldn't take long
[15:10] {BillyD} AIG no bounce
[15:10] {nemo} see market
[15:10] {BillyD} yeah]
[15:18] {Threei} Billy, have a look at BCRX
[15:18] {Threei} break entry would have been a trap
[15:19] {Threei} {--- at the risk of dislocating shoulder, pats himself on the back
[15:19] {BillyD} yeah, I saw that....I stayed away because you were is a pullback stock
06[15:21] * BillyD pats Vad on the back for BCRX
[15:22] {nemo} cya tomorrow
[15:23] {BillyD} bye nemo
[15:25] {Threei} take care nemo
[15:25] {BillyD} RIMM near 65 again
[15:26] {dino} cya nemo
[15:28] {Les} TOL consolidating for another break?
[15:29] {dino} for whom the bell....
[15:32] {Threei} it forms what you can call a bull flag
[15:34] {Threei} watch volume,
[15:34] {Threei} you want to see it stalling and volume p;ractically disappearing
[15:34] {Threei} then reversing and gaining volume
[15:36] {Threei} see these last few downticks on increasing volume?
[15:36] {Threei} they negate an idea of bull flag
[15:37] {Les} ok.
[15:38] {Les} bill's new commentary is up and running with a star rating system
[15:41] {dino} cramer getting giddy. contra indicator imo
[15:43] {Threei} lol... guys is incredible
[15:44] {Threei} wasn;t his "now we drop to 9500" comment what practically ended pullback?
[15:44] {bkhmd} 5 minutes ago he is bragging a 200% return 100% guarantee
[15:44] {bkhmd} lol
[15:45] {Threei} ummm
[15:46] {dino} yes, he said 9k before 10k end of oct
[15:47] {Threei} heh
[15:49] {strider} DRYS
[15:50] {dino} wets
[15:50] {Threei} AIG dropped just where I wanted it... but we have no time for decent play
[15:50] {patience} hmmm.....evidently Kinross doesn't know how big my daughter's cell phone bill is this month
[15:51] {Threei} and last minutes are even more dangerous on it
[15:51] {magoo} a lot of time
[15:51] {magoo} last 10 minutes can make your week
[15:51] {dino} out shaw +.03
[15:54] {Threei} ENMD...
[15:57] {dino} out flr .63 -.07
[15:58] {Threei} okay guys
[15:58] {Threei} thank you all
[15:58] {Threei} have a good evening
[15:58] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[15:58] {bkhmd} good night all
[15:58] {BillyD} ty vad
[15:58] {dino} take care all, thx for ideas
[15:58] {bkhmd} ty vad
[15:59] {Les} yeh thanks for another day of learning. night.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nov 10 2009

After computer crash kept me away yesterday, I was extra-careful today - 5 calls, 4 wins, no runners, just scalps. Market didn't inspire for much more either spending most of the day locked in narrow range.

Session Time: Tue Nov 10 00:00:00 2009

[07:04] {BillyD} morning Vad
[07:05] {nemo} hey billyd! :)
[07:05] {BillyD} nemoooooooo
[07:05] {Threei} Good morning!
[07:05] {Threei} welcome back Billy
[07:05] {BillyD} ty, good to see you all
[07:05] {nemo} oh can see me?
[07:08] {nemo} why aig up 3$
[07:09] {BillyD} dunno
[07:09] {Threei} 5:52:49 PM
[07:09] {Threei} American International Group, Inc Moodys maintains negative outlook and current A3 ratings; says company "Should be" able to repay government loan
[07:09] {Threei} - Moodys expects that AIG should be able to repay the US government's senior secured loan and most or all of the US government's preferred stock, if the company's operations and financial markets further stabilize.
[07:09] {Threei} - Moodys added that the company's Q3 results show that its core insurance business is stabilizing.
[07:09] {Threei} **Note: The US government has invested about $121B into AIG.
[07:09] {Threei} - The government is authorized to provide up to $182B in assistance to the company.
[07:09] {Threei} this is the only thing I see
[07:10] {nemo} so there's a big "if" and it's from Moody's who were part and parcel to the ratings fraud that helped cause the debacle...I can sleep well at night
[07:10] {Les} so if it makes for some good scalps in AIG today, bring it on.
[07:10] {Les} gm
[07:11] {Threei} les :)
[07:11] {strider} He's alive!
[07:11] {strider} Vad:)
[07:11] {nemo} yes Les...I just wanted to know a reason...Kinda' like Rimm's downgrade yesterday, so of course it was up
[07:11] {Threei} I am like a bad dream strider
[07:11] {nemo} Vad the Impaler is immortal...don't forget
[07:11] {Threei} back again and again
[07:11] {nemo} more like Syphilis
[07:12] {nemo} eh...sorry...over the top
[07:12] {Threei} nah, I am not that harmful
[07:12] {Threei} BAC CEO: Ken Lewis: Crisis is abating although recovery is fragile, firm has robust capital position - investor conference comments (15.77, 0.00, 0.00%) (related XLF )
[07:13] {Threei} but yeah, I'd recommend before hitting entyer to read and think: whether it's something janitor mi8ght have to sweep
[07:13] {Threei} BLTXX Baltic Dry Bulk Index rises just under 4% (9th straight gain)
[07:14] {nemo} well, it's an improvement, kinda'...haven't done anything like that in months, and it was arguably marginally abhorrent
[07:14] {Threei} let's call it improvement in your terms
[07:14] {Threei} just to keep things in perspective
[07:14] {nemo} yes...eqzaktly
[07:17] {Les} watching BZH. Got some airtime on Bloomberg today
[07:18] {Threei} BZH Reports Q4 ex items $0.87 v -$1.24e (unclear if comp), R $377M v $338Me; New orders, backlog fall notably
[07:18] {Threei} Intends to file Form S-3 Universal Shelf registration statement
[07:18] {Threei} - Intends to file a Form S-3 Universal Shelf registration statement under which it may offer, from time to time, senior debt securities, subordinated debt securities, common stock, preferred stock, depositary shares, warrants, rights, stock purchase contracts or stock purchase units. However, the Company is not pursuing any particular offering under the registration at this time.
[07:23] {Les} sat down with bank staff today. Bear transaction looks possible now. No hurry though. Want to sharpen setup skills then entry/exits with 2 wks demo laser. give myself 1 month on paper.
[07:25] {Les} GM exec reports on Bloomberg: there's market for $60G coupe with elec. motor with 40 mile range. hmmm. I see big future for GM. Not.
[07:26] {Threei} there is market for anything...
[07:26] {Threei} question is, can company live on that market
[07:29] {Threei} so, how did you guys do yesterday while I fighting my way back from tech hell?
[07:30] {nemo} there were some pretty good scalps among the minions in the morning, and Dino was, of course, Dino.
[07:31] {Threei} cool beans
[07:31] {strider} PCLN up 25 bucks from yesterday
[07:32] {Threei} btw, the exit card from hell is to be so nasty that devil says "throw this guy out, he will corrupt all my stuff"
[07:33] {Les} ? je ne comprend pas
[07:33] {nemo} earnings les
[07:33] {Les} no, 3i's last
[07:34] {Threei} follow up to previous comment about "fighting my way back from tech hell"...
[07:34] {Threei} which in turns refers to computer crash
[07:35] {Threei} which, in case you haven't noticed, kept me out of room yesterday {G}
[07:35] {nemo} oh...we were remarkably well behaved in your absence
[07:35] {Les} oh right, a joke. sorry
[07:38] {Les} started leaving bloomberg tv on in the background to keep current on stories. Their inane chatter is driving me insane. Does anyone here keep tv on while trading?
[07:38] {nemo} not me
[07:39] {Threei} CNN, muted
[07:39] {Threei} switching tio canadian channels sometimes
[07:39] {Threei} no financial channels
[07:40] {Threei} (US) Treasury Official: Important for China to increase domestic consumption
[07:40] {Threei} yup.. let's tell them how to run their business
[07:40] {Threei} because we are so good at it
[07:41] {patience} Les, I watch BNN during the trading can watch it over the internet
[07:41] {patience} i like it
[07:44] {Les} difference between BNN and CNN? One's business related and other is political. Vad, you keep an eye on breaking political stories?
[07:44] {Les} sorry, I assume that is the difference between BNN and CNN
[07:45] {Threei} that, and keeping count on TV appearances by you-know-who
[07:45] {Les} lol
[07:45] {nemo} Genvieve Bujold?
[07:45] {Threei} lol
[07:56] {Threei} (US) Senator Baucus: urges Obama to resolve concerns blocking Korea, Colombia, Panama trade deals (related USD/JPY EUR/USD )
[07:56] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[07:56] {Threei} fern :)
[07:56] {Threei} US Senate will not finish work this year on Climate Change legislation
[07:57] {Threei} one economy killing bill a year is a policy I guess
[07:58] {nemo} and next year you have the tax cut expiration
[08:00] {Les} afternoon fern. make me feel good fern. tell me its as cold and cloudy in south of spain as in switzerland...
[08:00] {nemo} yeah...right les
[08:03] {ese} good morning....vad!!!!! your back
[08:03] {fernp} Les, here we are still using air-conditioner
[08:04] {Threei} like a bad dream, ese
06[08:04] * strider slaps fernp around a bit with a large air conditioner
[08:04] {BillyD} hi ese, fern
[08:04] {fernp} it's hot here yet
[08:04] {BillyD} vad, bad PC day?
[08:04] {Threei} harddrive failure over weekend
[08:05] {BillyD} backup right?
[08:05] {Threei} yup
[08:05] {ese} billy fern......dude
[08:05] {BillyD} only positive thing out of it Vad
[08:05] {Threei} took a day to diagnose, replace, and restore all the data
[08:05] {Threei} without good backup, would be a total nightmare
[08:06] {BillyD} I replaced my hardrive a few months ago and my PC performance so much better.....386 runs like day I bought
[08:06] {Threei} lol
[08:06] {nemo} got a new squirrel for the treadmill?
[08:09] {Threei} (US) Fed's Lockhart: Overall economic picture is "quite mixed," commercial real estate problems could weaken the recovery
[08:09] {Threei} - Believes economic recovery is underway, began in summer.
[08:09] {Threei} - There are signs that conditions are improving and housing has bottomed out.
[08:10] {lasertrev} gm
[08:10] {Threei} trev :)
[08:14] {nemo} aig might go momo on us
[08:14] {Threei} I see it was quite tame yesterday
[08:15] {nemo} yes
[08:15] {larisa} gm :)
[08:15] {Threei} larisa :)
[08:15] {nemo} lari :)
[08:15] {larisa} :)
[08:15] {Threei} so, DOW made new high while NASDAQ is still under its
[08:16] {Threei} not sure what to make off it...
[08:16] {Threei} could be: Dow is easier to run, with its lesser volume
[08:16] {Threei} or
[08:16] {Threei} techs lag
[08:17] {ese} nice pcln +19.00 pts
[08:17] {dptl} good morning
[08:17] {Threei} dp :)
[08:17] {ese} ddddddpppppppp
[08:18] {dptl} :)
[08:19] {dino} gm all
[08:19] {Threei} dino :)
[08:19] {nemo} dino, dude, p
[08:19] {nemo} dp
[08:19] {dptl} :)
[08:19] {dptl} dude?
[08:19] {dptl} p
[08:19] {Les} too many smiley faces for one session. gm all.
[08:20] {Les} anything catching your eye today Vad?
[08:20] {Threei} AIG
[08:20] {nemo} aig
[08:21] {Threei} but that's not really something I am willing to jump on right away
[08:21] {ese} dino
[08:21] {Threei} it's morning voalitity is a killer
[08:21] {ese} pcln....up 20pts dino
[08:22] {dino} toughy
[08:23] {ese} my wynn position basically came out even at the end of the day yesterday avg price .49 sold at .46 -.03
[08:24] {ese} one of the few times a stock like that has not made it back to it's high of the day
[08:24] {dino} wynn = pulp
[08:24] {dino} flr interesting
[08:25] {magoo} morn
[08:25] {magoo} missed ya yesterday vad
[08:25] {Threei} magoo :)
[08:26] {ese} mags
[08:26] {dino} ubs takes wynn down to neutral
[08:26] {dino} bj to sell goldman
[08:27] {fernp} CSCO 24 break is tempting
[08:27] {nemo} rimm .35 break
[08:27] {Threei} if market starts this slow confident climb, then yeas fern,
[08:27] {Threei} just don't count on quick resolution
[08:27] {Threei} CSCO is torturer
[08:28] {fernp} thanks
[08:28] {fernp} I don't need a toturer...
[08:29] {cosmo} they have their methods, don't they...
[08:29] {ese} Q news flr dino is not that bad
[08:29] {BillyD} LVS may take 17 today
[08:30] {dino} agree es
[08:30] {nemo} hehehe rimm
[08:32] {ese} bzh L .12
[08:32] {ese} sm
[08:32] {ese} stop .06
[08:33] {Threei} Long Setup: HIG .05 break
[08:33] {Threei} if stays above .95
[08:34] {strider} in
[08:35] {dino} tol sm l .20
[08:35] {Les} late to the party. in .09
[08:36] {dino} nat sm l .25
[08:37] {Threei} Long Setup: AIG .60 break half lot
[08:37] {Threei} if stays above .40
[08:38] {Threei} HIG no worky
[08:38] {fernp} stopped HIG
[08:39] {ese} out bzh .26 +.14
[08:39] {Threei} AIG 1:1
[08:39] {fernp} ty ty AIG
[08:39] {Threei} twice??
[08:39] {Threei} lol
[08:39] {nemo} rinse on hig
[08:40] {strider} out AIG +.18
[08:40] {strider} stopped HIG -}-.10
[08:40] {Threei} I guess HIG is losing its appeal
[08:40] {fernp} yes Vad, from .62 to .80 twice
[08:41] {Threei} nice
[08:41] {Threei} wtg
[08:41] {Threei} will papertrade HIG for a while without actual calls on it
[08:41] {Threei} maybe its time to move on
[08:41] {dino} flr
[08:43] {dino} tlcr
[08:43] {Les} xlf making lower highs lower lows. not helping HIG I guess
[08:44] {strider} PCLN big pullback
[08:44] {ese} nice 2nd move bzh
[08:44] {Threei} DRYS...
[08:44] {Threei} ese, may be of interest to you
[08:44] {dino} flr sm l .25
[08:44] {ese} very
[08:44] {Threei} BLTXX 9th consecutive gain today
[08:45] {Threei} 6.36 its today's high, 6.40 yesterday
[08:45] {nemo} HIG rude
[08:45] {ese} would like to go long again just over .40
[08:45] {Threei} very
[08:46] {ese} didn't get a chance at the 5,50 level
[08:46] {ese} still have a position at .47
[08:47] {dino} flr stopped -.32
[08:48] {Threei} Fed's Lockhart: WIll not focus on employment alone; scenarios exist that could see a rate hike with high employment - comments to reports
[08:48] {Threei} yikes
[08:48] {nemo} they're saving the system, not people
[08:49] {Threei} as if system can exist without people
[08:49] {Les} out HIG average .17 +.8. ain't touching HIG again.
[08:49] {Threei} average?
[08:49] {Threei} what did you do with it?
[08:49] {Les} dumped one quarter at purchase price
[08:50] {magoo} news AMZN vad? been underperforming lasrt 2 days
[08:50] {dino} flr rinsed
[08:51] {Threei} (US) Senator Dodd (D-CT): Financial regulation bill would include a consumer protection agency that would have the power to assess fees on banks with $10B or more in assets (related XLF )
[08:51] {strider} PAAS
[08:51] {Threei} here is the only thing I see that may be AMZN problem:
[08:52] {Threei} Sunday, November 08, 2009 8:56:30 PM
[08:52] {Threei} (US) A key Supreme Court ruling is nearing which could impact industries including software - Press
[08:52] {Threei} - On Monday, the court will examine what types of inventions should be eligible for a patent.
[08:52] {Threei} - The case could undermine the legal protections for software.
[08:52] {Threei} - If the Supreme Court favors the position of the US Patent Office, it could ban patents on processes and methods of doing business, such as online shipping techniques, medical diagnostic tests and procedures for executing financial trades.
[08:52] {strider} STEC moving up
[08:52] {Threei} quite a stretch, but there is nothing else that would even include the symbol
[08:52] {Threei} Nevada reports Sept casino rev $911M, -8.9% y/y; Las Vegas strip revenue $506M, -3.6% y/y (related MGM LVS PENN MPEL BYD WYNN MNTG BYI )
[08:55] {ese} stec sure has taken a hair cut ST
[08:55] {strider} Indeed.
[08:55] {fernp} WFC pulling back
[08:55] {strider} Rumor: STEC Inc moves higher on design win speculation :theflyonthewall
[08:56] {nemo} crissakes, stec probably moving higher because it fell so far
[08:56] {strider} MYGN trying to do something
[08:57] {Threei} HGSI...
[08:58] {Threei} .80 break, for fast momo players only
[08:58] {Threei} not against the market of course, but let's use this market pullback to see how well HGSI holding
[08:59] {Threei} AIG sells off hard
[09:01] {dino} scanners red
[09:02] {ese} l stec .66
[09:03] {ese} stop .56
[09:04] {ese} stopped .56 -.10
[09:05] {Les} tried to short aig at .42 no fill.
[09:06] {Les} have to leave lightening quick trades to Laser me thinks
[09:06] {Threei} (US) Fed's Yellen: Fed needs to provide accommodation to support job growth; inflation likely to go lower rather than higher
[09:06] {Threei} - Housing market has stabilized, foreclosures could put fresh pressure on home prices
[09:06] {Threei} - Unemployment could stay higher for years to come
[09:06] {fernp} DRYS pathetic
[09:06] {Threei} Les... I am not sure I understand what you are doing
[09:07] {nemo} think he understands? :)
[09:07] {Threei} your HIG trade was against every rule in the book
[09:07] {Les} :P
[09:07] {strider} TEVA
[09:07] {Threei} this AIG short is not making much sense eirher
[09:07] {BillyD} AIG total guess with these jumps up/down
[09:08] {nemo} hgsi..damn
[09:08] {Threei} ?
[09:08] {magoo} actually, AIG is a bounce candidate
[09:08] {Threei} it still didn't do anything
[09:08] {nemo} break of .70
[09:09] {BillyD} what entry magoo...AIG
[09:09] {ese} flr L .55
[09:10] {magoo} well when it held .50
[09:10] {magoo} so as close to .50
[09:10] {magoo} stop like .40
[09:10] {magoo} aapl too
[09:10] {magoo} same setup[
[09:10] {dino} cvs l .57
[09:10] {Threei} the best scenario for AIG would be a quick dive under .50, for double bottom
[09:11] {dino} rocking
[09:11] {Threei} HGSI, pullback close to .70 is an entry idea
[09:12] {ese} out flr .85 +.30
[09:14] {Les} H&S forming on RIMM?
[09:14] {Threei} good eye
[09:14] {Threei} yes
[09:15] {Threei} with 63 being cloest resistance
[09:16] {ese} L stec .60
[09:17] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .80 break half lot
[09:17] {strider} in
[09:17] {fernp} stop above 63?
[09:17] {Threei} for day traders
[09:18] {Threei} hard core scalpers can keep it .95
[09:18] {Threei} 1:1 for those pesky ones
[09:18] {fernp} ahh! ty I am out
[09:18] {Threei} lol
[09:18] {Les} quick to the chase fern
[09:18] {fernp} good read Les
[09:19] {Threei} yup, nice find
[09:19] {BillyD} out here +.15 ty
[09:19] {Threei} billy :)
[09:19] {Threei} clean formation, rare case
[09:19] {ese} anyone of you lot take that hgsi..........nice one
[09:19] {Threei} reinforced by staying put while market tried to return to high
[09:19] {strider} stopped rimm
[09:20] {Threei} no ese, couldn't find entry
[09:20] {Threei} now it pulls back to where I wanted it
[09:20] {Threei} stop under .60
[09:20] {Threei} strider... not sure I understand
[09:21] {Threei} if it was scalp, why not traking profit, and if it was a day trade - why stop if resistance at 63 is not broken
[09:21] {strider} shorted at .80 stopped at .90
[09:21] {BillyD} Vad, you in HGSI
[09:21] {ese} stec just hangin around .60......come on.....get at it
[09:21] {Threei} yes billy, .71
[09:22] {Threei} strider, if stop at .90, you had over 1:1
[09:22] {strider} did the best I could
[09:22] {Threei} but why not take scalp if you play it with scalping stop size?
[09:23] {Threei} there must be alignment between your risk and reward
[09:23] {strider} you're right, vad.
[09:23] {ese} flr tanking again dino
06[09:23] * Threei slaps strider around a bit with a large Master Profit Plan
[09:23] {Threei} double bottom RIMM, with 63 break as confirmation
[09:23] {Threei} missed it
[09:24] {dino} watching for db on it
[09:24] {ese} auch du miya!!!!! stec get up there!!!!
[09:25] {dino} esc
[09:25] {nemo} top left of keyboard dino
[09:26] {dino} roflol, took me a second
[09:26] {Threei} lol
[09:26] {Threei} you know why dino?
[09:26] {nemo} here it comes
[09:26] {dino} no
[09:26] {Threei} because you just don't expect a good joke from nemo
[09:26] {dino} lol
[09:27] {Threei} and I have to say, it's a third good one from him in just as many weeks
[09:28] {Threei} I may have to rethink my opinion on his sense of humor if he keeps it up till, say New Year
[09:28] {Threei} oh come on HGSI, just a few more cents
[09:28] {Threei} good boy
[09:28] {Threei} 1;1
[09:28] {dino} esc hl l .53
[09:29] {Threei} half out
[09:29] {Threei} scalpers take profit
[09:29] {ese} stopped stec .50 -.10 daaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
[09:31] {Threei} second half is trailed to under .70
[09:31] {nemo} now you have an H&S on hgsi
[09:31] {Threei} nah
[09:31] {Threei} too narrow reange
[09:31] {Threei} I prefer this fpormation to be much more pronounced
[09:32] {nemo} so the left shoulder is a little impaired
[09:32] {strider} inverse c&h STEC
[09:32] {Threei} otherwise you can construct it in any accidental oscillation within narrow range
[09:32] {Threei} do this funny exercise to see what I mean
[09:33] {Threei} find any stock consolidating in narrow range, let's say 10-15 cents
[09:33] {Threei} blow up the scale of the chart
[09:33] {dino} esc out .80, +
[09:33] {Threei} and look at consolidation range trying to find patterns in it
[09:33] {Threei} you will see everything
[09:33] {Threei} C&H, H&S, whatever
[09:33] {nemo} yeah
[09:33] {Threei} and they all won't mean squat
[09:34] {dino} .27
[09:34] {nemo} tight range aig
[09:34] {dino} too many mice on my desk, +.27 hitting them while typing
[09:35] {strider} you need a cat, dino
[09:35] {dino} i need something
[09:35] {nemo} hgsi might be setting up for a short
[09:35] {ese} dino...stalking flr again at .50
[09:36] {fernp} missed HGSI, I think I was trading RIMM and forgot it... don't remember
[09:36] {fernp} I'm getting old
[09:36] {dino} hmmm
[09:36] {Threei} lol
[09:37] {dino} no worries fern, just saw i'm holding pike, forgot it
[09:37] {fernp} :)
06[09:37] * Threei renames the room into Alzheimer Galore
[09:37] {nemo} well, so much for the Saudi threat to increase production...oil up a buck again and dollar crushed
[09:37] {nemo} reminds me of a James Bond character
[09:38] {dino} dropping
[09:38] {dino} dxd l .95
[09:38] {Threei} done with HGSI second half
[09:38] {ese} i still think though that stec is good for a swing trade for a couple of points.....vads capitulation bar 4 days ago is a tell tale sign
[09:38] {Threei} MTXX Heairng shares moving higher following continued sale of Zicam as OTC (4.37, +0.24, 5.81%)
[09:39] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[09:39] {Threei} - NYSE volume 225M shares, about 20% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.1:1.
[09:39] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 480M shares, about 15% below its three-month average; advancers and decliners are about even.
[09:39] {Threei} - VIX index -1.3% to just over 22.50
[09:40] {Threei} not sure I understand this MTXX news
[09:41] {Threei} Zicam is allowed to sell by FDA again?
[09:41] {BillyD} Vad, look at EWBC short off .94
[09:41] {Threei} 'cause is yes, it should be at 10-15 in a blink of eye
[09:42] {Threei} .92 break would be a new low for EWBC
[09:42] {Les} false rumour. MTXX dropping as quickly as it rose
[09:42] {Threei} I'd prefer to short it into bounce
[09:42] {BillyD} ok, in already here
[09:43] {Threei} 13.05 resistance for stop placement then
[09:43] {BillyD} yes
[09:43] {Threei} so far so good\, 3 out of 4
[09:44] {BillyD} out +.1:1
[09:44] {Threei} EWBC going for 1:1 in a hurry
[09:44] {Threei} good one
[09:44] {BillyD} ty
[09:45] {fernp} gj Billy
[09:45] {nemo} hgsi forming tight range
[09:45] {Threei} tempted by AIG short idea
[09:46] {Threei} bounce closer to .50 would get me in
[09:46] {nemo} yeah, 37 support from yesterday
[09:46] {Threei} no bounce...
[09:46] {Threei} no biting into breakdown
[09:47] {ese} flr drifting
[09:47] {Threei} AIG is a murderer on this kind of entries 9 times out of 10
[09:47] {nemo} so...just pick the 10th
[09:47] {Threei} I am not hnting for that 1 risking to be stopped on 9
[09:47] {nemo} hgsi short
[09:49] {fernp} HIG is on loews
[09:49] {nemo} I was just setting myself up for you to lambaste day off and you lose it...sheesh
[09:50] {ese} hands clenched with fervor......venom running through veins....classic revenge trade symptoms.....ese goes Long one more time STEC .20
[09:50] {Threei} I am trying on gentler softer me this week
[09:50] {strider} new fabric softener?
[09:50] {nemo} estrogen
[09:50] {Threei} no, scotch
[09:51] {Les} what's your target for RIMM Vad?
[09:51] {Threei} hmm?
[09:51] {dino} out tol -.20
[09:51] {Threei} I never called RIMM here
[09:51] {Les} I know. RIMM dropping to what in your opinion
[09:51] {Threei} I've no idea
[09:51] {Threei} I don't think in these terms Les
[09:52] {Threei} this is not my trading ap;proach at all
[09:52] {dino} out dxd .07, +.12
[09:52] {nemo} aig db?
[09:52] {Threei} I doubt it
[09:53] {Threei} AIG tends to explode upward in this kind of situations more often than not
[09:53] {nemo} is said db not dbi
[09:53] {BillyD} nice HGSI read nemo
[09:53] {nemo} ty...vad ignored me...sniff
[09:54] {Threei} hey, my gentliness and softness go just so far
[09:54] {nemo} yeah...i understand when it comes to me
[09:54] {Threei} there you go - this is how AIG short on .20 breakdown would have failed
[09:54] {nemo} I said DB=double bottom not short
[09:55] {Threei} oh
06[09:55] * nemo slaps Threei around a bit with a large READING GLASSES!!!
[09:55] {Threei} yeah... getting old... sniff sniff
[09:55] {strider} long PAAS .35 stop .29
[09:55] {nemo} rimm might be long here
[09:56] {Threei} OK, watching AIG for some kind of short formation here
[09:57] {Threei} nearest resistance ,is .65
[09:57] {Threei} if .50 is broken that is
[09:57] {Threei} need some support to form
[09:57] {Threei} to give us trigger
[09:57] {Threei} .40 seems to be it
[09:57] {Threei} Short Setup: AIG .40 break
[09:57] {Threei} stop for scalpers above .50
[09:58] {Threei} for daytraders above .65
[09:58] {dino} flr
[09:58] {dino} ash
[09:58] {magoo} see..i just think its better oddes for a bounce here
[09:58] {magoo} dont like shorts
[09:58] {strider} stopped PAAS -.09
[09:59] {strider} is AIG still valid, vad?
[10:00] {Threei} sure, same setup
[10:00] {ese} nemo....nice short on hgsi.....well done laaaaaddie!!
[10:00] {nemo} ty
[10:00] {dino} gj
[10:01] {Threei} invalidated
[10:02] {BillyD} invalidated or stopped on AIG
[10:02] {dino} flr hl l .10
[10:02] {Threei} first entry hit 1:1
[10:02] {Threei} second got invalidated
[10:02] {BillyD} ok
[10:02] {fernp} uhmmm? I grabbed +.08 in AIG
[10:02] {magoo} i took it long .30
[10:02] {Threei} if day trading entry, never hit either, prfoit target or stop
[10:02] {dino} ash hl l .53
[10:04] {magoo} trying for .70 area
[10:04] {larisa} getting confused here, vad has several entries, magoo is trading against it :)
[10:05] {nemo} what's so's magoo...frickin' anti-christ
[10:06] {dino} put magoo on ignore
[10:06] {magoo} trev u here?
[10:06] {larisa} :)
[10:06] {magoo} out aig
[10:06] {magoo} + .23
[10:07] {BillyD} [09:00] {strider} is AIG still valid, vad?
[10:07] {BillyD} [09:00] {&Threei} sure, same setup
[10:08] {BillyD} Vad, did you mean .40 BDN was still valid....I wasn't sure if hit 1:1 yet
[10:08] {Threei} yes but it never broke .40 again, and proceeded to break .50 instead
[10:08] {nemo} I know you'd like to short Rimm into a pull back, but...
[10:09] {magoo} TREV DCC when u can
[10:09] {BillyD} got it, thought you meant to short intop the bounce
[10:09] {Threei} sometimes it's the way,
[10:09] {BillyD} right
[10:09] {Threei} but with AIG, you always have to give a bit to its natural volatility
[10:09] {magoo} tech issue TREV-a-rino:)
[10:11] {strider} My laser freezing problems seem to be gone this week. anybody else?
[10:12] {nemo} I'm still having sporadic issues with quote servers
[10:14] {magoo} ya
[10:15] {magoo} here constant, but most is our connection
[10:17] {gnslng} .
[10:17] {Threei} good point
[10:18] {Les} descending triangle in SPY forming?
[10:18] {magoo} vad, email me your excuse for yesterday ok for the file..TY
[10:19] {Threei} hmmm
[10:19] {Threei} dog ate my computer?
[10:20] {Les} :)
[10:20] {Threei} better yet... dog ripped harddrive out of my computer and ate it... it's realy strong and determined dog, you know
[10:22] {dino} ouch, thought you said your dog did not bite? that's not my dog
[10:22] {Threei} I don't have a dog
[10:23] {Threei} it's some strange dog that now and then comes in to eat my computer
[10:23] {nemo} that's a precious steinway...not anymore
[10:23] {nemo} a mere blemish on the furniture
[10:31] {magoo} i gootta rebopot
[10:32] {magoo} hopefully be back
[10:32] {nemo} sube
[10:38] {dino} tough trading here, dsl problems.
[10:40] {magoo} SIGHHHHHHH
[10:40] {magoo} untradeable
[10:40] {BillyD} sorry to hear
[10:41] {magoo} im more excited for cable guy than xmas
[10:42] {Threei} oh boy
[10:42] {Threei} lord give me power to supress 13 nasty jokes I just had coming to my mind
[10:43] {Threei} I'll limit myself to just one, and the most PC: this must be one good looking cable guy
[10:45] {strider} good lord...PCLN
[10:47] {nemo} remember when said "db" on aig, it was the "b"
[10:54] {dptl} hmm ....keep getting disconected like every 5-10 min
04[10:55] -} [dptl] PING
[10:55] {Threei} [10:55] [dptl PING reply]: 2secs
[10:55] {Threei} not stellar
[10:57] {lasertrev} magoo, got ya
[10:57] {Threei} Fed's Yellen: Would be surprised to see deflation in the US - comments to reporters
[10:58] {Threei} no really?
[10:58] {Threei} or is it just "ok, I am surprised" kind of deal
[10:58] {Threei} Fed should be monitoring asset prices for signs of a bubble - comments to reporters
[10:58] {Threei} - Fed has an important role in overseeing banks
[10:59] {fernp} Vad, when are you going to post all the photos you made yesterday?
[10:59] {nemo} nice one fern
[10:59] {Threei} (US) Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV): Expects Senate healthcare bill to reach the floor for debate next week
[10:59] {Threei} lol
[10:59] {fernp} direct hit
[11:00] {Threei} actually, in this crash I lost a few good ones I made of a salmon run
[11:00] {Threei} got just one or two left that I uploaded for someone
[11:01] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[11:01] {Threei} - NYSE volume 430M shares, about 12% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.4:1.
[11:01] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 915M shares, about 8% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.2:1.
[11:01] {Threei} - VIX index +1% to just over 23.00
[11:09] {strider} Vad, TEVA read?
[11:11] {Threei} none really
[11:11] {Threei} TEVA is rarely a readable player
[11:11] {strider} rhx
[11:12] {strider} thx
[11:18] {strider} fitb selloff
[11:19] {Threei} no fresh news on it
[11:19] {Threei} 11:29 the latest
[12:22] {strider} PCLN short?
[12:23] {Threei} chart wise yes
[12:23] {Threei} risk wise, stay the hell away
[12:23] {dptl} sigh
[12:23] {ese} hey all have to sign off....have a remembrance day ceremony to perform at.....see you tomorrow
[12:23] {Threei} take care ese
[12:23] {BillyD} bye ese
[12:23] {nemo} cya dude
[12:24] {ese} cya vad have a great rest of the day.....i'm still long stec .20 we'll see what happens
[12:24] {ese} dude3
[12:24] {ese} opps dude
[12:25] {Threei} (US) Fed's Rosengren: Fed has the tools it needs to tighten monetary policy, it is just a question of timing
[12:26] {Threei} not at the point where policy tightening is required (related EUR/USD )
[12:27] {nemo} believe him?
[12:27] {Threei} I do
[12:27] {Threei} in this particular case at least
[12:27] {nemo} Of course, he is from the government, and he's here to help
[12:27] {Threei} they really have tools to tighten, why not\
[12:27] {Threei} they assign rate
[12:28] {Threei} and it's really a matter of timing
[12:28] {Threei} what I do question is:
[12:28] {Threei} 1. whether they have good sense of timing
[12:28] {Threei} 2. whether good timing on this is even possible
[12:29] {Threei} and 3. whenever they do it, what kind of consequences it is going to have
[12:29] {Les} spy at low of day
[12:30] {Threei} it all would be fine if economy really recovered, became scorching hot and rate hikes would become possible and easily tolerated
[12:30] {Threei} as it is, major danger is that they might find themselves being forced to hike rates
[12:30] {Threei} befofe economy is strong enough to handle it
[12:30] {nemo} yeah, depending on auction results
[12:31] {Threei} Preview Treasury's $25B 10-year note auction results due out just after 1PM ET
[12:31] {Threei} - $2B increase from the Aug auction
[12:31] {Threei} - Aug bid-to-cover ratio 2.48 with an average of 2.39 over the last 3 auctions
[12:31] {Threei} - indirect bidders took 45.7% of competitive bids at last auction with 20.9% alloted at the high
[12:31] {Threei} - the when issued yield is trading roughly in line with cash market at 3.46%
[12:31] {nemo} that's funny...I mention auction and you come up with that
[12:32] {Threei} this preview is usually posted 30 min before
[12:32] {Threei} so you just mentioned it in time
[12:32] {Threei} but these auctions is a mystery to me
[12:32] {nemo} the synchronicity
[12:32] {Threei} hey, two syllable words please
[12:33] {Threei} fire
[12:33] {Threei} deer
[12:33] {nemo} co-in-ci-dence
[12:33] {Threei} tree
[12:33] {nemo} rock
[12:33] {nemo} scotch
[12:33] {Threei} yup
[12:33] {Threei} you are getting it
[12:33] {Les} setup
[12:33] {Les} please
[12:33] {BillyD} lol
[12:34] {dino} lol blast month (10-30) treas. sec geither awarded penn national bank of chicago (obama town)w/$50m in tax credits to encourage investment in poor communities, hours later it was seized by fdic and given to us bancorp
[12:34] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD .80 break
[12:34] {dino} last
[12:34] {Threei} seriously dino??
[12:34] {dino} yes,
[12:34] {strider} sttop?
[12:35] {Threei} above .90
[12:35] {nemo} invaludimated
[12:35] {strider} you mean that .90?:)
[12:35] {Threei} so Timmy didn't know FDIC was circling the bank?
[12:36] {dino} nope, seems blair decided not to mention it
[12:36] {nemo} I know you HATE zerohedge, but see their article on the FED trading desk?
[12:36] {Threei} way to manahe communications in the government
[12:36] {Threei} no, and not interested
[12:36] {nemo} actually, I like the move
[12:37] {Threei} they take too much freedom with truth
[12:37] {Threei} andf I don't HATE them, too much honor
[12:37] {Threei} I don't consider them credible
[12:37] {nemo} alright, indifferent
[12:37] {Threei} and I see the agenda clearly
[12:38] {nemo} I can see clearly now the rain is gone....
[12:38] {strider} GLD setup again?
[12:38] {Threei} guy thrown out of Wall Street for insider trading start anonymous website trying to blame Wall Street?
[12:38] {Threei} yes - if you are OK with .95 stop
[12:39] {strider} k
[12:39] {strider} are you taking it?
[12:39] {Les} $USD looks like it wants to make a break for it. Little steam train that thinks it can
[12:40] {Les} can't see GLD being good to go until Uncle buck gives the word, no?
[12:40] {Threei} I will, if it's not going over .90 anymore
[12:40] {Threei} and with stop above .90, as planned origianlly
[12:40] {Les} k
[12:40] {dino} uncle buck, lol
[12:41] {strider} Vad where will you set your entry price if it triggers?
[12:41] {Threei} .77
[12:41] {dino} short?
[12:41] {Threei} yes
[12:41] {dino} ok
[12:41] {dino} cf bit of blood
[12:41] {Threei} trigger is .90 break
[12:41] {Threei} chasing down to .77
[12:42] {strider} then as soon as you see one print at .79, you hit it?
[12:42] {Threei} right
[12:43] {strider} trigger is .90 break = ..80
[12:43] {Threei} ?
[12:43] {strider} you said trigger is .90 break.
[12:43] {Threei} oh
[12:44] {Threei} .80 of course, sorry
[12:44] {strider} in .78
[12:44] {nemo} damn, jumped my .79
[12:45] {Les} same here
[12:50] {Les} Reason Vad became independent trader and coach :)
[12:50] {Les} Is that you in the vid Vad?
[12:50] {Threei} do I dare to look
[12:50] {nemo} I'll let you know
[12:50] {Les} :D
[12:51] {nemo} weird
[12:51] {BillyD} roflol
[12:51] {nemo} yeah, wtf vad...go ahead...inocuous
[12:51] {Threei} oh, that's me teaching
[12:51] {nemo} oh sorry...too many syllables
[12:51] {Les} lol
[12:52] {Les} so I best not show up to the Bahamas?
[12:52] {BillyD} that was Vad saying: do you want me to make the trade for you to
[12:52] {nemo} you'd probably make good chum, Les
[12:52] {Threei} sound is low quality, you ca't hear the narration: will you ever keep your stops??
[12:53] {larisa} lol LES
[12:53] {dino} nat to b/e will not go up
[12:53] {nemo} don't encourage him
[12:53] {dino} pike out +.30
[12:53] {nemo} LISTEN....
[12:54] {Threei} come on Les, it's fun
[12:54] {nemo} I'm Captain Obnoxious around here....and don't forget it!
[12:54] {Threei} market spike
[12:55] {Threei} no news that I see... probably repositining before the auction
[12:56] {Les} sorry for any offence given
[12:57] {Les} I painfully remember playing FOMC meeting. I assume auction time is no play zone as well?
[12:57] {nemo} wfc moving up
[12:57] {BillyD} Vad, you cover any GLD at .70?
[12:57] {Threei} auctions are less volatile
[12:57] {BillyD} I did half
[12:58] {Threei} .71 billy, didn't get .70
[12:58] {nemo} tlt and tbt tend' to move a bit Les
[13:00] {Les} IO is making new highs.
[13:01] {Threei} indirect bidders take 47.3% of competitive bids
[13:01] {Threei} - 82.49% alotted at the high
[13:01] {dino} demand is strong
[13:03] {Les} yet no market reaction. Are the machines trading each other today?
[13:03] {Les} 2 days light vol...
[13:03] {dino} y
[13:03] {nemo} trading by appointment
[13:04] {dino} wall at .oo ash
[13:04] {Threei} it usually does that rught before exploding
[13:07] {strider} Got a serious question, Vad, I need your comments.
[13:08] {strider} I'm having trouble with the 1:1 RISK/REWARD. I shorted GLD at .78.. covered at .92. Paid commission of .0075 each way. That's a cost of .155. My reward would have been .08 less .015, or .065. This is assuming covering at .70, which you've said in the past you would call 1:1, even with slippage on entry. Now, this isn't even 1:2 reward.
[13:09] {Threei} it tagged 1:1,
[13:09] {Threei} so why do you keep the stop at its original place?
[13:09] {Threei} we trail stop after 1:1 is hit
[13:10] {Threei} slippage is slippage, you can't incorporate it in your calculations of targets since charts do not account for it
[13:10] {Threei} simply keep it within reasonable, do not chase beyond that,
[13:10] {strider} So where do you move the stop for the GLD trade?
[13:10] {Threei} and decide from the get go what it is you are after
[13:11] {Threei} if it's a scalp, take it
[13:11] {Threei} if you partial, trail
[13:11] {Threei} if a stock tagged 1:1, you hjaven't covered for some reason
[13:11] {Threei} stop must be trailed anyway
[13:11] {Threei} chart has no idea whether you are out or still holding
[13:11] {strider} trail to where?
[13:11] {Threei} to above b/e
[13:12] {Threei} to below b/e if long
[13:12] {Threei} this is standard p[rocedure
[13:12] {Threei} .70 touched, stop to above .80
[13:12] {BillyD} Vad, slippage to.77 and stop at .90 is a .13 potential loss with a potential !:1 gain of this more of a personal discretion trade for each trader?
[13:12] {Threei} pretty much
[13:13] {Threei} and if slippage is too big, simply skip the trade
[13:13] {strider} Did you get 1:1 of GLD?
[13:13] {strider} on
[13:13] {Threei} [12:58] {Threei} .71 billy, didn't get .70
[13:13] {BillyD} I thought maybe you saw a bit more in it to account for the initial slippage.....
[13:14] {strider} where did you have your exit price set?
[13:14] {nemo} 63.20 important for RIMM methinks
[13:14] {Threei} bid .70, didn't get it,
[13:14] {Threei} canceled after little bounce and hit .71 when it returned to it but market started upticking
[13:15] {dino} out ash .83 +.309
[13:15] {magoo} how low PCLN go vad iyo?
[13:15] {Threei} no idea
[13:18] {Les} $usd index looks like its coiling like a spring. symetric triangle on 5 min. chart? b/o or b/d possibly coming.
[13:23] {nemo} nice .05 range in aig
[13:23] {Threei} lol
[13:25] {dptl} .
[13:33] {Threei} getting a feeling market is about to do something?
[13:33] {larisa} no :)
[13:33] {Threei} I do
[13:33] {Threei} or I am
[13:34] {larisa} something is not good enough. ask your feeling for detalied info :)
[13:34] {Threei} ok
[13:34] {Threei} up
[13:35] {larisa} noooo :)
[13:35] {Threei} why not?
[13:35] {nemo} charts look "up"
[13:35] {Threei} RIMM looks breaky
[13:36] {Threei} AIG starts worming its way up
[13:36] {nemo} 63.20 was important
[13:36] {dino} feels up
[13:37] {larisa} guys and their feelings..
[13:37] {larisa} -70 ending
06[13:37] * nemo slaps larisa around a bit with a large feather
[13:37] {Threei} +30
[13:37] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .50 break
[13:38] {Threei} late
[13:38] {nemo} yep
[13:38] {Threei} broke just when I typed
[13:38] {Threei} let's wait for pullbackl
[13:38] {Threei} yeah right RIMM says
[13:39] {BillyD} near .50?
[13:39] {Threei} yeah, with stop under .40
[13:39] {Threei} watch market for guidance
[13:41] {BillyD} tough to enter w/ mkt red bars
[13:41] {Threei} yeah
[13:44] {Threei} seems to be aiming for 64
[13:47] {strider} do you still see Rimm as a buy, or is the move over.?
[13:47] {dino} iusa
[13:47] {dino} strange
[13:47] {Threei} seems full of life to me, just don't want to go against the market...
[13:47] {Threei} tough to time
[13:51] {Threei} dino, on IUSA
[13:51] {Threei} 1:48:02 PM
[13:51] {Threei} infoUSA Inc Reportedly has attracted bidders for the company - unconfirmed report
[13:51] {Threei} - bidders reportedly include Dun & Bradstreet; Acxiom and Carlyle group
[13:51] {Threei} - Note: On 11/1 CEO Fairfield declined to comment specifically on the article speculating on whether the company was for sale, but said continually evaluating operations and prospects; CEO continued that as we announced on December 22, 2008, the Companys independent directors retained Evercore Partners as independent financial advisor to assist the Company in determining what would be in the best interests of all shareholders, and that process continues.
[13:53] {Threei} 64 on the nose
[13:57] {Threei} here is AIG spike out of nowhere
[13:57] {nemo} yeah
[13:57] {Threei} US Senator Dodd: Hoping to confirm Fed Chairman Bernanke for second term before Christmas
[14:01] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:01] {Threei} - NYSE volume 610M shares, about 14% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.7:1.
[14:01] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.31B shares, about 10% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.4:1.
[14:01] {Threei} - VIX index +1% to just over 23.00
[14:09] {BillyD} ..
[14:11] {Threei} BIOS
[14:12] {Threei} remember swing trade call?
[14:12] {Threei} who am I talking too... Alzheimer Galore
[14:12] {nemo} it was mentioned yesterday in the room
[14:13] {Threei} wow, really?
[14:13] {Threei} you mean...
[14:13] {Threei} yuou mwan...
[14:13] {nemo} I'm not kidding
[14:13] {Threei} you mean... someone's paying attention?
[14:13] {nemo} Vad, you alright? Wake up? Come to man!
[14:14] {Threei} I need something strong
[14:14] {Threei} 96% acogol will do
[14:14] {Threei} alcohol too
[14:16] {larisa} fern remembers your swing calls :)
[14:16] {dino} in all fairness, vad you weren't here, so we paid attention
[14:16] {larisa} lol
06[14:16] * Threei starts a new list: People who pay attention to me, and puts fern on top
[14:17] {dino} as for alcohol, funny, i was just walking up the street thinking about having a few beers tonight
[14:17] {Threei} I really needed some yesterday
[14:18] {Threei} but allowed myself some only around 8 pm, when things started working
[14:19] {nemo} 8 your time or mine
[14:20] {Threei} mine... why would I go of your time
[14:20] {nemo} you could drink earlier
[14:21] {nemo} Always my excuse when I drink before's after lunch somewhere
[14:21] {Threei} makes sense
[14:21] {nemo} which should scare you
[14:22] {Threei} Most Americans Favor Big-Screen TVs Over Energy Conservation
[14:22] {Threei} okay...
[14:23] {nemo} all's right with the world
[14:23] {Threei} yeah, I would seriously worry about nation mental health if it were other way around
[14:23] {dino} good to see that
[14:24] {strider} But think of all that energy you're saving while sitting on the couch watchin g the big screen TV
[14:24] {Threei} yes, I am a well known fighter against entrophy
[14:25] {dino} strider has a point, one form of energy for another
[14:25] {nemo} is that entropy or atrophy Vad?
[14:26] {Threei} entropy
[14:26] {nemo} what's that got to do with sitting in front of a tv?
[14:26] {Threei} huh?
[14:27] {Threei} any movement increases the anount of entropy in Universe
[14:27] {nemo} oh
[14:27] {Threei} thermodynamics 101
06[14:27] * strider slaps nemo around a bit with a large cardboard cutout of Carl Sagan
[14:27] {nemo} I'm going to have to keep the bottle in my desk
[14:27] {nemo} Sagan was a pothead
[14:27] {dino} butterfly effect
[14:28] {dino} nat flat out
[14:28] {strider} not that there's anything wrong with that.
[14:28] {BillyD} Vad, you watch Fedora fight the other night
[14:29] {Threei} what's that?
[14:29] {strider} hat fighting
[14:29] {BillyD} A Russian UFC type fighter
[14:29] {Threei} no
[14:29] {BillyD} the best heavyweight in the world
[14:30] {BillyD} amazing fighter
[14:30] {dino} those ufc guys are nuts
[14:30] {BillyD} yeah
[14:30] {Threei} I prefer good old gun
[14:31] {nemo} tough guys, but all the rules limit technique
[14:31] {nemo} then again, can't have deaths on cable
[14:31] {Threei} and nemo... your homework for tomorrow:
[14:31] {Threei}
[14:31] {Threei}
[14:32] {Threei} and no dogs anywhere near homework, okay?
[14:32] {Threei} anyone managed to find RIMM entry?
[14:32] {dino} esc lod
[14:33] {Threei} one of those cases I hate... got a read on direction and rough targets and never found an entry
[14:33] {Threei} then thing goes just as I thought and hits my target
[14:33] {Threei} and I am still there, on a platform
[14:33] {BillyD} lol
[14:34] {Les} spy touching green so new opportunity hopefully coming
[14:34] {strider} Trying out flyonthewall. As best I can tell, they post up/downgrades exactly 9 minutes after the insiders get the info.
[14:35] {magoo} ok..i have apptmt..gotta go..c u tomorrow..ty everyone
[14:35] {Threei} take care mags
[14:35] {Les} bye
[14:35] {Threei} strider, you tried TTN?
[14:35] {BillyD} magoo...looking for new trading office?
[14:35] {strider} don't want to pay for it right now.......
[14:35] {Threei} is fly free?
[14:36] {strider} 25/month
[14:36] {Threei} I don't remember how much TTN text only
[14:36] {Threei} anyone knows?
[14:36] {strider} 50, I THINK.
[14:36] {strider} I looked at it.
[14:37] {Les} dollar chose down
[14:37] {Threei} ok
[14:37] {fernp} fly is $25 montly
[14:37] {dino} well hope the door doesn't hit him in the azz when he leaves
[14:38] {strider} I hate Jim Cramer
[14:38] {Threei} who?
[14:38] {dino} magoo
[14:38] {Threei} lol
[14:38] {strider} Idiot on CNBC...a clown that has an aftermarket show.
[14:39] {Threei} nothing like brotherly love
[14:39] {BillyD} roflol
[14:39] {dino} the atlas is going to shrug
[14:39] {strider} Cramer=Motley Fool on speed.
[14:39] {Threei} you managed to finish it yet dino?
[14:40] {dino} about half way
[14:41] {dino} reardon's mill accident
[14:41] {Threei} sorry... I know it's enormous :)
[14:41] {dino} i like it
[14:41] {Threei} good
[14:41] {dino} did you read fountainhead?
[14:41] {nemo} yep
[14:41] {Threei} I like it as philosophy manifesto
[14:41] {Threei} as far as god riting goes it's not
[14:41] {dino} is it just as good?
[14:41] {Threei} good
[14:42] {Threei} it's shorter
[14:42] {Threei} lol
[14:42] {dino} the writings fine, really thows alot of what is going on today at you
[14:42] {Threei} oh, some similarities are stuning
[14:43] {dino} indeed
[14:45] {dino} i'm showing my age on it tho, had to buy pair of +1 reading glasses. the paperback type is small
[14:45] {Threei} heh... 1.25 here
[14:46] {Threei} I'd put it this way dino:
[14:46] {nemo} not quite there yet
[14:46] {Threei} both, fountainhead and atlas are based on the same philosophy, objectivism,
[14:46] {Threei} but atlas takes it more to a society level
[14:46] {nemo} as well as anthem
[14:46] {Threei} while fountainhead keeps it more to a personal level
[14:47] {nemo} Fountainhead focused on individuals
[14:47] {Threei} that's what I just said
[14:47] {dino} i will order it
[14:47] {Threei} fountainhead was first
[14:47] {Threei} and made her writing career
[14:47] {nemo} where each represents each constituent of the philosophy
[14:48] {Les} how interesting. hadn't heard of American dystopian fiction until you mentioned Ayn Rand.
[14:48] {Threei} and IMO as far as oure writing goes, Fountainhead is better
[14:48] {nemo} there's plenty of it Les
[14:48] {dino} good, looking forward to it
[14:48] {Les} I'm familiar with Huxley and Welles, but they are british
[14:49] {Threei} Orwell?
[14:50] {Les} him too :)
[14:50] {Les} sorry typo
[15:02] {larisa} wow AMZN, just noticed
[15:02] {Threei} yeah
[15:03] {fernp} Have a good evening everybody. see you all tomorrow.
[15:03] {nemo} nite fern
[15:03] {Threei} take care fern
[15:04] {dino} cya fern
[15:04] {Les} gn fern
[15:04] {Les} volume returning to aig
[15:09] {BillyD} BEXP strong
[15:10] {Threei} looks so tempting for a break
[15:10] {BillyD} yes
[15:11] {strider} long BEXP .09 hl
[15:11] {nemo} $ just jumpe
[15:12] {strider} stop below 11
[15:12] {Threei} strange entry strider
[15:12] {Threei} not here nor there
[15:12] {Threei} not a break yet,
[15:13] {Threei} but way too high for aggressive entry
[15:13] {Threei} the only reason for this kind would be to prevent missing it in case it breaks fast
[15:13] {Threei} but it's not BEXP personality
[15:14] {Les} rimm
[15:23] {Threei} SBUX CEO: Via instant coffee is not cannabilizing core business; is exceeding forecast; SBUX is done closing stores - CNBC
[15:25] {strider} move stop to .04 BEXP
[15:28] {dino} gj
[15:29] {Threei} yeah, this trailing I like
[15:30] {Threei} done according to what chart says
[15:30] {strider} thx
[15:31] {strider} Man,I hate these molasses trades,, but I'm gettin squashed on some of your super-fast stocks.
[15:32] {strider} I' sure I'll get better...but having problems with execution, mostly stop loss exits.
[15:33] {strider} I don't remember it being so tough when I was in the room 6 years ago...course I was 6 years younger then.
[15:33] {Threei} actually, executions wise it became way easier
[15:33] {nemo} different market
[15:33] {Threei} no thinking involved in executions anymore
[15:34] {strider} No, it's just manipulating the L2 screen....volume and price.
[15:34] {Threei} I guess you are simply out of shape... give it a month or two
[15:34] {Threei} it will become automatic
[15:34] {Threei} click on price, click button
[15:34] {Threei} simple as that
[15:35] {strider} No. It's not, vad. You don't know how complex the swhole thing is,,,you've been doing it too long.
[15:35] {Threei} hehe
[15:35] {Threei} if it's complex, you are doing something wrong
[15:35] {strider} Have to be ready to exist at either profit or loss. Partialling out. Lots of options to be ready for.
[15:35] {strider} exit
[15:36] {Threei} wait
[15:36] {Threei} you ARE overcomplicating it
[15:36] {Threei} it approaches your exit price, click on level 2 on your target
[15:36] {Threei} hover over sell
[15:36] {Threei} click as it's there
[15:37] {Threei} or lay it out in advance
[15:37] {Threei} that's it
[15:37] {strider} That's what you have to do...lay it out in advance. but then you also have to be ready to do a loss sell as well. and often, the volume price has to be changed, cause you're getting ready to partial out on the profit side.
[15:38] {Threei} so, while stock iks moving, click on arrow to get size down to half and lay it out
[15:38] {Threei} if it reversed on you too soon and went to a stop, just click sell
[15:39] {strider} have to change volume there.
[15:39] {Threei} no
[15:39] {Threei} faster to click twice
[15:40] {strider} I'm not partialling half most of the time. Less than that.
[15:40] {Threei} do you have two level 2s?
[15:40] {strider} yes
[15:40] {Threei} put a stock on both,
[15:40] {Threei} partial on one for sell at profit,
[15:41] {strider} sometimes they're both in use. As in this morning first thing.
[15:41] {Threei} full position at another for sell at loss
[15:41] {Threei} OK, I exhausted my versions :)
[15:41] {strider} :)
[15:42] {larisa} I say do not partial until you are more confident
[15:42] {Threei} I was just thinking that
[15:42] {Threei} but he finds a flaw with anything I suggest... so shinked back :)
[15:42] {Threei} shrinked too
[15:42] {larisa} lol
[15:43] {strider} I'll get better at it.
[15:43] {Threei} just try not to
[15:44] {Threei} you were +70 larisa? or +30?
[15:44] {larisa} I was -70. you were +30
[15:44] {Threei} right
[15:44] {strider} Vad, do you think you're system is profitable without partialling?
[15:44] {larisa} {--- honest here
[15:44] {Threei} Alzheimer...
[15:45] {Threei} I don't think... I know
[15:45] {strider} stopped , by the way
[15:45] {strider} Good. I just can't see that from here. I started at a bad time in the market.
[15:46] {Threei} let's distinguish system and one's particular execution
[15:47] {strider} Sure. I was asking about the potential for your system, without the advantage of partialling.
[15:47] {strider} I know that my execution skills are costing me money.
[15:49] {strider} Wasn't criticizing your system...only asking if partialling were a necessary part of it.
[15:50] {Threei} they are always discretionary
[15:50] {strider} k
[15:50] {Threei} I can't tell anyone to scalp or day trade
[15:50] {Threei} if you noticed, I make the distinction when call for both
[15:50] {Threei} as in:
[15:50] {strider} sure
[15:50] {Threei} for scalpers stop is this,
[15:51] {Threei} for day traders this
[15:51] {Threei} etc
[15:51] {Threei} but it's up to everyone to decide who s/he is
[15:55] {BillyD} on that note, I will call it a day...thx Vad
[15:55] {BillyD} lol
[15:55] {Threei} thank you all
[15:55] {larisa} bye all
[15:55] {dino} take care you guys
[15:55] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:55] {nemo} take it any way i can get it

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Nov 06 2009

Very narrow and extremely boring day with nothing happening and nothing to report. Most of trades we tried to find didn't even trigger.

Session Time: Fri Nov 06 00:00:00 2009

[08:07] {Les} gm. AIG post Q profit blah blah blah. fun and game today with AIG...
[08:08] {magoo} morning
[08:08] {magoo} any news AIG?
[08:09] {Threei} well, it's fun and games until someone loses an (insert whatever)
[08:09] {Les} wow AIG in the red
[08:09] {magoo} but news?
[08:09] {magoo} hi vad btw'
[08:09] {Threei} hey
[08:09] {Threei} American International Group, Inc Reports Q3 $0.68 v $1.98e (unclear if comp), R $26B v $23Be; To take $5.6B Q4 charge
[08:09] {Threei} - During the first nine months of 2009 and through October 31, 2009, AIG entered into agreements to sell or completed the sale of operations and assets that are expected to generate a total of approximately $5.6B in net after-tax proceeds that will be available to repay outstanding borrowings and reduce the amount of the FRBNY Facility upon closing.
[08:09] {Threei} - AIG continues to engage in productive discussions with potential buyers for a number of its other businesses.
[08:09] {Threei} - Loss to be incurred Q4 (equates to around $7/ share)
[08:10] {Threei} - CEO: Our results reflect continued stabilization in performance and market trends. AIG employees are working to preserve the strength of our insurance businesses in a challenging market by working closely with our distribution partners, with third quarter 2009 showing signs of stabilization. Pricing in our commercial property casualty business has been stable. Management continues to monitor rates closely and maintain underwriting discipline, turning away some renewal business due to aggressive pricing by existing and new competitors.
[08:11] {Les} nice speech by the CEO
[08:11] {Les} sounds like Washington talk.
[08:11] {Threei} there are plenty of other numbers that don't tell me anything
[08:12] {Threei} but if you are numbers afficcionado I can post them
[08:12] {magoo} nah
[08:12] {magoo} how u interpret that garbage?
[08:12] {Threei} you said it
[08:12] {Threei} as garbage
[08:13] {magoo} i do have a way w/words
[08:13] {Threei} that's why I borrow from you
[08:13] {Threei} I don't know many of those
[08:14] {Threei} so I need to asource to borrow from
[08:14] {magoo} i wonder how i managed to trade for so long with few issues on such blazing speed, stuck quotes are only recent issue
[08:15] {Threei} truly miracle
[08:15] {magoo} news AMZN?
[08:15] {Threei} here is my assumption:
[08:16] {Threei} upgrade with 160 target
[08:16] {Threei} last couple weeks stuck quotes triggering necessity to switch servers occur more often,
[08:17] {Threei} so I suppose laser server farm experiences somewhat more diffculties, or internet weather is a bit worse,
[08:17] {Threei} and with your low speed connection you were borderline
[08:18] {Threei} This recent worsening affected those with good connection within bearable limits, nothing groundshaking
[08:18] {magoo} makes sence
[08:18] {Threei} or nothing that simple switch of servers wouldn't fix
[08:18] {Threei} but for slow connection became a real issue... no buffer
[08:20] {Les} trading has proven to be eye opener in technology and communications speeds required
[08:20] {Threei} not unlike downloading porn I suppose
[08:20] {Les} wouldn't know about that
[08:20] {Threei} neither would I
[08:21] {Threei} but I hear things
[08:21] {magoo} me neither
[08:21] {Threei} but I know what you mean Les
[08:21] {Threei} funny episode once
[08:21] {magoo} ya, good things, er um...discraceful things i mean
[08:21] {Les} dual core was top notch two years ago. Now with multiple windows open the PC slows down
[08:21] {Threei} lol
[08:21] {Threei} at some party,
[08:22] {Threei} casual conversation leads to one guy's piqued interest
[08:22] {Threei} he says he has very fast order execution system
06[08:22] * nemo slaps Threei around a bit with a large Good Morning!
[08:23] {Les} quiet nemo, vads telling a joke
[08:23] {magoo} capn:)
06[08:23] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a large reciprocation
[08:23] {KSystems} morning Mr Vad
[08:23] {Threei} he is very with that,
[08:23] {KSystems} sir
[08:23] {nemo} mornin' Mags K Les
[08:23] {Threei} KS :)
[08:23] {Les} :) Nemo, K
06[08:23] * KSystems slaps Threei around a bit with a large payroll
[08:23] {Threei} he invites me fordemoinstration
[08:24] {Threei} shows me some crappy online broker page,
[08:24] {Threei} I ask to see the order going through
[08:24] {Threei} so he sends some under the market bid
[08:24] {Threei} page refreshes in a dew seconds,
[08:24] {Threei} to show something like:
[08:25] {Threei} Order Status: Pending
[08:25] {Threei} next refresh,
[08:25] {Threei} he looks at me with this victorious expression
[08:25] {Threei} and says: look what happens now
[08:26] {Threei} page refreshes in a few seconds to say that his order is in
[08:26] {magoo} dammit..was thuinking aig short 36.80
[08:26] {Threei} I honestly didn't know what to say, he was so proud of his blazzing speed system
[08:26] {Les} he was daytrading with that?
[08:26] {Threei} so I nod politely and try to switch conversation
[08:27] {Threei} he was mixing day trading with swingtrading, and was fairly new at "day" part
[08:27] {magoo} K :)
[08:27] {Les} did you enlighten him?
[08:27] {Threei} he was quite insisten in seeing what I have in that regard
[08:28] {Threei} and I could avoid showing it without looking strangely coy just for so long
[08:28] {Threei} long story short...
[08:29] {Threei} when I clicked Buy to show him order going through, and it was actual entry
[08:29] {Threei} he didn't realize what happend
[08:29] {Threei} I completed a trade on something fast befofe he understood that I was in
[08:30] {Threei} *(US) OCT UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: 10.2% V 9.9%E
[08:30] {Threei} - No revisions (related SPY SHY GLD USO EUR/USD USD/JPY IYM )
[08:30] {Les} aig seems to be dropping on this news
[08:30] {magoo} u promised to keep this experience we had when we first met to just u and me vad
[08:30] {nemo} earnings les
[08:30] {Threei} lol
[08:31] {Les} market dropping too
[08:31] {nemo} I thought it reeked of Mags
[08:31] {Threei} so yeah, for some this speed is a surprize
[08:31] {Les} what year we talking about Vad?
[08:31] {Threei} last year
[08:32] {Les} booked to see Vadim Repin next week. Who knew Russians did more than drink Vodka and crash forklifts?:P
[08:33] {magoo} wanna laugh, yesterday when i was searching through files to try and up our dsl speed, i saw where in 2000 the original dsl speed we were using to trade was 128k
[08:33] {Les} hmmm huge paradigm shift in speeds since I arrived in Switzerland beginning 2000
[08:33] {Les} cracking open telco monopoly helped alot
[08:34] {magoo} back then trading through schwab, then datek, then ameritrade
[08:34] {magoo} scottrade
[08:34] {magoo} mu evolution..the met vad and went MB
[08:34] {magoo} then GEnesis
[08:34] {magoo} now BEAR
[08:34] {magoo} mu=my
[08:35] {Threei} you were afer Castle times then
[08:35] {Threei} before MB there was Castle
[08:36] {Threei} fringe broker with amazing (at thew time) technology
[08:36] {Threei} boy... larisa remembers what fun it was
[08:36] {Threei} they gave us weapon light years ahead of everyone else
[08:37] {Threei} NITE guaranteed execution
[08:37] {Threei} that was licence to print money
[08:37] {Threei} lasted for about 9-10 months
[08:38] {Threei} then NITE pulled it, said we were robbing them blind
[08:38] {Threei} of course their initial idea was to rob us blind,
[08:38] {magoo} vad..heck of pullbk here
[08:38] {Threei} they just underestimated us
[08:38] {magoo} any bouncers?
[08:38] {nemo} on aig mags?
[08:38] {Threei} it's not pullback
[08:38] {Threei} it's downtrend
[08:38] {magoo} dunno
[08:39] {nemo} rimm coughin' up furball too
[08:39] {magoo} aapl..amzn
[08:39] {magoo} gs
[08:39] {nemo} yeah appl amzn
[08:39] {magoo} aapl was .90 area
[08:39] {Les} NITE introduced new technology to rob traders? Wierd.
[08:40] {Threei} that was quite a story, with a lot of twists and turns
[08:40] {Threei} gotta write it up for blog maybe some day
[08:47] {magoo} read AAPL boss
[08:49] {Threei} none
[08:50] {Les} short video with outlook for RIMM: 40-45$
[08:50] {Les} showed me how pivot points interact with tops to give downside targets. never saw that before
[08:56] {Les} .
[08:56] {cosmo} good point
[09:01] {strider} morning everyone.
[09:01] {Threei} strider :)
[09:02] {strider} :)
[09:03] {Threei} larisa :)
[09:04] {larisa} gm :)
[09:04] {Threei} (pre-emptive greeting)
[09:04] {strider} AMZN upgrade
[09:06] {Threei} wh planned on buying Taurus, you may have to wait:
[09:06] {Threei} F Idles Chicago Taurus plant for a week due to parts shortage caused by supplier strike in India
[09:08] {Les} globalisation's a bitch
[09:08] {ese} good back in victoria
[09:08] {nemo} dude!
[09:09] {ese} due
[09:09] {ese} dude3
[09:09] {Threei} ese :)
[09:09] {ese} ahhhhhh
[09:09] {ese} dude!!!
[09:09] {magoo} DUDE!
[09:09] {ese} MAGS
[09:09] {ese} vad
[09:09] {Threei} ese, saw last photos of fall colors in Beacon Hill park?
[09:10] {lasertrev} morning all
[09:10] {Threei} trev :)
[09:10] {ese} sold my 1/2 position in ctsh....yesterday let it ride for 2 days
[09:10] {Les} gm trev, ese, larisa, strider.
[09:11] {ese} les
[09:11] {strider} Les, ese
[09:11] {ese} ST
[09:11] {lasertrev} les
[09:11] {strider} group hug
[09:11] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[09:11] {lasertrev} gm fern
[09:12] {magoo} trev:)
[09:12] {Threei} fern :)
[09:12] {ese} out ctsh 42.83 +1.53.....i think you have something there vad
[09:13] {ese} although i'm sure you don't hold 1/2 positions more than a day
[09:14] {Threei} why, in according market and with compelling reason, sometimes I do
[09:15] {ese} ahhhhhh
[09:15] {dino} gm all
[09:15] {Threei} dino :)
[09:15] {ese} dino
[09:15] {dptl} morning all
[09:16] {Threei} dp :)
[09:16] {ese} ddddddddpppppppp!
[09:18] {dptl} :)
[09:19] {dino} wasssssuppppp
[09:20] {dino} the contrarian in me says buy the gap lower. we shall see
[09:20] {ese} lower gaps in general today dino?
[09:20] {Threei} hmmm... my contrarian is in yestge5rday's mood still, he says short everything to high heaven
[09:21] {_vgdanger} morning back for more
[09:21] {Threei} morning vgdanger
[09:21] {ese} vg...welcome
[09:21] {_vgdanger} hig off the open ?
[09:21] {Threei} HIG tends to make rather sharo moves right out of the gate
[09:22] {Threei} sharp
[09:22] {dino} es, 30 minute wait then i'll start
[09:22] {strider} sharo=charo?
[09:22] {_vgdanger} what do u think of this 23.50 area?
[09:22] {Threei} better to wait out first few min and let it settle down
[09:22] {ese} at least that form dino
[09:22] {Threei} I don't really
[09:22] {dino} highest rate since 1983; remember '83 was low
[09:23] {ese} 2 days away....and it's suprising how out of sync you get
[09:23] {ese} for me dino
[09:23] {_vgdanger} sharo out the get?
[09:23] {_vgdanger} gate?
[09:24] {Threei} sharp moves right out of the gate
[09:24] {_vgdanger} i see
[09:24] {Threei} most often those are moves down
[09:25] {Threei} but get caught on a wrong side, you'll get killed
[09:25] {cosmo} NVDA for example ....maybe
[09:25] {_vgdanger} and u try for capit?
[09:25] {Threei} depends
[09:25] {Threei} in uptrend after gap up, yes
[09:25] {Threei} there is no gap up today
[09:26] {bkhmd} gm all
[09:26] {Threei} bkh :)
[09:27] {cosmo} NVDA 13 test
[09:28] {_vgdanger} what else do u look at off open these days?
[09:29] {_vgdanger} aside from rimm and hig?
[09:29] {Threei} AIG
[09:30] {_vgdanger} and no buying new highs for momentum on that
[09:31] {Threei} Long Setup: SBUX .55 break
[09:31] {Threei} if stays above .40
[09:32] {ese} nope
[09:33] {Threei} invalidated
[09:34] {Threei} Short Setup: HIG .60 break if stays under .70
[09:34] {Threei} argh
[09:35] {Threei} let's see if gives us a bounce
[09:35] {Threei} ok... same setup
[09:36] {Threei} no go
[09:36] {bkhmd} yikessssss
[09:37] {_vgdanger} did that trigger?
[09:37] {dino} so how many jobs has obama "saved" now
[09:37] {Threei} friking SBUX decided to go now
[09:37] {fernp} big slippage with HIG here grrrr
[09:38] {dino} this bounce a bit early, not trusting it
[09:38] {Threei} it's a work in progress dino
[09:38] {strider} me too fern
[09:38] {nemo} cvs viagra
[09:41] {Threei} VP Aide: Obama considering various ways to assist job market
[09:41] {Threei} oh good
[09:41] {bkhmd} he didnt consider that b4?
[09:41] {Threei} he has many various ways, he just needs to consider which one to use
[09:41] {nemo} "We're from the government, and we're here to help"
[09:42] {ese} amzn it again
[09:42] {bkhmd} yep
[09:42] {dino} nope thought it was better to just keep extending benefits. just realized that if 10-20 unemployed they cannot pay for his heathcare tax
[09:43] {ese} gap up S&P
[09:43] {ese} bull trap ?
[09:43] {bkhmd} im confused those numbers were bad its friday and the market is not tanking?
[09:44] {dino} imo, other news prior to this has been pretty good
[09:44] {dino} considering....
[09:44] {bkhmd} yes ur right
[09:45] {dino} rst sm l .00
[09:45] {bkhmd} I would have guessed differently
[09:45] {ese} L hans .89
[09:46] {_vgdanger} out dino?
[09:46] {dino} sam nice
[09:47] {dino} no
[09:47] {ese} sm......will be out quick don't like the way it's bouncing around
[09:47] {_vgdanger} i mean whats ur out?
[09:47] {dino} vg no, stop is lod looking for 18.40s
[09:47] {_vgdanger} gotcha
[09:48] {Les} upro
[09:48] {dino} typically sm= 300 to 400 shares; will have a .32-.35 stop, always looking for at least 1:1
[09:48] {Les} sorry
[09:49] {dino} but, i am just a speculator, vad is the expert
[09:49] {Threei} RIMM pullback
[09:49] {dino} i play some wierd moves
[09:49] {_vgdanger} any special scanner settings for the stocks?
[09:49] {Threei} looking for 57.80 zone
[09:50] {Threei} ENER Hearing Lazard making positive comments; Reiterates Buy rating (timing uncertain) (11.41, -0.04, -0.35%)
[09:50] {dino} .07 multiple moves; 7k ave 5 day vol., top 10 up/downs
[09:50] {_vgdanger} seems like capit/euph plays
[09:50] {dino} bingo
[09:51] {dino} 70k
[09:51] {_vgdanger} .07 multiple moves?
[09:51] {Threei} remember BIOS mention as swing trade candidate a few days ago?
[09:52] {Threei} who considers it, it's triggering
[09:52] {dino} yes, that means its moving fast and big
[09:52] {fernp} symbol?
[09:52] {dino} otherwise its just mo-mo imo
[09:52] {_vgdanger} imo?
[09:52] {Threei} RIMM
[09:52] {dino} in my opinion
[09:52] {Threei} almost ready
[09:53] {dino} rst jumpy lay out
[09:53] {ese} out hans .75 -.14
[09:53] {Threei} .80 long trigger RIMM
[09:53] {Threei} if holding .65
[09:54] {fernp} HIG also pulling back
[09:54] {magoo} in
[09:54] {magoo} 77
[09:55] {nemo} fricking quotes again
[09:55] {dino} magoo too nemo
[09:55] {dawg} bad quotes
[09:55] {nemo} this is really gettin aggravating
[09:55] {Threei} what do you need?
[09:55] {Threei} RIMM .97
[09:56] {nemo} froze up on rimm t&s one thing LII another...didn't get in
[09:56] {Threei} mags, take profit here
[09:56] {nemo} just froze up again
[09:56] {Threei} fine here
[09:56] {dino} wow rail, "no orders received in 3q"
[09:56] {larisa} no problems here
[09:56] {fernp} RIMM was invalidated, no?
[09:56] {larisa} RIMM went to .60 for a sec
[09:57] {bkhmd} i thought so
[09:57] {fernp} .57
[09:57] {Threei} by a few cents... kind of "decide for yourself"
[09:57] {Threei} ENER on the move
[09:57] {bkhmd} i was looking for teh huge vol spike and didnt see it so decided to stay on sidelinie
[09:57] {Threei} Preview: Sept Wholesale Inventories due out at 10amET
[09:57] {Threei} **consensus expectation: -1.0%e v -1.3% prior (estimates range from -0.4% to -1.5%
[09:57] {_vgdanger} dino mind if i trade with you? try with 100 shares? interested in how you trade
[09:58] {larisa} :)
06[09:58] * nemo slaps strider around a bit with a large trout
[09:58] {magoo} AMZN
[09:59] {Threei} you got out of RIMM OK mags?
[09:59] {Threei} went over 58 for exit
[09:59] {magoo} nope
[09:59] {magoo} quotes froze
[09:59] {magoo} reestablish and out of $$
[09:59] {magoo} was waiting .121
[10:00] {magoo} killing me
[10:00] {Threei} how about leaving these fast monsters alone until you fix the connection?
[10:00] {Threei} SEPT WHOLESALE INVENTORIES: -0.9% V -1.0%E
[10:00] {dino} at your own risk, afain, i am not a pro, i make lots of mistakes. i feel vad would be better for you
[10:00] {magoo} aapl too...saw .18 but my system froze..reestablishes and im out .60
[10:01] {dino} cstr
[10:01] {magoo} untradeable situation
[10:01] {Threei} [10:00] {Threei} how about leaving these fast monsters alone until you fix the connection?
[10:02] {nemo} mine started fritzing last thursday, and I haven't done anything
[10:02] {strider} I got pretty much the same thing down here.......can't see how it's at my end since for the first month with Laser I had no problems.
[10:02] {magoo} im froze here,,,u?
[10:02] {dino} rst on your own
[10:02] {_vgdanger} ive read the tryng to be a sponge...learn from everyone
[10:02] {strider} I think it'ss routing issues.
[10:02] {dino} out .42, +.42
[10:02] {nemo} rimm looking like short
[10:02] {Threei} not necessary your end
[10:02] {fernp} fine here, mags
[10:02] {magoo} never unsticks in my favorc
[10:03] {dino} keep it on screen, may hit it again
[10:03] {Threei} but if some are fine and some experience problems, it's most likely an internet weather in your direction
[10:03] {_vgdanger} rst?
[10:03] {dino} cstr looks like gap filled from julyish, have to start laying out for them
[10:03] {strider} internet weather?
[10:03] {dino} yes vg rst out .42, keep watching it, if pulls back may try again
[10:03] {Threei} some routes experience slowdown... could be a coastwide, could be certain state
[10:04] {_vgdanger} cool
[10:04] {strider} yes. But there's nothing we can do about that...other than move.
[10:04] {Threei}
[10:04] {_vgdanger} you looking for big volume spike on minute as well correct?
[10:04] {nemo} look at wege on rimm
[10:04] {Threei} moving is not an answer
[10:05] {Threei} you don't move when rain starts, right?
[10:05] {bkhmd} Nemo what is good entry?
[10:05] {strider} I just meant that i have no control over it
[10:05] {bkhmd} break .67?
[10:05] {Threei} I know... just didn't want you to start packing just yet :)
[10:05] {nemo} that was the question now moving too fast to .60, consolidation and short break of .60
[10:06] {nemo} no consoliation
[10:06] {nemo} thosy symmetrical wedges are a crapshoot, but usually in the direction of the previous trend.
[10:06] {_vgdanger} dino u have collabration setting for ur scanner on these plays?
[10:07] {ese} l trow .23
[10:07] {ese} sm
[10:08] {dino} pretty basic .07 filter52 wk hi/lo
[10:08] {dino} then top 10 movers by %
[10:09] {dino} i want to see a stock scan with multiple hits on the .07; say 10 times fast, somethings up
[10:10] {Les} RIMM good for an intraday short Vad? thinking if it fails to push thru 57.75 area
[10:10] {dino} but i caution you, it is a very strange way that i trade, so i've been told by many
[10:10] {nemo} incredibly odd
[10:10] {ese} hmmmm breakout no worky on trow.....not stopped yet but close........
[10:10] {Les} RIMM looks downhill from here
[10:10] {Threei} wow
[10:10] {Threei} AIG
[10:10] {nemo} cvs nice range
[10:10] {_vgdanger} thats fine....
[10:11] {Threei} what just happened
[10:11] {Threei} uh oh
[10:11] {Threei} (RU) Russian Duma has reportedly passed new beer tax in first of 3 readings
[10:11] {Threei} - Bill to raise excise tax by 50% in 2010-2012 period
[10:11] {nemo} mass suicides coming
[10:12] {Threei} President Obama to speak at 11:30amET on unemployment data
[10:12] {dino} move to vodka
[10:12] {nemo} like that isn't next
[10:12] {Threei} bathtub kind
[10:12] {Threei} who cares
[10:12] {nemo} aig momo
[10:12] {Threei} I don't see any news on AIG
[10:12] {nemo} made money yseterday
[10:13] {_vgdanger} earnings
[10:13] {nemo} oohh...threeeish
[10:13] {Threei} earning were long ago
[10:13] {Threei} it spiked like crazy just now
[10:13] {Threei} so I am loomking for fresh news
[10:13] {nemo} it's aig
[10:13] {nemo} remember yesterday
[10:13] {Threei} well, it's was a bit too sharp even for AIG
[10:13] {nemo} Tuesday
[10:14] {dino} good point nemo
[10:14] {Threei} RIMM looks like a short to me again but no clear entry
[10:15] {ese} stopped trow .03 -.20
[10:16] {ese} done with breakouts for today thats for sure
[10:16] {dino} mkt dropping
[10:16] {Les} want to take a little bite out of stocks while you are looking for setup. But paper trading with IB software not fast filler, not ideal
[10:16] {Les} don't know if it's because its paper trade.
[10:17] {Threei} ok, this is new for me
[10:17] {Threei} if even paper trade is slow, what to expect from real one, lol
[10:17] {Les} :D
[10:18] {Les} yeh curious how software works
[10:18] {fernp} AIG pulling back
[10:19] {larisa} .15 support for RIMM, looking if can bounce
[10:20] {larisa} potential not much, around .40
[10:25] {dino} rail gap filled
[10:25] {ese} dino had a look at cstr by chance
[10:26] {Les} short rimm .25
[10:26] {ese} thinkin long sm at .50
[10:27] {dino} yes es watching it wanted 26.80 but missed
[10:27] {dino} watching rst, cstr, gok, rail, hans
[10:28] {dino} may stillo get cstr
[10:28] {dino} also watching ddm, dxd
[10:28] {patience} out rest of hgu +.82, still holding goldcorp and barrick
[10:28] {ese} was watching hans as well......couple of small gambles in hans and trow haven't worked out
[10:28] {dino} run dmc market
[10:29] {dino} "it's tricky" showing my age
[10:29] {ese} lol.....yup
[10:29] {ese} reasonable Q's with hans and cstr too.....nothing that warrants the hit there taking
[10:31] {dino} coming into lod
[10:31] {Les} covered RIMM @ 57
[10:32] {ese} l cstr .55
[10:32] {Threei} nice
[10:32] {dino} gj
[10:33] {ese} out cstr 1/2
[10:34] {ese} .70 +.15
[10:34] {fernp} gj
[10:35] {Threei} (US) House Majority Leader Hoyer (D): Near the required votes (218) to pass health care legislation (related IYH PPH BBH )
[10:35] {ese} out full cstr .80
[10:35] {Threei} looking at RIMM daily, I see little to prevent it from dropping to 55
[10:36] {ese} +.25 remaing 1/2 1k each
[10:36] {_vgdanger} vad.....the hig earlier was that just a short into a bounce?
[10:36] {dino} gok lod
[10:36] {Threei} yes
[10:37] {dino} hans too
[10:37] {dino} gj es
[10:37] {ese} tks
[10:38] {ese} capitulation bar on hans
[10:38] {ese} there it goes.....too late
[10:39] {dino} missed
[10:39] {ese} rats missed it
[10:39] {dino} wanted 32.50s
[10:39] {strider} wht period chart you looking at dino?
[10:39] {fernp} HIG setting for a short if loses lod, Vad?
[10:39] {dino} gok sm l .
[10:39] {Threei} .40...
[10:39] {dino} .80
[10:39] {Threei} well
[10:40] {Threei} pretty much, but I am not sure it's the best way to enter
[10:40] {dino} stop .49
[10:40] {Threei} shakeouts are abundant
[10:40] {fernp} thanks, i'll follow your instructions :-)
[10:41] {_vgdanger} dino stop not lod but always about 30c for room?
[10:41] {dino} on sm yes
[10:41] {_vgdanger} gotcha
[10:41] {dino} stopped
[10:42] {ese} would agree with that today vad
[10:44] {Les} descending triangle in HIG, ready to drop?
[10:45] {Threei} if market helps
[10:45] {ese} market about be all red now!
[10:45] {Les} spy
[10:45] {Threei} fern... two way on HIG
[10:45] {fernp} tell me
[10:45] {nemo} metro
[10:45] {Threei} one is try and short it here with stop above .60
[10:45] {Threei} a lot of uncertainty, tighter sto[
[10:46] {Threei} another is to wait for .40
[10:46] {Threei} a bit better chance but if shakes out, your stop is much wider
[10:46] {dino} can't believe hans holds that .00
[10:46] {Threei} and if it goes above .60 here, it all becomes a moot point
[10:47] {Threei} there you go
[10:47] {fernp} incredible
[10:47] {Threei} this is the kind of random moves that I usually have hard time finding plays in
[10:48] {fernp} shakeouts continuously. I understand you
[10:50] {dino} gok whoosh
[10:52] {larisa} why is it random ? HIG tested morning support at .40 levels and trying to bounce with market strength. you do not see structure here, like db or something? Am I seeing things :)
[10:53] {nemo} dino sees dead people
[10:53] {dino} unfortunately
[10:53] {Threei} here is what prevents me from seeing it this way
[10:54] {ese} l fitb .09
[10:54] {dino} hans sm l .10
[10:54] {Threei} market barely bounced off support, remaining in the range of consolidation
[10:54] {Threei} HIG however went above the upper limit of consolidation range
[10:54] {Threei} normally, it would be a sign of it being stronger than market,
[10:55] {Threei} but that's not the case either
[10:55] {ese} technically these mid west bank stocks looking good
[10:55] {Threei} as market is considerably farther from its lows whikle HIG was almost testing it
[10:55] {ese} hans ...fitb....fmer etc etc
[10:55] {Threei} so it just doesn't fall together
[10:56] {_vgdanger} double bottom dino?
[10:56] {Threei} and prevents me from constructing a play
[10:56] {dino} rst held well
[10:56] {bkhmd} From the bounce at 10:30 price continued up while vol cslopes down?
[10:56] {Les} small ascending wedge in SPY?
[10:56] {dino} rst?
[10:56] {_vgdanger} hans
[10:56] {_vgdanger} aggressive
[10:57] {larisa} take 10 people, they will offer 10 different trades on same stock :)
[10:57] {dino} oh, i like it holds well
[10:57] {ese} that kills avg price about penny pinching
[10:57] {dino} well larisa you know what they say about chairs
[10:58] {nemo} acd ese
[10:58] {ese} whats that nemo?
[10:59] {nemo} forgot actually...that syndrome where you're incredibly fastidious
[11:00] {dino} gok hmmm
[11:00] {ese} ya but........whats that...... incredibly fastidious
[11:01] {nemo} euphemism for anal retentive
[11:01] {ese} rotfl..........ya.......yup thats me
[11:02] {ese} haven't gone to the bathroom in 2 days.......
[11:02] {nemo} oooh...more info than i needed
[11:02] {dino} yuk
[11:02] {larisa} lol
[11:02] {ese} being on the road with a band does that to ya
[11:02] {dino} gok sm l .98
[11:03] {Les} haha not quite the anal retentive that Freud was refering to
[11:03] {dino} roflol
[11:03] {Les} l spxu .76
[11:03] {dino} perhaps i should have changed the word chair to toilet for es
[11:04] {nemo} bidet maybe
[11:04] {nemo} poor Raven
[11:05] {nemo} aig consolidating
[11:05] {ese} L sm as well gok .9899
[11:05] {dino} hans nice
[11:05] {dino} stop to .50
[11:06] {ese} told my wife that one day.....she had nice hans
[11:06] {dino} screw it out .60, +.50
[11:06] {ese} now thats nice.......
[11:06] {ese} well done dino
[11:06] {strider} ese, your stop on FITB?
[11:06] {nemo} ese...time to change your meds
[11:07] {dino} ty
[11:07] {larisa} ese, my friend is incredibly honest too.. but he is cocaine addict. be careful what you are saying :)
[11:07] {ese} am i not here agian?
[11:07] {ese} again
[11:07] {nemo} it takes a strong man to take it
[11:08] {ese} ST....don't have physical one
[11:08] {strider} thx
[11:08] {ese} but 9 would be about it
[11:08] {strider} yeah
[11:08] {Les} out spxu +.01 see inverted roof pattern. not sure what it would do so sold
[11:08] {dino} oh man, hans. when i don't take them, i lose a profit, when i take profit, they run like hell
[11:09] {larisa} nice reversal
[11:09] {ese} gok....thinner than seaweed sushi wrap dino....
[11:09] {bkhmd} lol
[11:10] {Les} .1, not .01. too greedy to take the .9 on offer
[11:10] {dino} starting to smell like it to
[11:10] {ese} yup
[11:11] {dino} rail held .00 well
[11:11] {ese} you in
[11:12] {dino} no will wait for .00 area
[11:12] {dino} pullback coming mkt imo
[11:13] {dino} gok stopped
[11:13] {dino} done w/it
[11:13] {ese} another capit bar in gok....see if that helps
[11:14] {dino} off my screen, fool me twice thing
[11:14] {nemo} big drop in oil
[11:14] {dino} here comes rail
[11:20] {dino} rail sm l .01
[11:22] {dino} rrgb
[11:24] {ese} man this stock......your right dino....stop ....gok."ing" on me ....sheesh get on up there
[11:24] {ese} ahhh there we go....making a move back
[11:26] {strider} ese, you need to buy a few more k shares, to give it a boost
[11:26] {dino} lol
[11:27] {larisa} ese can afford to buy all public float on it :)
[11:28] {Threei} lol
[11:28] {dino} cmi sm l .00
[11:31] {strider} the dino index is bouncing
[11:31] {Threei} the unemployment situation is going to start improving within minutes'
06[11:31] * larisa slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[11:32] {nemo} so where do we end up today boys and girls?
[11:32] {Threei} SBUX irritates me
[11:32] {larisa} I want -200 :)
[11:32] {nemo} what you want is irrelevant
[11:32] {ese} i can't afford it but someo others on this board probably can
[11:32] {bkhmd} -78
[11:33] {Threei} we don't always get what we want... I wanted that trout pan-fried and on the plate for instance
[11:33] {Threei} and look in what form I got it
[11:33] {nemo} splattered shashimi
[11:33] {strider} comes with instructions, though
[11:33] {dino} just be glad you got it
[11:34] {Threei} I am... shower is in order though
[11:34] {bkhmd} if my -78 call is correct does that earn me the right to slap people with smelly fish? lol
[11:34] {nemo} no you smell better that way
[11:34] {Threei} no bkh - you have that right as it is
[11:35] {Threei} BLTXX has posted 7th straight gain, yet DRYS looks miserable
[11:36] {Threei} OPTT Gets A$66.5M grant from Australian govt for 19MW wave power project off the coast of Victoria, Australia
[11:36] {Threei} interesting little stock this OPTT
[11:37] {bkhmd} i revise my close call to 9889 on the dow
[11:37] {Threei} Ocean Power Technologies Inc
[11:37] {dino} i'm going with 10098
[11:38] {bkhmd} oops i left out a 0
[11:38] {Les} good stuff. Australia's gotta get off its coal addiction
[11:39] {dino} "saved or created over 1 million jobs" cracks me up, i guess he's an oracle
[11:39] {Threei} wow, that was short speech
[11:39] {dino} never mentions that under his term job losses are in millions
[11:39] {Threei} limelight is not as pleasant today or what
[11:40] {nemo} yeah, but you can't blame that on him
[11:40] {_vgdanger} dino what kind of set up is the cmi?
[11:40] {Threei} actually, however it pains me to say so, you can't
[11:41] {Threei} you can blame him with promising impossible though
[11:41] {nemo} what politician doesn't
[11:41] {dino} got whacked a few days ago, been moving up since. i follow the whack a moles for few days
[11:41] {_vgdanger} whats ur trigger on these?
[11:41] {Threei} here is huge difference nemo:
[11:42] {Threei} one thing is to promise something in order to get elected,
[11:42] {dino} 99 wks of unemployment now, longest since early 70s. he is buying votes, if you elect me you will never have to work while i'm here
[11:43] {Threei} and completely another is to push through immense spending program crippling economy for decades looking forward, in order to fulfill impossible promisde
[11:43] {dino} instead he should be creating invcentives for business to hire
[11:43] {Les} can't blame him Vad. This is new situation for modern politics
[11:43] {dino} handouts are not the answer
[11:43] {Threei} can't?
[11:43] {nemo}'s doing exactly according to his political philosophy...I don't want to call him communist, but he's as left as any European government
[11:43] {Threei} sorry, I cerftainly can and must
[11:43] {dino} look at the ghettos, generation after generation
[11:44] {Threei} these policies will cost dearly
[11:44] {Threei} ask me how I know
[11:44] {Threei} I once fled the country collapsed after attempots to ake such poicies work
[11:44] {dino} same w/ section 8 housing, generation after generation
[11:44] {bkhmd} ok how do you know Vad
[11:44] {bkhmd} tell us
[11:44] {bkhmd} lol
[11:44] {Les} people don't change overnight. Economics have shown us the futility, but the inability, for modern thinkers to change readily
[11:44] {strider} inverted h&s FITB
[11:44] {Les} now its the West's turn to fail Vad
[11:45] {nemo} Plu cest change, plu cest le meme chose
[11:45] {Threei} sure - if it chooses to do so
[11:45] {dino} europe falls first
[11:45] {Les} do you think it has choice?
[11:45] {Threei} yes
[11:45] {Threei} get back to what worked
[11:45] {Threei} real capitalism, not this pink and blue bs
[11:46] {dino} agree
[11:46] {dino} need a reagan revolution
[11:46] {Les} i'm sure they'd go back if they weren't locked up in important interests pockets
[11:46] {larisa} back to 60s you mean?
[11:46] {Threei} put emophasis of personal responsibility and empowerment with as little goverment intrusion as possible
[11:46] {dino} 80's larisa
[11:46] {Threei} and stop trying to solve problems of ones at the expense of others
[11:47] {nemo} never happen...they want bigger government, so nobody will be held responsible
[11:47] {Les} ok, so take ability to create money from private interests. No more Fed
[11:47] {Threei} Problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's monet - M. Tatcher
[11:47] {Les} Money=corruption
[11:47] {dino} reading atlas shrugged right now is uncany
[11:47] {nemo} yeah, but then they just start printing it
[11:47] {Threei} OK, whatever
[11:47] {Threei} OPTT momo
[11:48] {nemo} hah, no quotes
[11:48] {Threei} spread is disgusting
[11:48] {Les} yep
[11:48] {dino} no news
[11:48] {Threei} I posted earlier dino
[11:48] {dino} opps
[11:49] {Threei} [11:36] {Alert} Threei OPTT Gets A$66.5M grant from Australian govt for 19MW wave power project off the coast of Victoria, Australia
[11:49] {larisa} 19MW is like 2 waves a day :) not much
[11:49] {Threei} lol
[11:50] {Threei} my a$$ is out at .99
[11:50] {Threei} will take out 8 most likely but
[11:51] {Threei} yeah, it did
[11:51] {dino} gj
[11:51] {Threei} and sharp drop now
[11:51] {Threei} sheesh, it does what I type while I type
[11:51] {strider} I want one of those keyboards, vad
[11:52] {Threei} lol
[11:52] {Threei} wow
[11:52] {Threei} is this a third wave, larisa?
[11:52] {larisa} third wave will come at 9 :)
[11:53] {larisa} how can you trade stock like that, unless you are in at the very beginning of the move
[11:53] {Threei} we need some definition for momo setup
[11:54] {Threei} like:
[11:54] {Threei} aim your cursor at market buy button, close your eys, gently push it,
[11:54] {Threei} listen the sound or order getting completyed
[11:54] {nemo} in
[11:54] {Threei} pray for 3 minutes
[11:54] {Threei} open your eyes, do not look at the quotes,
[11:55] {Threei} move cursor to sell market
[11:55] {Threei} push it
[11:55] {Threei} now look at P/L
[11:55] {nemo} out
[11:55] {nemo} flat
[11:55] {Les} what, now?
[11:55] {Les} wow, who just sold?
[11:59] {Les} but nice momo on OPTT. will pay more attention to your press releases Vad.
[12:01] {nemo} upward wedge on fcx
[12:07] {_vgdanger} what would you call sbux set up from earlier? did just look like a short becuase 55 held?
[12:07] {dino} pvtb strong
[12:08] {Threei} ?
[12:08] {Threei} I never called SBUX short
[12:09] {_vgdanger} oops long
[12:09] {Threei} that was open range break
[12:09] {dino} rrgb app lod
[12:09] {_vgdanger} gotcha
[12:13] {ese} out fitb .14 +.05
[12:13] {ese} 18k of the little you know whats
[12:14] {Threei} hmmm
[12:14] {Threei} buggers??
[12:14] {dino} cmi to .39
[12:14] {ese} ahhhhhhh ya ya.......thats it ya ya
[12:15] {ese} out gok also .09 +.09......take my 90 buck and be done with it
[12:15] {dino} nice es
[12:16] {ese} tks.....that one was a pain in the you know what
[12:16] {dino} understood
[12:16] {Threei} been a while since we had boring Fridays
[12:16] {Threei} it's rather summer phenomenon
[12:17] {dino} data issues
[12:17] {dino} out cmi +.38
[12:19] {dino} i fear that if cable doesn't solve this problem, i'll have to sell the building and move
[12:19] {Threei} that's rather radical
[12:20] {dino} :)
[12:20] {ese} have to bid you all farewell for the weekend....catch ya monday
[12:20] {Threei} I would simply made over-easy eggs and throw them at magoo
[12:21] {dino} cya es
[12:21] {Threei} take care ese
[12:21] {ese} cya dino vad
[12:21] {fernp} bye ese
[12:21] {fernp} HIG hod
[12:22] {Threei} last time around Dow topped around 10100?
[12:22] {Threei} don't remember exact number
[12:23] {dino} 10119 , 10/20?
[12:23] {Threei} ty
[12:27] {dino} aug 9630-9131; sept 9917-9250; oct 10119-9481; roughly 600 pts each
[12:27] {fernp} out HIG +.14
[12:27] {dino} gj
[12:27] {Threei} wtg
[12:27] {fernp} small lot
[12:28] {Threei} small wtg
[12:28] {fernp} :-)
[12:29] {Threei} AIG
[12:29] {Threei} tries for momo again
[12:31] {dino} rrgb sm l break of .50
[12:31] {Threei} no matter how much I try to observe AIG to get down the pattern of its explosive transformation s to a momo mover, just can't pinpoint it dow
[12:32] {Threei} waves come out of nowhere, and there is no chart formation that would be more or less uniform to their start
[12:33] {Threei} sometimes it's pullback, sometimes it's break, sometimes its a quiet consolidation near the low of tghe range
[12:33] {Threei} and there is no clean connection to the market overall
[12:35] {Threei} look at OPTT
[12:35] {dino} wow
[12:35] {Threei} thing jkjust won't quit
[12:36] {nemo} look at wfmi
[12:44] {_vgdanger} vad...yesterday u mentioned criteria for a pullback into u look for fats pullbacks into support for most strong stocks for a bounce or was it just for momo aig?
[12:45] {_vgdanger} fast^
[12:45] {Threei} no, it's general pricniple
[12:45] {strider} STEC at lod
[12:46] {magoo} .
[12:46] {magoo} in anything
[12:46] {fernp} nothing
[12:46] {_vgdanger} k thanks...guess i associate low vloume pullback with slow tape
[12:47] {Threei} it's two very different animals
[12:47] {Threei} fast vertical drop into support is a play for bounce
[12:47] {Threei} low volume shallow pullback is an uptrend continuation pattern
[12:48] {Threei} and can be used either as a supporting idea for reading the breakout
[12:48] {Threei} or for aggressive entry
[12:48] {_vgdanger} ahhh....i the tape would slow in the cae of continuation pattern correct?
[12:48] {_vgdanger} generall speaking
[12:48] {Threei} yes
[12:50] {strider} RIMM short?
[12:51] {magoo} loss of .00 was
[12:51] {dino} rail stopped
[12:51] {larisa} or bounce into 58.16 pivot on downtrend :)
[12:52] {nemo} or, break of the triangle
[12:52] {larisa} lol
[12:52] {nemo} face it...i'm right...gag
[12:53] {larisa} I never look for triangles.. I like squares :)
[12:53] {nemo} don't stick your chin out like that
[12:53] {strider} Vad, you're in luck
[12:53] {magoo} really
[12:59] {strider} Laser: if you have to outstanding orders on two diff. L2s, can you cancel one without cancelling the other?
[13:00] {strider} two outstanding orders
[13:00] {Threei} on the same stock?
[13:00] {Threei} or differnet?
[13:00] {strider} no, diff. stocks.
[13:00] {Threei} just click Cancel on the level 2 of a stock you want
[13:01] {Threei} it will cancel that one only
[13:01] {Threei} alterrnatively, use blotter,
[13:01] {Threei} tab Pending
[13:01] {strider} button says cancel cancels everything outstanding.
[13:01] {Threei} doubleclick on order will cancel it
[13:01] {strider} ok. great.
[13:01] {strider} ths
[13:01] {strider} thx
[13:01] {Threei} there a button Cancel
[13:01] {Threei} not Cancel all
[13:01] {strider} on blotter?
[13:02] {Threei} no
[13:02] {Threei} on lvel 2
[13:02] {strider} mine says cancel all
[13:02] {fernp} there is a "Pending orders blotter". right click on pending order -} cancel
[13:03] {strider} right c lick on pending order, and click cancel on blotter or on L2?
[13:03] {Threei} blotter
[13:03] {strider} gotcha. thx
[13:03] {Threei} gosh, where do you get those buttons :)
[13:03] {fernp} View -} Pending order
[13:03] {Threei} I can't even find Cancel All
[13:04] {strider} both of my L2 mouse styles say cancel all. And they do. Must be another setup option somewhere.
[13:05] {fernp} if you press cancel button on level2, all your orders will be cancel
[13:05] {strider} yes
[13:06] {lasertrev} or double click the order in pending
[13:06] {strider} that's all that seems to work for me, trev.
[13:07] {strider} Right clicking doesn't do anything except highlight the line.
[13:07] {gnslng} .
[13:08] {_vgdanger} can someone explain the use current shares feature? in the trade tab? no explanation in manual
[13:08] {lasertrev} sorry double left click
[13:08] {strider} yeah...I was correcting fern :)
[13:10] {dino} rst
[13:13] {fernp} no, in "pendir order" blotter (no in "blotter") if you right click on your pending order, you can cancel, modify (raplace) and remove ( the order disappears from blotter bat stays active). I use these on daily basis
[13:14] {strider} rst wicked
[13:15] {Threei} oh, that's whole separate module
[13:15] {Threei} quite convinient
[13:15] {Threei} I don't use it but it's nice
[13:15] {fernp} there is a tab "pending" in blotter but there you don't have these features
[13:15] {Threei} eright
[13:15] {strider} module?
[13:15] {fernp} view -} pending orders easy
[13:17] {strider} thx
[13:17] {Threei} I wonder if OPTT has another rin in it
[13:17] {Threei} tun
[13:17] {Threei} run
[13:17] {Threei} hey, just three attempts
[13:18] {Threei} and I get 3- letter word right
06[13:18] * Threei pictures Raven fainting
[13:20] {_vgdanger} use current shares feature...any takers? lol
[13:21] {dino} cmishaw l .00
[13:21] {dino} shaw i mean
[13:21] {Threei} you ue laser or run demo, vg?
[13:21] {dino} rst l .50
[13:22] {_vgdanger} laser
[13:22] {_vgdanger} in trade tab
[13:22] {Threei} yeah, I see it... can't remember what it does, bewen so long since I set the whole thing up
[13:24] {strider} in RST, 2nd time. .50
[13:25] {_vgdanger} anyone catch cf?
[13:28] {larisa}
[13:28] {larisa} use current shares 4th form the end
[13:28] {larisa} from
[13:28] {Threei} ty larisa
[13:29] {larisa} np
[13:29] {Threei} you are kind soul
[13:29] {Threei} unlike us, hardened drunk sailors
[13:29] {larisa} you even spelled it right :)
[13:29] {Threei} can you imagine? that's how strongly I believe in what I said
[13:30] {_vgdanger} wow this is awesome thank you!!
[13:31] {Threei} so it's basicaslly setting temporary default number of shares
[13:34] {_vgdanger} ok i see....great source many thanks again
[13:37] {nemo} index hod
[13:38] {Threei} OPTT did make a move
[13:39] {Les} losing volume though. BATS showing fewer trades on OPTT now
[13:39] {Threei} hmm?
[13:40] {Les} would have been nice to have been in on the first run
[13:40] {Les} but it's Friday night and I've just finished watching Gladiator with my son
[13:40] {Threei} this last bar has volume equal to the biggest one previously
[13:40] {Threei} 12:25
[13:41] {Les} would have to look it up in stockcharts to see that
[13:41] {nemo} yeah, volume increasing over the last 10 minutes
[13:41] {dino} good movie
[13:41] {Les} I assume laser provides realtime charting...
[13:41] {Threei} lol
[13:41] {lasertrev} Note: anyone on Laser, avoid Quoteserver 7 running a little slow
[13:41] {Threei} good one Les
[13:42] {nemo} yeah...the guy that played his original owner died filming that a bar
[13:42] {Les} in Malta
[13:42] {lasertrev} vgdanger: see pm above
[13:42] {nemo} yep
[13:43] {fernp} Gladiator and trading ... things I learn here
[13:43] {_vgdanger} got it thanks
[13:43] {Les} Vad can you provide me with screenshots of your laser layout please? I'm curious to understand it a little more.
[13:44] {Threei} how many screens do you have?
[13:44] {nemo} Vad's layout is weird
[13:44] {Threei} screenshots:
[13:44] {Threei}
[13:44] {Threei}
[13:44] {Threei}
[13:44] {Threei}
[13:44] {Threei} how are they weird??
[13:45] {Threei} although... I should probably accept this
[13:45] {nemo} I was just trying to fulfill the description somebody made of me while I wasn't here
[13:45] {Threei} what is werid to nemo just haas to be normal
[13:45] {Les} I've got 2 screens. the 28 incher can take two of your screens compacted, so I can fit a lot more info
[13:45] {strider} stopped RST
[13:45] {Les} than what I presently watch
[13:45] {strider} stupid stock.
[13:45] {Threei} OK, I can send you my layout file,
[13:46] {Threei} I am just not sure it will work like this
[13:46] {Threei} different number of screens of different resolutions
[13:46] {Les} will start to read the laser manual. Understand the system a little better
[13:46] {Threei} you may be better off recreating it from screenshots rather than reshuffling my layout
[13:47] {Threei} OPTT C&halfH
[13:48] {fernp} it's difficult to write that Vad, don't know how you do it :)
[13:48] {Threei} I practice
[13:49] {nemo} huh?
[13:51] {Threei} ok, I'll bite
[13:51] {Threei} what's so confusing nemo?
[13:51] {lasertrev} vgdanger: I sent you a private message, please respond
[13:51] {nemo} [13:47] {&Threei} OPTT C&halfH
[13:51] {Threei} ahh
[13:51] {Threei} OK
[13:52] {Threei} OPTT is a stock obviously
[13:52] {Threei} C is Cup as in Cup and Handle
[13:52] {Threei} & is and
[13:52] {Threei} half is half
[13:52] {Threei} H is handle
[13:52] {Threei} together is OPTT forms Cup and Handle, Cup is completed, Handle is half completed
[13:53] {Threei} Hope it helps.
[13:53] {nemo} weird
[13:53] {Threei} with I was tempted to code as Hih
[13:53] {Threei} but that would provoke another HUH
[13:53] {nemo} you gotta' put a threeish dictionary on the website
[13:53] {Threei} I thought about it
[13:53] {Threei} ad dismissed
[13:54] {Threei} see, it's a highly fluid alive ever-changing language
[13:54] {Threei} it changes every time I miss right button
[13:54] {nemo} I think magooish is easier
[13:54] {Threei} I don't want to put myself in rigid limits
[13:54] {Threei} that constrain my creativity
[13:55] {nemo} and I thought you were just making an excuse for your fat fingers
[13:55] {Threei} that's it
[13:55] {Threei} you got it right
[13:55] {Threei} but what an elegant excuse
[13:56] {nemo} no, I'd call it baffling with taurine excrement
[13:56] {Threei} not a lame one like "oh I just bought new keyboard, it's unfamiliar..."
[13:56] {dino} told my doctor i broke my leg in two places....he said stop going there
[13:56] {Threei} lol
[13:56] {nemo} tell the moth joke
[13:56] {Threei} handle is ruined on OPTT
[13:57] {dino} everyone knows it nemo
[13:57] {Threei} should have stayed above 9 for it to be valid
[13:57] {Threei} dino... nemo simply didn't get it still...
[13:57] {Threei} and forgot it on top of that
[13:58] {nemo} yeah, I was looking at it short
[13:58] {nemo} what do you call a moth that has one ball here.....and one
[13:59] {Threei} nope
[13:59] {Threei} you are telling it qrong
[13:59] {Threei} wrong
[13:59] {dino} lol
[14:00] {dino} what do you have when you have one moth ball here...............................and one moth ball here?
[14:00] {dino} pretty big moth
[14:00] {Threei} there
[14:02] {Threei} AIG
[14:02] {Threei} see this sudden pace pick up?
[14:02] {Threei} US House Appropriations Panel Chmn David Obey reportedly requesting the economy receive a larger 'kick' in order to assist long term deficits
[14:03] {Threei} requesting kick?
[14:03] {Threei} are we going for son of stimulus?
[14:03] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:03] {Threei} - NYSE volume 630M shares, about 8% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.5:1.
[14:03] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.24B shares, about 15% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.4:1.
[14:03] {Threei} - VIX index -4.5% to just under 24.50
[14:05] {_vgdanger} aig is forming a triangle on decreasing? volume on 15 min...does this mean its gonna explode ?
[14:05] {Threei} it already exploded
[14:05] {_vgdanger} 60 min actually
[14:05] {Threei} 60 min?
[14:05] {Threei} I don't watch this kind of chart
[14:06] {_vgdanger} i see.. just 1 min and daily right?
[14:06] {Threei} yes
[14:06] {_vgdanger} 1000 for daily?
[14:06] {Threei} yup
[14:07] {_vgdanger} still keeping any eye on hig for close?
[14:10] {Threei} I don't see any setups forming anywhere so far
[14:10] {Threei} weare simply locked in a tight range
[14:10] {Threei} something should start happening for me to try and get read on it
[14:11] {Threei} hmmm... do I read any futher e-mail starting with line:
[14:11] {Threei} Dear Small Businessperson
[14:12] {Threei} my immediate reaction is, go ... yourself
[14:13] {Threei} maybe I am too sensitive
[14:13] {bkhmd} nahhhhh
[14:13] {bkhmd} lol
[14:14] {Threei} but heck, even moth in dino's joke prided itself in being large
[14:15] {bkhmd} was Businessperson on first line or second line
[14:16] {Threei} it's a single line
[14:16] {bkhmd} ur safe then
[14:17] {dino} as long as he doesn't show up at your door and say, "dear businessman, i'm from the government and i'm here to help."
[14:17] {Threei} in this case I'd simply close the door
[14:17] {Threei} but if he said dear small businessman
[14:18] {Threei} I'd knick his teethout first
[14:18] {Threei} then close the door
[14:18] {Les} Vad WFMI appears to have reached its limits. Can you see a pullback here?
[14:19] {Threei} how do you conclude it's done?
[14:19] {nemo} hasn't reached r1
[14:19] {Threei} it's right under day high
[14:19] {Threei} and knocking on it
[14:19] {Threei} anyone's guess whether it breaks or fails
[14:20] {Les} looked like it was going to be held back until last three long candlesticks. sorry
[14:20] {Threei} new high
[14:20] {Threei} les, here is suggestion
[14:21] {nemo} trade what you see, not what you think
[14:21] {Les} go &uck myself?
[14:21] {Threei} lol
[14:21] {strider} bets on close?
[14:21] {strider} {------down
[14:22] {Threei} don't try to build your trading ideas on anything like :looks like"
[14:22] {Threei} leave it for much later, when you have years of experience under your belt
[14:22] {Threei} until then, build setuyps
[14:22] {Threei} and go from them
[14:22] {Threei} they trigger or not
[14:22] {Threei} they fail or not
[14:22] {Threei} period
[14:22] {Les} hmmm that means hours of reviewing your work and thinking...
[14:22] {Threei} not really
[14:23] {Threei} they are simple like rake
[14:23] {strider} SSRI short?
[14:25] {Threei} I ate this stock
[14:25] {Threei} hate
[14:25] {Les} you're right. That RIMM short this morning was based upon recognition of ascending wedge.
[14:26] {Les} or maybe pennant. Bulkowski makes no mention of my imaginary pattern
[14:27] {Threei} another suggestion is,
[14:27] {Threei} you need to start reading less
[14:27] {strider} SBUX spiek
[14:27] {strider} spike
[14:27] {Les} bloody hell you're busting my balls...
[14:28] {Les} how else do I learn setups?
[14:28] {magoo} u are not allowed to say "balls" in room
[14:28] {magoo} ballz ok..
[14:28] {Les} not even moths balls?
[14:29] {magoo} nope
[14:29] {Threei} I don't
[14:29] {Threei} ask ese how reading over 200 trading books worked for him
[14:29] {bkhmd} onlonly snow balls
[14:29] {Threei} and what he ended up with, setups wise
[14:29] {Les} bloody hell you're busting my snow balls...
[14:30] {bkhmd} Les May I chime in?
[14:30] {Les} so pattern recognition comes from? hanging out with someone more experienced? years of observation?
[14:30] {Les} yeh but no balls bk
[14:30] {bkhmd} Les May I?
[14:31] {Threei} starts with learning a few simple setups
[14:31] {Threei} got TTR?
[14:31] {Threei} look at thyem
[14:31] {bkhmd} look back at the set up with WFMI
[14:31] {Les} sure
[14:31] {Threei} they are simple as rake
[14:31] {Threei} you think you need 36 setups?
[14:31] {Threei} you need 5
[14:31] {Threei} 3
[14:31] {bkhmd} at 14at 14:12 it started a consolidation pattern after a jump up
[14:31] {Threei} 7
[14:32] {Les} sorry Vad, you mean examples 5, 3 and /?
[14:32] {Threei} nop
[14:32] {bkhmd} it broke out of that pattern then rested the support at which time it jumped. An aggressive entry would have been at the breakout of consolidation and safer entry after it tested that support it turned out to be a nice scalp but look at it now
[14:32] {Threei} number of setups you need
[14:33] {Les} gotcha bk.
[14:33] {Les} care to list them Vad?
[14:34] {Les} most common setups?
[14:34] {Threei} you just tend to wander all over the net and read everything written by everyone
[14:34] {Threei} they are all listed in TTR
[14:34] {dino} rrgb l .00 stop lod
[14:34] {Les} there's only 7?
[14:34] {bkhmd} the one you called out was a good valid set up for a scalp or longer if it was not so close to resistance
[14:35] {fernp} Les, read TTR and Trading in the zone and stay here for a while
[14:35] {bkhmd} look at it again its a classic actually straight from vads Book
[14:35] {fernp} you don't need much more
[14:35] {bkhmd} as well as Allns Book
[14:35] {bkhmd} Allen*
[14:35] {Les} ok. finished uni for the year so I've a few months to read on setups
[14:35] {Threei} who's Allen?
[14:35] {nemo} wow when was the last time aig had basically a .75 range
[14:36] {nemo} Wrench
[14:36] {bkhmd} Im Guessing your freind Vad
[14:36] {Threei} ?
[14:36] {dino} before the reverse spilt nemo, :)
[14:37] {bkhmd} Farley
[14:37] {Threei} oh Alan
[14:37] {bkhmd} actually thats how i found ur site
[14:37] {Threei} yes
[14:37] {bkhmd} ohhh sorry spelled his name wrong
[14:37] {Threei} he is one of very few educators I have respect for
[14:37] {bkhmd} his book Master Swing Trader was a tough read the first two times
[14:38] {bkhmd} after reading ur book I read his again and actually thought i might have understodd something
[14:38] {Threei} why, they best lines in it are very easy to read
[14:38] {Threei} let me find them
[14:39] {Threei} here it is:
[14:39] {Threei} Thanks for the special guidance of other professional traders and their ability to teach me new
[14:39] {Threei} things each day. Perish the thought that all there is to know about the financial markets has already
[14:39] {Threei} been written. It certainly has not, and these are the brilliant individuals who will continue to offer
[14:39] {Threei} inspiration in the coming years:
[14:39] {_vgdanger} i plan on readin that book this weekend actually
[14:39] {Threei} blah blahg balh,
[14:39] {Threei} and Vadym Graifer.
[14:39] {_vgdanger} is the hardright edge his site?
[14:39] {Threei} there
[14:39] {Threei} yes vg
[14:39] {bkhmd} now u know why i said thanks for the lesson
[14:39] {bkhmd} every day prior to leaving
[14:39] {_vgdanger} u use cylces in ur trading much?
[14:40] {Threei} cycles as in?
[14:40] {_vgdanger} market cycles?
[14:40] {bkhmd} Thanks for the special guidance of other professional traders and their ability to teach me new things each day.
[14:40] {Threei} it doesn't explain much about what you mean, vg :)
[14:41] {strider} Farley talks about "pattern cycles"
[14:41] {_vgdanger} good point let me read the book and ill ask a more edcuated
[14:41] {Threei} pattern cycle as in how pattern is being born, developed, then reverses on itself?
[14:42] {strider} It's his term....
[14:42] {Threei} I talk about it in MPP I think
[14:42] {bkhmd} wfmi near support large vol spike could we scalp a bounce?
[14:42] {_vgdanger} well from what i read on the site.....the market moves in almost precticatble cycles particulary midday...make sense or did interpret that wrong?
[14:42] {bkhmd} ooops too late broke that support
[14:42] {strider} frankly, I could never get through Farley's book. He's quite prolix.
[14:42] {Threei} oh, OK
[14:43] {nemo} triple top on Rimm
[14:43] {Threei} no, that's not my cup of tea
[14:43] {_vgdanger} gotcha
[14:43] {Threei} his book is not an easy read by any means
[14:43] {bkhmd} agree
[14:43] {_vgdanger} so ive read on amazon
[14:44] {Threei} and yes, he is a good friend, we even used to do seminars together
[14:44] {nemo} scary
[14:45] {Threei} nah.... hunting for a parking spot in overfilled lot in Anaheim with Alan driving is scary
[14:45] {Threei} just ask cosmo
[14:46] {_vgdanger} lol
[14:46] {Threei} ever seen shark circling the victim before lunging?
[14:47] {Threei} "here, this gal seems to be going to her car, let's drive behind her
[14:47] {Threei} crap, she just grabs her makeup... next"
[14:47] {Les} lol
[14:47] {bkhmd} girls are like that
[14:47] {bkhmd} lol
[14:48] {_vgdanger} only two "officialcalls " today right. want to make sure i didnt miss your calls
[14:48] {Threei} larisa was wise enough to take some other car... cosmo though has these memories burned in his mind
[14:48] {Threei} right... can't find much
[14:48] {Threei} narrow range
[14:48] {Les} damn vad, where's the prognostication that the market would bathe in blood? I wanna kill something.
[14:49] {fernp} two? I think is one
[14:49] {bkhmd} its not too late les
[14:49] {Threei} you remind me my favorite saying of russian antlers les
[14:49] {Threei} "if I didn't know fishing calms down nerves, I'd kill someone"
[14:50] {Les} antlers, oh right anglers
[14:50] {Threei} two fern, first one jst got invalidated before triggering.. SBUX long
[14:50] {fernp} yes, yes
[14:50] {Les} trading has same pacifying influence on me.
[14:51] {Threei} lol
[14:51] {fernp} I am not happy with this session, boring and losing friday.
[14:51] {_vgdanger} the hig never triggered?
[14:51] {Threei} it did, and got stopped
[14:51] {fernp} and with big slippage here
[14:52] {_vgdanger} me too
[14:52] {Threei} yeah, did that morning telepotration
[14:52] {_vgdanger} got 76 print on out
[14:52] {fernp} .77 here
[14:55] {Les} MSFT bounce Vad?
[14:57] {Threei} it dropped whole 12 cents
[14:57] {Threei} how much do you expect from bounce?
[14:57] {Threei} 3-5?
[14:57] {Threei} i it really worth it?
[14:57] {nemo} look at wfmi...that's tooo tempting
[14:58] {nemo} must be as many eyeballs on that as on that failed H&S in July
[14:58] {bkhmd} as in continued short or bounce Nemo?
[14:58] {Les} yeh put me foot in me mouth there.
[14:59] {nemo} continued short, but coul have small bounce...who knows...too easy
[14:59] {bkhmd} first bottom inside bands
[14:59] {nemo} whaddya think Vadley
[15:00] {Threei} SEPT CONSUMER CREDIT: -$14.8B V -$10.0BE
[15:00] {nemo} short
[15:00] {bkhmd} t&S looks like bounce
[15:00] {nemo} wow
[15:00] {bkhmd} ooops
[15:00] {bkhmd} lol
[15:00] {Threei} looks right to me
[15:00] {nemo} that number bk
[15:00] {Threei} soorry, got distracted by numbers
[15:01] {nemo} that kicked it
[15:01] {Threei} prior revised from -$12.0B to -$9.9B
[15:01] {Threei} - Annual growth rate -7.2% v -4.8% m/m
[15:01] {nemo} yeah...recovery
[15:04] {Threei} RIMM
[15:04] {Threei} interesting
[15:04] {Threei} holding above 58
[15:04] {larisa} 58.16 pivot res
[15:04] {nemo} broke that little trend
[15:05] {nemo} upward wedge in a weak stock
[15:05] {Threei} so... 15-17 break is long by you, pivot people?
[15:05] {nemo} what
[15:05] {larisa} not by me
[15:05] {nemo} you mean 58.17?
[15:05] {Threei} yes
[15:06] {nemo} without the pivot point where do you see resistance?
[15:06] {bkhmd} larisa can u explain that pivot is it the resistance of the trend line?
[15:06] {Threei} right at that level
[15:06] {Threei} I don't see pivots
[15:06] {bkhmd} resistance at .16 trend line?
[15:07] {nemo} 200 ma at 58
[15:08] {larisa} pivot is calculated based on previous day high, low, close, plus support levels. many people look at this levels when placing trades
[15:08] {bkhmd} I watched Rimm all day looking for short entry the tails scared me
[15:08] {bkhmd} thanks larisa
[15:08] {bkhmd} I drew trend line and it shows res at .16 as well
[15:11] {strider} RIMM getting very constricted
[15:11] {nemo} thanks Howard
[15:12] {bkhmd} lol
[15:19] {larisa} no life in anything. where is my -200 ?
[15:19] {Threei} yeah, anemic -13
[15:19] {Threei} it's not market, it's chopped liver
[15:19] {nemo} them's some weak volume numbers
[15:20] {Les} suspense and surprise left for Monday Morning, so we're left out of the feeding frenzy?
[15:20] {strider} QID support @ .36
[15:21] {nemo} we'll just do our lamprey impression
[15:22] {larisa} ENER can not produce any run into earnings. people gave up hope :)
[15:25] {Les} trading value colums red on freestockcharts. No volume. Prefer to sleep and hit Vad's book with early coffee. Night all.
[15:25] {Threei} take care les
[15:25] {Threei} ad keep in mind,
[15:25] {larisa} bye les
[15:25] {bkhmd} tc les
[15:26] {Threei} as far as I know, most books get spoiled if tou hit them woth coffee
[15:27] {nemo} crissakes you take any of these setups you'll pay more in commissions than you'll make on the move...sheesh
[15:27] {Threei} this is what happens when market stays this narrow.. why do you think I am not calling any trades
[15:27] {strider} because you hate us
[15:28] {Threei} that too of course
[15:28] {nemo} Because you're surfing for porn?
[15:28] {Threei} not all of you, mind you...
[15:28] {Threei} there are girls here, them I like
[15:29] {nemo} rimm actually did what it's supposed to do on the break
[15:29] {Threei} yes
[15:29] {Threei} but even RIMM, usually perky one, did it like rusty wheel
[15:30] {nemo} yeah
[15:30] {nemo} would have got stopped at 1:1
[15:30] {Threei} and you have to give me some credit... I have my new lens, and it's sunny outside... and I sit here winstead of going testing it
[15:30] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:30] {Threei} - NYSE volume 805M shares, about 8% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.7:1.
[15:30] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.54B shares, about 17% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.5:1.
[15:30] {Threei} - VIX index -4% to just under 24.50
[15:31] {Threei} volume dropped significantly too
[15:35] {_vgdanger} so are u just keeping an i on scanners for activity at this point?
[15:35] {bkhmd} lol
[15:35] {Threei} pretty much
[15:35] {bkhmd} he is putting the lens on his camera
[15:36] {Threei} lol
[15:36] {Threei} what to put... 2 seconds operation
[15:36] {bkhmd} i have never seen him make a call after 3:30
[15:36] {Threei} not true
[15:36] {nemo} wow rimm got momo...for this market at least
[15:36] {bkhmd} true i didnt say u have not i said i have never seen it
[15:36] {dino} cmi l .00
[15:36] {magoo} .
[15:37] {dino} out cmi +.12
[15:38] {_vgdanger} what was play on cmi?
[15:38] {dino} break of .00
[15:39] {dino} simple quarters breaks on mkt moving up
[15:39] {_vgdanger} meant set up
[15:41] {Threei} Short Setup: AAPL half lot 194 break
[15:42] {Threei} if stays under .15
[15:44] {strider} invalid?
[15:44] {Threei} yeah
[15:44] {nemo} yep
[15:45] {nemo} frickin rimm
[15:45] {bkhmd} i agree
[15:46] {strider} break means actual trade, not just inside market price, correct?
[15:46] {Threei} usually yes
[15:47] {larisa} see what I mean ? :) people need structure and exact instructions. This is why pivots work :)
[15:47] {bkhmd} Larisa do you have time to explain?
[15:48] {bkhmd} pivots meaning support and resistance from open? Previous day high low close etc..?
[15:49] {strider} Yeah, it's good to know what people mean by the words they use. :)
[15:49] {nemo} bk...plenty of resources on pivot points...they are also an indicator available in They're technical levels formed by stock action amplitudes
[15:49] {dino} exls spike
[15:49] {bkhmd} thanks nemo good homework for the weekend
[15:52] {fernp} this is a pivot calculator I utilized often when I was young : :-)
[15:53] {nemo} yeah...and many charting packages have them as indicators/studies
[15:53] {Threei} fern... I won't say anything about any pivots I used when I was young
[15:53] {bkhmd} thanks i think i have it available on my platform to automatically plot on chart i will play with it this weekend
[15:54] {fernp} lol
[15:54] {larisa} lol vad keeps it simple. More you know, more confusing life gets
[15:54] {bkhmd} do you think he really meant young or newer trader? lol
[15:55] {Threei} I don't know but ah, those pivots...
[15:55] {nemo} yes...but they often offer points of support and resistance
[15:55] {Threei} so true
[15:55] {larisa} for scalper to watch too many indicators is dangerous, you will miss the trade. need to keep it simple
[15:56] {_vgdanger} what was set up on aapl ?
[15:56] {bkhmd} throughout the day i draw line at points that the stock turns direction as support and resistance is this not pivot points?
[15:56] {dino} out shaw -.25
[15:56] {Threei} and be careful not to cloud your immediate perception by too many formal tools
[15:56] {_vgdanger} failed breakout?
[15:56] {bkhmd} to include previous day high low open
[15:56] {Threei} break of support
[15:58] {Threei} good thing it inval;idated before trigvgering
[15:58] {dino} out rst .42 -.08
[15:59] {dino} out rrgr .00, flat
[15:59] {nemo} bounced right around yesterday close
[15:59] {_vgdanger} that volume spike get u interested ?
[15:59] {_vgdanger} not sure i follow
[16:00] {dino} me? just ditching remaining trades
[16:00] {Threei} I am not even sure you are talking to me or nor vg, let;' alone what you mean :)
[16:00] {_vgdanger} 3i
[16:00] {_vgdanger} aapl play
[16:00] {Threei} just a range above strong support
[16:00] {Threei} Ok guys
[16:00] {bkhmd} good weekend all thanks for t he lessons
[16:00] {Threei} thank you all
[16:00] {Threei} let's have a good relaxing weekend
[16:00] {_vgdanger} thank u
[16:00] {nemo} gots to run...teaching tonight
[16:01] {larisa} bye all
[16:01] {Threei} see you all on Monday
[16:01] {larisa} nemo you are a teacher ?
[16:01] {Threei} nemo?
[16:01] {Threei} teachning who and what?
[16:01] {fernp} Have a nice weekend everybody. be good
[16:01] {Threei} I am scared to imagine huis students
[16:01] {magoo} waste f my life
[16:01] {Threei} must be scarred for life
[16:01] {Threei} same here mags
[16:01] {fernp} nemo is a teacher?
[16:02] {magoo} i may be done until new internet connection
[16:02] {dino} today would have been better if played as summer type scalpers friday. hmmm
[16:02] {Threei} god I hope not
[16:02] {magoo} lost last 3 days because of it
[16:03] {Threei} true dino
[16:03] {Threei} had this summer friday feeling to it
[16:04] {dino} yeah, felt same way, just wrote on friday the 13th; scalpers' friday" for reminder

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nov 05 2009

Nice and active day with a lot of successful plays and very few stops. Most of trades were on RIMM and HIG, RIMM being played both long and short

Session Time: Thu Nov 05 00:00:00 2009
[08:04] {magoo} mcmorning
[08:12] {Threei} US) Preview: Initial Jobless Claims and Continuing Claims due out at 8:30amET
[08:12] {Threei} - Expectations for initial claims are 522K v prior release of 530K (range seen from 510K to 535K)
[08:12] {Threei} - Continuing claims seen at 5.750M v prior 5.797M (range seen from 5.730M to 5.860M)
[08:13] {Threei} good morning
[08:13] {Threei} they seem to be set in expectations of losing half mil jobs every week
[08:14] {Threei} so much for "we will create or save"...
[08:25] {KSystems} he has the nobel prize
[08:25] {KSystems} dont critisize him
[08:25] {KSystems} or else.
[08:26] {Threei} I will soon too
[08:26] {Threei} I applied for it, referring to my intention to write the most significant book in history within next 5 years
[08:26] {Threei} and since those prizes are being given out for the intentions these days I fully expect to get it
[08:30] {Threei} US) INITIAL JOBLESS CLAIMS: 512K V 522KE; CONTINUING CLAIMS: 5.749M V 5.750ME
[08:30] {Threei} *(US) Q3 PRELIMINARY NONFARM PRODUCTIVITY: 9.5% V 6.5%E; UNIT LABOR COSTS: -5.2% V -4.2%E
[08:31] {Threei} this is so bizarre
[08:32] {nemo} you looking in the mirror 3i?
[08:32] {Threei} btw magoo... will you help me with spelling for that book?
[08:32] {Threei} look who woke up
[08:32] {nemo} look who just got in
[08:32] {nemo} I was sitting in a tree for a couple of hours
06[08:32] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a large mirror because both nemo and his, Threei's reflection are simply irritating
[08:33] {nemo} no...mine's disease-inducing
[08:37] {nemo} so much for the big crash, huh?
[08:38] {Threei} ?
[08:38] {nemo} yesterday had that nice drop after I left, now big bounce
[08:38] {Threei} who said we were going to open down?
[08:39] {Threei} trading day is ahead still, no?
[08:39] {nemo} the voices in my head
[08:39] {Threei} oh
[08:39] {cosmo} you too nemo?
[08:39] {strider} morning crazy people
[08:39] {nemo} pot calling kettle black?
[08:39] {Threei} {--- makes a point of not answering strider
[08:40] {strider} and good morning to Vad, also.
[08:40] {nemo} Bird man chime in yet Vad?
[08:41] {Threei} hi strider
[08:41] {nemo} [08:39] {&Threei} {--- makes a point of not answering strider
[08:41] {strider} :)
[08:42] {Threei} nemo... getting lost in my motives and their changes?
[08:43] {nemo} your whimsical vaccillations?
[08:43] {nemo} vacillations
[08:43] {Threei} oh well... I didn't think it was so hard to figure out but...
[08:47] {magoo} vad, u got a sec?
[08:47] {Threei} depends
[08:47] {magoo} my system puked and i lost everthing, so setting p new laser screen here
[08:47] {Threei} ouch
[08:47] {Threei} need my layout?
[08:47] {magoo} which level 1 u use? is it board view?
[08:48] {magoo} nah, getting there
[08:48] {Threei} I don't
[08:48] {Threei} boardview is a list of stocks with L1 quotes
[08:48] {magoo} so u only follow stox thru charts and lev 2?
[08:48] {Threei} right
[08:48] {strider} Do you maybe have it saved as remote layout, magoo?
[08:49] {magoo} i did, total system crash-a-roo
[08:49] {magoo} ok, vad..where i fuiind the hard stop window/blotter
[08:50] {Threei} OMS module for stops
[08:50] {Threei} under Modules
[08:50] {magoo} ah..ok ty
[08:50] {strider} I thought remote layout was saved on Laser server.
[08:50] {Threei} blotter is under View
[08:50] {Threei} yes... mags, when you are done remaking it, save it as remote as well as local
[08:50] {strider} ah..can't get to it.. I see. sorry .
[08:50] {Threei} strider is correct
[08:52] {magoo} oh,ok i only saved local
[08:53] {magoo} so vad, u watch alot of potential stox with no lev 1/ how many charts u got up?
[08:54] {Threei} why would I want to watch A LOT of potential stocks?
[08:54] {Threei} procedure:
[08:54] {Threei} scanner spits them,
[08:54] {Threei} I surf through them,
[08:55] {Threei} when something looks good for setup, it stays on one set of L2/charts/T&S,
[08:55] {Threei} I surf further via second set,
[08:55] {Threei} when something appeals to me, it stays on second
[08:55] {Threei} do I really want to watch more?
[08:55] {Threei} how many positions at the same time can one manage?
[08:57] {Les} "Don't interrupt your brain's work by thinking". hmmm this place will be harder than I thought.
[08:57] {Les} gm :)
[08:57] {Threei} lol
[08:57] {Threei} morning
[08:57] {Threei} how is it hard?
[08:57] {Threei} most people find it easy not to think
[08:58] {Threei} couple more beers and they are there
[08:58] {magoo} how many lev 2 u got up
[08:59] {Threei} 2
[09:00] {dptl} morning
[09:00] {Threei} dp :)
[09:00] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[09:00] {Threei} fern :)
[09:01] {magoo} how many open positions u do vad
[09:02] {Threei} depends on how fast stocks are
[09:02] {magoo} vad, charts setup here
[09:02] {Threei} I can manage two relatively fast ones at the same time, with one or two more slow ones sitting on a background,
[09:03] {Threei} if we are talking about hystreically fast, just one
[09:04] {Threei} what about chart? I have Volume and BB, price is in Candliesticks
[09:04] {Threei} bar width 2
[09:05] {magoo} candle width? 50 and 200 mioving
[09:05] {Threei} only 20 moving on intraday
[09:05] {Threei} 20 and 50 on daily
[09:06] {Threei} bar width 9 on daily
[09:06] {magoo} i minute right
[09:06] {Threei} on intraday yes
[09:11] {dino} gm all
[09:11] {Threei} dino :)
[09:11] {Les} afternoon dino
[09:12] {lasertrev} morning
[09:13] {Threei} trev :)
[09:14] {dino} :)
[09:15] {larisa} gm :)
[09:16] {Threei} larisa :)
[09:16] {bkhmd} gm all
[09:16] {Threei} bk, welcome back
[09:16] {bkhmd} ty
[09:16] {Threei} people need to srtop taking vacations
[09:17] {bkhmd} i wished it was vacation
[09:17] {bkhmd} lol
[09:17] {Threei} don't ruin it for me
[09:17] {Threei} I was going somewhere with this
[09:17] {bkhmd} continue
[09:17] {bkhmd} lol
[09:17] {Threei} make a few reproachful remarks about someone's vacations,
[09:18] {Threei} preparing ground for mine :)
[09:18] {bkhmd} not allowed
[09:18] {Les} no vacation for you vad
[09:18] {Threei} see?
[09:18] {larisa} I am taking one next week, so go ahead
[09:18] {Threei} thank you!
[09:18] {bkhmd} wasnt larisa just on vacation?
[09:18] {Threei} you are my only beam of light in the kingdom of darkness
[09:19] {nemo} it's your frickin' kingdom!
[09:19] {larisa} I wish i was bk :)
[09:19] {Threei} but it's dark
[09:19] {Threei} andf hey, don't ruin it for me
[09:19] {bkhmd} ooops fat fingers
[09:19] {Threei} I just found a good solid reason to make a compiment to larisa
[09:19] {ese} well my goodness......i'm hooked in from cloudy downtown kelowna BC
[09:19] {bkhmd} now i cant give vad rude comments on his typing
[09:19] {Threei} ese :)
[09:20] {ese} hey vad....
[09:20] {bkhmd} ese
[09:20] {Threei} that's not a vacation bk, that's hard work
[09:20] {bkhmd} yea sure it is
[09:20] {Threei} speaking for two days in a row
[09:20] {ese} I WISH Larisa......were doing that Stevie Wonder tune
[09:20] {bkhmd} its your story
[09:20] {ese} BK
[09:20] {Threei} yes, and I am sticking to it
[09:21] {bkhmd} I have wanted to tell vad to take off the gloves for the longest time then i hit the caps lock ruined my future dig
[09:22] {Threei} see? there is a reson why god doesnt give horns to aggressive cows
[09:22] {bkhmd} lol
[09:22] {cosmo} i thot he does
[09:23] {cosmo} oh wait... wrong species
[09:23] {Threei} not very good translation of russian sayiong... vbut the best I can do on the fly
[09:23] {bkhmd} btw i read the post from room last few days ... congrats and good calls vad
[09:23] {bkhmd} sorry i missed them
[09:23] {Threei} ty
[09:23] {bkhmd} keep the good calls coming today
[09:24] {Threei} no pressure eh?
[09:24] {bkhmd} hahaha
[09:24] {bkhmd} scared money here
[09:24] {bkhmd} lol
[09:24] {Threei} two things I want to try and catch morning pullbacks on:
[09:24] {Threei} HIG and RIMM
[09:26] {strider} With analysts saying that its share price had fallen too far, Research In Motion Ltd. /quotes/comstock/15*!rimm/quotes/nls/rimm (RIMM 59.22, +1.61, +2.80%) announced Thursday it would repurchase $1.2 billion of its stock.
[09:26] {Threei} yeah
[09:26] {Threei} I don't put much weight into buyback itself
[09:27] {Threei} most of them never happen
[09:27] {Threei} other than create nice soundbite
[09:27] {Les} wow hardened cynic you are vad
[09:28] {Threei} why? it's just a fact
[09:28] {Threei} 80-90% of announced buyback never come to fruition
[09:28] {dino} agree 3i, most never get completed. and usually the ones that do are completed at highs, not lows. they usually issue at lows
[09:29] {Threei} there you go
[09:29] {nemo} why is it realists are called cynics?
[09:29] {dino} plus, w/rimm, i feel the risk is the 48 gap coming into exp
[09:29] {Threei} RIMM gets initial pop out of it but mostly will simply move wit market
[09:29] {Les} so no thinking. cynicism is realism (wait, I'm just writing all these down):)
[09:30] {Threei} and no drinking hard liqor before 10 ama
[09:30] {Les} lol
[09:30] {Threei} now your mantras for the day are complete
[09:30] {bkhmd} nice gap
[09:30] {Les} oops my bad.
[09:30] {strider} here we go
[09:30] {ese} man this is bad news with rimm back at 59
[09:31] {ese} well.....i won't give up hope for 50
[09:31] {Threei} need deeper pullbacks on both
[09:31] {nemo} aig ballistic
[09:31] {Threei} initially thought of RIMM under 59 but happened too fast
[09:33] {Threei} I know it's really early but... guess who is onTV
[09:33] {nemo} Selma Hyek
[09:33] {Threei} OK, here comes HIG
[09:33] {Threei} you wish
[09:33] {cosmo} jerry springer
[09:33] {nemo} gag
[09:33] {Threei} dive into .10 should be it for HIG
[09:34] {Threei} and RIMM, doub,le bottom
[09:34] {Threei} 59 recross long'
[09:34] {Threei} .85 stop
[09:35] {Threei} .10 recross HIG long
[09:36] {Threei} stop under 24
[09:36] {Threei} HIG 1:1
[09:36] {bkhmd} ty
[09:36] {fernp} missed RIMM, still valid Vad?
[09:37] {bkhmd} same here
[09:37] {Threei} RIMM stalled a few cents under 1:1
[09:37] {Threei} yeah, same setup
[09:37] {dino} pru
[09:37] {Threei} with .85 being invalidation
[09:37] {fernp} ty for HIG
[09:37] {Threei} :)
[09:37] {Threei} HIG will be new setup very soon
[09:37] {Threei} argh
[09:37] {Threei} missed
[09:38] {dino} sm l .50 pru
[09:40] {dino} out pru .96 +.46
[09:42] {dino} .
[09:42] {fernp} RIMM and fern are imcompatible
[09:42] {Threei} RIMM, if works - changing to not a scalp for me designation
[09:42] {Threei} intend to partial
[09:43] {strider} out +.1w partial
[09:43] {strider} 12
[09:43] {Threei} 1:1
[09:43] {dino} pru retesting
[09:43] {Threei} half out .17
[09:43] {fernp} ty Vad
[09:43] {Threei} see fern? compatible
[09:44] {Threei} just give it a chance
[09:44] {Threei} maybe some marriage counselling
[09:44] {fernp} maybe...
[09:44] {fernp} I don't like the way it moves
[09:44] {Threei} 1/4 more .25
[09:45] {Threei} stop under b/e
[09:45] {Threei} offering the rest .35
[09:45] {nemo} ty
[09:45] {Threei} welcome giys
[09:45] {Threei} direct hit
[09:45] {Les} rimm
[09:46] {strider} out in full...thanks vad
[09:46] {Les} sorry wrong screen
[09:46] {strider} that was a struggle
[09:46] {Threei} {fernp} I don't like the way it moves - what is it a pole dancer?? :)
[09:46] {Les} stopped out on HIG Vad. was moving fast and messy exit
[09:46] {dino} pru sm l .00
[09:46] {Threei} magoo, tell me you got it... totally your kind of tade
[09:47] {Threei} les... on the very first entry, 10?
[09:47] {Les} yeh
[09:47] {dino} theres the +100 3i
[09:47] {Threei} it went to .28, how do you get stopped on that?
[09:47] {bkhmd} i didnt know it reached .85
[09:48] {Threei} yeah dino... my bet stays though
[09:48] {dino} pru stop is .67 fwiw
[09:48] {Les} didn't get order filled. was trying to sell when realised hadn't even bought. something new to learn... entry and exits
[09:48] {Threei} ummm
[09:48] {Threei} I am lost
[09:49] {Threei} if you haven't entered how sdo you take stop?
[09:49] {Les} makes two of us
[09:49] {nemo} you and 3i lost romantic
[09:49] {Threei} ok, that desrves a slap, but I am laughing too hard
[09:49] {nemo} Hig long coming?
[09:49] {Les} late fill. distracted by kids in background. should have cut the buy order
[09:49] {Threei} yikes
[09:50] {bkhmd} who is 3i?
[09:50] {bkhmd} no kids allowed page 43 of the book
[09:50] {nemo} hig .70 break stop under shit
[09:50] {Threei} entering on original trigger on the way back is questionable even after 1:1 is reached, let alone 1:2
[09:51] {strider} good call dino, pru
[09:51] {nemo} I don't see it Vad
[09:51] {Les} sounds like laser is good for scalping, but I'll practice with IB on paper. Will see how it works out for me entering/exiting fast trades like that
[09:51] {dino} ty strider
[09:52] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .35 break, half lot
[09:52] {Les} double bottom on HIG?
[09:52] {nemo} Nothing about kids on pg .43
[09:52] {Threei} if stays under .50
[09:52] {Threei} no on HIG
[09:52] {nemo} too fast rimm
[09:52] {fernp} too fast
[09:53] {Threei} yeah... too bad, quick 1;1
[09:53] {strider} {--------oh ye of little faith.
[09:53] {bkhmd} wrong page?
[09:53] {bkhmd} NEMOOOOO u looked?
[09:53] {strider} didn't believe RIMM
[09:53] {nemo} classic double top 2nd inside bollingers
[09:54] {strider} still good?
[09:54] {strider} not now
[09:54] {dino} out pru .38, +.38
[09:54] {dino} back in 30
[09:54] {Threei} plus staying under itshigh while NASDAQ made new high at 9:51
[09:54] {Threei} good job dino
[09:55] {nemo} HIG holing while qs spy dropping
06[09:55] * strider slaps strider around a bit with a large a copy of Techniques of Tape Reading
[09:56] {nemo} nothing on 44 either
[09:56] {bkhmd} lol
[09:56] {bkhmd} im sure its there
[09:56] {Les} :)
[09:56] {Les} :)
[09:58] {Threei} I start thinking of HIG as short
[09:59] {Threei} .50 break is obvious trigger but we are too far from there,
[09:59] {Threei} something more aggressive would benicer
[10:00] {nemo} unless you get lower high here?
[10:00] {Threei} need clean setup
[10:00] {fernp} HIG is holding while FAS is falling
[10:00] {Threei} yeah, ruined
[10:00] {Threei} leaving the idea
[10:01] {Les} so u were suggesting big sell off today vad
[10:01] {strider} GLD looking restrained this morning.
[10:01] {Les} still thinking that?
[10:01] {Threei} and bet some beer to dino on that
[10:01] {Threei} thinking? you are flattering me
[10:01] {nemo} aig double top?
[10:01] {Les} shit. my bad
[10:02] {Les} oops I said naughty word sorry
[10:02] {Threei} GLD... this one I'd short with pleasure
[10:02] {Threei} but I asm biased
[10:02] {Threei} I always see it as short, lol
[10:03] {nemo} $ down oil down ???
[10:03] {strider} GRMN bouncing today...interesting daily chart
[10:03] {strider} down up down up
[10:03] {Threei} and gold donw
[10:03] {nemo} mind out of the gutter strider
[10:03] {Threei} remember I said recently they are likely to decouple soon?
[10:04] {nemo} more innuendo
[10:04] {Threei} what's with ENMD?
[10:04] {Threei} moves day after day, no news since August
[10:05] {Threei} and this is that same ENMD that gappen from 11 to 80 once in 1998 I think
[10:05] {strider} Yeah, I see what you were saying about nemo,Vad
[10:05] {strider} (when he wasn't here)
[10:05] {Threei} I don't remember what I said but I vote with both hands for that
[10:09] {Threei} Short Setup: HURN .90 break half lot
[10:09] {Threei} if stays below 27.05
[10:10] {Threei} eeck
[10:10] {strider} some bad spreads there
[10:10] {nemo} yeah...boom
[10:10] {fernp} jumpy
[10:10] {Les} i was gonna say. like a lead bloody balloon
[10:11] {Threei} oh well
[10:11] {Threei} next
[10:11] {Threei} this fish got away
[10:11] {Threei} look at it dropping
[10:11] {nemo} go fishy!!!
[10:12] {strider} LEAP dbl bottom or breakdown
[10:12] {Threei} RIMM short was beautiful idea... look at it
[10:13] {nemo} too painful
[10:13] {Threei} good
[10:13] {nemo} fyvm
[10:14] {Threei} good manners is the latest victim of our dimming civilization I see
[10:14] {Threei} LEAP is rather breakdown, strider
[10:14] {nemo} For Your Virtuous Magnificence
[10:14] {Les} HIG setting up for another go?
[10:14] {Les} rimm
[10:15] {Threei} HIG is losing gas I believe
[10:15] {strider} hmin?
[10:16] {strider} I know it's thin
[10:16] {Threei} thin and jumpy
[10:16] {Threei} ok, there must be a short in HIG somewhere
[10:16] {strider} LEAP Vad?
[10:16] {dino} pru lod
[10:16] {Threei} [10:14] {Threei} LEAP is rather breakdown, strider
[10:17] {strider} reasonable stop?
[10:17] {Threei} I don't even see a reasonable entry, lol
[10:17] {strider} That's very reasonable
[10:18] {strider} hgsi?
[10:18] {Les} U find bambi Nemo?
[10:19] {Threei} FNM Announces 'deed for lease' program to assist homeowners - CNBC
[10:19] {Threei} - allows homeowners facing foreclosure to remain in their homes (
[10:19] {Threei} ok, who is ready to try, HIG
[10:19] {Threei} .60 break
[10:19] {Threei} if stays under .70
[10:19] {nemo} Not close does about 60 yards through brush
[10:19] {Threei} HGSI is rather a momo stock
[10:19] {Threei} not really technical read
[10:19] {Les} A doe?
[10:20] {Les} A deer?
[10:20] {Les} A female deer?
[10:20] {nemo} here it comes
[10:20] {Threei} invalidated HIG
[10:20] {Threei} les leave it for later please
[10:20] {larisa} at least first hour can we guys stay focused?
[10:20] {Threei} market is still active
[10:20] {nemo} range forming on qs and spy
[10:21] {Les} ok
[10:21] {nemo} rimm at bottom of open
[10:21] {strider} rimm lod
[10:21] {nemo} big gap under
[10:22] {Threei} RIMM is double bottom/bounce here
[10:22] {Threei} more selling later on but should be good for a scalp
[10:22] {nemo} hig staying under BB MA
[10:23] {Threei} Long Setup: .75 rimm
[10:23] {Threei} if stays above .60
[10:23] {Threei} Long Setup: RIMM .75
[10:23] {Threei} there... looks better
[10:26] {Threei} invalidated
[10:26] {fernp} FITB interesting for short here
[10:29] {strider} c&h stld
[10:29] {strider} big range
[10:29] {Threei} RIMM starts looking like short at will and let it drop
[10:30] {Les} QCOM ready to drop into gap?
[10:31] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[10:31] {Threei} - NYSE volume 260M shares, about 7% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 6.2:1.
[10:31] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 535M shares, about 5% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 3.3:1.
[10:31] {Threei} - VIX index -4.5% to just under 26.50
[10:31] {Threei} QCOM looks like short on 43 break to me
[10:31] {Threei} I'd just prefer to do it with market dropping
[10:31] {Threei} but looks good
[10:32] {fernp} lots of candles w/shadows in BAC. bizarre
[10:32] {nemo} battleground
[10:33] {Threei} plenty of out of bounds prints on it for some reason
[10:33] {fernp} look at the current candle goes from .85 to .95 continuously
[10:34] {Threei} look at T&S
[10:34] {Threei} you'll see why
[10:34] {fernp} y
[10:35] {Threei} RIMM... down and down
[10:35] {Threei} so much for that buyback?
[10:37] {Les} and someone came to rescue QCOM
[10:37] {bkhmd} where did that surge come from
[10:37] {Les} spy
[10:38] {nemo} aig making 2nd attempt at r1 .52
[10:40] {strider} nemo, what charts are you using for pivots?
[10:41] {nemo} Microsoft Silverlight, which can be an issue
[10:41] {strider} OK. I've been using that some also. No problems with silverlight. I use Firefox if that makes a difference.
[10:42] {nemo} can stick a bit with firefox...I run it in Chrome
[10:42] {strider} haven't had any problems so far
[10:42] {nemo} kewl
[10:43] {Threei} Long Setup: AIG .20 break half lot if stays above .10
[10:44] {nemo} ba quotes again
[10:45] {fernp} something is happening with financials today, i am trading WFC and FITB and both make out of bounds prints very often... better i leave them alone
[10:45] {fernp} AIG too
[10:45] {Threei} yes
[10:46] {Threei} seems to be widespread quote problem
[10:46] {Threei} trev... any insight?
[10:46] {nemo} it's them again
[10:46] {nemo} excuse's they again
[10:46] {fernp} i am out .25
[10:46] {Threei} 1:1 AIG
[10:46] {lasertrev} checking into it now
[10:47] {strider} I got out flat...can't trade with those stupid quotes
[10:47] {fernp} yeah
[10:48] {Threei} watching RIMM for short setup
[10:49] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .70 break half lot
[10:49] {Threei} if stays under .85
[10:49] {dino} mxwl .50 sm l
[10:51] {lasertrev} quoteserver 8 works well
[10:51] {Threei} held by fingertips RIMM
[10:53] {strider} stop dino?
[10:53] {dino} lod
[10:54] {strider} thx
[10:54] {dino} eyes on pru again
[10:55] {dino} stride, mxwl may take awhile, put hard stop on it and move on to other imo
[10:56] {strider} thx
[10:59] {Threei} come on market, let's start selloff
[10:59] {Threei} I have that beer on the line
[11:00] {bkhmd} after lunch
[11:00] {Threei} in case it's important for someone:
[11:00] {Threei} *(HU) HUNGARY OCT BUDGET BALANCE YTD (HUF): -1.04BV -1.1B PRIOR
[11:01] {Threei} die RIMM
[11:02] {strider} out RIMM +.10
[11:02] {strider} not the best exit
[11:02] {Threei} 1:1
[11:03] {Threei} taking scalp
[11:04] {Threei} dino... I believe I still have a shot at that beer, but just n case... what kind you prefer?
[11:05] {bkhmd} dont give up vad its coming after lunch just not sure which day
[11:05] {bkhmd} lol
[11:05] {bkhmd} lol
[11:05] {Threei} 15:59] {dino} vad, a beer bet, up 100+ tomorrow's close
[11:05] {Threei} [16:00] {Threei} my bet for tomorrow is red close
[11:05] {Threei} [16:00] {Threei} beer it is
[11:05] {Threei} [16:00] {Threei} I'll take my favorite
[11:05] {Threei} [16:00] {Threei} Innis&Gunn
[11:05] {bkhmd} did you specify day?
[11:06] {dino} becks
[11:06] {strider} Got to read up on hard stops in Laser. Anyone use them?
[11:06] {Threei} only if I have to leave opwen position
[11:06] {bkhmd} ohhhhalways
[11:07] {Threei} it's quite intuitive to set up
[11:07] {Threei} OMS module
[11:07] {dino} but the day is young 3i, we lost this much yesterday
[11:07] {strider} stopped mxwl
[11:07] {Threei} and panel is pretty much like your typical VCR
[11:07] {dino} yes strider, sorry
[11:08] {strider} yeah....see 'stop' and enter price, then click buy or sell?
[11:08] {strider} Hey, dino...nobody's twistin my arm here. I'm riding your coattails:)
[11:08] {Threei} no
[11:09] {Threei} after you set the order and clicked OK,
[11:09] {Threei} use green arrrow to activate order
[11:09] {Threei} red square to stop it
[11:09] {strider} I'm in the wrong place..don't seee what you're talking about. Where is OMS module?
[11:10] {Threei} ok
[11:10] {Threei} look at the menu
[11:10] {dino} understood
[11:10] {Threei} Modules
[11:10] {Threei} OMS module
[11:10] {strider} whoa..
[11:10] {strider} there tis
[11:10] {Threei} in the new window that pops up,
[11:10] {Threei} third button from the left is Add a new order
[11:11] {Threei} set all parameters,
[11:11] {Threei} click OK
[11:11] {strider} gotcha.
[11:11] {strider} what if price jumps stop price?
[11:11] {Threei} now use arrow and square to activate or desactivate order,
[11:11] {Threei} Modify button to change it
[11:11] {dino} fsys
[11:11] {Threei} etc
[11:11] {strider} do you set it as market exit?
[11:12] {Threei} I do the same as I do manuals,
[11:12] {Threei} a few cents leeway
[11:12] {strider} k
[11:12] {Threei} if it's very thick stock, I use market
[11:13] {dino} same here
[11:13] {fernp} when I use stops, I enter them directly from Level2, route-}stop, type-}stop, the stop price... and seem to work fine
[11:13] {dino} when you want to get out, get out
[11:13] {dino} tkes all emotion away
[11:13] {dino} takes
[11:14] {dino} and we know what emotion is....
[11:14] {Threei} I am not sure how that thing works fern
[11:14] {Threei} I mean I don't know mechanics
[11:14] {fernp} i think the difference is these stops are client side and OMS ofers server side stops
[11:14] {strider} you have to click sell or buy after entering stop price?
[11:14] {fernp} offers
[11:14] {Threei} I'd prefer trev to explain that
[11:15] {fernp} yes strider
[11:15] {Threei} last time I looked into that one it was mostly non-functional
[11:15] {Threei} and software guys told me it was in works
[11:15] {Threei} it was a few versions back andf I never asked again
[11:15] {strider} but it's working for you, fern?
[11:15] {fernp} this monday worked well
[11:16] {Threei} as a market order?
[11:16] {Threei} and how it routed?
[11:16] {fernp} Stop or StopL
[11:16] {fernp} StopL -} limit
[11:16] {fernp} stop -} market
[11:17] {strider} so stop and stopL works for either side of trade? Profit exit or loss exit?
[11:17] {fernp} yes
[11:17] {Threei} huh... I don't have stopL
[11:17] {strider} Can't do both though?
[11:17] {Threei} only stop
[11:17] {fernp} no profits is a limit order
[11:18] {strider} I've got Stop , StopL, and StopT===I guess trailing
[11:18] {strider} I'll go back and watch the videos.
[11:19] {Threei} funny... I don't even understand where you see those :)
[11:19] {strider} have to use advancedd style mouse menu.....
[11:19] {strider} lvl ii
[11:20] {dino} pru getting interesting again
[11:22] {strider} as long }
[11:22] {strider} ?
[11:23] {dino} y
[11:23] {dino} imo
[11:24] {dino} break of ,75 or on a whoosh down to .25ish
[11:24] {dino} break it is sm .75 l
[11:25] {dino} stop is .43
[11:26] {dino} tighten that to .49
[11:29] {strider} just watching PRU
[11:30] {dino} not working
[11:32] {strider} trying to stay afloat
[11:32] {dino} stopped
[11:33] {dino} that darn 11:00 curse
[11:34] {strider} FAST consolidating
[11:34] {strider} narrow range
[11:37] {dino} look whoosh to .15, gut was right
[11:37] {dino} brain was wrong
[11:38] {bkhmd} did u see 3 minute chart Dino?
[11:38] {dino} y
[11:39] {bkhmd} 3 min looks much different set up
[11:43] {dino} what do you see
[11:43] {dino} breakdown, whoosh, bounce i see
[11:43] {dino} wfmi app. lod
[11:43] {dino} lamr strong
[11:46] {dino} breaking down now pru
[11:47] {bkhmd} i wanted to short it when it fell below .62 but was scared lol
[11:49] {Threei} let the selling begin
[11:49] {Threei} I really want that beer
[11:50] {strider} HIG headless horseman
[11:50] {dino} you were right
[11:50] {dino} 42.52ish gap aug.
[11:50] {dino} strange tho, significant guidance raise
[11:51] {Threei} kay guys, my view is clouded by beer bet,
[11:51] {Threei} but
[11:51] {strider} wfmi interesting
[11:51] {Threei} if you feel selling is in cards
[11:51] {Threei} QID is our vehicle
[11:51] {Threei} either .80 long if stays above .70
[11:52] {Threei} or shorting market into bounce by attempt to catch QID long closer to .60
[11:52] {Threei} word of warning: can cost a stop or two while downtrend establishes
[11:53] {Threei} SRS is another option
[11:53] {Threei} .30 break
[11:54] {Threei} with stop under .20 for scalpers, under .15 for day traders
[11:55] {strider} quotes stuck again
[11:55] {bkhmd} its not ur system
[11:56] {Threei} quotes look OK here
[11:56] {strider} Had QID lvlii stuck
[11:56] {Threei} there are some odd prints but I don't think it's Laser
[11:56] {bkhmd} i froze also Stride but ok now
[11:56] {strider} wasn't in sync with t&s
[11:57] {Threei} see these wird ones at .67 on QID?
[11:57] {Threei} they are out of bounds
[11:57] {Threei} not real
[11:57] {strider} I think I remember that Qcharts had some routing options.
[11:58] {strider} when these problems arose
[11:58] {Threei} but whatever the reason is, let's not miss this golden opportunity:
06[11:58] * Threei slaps lasertrev around a bit with a large out of bounds prints
[11:59] {strider} long QID .81 small
[11:59] {fernp} is Laser Vad, in my other plataform there are no problem and charts have not those shadows
[11:59] {bkhmd} why lasertrev fault?
[11:59] {Threei} ty fern
[12:00] {Threei} all the more reasons to slap trev
[12:00] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:00] {Threei} - NYSE volume 470M shares, about 3% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 4.7:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 980M shares, about 3% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 3.2:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - VIX index -5.3% to just under 26.50
[12:00] {fernp} .81 long?
[12:03] {strider} me, ferN/? yeah. Wasn't that the call?
[12:03] {strider} or one of them?
[12:03] {fernp} i think so
[12:03] {strider} I',m sm shares...may average in if looks like a bounce at .60
[12:04] {magoo} what internet access u guys using? cable , adsl?
[12:05] {strider} I've got cable, with DSL backup
[12:05] {nemo} cable
[12:05] {Threei} cable
[12:05] {magoo} what speedtest resulyts u have ?
[12:05] {strider} may drop the dsl in a few months.
[12:05] {magoo} u too vad, speedtest it please
[12:05] {Threei} what do you use to measure speed?
[12:05] {magoo}
[12:06] {Threei} let's compare on the same soirce
[12:06] {nemo} pcpitstop
[12:06] {Threei} ok, lemme try
[12:06] {magoo} mega bites per sec mb/s
[12:06] {fernp} i have both with a network balancer (try to do that w/windows) lol
[12:06] {nemo} 15
[12:07] {dino} missed pru, phone call
[12:08] {Threei} 19.14
[12:08] {larisa} I have cable, test shows download 28 mb/s, upload 5.5 mb/s. Almost never have problem with quotes.
[12:09] {larisa} unless laser has them of course :)
[12:09] {magoo} mine so bad, thats what ive been up too this morn, just made appointment to nswitch too cable next week
[12:09] {dino} thx, going cable next week
[12:09] {magoo} vad, upload or download speed?
[12:10] {Threei} download
[12:10] {larisa} you need to worry about download mostly
[12:10] {Threei} yeah, upload is mostly irrelevant
[12:11] {larisa} at the beginning of trading era I was trading through dish that would only download. Upload was diap up :)
[12:11] {Threei} what are you getting magoo?
[12:12] {nemo} aig volatility
[12:13] {Threei} PRU Hearing defended at UBS (timing uncerrtain) (44.01, -2.55, -5.48%)
[12:13] {magoo} what was your upload vad because im switching and curious?
[12:13] {Threei} takes a while to develop from the frozen state, but unless shakes us out first, should be a good downtrend
[12:13] {Threei} 3 mags
[12:13] {dino} whippy
[12:14] {strider} Vad, what's your nominal download, e.g., what isp says you're buying?
[12:14] {Threei} if things go as I feel they should, it won't be a scalp
[12:14] {Threei} I see QID going to 23.20, and possibly higher,
[12:14] {nemo} QID vad
[12:15] {Threei} but then again, it may be beer bet talking
[12:15] {dino} slurring
[12:15] {Threei} I don't remember strider... been quite a while since I signed up with them
[12:15] {Threei} nemo?
[12:16] {nemo} answered
[12:16] {strider} Nice bull flag on QID (he says, hopefully)
[12:16] {magoo} vad, our test shows .64 download mb/s UNREAL..theres the issue
[12:16] {strider} triangle, rather
[12:17] {Threei} .64???
[12:17] {Threei} sheesh
[12:17] {magoo} yeah
[12:17] {Threei} there you go
[12:17] {Threei} that's the root of your quote problems
[12:17] {magoo} yup...unfortunately after smashing 2 computers and buying the fastest mothers out there
[12:17] {strider} It's going to vary a lot, depending on where the server is you're pinging.
[12:18] {Threei} it's less than larisa was getting with half-shot satellite rusted from outside and inside
[12:18] {magoo} wed next week enter information age
[12:19] {Threei} you can use postal pigeons with the same success
[12:19] {dino} then i can make mistakes much faster
[12:19] {Threei} hehe
[12:19] {strider} and get shat upon for your efforts.
[12:19] {nemo} janitor!
[12:20] {nemo} you guys are so close to NY too
[12:21] {nemo} everybody I know who has had dsl hates it
[12:22] {dino} we do now too
[12:22] {dino} and get this, cable will be less$
[12:22] {fernp} mags, could be someone downloading movies, software, etc... if someone is using p2p programs can saturate bandwidth
[12:23] {Threei} you mean, magoo downloading porn will negatively affect dino's trading?
[12:23] {bkhmd} hahahahah
[12:23] {bkhmd} hahahahah
[12:23] {fernp} EXACTLY
[12:23] {fernp} you read my mind, but i am a bit polite
[12:23] {nemo} not on dsl...cable
[12:24] {bkhmd} downloading is not the problem viewing is what creates the problems bad for eyes
[12:24] {Threei} count on me for being impolite
[12:24] {dino} roflol
[12:24] {Threei} btw, during initial DSL/cable war this argument of shared pipe was main one cited by DSL
[12:24] {Threei} never really happened
[12:24] {nemo} back to the thumb joke?
[12:25] {Threei} AFAIK, cable winds handily
[12:25] {strider} lots of outside the market trades on QID also.
[12:25] {nemo} Vad on this last aig rise you've got descending volumes at peaks and at resistance
[12:26] {Threei} I don't see any significance to it
[12:26] {Threei} it's a listless time
[12:27] {Threei} things move in narrow range up and down with no rhyme or reason
[12:27] {nemo} yeah, but dropped big at 11:40
[12:27] {Threei} until we see decisive break, nothing is really readable
[12:29] {Threei} for a change, Jon Voight on TV
[12:29] {Raven} I have AT&T DSL bundle with TV and VOIP ... download speed 6M ... workslike a charm
[12:29] {nemo} slow download
[12:29] {Raven} 6M is slow?
[12:30] {nemo} very
[12:30] {Threei} 19 here R
[12:30] {Threei} 28 for larisa
[12:30] {nemo} I average 15
[12:30] {bkhmd} 13 here
[12:30] {Raven} I can get 20M if I pay more ... does not seem necessary
[12:30] {nemo} the US has the slowest average internet speeds in the developed countries
[12:30] {Threei} well, you don't have brother downloading porn next to you
[12:31] {Raven} there is that
[12:31] {bkhmd} hahahah
[12:31] {bkhmd} hahah
[12:31] {bkhmd} takes all the bandwidth
[12:31] {Raven} I ditched cable long ago ... the speed varied all over the map
[12:31] {bkhmd} i would think it would depend on area
[12:31] {Raven} DSL is rock steady
[12:32] {nemo} cable architecture siphons bandwith as users are added
[12:32] {Raven} and yes ... the area makes a difference for sure
[12:33] {Raven} right nemo ... and my neighbors must have been downloading a lot of porn
[12:33] {bkhmd} If your close to the DMARC then DSL is great
[12:33] {nemo} farther away from the cities slower cable is also
[12:33] {Raven} like most shit ... everything is local;
[12:34] {bkhmd} HIG trying to break?
[12:34] {nemo} quoting Tip Rraven?
[12:34] {Raven} I guess
[12:36] {strider} Don't interrupt your brain's thinking by working.
[12:41] {nemo} C&H on Hig?
[12:41] {strider} Anyone besides Vad know what their nominal download speed is from ISP? I need to upgrade mine, and don't want to under-or -overbuy.
[12:41] {nemo} or, no lunch-time break outs
[12:41] {Threei} it's so little
[12:41] {Threei} I don't think I'd trust it
[12:41] {nemo} 15
[12:42] {strider} k
[12:42] {Raven} 6
[12:42] {dino} going to 15
[12:42] {strider} Nemo, you''ve still been having 'issues', though, haven't you.....with freezing.
[12:42] {bkhmd} 13
[12:42] {bkhmd} 13 but i pay lil extra i wanted more speed for the porn
[12:42] {bkhmd} lol
[12:42] {bkhmd} lol
[12:42] {bkhmd} hate waiting
[12:42] {bkhmd} lol
[12:43] {nemo} only in Laser, everything ele works fine
[12:43] {strider} I've only got 5 at the moment....but I used to run MBTrading and 7 screens of QCharts on 3 mg and never had freezin problems.
[12:44] {strider} Not hving problems now with MBT either.
[12:44] {nemo} o.k. I bring up board view in LASER but the header so I can move the window is above the upper border of LASER..what do I do?
[12:44] {strider} I'm thinking it has to do with one of the nodes of the route Laser takes to get to us.
[12:45] {strider} Nemo..have to temporarily change resolution of your monitor to get it.
[12:45] {strider} Increase resolution.
[12:45] {strider} Or you might be able to go into monitor settings and move screen around .
[12:46] {nemo} no, it's not above my monitor, it's above the LASER desktop
[12:47] {strider} in that case, you're screwed.
[12:48] {strider} Vad are you in QID?
[12:48] {strider} If so, what's your stop}
[12:49] {Threei} half strider
[12:49] {Threei} with intend to add second half around .60 if it strengthens from there or get stolpped if loses it
[12:49] {strider} Nemo...can you change Laser to full screen? Square box at top right? that might do it.
[12:49] {strider} thx vad
[12:50] {magoo} in anything else
[12:50] {Threei} kind of trying to combine two strategies in one
[12:51] {_vgdanger} new to this room. had a question on the hig play off he open was it a capitulation play or low bb play? also was hurn play euphoria?
[12:51] {Threei} hi
[12:51] {magoo} hi
[12:51] {Threei} HURN I remember,
[12:52] {Threei} that was JBE failure kind of setup,
[12:52] {Threei} loss of support of consolidation range
[12:52] {Threei} HIG first play I need to referesh
[12:52] {_vgdanger} i see
[12:52] {Threei} let me look
[12:53] {Threei} ahha... 59 trigger
[12:53] {Threei} no
[12:53] {nemo} hig was capitulation
[12:54] {Threei} 24.10
[12:54] {Threei} yes, capitulatory selloff
[12:56] {nemo} sort aig .99
[12:59] {_vgdanger} now du have have hard 15 cent 10 outs for most of your having a hard time figuring out the logic behind your break and stops..are they base on your own risk management?
[12:59] {_vgdanger} kind of different from your book and scalping course
[13:00] {Threei} there is nothing different, it's the same system and those same setups
[13:00] {Threei} show me a particular play so I could explain the logic of stop placement
[13:04] {fernp} nemo to drag that board view, you can go to window --} cascade. But all your others windows are going to mess
[13:04] {nemo} ty
[13:04] {_vgdanger} bout the hig? i understand the play but the low from what i remember was below around 23.84 based on the candle unless im getting the time of call and relevant 1 min candle messed up
[13:04] {nemo} i'm in the middle of aig right now
[13:05] {fernp} good luck then :-)
[13:05] {Threei} 09:35] {Alert} Threei .10 recross HIG long
[13:05] {Threei} [09:36] {Alert} Threei stop under 24
[13:05] {nemo} mesed up the stop
[13:05] {Threei} this one?
[13:06] {_vgdanger} thats the one
[13:06] {Threei} HIG lost 24 only on 9:38
[13:06] {Threei} at that moment 24 was unbroken low
[13:07] {Threei} and it went up to .28 after breaking .10
[13:07] {Threei} which constitutes solidly over 1:1 for a scalp
[13:07] {_vgdanger} gotcha
[13:08] {Threei} :)
[13:10] {_vgdanger} ive noticed you play hig quite a bit based on the trading logs....any particular reason.? just a good read on it i suppose?
[13:10] {Threei} I tend to stick with what works until it stops working
[13:10] {Threei} and HIG behaves amaZingly well lately
[13:10] {_vgdanger} that does make sense
[13:11] {Threei} one day it will stop and I'll drop it like 17 years old drops his girlfried if she stops dying her hair
[13:11] {_vgdanger} lol
[13:11] {nemo} never heard that one before
[13:11] {Threei} because I just came up with it
[13:12] {nemo} let it be the last time
[13:12] {Threei} and believe me I had 3 less politically correct versions
[13:12] {nemo} dcc please
[13:12] {Threei} it reallt changes
[13:12] {Threei} really
[13:12] {Threei} I remember periods whehn different stocks worked for aheile
[13:12] {Threei} then stopped
[13:13] {nemo} wow, what butchering
[13:13] {Threei} UAUA was our hero for a while,
[13:13] {Threei} DRYS
[13:13] {Threei} PALM
[13:14] {_vgdanger} so now ts hig and rimm,,,i remember cat was a frequent play on your logs
[13:15] {Threei} right
[13:15] {_vgdanger} so now its^
[13:15] {Threei} then CAT became so jumpy
[13:15] {Threei} I am hesitant to play it these days
[13:15] {fernp} also some solars vad
[13:16] {Threei} yeah... ESLR, when it was a decent stock and not today's cheap piece of crap
[13:17] {Threei} and AIG, oh my dear AIG
[13:17] {Threei} how beuatiful you used to be
[13:17] {Threei} but along with those usual suspects now and then scanner spits out something new
[13:17] {Threei} like NTRI a day ago
[13:17] {nemo} waxing poetically here 3i
[13:17] {Threei} that's me... all poetic
[13:19] {_vgdanger} also what is your criteria on buying on pullbacks on a one minute? what makes you decide to play an aggressive entry in general.
[13:20] {Threei} a bit too general question... there are variations
[13:20] {Threei} oullback into clearly defined support for instance
[13:20] {Threei} pullback
[13:20] {Threei} it's easy to show on the chart
[13:20] {_vgdanger} i see
[13:20] {Threei} aggressive entries are not always pullback entries by default
[13:21] {Threei} sometimes it's simply entry "in advance", before actual breakout
[13:21] {bkhmd} RIMM recovered
[13:21] {Threei} btw, guess who is on TV - and this time it's not Jon Voigt
[13:22] {bkhmd} Melissa Lee?
[13:22] {nemo} aig momo again?
[13:22] {Threei} it is
[13:22] {Threei} mags
[13:22] {Threei} see AIG?
[13:23] {_vgdanger} do u use all the scanner windows that come with scanner. any ones that are used more frequently than others?
[13:23] {_vgdanger} there are quite a bit
[13:23] {Threei} lookk at AIG 1 min
[13:23] {Threei} see support at .50?
[13:23] {Threei} pullback to it would be a clean example of pullback entry
[13:24] {Threei} and if it behaves like it does when momo comes, it goes to 39.50 soon
[13:24] {Threei} at least
[13:24] {nemo} Qs and spy's flattening...faz DB?
[13:24] {Threei} scanner windows - not all at once of course
[13:25] {Threei} they are good for different markets
[13:25] {Threei} breakouts, breakdowns
[13:25] {_vgdanger} i see what u mean with the aig
[13:25] {Threei} 39 be taken
[13:27] {Threei} like hot knife through margarine
[13:29] {Threei} pullback after break
[13:29] {Threei} rather normal for this animal
[13:29] {Threei} support is right here
[13:29] {Threei} around .70
[13:30] {Threei} see the middle line of BBs?
[13:30] {Threei} touched it and bounced
[13:30] {_vgdanger} yes i see it
[13:30] {Threei} this is not a very strong support but it dropped very fast into it
[13:30] {Threei} I wouldn't consider it an entry if it slid slowly
[13:30] {Threei} but fast vertical drop, yes
[13:31] {Threei} kind of hard to comment this kind of fundamental things on so fast stock, but just trying to describe what I am l,ooking for
[13:31] {Threei} immediate resolution helps to see how concepts work
[13:31] {nemo} market and $ decoupled to . $ barely down
[13:32] {Threei} .50 - .55 next support
[13:32] {_vgdanger} would you ever consider pay once the 39 lifted originally?
[13:33] {_vgdanger} hoping for a run to 50c?
[13:33] {Threei} buying 39 break?
[13:33] {Threei} no, not on AIG
[13:33] {Threei} AIG is much better play on pullbacks during momo
[13:33] {Threei} on breakouts it tends to shake out hard
[13:33] {nemo} this not as strong momo as Tuesday though
[13:33] {Threei} what magoo calls heavy breather
[13:34] {nemo} that's after he's downloaded
[13:34] {Threei} and I don't want to even think where he got the reference
[13:34] {fernp} lol
[13:34] {magoo} :)
[13:34] {Threei} now look how it paused
[13:35] {Threei} this I don't like as a forecaster of bounce after pullback
[13:35] {Threei} I want it to dive into support rapidly
[13:35] {Threei} this is more like slide in AIG terms
[13:35] {Threei} I wouldn't try to entr near .50 now, rather wait for fast break
[13:36] {Threei} and see if you can get .35 - .40
[13:37] {larisa} 39 38.50 short AIG scary as hell
[13:37] {Threei} wtg larisa
[13:37] {Threei} you are fearless gal
[13:37] {larisa} stopped out 38.95 -39, shorted again :)
[13:37] {Threei} shorting into such momo takes dino's guts
[13:38] {dino} gj lari
[13:38] {larisa} I am always early
[13:38] {Threei} bounce eventually worked but this is not my cup of tea
[13:39] {bkhmd} {---slaps larisa with Jewels Flowers and whatever else she wants
[13:39] {bkhmd} good call
[13:40] {Threei} whatever else she wants? someone's smitten...
[13:41] {larisa} 13.31 bounce top was much safer short
[13:43] {larisa} I dunno if it shows on time bars though, i use ticks for scalps like that
[13:43] {strider} yo8 buying here vad?
[13:43] {dino} sm l ddm .00
[13:44] {Threei} buying what?
[13:44] {strider} QID
[13:44] {Threei} not into selling
[13:44] {Threei} if it strengthens and starts upticking yes
[13:45] {Threei} lost support instead
[13:45] {strider} I'm out
[13:45] {Threei} yeah
[13:47] {nemo} think you're going to owe beer today Vad
[13:47] {larisa} what was the bet?
[13:47] {Threei} that'll be very unfortunate
[13:47] {Threei} dino bet on +100 close, I bet on red
[13:48] {larisa} I wanted red today too
[13:49] {strider} HIG c&h?
[13:49] {dino} remind me not to send you xmas card larisa
[13:49] {dino} :)
[13:50] {Threei} yes on HIG
[13:50] {larisa} lol
[13:50] {larisa} I did not know about your bet :)
[13:51] {dino} in that case, all is forgiven
[13:51] {larisa} ty
[13:51] {dino} you are going to laugh, but "gut" is saying up 250 or so today
[13:52] {Les} various tech analysts were looking for retest of long term trend line today. guess its playing out
[13:53] {larisa} 10k enemy line :)
[13:53] {Les} that's aggressive talk :)
[13:55] {Threei} 'em are fighting words
[13:56] {dino} pru sm l .30
[13:57] {Threei} what the heck is going on with USD?
[13:57] {_vgdanger} whats ur out on pru?
[13:57] {Threei} you see this on UUP?
[13:58] {bkhmd} wghat was that Vad
[13:58] {nemo} holy shit
[13:58] {Threei} that was my question bk
[13:58] {dino} .98
[13:58] {Threei} unfair to throw it back at me
[13:59] {nemo} you want fair.duh
[13:59] {Threei} must be some data error
[13:59] {Threei} I've never seen anything like this
[13:59] {Les} strange. no change in dollar index
[14:00] {magoo} look RIMM here boss
[14:01] {Threei} hmmm
[14:01] {Threei} something with data today, all over the map... I don't feel comfortable
[14:01] {magoo} oh shit..vad, i need that trade "click" sound when i longer there
[14:02] {Threei} dcc me your e-mail, I'll send it to you
[14:02] {fernp} look at FAA (airlines etf)
[14:02] {fernp} 4 prints all day
[14:02] {magoo} sent
[14:03] {Threei} sent back
[14:03] {nemo} I just sent it also
[14:04] {magoo} oh oh..another setup issue
[14:04] {magoo} in trade settings vad, Route out "check all of them correct"?
[14:05] {Threei} yes
[14:05] {magoo} Reserve {in center} uncheck all correct?
[14:06] {magoo} reserve vad?
[14:06] {Threei} your choice
[14:06] {Threei} I have them checked
[14:06] {Threei} might be my general sneakiness
[14:06] {magoo} and Default..what u doing there?follow lev 2 "check?
[14:07] {Threei} unchecked on mine
[14:07] {magoo} nasdaq ?listed?
[14:07] {bkhmd} RIMM DB?
[14:07] {Threei} no
[14:07] {bkhmd} ty
[14:07] {Threei} okay... we start looking like selloff coming again...
[14:07] {Threei} a bit torn here
[14:08] {Threei} don't want to try same thing again and again
[14:08] {magoo} in default, u write anything in box after nas and listed?
[14:08] {Threei} and don't want to miss it when it comes
[14:08] {Threei} I am not sure mags, it seems lkike a lot changed... ask trev is it still matters
[14:09] {larisa} chart spikes all over the place, it is not only Laser problem
[14:09] {magoo} ok
[14:10] {nemo} it's they again
[14:10] {larisa} always :)
[14:10] {Threei} I suspected as much, it didn't look like platform problem
[14:11] {Threei} it's feed that creates such strange discrepancies
[14:11] {fernp} Have to go. good evening everybody. see u all tomorrow.
[14:11] {larisa} tired of clearing up the spikes today :)
[14:11] {larisa} bye fern
[14:11] {Threei} in such cases, sometimes all platforms are affected, and sometimes some of them
[14:11] {nemo} noches fern
[14:11] {Threei} take care fern
[14:11] {lasertrev} later fern
[14:12] {bkhmd} tc fern
[14:12] {dino} cya fern
[14:12] {magoo} vad dcc quick
[14:14] {nemo} calm before the storm
[14:15] {fernp} btw strider, vad, i was stopped out QID using a hard stop placed with level2... and worked
[14:15] {fernp} i am late, bye
[14:15] {Threei} ty fern
[14:26] {Threei} Short Setup: RIMM .50 break
[14:26] {Threei} if stays under .60 - .65
[14:27] {nemo} look at uup now
[14:27] {dino} whoa
[14:28] {Threei} I am beyond lost
[14:28] {Threei} dollar just doesn't move like this
[14:28] {nemo} yeah...relationships are breaking down
[14:28] {dino} run out of new shares uup
[14:28] {magoo} AIG
[14:28] {Threei} neither USO or HLD reflect anything even remotelyresembling what's going qith UUP
[14:28] {dino} could make uup run up higher than underlying value
[14:29] {dino} needs sec clearance foe more shares
[14:29] {nemo} scary, but could signal confidence in the economy
[14:29] {Threei} AIG momo may come
[14:30] {Threei} RIMM 1:1
[14:30] {bkhmd} out ty vad
[14:30] {Threei} welcome
[14:30] {dino} nemo, no uup out of shares, same thing happened w/other indexes, gas, etc. drives them up
[14:31] {jmb} thanks vad
[14:31] {Threei} :)
[14:31] {Threei} despite losing beer bet dramatically, our hit rate looks very nice today
[14:31] {Threei} I haven't counted though... just from memory
[14:33] {magoo} perfect time for AIG squeeze
[14:33] {magoo} '
[14:33] {Threei} how would you know, 5 minutes ago you didn't even have sound alert on executed order
[14:34] {bkhmd} lol
[14:34] {magoo} but i do now :)
[14:34] {larisa} lol
[14:34] {bkhmd} rofl
[14:34] {Threei} hehe
[14:34] {magoo} in .38
[14:34] {Threei} this si so illogical, I just couldn't resist
[14:34] {magoo} if IF takes 40 its ON
[14:34] {Threei} it will
[14:34] {magoo} i mean today
[14:35] {Threei} may breathe ard again, but it should tag 40 today
[14:35] {magoo} 3rd try ..near it yester morn
[14:35] {magoo} and tues
[14:42] {magoo} long CVS ,50
[14:43] {magoo} AIg
[14:47] {strider} +.40 AIG
[14:47] {strider} thanks for the head's up magoo
[14:47] {Threei} wtg
[14:47] {bkhmd} awsome
[14:47] {magoo} welcome
[14:47] {magoo} methodical grinde up here
[14:47] {magoo} bodes well for more
[14:47] {dino} wtg strider
[14:47] {Threei} no guts - nice lookinf waist
[14:48] {strider} as you can imagine, was very small
[14:48] {magoo} 3k?
[14:48] {strider} not tiny!
[14:48] {magoo} 1:2 CVS
[14:49] {dino} giddy-up
[14:49] {Threei} whew
[14:49] {Threei} out .85 AIG
[14:49] {Threei} no way I touch it today again
[14:49] {magoo} SEE stripper
[14:49] {Threei} here comes my 40
[14:50] {larisa} where did you enter? around 14.40 double bottom?
[14:50] {Threei} how did you know?
[14:51] {larisa} I would enter right there. But I fed up with AIG for today :)
[14:51] {Threei} :)
[14:51] {Threei} well, at least I made enough to buy that beer
[14:51] {larisa} still 10 min, do not give up
[14:51] {dino} lol
[14:52] {Threei} 10 min?
[14:52] {dino} 10 beers
[14:52] {larisa} oops, I thought we are done for the day
[14:52] {Threei} what planet is your market on?
[14:52] {dino} then again, lots of time
[14:52] {Threei} or you forgot to move your watch?
[14:52] {larisa} this is why did not want to take AIG
[14:53] {nemo} why? because it makes you say silly things?
[14:53] {dino} you see 3i, i joined forces w/stewie on his time machine
[14:53] {larisa} thought it is almost 4pm
[14:53] {Threei} that's unfair dino... I'll have to tag Doc and go back to the future then
[14:54] {dino} gl
[14:54] {nemo} got an extra flux capacitor?
[14:54] {Threei} and he is truly mad
[14:54] {nemo} smoked too much dope on Taxi
[14:54] {dino} and delorean
[14:54] {Threei} no, we use gravitsapa to move pepelats out of garage
06[14:55] * nemo pulls out Threeish dictionary
[14:55] {Threei} no use nemo
[14:55] {Threei} that's for Russians... movie reference
06[14:55] * strider slaps Threei around a bit with a large copy of Oxford English Dictionary
[14:56] {Threei} don't know if Wiki has it... look up Kin Dza Dza
[14:56] {nemo} Zaire?
[14:56] {Threei} OK, who gave strider that script, lol
[14:56] {strider} Now I'm armed!
[14:56] {nemo} you told me to
[14:56] {Threei} RIMM more downside... who knew
[14:57] {Threei} I thought you understood newspeak nemo...
[14:57] {dino} wall at .70 on pru
[14:57] {dino} tag/drop/tag/drop
[14:57] {Threei} when Stalin told his security "take this guy out, make sure he is comfortbale, show him our best hosipitality", guy was dead in 5 minutes
[14:58] {dino} here comes +200
[14:58] {Threei}!
[15:00] {Threei} Pepelatz an interplanetary spacecraft
[15:00] {Threei} Gravitsapa a component for the pepelatz which allows intergalactic travel
[15:00] {Threei} there
[15:01] {Threei} Tsapa a component for different machines. A big tsapa is a very important component for the pepelatz. A small tsapa is a component for the gravitsapa; without the small tsapa, a gravitsapa will not work. Tsapa is similar to a very rusty screwnut
[15:01] {dino} we just say rocket fuel and rocket
[15:01] {Threei} well, try for this last part then
[15:01] {strider} Gravitsapa -sounds like what you eat with mashed potatoes.
[15:01] {dino} grappa
[15:03] {bkhmd} AIG wow
[15:03] {dino} 10k
[15:03] {nemo} so much for the correction
[15:04] {Threei} look at RIMM
[15:04] {Threei} so much for shares buyback
[15:04] {Threei} who called me a cynic?
[15:04] {nemo} whoa
[15:05] {larisa} AIG is so scared of 40 :)
[15:05] {Threei} AIG bounce time
[15:05] {nemo} I caught that last downdraft, need a crowbar
[15:05] {Threei} (US) House approves homebuyer tax credit and unemployment benefits extension; bill awaiting President Obama's signature
[15:05] {Threei} - Note: Senate approved the bill yesterday
[15:05] {Threei} - jobless benefits extended for up to 20 weeks; current homeowners are now eligible for credit
[15:07] {nemo} rimm just closed gap
[15:07] {nemo} and then some
[15:07] {Threei} AIG right on cue
[15:07] {Threei} if you go for these bounces, keep it to scalps
[15:07] {nemo} got a crowbar?
[15:07] {Threei} RIMM a dollar down from short call
[15:07] {Threei} why did we ever bother to cover?
[15:21] {dino} out ddm .25
[15:21] {dino} +.25
[15:22] {larisa} nice
[15:28] {nemo} gotta' go, you can start talking about me behind my back
[15:28] {bkhmd} LATER NEMO
[15:28] {nemo} Ow
[15:28] {bkhmd} oops caps
[15:28] {larisa} bye nemo
[15:28] {Threei} take care nemo
[15:29] {magoo} that nemos pain in arse ey vad :)
[15:29] {Threei} sure is
[15:29] {lasertrev} later nemo
[15:30] {Threei} dino's right, UUP spike is new shares registration issue
[15:30] {Threei} meaningless move in terms of USD reflection
[15:31] {dino} say that again please, i don't hear that much
[15:32] {dino} pru to flat, distracted w/hess
[15:32] {Threei} I can't dino, I am busy researching option for beer home delivery
[15:39] {dino} DDpB
[15:40] {Threei} larisa... think I still have as chance?
[15:40] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:40] {Threei} - NYSE volume 905M shares, about 2% above its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 7.3:1.
[15:40] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.81B shares, about 3% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 3.4:1.
[15:40] {Threei} - VIX index -7.5% to just over 25.50
[15:40] {Threei} volume is not impressive
[15:40] {Threei} selling is to resume tomorrow or Monday, I am sure
[15:41] {larisa} lol
[15:42] {Threei} scalped UUP 23 break
[15:43] {Threei} really didn't want to call it, this thing is so strange
[15:45] {dino} it could be a squeeze
[15:53] {Threei} my ultrawide angle lens has arrived
[15:53] {Threei} see you all in two weeks
[15:53] {bkhmd} lol
[15:54] {Threei} or, is it's all it's crancked up to be, in a month
[15:54] {Threei} if
[15:54] {larisa} need another spelling bet
[15:54] {Threei} no way
[15:54] {Threei} if I amlosing trading bets, what chance do I have at spelling?
[15:56] {Threei} I don't fight at enemy's territory... not competing with Raven at grammar or with nemo at obnoxiousnes
[15:56] {Threei} with larisa I am not competing, period
[15:56] {dino} wel vad, 210 was about all it could go
[15:57] {Threei} it's twice what you bet on still, lol
[15:57] {Threei} your bet was 100
[15:57] {dino} yes, mid day thought we'd get 250
[15:57] {Threei} so at 200 I'd say I owe you not one but, get this,
[15:57] {Threei} drumroll please,
[15:57] {Threei} two, yes, TWO beers
[15:57] {dino} q is tomorrow. gut says pop and drop
[15:57] {bkhmd} lol
[15:57] {Threei} tomorrow is red
[15:57] {patience} i'm with you dino
[15:58] {dino} being the nice guy i am, i'll take two
[15:58] {Threei} you must
[15:58] {Threei} it's nemo who claimed the obnoxious spot
[15:58] {Threei} you have nice only left
[15:58] {dino} lol
[15:59] {bkhmd} good night all
[15:59] {bkhmd} thanks vad
[15:59] {Threei} okay guys
[15:59] {Threei} nice day
[15:59] {Threei} thank you asll
[15:59] {larisa} sigh
[15:59] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:59] {bkhmd} is it cold up there?
[15:59] {bkhmd} Vad?
[15:59] {Threei} no why?
[16:00] {larisa} bye all
[16:00] {dino} snow flurries here tonight
[16:00] {Threei} yikes
[16:01] {patience} roses still blooming here
[16:01] {patience} one of those winters where you have to mow the lawn throughout
[16:01] {Threei} so far, yes
[16:03] {dino} chris grey asks on realmoney; "if deficits and money printing don't matter, why do we need interest rates and taxes?" lol
[16:03] {Threei} good question actually
[16:06] {dino} he goes on "why not borrow an infinite amount of money at zero rates and never pay it back? then we would all be rich, right?...:)
[16:06] {Threei} no need even to borrow
[16:06] {Threei} if oprinting doesn't mattre, print
[16:07] {dino} hopefully the politicians don't really believe this
[16:08] {Threei} many left ones do
[16:08] {dino} unfortunately true

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov 04 2009

Nice day with 4 wins out of 5 calls, and the stop was whooping 6 cents. The only disappointment was that we got the right read on the selling closer to the end of day but haven't found right entry for FAZ, missing potentially full dollar play.

Session Time: Wed Nov 04 00:00:00 2009

[07:10] {ese} good morning.......
[07:11] {ese} i have this sneaking suspicion that no one is going to be up this early but i'm just chiming into to say that i have to catch a 7:00am ferry off the island
[07:13] {ese} my rhythm and blues band is heading to Kelowna British Columbia today for a show this evening and tomorow morning.......may not see you all until friday morning
[07:14] {ese} am still long my sm position in ctsh at 41.30 and have a sell order in for 1/2 at 42.00
[07:15] {ese} am going about it vads way finally and letting 1/2 ride
[07:24] {ese} with other 1/2 stop at break even
[08:08] {nemo} dunedin :)
[08:08] {strider} morning nemo
[08:08] {nemo} dude :)
[08:08] {nemo} How's the weather down your way strider?
[08:08] {strider} Did you see STEC?
[08:09] {nemo} wow...another downgrade?
[08:10] {ese} have a great day all am outta here
[08:10] {nemo} why ese?
[08:10] {strider} no. Just some news about a customer having more inventory than expected.
[08:10] {strider} ese:)
[08:11] {strider} Listened to conference call last night. Didn't seem so terrible to me, but what do I know?
[08:11] {nemo} well...a couple of months ago they got kiboshed by the perceived threat of coming competition
[08:12] {strider} Yeah. dino pointed it out to me. He said you & he played it then.
[08:12] {nemo} yeah
[08:12] {nemo} looks like it might break here
[08:12] {strider} I'm long sm in another acct..from 15.99
[08:12] {strider} fromm last night.
[08:12] {nemo} really?
06[08:13] * nemo slaps strider around a bit with a large trout
[08:13] {strider} yeah
[08:13] {nemo} there she goes
[08:13] {strider} Well there was 45% short going into last night, so...
[08:14] {nemo} aig and rimm should be players today after yesterday...famous last words, of course
[08:14] {strider} seems like some of those guys should be covering about now.
[08:14] {nemo} where do you get your short info?
[08:14] {strider} unless they covered last night.
[08:15] {strider} Yahoo finance? Is it wrong?
[08:15] {nemo} with any of that stuff, it's how fresh the data
[08:15] {strider} They only publish it once a month , don't they? Was from the middle of October.
[08:16] {nemo} That's my point. Like swinging at a fastball after the catcher is throwing it back to the pitcher
[08:19] {Les} gm
[08:19] {nemo} perhaps
[08:19] {nemo} no French?
[08:21] {KSystems} morning
[08:22] {nemo} Gruezi
[08:23] {Les} no, my french sucks
[08:24] {Les} written french that is, can speak it ok
[08:24] {nemo} yeah, but we won't know
[08:24] {Les} true. "Gruezi" sounds impressive. is it a real word?
[08:24] {nemo} In the kindgdom of the blind the one eyed man is king
[08:25] {nemo} yeah, Bayerisch...
[08:25] {nemo} K is German (northern)
[08:26] {Les} wow strider you were listening in on a conference call. I thought by hanging out here I could avoid that sort of nerdish stuff? :)
[08:26] {nemo} You can Les
[08:27] {nemo} damn! adult supervision just showed up
[08:27] {nemo} Hi Raven
[08:27] {Raven} morning
[08:27] {nemo} agreed
[08:28] {Les} gm Raven. What's with the little speaker icon marked "voice" next to your name?
[08:29] {Raven} dunno ... you must not be logged on with MIRC ... I see no such icon
[08:29] {Les} can't remember which is which. I haven't downloaded the other software yet for accessing this blog. Should I?
[08:30] {cosmo} blog?
[08:30] {Raven} morn c
[08:30] {Les} chat/blog etc etc
[08:30] {cosmo} mourn r
[08:30] {nemo} try it and see if you like it les
[08:30] {nemo} cos
[08:30] {magoo} morn
[08:30] {nemo} Hi Mags :
[08:31] {strider} main thing about mIRC is that it makes better use of monitor space, imo.
[08:31] {cosmo} morn rather
[08:31] {nemo} gonna' chop up aig again Mags?
[08:31] {Raven} mourn is OK
[08:31] {cosmo} its seasonal
[08:31] {nemo} don't forget Strider, yo can trout
[08:32] {Raven} yea ... weather looks like mourn around here
[08:32] {cosmo} three days after a nite on bald mountain
[08:33] {nemo} Ahhh...I favor the quiet of Pictures at an Exhibition
[08:33] {Raven} maybe that's it
[08:33] {Raven} Respeegee
[08:33] {Raven} lol
[08:34] {nemo} had a night like that on an island once cosmo. Thought the lodge was gonna' blow down
[08:34] {cosmo} Ottorino Respighi -
[08:34] {cosmo} Prounciation: [respeegee] ... Dates: (18791936)
[08:35] {Raven} nice
[08:36] {cosmo} one
[08:40] {nemo} Mussorgsky
[08:40] {cosmo} hmm
[08:40] {nemo} "next one"
[08:40] {magoo} glad NJ thru thaat asshole corzine out : )
[08:41] {nemo} won't make a difference
[08:41] {magoo} hurts him and that helps lol
[08:41] {Threei} morning
[08:41] {Threei} lol mags
[08:44] {magoo} vad:)
[08:46] {Threei} Les, look dcc please
[08:47] {Threei} Meredith Whitney out with two reports reaffirming her long term cautious view on the Banking Sector
[08:47] {Threei} - Reiterates core view that current expectation on banking est's will continue to dissapoint
[08:47] {Threei} - Belief based on 4 key elements: further deleveraging, industry restructuring, on-going regulatory uncertainity and further withdrawal of credit from system
[08:47] {Threei} - See up to $7T in unused credit facilities being reduced through Q4 2010
[08:47] {Threei} - Note: Today's note makes no ratings changes: JPM, BAC, GS, MS, AXP, DFS still rated Neutral; WFC, C still rated Sell
[08:56] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[08:56] {Threei} fern :)
[08:56] {nemo} looks like strong up day to start
[09:00] {Threei} - 3 year notes:$40
[09:00] {Threei} - 10 year notes:
[09:00] {Threei} - 30 year bonds: $16B
[09:00] {Threei} - TIPS
[09:00] {strider} gm everyone
[09:01] {Threei} strider :)
[09:01] {strider} vad:)
[09:02] {Les} gm vad. dcc?
[09:02] {Threei} private message
[09:02] {strider} dcc=desultory carbon copy
[09:02] {Threei} look for new cgannel with my nick
[09:05] {cosmo} STEC pre mkt high = 16.23 fwiw
[09:05] {cosmo} should hold 16
[09:05] {nemo} I've got 16.35 pre market cos
[09:05] {Threei} hey guys... before you started stressing out over something trading related, have a look at
[09:05] {cosmo} oops
[09:06] {nemo} shrooms
[09:06] {cosmo} well....flashbacks maybe
[09:06] {nemo} beautiful area Vad..saw those last night
[09:06] {Threei} :)
[09:11] {strider} Those pics look great, vad. How long you been doing photog?
[09:11] {fernp} those places really exist or are virtual places? :-) nice pics, Vad
[09:11] {Threei} they do fern, just ask patience or ese :)
[09:11] {Threei} depends on how you count strider...
[09:12] {strider} fingers and toes?
[09:12] {Threei} first camear I held in my hands was Smena 6, and I was 8
[09:12] {cosmo} nice racoon you got there
[09:12] {Threei} developing B&W film and making prints in my own darkroom
[09:13] {strider} If you can remember that, it obviously was important to you then.
[09:13] {Threei} something fascinated me about it that early, yes
[09:13] {Threei} now, 40 years and countless cameras later, it became major hobby
[09:14] {lasertrev} morning
[09:14] {Threei} trev :)
[09:14] {strider} Do you sell them?
[09:14] {Threei} only as a stock, just to make a hobby pay for itself
[09:15] {cosmo} the real money comes after the artist dies
[09:15] {Threei} but I will look into selling them as prints... when I find time to look into it :)
[09:15] {strider} STEC isn't exactly jumping off the chart, is it nemo?
[09:15] {Threei} hmmm... don't give me any ideas cosmo
[09:15] {cosmo} consider it .. the boobie prize
[09:16] {Les} saw your photo of magic mushrooms Vad. Cool acid trip, all those pretty colours.
[09:16] {nemo} no Strider
[09:21] {larisa} gm :)
[09:21] {nemo} suspects Vad?
[09:21] {Threei} larisa :)
[09:21] {Threei} ummm
[09:22] {Threei} not that she is suspect
[09:22] {larisa} lol
[09:22] {dino} gm all
[09:22] {nemo} femme fatale that one
[09:22] {Threei} dino :)
[09:23] {Threei} so far usual ones plus STEC
[09:26] {strider} fwiw,vad, STEC was 45% short from Oct.
[09:27] {Threei} that's a lot of people celebrating today
[09:27] {strider} yep. Question is, did they bail out ah yesterday, or are going to do so today?
[09:27] {dptl} morning all
[09:27] {Threei} dp :)
[09:27] {Threei} some will do today... some will hold out for more,,,
[09:29] {magoo} whats AMZN short interest nemo?
[09:29] {nemo} 5.14%
[09:30] {Threei} PIMCO's Crescenzi: Fed unlikely to make any major changes in today's policy statement
[09:30] {Threei} - Reminder: reports circulated last week in the FT stating that the Fed was considering softening its committment to keeping rates low "for an extended period"
[09:30] {magoo} ty
[09:30] {Threei} HIG sharp dive
[09:30] {magoo} AIG too
[09:31] {Threei} see if it does it again
[09:31] {Threei} feels like new low
[09:31] {Threei} not likely to hold the low of first drop
[09:31] {Threei} don't rush in
[09:32] {Threei} here is new low
[09:32] {Threei} a bit too hectic here
[09:32] {magoo} i cant help myself he he
[09:32] {Threei} lol
[09:32] {Threei} sheesh
[09:32] {nemo} scorpion and the frog
[09:34] {nemo} where you in mags?
[09:34] {magoo} not
[09:34] {nemo} good thing I was sitting down
[09:34] {Threei} new low is coming IMO
[09:35] {magoo} RIMM hit
[09:39] {Threei} Long Setup: HIG .80 break if stays above .70
[09:39] {nemo} sigh
[09:39] {Threei} invalidatedx
[09:39] {nemo} thank god you didn't spell it correctly
[09:40] {Threei} save it for later please
[09:40] {nemo} k
[09:40] {Threei} Long Setup: HIG .60 break if stays above .50
[09:41] {magoo} in
[09:41] {Threei} Preview: Oct ISM Non-Manufacturing Composite due out at 10amET
[09:41] {Threei} **consensus expectation: 51.5e v 50.9 prior (most estimates range between 49 and 54)
[09:41] {Threei} - the Sept reading of 50.9 was the highest reading since May 2008, and the first time above 50 since Aug 2008
[09:42] {fernp} ty Vad
[09:42] {magoo} long AMZN .77
[09:42] {Threei} welcome
[09:43] {magoo} AIG animal
[09:43] {strider} out +.11
[09:43] {fernp} WFC falling hard
[09:43] {Les} hgsi pushing through yesterdays close
[09:44] {Les} and failing and dropping very hard
[09:45] {magoo} futes killed all
[09:47] {strider} hmin
[09:47] {dino} watching it
[09:47] {dino} mxwl, hsic, trlg too
[09:51] {strider} hgsi
[09:51] {Threei} HIG
[09:51] {Threei} becoming interesting for better bounce
[09:51] {strider} news hgsi?
[09:51] {Threei} no
[09:52] {strider} thxzx
[09:52] {Threei} Long Setup: HIG 26 break
[09:52] {Threei} if stays above .85
[09:53] {Threei} not a scalp for me, want to partial and try for 1:2
[09:53] {Threei} 1:1
[09:53] {strider} out +.10
[09:53] {dino} mxwl sm l .66
[09:54] {fernp} ty very much double lot here
[09:54] {Threei} yw yw
[09:54] {Threei} 1:2, 1/4 more out or full out, your choice
[09:56] {Threei} 1:3, full out
[09:56] {fernp} gj
[09:56] {magoo} AIG complete xmas tree
[09:56] {Threei} rofl
[09:56] {Threei} xmas tree setup
[09:56] {nemo} or turkey?
[09:59] {strider} stec spike
[10:02] {nemo} should quiet things a bit
[10:02] {magoo} yea..quiet there
[10:02] {magoo} FUTES
[10:03] {Threei} yeah, that's quiet
[10:03] {Threei} lol
[10:03] {magoo} vad..we getting very n-sync of late
[10:03] {nemo} wfc
[10:03] {nemo} oops wrong window
[10:04] {nemo} so numbers come in below expecations and we get a spike
[10:05] {Threei} my feeling is, it's not about any numbers today,
[10:05] {Threei} it's about language in FOMC decision
[10:05] {Threei} either they stay with "keeping rates low for extended period of time"
[10:06] {dino} ash sm l .52
[10:06] {nemo} so market thinks, so far anyway, Fed not pulling the punch bowl for the big banks?
[10:06] {Threei} or they say "may start hiking rates sooner than expected" - and market drops like there is no tomorrow
[10:06] {dino} cedc jumpy
[10:07] {Threei} HIG was worth third trade eh
[10:07] {Threei} .50 break
[10:07] {Threei} I guess I just wasn't too jazzed about going to the sxame well one too many times, lol
[10:08] {strider} data problems this morning, laser
[10:08] {strider} & charts
[10:08] {nemo} yeah I'm still having quote freezes
[10:09] {magoo} me too
[10:09] {nemo} last few days been having problems
[10:10] {magoo} very bad this week
[10:11] {dino} ok today, mon. tues. had problems
[10:12] {dino} stec getting interesting
[10:12] {nemo} yeah they locked up on me on that last call by Vad T&S said one thing, LII something else, and LI something else again
[10:13] {nemo} as a matter of fact, LII and LI frozen right now
[10:13] {dino} ethiopia's nat/l bank paid millions for "gold plated bars"
[10:13] {fernp} everything fine here
[10:13] {nemo} you laser fern?
[10:13] {fernp} yes
[10:14] {strider} east coast routing problem?
[10:14] {magoo} must be
[10:14] {magoo} im stuck here
[10:14] {nemo} dunno? dcc'd lasertrev, but he hasn't replied
[10:15] {Threei} fine here
[10:15] {lasertrev} gotcha nemo
[10:15] {strider} left coast guy
[10:15] {magoo} sticky quotes here too trev all week, im east coast pewnnsy
[10:16] {nemo} there closer to that fundo thing
[10:17] {lasertrev} it has been freezing up a little once in a while
[10:17] {lasertrev} i will investigate
[10:17] {lasertrev} will let you know
[10:17] {magoo} east coasrt should have best feed..closest, but not so it seems
[10:17] {nemo} communist plot
[10:17] {strider} anyone have ipaddress for laser?
[10:18] {strider} can ping it.
[10:18] {Threei} sometimes internet weather is not a straightforward logic, mags
[10:18] {nemo} there are a series of network tests you can do at
[10:20] {fernp} you should try to disable your antivirus when you are running laser
[10:20] {fernp} I have noticed a marked improvement receiving data since I did that
[10:21] {strider} which antivirus are you using?
[10:21] {fernp} NOD32
[10:21] {Les} u still keep a firewall going don't you fern?
[10:21] {strider} that's informative:)
[10:21] {nemo} that's really dangerous fern
[10:21] {fernp} yes my firewall is active
[10:22] {nemo} doesn't matter
[10:22] {nemo} You running Unix
[10:22] {fernp} Linux
[10:23] {fernp} and some winxp in virtual machines
[10:23] {nemo} well, that's understandable then...not a good idea for us Windows based people to shut off virus software
[10:23] {nemo} how many monitors you running fern?
[10:24] {fernp} five
[10:25] {dino} stec sm l .20
[10:26] {Threei} CTDC... what's up
[10:26] {dino} fern, you are an animal, :)
[10:27] {Threei} or politically speaking, what up
[10:29] {Threei} hmm
[10:29] {gnslng} dino, if i may ask did you do small lot only for the reson of risk control?
[10:29] {Threei} dino, I am no specialist in botany, but I am pretty sure fern is a plant {G}
[10:30] {Threei} *DOE CRUDE: -3.9M V +1.5ME
[10:30] {Threei} GASOLINE: -290K V +500KE; DISTILLATE: -380K V -500KE
[10:30] {fernp} sorry dino, yes I am animal with two eyes
[10:30] {dino} gn, yes, because i tend to trade big drops big pops, entries are harder to place
[10:31] {gnslng} ty
[10:31] {dino} my sm = 300 to 400 shares
[10:31] {lasertrev} laser, most users are not having quote issues, but they are looking into it
[10:31] {strider} hgsi c&h forming
[10:32] {strider} oncea again, damn lvl 2 is stuck
[10:32] {Threei} just switch the server
[10:32] {strider} I do.
[10:33] {magoo} they all stick vad
[10:34] {magoo} i switched thru all 20
[10:34] {Threei} someothing on your coast sounds like... they are all good here
[10:34] {strider} we need to raise taxes
[10:35] {dino} obama plot to stop evil speculators
06[10:35] * nemo slaps strider around a bit with a large lead pipe impregnated with bubonic plague
[10:36] {strider} I love you too, nemo
[10:36] {nemo} xxxooo
[10:37] {nemo} USL hasn't moved much on those oil numbers
[10:37] {strider} big seller on hgsi
[10:37] {nemo} hig triple bottom
[10:38] {Threei} no
[10:38] {Threei} breakdown
[10:39] {Les} for when u have a couple minutes idle time. Winning photos, Australian weather calender:
[10:39] {dino} scanners red
[10:39] {dino} out ash flat
[10:40] {Les} I love Oz for those colours
[10:40] {dino} fwiw stec stop is .87
[10:42] {dino} grmn sinks
[10:43] {strider} 15.01 is low for stec from last night
[10:44] {Les} USO popped. inventory down Vad?
[10:45] {dino} look ma, yesterday drops 12ish, today 3 pts higher than the drop gap
[10:45] {nemo} but it was stable after the announcement
[10:45] {dino} this maret is scewed up
[10:45] {nemo} huh?
[10:45] {Threei} scroll up Les
[10:45] {Threei} I posted 15 min ago
[10:45] {dino} shoot first ask q's later
[10:46] {Les} my bad
[10:49] {nemo} rimm below .80 would be good for .40
[10:53] {fernp} LVS trying to break 15.70 and MGM on lows
[10:57] {strider} cover stec short +.12
[10:58] {dino} stec stopped
[11:06] {strider} hig short?
[11:07] {Threei} not sure
[11:08] {nemo} rimm vad
[11:08] {Threei} ?
[11:09] {nemo} too late I should have said rimm read vad
[11:15] {gnslng} .
[11:15] {dino} markets frozen
[11:15] {nemo} yeah, waiting on the FOMC
[11:20] {dino} out mxwl, .08, +.42
[11:20] {nemo} aig, what a tease
[11:20] {strider} wtg, dino
[11:22] {dino} grmn sm l .70
[11:22] {dino} ty
[11:22] {dino} trlg sm l .85
[11:23] {dino} ouch grmn, stopped -.35
[11:23] {strider} :(
[11:24] {Les} wow. Toyoto withdrawing from F1. Subaru withdrawn from WRC. Japanese companies see bad times ahead.
[11:25] {Threei} or just don't see the need to spend money on that
[11:25] {nemo} F1 high end racing though
[11:26] {Threei} self-indulgence more than practically useful advertising venue at this point
[11:27] {Les} really. I thought they took brand advertising in racing more seriously.
[11:27] {Threei} things tend to shrink during tough economic times, and unnecessary fat gets trimmed first
[11:27] {dino} grmn rinsed
[11:27] {fernp} Vad, buy some Qs shares to see if the chart moves a bit
[11:28] {Threei} lol
[11:28] {Threei} thank you for such a strong faith in my market-moving powers
[11:28] {fernp} lol
[11:28] {Threei} HIG
[11:28] {Threei} let;s see if we get double bottom
[11:28] {Threei} dive to .55-.60 area
[11:28] {Threei} for entry with stop under .50
[11:30] {Threei} .60 break long
[11:30] {Threei} stop under .50
[11:30] {Threei} scalp or partial, personal choice
[11:30] {Threei} can't tell anything really
[11:31] {Threei} will do a compromise: partial 2/3
[11:31] {fernp} scalped from .57 to .67 ty Vad
[11:31] {Threei} welcome sir
[11:32] {Threei} 1:1
[11:32] {Threei} 2/3 out
[11:32] {Threei} stop to .54
[11:33] {Threei} 1:2
[11:33] {Threei} out in full
[11:33] {Threei} .83
[11:33] {Threei} that was easy
[11:34] {Les} +.11 paper trades until further notice
[11:34] {Threei} elegant setup, planned in advance and worked like textbook example
[11:35] {fernp} today HIG is really our friend. 4 trades here, 4 winners :)
[11:35] {dino} elegant, hmmmm
[11:35] {dino} stec lod
[11:35] {Threei} too metrosexual term dino?
[11:35] {Threei} HIG is my favorite stock of late fern
[11:36] {nemo} aig jumped my bid
[11:36] {Threei} we have like 8 out of 10 hit rate on it
[11:38] {Threei} four reasons for my relative inactivity
[11:38] {Threei} 1. we have 100% hit rate today so far, and I want to keep it this way so I could ask "can I go home/"
[11:38] {strider} my relatives aren't that active, either.
[11:38] {Threei} 2. market is solid frozen at the moment
[11:38] {Threei} lol strider
[11:39] {Threei} 3. the closer we are to FOMC the less readability in the market
[11:39] {Threei} and
[11:39] {nemo} NUMBER FOUR!!!!
[11:39] {Threei} 4. fern totally has me confused - I have hard time envisioning plant as an animal with two eyes
[11:39] {nemo} shouldn't cogitate such things
[11:40] {Threei} and now nemo makes me reach for dictionary
[11:40] {strider} stec looks pretty sick
[11:40] {nemo} cogito ergo sum...same thing
[11:40] {Threei} doesn't matter.... I see word longer than two syllables, I reach for dictionary... reflex
[11:41] {nemo} but you use that fundibulum thing all the time
[11:41] {strider} Russian doesn't have 2 syllable words , does it? All 10 and 12 syllables.
[11:41] {Threei} chronoclastic infundibulum
[11:41] {nemo} yeah....that
[11:41] {Threei} but that's Kurt Vonnegut's fault
[11:42] {nemo} Ahhh...pick on the dead guy
[11:42] {Threei} why strider... vod-ka
[11:42] {strider} oh, yeah. And 'purple jesus'
[11:42] {Les} ??
[11:42] {strider} southern drink
[11:43] {strider} grape juice and anything alcoholic
[11:43] {strider} really nasty
[11:43] {Les} ok. Was thinking not well chosen marketing idea if the brandname was purple jesus
[11:44] {strider} You could sell it here....if it didn't cost more than 99 cents
[11:44] {Les} over here we call that wine
[11:44] {strider} no. PJ comes from a bottle. Wine comes from a box.
[11:44] {strider} now, hig gets dbl bottom
[11:45] {nemo} lower volume than the last
[11:47] {strider} dio, hsic?
[11:47] {strider} dino
[11:48] {dino} freaking rinses today
[11:49] {Threei} fern, you here?
[11:49] {fernp} yes, and you have been very imprudent. You have pronounced "...sexual" word, being mags near here
[11:49] {Threei} tru... my mistake
[11:49] {fernp} anything can happen
[11:49] {dino} hsic, watching it, but it moved quite a bit off lows imo
[11:50] {strider} true. average range only 1.12
[11:50] {Threei} I just wanted to tell you: if you are having crisis of identity, don't worry about it... nemo can't tell whether he is a lost fish or mad captain of a submarine for years, and it doesn't prevent him from trading
[11:51] {nemo} or the guy that stuck a stick in the cyclops eye
[11:51] {fernp} lol thank you I needed those words
[11:51] {Threei} or that
[11:54] {strider} re: HIG. Vad I'd noticed that you seem to be trading mostly listed these days.
[11:54] {fernp} don't you remenber the email you got from that guy who claimed, we are not real traders because we are kidding all time?
[11:55] {fernp} I think he was right :-)
[11:55] {Threei} lol
[11:56] {Threei} strider, there is a very thin, almost non-existent line between OTC and listeds these days
[11:56] {Threei} ever since ECNs were introduced on NYSE and AMEX, this line became fuzzy,
[11:57] {Threei} and they progresessed to almost similar trading
[11:57] {dino} that grmn is trading a buck range in minutes
[11:57] {Threei} It was very different when specialists handled most of the trading on listed stocks
[11:57] {Threei} and about what we tade at this moment, well,
[11:58] {Threei} NASDAQ and listeds are different in sectors represenattion,
[11:58] {Threei} we go more toward NASDASQ trading when techs start getting active
[11:58] {Threei} remember calls on JNPR for instance?
[11:58] {strider} yeah
[11:59] {Threei} and when it's financials that are most active, we are NYSE-bound almost by definition
[12:00] {dino} red scanners
[12:03] {strider} Even when charts aren't freezing, there often seems to be a slight lag betw. t&S and chart update. Anyone else notice that?
[12:03] {magoo} mine froze just then
[12:03] {magoo} TERRIBLE
[12:04] {Threei} really something on your coast guys.. ruunning smoothly here
[12:04] {magoo} almost unusable at this point
[12:04] {strider} They've got 20 quote servers and only 5 chart servers.
[12:05] {fernp} I think T/S is always more reliable than chart and Level2
[12:06] {Threei} yes fern
[12:07] {nemo} yeah, there's gonna' be a chart lag
[12:07] {dino} hsic strider, lets see if it holds .00
[12:09] {strider} almost shorted that sucker at .75
[12:10] {dino} sorry, thought you were going long at .75
[12:10] {dino} feels long to me here
[12:10] {strider} un-uh/
[12:12] {strider} it's still 1.50 off the lows. I'm not going to risk a long play hhere.
[12:14] {strider} was a CC at 10AM/ Vad, you got any news on hsic?
[12:15] {Threei} not since earnings at 7
[12:15] {strider} thanks.
[12:15] {dino} earnings
[12:16] {dino} lowered guidance
[12:16] {Threei} LVS seling picks up
[12:17] {Threei} not ready for bounce yet
[12:23] {dino} pru lod
[12:28] {Les} hgsi @ 27?
[12:28] {dino} pru l sm .50
[12:28] {Threei} why?
[12:28] {dino} .51
[12:29] {nemo} what why?
[12:30] {Threei} [12:28] {Les} hgsi @ 27?
[12:30] {nemo} oh..thought you referring to dino
[12:30] {dino} who what
[12:30] {Threei} lol
[12:30] {dino} 3i has me on ignore
[12:31] {Threei} it's on and off dino, depending on how I feel about T-rexes and stegosauruses on a particular day
[12:31] {Les} ok, me. 27, round number, good for a bounce? MACDh coming off bottom and heading to zero.
[12:32] {Threei} I don't trade like this Les
[12:32] {Threei} I need a setup
[12:32] {strider} hsic looking more like a short, eh dino?
[12:32] {Threei} whole number is just something to watch for but not a setup in and off itself
[12:33] {dino} dk strider, holding well, it to market imo
[12:33] {Threei} and MACD... I wouldn't know, I don't watch it all :)
[12:33] {strider} you want extra cheese with that?
[12:33] {nemo} hgsi double bottom, would need break of .05 with stop of .95 and increasing volume
[12:33] {dino} but who knows, your guess as good (or better) than mine
[12:33] {Les} 27 is earlier zone of horizantal consolidation, yeh I know u don't watch it
[12:34] {dino} grmn feels like re-test in making
[12:34] {strider} do you play shorts/?
[12:34] {nemo} don't wear shorts
[12:34] {dino} yes
[12:34] {Les} ok, so lack of vol. not helping out...
[12:34] {strider} just didn't remember.
[12:36] {dino} more longs last few day, mkt down 7% fast. odds, imo
[12:36] {dino} grmn sm l .50
[12:36] {dino} we get around 10,100; 1090 shorting more
[12:41] {Les} there's yer volume in HGSI
[12:41] {nemo} see that volume increas on break of .05, that would have been it
[12:42] {Les} yeh there is definate pattern to that. that's what i came here to learn
[12:44] {fernp} PRU on lows, will it break lod?
[12:44] {Threei} Long Setup: LVS .05 if stays above 15
[12:45] {nemo} big stop
[12:46] {Threei} no read on PRU
[12:46] {fernp} ok
[12:46] {nemo} in by the way
[12:46] {strider} in
[12:48] {Threei} no go
[12:48] {fernp} no go
[12:49] {Threei} US Senate passes procedural vote on extension of homebuyer credit and jobless benefits; final vote due later today
[12:53] {strider} more downside to FITB?
[12:53] {Threei} we are too close to FOMC now
[12:53] {strider} k
[12:53] {Threei} stay away from stocks that are likely to be affected by announcement
[12:54] {Les} Im in total ignorance Vad
[12:54] {Les} what is FOMC?
[12:54] {Threei} Fed rate decision today
[12:54] {nemo} Federal Open Market Committee
[12:54] {Threei} 2;15
[12:54] {Les} ah, to increase or not to increase, that is the question is it?
[12:55] {Threei} while rates themseves will stay put, language about future policy is a major concern
[12:55] {magoo} fellow obama meathead comrades
[12:55] {nemo} who?
[12:55] {Threei} rofl
[12:55] {nemo} nice mags
[12:55] {Les} lol well done
[12:56] {Threei} couple days ago when one of meatheads said they may "change language", which was perceived as hint of rate hikes coming sooner than expected, market dropped like stone
[12:57] {dino} missed hsic
[12:57] {nemo} wonder if that was purposely run up the flagpole to adjust the language for today?
[12:58] {Threei} you just can't let any conspiracy pass by, can you
[12:58] {nemo} that would be prudent
[12:58] {nemo} probing market reactions
[12:58] {nemo} I wouldn't call that a conspiracy
[12:58] {Threei} what to probe
[12:59] {nemo} market reaction to language change
[12:59] {Threei} I can tell you market reaction on such announcement without any probing
[12:59] {Threei} do you think Ben can't?
[12:59] {nemo} Nobody is Darth Vad
[13:00] {Threei} here, let me go out on a limb:
[13:01] {strider} Crash!
[13:01] {Threei} if they say they start tightening in Q1 2010, market will be lucky to finish today -300
[13:01] {Threei} -500 most likely
[13:02] {Threei} buy all FAZ and QID you can
[13:02] {nemo} if not +300 +500 most likely
[13:02] {Threei} faint for two hours
[13:02] {Threei} come out of it stinkin rich
[13:02] {Threei} nope, that part is wrong
[13:03] {Threei} no +500 today in any case
[13:03] {Threei} and +300 is very unlikely
[13:04] {magoo} so odds favor down then, because in both scenarios..1 gets u 500 pts and other not even close
[13:05] {Threei} that's my bias
[13:05] {Threei} and remember, first minutes after annoucement are extremely volatile
[13:06] {Threei} especially you guys at east coast, be double careful
[13:07] {Threei} BCRX Ticks higher on renewed takeover speculation (9.68, +0.37, 3.97%)
[13:07] {Threei} long time no see
[13:07] {nemo} at least 3 weeks
[13:10] {strider} anyone here tried Fly on the WAll?
[13:10] {Threei} TTN is better
[13:10] {magoo} yea..guarenteed system will freeze on announcemt
[13:11] {nemo} good point
06[13:11] * nemo slaps lasertrev around a bit with a large trout
[13:11] {strider} what will freeze? FOTW or TTN?
[13:11] {nemo} laser
[13:12] {magoo} system
[13:12] {strider} Do you have the audio feed, Vad?
[13:12] {Threei} yes but I rarely use it
[13:12] {strider} That would drive me nuts.
[13:12] {Threei} yeah, a bit annoying
[13:13] {nemo} who says you aren't already there Strider?
[13:13] {Threei} but if you want the sppediest spped of all speeds possible...
[13:13] {strider} like nemo?
[13:13] {nemo} eqkzaktly
[13:14] {strider} I probably don't need to pay for the very best. Just need something better than Yahoo Financial.
[13:14] {nemo} the suspense...
[13:14] {nemo} try
[13:14] {Threei} ok, for later arrivals and to relax your tense muscles, again: newest and prettiest autumn colors at
[13:14] {nemo} back to the opposable thumb thing?
[13:15] {Threei} pushing it, nemo...
[13:15] {Threei} but it's iteresting to see which of jokes got your most attention
06[13:15] * nemo crawls in cave...closes door...grabs pacifier...pulls blanket over head
[13:16] {nemo} I use padded tweezers
[13:16] {strider} re: finviz. Yeah this is just what I want. first news item listed: Sinatra Hometown Hoboken Elects Zimmer as First Female Mayor
[13:16] {Threei} lol
06[13:17] * strider slaps nemo around a bit with a large trout
[13:17] {fernp} BCRX rocketing
[13:18] {Threei} no new news
[13:20] {Threei} Preview: FOMC rate decision and statement due around 2:15pmET
[13:20] {Threei} Though several central banks worldwide have started to raise their rates, forecasters unanimously expect the FOMC to continue to hold its rate at 0.25% today. The debate amongst analysts focuses on how and to what extent the FOMC statement today will be modified. Some analysts believe the Fed is eager to show its intention present exit strategies in the near term, while others argue against such a move today.
[13:21] {Threei} Most of the talk has been centered on the "extended period" language in the policy statement. Many analysts are looking for some tweak of that statement as a signal that the FOMC is getting serious about its exit strategy, even if it has no intention of raising rates any time soon. Other posit that the FOMC will take a more cautious approach today, given the bad reaction markets had to the recent confirmation that Fed has been testing reverse repo operations for the last several months.
[13:21] {nemo} yeah...conspiracy...
[13:22] {magoo} quote freeze now..u nemo?
[13:22] {nemo} no
[13:22] {strider} not me.
[13:22] {Threei} fine here...
[13:22] {magoo} grrrrrrrrrrrr
[13:23] {dino} you know, it's a ridiculous to worry about the wording. they are not raising rates for a very long time
[13:23] {nemo} I'm only concerned with the market reaction, not the wording
[13:24] {dino} the banks can't handle it, nore can employers, the debtors, and the unemployed
[13:24] {Les} I dunno Vad. Do they have any vestige of pride in US monetary policy? US is joke of the world now. Do they keep playing the dunce or start to seriously address issue?
[13:24] {nemo} Dunce
[13:24] {Les} talking rate rise at some point in future
[13:25] {Threei} you know,
[13:25] {Les} I'd like to think they'll talk about it...
[13:25] {magoo} doesnt matter dino..nemo correct{cant bbelieve i said that} all matters is mkt reaction and its 100% gonna be based off wording
[13:25] {Threei} I don't believe the world fares that much better that it could hold US as a joke
[13:25] {Les} i know i know its mkt reaction but....
[13:25] {nemo} hurts, huh Mags
[13:25] {dino} the only way out is through inflation les, we know it, but to raise too soon will have reverse effect, deflation which will bankrupt the entire system. so steady we go for 6-10 months
[13:26] {nemo} yeah, especially with Commercial Real Estate fiasco coming
[13:26] {Threei} I mean, show me who is so wise and strong that they could be prud of their achievets and belittle USA?
[13:26] {Threei} UK?
[13:26] {Threei} Freance?
[13:26] {Threei} Russia?
[13:27] {magoo} canada he he
[13:27] {dino} deflation will shut it all down, so rate increases not an option, yet
[13:27] {Threei} who avoided getting involved in whole finacial debacle?
[13:27] {dino} nobody
[13:27] {dino} we actually sold the junk to them, lol
[13:28] {Threei} so why don't they all stop playing suprior and shut the f up
[13:28] {nemo} mmmhhh...may be worth janitorial attention
[13:28] {Threei} I just hate this whiff of superiority
[13:28] {dino} who cares what "talking heads say" just watch the bond market
[13:29] {Threei} coming from those who try to sdell their impotence as a virtue
[13:29] {dino} i think there's a pill for that
[13:29] {Threei} lol
[13:31] {Threei} BCRX, wth
[13:31] {strider} tbsi dbl bottom dino.
[13:33] {dino} es is better w/the shippers, i defer to him
[13:36] {Les} nah nah nah Vad it's more now. Wall St are getting perks at taxpayers expense like no other financial industry group on earth. This is what the joke is
[13:36] {Les} sure, we were all stupid enough to load up on bad debt
[13:37] {Threei} I was answswering the "US becoming a joke" part... don't change the subject on me :)
[13:37] {Les} BUT thats what the joke is!
[13:38] {Les} no banks being nationalised yet. it'll happen, but not the way politicians and wall st want it to
[13:39] {Threei} whatever... if Canada takes over the world, I'll be just a part new empire... not first time for me, lol
[13:39] {Les} BCRX might perk up in a moment
[13:39] {Threei} part of
[13:39] {Les} :)
[13:40] {dino} les, bac and c are pretty much nationalized, as is gm
[13:40] {strider} For any other new users of Laser out there: I recommend the Lvl II advanced mouse style over the regular mouse style. price scrolling button is way too close to the sell button. Don't ask me how I know.
[13:42] {Threei} hmmm
[13:42] {fernp} lol
[13:42] {Threei} my price scrolling arrow is near Cancel button
[13:42] {Threei} not sell
[13:43] {fernp} above Cancel button
[13:43] {strider} Yeah. The volume scroll button. sorry.
[13:43] {strider} Was doing it from memory.
[13:44] {strider} Same difference.
[13:49] {strider} Laser: Does fast sell function also work in short positions? i.e., fast buy?
[13:49] {Threei} no
[13:49] {fernp} no
[13:50] {Threei} your buy orser will go through but old onbe won't be canceled
[13:50] {Threei} so make sure you kill it
[13:50] {strider} yeah
[13:58] {strider} nemo, Brett Steenbarger mentions FinViz in his blog today.
[13:59] {nemo} Who do you think he got the idea from?
06[13:59] * strider slaps strider around a bit with a large trout
[13:59] {nemo} try a lead pipe
[13:59] {strider} you won't let me have one.
[13:59] {nemo} ask magoo
[14:00] {strider} Nah. Then he'd have to tell me how to install it. He can't be bothered with that nonsense.
[14:00] {Threei} 15 minutes till FOMC
[14:00] {nemo} send email address
[14:02] {dino} ok, down to flat or slightly neg., then up to hod, then down into close, close +30 dji
[14:02] {strider} see pm nemo
[14:06] {nemo} got any dramamine dino?
[14:07] {dino} nah, not real concerned.
[14:07] {dino} by tomorrow it won't matter
[14:07] {nemo} 2012, nothing matters hehehehe
[14:08] {cosmo} ... until it passes
[14:08] {nemo} kidney stone cosmo?
[14:09] {cosmo} in a way
[14:10] {dino} out grmn .92, +.42
[14:10] {Threei} wtg
[14:11] {dino} ty
[14:11] {dino} out pru .88, +.38
[14:11] {dino} opps, .37
[14:13] {dino} watch 2:35ish for market change after initial move imo
[14:13] {Threei} 2 min
[14:14] {KSystems} *drumroll*
[14:14] {dino} lunch was late last mtg
[14:15] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:15] {Threei} - NYSE volume 670M shares, about 2% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.7:1.
[14:15] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.29B shares, about 10% below its three-month average; advancers and decliners are about even.
[14:15] {Threei} - VIX index -4.75% to just under 27.50
[14:17] {nemo} took .30 on aig
[14:17] {nemo} .20
[14:17] {nemo} sorry
[14:17] {strider} .10
[14:18] {Threei} where are they?
[14:18] {Les} nerve wracking watching FAZ for big move...
[14:18] {nemo} at 37 went to 37.30 from .80
[14:18] {strider} I was just futzing with nemo. not in.
[14:18] {nemo} I was
[14:19] {nemo} wow fcx just jupe .80
[14:19] {Threei} up
[14:19] {nemo} quotes frozen
[14:19] {Threei} down now
[14:20] {Threei} even downer
[14:21] {lasertrev} quotes working?
[14:21] {nemo} LII frozen
[14:21] {Threei} ok here
[14:21] {strider} ok here
[14:21] {fernp} fine here
[14:21] {nemo} server 4 and 6 froze
[14:22] {dino} ok here
[14:22] {strider} I"m on 15
[14:22] {lasertrev} 10 works good
[14:22] {nemo} that's what I switched too
[14:23] {Threei} Vote was unanimous (10-0)
[14:23] {Threei} - household spending seems to be expanding
[14:23] {lasertrev} good now nemo?
[14:23] {dino} grmn dropped
[14:23] {nemo} so far
[14:26] {Threei} Economic activity "has continued to pick up"; businesses still cutting back on fixed investment
[14:27] {Threei} FOMC Cuts agency debt program to 'about' $175B from $200B
[14:27] {dino} grmn lod
[14:29] {fernp} FAS is not happy
[14:29] {Threei} told ya, down in any case
[14:30] {Threei} faz rocket
[14:30] {Threei} AIG like stone
[14:31] {Les} I got burnt trying to play the shake up. Ouch, it hurt! I guess no one round here plays this sort of movement
[14:31] {dino} grmn sm l .25
[14:32] {dino} cedc sm l .15
[14:32] {Threei} [13:05] {Threei} and remember, first minutes after annoucement are extremely volatile
[14:32] {Les} :P
[14:32] {Les} paper money
[14:33] {Threei} if you play paper moner recklessly, what's the point?
[14:33] {Threei} paper trading is intended to test real methiods that you intend to apply with real money
[14:33] {Les} Thought I could buck the system
06[14:33] * nemo slaps Les around a bit with a large trout
[14:34] {dino} if you learned you can't gj
[14:34] {Threei} now, what is the worst thing that hasppens when you do this with paper money?
[14:34] {Les} yes now I have to be additionally patient in awaiting your setups
[14:34] {Les} bad technique/habits
[14:34] {Les} but FAZ looked so juicy...
[14:36] {Les} who or what is doing this? computers, retail investors, institutional?
[14:36] {nemo} don't think about it Les, just trade
[14:37] {dino} "they" are
[14:37] {nemo} yeah...leave the paranoid conspiracies to me
[14:38] {Les} lesson learnt...
[14:38] {dino} grmn stopped -.35
[14:39] {Threei} les... 1. not a single layer is doing it, it's conglomerate of market participants
[14:39] {Threei} and 2. what difference does it make?
[14:39] {Threei} as in: if there is a way to find an answer to that, how does it help your trade?
[14:40] {dino} i think it's john galt
06[14:40] * nemo slaps dino around a bit with a large copy of Atlas Shrugged
[14:40] {dino} lol
[14:41] {cosmo} its our collective, global mind.....its currupted
[14:41] {cosmo} corrupted?
[14:41] {Threei} gues who is on TV
[14:41] {dino} woke you up
[14:41] {nemo} Gina Lolabrigida
[14:41] {Threei} nice spelling
[14:42] {nemo} have no idea
[14:42] {cosmo} DRIV
[14:42] {cosmo} hod
[14:42] {cosmo} 25
[14:43] {cosmo} testing
[14:43] {magoo} frozen lev2
[14:43] {strider} TRY SERVER 15
[14:48] {Les} and... who is on TV?
06[14:49] * nemo slaps Les around a bit with a large copy of TVGuide
[14:49] {Threei} these europians are so innocent :)
[14:49] {fernp} lol
[14:49] {nemo} nice euphemism
[14:49] {Les} oh this is running joke is it...
[14:49] {nemo} back of the bus Les
[14:49] {Threei} who in your mind is the biggest star on US TV, Les? :)
[14:50] {Threei} daily appearanaces,
[14:50] {Threei} most days a few times
[14:50] {fernp} O _ A _ A
[14:50] {nemo} nice fern
[14:50] {Les} ahhh, its not dave letterman today
[14:50] {Les} I dont have tv
[14:50] {nemo} crissakes you don't even have to buy a vowel
[14:51] {Les} lol I dunno Oprah?
[14:51] {Les} :P
[14:51] {cosmo} hmm...close
[14:51] {Les} Opraha
[14:52] {cosmo} closer
[14:52] {Threei} lol
[14:52] {fernp} lol
[14:53] {fernp} this is cruel, im sure Lsrisa is not here
[14:53] {Threei} thank goodness
[14:53] {fernp} lol
[14:54] {Threei} looks like down from here
[14:55] {Les} I didn't realise, all the times I read this joke you were referring to your televangalist leader
[14:55] {Threei} yeah... now you know how often he is on TV
[14:55] {Threei} Long Setup: FAZ .70 break
[14:55] {Threei} if stays above .60
[14:56] {Threei} 1:1
[14:57] {fernp} ty ty
[14:57] {Threei} yw yw
[14:57] {strider} out +.10
[14:57] {strider} thanks vad.
[14:57] {Threei} sure thing
[14:58] {Threei} that's how we do it les... wait out period of unreadable volatility, let setup shape up, trade real trigger with controllable risk
[14:58] {nemo} oh, so when I went on aig momo...bad
[14:58] {Threei} and leave gambling to suckers
[14:58] {Threei} why
06[14:58] * nemo {---sucker
[14:58] {Threei} if you can read it or have feel for it, fine
06[14:59] * nemo {--not sucker?
[14:59] {Threei} but don't let me disabuse you of this last belief of yours {G}
[14:59] {nemo} I'm sure you'll never...never....EVER...let me forget
[14:59] {Threei} trust your instincts
[14:59] {Threei} you CAN count on me
[14:59] {strider} {-------slaps nemo around with a large sucker.
[14:59] {Threei} delivering max pain possible
[15:00] {Threei} and selling it as umm
[15:00] {nemo} all's right with the world (except that strider dude)
[15:00] {Threei} as our leader called it
[15:00] {Threei} teachable moment
[15:00] {Les} thanks. its not easy money, it's slow, but I picked up another .9 instead of losing I won't say how much...
[15:01] {nemo} another faz set up break of .80
[15:01] {Threei} what do you mean slow
[15:01] {Threei} whole pay took what, 1 min?
[15:01] {Les} days like today.... slow
[15:01] {Threei} oh
[15:01] {Les} its not like this all the time is it
[15:01] {Threei} yeah well
[15:01] {patience} good day for gold plays though Les
[15:02] {nemo} ya know patience, you could pipe up about that once in a while...please :)
[15:02] {Threei} if someone wants to play all the time, being in the maerket every free minute, I'll advice something other than our room
[15:02] {Threei} psych ward maybe
[15:02] {nemo} psst...this is an asylum
[15:03] {Threei} 1;2
[15:03] {strider} Les, depends on whether you want to make money or just play a computer game.....from someone who knows.
[15:03] {Threei} it is nemo but we don't call it that
[15:03] {Les} ouch. I've been watching since 12pm European time. That make me a loser? Should I rehook up the TV again?
[15:04] {Threei} OK, I have to ask... ilana, you do it on purpose?? :)
[15:04] {strider} Les. I was just commenting on your observation that things were slow.
[15:04] {strider} Not meant as an offense.
[15:04] {Threei} you disconnected a couple minutes before the call, and connected back after we took profit
[15:05] {Les} no offence strider. I was having a go at Vad.
[15:05] {ilana} lol. no
[15:05] {Threei} strider... you make a comment and don't want to offend??
[15:05] {Les} I want to play all the time :)
[15:05] {strider} so solly.
[15:05] {Threei} what's up with that??
[15:05] {strider} Mother, is that you?
[15:05] {nemo} Yeah...offensive
[15:05] {patience} nemo, i tend to pick strong momo stocks in commodity them, rotate through them, scalp them
[15:06] {Threei} people who don't want to offend are not welcome here, sorry to say... he who wants to be the worthy member of this room must be able to offend and take offense
[15:06] {Threei} ilana... just pity that you miss profitable calls
[15:06] {fernp} 12pm Les? Where are you located?
[15:06] {strider} yeah, well, ok....your momma!
[15:06] {nemo} Switzerland
[15:06] {Les} Switzerland. Bern Paris time
[15:06] {Threei} we had 4 wins out of 5 calls today, and you managed to nbe in the room for that one single loss!
[15:07] {nemo} ahhh,,,that's it!!!
[15:07] {ilana} np, vad. What offend?? not a all
[15:07] {fernp} paris, madrid same time. GMT+1
[15:07] {ilana} thanks for asking, though
[15:07] {Threei} no, offensd part was aimed at strider :)
[15:07] {ilana} oh
[15:07] {nemo} Ilana, where are you?
[15:08] {Threei} I tend to offend men mostly
[15:08] {Les} fern where are you?
[15:08] {fernp} Sevilla. Spain
[15:08] {strider} Or whoever else is in the room, so I've heard.
[15:08] {nemo} nice
[15:08] {ilana} canada
[15:08] {nemo} another rusky canucky
[15:08] {ilana} capital of mosquitos
[15:08] {nemo} just like Siberia
[15:09] {Threei} aka armpit of Canada...
[15:09] {strider} Maine is the true capital of mosquitoes.
[15:09] {ilana} same weather
[15:09] {nemo} no seeums
[15:09] {strider} true.
[15:09] {fernp} at "our" 12pm this room is closed
[15:09] {Les} true. watching premarket. AIB would have been a nice gain before opening
[15:10] {Les} Saw Bill's comment about rigged Irish bank equity, decided to watch
[15:10] {Les} bank stocks
[15:10] {patience} fern, my partner's children honeymooned in Sevilla...he says it is beautiful
[15:11] {strider} NTES just keeps on ticking..
[15:12] {Threei} Goldman Sachs Chief US Economist Hatzius: monetary tightening unlikely until the end of 2010 - CNBC
[15:12] {fernp} in europe the big news today have been "GM doesn't sell OPEL to MAGNA"
[15:12] {nemo} frickin' brilliant
[15:12] {Threei} today?
[15:12] {fernp} yup
[15:12] {Threei} what are you guys live on yesterday's calendar?
[15:12] {Threei} it was on US wires yesterday :)
[15:12] {Les} Vad, what did you see in FAZ call? I see small ascending wedge...
[15:13] {fernp} double top on FAS?
[15:13] {Threei} that was it les, with a few little moves consolidating right under .70, with .60 established as a strong support
[15:14] {Threei} I don't see it fern
[15:14] {fernp} no, that's what i saw in FAZ
[15:14] {Threei} I think we are going to sell off
[15:14] {Threei} and I rarely think
[15:15] {strider} now you tell us.
[15:15] {Threei} headaches, premature baldness, you know...
[15:15] {Threei} why now? look at the room topic
[15:15] {strider} premature????
[15:15] {strider} When does your family mature?
[15:16] {strider} (just trying to fit in, you know.)
[15:16] {Threei} doing it wrong
[15:16] {Threei} take aim at nemo
[15:16] {strider} damn
[15:16] {Threei} at magoo if you feel lucky
[15:16] {strider} nemo, you're mama buys STEC
[15:17] {nemo} my mother is dead strider
[15:17] {Threei} take a look at FAZ chart
06[15:17] * strider slaps nemo around a bit with a large trout
06[15:17] * strider slaps strider around a bit with a large trout
[15:17] {Threei} does it look to you like uptrend slowly establishing?
[15:17] {strider} what period chart?
[15:18] {Threei} 1 min
[15:18] {nemo} 1 minute
[15:18] {strider} no
[15:18] {strider} lower high
[15:18] {Threei} counting from which high?
[15:19] {strider} 3:13
[15:19] {strider} or about 2:30
[15:19] {strider} for all day
[15:19] {Threei} nah, 2:30 is largely irrelevant
[15:19] {strider} methought
[15:20] {Threei} hysteric spike on extreme volatility after FOMC
[15:20] {Threei} 3:13 is legit
[15:20] {Threei} whether it's a top or we just form bull flag, remains to be seen
[15:20] {Threei} my bet it, bull flag
[15:20] {Threei} and move to new high
[15:20] {Les} we attack?
[15:20] {Threei} I just can't find good entry so far
[15:20] {fernp} could be a bullish Triangle
[15:21] {fernp} ooops
[15:21] {Threei} but watching
[15:21] {Threei} (US) House approves bill that moves up the effective date of new credit card rules
[15:21] {nemo} after the $#((@$&^@) horses are already out of the barn!!!
[15:21] {strider} Still got a few sleazebags that haven't upped their rates yet.
[15:22] {nemo} Hope they move up Universal Default
[15:23] {nemo} gotta' go...might be late tomorrow..gonna' try and whack Bambi's parents
[15:23] {Threei} cruel
[15:23] {Threei} take care nemo
[15:23] {nemo} tasty
[15:23] {strider} b**tard
[15:23] {Threei} tasy beats cruel every time
[15:24] {dino} gl nemo
[15:24] {nemo} you eat meat strider?
[15:24] {strider} sure. And I've hunted also. Just jerking your chain.
[15:24] {nemo} after my own heart
[15:24] {nemo} gag
[15:24] {Threei} uh oh
[15:24] {Threei} metro again
[15:24] {fernp} bye nemo. What are you doinh still here...
[15:24] {Threei} you be careful strider
[15:25] {strider} really?
[15:25] {Threei} nemo's affection/ I'd be scared to death
[15:25] {strider} Oh, I can fix that...anytime I want. :)
[15:26] {strider} I have "people" who do things for me.
[15:26] {Threei} and judging from my experience on the boat in Nassau, he starts with alcohol
[15:26] {dino} lol
[15:26] {strider} haha
[15:26] {strider} might as well go right to the source of the problem..
[15:26] {Threei} thank goodness cute chinese chick distracted him
[15:26] {strider} sobriety.
[15:26] {Les} sounds like a man after my own heart :D
[15:27] {Threei} market tightens
[15:27] {Threei} BBs tighten
[15:27] {Threei} break and spike is coming... stil no clear indication which way
[15:27] {strider} you still wearing those things?
[15:27] {patience} ok, cutting a third of my gold trades nearing 1100. selling hgu, abx and kinross
[15:27] {Threei} wtg patience
[15:28] {patience} been a great week, thanks
[15:29] {Threei} okay guys,
[15:29] {cosmo} driv again
[15:30] {cosmo} gets busy here
[15:30] {Threei} this action tells me I am right and down market goes,
[15:30] {dino} gj patience
[15:30] {Threei} no clean FAZ entry,
[15:30] {patience} thanks dino, loaded to the hilt today...makes me nervous
[15:30] {Threei} so, if it does under 22, just grab it with .85 stop
[15:30] {Threei} and let it trade
[15:30] {strider} FAZ long?
[15:30] {Threei} yes
[15:31] {Threei} market down - FAZ up
[15:31] {strider} gotcha
[15:31] {Threei} new high
[15:31] {Les} do we chase?
[15:31] {Threei} crrrrap
[15:31] {Threei} we hate to chase
[15:31] {strider} rewind.
[15:31] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:31] {Threei} - NYSE volume 980M shares, about 11% above its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.9:1.
[15:31] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.79B shares, about 4% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.1:1.
[15:31] {Threei} - VIX index -6.25% to just over 27.00
[15:32] {Threei} this is what I hate the most
[15:32] {Threei} being right, getting read and not getting clean entry
[15:32] {Threei} make sure you hear real Russian RRR in the cRRRap
[15:33] {strider} you're going to bruise your pallete.
[15:33] {Les} so gut feeling being right, we can take chances going with slightly higher price? I had finger on button at .04, wasn't sure
[15:35] {Threei} as long as you are fine with risk, and collect some experience about your gut instinct...
[15:35] {Threei} remember that risk control comes first
[15:35] {Les} not my gut instinct, yours.
[15:35] {Threei} profit potential second
[15:37] {Threei} new low is coming
[15:39] {dino} coming close to that +30 close
[15:41] {Threei} shoot me now
[15:41] {Threei} 50 cents play into close
[15:41] {strider} You can go home.
[15:41] {Threei} and I missed it
[15:42] {strider} I'm satisfied with today.
[15:42] {Threei} yeah, th eday was good
[15:42] {Threei} but having ben so confident in dowdraft into close and not exploiting this feel
[15:43] {Threei} 70 cents
[15:43] {fernp} don't worry. We do not chase
[15:43] {Threei} let me reiterate: CRRRAP
[15:43] {Threei} ok, this will help:
[15:43] {Threei}
[15:44] {Threei} ese is not here... patience, confirm for fern, this is real place
[15:44] {Threei} and real colors
[15:44] {Threei} he thinks I created it digitally :)
[15:44] {patience} i have been to this spot every year for 49 years
[15:44] {patience} each season it looks different
[15:45] {fernp} this one http:/